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Criminal Minds Unpopular Opinions

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This is the place to confess---er, express----opinions about Criminal Minds that you've found, in your experience, to be unpopular or just plain odd while merrily respecting everyone else's :) This thread is generally really enlightening and tons of fun, but please be gentle! Some random unpopular opinions that spring to mind:


1) Unlike most fellow fans, I don't see the changes in post-S6 JJ as all that radical a departure from her S1-S5 characterization (or, well, lack thereof). Thanks to a combination of indifferent writing, undefined characterization and (IMUO) amazingly flat, eyeroll-prone, too-cool-for-the-room acting from AJ Cook, I always found JJ cold, dull, vaguely self-superior and snotty even when she was supposedly 'the empathetic one.' 


2) I do, however, see Hotch as changing rather radically post-S1, and IMO it wasn't for the better. Instead of coming off as the layered, intriguing and complex character I adored in S1, he seemed really lifeless and robotic to me for several seasons. I understand the reasons for it, but I feel like both TG's borderline zombie-like acting and the writing went too far in making him so grim and joyless, especially on a show that's already so dark by definition. This brings me to the even more unpopular opinion that...


3) ...I like Beth. I actually think it makes a ton of sense that Hotch would be drawn to someone so lighthearted, happy and seemingly uncomplicated for his first post-Haley relationship. And after so many seasons of watching Hotch's wooden, understandable-but-depressing joylessness, I find myself irrationally pleased to see him actually smiling around her. I like Beth far, far more than I ever liked Hailey. 


4) I've come to genuinely love S7. *ducks* Not every episode, of course, but a whole lot more than I expected to. And the ones I do love, I love A LOT. I've just grown really emotionally attached to it, and it improves with every viewing for me.


5) I hate, hate, HATED Reid's drug addiction. I wish so much they'd taken the opportunity to explore post-traumatic anxiety, depression etc., rather than resorting to yet another poorly executed addiction story.  


6) I've grown to freaking LOVE Rossi beyond the telling of it, but I think (when I'm in the mood to tolerate him!), that Gideon's flawed, layered character added more to the show than he's often given credit for.


7) I love both Elle and Emily and would have loved to see them BOTH on the team---preferable in lieu of JJ and Morgan :) 


8) I can't stand Kevin. I loved Nicholas Brendan as Xander on Buffy, and in theory I'd be thrilled with a minor character who has a well-defined personality, but something about his character and his interactions with the increasingly vain, exaggeratedly 'quirky' Garcia drive me nuts. 


9) Morgan often drives me nuts (as does Morgan/Garcia), and I'm not nearly as touched by his 'big brother' relationship with Reid---mostly because he comes across as supremely patronizing and condescending to me. 

Edited by mstaken
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I actually agree with most of your points. I did like pre=season 6 JJ but I can see she did have a bit of that mean girl vibe to her. It kind of worked for me in her role a media liaison - she had to be tough in that role. But since she has come more and more to the fore, that touch of ice has been magnified to full on Ice Queen. I even find her voice irritating now!

And of course the Beth issue - No. Just no. Badly introduced, fluffy, boring, absolutely no chemistry with TG. And you know he would get bored with someone so lightweight in an instant. I think the relationship only works for him as a booty call once a month which fortunately for us is the level they have pitched it at. For all her faults, Haley was immeasurably more interesting as a character, and as a match for Hotch. Again, the mere mention of Beth's name irritates the hell out of me and I hope we don;t see her next season. 

Otherwise - not so unpopular MsTaken as I agree with the rest.

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Great thread!  I actually completely agree with a few items on your list (Rossi, Gideon, the unremitting dourness of Hotch, Reid’s addiction non-storyline) and partially with others.

My unpopular opinions (though I don’t know that they’re all unpopular):

1. A lot of the characterizations are just too ham-handed.  Each of the characters has been given some degree of backstory.  Given that, I rarely see the actor play it out unless it’s specifically written into the script.  Meaning that, unless there is a specific line of dialogue, or unless the entire episode is given over to the theme, we don’t see the characters react to situations that should have affected them.  For example, JJ doesn’t react to the victims being ‘young, blonde women’, or ‘women with children’, unless it’s specifically written into the script; Morgan doesn’t react to a family with a missing person unless it’s an episode about his cousin.  Along the way, the only exception has been Reid, when MGG uses a facial expression or a change of position to indicate his relating to the situation.  And even that hasn’t been done consistently.


2. Speaking of……Reid.  Love the character, hate the inconsistency with which he’s written.  One week he’s got Asperger’s, the next he’s socially savvy.  One week he shakes hands with ease, even touches someone spontaneously, the next he’s waving at the newcomer, and the next he’s even commenting on the risk of contagion.  One week he’s completely sympathetic, even empathetic, and the next he’s completely analytical.  One week he’s mature and confident, the next he’s regressed.  In earlier years, there was much more consistency to the writing, and a clear evolution of the character from a young protégé to a more mature, more confident member of the team.  MGG played it well, and I think he even continued to do so for a while after the writing deteriorated.  Now, he just seems to go along with the ‘Reid personality of the week’.  As much as I don’t like it, I can understand it.  It must be exhausting, not knowing who you are for a week at a time.


3. In a similar vein, I used to appreciate the Morgan/Reid friendship, as I liked that Morgan took Reid under his wing.  But the time for that dynamic has come and gone.  They should be on more even footing now, and I’d like to see some of the advice-giving go in the other direction.


4. Hate, hate, hate the so-called ‘humor’ that makes fools of Reid and Garcia.  The fitness thing, the Dr. Who thing----one can be a fan without being a buffoon, yet that’s how they were written.  I hate that Garcia has not matured at all throughout the series.  If they would just let her do that---which, of course, means having both she and Morgan outgrow their juvenile banter----she might be an enjoyable character once again.


5. Hate that Garcia presents the cases.  She has no expertise in the area, except in using the remote.  I do wish they would re-institute the role of the case-screener/liaison.  Or at least tell us who is doing that work now.  It can’t be Garcia.

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do wish they would re-institute the role of the case-screener/liaison.  Or at least tell us who is doing that work now.  It can’t be Garcia.


Oh, you mean the role that they clunkily and anviliciously reminded us throughout the first several seasons was VERY VERY VERY vital  to the team and needs to be filled by a very special person  (Jordin, they pointed out, just couldn't cut it!) and have subsequently pretended doesn't even exist while the team hums along quite perfectly without it? ;) 




eaning that, unless there is a specific line of dialogue, or unless the entire episode is given over to the theme, we don’t see the characters react to situations that should have affected them.  For example, JJ doesn’t react to the victims being ‘young, blonde women’, or ‘women with children’, unless it’s specifically written into the script; Morgan doesn’t react to a family with a missing person unless it’s an episode about his cousin.


This is such a great point. I just rewatched Higher Power and kept wondering why JJ doesn't react in the least to the suicide topic---it's Emily who was very personally affected by this one. I guess they only decided later on to give JJ the sibling who committed suicide in a really vain attempt to deepen her characterization?




I did like pre=season 6 JJ but I can see she did have a bit of that mean girl vibe to her.


I'm glad someone else sees it! Weirdly enough, I'd have been totally on board with her being deliberately depicted as a Mean Girl who kept most people she was supposedly close with at a distance while interacting diplomatically with the public at large---frankly, it would have made her more distinctive and interesting and seems a far better fit for AJ Cook's demeanor and, er, acting style. But we were supposed to view her as dully perfect and the 'empathetic heart of the team', which...no. I always saw at least a few other characters as being far warmer and more compassionate. 

the unremitting dourness of Hotch


Hee---yes, this is the perfect way to describe it! 


Oh, and another UO: I tend to dislike 'team member in peril' episodes, which helps explain my related UO about not personally enjoying episodes like Revelations, Penelope, Lo-Fi, etc.! 

Edited by mstaken
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. "But we were supposed to view her as dully perfect and the 'empathetic heart of the team', which...no. I always saw at least a few other characters as being far warmer and more compassionate."


Yes absolutely! You only have to look at the times Hotch comforted the dying or almost any scenes of Reid empathising with victims and unsubs alike to see how much they show up the attempts to show JJ as empathetic.





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Whee, another 'slam JJ' thread. 


I like JJ, both incarnations of her, and THAT is definitely an Unpopular Opinion. I did get tired of her front and center all the time last season, and HATED how she treated Reid in 7, but yeah, overall, I like her and always have.

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Whee, another 'slam JJ' thread.


There have already been a whole bunch of non-JJ-related opinions expressed here. And, fortunately, everyone has been awesomely respectful of differing points of view. 


Oh, and here's another UO: I don't really enjoy 100, frequently lauded as the best episode of the series. Yeah...I said it :) 

Edited by mstaken
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Oh, and here's another UO: I don't really enjoy 100, frequently lauded as the best episode of the series. Yeah...I said it :) 


I was just about the post the same thing.  Although I think it's OK to good, I just don't think it's "all that".  Yes, the acting was good, but I thought the whole story line was over the top.  It's not my favorite episode of the series, probably not even top 10.  I don't feel the need to rewatch when it's on, in fact I often skip it.


Another UO - I didn't hate Seaver.  I just hated that they made her a cadet.  She still could have been green, but with 1-2 years as an agent.  I did feel bad for the flack Rachel Nichols took over it.  She was just doing the job she was hired for.

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Another UO - I didn't hate Seaver.  


Oh, how could I forget this one?! I didn't hate her, either, and actually quite like the actress. 


I don't feel the need to rewatch when it's [100] on, in fact I often skip it.


I've only seen it once or twice, which is pretty unheard of for a CM addict like I am :) Actually, I think S5 is a pretty subpar season overall, which I also think is a bit of a UO. 

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There have already been a whole bunch of non-JJ-related opinions expressed here. And, fortunately, everyone has been awesomely respectful of differing points of view. 


That's what makes PTV so great! And I pointed out the JJ talk because it's everywhere else here too. Wonder if that makes it a Popular opinion, then? :)

I like season 5 because of great eps like The Uncanny Valley, Exit Wounds, 100, and Mosley Lane... but then we also get stinkers like The Performer, and Parasite. I guess the main reason I dig it so much is that I think Reid's hair is absolutely gorgeous, another Unpopular Opinion.

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Well, it is all about the hair.  ;-)


As for season 5, I liked it just fine, and as you pointed out there were many really good episodes.  But for me it was where things started to noticeably decline. 

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Agreed with all on 100. I too have only seen it twice as opposed to the scores of times I have seen most of the others. I always feel it is an episode I "ought" to think was fantastic but I don't actually enjoy watching it. Also Yay! for Season 5 Reid hair - I love it throughout but especially in the Slave of Duty. But there are some great episodes that season and none of the subsequent seasons have matched it for me.

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Whee, another 'slam JJ' thread.

Then I'll try to say this without slamming her. ;-)


I never loved *or* hated JJ in the past because IMO she was just kind of there. When all of the characters are underwritten, she's not that different (on the surface) from Rossi or Morgan or anyone else. I didn't begin to actively resent her until the end of this past season and the exit of the equally underwritten, and criminally underused, Alex. I don't usually follow BTS stuff of the shows I watch, so it's quite possible that Tripplehorn *was* incredibly unhappy on the set, but perhaps that wouldn't have been the case if they (read: Erica Messer) had actually intended to give her something to do. Why hire an actress who is at least a bit of a name and then proceed to do nothing with her character? Mind you, I don't know that Blake was given such short shrift in favor of JJ, but I do have my suspicions which aren't relevant here. So I guess that my UO is that I resent JJ in the present for a really weird reason.


And I had not realized that liking '100' was sort of unpopular, because I always re-watch it whenever its on. We so seldom got to see anything but Stoic!Hotch that it was startling to see that he is fully capable of grief-stricken rage. For someone so strait-laced, beating a man to death with his bare hands is a hell of a leap, but he did it to defend Jack and probably to avenge Haley because he knew it was going to be too late to save her .If I can dare draw a comparison, it wasn't entirely unlike Elle's actions when she shot that rapist. Like Elle holding herself responsible for the guy walking because she blew the undercover op, Hotch blamed himself for not catching on to Foyet sooner and thus not bringing him to justice, and Rossi was the one who called hm on that not being anything but his ego talking. I always wonder what Gideon would have said, especially in light of his experiences with Frank.


So yeah, those are my overly-detailed UOs.

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1. Now I don't think this opinion is unpopular on THIS forum, but I think this opinion is unpopular from what I've seen of the rest of the fandom (i.e. especially Facebook).  I don't think Morgan would EVER be really sexually attracted to Penelope. I think he gets off on her obvious crush and flirting, because it is an ego boost, but I don't think he returns those feelings. Yes, they are good friends, but I can't ever see them as a couple. 


2. I already mentioned this before on my wish list, but that was obviously an unpopular opinion, so this is a perfect place for it. :) :) :) :) I think it really would be interesting and develop Reid's character in different ways if he was bisexual and was in a relationship with a man. Yes, it all comes down to sensitive writing, but I think the concept is a really good one.


3. I'll have to jump on the like Beth train, because I have never been bothered with her, and I do see Beth and Hotch having a light, fun chemistry with each other. 


4. I don't know if this opinion is unpopular here, but based on what I have seen on other sites, it might be overall in the fandom. I HATE relatable unsubs. I don't watch Criminal  Minds and want to see an unsub and think, "There but the grace of God go I." I hate the stories where we have ordinary people who seemingly snap under extraordinary conditions and start killing. I want to see unsubs who are psychopathic and are killing, because they like it, because it gets them off. I want to be scared, creeped out and disturbed by what I am seeing. Therefore, I tend to prefer the episodes that showcase sexual homicide, serial sex crimes, or ritualistic killings. I want that same level of creepy revulsion and fascination that people like that exist out in the world as I get when I read books like John Douglas's "Mindhunters" or Robert Keppel's "Signature Killers." There are some exceptions to that preference, but then it usually involves episodes that are deeply creepy in tone, which goes along with my preference for creepy unsubs (e.g. The Uncanny Valley, Cold Comfort, pretty much most of the episodes Matthew directs). Basically I prefer Criminal Minds episodes that are more like horror movies, or dark and disturbing like Silence of the Lambs.


5. I also have to jump on the love season 7 train, because it holds up surprisingly well. I do like it more than season five. I guess pre season five is when most of the good writers left, with a couple exceptions. It's just so odd to see the change from season four to season five.I wonder what was going through Ed's mind that season?


6. I don't think Emily should come back to the team. Now, it's not because I don't like Emily, because I've talked more than once about how Emily is one of my favorite characters. It's because of how the show wrote her exit story. If they wrote her as taking a sabbatical or even relocating to a different FBI field office or section, I would buy her return. But she elected to leave the FBI entirely and go run an important division of Interpol. Her job has power and prestige, and I can't see her giving that up to be a subordinate again in the BAU. I know this would never happen, because Paget doesn't want to return. I'm just saying that even if she did, I think the writers painted themselves into a corner with her exit story, and it would strain the bounds of credulity (yet again!) to bring her back. I completely bought it in season seven, but wouldn't now.

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Right, FA. I'd definitely like to see Emily consult with the team on one or two episodes, but I don't think she's headed back to the BAU for good. Would love it if our team had to go to her, on some kind of joint FBI-Interpol takedown or something. Maybe Red Reddington could come over and do a guest spot as the UnSub! He would, of course, get away in the end. 

I like JJ (all seasons), adore Gideon, and hate most of the episodes that are Morgan-centric. I disliked Prentiss with a passion.


I liked Gideon AS I was experiencing him, except for some over-the-top theatrical moments which gave me the yuck. It wasn't until later that I started to actively dislike him. From what I've seen, the fandom is pretty evenly split between liking/disliking him. 

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hate most of the episodes that are Morgan-centric.


Oh, god, they're the WORST. And, yeah, that may be in the category of something that's not so unpopular here in our cyber-corner of the world but seems to be wildly unpopular among the people I know in real life :) 


I disliked Prentiss with a passion.


I am totally not intending to put you on the spot, and PLEASE feel free not to answer, but I'm just genuinely curious about what you hated about Prentiss. (I do know plenty of people who were indifferent to her, though; among the people I know in real life, I'm an oddity for liking her as much as I do!) 


I'd also love to hear what people love about JJ, not because I'd ever debate anyone out of their opinion (obviously!), but because she's such a flat cipher to me that I'm always so interested to hear how others perceive her.  


I also have to jump on the love season 7 train, because it holds up surprisingly well.


You know I'm right there with you. There are some S7 episodes that I adore not just when evaluated by the lower standards of later seasons, but which for me stand as among my favorite episodes of the series...halcyon early years included :) 

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I am totally not intending to put you on the spot, and PLEASE feel free not to answer, but I'm just genuinely curious about what you hated about Prentiss. 

My reasons for disliking Prentiss are pretty much the same as the arguments lodged against JJ. I felt like, at least in the beginning, she was written as a special badass snowflake and not a fan of the actress' portrayal aside from that.


With JJ, I just don't really see much of what people do dislike about her. I don't find AJ Cook to be the best or the worst actor out there, and she is definitely not the worst on this show. She does seem genuine and real to me.

Edited by Enigma X
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Interesting! As @CobaltStargazer and others have noted, most of these characters are so ill-defined and underdeveloped (or, when I'm feeling charitable, "subtly" defined!) that it's definitely valid to see them all in different ways, and a lot does have to do with whether the actors' portrayals happen to click with us. I think I responded well to Emily because something about the way Paget played her gave me the impression that she was always thinking and feeling a lot even when the script doesn't explicitly spell it out, while JJ always just seemed an icy blank to me with no inner life. And Emily strikes me as a little socially awkward, personally insecure, neurotic etc., which, for me, saved her from being dully perfect :) I love hearing other perspectives, though, so thanks for replying! 

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She's genuine to me, as well @Enigma X . I guess because I do know someone similar to her. My dear friend in AZ, Melissa, who's daughter is best friends with mine (and they were born only six months apart from each other) is also hesitant with her emotions, and gets called 'cold' sometimes. She isn't though, she's a really good person. 



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mstaken, answering your query about why some of us like JJ.  Which may mean my reply belongs in a different thread.  I don''t know. This place confuses me.


Anyway----while I'm not as fond of the 'returned' JJ, I do still like the character.  And, if I squint just right, I can see traces of the original personality in there.  For me, the JJ that I like is best defined by a single scene.  I don't remember the name of the episode, but it's the one in which she tells Hotch about her sister.  That scene between them on the plane is, in my opinion, the finest AJ Cook has turned in on the show.  She told her story and turned it into a means of comforting Hotch about the loss in his life.  That's the JJ that I relate to, and I look for her, and like to imagine her, hidden beneath the surface, in every episode. 


I've known a few people in my life who've undergone dramatic personality changes because of changes in their personal lives.  Rather than the ludicrous events of '200', I like to think that JJ is struggling in her relationship with (sleazy--oops, don't know if that's popular or unpopular) Will.  Maybe, if we can send  him packing to New Orleans, we'll see the old JJ again.

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To answer your question about where this belongs, , per Glark: Organic tangents are cool, as long as they don't derail the thread completely. 


So you're good. :)

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Thanks again for replying, guys! I've tried hard to like her and to find her remotely interesting, and when I fanwank her enough, sometimes I almost succeed :) I do think a lot of it comes down to me not connecting with the (IMUO) snotty, eye-roll-y way AJ Cook has often played her, so I'm always wondering if I'd like her more if played by another actress...maybe even Rachel Nichols (aka Seaver) who, again, I hold the UO of finding inexplicably likable :) 




(sleazy--oops, don't know if that's popular or unpopular) Will.


Hee---in my world not liking Will is very popular indeed. I probably take it to the slightly unpopular extreme of hoping he and JJ will be revealed as a wildly prolific serial killing duo next season...it would make them both infinitely more interesting to me ;)


Oh, and while I don't care much about Reid's romantic life one way or the other (another UO, I suspect---I'm FAR more interested in his friendships and family relationships), I actually liked his chemistry with the bartender from 52 Pickup more than anyone else we've seen him with and definitely more than any of the female team members. That's both unpopular and just plain obscure! 

Edited by mstaken
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Another one: With very few exceptions (in the context of nine years) I couldn't care less about the UnSub. It's all about the team for me. 


I've a Top Ten and bottom 5 list over in the UnSubs thread if anyone wants to add theirs, but really... upon rewatching, I ff through the UnSub stuff to get to the creamy team center more often than not. 

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And that is why I usually dislike unsub-centric episodes, unless the unsub AND the team are front and center (e.g. No Way Out). This show is about how the BAU catches serial criminals by only looking at the crime scene and surrounding evidence. The audience should be learning through their eyes and never know more than the team does. That was a dynamic present even in earlier seasons, but it has become more prevalent, almost like a crutch, in later seasons. 

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My appreciation for Gideon as a profiler and as a compelling character does improve with more viewings of season 1 and 2. And while I think the team developed more as a TEAM after he he left, Gideon then is better for me than Rossi now. I like season three Rossi who was a bit of an ass and a bit prickly, but I think he has atrophied as he's become more "cuddly." He almost serves no purpose on the team anymore. And when you factor in Hotch's misuse, I really wonder why CBS agrees to pay them the two highest salaries, when the writers don't reflect that in their centrality. The writers either can't see it, or Thomas and Joe have it written into their contracts for more money and less screen time, and that seems like a waste of money. 


So to sum it up:


Gideon vs. early Rossi= Rossi

Gideon vs  later Rossi= Gideon

early Hotch vs. later Hotch= early Hotch (does anyone prefer Hotch the way he is now vs. how he was written in early seasons?) 

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I really liked MP so I was excited to see him when CM first aired. However it seemed like the team was Gideon and The Rest of Them so I got tired of his unrelenting angst and wanted to learn more about the others. I do think the overall show was better then with less emphasis on the unsub and more profiling.

I hate Reid's hair. When I notice it, it looks ridiculous and I wonder how anyone is expected to take him seriously. Totally takes me out of the scene.

I was glad they finally gave Garcia something to do, other than stare at a screen and be the exposition fairy but it's freaking annoying that she must be so woobie about it, If your going to take the job of presenting the cases then just do it and quit bitching.

I think they merged Ellie, Emily and JJ into one character and it's all JJ, now.

Hotch has disappeared and I don't like it.

Shemar Moore isn't the greatest actor but I usually enjoy Morgan-centic episodes.

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My opinion of Gideon has deteriorated every time I read another comment by him on how Criminal Minds was damaging to his soul, he only did it for the money, etc. But I agree that the excellent writing in the first two seasons made him a really intricate and interesting character. And I agree about early Rossi being better than current Rossi. I'm not sure if Rossi gets so little to do because Joe is so busy or if the writers just don't care about giving him good stuff. Actually, I just think most of the current writers suck. I could never understand why they'd pay these guys so much and not use them. But I loved the snarky Rossi in season 3. I remember watching Penelope with my youngest son, and we both looked at each other when Rossi referred to the unsub as a jag off. I don't think I had heard that term on prime time network TV before. I no longer get a sense of his experience in the episodes. He should be a valuable resource. In many episodes he's barely present.


Since I found CM late (my first episode was Penelope which I saw on ION TV in a hotel room when I was out of town, but it was actually early season 6 that was airing on CBS that year), I had to catch up with all of the episodes and didn't actually see them all in order until I decided to buy the DVDs. So I saw the stern Hotch first, and I remember watching with my son and saying, "Hotch is the only one I don't really like." I didn't dislike him, but it took awhile for me to see the layers in his character and TG's acting. All of a sudden one day it was like a light bulb went on and I've been crazy about him ever since. But I really like Hotch in the earlier seasons. I did love 100 the first time I saw it and wanted to watch it again, but now that I have seen it several times, it no longer is my favorite episode. I find myself loving the earlier seasons much more.


Agree with those who find Morgan-centric episodes less entertaining. I don't dislike Morgan, but he's nowhere near the top of my list of favorite characters. The only things I really liked about Profiler Profiled was "physics magic" with Reid and the ladies and the scenes with Morgan's family. But when I watch the early seasons, Morgan does seem to be more valuable in terms of what he contributes.


On this board I'd be unpopular because I can't stand Seaver or Beth. Seaver, as a rookie, just had no business being in the BAU. And, well, you all know my feelings about Beth. I liked Will at first, but not much now. Once they got around to marrying Will and JJ, they actually seemed to have less, in fact no chemistry together. But, again, I blame the writers. They really don't seem to know what to do with these characters. I like old JJ, but not new JJ, and I can barely tolerate Garcia anymore, and she once was my favorite female character. Is it unpopular to dislike what they did to Strauss' character? You know it's been said that Erica sees herself in the new JJ, but sometimes I think she's on a level with Garcia, all kittens, rainbows and warm fuzzies. The way they tried to change Strauss into one who championed the team rather than one who constantly conflicted with them never sat right with me. I never bought everyone being all weepy when she died and the clichéd scene with the team trying to tell nice stories about her after she died just annoyed me. Yet, I'm glad that when they brought in a new section chief it wasn't someone confrontational.

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The disliking of Seaver and Beth is pretty much universal, though there have been some that've 'come out' for not hating Seaver here. :)


I myself don't really give a fig about Beth, but want Hotch happy and if he likes her, whatevs. They definitely don't come off as a couple 'in love' though, even though I do think Beth sells it better than Hotch. 


Telling in Route 66, when they are making DeadHaley all gushy about Beth, Hotch is just staring at Haley and says "She isn't you."

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Seaver could have been a very interesting character. Too bad, the writing just sucked and she was brought in under such unfortunate circumstances. A lot of hatred towards Seaver ad to do with firings of AJ and Paget. I felt sorry for Rachel because the hatred towards her was uncalled for.

I adore her and how the fans reacted towards her made me like Seaver even more.

I am happy that she has a hit show now and she is engaged to be married.

I was too crazy about Clyde Easter. I would have preferred Mick. I thought Mick and Emily had great chemistry. And he's hot.

I wasn't crazy about Beth and never will be. TG and BY have no chemistry. The only thing Beth does is giggle.

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Not sure if this is popular or unpopular.  But I was (jealously) reading about Willowy meeting Matthew (but, really, I'm very happy for you, as I know how completely thrilled you must have been!), and it made me think.  While I would love to meet him, I actually think I'd actually rather meet and spend time with Reid. (I spent a longer time than warranted thinking about this---otherwise, I'd have to be getting work done).  That made me think about the others.  And it came out this way:

Reid, rather than Matthew (though I'd really rather meet both, and skip all the rest)

AJ, rather than JJ

Joe, rather than Rossi

Hotch, rather than Thomas

Kirsten, rather than Garcia

Morgan, rather than Shemar

Paget, rather than Emily


Not that I wouldn't like to meet each of the characters, and each of the actors, but I think I'm more intrigued by , or drawn to, the ones noted. 

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Reid, rather than Matthew (though I'd really rather meet both, and skip all the rest)

AJ, rather than JJ

Joe, rather than Rossi

Hotch, rather than Thomas

Kirsten, rather than Garcia

Morgan, rather than Shemar

Paget, rather than Emily




Oh, interesting! Mine are very similar:


Reid over Matthew (geeky, endearingly awkward geniuses are far more my type than the seemingly sweet but more hispter-y MGG!)

I don't get the sense I'd click especially well with either AJ or JJ, but 'll go with AJ

I'd die to meet Jor OR Rossi, but I guess I'll go with Joe. Or Rossi. No, Joe...I think :)

Hotch over TG

KV over Garcia (though I get the sense that KV may be fairly similar to her character!)

Morgan over Shemar, though I don't think I'd connect well with either

Emily over Paget (because Emily was a little neurotic and me-ish...Paget seems far too 'cool' for me :) 

Edited by mstaken
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Ok, I've found this to be unpopular in some circles and it got me yelled at on another forum, but:


1. I don't like Jack Hotchner. I find the moments that are supposed to be cute and touching to be gag-inducing instead. Part of it is that the kid who plays Jack has absolutely terrible line delivery. He actually came off as mentally slow to me the first few times I saw him having speaking lines. At that point, the only children that I'd really interacted with for any length of time had been my cousin's children who are all well-behaved and intelligent. I get that he's just a kid and all, but I wish they'd been able to find a better actor for the role. I know its possible because we've seen Elle Fanning, Dakota Fanning, and Haley Joel Osment (I hope I spelled that correctly). Even though his line delivery has improved, there is still something about the kid that I don't like and I can't quite put my finger on it.


2.  I don't think "100" was all that great. It had some very good moments, but the plot holes killed it for me. For one, it would have been someone from OIG (Office of the Inspector General) interviewing the team instead of Strauss. I was able to overlook that though bc they never established that things would be different prior to that and I can accept it as part of this fictional universe where the team has a jet and participates in apprehending the criminals. I don't need to list all of the plot holes that bugged me because I've done it in other threads. The plot holes really diminished the episode for me so I can't consider it as even a contender in the list of "best" episodes. That said, I do enjoy that one and will re-watch it.


3. I didn't hate Seaver, but I hated the way the backstory and how they forced her in to the team. I found Rachel Nichols to be a sweetheart on Twitter and I think that helped me to not dislike Seaver as much. I thought that she did a very good job with the exposition dialog in her first episode-- and exposition dialog can be very difficult to do believably. Unfortunately the writing was so inconsistent for the poor woman and I felt that she just didn't have a full grasp on who the character was at her core (which is not really her fault bc the writers didn't grasp that either). So she wasn't able to bring anything really interesting to the table the way Matthew did with Reid. She's much better off on Continuum though. She gets to show more range there. I will say that she was dreadful as Scarlet in GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra though, but she looked good with the red hair. I sometimes wonder if she would have been better received if she'd had red or brown hair when she joined.


4. I don't buy the supposed close friendship between Morgan and Garcia. I know a lot of fans think they love each other and are so close, but when I watch, I just don't see it on screen. It seems too forced. Which is sad because when you see the cast interact you can tell that they are pretty close. I liked Garcia a lot more in the earlier seasons. Pre-season 5, she was my second favorite character.


5. I don't find Morgan attractive at all. I think part of it is from seeing Shemar talking out of character and, while I do think he is a very sweet man and I love how affectionate he is with the cast, I find that he comes off as sort of smarmy and too much of a "playa". He seems to put on. I'm not a big fan of bulky muscles or bald heads, so those factors do not help. I actually was squicked when they showed Morgan wet and shirtless. Yuck. Of course, I'd rather see Prentiss or JJ wet and shirtless instead. ;-)  I also don't find Reid / Matthew to be physically attractive, even though he is pretty. 


6. I've grown to like the hated "Honor Among Thieves" episode. I initially despised it for numerous reasons, but after the last few seasons, I have a new appreciation for the profiling and the suspense. I think if the current writers were to do that episode, we would have had a lot of scenes of the victims being tortured and seeing the female unsub consorting with the abductor so there would have been no mystery. It had its flaws, but it also had some nice moments. 

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Not sure if this is popular or unpopular.  But I was (jealously) reading about Willowy meeting Matthew (but, really, I'm very happy for you, as I know how completely thrilled you must have been!), and it made me think.  While I would love to meet him, I actually think I'd actually rather meet and spend time with Reid. (I spent a longer time than warranted thinking about this---otherwise, I'd have to be getting work done).  That made me think about the others.  And it came out this way:

Reid, rather than Matthew (though I'd really rather meet both, and skip all the rest)

AJ, rather than JJ

Joe, rather than Rossi

Hotch, rather than Thomas

Kirsten, rather than Garcia

Morgan, rather than Shemar

Paget, rather than Emily


Not that I wouldn't like to meet each of the characters, and each of the actors, but I think I'm more intrigued by , or drawn to, the ones noted. 

Wow, this is interesting. I often think about things like this. One of the things that drew me into the show from the get-go was the team, and I would love to be a part of such a team. Anyway, Reid was my first favorite. I adore the character, and while I find Matthew adorable, too, I much prefer a highly intelligent man. But I would love to have MGG for a son-in-law. But, alas, both my daughters are already married.


I am totally in love with Hotch. I find TG very attractive, but I know that it's Hotch that I'd want to be with. I married a single dad, so I know what it's like to be the one to make up for a guy's bad first marriage and be the one who helps him to raise his kid so that he can focus on his career.

I'm too annoyed at the changes in the characters of JJ and Garcia to want to hang out with either of them at this point. A few years ago I wouldn't have felt this way. Morgan has always been among my least favorite characters. I'm not sure that I'd want to hang out with either Morgan or Shemar, but I think that Shemar is a bit too pleased with himself. He comes across that way to me in his interviews and on Twitter. It always brings to mind that line from Broken Mirror where the unsub refers to Morgan as just a pumped up side of beef. :)

I do think I would like to chat with Blake. With Rossi, I'd be interested in both Rossi's past as well as Joe's past. I'd love to talk to Joe about Bleacher Bums. I saw it in the early 80s in a semi professional theatre, a step in between pro and community theatre and yet I swear Dennis Franz was in the cast as the business man that leaves work to come to the game. His look and line delivery are pretty distinctive.  Didn't save the stage bill so no way to know for sure. But I digress.

For Prentiss it's the same. I'd like to get to know both Prentiss and Paget better. But for all of that, I'd be thrilled just to be a fly on a wall while they're filming. I'd also love to be an extra in a scene. I'd do anything they asked or needed just to be a part of it for a moment.  

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Thomas Gibson was actually who drew me to the series to begin with. In 1993, he was in Armistead Maupin's Tales of the City playing Beauchamp Day, so it was a total record scratch to see him as stoic-bordering-on-grim Aaron Hotchner. I was also familiar with Patinkin, but Gideon seemed like less of a departure from Inigo Montoya to me.

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Of course, I'd rather see Prentiss or JJ wet and shirtless instead.


You and me both, my friend. 



I've grown to like the hated "Honor Among Thieves" episode. I initially despised it for numerous reasons, but after the last few seasons, I have a new appreciation for the profiling and the suspense. I think if the current writers were to do that episode, we would have had a lot of scenes of the victims being tortured and seeing the female unsub consorting with the abductor so there would have been no mystery. It had its flaws, but it also had some nice moments.


I actually quite like Honor Among Thieves. The case is crap, yes, but I like watching Emily and her mother and I found the not!UNSUB (Russian mob dude? I don't even remember) to be quite sympathetic. 


I also like Demonology, which in fact might be my favourite episode for obvious reasons ;) 

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I love Reid and Matthew for different reasons, and would love to spend time with them both, because I find them both very interesting. That being said, I am more likely to bond with Reid rather than Matthew, just because I think we have more in common.


AJ seems like a fun person to have a drink with, but JJ gets on my last nerve these days, so AJ all the way.


I can't decide between Paget and Emily, because both are funny, classy intelligent ladies. I think Paget drinks more wine than Emily (though there was the whole "sin to win" persona in one episode), and that is always a good thing. I think I would have good conversation with either of them.


Neither Shemar or Morgan or Kirsten or Penelope, but for different reasons. Shemar and Morgan both come across like playas, and I have no clue what I would talk to them about. And while Penelope is a geek, she seems to be a geek for different things. Plus her current personality and Kirsten's just seems too extroverted for my taste.


Thomas over Hotch, just because Thomas is hilarious and you know he would be fun to hang out with.


If i had to choose, I would go for Rossi over Joe, just because I probably have more to talk about with Rossi than Joe.


Alex would be interesting to talk with, just because she is more intellectual and cerebral. 

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I'm not a big fan of (Morgan's) bulky muscles or bald heads,

So here's a random question for anyone who had a better memory than I do, which means...pretty much anyone. When *did* Morgan start shaving his head? Because A & E is showing some of the earlier episodes with Jason and Elle, and it always strikes me as weird to see Derek with hair. When did he start going to the cueball look?

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I think Morgan started shaving his head in season 3. The cast photos for seasons 1 and 2 show him with hair. I vaguely recall reading/hearing something about the buzzcut being too much of a pain to keep up so he just wanted to shave it all off.


On "Honor Among Thieves" (aka HAT), the thing that bugged me the most was the interaction between the Russian mobster and Gideon. Something about it just screamed fake to me. I did really like how Morgan profiled the family from looking at the house.

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One element of the show makes it nearly unwatchable for me now because it's so formulaic:  the inevitable part where the BAU team briefs the local police department on their profile of the unsub.   The local cops stand their nodding dutifully as one by one the BAU team takes a turn adding his or her contribution  to the overall profile and instructing the cops how the unsub should be approached and apprehended.


JUST ONCE I would like to see one of the local cops interrupt them and say, "Hold on, Hotch.  Who do you think you're kidding?  We'll never catch this unsub.   We never do.   It's always you guys.   All we ever do is provide taxi service after the killer's caught.   Why are you wasting our time like this, anyway?   We all know this is just a weekly plot device that lets you spoon-feed the killer's motivations to the viewers at home.   Kindly wrap it up so we can get back to our donuts."  

Edited by millennium
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One element of the show makes it nearly unwatchable for me now because it's so formulaic:  the inevitable part where the BAU team briefs the local police department on their profile of the unsub.   The local cops stand their nodding dutifully as one by one the BAU team takes a turn adding his or her contribution  to the overall profile and instructing the cops how the unsub should be approached and apprehended.


JUST ONCE I would like to see one of the local cops interrupt them and say, "Hold on, Hotch.  Who do you think you're kidding?  We'll never catch this unsub.   We never do.   It's always you guys.   All we ever do is provide taxi service after the killer's caught.   Why are you wasting our time like this, anyway?   We all know this is just a weekly plot device that lets you spoon-feed the killer's motivations to the viewers at home.   Kindly wrap it up so we can get back to our donuts."  

Yeah, I know what you mean, but it wasn't always awful. In the early seasons it wasn't just one line per team member and the lines weren't delivered so mechanically. As usual, I blame the writers...but I have to admit that the actors aren't really helping with their delivery. They're probably just as bored as the viewers with this formula.

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I think in the past the cops actually may have been more involved with the takedowns, but I don't remember correctly. One of the reasons I really liked The Tribe was because John Blackwolf got to help take down the bad guys at the end.


But what does bug me is that the SWAT team and cops will be in full gear with masks and the team members don't have as much protective gear. They really should. I want to see the team wear the same gear as the others. Sure its not as easy to spot them and it might be harder to get their faces through the masks, but I think it would lend a bit more realism and it might even help the actors to really feel that they are part of a SWAT raid instead of going through motions.

Edited by zannej
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I like the profiles, but I don't like it when they give them all random things to say.


They need to let Reid talk about what he deduced from the handwriting and the geographic profile, Hotch and maybe Rossi to talk about his impulse motivation and possible stressor, Morgan to talk about what kind of UnSub (sexual sadist, et al...) he is, and JJ to relay his emotional state.  


I like each of them to talk about their discoveries, relating to what they do best. 

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Great suggestion, Dionysa! I really think that should go on the wish list for season 10 and I wish the writers would read it. It made more sense when the info the team shared had something to do with their own expertise.

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Great suggestion, Dionysa! I really think that should go on the wish list for season 10 and I wish the writers would read it. It made more sense when the info the team shared had something to do with their own expertise.


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I agree, millennium. She used to be part of the special sauce, but now she's infantile and precious, and I wish she would just angst herself into the cornfield...


Bring in Kevin to replace her. He can at least be serious when needed. Until the writers mess him up, I suppose...

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