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Finding Bigfoot - General Discussion

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National Geographic had a three part show in which a scientist performed DNA testing on hair samples. Interestingly, the Yeti sample was some sort of polar bear and the Bigfoot was usually a brown bear. What was interesting about the Bigfoot one was that it featured that guy who claims he strangled a baby bigfoot to death that I first saw on some stupid competive reality show in which the winner would get a search for Bigfoot funded.

I remember that...what a joke that was. Hypothetically, wouldn't even a juvie do some serious damage? Where was this hairy baby's mom? Even the corpse? Confused.

I had to pass this on. It's from an interview with Adam Savage of Mythbusters, and he's talking about how they logically test theories for that show: "If you go out to look for Bigfoot and you don’t find him, you’ve only proven one half of the equation—that you don’t know how to find Bigfoot."


ETA: New 2-hr episode this Sunday; the crew is going to Britain.

Edited by Quilt Fairy
ETA: New 2-hr episode this Sunday; the crew is going to Britain.

Oh my god, I'm watching this now - it's priceless.  Full disclosure - I spent a couple of years not far from where these guys are looking (in the north) and a more carefully combed-over and groomed part of the world I simply cannot imagine.  I spent god knows how long hiking the moors and bits of forest up that way and even there (wild and woolly by english standards), it's simply too well traversed to hide much of anything.  I'd bet there's more honest-to-god wilderness within 10 miles of anyone reading this there there is in all of Britain, well, the kind you could hide a squatch in anyway.  

Most of the stories sounded completely made up, and I'm sure the folks who turned up were taking the piss. But hey, they got a free trip to the UK, got to go to Sherwood Forest, tour a distillery, and go Nessie hunting, and then they fucked around in the woods at night for a couple of hours to justify the trip. Why can't I have that job? More power to them, I suppose.

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But hey, they got a free trip to the UK, got to go to Sherwood Forest, tour a distillery, and go Nessie hunting,

Sherwood Forest is about the size of large farm at this point - seriously, a couple of guys could thoroughly search that place in a hour or two.  It was weird to see Boboes standing next to Adrian Shine - I've seen enough Nessie shows that I bet I'd recognize him on the street.  So strange when genres collide.  


Also watched the next show (in Ohio) and their methods seem to have changed a bit.  Now they hear sounds and they move towards them.  If I recall correctly, they used to eschew heading towards squatches because they didn't want to spook them or something.  I guess they don't care anymore, but it was interesting that one slow-mo 'pursuit' flushed out ... a small deer.  I guess they look a lot like squatches on FLIR. 

What?  No one watched last night's episode with the ghost crossover?  New theory people - there MUST be a connection with spirits and Squatches for we have the same sightings for both in the same areas.  One of the eye-witnesses is a person whose family lives in a haunted house AND has spotted squatches on their property.


Anyone?  Anyone?

Another evening of our heroes making stuff up as they go along. Witnesses said they heard something like children playing. Too bad Bigfoot only makes grunts and... no wait, Bigfoot does sometimes sound just like children playing! I'll be damned. They were hearing Bigfoot!


They heard a knock and in a later experiment they heard another knock. That's 200% proof that Bigfoot exists. All knocking sounds are caused by Bigfoot alone. A deer or cow stepping over rocks never makes knocking sounds. They also heard Bigfoot again, oh wait that was a bird in a tree.


Spreading guts on a rock was one of the most hilarious failures on this show. Other animals had already scavenged the entrails before Bobo and $maker could even start the investigation. Who could have possibly known that there are other animals in the woods besides Bigfoot? Anyone who has been in the woods maybe? Even $maker said, "I guess that this is a failed experiment." Bob said "We didn't learn anything from this." Of course they did: other animals exist!

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Another evening of our heroes making stuff up as they go along. Witnesses said they heard something like children playing. Too bad Bigfoot only makes grunts and... no wait, Bigfoot does sometimes sound just like children playing! I'll be damned. They were hearing Bigfoot!


They heard a knock and in a later experiment they heard another knock. That's 200% proof that Bigfoot exists. All knocking sounds are caused by Bigfoot alone. A deer or cow stepping over rocks never makes knocking sounds. They also heard Bigfoot again, oh wait that was a bird in a tree.


Spreading guts on a rock was one of the most hilarious failures on this show. Other animals had already scavenged the entrails before Bobo and $maker could even start the investigation. Who could have possibly known that there are other animals in the woods besides Bigfoot? Anyone who has been in the woods maybe? Even $maker said, "I guess that this is a failed experiment." Bob said "We didn't learn anything from this." Of course they did: other animals exist!

Well, you know, juvenile squatches have been proven to sound like children playing.  Maybe they haven't gotten the grunts down and resort to speaking English?


Knocking - Or perhaps it's another investigator from another team knocking.  If they have a town hall and then later on do an investigation, how many people from town are also out there investigating, or more likely, screwing with them.


My favorite part was when they couldn't hear each other scream because of the wind.........or maybe the spirits were in cahoots with the squatches to make a getaway.

Knocking - Or perhaps it's another investigator from another team knocking.  If they have a town hall and then later on do an investigation, how many people from town are also out there investigating, or more likely, screwing with them.


One funny thing about this show is how often they pretend to be talking to each other but are obviously talking to the cameras. In this case as soon as they heard a knock they immediately pretended to conclude the impossibility of some prankster messing with their heads. "That can't be a person. No one knows we're out here!" Yes, they were the only people around for miles. I'm sure the witnesses whose property they were on were also told to leave. 


If you've ever camped near a river or creek, you've probably heard knocking. Animals will walk out into the water to cross it or get a drink and they'll step on loose rocks. I've heard this all night. If there are rocks, animals will step on them and where it's quiet, the noise will travel far especially at night since it can be the only noise you'll hear. Were there animals out there? Yes, they located some deer and a lot of cattle and but only humans and Bigfoot can make knocking sounds. Knocks (especially the single knock they always hear) is the weakest form of evidence they've found other than witness testimony.


The show at times is making fun of them. They didn't have to include Bobo getting freaked out by a bird noise so I thank them for showing us just how out of their element these BFRO fools are.

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Surprise! The "Finale" is this Sunday night (May 9.) After months of nothing, not even reruns, we get a season finale, and it says it's "new". And I must say, the lack of promotion and reruns, especially on a channel that used to run it practically nonstop some days, does not bode well. I will miss this show in a weird way, if it is the last one. Well, everyone except Moneymaker.


It doesn't appear to be the series finale after all.  Animal Planet has a promo on their site for a new season starting May 31st with a 2 hr episode which has the team going to the Amazon rain forest. It also lists the other places they're going to be visiting.


Edited by Quilt Fairy

Jeez, Boboes has had an unhealed wound on his leg for what, like 2 years now?  Seriously dude, get checked for diabetes before you lose some toes.  Dropping a few stone wouldn't hurt either.


Funny how, even in a land and language they don't know, their key criteria for judging whether a sighting was legit or not is some assessment of the witness' character.  'He seems excited so he must be relating a true story' or the ever-popular 'why would he make this up?'  I'll tell you why - somebody's come to town asking for stories and if they're paying, I'll tell 'em one.  

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Wow...I was shocked by Cliff. He's really put on some weight since last season. I hope he's ok.  Ranae looks a bit heavier, as well.  Matt -- cut that hair, already!  And Boo-Boo....he needs some speech therapy or something. I had trouble understanding him. As for the Amazon show...it seems like they're really reaching with these episode ideas. 


Wow. I didn't think I sounded as mean as I do.  I really like the show...just feeling nit-picky, I guess.

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Ranae looks rough. Dealing with Moneymaker is taking its toll on her. Man, they need to put this mess on hiatus for a while, so Bobo can get some medical attention. He needs to lose significant weight, and deal with that messed up leg for real. I don't know when this was filmed in relation to Nepal, but that is not good.


I have absolutely no idea why they were in the Amazon, and could only watch a few minutes of this once I realized what they were hunting for. Do they think this show is Destination Truth now? A mouth in its stomach? One eye? Really? Methinks they just wanted another trip on Animal Planet's dime.

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I watched under duress; my husband is gonna have to watch an entire season of Supernatural with me for us to be even on this count.

Ugh - if it's the most recent season, your husband will pay a heavy price.  You must really hate squatching.  


Had a dream a few weeks back that they'd combined my two laundry-folding shows into Naked and A-finding Bigfoot.  No amount of brain-bleach is gonna free me from that one.  

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Yeah, this was ridiculous. Someone take this show out back and put it out of its misery. Poor Ranae, she's starting to do on-air reciting her credentials (X years studying bears! X years in Alaska! I do fieldwork and I'm a real scientist, guys!") no doubt in an effort to get or retain actual scientific employment when this circus finally ends.


And poor Bobes. He seems miserable, and I hope he can get his back taken care of, lose some weight, and get healthy. The lone hunter business was one thing, the lone hippie business was another, but putting him in a dress, a cheap wig an smearing lipstick across his face was something altogether else. I wonder if that was Moneymaker's idea.


I was certain this was going to end up as a tie though, and both of them would get to keep their precious Squatch objects. I will say though that British Columbia is simply gorgeous, and the scenery is now about the only redeeming quality this show has.

Yeah, this was ridiculous. Someone take this show out back and put it out of its misery.



I have to reluctantly agree.  As much as I love to snark on the BARFers, this show has just become boring and formulaic.  


In some sense, it's oxymoronic to say that a show like this can "jump the shark", but I actually think this season premiere did it.  

It was OK when they were investigating things that sounded like Bigfoot. They lost me when a Bigfoot witness clearly described a bear crossing a road on all fours yet she was convinced she had seen Bigfoot. The BARFers did not say, "Sorry, Ma'am. Bigfoot is a bipedal creature. You saw something else." No, $maker consoled the poor woman as that awful Ranae tormented her by asking reasonable questions about what she thought she had seen. $maker told her that he was certain she had seen Bigfoot and that Ranae is a nasty bitch. 


I thought... what's next? Bigfoot with antlers? Bigfoot wearing a dog collar? Bigfoot carrying a beer cooler? 

I remember that the woman's story changed bit by bit as it began to fall apart. The appalling scene was when Ranae was off where the bear crossed the road trying to judge the distance. Meanwhile the woman was with $maker and was getting more confused and upset by Ranae's questions, and equally more insistent that she had seen Bigfoot. Then $maker, being the asshole he is, started badmouthing Ranae, telling the woman that she'll try to "trick" you into saying something stupid. But don't worry -- you did see Bigfoot. The woman immediately looked relieved and happy.


That episode really showed what a charlatan $maker is. He had no interest in what this woman had actually seen, and the only person who said "bear" was me yelling at the screen the whole time. 

I remember that the woman's story changed bit by bit as it began to fall apart. The appalling scene was when Ranae was off where the bear crossed the road trying to judge the distance.



I must have tuned out before that segment.  I'd bet everything I have that you could go back and find numerous episodes in which Moneymaker and Cliff say "we know it wasn't a bear, because if it was a bear it would have [insert everything this woman just said]".


But remember kids, as Cliff says, "most Bigfoot sightings don't actually involve seeing a Bigfoot."

I must have tuned out before that segment.  I'd bet everything I have that you could go back and find numerous episodes in which Moneymaker and Cliff say "we know it wasn't a bear, because if it was a bear it would have [insert everything this woman just said]".


This is the only case where I remember them "investigating" a Bigfoot walking on all fours like every other animal in the forest. It's also hard for me to stay tuned. The mistakes they make that aren't laughable are infuriating. When they purposely ignore important information, I know I'm watching a bunch of con-artists and I feel like watching the show is supporting them.

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When they purposely ignore important information, I know I'm watching a bunch of con-artists and I feel like watching the show is supporting them.

I'm also losing my enthusiasm for the show, even for 'folding clothes' watching.  Maybe it was always this way but they seem to me to be purposely not looking for actual evidence anymore, just maybe evidence sufficiently vague to allow for reasonable misinterpretation.  I mean these things don't exist so 'maybe' evidence may be all there is, but I too feel like they're well into con-man stuff now. 


To be fair, I'm pretty sure Moneymaker was always a con man and Renee only in it for a paycheck, but Cliff and Boboes used to feel like actual believers.  Bending to the needs of making a show, perhaps, but guys who really thought this effort may pay off someday.  Now they just seem tired.  I hope Boboes is saving his money - his health problems seem to be piling up.

Edited by henripootel
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