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Brandi Glanville: Drinking and Tweeting - a book and a lifestyle!

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She's been in Australia for a trip for her birthday. Today she tweeted thanks to Yolanda for the "missing you tweets."  Maybe in response to this article?


I think that Brandi is getting along with Lisa R.  Maybe that is why Kyle is on the outs with Lisa R?  Brandi and Lisa V. have called a truce.  Brandi defended Kim in the Kyle vs. Kim's and Alcholic the Sequel, so Brandi and Kyle are on the outs.  Ashley Abbott doesn't seem to like Brandi from the previews ("she's a husband stealer").  Who's left?  Oh Adrienne, Brandi and Adrienne came to a truce too.  Camille?  This season may not revolve around Brandi after all. 


Wouldn't it be nice if we had several story lines and no set "teams"?

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She's been in Australia for a trip for her birthday. Today she tweeted thanks to Yolanda for the "missing you tweets."  Maybe in response to this article?


I think that Brandi is getting along with Lisa R.  Maybe that is why Kyle is on the outs with Lisa R?  Brandi and Lisa V. have called a truce.  Brandi defended Kim in the Kyle vs. Kim's and Alcholic the Sequel, so Brandi and Kyle are on the outs.  Ashley Abbott doesn't seem to like Brandi from the previews ("she's a husband stealer").  Who's left?  Oh Adrienne, Brandi and Adrienne came to a truce too.  Camille?  This season may not revolve around Brandi after all. 


Wouldn't it be nice if we had several story lines and no set "teams"?


Well, the article did say that Brandi causes most of the drama this season. Maybe they were just speculating? I have little trouble believing this show has become a mini soap opera. Brandi's "slapping" Lisa looks awfully fake to me. Or at least half-hearted. I really wish I could get into Atlanta if it's truly the only "real" show left. Somehow I doubt that too.

She's been in Australia for a trip for her birthday. Today she tweeted thanks to Yolanda for the "missing you tweets."  Maybe in response to this article?


I think that Brandi is getting along with Lisa R.  Maybe that is why Kyle is on the outs with Lisa R?  Brandi and Lisa V. have called a truce.  Brandi defended Kim in the Kyle vs. Kim's and Alcholic the Sequel, so Brandi and Kyle are on the outs.  Ashley Abbott doesn't seem to like Brandi from the previews ("she's a husband stealer").  Who's left?  Oh Adrienne, Brandi and Adrienne came to a truce too.  Camille?  This season may not revolve around Brandi after all. 


Wouldn't it be nice if we had several story lines and no set "teams"?

There is a preview on Bravo and Brandi claims to have been ex-communicated from the group.  I always get the impression that most of the women truce out or befriend Brandi because they fear what she will do to them.  I do think Brandi tends to take Kim's side because of her public drunken behavior.  I think the Kim and Kyle relationship is one the others should all steer clear of. . . I do wonder how Brandi reacted to Kim's dog biting Kyle's daughter.

 I'd even support moving her over to OC, just to see Vicki and Tamra make mince meat of her.

Vicki and Tamara would certainly take Brandi apart but it would take a whole season of screaming and scheming to do so. However, Holla Heather could make Brandi feel very, very small in about 2 episodes without barely having to raise her voice. Beth could probably do that, too, but not with the evil calm that Heather would.
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There is a preview on Bravo and Brandi claims to have been ex-communicated from the group. 


Do you mind sharing which video this is? Went to the Bravo web site and couldn't find it. Thanks!


Perhaps that's the answer to not being asked back, ex-communicating.  If none of the women will interact with Brandi, then that could be the ticket to shipping her out of BH at last!  I'd even support moving her over to OC, just to see Vicki and Tamra make mince meat of her.


I actually don't see Tamra or Vicki making much mincemeat out of Brandi. Yeah, she did get ridiculous with Joyce that night at SUR, but other than that, Brandi tends to hold her own. I actually think Brandi is one of the few people who would not back down from Queen Mean Girls like Vicki or Tamra. I mean, look at how she handled Kyle and Taylor her first season. She was the one person willing to call Taylor out for exploiting Russell's suicide (while Kyle clutched her pearls!). Then again, Shannon pretty much did that last season, and she managed to do it with class (her gaslit breakdown notwithstanding), so I am satisfied for now.

Edited by PhilMarlowe2
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She's been in Australia for a trip for her birthday. Today she tweeted thanks to Yolanda for the "missing you tweets."  Maybe in response to this article?


I think that Brandi is getting along with Lisa R.  Maybe that is why Kyle is on the outs with Lisa R?  Brandi and Lisa V. have called a truce.  Brandi defended Kim in the Kyle vs. Kim's and Alcholic the Sequel, so Brandi and Kyle are on the outs.  Ashley Abbott doesn't seem to like Brandi from the previews ("she's a husband stealer").  Who's left?  Oh Adrienne, Brandi and Adrienne came to a truce too.  Camille?  This season may not revolve around Brandi after all. 


Wouldn't it be nice if we had several story lines and no set "teams"?

Brandi and Lisa VP may have called a truce but I just saw LVP interviewed from some step'n repeat on some entertainment show. (I'd never make a reporter) When asked why Brandi was in Australia, Lisa said bla, bla, and she can just stay there. Didn't sound to friendly even tho Lisa said it with her snide British humor.

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The only Housewives who I think with some degree of certainty that Brandi is on good terms with are Kim and Yolanda.

Kyle - obviously not on good terms based on preview and recent interviews.

Eileen - presumably no considering that in trailer Brandi accused her of sleeping with married men and throws a liquid in her face, although a few months ago Brandi tweeted that Eileen was very nice.

Lisa V. - Brandi is saying mostly positive things about Lisa but Lisa confirmed that Brandi slapped her and the slap was real. Lisa said they were in the process of rebuilding their relationship but the slap put the kibbosh on that.

Lisa R. - Brandi interviewed Lisa R. for her podcast, an indication they are on good terms. Also Brandi tweeted about Lisa R. sending flowers or some other gesture relating to her father being ill. During the Amsterdam trip someone got footage of Lisa V. and Yolanda encouraging Brandi to make amends with or something like that with another HW, it was reported/speculated that it was Lisa R., but maybe that was erroneous info, I'll try and find it.

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Ok, because I am a glutton for punishment, I just finished rewatching season 4. I have to say that from what I saw, Brandi decided to throw away her relationship with Lisa in a big way, she just flipped midseason and started gunning for people. She was a major shit stirrer and then tried to play victim about it! It will be interesting to she how she tries to spin it this year!

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From the Season 5 Trailer thread:

Adrienne is certainly no angel. I won't speak to her claims about Paul because they happened off the show and folks often say/do terrible things in the midst of a divorce. I will say that anything that she supposedly did to Brandi with regard to trying to get her fired was done well after the S2 reunion, when Brandi threw Adrienne under the bus to cozy up to Lisa. Prior to this, Adrienne had done nothing to Brandi. When Adrienne asked Brandi at the reunion why she had gone to Lisa and told her some of the things that Adrienne had said to Brandi in confidence, Brandi said she had done it because Adrienne had started ignoring her. She said that Adrienne hadn't returned her calls or her texts, that she hadn't invited her to hang out for quite a while. Adrienne pointed out that she had returned her calls, and that she had invited her to her Halloween Party. Brandi scoffed at this, saying she had been invited along with 200 other people, so it was hardly one friend calling up another friend to hang out. Brandi completely owned the fact that she threw Adrienne under the bus simply because she felt ignored.

Lisa of course was fine with taking her ill-gotten gains in the form of dirt on Adrienne and didn't question Brandi's motives for one second. For the most part, no one questioned Brandi's motives. It was all fine and good for her to betray the first person to ever be nice to her on the show. I should say Lisa was fine with it until it happened to her, because that is exactly what Brandi did to Lisa in S4. She felt like Lisa and Ken had pulled away from her and for that reason, she decided to punish her exactly as she did Adrienne for the same offense. While Brandi was lauded and almost given parades for what she did to Adrienne, she was hated for behaving in exactly the same manner to Lisa. The funny thing is that Lisa and Ken did pull away from Brandi, as Ken admitted in a a Juicy Giudice moment of clarity on the reunion stage last year. It was funny because Lisa denied it about 3 times (vehemently), and then Ken comes out and just says "yep, we made the decision to distance ourselves because of some of the things she had going on". It was so great. I am assuming they were talking about Tampon-Gate.

ETA: has anyone except a person by the name of Brandi Glanville ever confirmed that Adrienne tried to get her fired? If so, I am more than dubious. Brandi tends to take things that have an ounce of truth to them - some semblance of fact - and turn them into something else entirely. Remember, this is the girl who had a friend/lawyer who received a C&D from Paul and Adrienne and she turned it into a full-blow lawsuit against her. Only in Brandi's mind could this actually equate to a lawsuit, but she ran with it for almost an entire season and she had a lot of people believing her (lots of people didn't believe her because a lawsuit would have been public record and there was clearly no lawsuit ever filed by Adrienne against Brandi). I expect that Adrienne said something like "I wish they would fire you", or "they should have never hired you", or something like that and Brandi decided to tell the world that Adrienne tried to get her fired. This is pretty much Brandi's MO.


The thing that has stuck out to me is that Brandi has been asked in a non-accusatory way, most notably by Lisa and Andy, what did Adrienne do to her to make her have such a strong, negative feeling towards her, and Brandi starts off saying that Adrienne (and Paul) are horrible people who've done horrible things to her! Then she talks in circles for a sentence or two and then when she gives specifics, she brings up incidents where Paul and Adrienne are reacting to something initiated / instigated by Brandi. Two examples:  Paul and Adrienne called Brandi and wanted her to retract some of the things she said about them at the reunion. Yeah it may not have been cool for Paul and Adrienne to do that, but Brandi gratuitously fired the first shot at the reunion when she, among other things, said that Paul and Adrienne's marriage is not "real" / a question mark.

The second example of the Nassifs being "horrible" to Brandi was when they yelled at her at Mauricio's open house event and Paul called her a bitch. Of course an argument can be made that Paul and Adrienne should have just left the event, but they were reacting to being told that Brandi outed the surrogacy. 

I have the same question about the accusation that Adrienne tried to get Brandi fired. If anyone corroborated Brandi's accusation, it would have been Lisa, but that is not a credible corroboration. I see no evidence that Adrienne waged some massive campaign against Brandi. My recollection is that casting for season 3 would not begin in earnest until after the season 2 reunion aired which was February 2012. I remember there being stories along the lines of we'll know at end of February, then when that timeframe came and went, we'll know in the next three weeks. In then end it was 2-3 months before Brandi got the offer and yeah I believe that during that interim that Adrienne made it known that she did not want Brandi to be asked back, let alone promoted to Housewife. Given how Brandi acted at the reunion, I certainly don't blame Adrienne for making it known that she did not want Brandi to be asked back or promoted.

Brandi has raised to an art form going after someone and then when they react to her, twisting things so that she is the victim / wronged person.

Edited by quinn
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Given how Brandi acted at the reunion, I certainly don't blame Adrienne for making it known that she did not want Brandi to be asked back or promoted.

Brandi outed Adrienne's Polo Lounge plot to go against Lisa at the reunion. So it wasn't like Adrienne was an angel season 2. I don't recall anyone other than Adrienne disputing that Adrienne tried to get Brandi fired. The whole thing about the 4th wall on the show was that Brandi couldn't say on film what Adrienne did between seasons, but it certainly was covered in the tabloids. Now on season 3 after Brandi spilled the beans on Adrienne's secret, of course Paul and Adrienne had nasty things to say about her. ;)


As for the "lawsuit" Adrienne never denied sending her a cyst and deceased letter.  Camille (she of the cease and desist letters herself), "She sent her a letter!"  Brandi did hire a lawyer.  Brandi did spend money on a lawyer.  She did scream that she was being "sued" by Adrienne. There is Brandi's big lie. Huge.  Humungous lie.  Biggest liar ever.  Everyone is splitting hairs over lawsuit and threat of lawsuit as if it matters, and Brandi is a big liar.


Paul and Adrienne threatened to sue her if she didn't shut up.  They have an army of lawyers on retainer with Maloof enterprises or whatever.  It costs them nothing to send a letter.  When you are paying a lawyer to deal with this shit, in Brandi's mind, she's spending money on a lawsuit to make it go away.  I guess she could have just shut up and never said anything, but most people consult with a lawyer when they get letter like that, especially when they are filming a reality show on Bravo and the topic is likely to come up again and again and again.


The funny thing is, did Paul and Adrienne even have a case? What are they suing her for?  A big mouth? They are public figures on tv. She didn't lie about the surrogacy. What's the case?  Sure she was an asshole for telling their secret on camera, but is there civil liability for being an asshole?  And don't the Bravo contracts prohibit lawsuits against castmates? 



I have to say that from what I saw, Brandi decided to throw away her relationship with Lisa in a big way, she just flipped midseason and started gunning for people.

I think Brandi also sensed a change in Lisa and Ken.  Ken said something at the reunion like, "We didn't want to be associated with that or we didn't like what we were seeing." Something along those lines.  Brandi is feral.  She has animal senses.  I think she sensed Lisa withdrawing, Lisa wasn't calling her every morning like she used to (something Kyle alluded to also), and Brandi realized something was up.  I don't think Brandi likes being dumped, so she did it preemptively.  Lisa would've faded out of Brandi's life gracefully and seamlessly and they still could have had a cordial relationship.  Brandi's also foolish because I think instead of talking to Lisa and trying to save the relationship, she just sabotaged it viciously. 

Edited by jinjer
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^ To me The Great Polo Lounge Plot to Take Down Lisa is one of the key exhibits of Brandi grossly exaggerating something and then creating a lot of drama over it. IIRC Brandi said that Adrienne's invite to the Polo Lounge happened very, very close to date of the reunion. If there was some great plot to take down Lisa, I would think that there would have been earlier meetings in more conducive locations.

To me The Great Polo Lounge Plot to Take Down Lisa was mostly about Adrienne knowing that she would be questioned about her negative comments and actions towards Lisa, and she wanted Camille and Brandi's support when those questions come up. I don't think that Adrienne wanted Camille and Brandi flipping tables and charging out of their seats towards Lisa, I think what Adrienne wanted was something similar to what happened in one exchange, I think that it was the one about the "Maloof Hoof" comment where Adrienne talked about how she was offended, Lisa then came out with her "I was only joking" response, and Camille piped up in agreement with Adrienne that she also did not think the Maloof Hoof comment was a cool thing to say. Ironically, at this past reunion, Brandi brought up the Lisa's "Maloof Hoof" comment as part of the discussion about Lisa's humor and that her quips are not always funny in a good way.

Also bear in mind that in season 2 both Lisa and Taylor knew going into Lisa's Tea Party that this event was going to be a stage for a showdown between them, and both made phone calls beforehand to get support from other Housewives. I don't see Lisa and Taylor pre-game maneuvering as evidence that each was trying to take the other one down, but I bet had Brandi had an ally in that feud that she would have represented it that way.

Another thing to note that Brandi is the one who, when she was walking away from the table in Ojai, told teary Kim that there were people back at the table who want Kim to fail. Later she said that she was referring to Kyle, and IIRC when she was asked to elaborate, she used more examples from after that incident than before. Yeah maybe Brandi picked up the vibe that Kyle was still stuck in the paradigm of being the hero/martyr to Kim's drunken messiness, but in true Brandi fashion, it got magnified to people want to see Kim fail.

Once she fell out with Lisa, Brandi put out that Lisa fixated on taking down Adrienne and Cedric. I certainly don't doubt that Lisa bad-mouthed Adrienne and Cedric in front of Brandi, and I would not be surprised that if given the chance Lisa would go even further like plant stories, engage in unsubstantiated gossip about them, but Brandi puts out that Lisa wants them off the planet, which is of course hyperbole, but even I, a Lisa Vanderpump detractor don't believe that Lisa was that fixated, and to the extent that I can entertain that thought, I don't think that she would be confiding to loose-lip Brandi about her plots to destroy her enemies. ETA: Except if Lisa wanted Brandi to do her dirty work.

Where was it covered in the tabloids that Adrienne tried to get Brandi fired? Did these stories appear before or after Brandi outed the surrogacy? I recall stories once the season started airing based on things that Brandi herself was saying in interviews, IIRC she said on Anderson Cooper's now defunct show that Adrienne tried her fired. My question is that why did Brandi not lay out at the reunion and in one of her blogs an A to Z account of the "horrible" things that Adrienne and Paul did to her prior to her outing the surrogacy.

Re the fourth wall, these women, including Brandi, know how to word things in a way that does not break the fourth wall. Back when Brandi was a friend, Brandi would say things like, "I'm glad that Adrienne invited me to be part of her circle." In other words, I'm glad that Adrienne either recruited me for the show, or agreed to be my fake friend and introduce me to the other Housewives, invite me to events and film with me. If Brandi wanted to say Adrienne tried to get her fired, she could have said something along the lines that "Adrienne tried to get me kicked out of the group," "Adrienne made it clear that she no longer wanted me to part of her social circle."

ETA to my previous post:

Brandi also accused Bernie and Adrienne of planting negative stories about her specifically on RadarOnline, and included in these articles were claims that Brandi was a bad parent. I remember when she said that I did a search on RadarOnline from the point of the season 2 reunion to the point in season 3 filming where she outed the surrogacy, no such story existed! After Paul and Adrienne found out that Brandi outed the surrogacy, a story was planted on ROL that likely came from Adrienne's camp, but even that story was about Brandi being a drunk troublemaker during filming, her parenting was not brought up. Again, Adrienne / Adrienne's camp planting stories was not cool, but Brandi totally misrepresented what was planted about her and when.

Edited by quinn
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Do you mind sharing which video this is? Went to the Bravo web site and couldn't find it. Thanks!



I actually don't see Tamra or Vicki making much mincemeat out of Brandi. Yeah, she did get ridiculous with Joyce that night at SUR, but other than that, Brandi tends to hold her own. I actually think Brandi is one of the few people who would not back down from Queen Mean Girls like Vicki or Tamra. I mean, look at how she handled Kyle and Taylor her first season. She was the one person willing to call Taylor out for exploiting Russell's suicide (while Kyle clutched her pearls!). Then again, Shannon pretty much did that last season, and she managed to do it with class (her gaslit breakdown notwithstanding), so I am satisfied for now.

The ad is running on Bravo.  Brandi is at Kyle's white party and the rest of the RHOBH are there and there is a voice over of Brandi saying she has been ex-communicated.

Quinn, I co-sign to your entire post above. The Polo Lounge deal is another story that comes from Brandi. As I remember it Camille only confirmed that Brandi called her about the supposed meeting, but not that Camille went. I believe Camille was in Hawaii at the time. This was actually another example of Brandi throwing someone under the bus. Camille wanted no involvement in any of this. She was trying to be friends with both Brandi and Adrienne. She wanted to stay out of it. Brandi pulled her in to the whole deal in Vegas. Camille initially tried to deny that she knew anything about the supposed meeting because she was in Hawaii, but once Brandi challenged her she was forced to admit on camera she had been told about it by Brandi. It was yet another example of Brandi taking one of her friends and throwing them under the bus when she needed too in order to defend something terrible that she had done.  At the end of the day it sounded like Adrienne wanted to meet with her friend Brandi in order to discuss some of her concerns about things that might come up at the reunion. If there is anyone who doesn't think that these sorts of conversations happen among all the Ho'wives before each reunion please raise your hand. 


All of  the other ladies have denied there was any plan to take down Lisa at the Reunion. I have always thought that if Adrienne would have planned anything like this that she would have tried to enlist Taylor first. While Taylor eventually became closer to Kyle, Taylor always had a fondness for Adrienne and a desire to be liked by her. Remember Adrienne was the person Taylor asked to be the Godmother of Kennedy. She was desperate to get closer to Adrienne, a fact that Adrienne knew. If Adrienne had some big plan to take on Lisa, why not call in Taylor? Apparently she did not do this, as Taylor has said she was never invited to any meeting, and I believe that if she had been, or if Taylor had knowledge of such a thing, she would have outed Adrienne when she soured on her in S3 over the whole fake lawsuit.

  • Love 4



As for the "lawsuit" Adrienne never denied sending her a cyst and deceased letter.  Camille (she of the cease and desist letters herself), "She sent her a letter!"  Brandi did hire a lawyer.  Brandi did spend money on a lawyer.  She did scream that she was being "sued" by Adrienne. There is Brandi's big lie. Huge.  Humungous lie.  Biggest liar ever.  Everyone is splitting hairs over lawsuit and threat of lawsuit as if it matters, and Brandi is a big liar.


Paul and Adrienne threatened to sue her if she didn't shut up.  They have an army of lawyers on retainer with Maloof enterprises or whatever.  It costs them nothing to send a letter.  When you are paying a lawyer to deal with this shit, in Brandi's mind, she's spending money on a lawsuit to make it go away.  I guess she could have just shut up and never said anything, but most people consult with a lawyer when they get letter like that, especially when they are filming a reality show on Bravo and the topic is likely to come up again and again and again.


The funny thing is, did Paul and Adrienne even have a case? What are they suing her for?  A big mouth? They are public figures on tv. She didn't lie about the surrogacy. What's the case?  Sure she was an asshole for telling their secret on camera, but is there civil liability for being an asshole?  And don't the Bravo contracts prohibit lawsuits against castmates? 



But this is the thing, Adrienne did deny sending a C&D letter to Brandi, a fact which Brandi verified at the reunion (which was about 5 months too late for Adrienne, who had been vilified by folks for doing something she never even did).


This is from Adrienne's blog after Lisa's Tea Party in S3.  This is the episode where Brandi actually accused Adrienne of suing her, after telling everyone else her story of woe for several weeks:


"This week's episode contained numerous references by Brandi and the other women to a lawsuit that I allegedly filed against Brandi. Further, Brandi claims that my lawyer sent her a cease and desist letter and asked her to sign something giving up her right to speak.


I want to be 100 percent clear that there is no lawsuit, a fact which can be confirmed by a simple search of court records. Further, neither I, nor my lawyer, have ever sent a letter to Brandi. Earlier this year, my lawyer did send a letter to a former business associate of mine whom I believed was disclosing confidential information about me and my family to third parties, including Brandi. This is the only thing I can think of that might have prompted this week's discussion. I am disappointed that not only have my family and my children been put through everything that this season has brought, but also that I am now being painted as a liar. There was no letter to Brandi and, most importantly, there is no lawsuit, as she keeps claiming."


This is what Adrienne was saying at the time this was all happening.  Too bad Bravo has taken down their comments sections or one could see the incredibly vile accusations that were thrown at her when she wrote this. She was a liar, she was evil, she was trying to keep down this poor single working mother. Didn't Adrienne know that Brandi's husband had cheated on her when she was pregnant? Why didn't she have more compassion? I will bet 99% of the comments against Adrienne were negative.


Brandi admitted at the reunion that she had never received any type of letter or threat from Adrienne. She said that her friend Genevieve (the gal who introduced Adrienne to Brandi) was the one who received the letter. Genevieve was an Attorney and former business partner of Adrienne's. She knew all Adrienne's secrets but they had had a falling out. She was closer to Brandi and is the one who spilled the beans on the Surrogacy.  Adrienne immediately knew where Brandi had gotten her information and sent her a C&D immediately. Brandi never said (because she wasn't asked by anyone that we say) but I will always believe that she retained an Attorney because Genevieve asked her too and that she paid Genevieve's legal bills. I have zero doubt that Genevieve was scared. Since she had been Adrienne's Attorney and was privvy to all kinds of private information, I would think her legal career could have been in serious legal jeopardy once it was revealed she was spreading Adrienne's business around and it ended up on TV.  I would love to know if Genevieve and Brandi are still friends. Add Genevieve to the list of folks Brandi has thrown under the bus. 


If any of these women ever tell Brandi anything more intimate than their shoe size they are big fools. 

  • Love 4

The attorney's name is Geneva Wasserman.  To me, she had no business discussing Adrienne's surrogacy with Brandi.  I think the rift was created because Geneva called Brandi and said Adrienne wanted to meet with her before the Reunion.  That was the business associate Brandi referred to at the Season 2 Reunion.  I am sure that contributed to the falling out between Adrienne and Wasserman.   Season 1 there were stories from Cedric saying the Maloofs were broke, they had a skeleton staff  and other dire circumstances.  After Cedric was dumped by Lisa, Cedric continued his friendship with Bernie the Chef.  Who is a bit of a nutjob. 


Here is yet another direct quote from Brandi regarding how she got on the show:  http://rumorfix.com/2011/11/did-brandi-glanville-lie-to-get-on-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/  This would be the "my friend Adrienne Maloof" version.  The thing is Brandi lies and then claims something is incorrect.  Her saying Kim was in the bathroom doing crystal meth was a way of getting that quote on TV.  Kim was already known to be an alcoholic and yet Brandi chose the more salacious version of the story.  Had she said Kim is in the bathroom with a flask of vodka it would not have caused nearly the reaction it did.


Kim was already known to be an alcoholic and yet Brandi chose the more salacious version of the story.  Had she said Kim is in the bathroom with a flask of vodka it would not have caused nearly the reaction it did.

I think Kim and Kyle bounded out of their chairs because Kim had moved on from solely alcohol and both women knew it, so the drug comment may have hit very close to home.  Her crawling around on the limo floor and bathroom floor the next season attested to that.  It may not have been crystal meth, but it was something that needed frequent refreshing.  Not being a drug addict myself, I don't know what drugs need frequent doses to maintain an even keel.  Kyle sniffed her drink when she came in (not that she would have given Kim up) and Kim wasn't taking the drink with her.


I am glad Brandi said it.  First of all, Kim and Kyle were acting like boorish harpies during the games that night.  Secondly, it gave us one of the all time great HW gifs. 


  • Love 9

Quinn, I co-sign to your entire post above. The Polo Lounge deal is another story that comes from Brandi. As I remember it Camille only confirmed that Brandi called her about the supposed meeting, but not that Camille went. I believe Camille was in Hawaii at the time. This was actually another example of Brandi throwing someone under the bus. Camille wanted no involvement in any of this. She was trying to be friends with both Brandi and Adrienne. She wanted to stay out of it. Brandi pulled her in to the whole deal in Vegas. Camille initially tried to deny that she knew anything about the supposed meeting because she was in Hawaii, but once Brandi challenged her she was forced to admit on camera she had been told about it by Brandi. It was yet another example of Brandi taking one of her friends and throwing them under the bus when she needed too in order to defend something terrible that she had done.  At the end of the day it sounded like Adrienne wanted to meet with her friend Brandi in order to discuss some of her concerns about things that might come up at the reunion. If there is anyone who doesn't think that these sorts of conversations happen among all the Ho'wives before each reunion please raise your hand. 


All of  the other ladies have denied there was any plan to take down Lisa at the Reunion. I have always thought that if Adrienne would have planned anything like this that she would have tried to enlist Taylor first. While Taylor eventually became closer to Kyle, Taylor always had a fondness for Adrienne and a desire to be liked by her. Remember Adrienne was the person Taylor asked to be the Godmother of Kennedy. She was desperate to get closer to Adrienne, a fact that Adrienne knew. If Adrienne had some big plan to take on Lisa, why not call in Taylor? Apparently she did not do this, as Taylor has said she was never invited to any meeting, and I believe that if she had been, or if Taylor had knowledge of such a thing, she would have outed Adrienne when she soured on her in S3 over the whole fake lawsuit.


The whole Brandi-Adrienne-Lisa Season 2/Season 3 messiness makes my head hurt, but I'll chime in that I don't think Adrienne would have approached Taylor for support post-Season 2. Taylor held a grudge, as far as I can remember, against Adrienne for insisting Taylor be thrown out of the white party after Russell's Cease-and-Desist letter to Camille. Following Taylor and Lisa's suspiciously fast make-up at the teary confrontation at Lisa's Season 2 tea party, Taylor moved out of Adrienne's orbit and into Lisa's. Taylor had previously tried to ingratiate herself to Adrienne, and then tried to ingratiate herself to the nearly as rich, type-A Lisa.


I don't think Adrienne ever planned to "take down" Lisa; I agree that she probably wanted to ensure she would have support at the reunion if the squabbles between her and Lisa came up. She wouldn't approach Kyle because Kyle was still Lisa's close friend (even if cracks were forming in that friendship), and wouldn't approach Taylor for the reasons mentioned above. Adrienne would have approached Kim for support - since they were friendly on the show and Kim had never been a big Lisa fan - but Kim was in rehab. Adrienne then concluded Camille and Brandi were her two best bets for support. I think Adrienne and Camille became closer in Season 2. Camille didn't want to choose between Adrienne and Lisa, but did support Adrienne in a limited, specific way. She approached Brandi for support and then Brandi threw Adrienne under the bus, as others have said, to ingratiate herself to Lisa. As you said, Adrienne is "no angel", but I think her biggest error on the show has been not playing the Housewives game well.

Edited by vrocotamy
  • Love 2


I don't think Adrienne ever planned to "take down" Lisa; I agree that she probably wanted to ensure she would have support at the reunion if the squabbles between her and Lisa came up.


I have to say that when I watched the season 2 reunion, I had no problem believing Adrienne was targeting Lisa.  I just didn't see anything in the season 2 show that warranted the nasty attacks Adrienne lodged against Lisa. It was pretty bizarre. Did Lisa say much about Adrienne during the season? If so, I don't remember it being all that terrible.  They may have had some "squabbles", as you say, but Adrienne took it to another level at the reunion. That was beyond disagreement. It seemed like a visceral hatred on Adrienne's part. While Adrienne's accusations against Paul during the divorce weren't on the show, I think it's evidence that Adrienne can get truly nasty if she feels slighted. 


I do think Lisa was a bit dramatic in saying that the tabloid allegations hurt her reputation, because I don't think most people believed it.  But, I can't say I blame her for being pissed off. I don't think she was prepared for that level of vitriol coming from Adrienne. To me, it didn't seem like Adrienne was really even on Lisa's radar throughout the season.  

Edited by CatMomma
  • Love 7

I have to say that when I watched the season 2 reunion, I had no problem believing Adrienne was targeting Lisa.  I just didn't see anything in the season 2 show that warranted the nasty attacks Adrienne lodged against Lisa. It was pretty bizarre. Did Lisa say much about Adrienne during the season? If so, I don't remember it being all that terrible.  They may have had some "squabbles", as you say, but Adrienne took it to another level at the reunion. That was beyond disagreement. It seemed like a visceral hatred on Adrienne's part. While Adrienne's accusations against Paul during the divorce weren't on the show, I think it's evidence that Adrienne can get truly nasty if she feels slighted. 


I do think Lisa was a bit dramatic in saying that the tabloid allegations hurt her reputation, because I don't think most people believed it.  But, I can't say I blame her for being pissed off. I don't think she was prepared for that level of vitriol coming from Adrienne. To me, it didn't seem like Adrienne was really even on Lisa's radar throughout the season.  


I don't have a problem believing Adrienne targeted Lisa at the S2 reunion; I just don't believe she expected Camille or Brandi to target her with the same level of vitriol. I think Adrienne can be truly petty and nasty if you "slight" her investments/businesses. Adrienne and Lisa probably had a quiet rivalry against one another since the show started, as Cedric has mentioned, even if Lisa recommended Adrienne for RHOBH. Adrienne and Lisa's enmity began when Pandora held her bachelorette party at Hard Rock, the Palms' biggest rival in Vegas, thereby "stealing" screen time from Adrienne's investment in her mind. Adrienne couldn't say that per se because it would break the fourth wall, but I imagine that infuriated Adrienne, since one could surmise her primary reason for appearing on the show was to promote her family's investments (which were all under duress when the show began filming) and her own business ventures. I think Adrienne then watched Season 2, and her ire rose at little comments like the "Maloof Hoof", which furthered Adrienne's idea that Lisa tried to hit her where it counts (in the pocketbook.)

Edited by vrocotamy
  • Love 1

I don't have a problem believing Adrienne targeted Lisa at the S2 reunion; I just don't believe she expected Camille or Brandi to target her with the same level of vitriol. I think Adrienne can be truly petty and nasty if you "slight" her investments/businesses. Adrienne and Lisa probably had a quiet rivalry against one another since the show started, as Cedric has mentioned, even if Lisa recommended Adrienne for RHOBH. Adrienne and Lisa's enmity began when Pandora held her bachelorette party at Hard Rock, the Palms' biggest rival in Vegas, thereby "stealing" screen time from Adrienne's investment in her mind. Adrienne couldn't say that per se because it would break the fourth wall, but I imagine that infuriated Adrienne, since one could surmise her primary reason for appearing on the show was to promote her family's investments (which were all under duress when the show began filming) and her own business ventures. I think Adrienne then watched Season 2, and her ire rose at little comments like the "Maloof Hoof", which furthered Adrienne's idea that Lisa tried to hit her where it counts (in the pocketbook.)

The whole Vegas fight/insult lies at Adrienne's feet. She wanted/expected Lisa to ask her to host the BP on camera so that she could bestow her generosity on camera!  LOL Well, she waited too long and Mohammad stepped in and made an offer to Lisa first and she accepted that offer. For someone that was raised in the business world, Adrienne does not display much business knowledge/sense/logic IMO.  

  • Love 2


Adrienne and Lisa's enmity began when Pandora held her bachelorette party at Hard Rock, the Palms' biggest rival in Vegas, thereby "stealing" screen time from Adrienne's investment in her mind. Adrienne couldn't say that per se because it would break the fourth wall, but I imagine that infuriated Adrienne, since one could surmise her primary reason for appearing on the show was to promote her family's investments (which were all under duress when the show began filming) and her own business ventures.


But, Adrienne did say that holding the bachelorette party at the Hard Rock was a problem. In fact, she went on and on about it. To me, it came off as ridiculous and petty.  It spoke to the fact that Adrienne had a real problem with Lisa before the bachelorette incident. The women held events at venues NOT owned by the housewives all the time. Her reaction was disproportionate to the supposed slight.


There was a definite bitterness on the part of Adrienne from the beginning of the season, and I'm still unsure what caused it.



I think Adrienne can be truly petty and nasty if you "slight" her investments/businesses.


I don't buy that it is only Adrienne's investments/businesses that set her off.  The way she went after Paul during their divorce shows me that Adrienne doesn't like to be slighted, period. She brings an AK-47 to a fist fight.

  • Love 3

I think Adrienne was flat-out jealous of Lisa's popularity. Let's not forget that Adrienne went out and got herself her own designer puppy that she named "Jackpot" between seasons 1 & 2, and she "joked" about Giggy now having competition.


After watching four seasons and sifting through all the on-camera drama as well as the off-camera articles & tabloids, I've come to personally conclude that Lisa is probably a stealth bitch behind the scenes, that all the women know & see it, and that they resent the fact that Lisa continually comes up smelling roses with the viewing public; I think the women keep trying to go after Lisa to expose the very real stuff they see going on and somehow Lisa has been wily enough to avoid public backlash (which is really bizarre to me since I personally think there have been several examples of Lisa's over-the-top machinations caught on camera).


I actually have a friend who had a business meeting with Lisa last year during the hiatus - Lisa was trying to break into scripted television to get out of reality TV - my friend said that Lisa was very witty but very self-obsessed, and yes, she was playing the victim card even in private meetings, talking about how all the other women were jealous of her and that's why they ganged up on her.


It seems to me the women's beef with Lisa is valid - but they just make such a mess of things trying to expose her. They should probably just be patient and let Lisa hang herself at some point (which I think might happen this season if Lisa overplays the victim card - think Heather DuBrow in the OC - if you cry foul too much over tiny slights, it can turn the public against you).

Edited by PhilMarlowe2
  • Love 7


After watching four seasons and sifting through all the on-camera drama as well as the off-camera articles & tabloids, I've come to personally conclude that Lisa is probably a stealth bitch behind the scenes, that all the women know & see it, and that they resent the fact that Lisa continually comes up smelling roses with the viewing public; I think the women keep trying to go after Lisa to expose the very real stuff they see going on and somehow Lisa has been wily enough to avoid public backlash (which is really bizarre to me since I personally think there have been several examples of Lisa's over-the-top machinations caught on camera).


Taking reply to Lisa thread.

But, Adrienne did say that holding the bachelorette party at the Hard Rock was a problem. In fact, she went on and on about it. To me, it came off as ridiculous and petty.  It spoke to the fact that Adrienne had a real problem with Lisa before the bachelorette incident. The women held events at venues NOT owned by the housewives all the time. Her reaction was disproportionate to the supposed slight.


There was a definite bitterness on the part of Adrienne from the beginning of the season, and I'm still unsure what caused it.



I don't buy that it is only Adrienne's investments/businesses that set her off.  The way she went after Paul during their divorce shows me that Adrienne doesn't like to be slighted, period. She brings an AK-47 to a fist fight.


Yes, she did go on and on about it, but she wouldn't mention "screen time" per se as the reason for her rage, and I'm sure a big part of it was the "screen time" concern. She kept saying how Lisa wasn't being supportive, not a good friend, etc., and comparing Lisa's behavior negatively to how she and Paul cross-promote Lisa's business (e.g. taking business associates to Villa Blanca.) I agree that it was "ridiculous and petty", and it probably speaks to a deeper enmity between Lisa and Adrienne, whose full story we shall never know. I think there was a rivalry between them as the two wealthiest and/or most ostentatiously wealthy women on the show ca. 2010, save Camille (who married into money and was pretty separate from the rest of the cast during Season 1.) Cedric mentioned that Lisa had a lot of disdain for Adrienne and felt she wasn't worthy of her spot on RHOBH; I don't doubt Adrienne picked up on that.


I didn't want to bring up Adrienne's "AK-47 to a fist fight" reactions to Paul during the divorce or Adrienne and Paul flipping out on Brandi after the surrogacy reveal. Her children are definitely another area that sets her off. Family and money are her biggest triggers. She's not as obsessive about being slighted in  minor social matters as say, Kyle, Kim, Taylor, etc.

Edited by vrocotamy

I think Adrienne was flat-out jealous of Lisa's popularity. Let's not forget that Adrienne went out and got herself her own designer puppy that she named "Jackpot" between seasons 1 & 2, and she "joked" about Giggy now having competition.


After watching four seasons and sifting through all the on-camera drama as well as the off-camera articles & tabloids, I've come to personally conclude that Lisa is probably a stealth bitch behind the scenes, that all the women know & see it, and that they resent the fact that Lisa continually comes up smelling roses with the viewing public; I think the women keep trying to go after Lisa to expose the very real stuff they see going on and somehow Lisa has been wily enough to avoid public backlash (which is really bizarre to me since I personally think there have been several examples of Lisa's over-the-top machinations caught on camera).


I actually have a friend who had a business meeting with Lisa last year during the hiatus - Lisa was trying to break into scripted television to get out of reality TV - my friend said that Lisa was very witty but very self-obsessed, and yes, she was playing the victim card even in private meetings, talking about how all the other women were jealous of her and that's why they ganged up on her.


It seems to me the women's beef with Lisa is valid - but they just make such a mess of things trying to expose her. They should probably just be patient and let Lisa hang herself at some point (which I think might happen this season if Lisa overplays the victim card - think Heather DuBrow in the OC - if you cry foul too much over tiny slights, it can turn the public against you).

I think once Lisa saw the possibilities being a RHOBH she was pretty unstoppable.  The one thing I came away from Season 1 thinking-why does Lisa always have to have a prop?  Giggy and Cedric to begin with by Season 2 she was pretty much treating Brandi the same way.  Let Brandi say all the naughty things she can't say.  After Adrienne mentioned the selling tabloid stories (I still think Lisa told a few tales to the tabloids) the whole comment by Camille was lost-she said she too had been told the same story.  Lisa after the fact called her good friend the editor, who claimed it was an imposter calling the women making the claim.   So Adrienne's claims weren't unfounded. 


Once Brandi's popularity declined she became pretty useless to Lisa.  Lisa knew it was only a matter of time before she imploded.  I think it was fairly obvious that Lisa did suggest bringing the tabloids to Palm Springs.  She knew that would push Kyle over the edge.  Kyle never pursued the accusation after Puerto Rico because I believe she knew from production that Lisa had done the deed and Lisa would continue to deny it. 

  • Love 3


Her children are definitely another area that sets her off. Family and money are her biggest triggers.


Agree to disagree.  From what I saw, Adrienne was willing to use her children in her fight against Paul. Paul was the trigger, not her children.  Or, are you saying that you believe Paul was abusive toward Adrienne and their children?  Otherwise, nope, Adrienne used her children for her own selfish ends.


From where I'm looking, Adrienne had no problem using the tabloids when it benefited her needs. So, her accusations against Lisa came off as the pot calling the kettle black.

  • Love 3

The best thing about Adrienne is that she scrubbed the internet clean of photos and bought up all of the old years books.  And one little photo escaped.  I don't know if she paid off her whole high school or what or if she couldn't locate the one hermit who went and lived in the mountains off grid, but a couple of years ago the pre-nose/pre-eyejob photo found its way onto the web.  Hilarious!  


They are both horrible and petty.  Lisa just has much better style!

  • Love 4

I think once Lisa saw the possibilities being a RHOBH she was pretty unstoppable.  The one thing I came away from Season 1 thinking-why does Lisa always have to have a prop?  Giggy and Cedric to begin with by Season 2 she was pretty much treating Brandi the same way.  Let Brandi say all the naughty things she can't say.  After Adrienne mentioned the selling tabloid stories (I still think Lisa told a few tales to the tabloids) the whole comment by Camille was lost-she said she too had been told the same story.  Lisa after the fact called her good friend the editor, who claimed it was an imposter calling the women making the claim.   So Adrienne's claims weren't unfounded. 


Once Brandi's popularity declined she became pretty useless to Lisa.  Lisa knew it was only a matter of time before she imploded.  I think it was fairly obvious that Lisa did suggest bringing the tabloids to Palm Springs.  She knew that would push Kyle over the edge.  Kyle never pursued the accusation after Puerto Rico because I believe she knew from production that Lisa had done the deed and Lisa would continue to deny it. 

But according to Brandi, no one else was in the room when Lisa told her to pack the tabloids, including the production crew! That only Brandi and Lisa were present so that shoots down Kyle getting confirmation from the crew that it did in fact happen. Brandi has said time and time again that Lisa has never asked her to say/do anything, that she, Lisa, never even suggested she do something to anyone on her behalf even after they had their falling out. People give Lisa way too much control/power over what the other HWs do or don't do IMO. LOL

  • Love 3

Agree to disagree.  From what I saw, Adrienne was willing to use her children in her fight against Paul. Paul was the trigger, not her children.  Or, are you saying that you believe Paul was abusive toward Adrienne and their children?  Otherwise, nope, Adrienne used her children for her own selfish ends.


From where I'm looking, Adrienne had no problem using the tabloids when it benefited her needs. So, her accusations against Lisa came off as the pot calling the kettle black.

I would not label Paul an abuser, but is not unfathomable to me that things got physical between Paul and Adrienne in the final days of their marriage. IIRC Paul admitted in his divorce papers that he got physical but he said he was defending himself against Adrienne getting physical with him. Regarding the children, I can see it being a matter of one parent believing in corporal punishment and another not believing in corporal punishment, and if the first parent spanks a child then the other parent deems it abuse. I don't think that Paul is a Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde, and he is probably one of the people across the franchise that I would like to hang out with, but I believe he has a temper and a dark side.

I think that it is telling that Paul filed a lawsuit against Bernie over Bernie posting on Facebook pictures of a bruised up Adrienne and calling Paul and monster or something like that, and Paul ended up dropping his suit against Bernie. I personally think that if it got to the point where Paul was deposed, Paul would have been forced to elaborate on physical altercations between him and Adrienne, which as I stated above Paul admitted happened.

I know that Bernie and Adrienne are not highly thought of, but I don't think they fabricated abuse allegations, but I do think that they both may have viewpoints that many other people looking at the same situation would see differently. I think that the pictures Bernie posted of Adrienne were real, now it could have been the result of some high octane, drunk fight between Paul and Adrienne, and heck Paul may have gotten knocked around as bad as Adrienne, but I think that when Bernie saw Adrienne's bruises, he flipped out over his boss-friend getting hurt. I remember seeing what he wrote and Bernie shared that he had female loved ones who has been abused and took the position that a man should never, ever get physical with a woman.

Edited by quinn
  • Love 2


The child abuse claims against Paul were "unfounded" according to child services.  Funny thing - the psychologist involved in interviewing the kids?  The one and only Dr. Sophy - you know him!  Taylor's shrink.  The famewhore who loved giving therapy on television and posing in that NOH8 photo with her.  Quack!


I think Brandi was used by all the HWs.  But she bites back when crossed.  She's dangerous.  They play with fire, and they get burned.  Too bad. 

  • Love 3

Agree to disagree.  From what I saw, Adrienne was willing to use her children in her fight against Paul. Paul was the trigger, not her children.  Or, are you saying that you believe Paul was abusive toward Adrienne and their children?  Otherwise, nope, Adrienne used her children for her own selfish ends.


From where I'm looking, Adrienne had no problem using the tabloids when it benefited her needs. So, her accusations against Lisa came off as the pot calling the kettle black.


Agree to disagree. I think I may not been clear enough about an important underlying assumption for my statements  - I also think Adrienne is probably frequently delusional and grandiose. I'm also not trying to excuse Adrienne in any manner for her actions. I'm trying to get inside her twisted little mind (and I think all these ladies are twisted in varying degrees, for the record.) I don't think Pandora being permitted to host her bachelorette party at the Hard Rock Casino was actually a slight against Adrienne, but Adrienne did interpret it that way. And I don't think Paul abused his and Adrienne's children. I think Adrienne may have - in a delusional, selfish self-justification - believed she was doing her children a service in concocting abuse claims that would remove their father's custody rights. I agree with quinn that there was probably physical fighting at the end of Adrienne and Paul's marriage in which they both could have gotten beaten up pretty badly, and that Paul would not want to be deposed about it.

Edited by vrocotamy
  • Love 1

I don't think Pandora being permitted to host her bachelorette party at the Hard Rock Casino was actually a slight against Adrienne, but Adrienne did interpret it that way.

I don't know if it was a slight or not, but agree that Adrienne certainly saw it as one, along with the comments about her shoes.

Adrienne and Lisa were a bit different from the other ladies in that they were on the show specifically to promote their own business ventures. Adrienne in particular said in early press that her kids would not be a part of the show except in the most minimal of ways because her aim was to showcase her life as a business woman. I think that she believed that if nothing else, Lisa got her motivations and could either be supportive or unsupportive. I think there developed great competition between the two. Lisa was clearly the fan favorite after S1, while Adrienne (still liked by many coming into S2) didn't possess the elegance or charm that Lisa did. Lisa kind of owned the show and her words and actions held a lot of sway. Had she held the party at The Palms it was basically the same as giving the casino her stamp of approval and letting Adrienne kind of shine in a manner. Adrienne longed for this kind of exposure, which I can understand since this was the whole point in her being on the show. I do think that she was generally hurt by what happened and couldn't break the fourth wall by saying what she really wanted to say to Lisa, which was that they were both working towards the same goal and Lisa wasn't playing fair.

  • Love 2

But according to Brandi, no one else was in the room when Lisa told her to pack the tabloids, including the production crew! That only Brandi and Lisa were present so that shoots down Kyle getting confirmation from the crew that it did in fact happen. Brandi has said time and time again that Lisa has never asked her to say/do anything, that she, Lisa, never even suggested she do something to anyone on her behalf even after they had their falling out. People give Lisa way too much control/power over what the other HWs do or don't do IMO. LOL

I based my statement on Brandi saying production saw it on this:  http://allthingsrh.com/brandi-glanville-says-producers-saw-lisa-put-tabloids-suitcase/  So I think this does anything but shoot it down.  Granted I am also of the belief that Brandi stories have a habit of changing.  I could not find a story where Brandi changed her position. 

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 1

I based my statement on Brandi saying production saw it on this:  http://allthingsrh.com/brandi-glanville-says-producers-saw-lisa-put-tabloids-suitcase/  So I think this does anything but shoot it down.  Granted I am also of the belief that Brandi stories have a habit of changing.  I could not find a story where Brandi changed her position. 


It's probable that Lisa asking Brandi to bring her tabloids was filmed, and that production simply decided not to include the footage in the interest of keeping debate open. I'm assuming production did the same in the last season of RHOC, in which Tamra claims Lizzie said Eddie wanted to f*ck her after Heather's party, but where the footage (which almost certainly existed) was never aired.


I think it's hard to keep any discussion about Brandi on the topic of Brandi, since her role on the show is, at its most basic level, to be a foil for Lisa and Kyle. The ultimate ramification of her actions - whether they directly implicate Lisa or Kyle or more directly implicate another HW (Taylor, Camille, Adrienne, Kim, Joyce, etc.) - is always to provoke change in Kyle and Lisa's relationship, which is the core of the series. Kyle and Lisa shift between being the protagonist and antagonist of RHOBH, and often simultaneously display qualities of both. Brandi's independent character development is relatively insignificant; she's just an apparatus to furnish plot development. Her children can't be filmed and her romantic life has never been a major topic of the show, so she lacks the opportunities the other HWs have to become rounded characters outside their interactions with the rest of the lead cast. I fully believe Brandi was hired understanding her obligations, and her specific importance to the show. Her static qualities, IMO, make it unlikely that Brandi will go past the 5th season as a full-time housewife. Lisa and Kyle are the leads of RHOBH, and their relationship is at the heart of the show's dramatic tension. Brandi is the foil, and Yolanda, Kim, etc. are secondary characters.

Edited by vrocotamy
  • Love 6

It's probable that Lisa asking Brandi to bring her tabloids was filmed, and that production simply decided not to include the footage in the interest of keeping debate open. I'm assuming production did the same in the last season of RHOC, in which Tamra claims Lizzie said Eddie wanted to f*ck her after Heather's party, but where the footage (which almost certainly existed) was never aired.


I think it's hard to keep any discussion about Brandi on the topic of Brandi, since her role on the show is, at its most basic level, to be a foil for Lisa and Kyle. The ultimate ramification of her actions - whether they directly implicate Lisa or Kyle or more directly implicate another HW (Taylor, Camille, Adrienne, Kim, Joyce, etc.) - is always to provoke change in Kyle and Lisa's relationship, which is the core of the show. Kyle and Lisa shift between being the protagonist and antagonist of RHOBH, and often simultaneously display qualities of both. Brandi's independent character development is relatively insignificant; she's just an apparatus to furnish plot development. Her children can't be filmed and her romantic life has never been a major topic of the show, so she lacks the opportunities the other HWs have to become rounded characters outside their interactions with the rest of the lead cast. I fully believe Brandi was hired with a full understanding of her obligations, and of what her importance is to the show. Her static qualities, IMO, make it unlikely that Brandi will go past the 5th season as a full-time housewife. Lisa and Kyle are the leads of RHOBH, and their relationship is at the heart of the show's dramatic tension. Brandi is the foil, and Yolanda, Kim, etc. are secondary characters.

Brandi did have her children on the show.  Unfortunately, she chose to open her performance on the show with, "I was married to the king of assholes."  After that Eddie withdrew his consent.  Quite frankly my opinion of Brandi is not going to change seeing her interact with her children and for her to throw that out there that she somehow is shortchanged is an excuse.   After all the hullabaloo with Adrienne and outing the surrogacy, it was much later that Brandi had to acknowledge that her comments hurtful to Paul and Adrienne's children.   With her behavior I cannot imagine she would ever let the children watch the show,   I am watching the dinner at SUR and Brandi is name calling, picking fights, swearing and generally acting like trash.  When she aims for pity she plays the I am single card.


When Brandi isn't the center of attention-something she has accused both Kyle and Joyce of she strikes a dirty blow.  Last year it was the Joanna Krupa battle.  When she decided to say Mohamed said Joanna had a smelly pussy-something that ran again last night she alienated Lisa, Mohamed and Martin.  I am certain when she is WWHL in the next month or so she will do something equally as salacious-probably against Kyle and/or Mauricio.


I fully expect as the season airs if Brandi isn't getting the fan support or $$$ offers she will act up to get another three year contract.  I do think her writing career is beginning to wind down as she is probably out of material, since her previous two books are essentially about herself and who she has slept with.  She has had the taste of money on her own so I see an entire series of stunts in her future.

  • Love 2

I do wonder if Brandi could film with her kids, or had a steady relationship.. if she'd be less apt to cause trouble?  She was horrible to JOyce.. mostly due to jealousy over JOyce having a nice husband, decent career, and being beautiful.  With that said, I think that is why she films with her two friends Jennifer and Etrissa since she has nothing else going on.


I think how her friend Etrissa called her out on her racist comments was perfect in season 4.  She had a look that basically said she didn't like what she said, and asked her why she would say something like that.. once Brandi gave her reasons why.. all she said was maybe she shouldn't say stuff like that especially around people she doesn't know.  Her words were well thought out, but you could tell she wasn't having any of that.

  • Love 2

Brandi did have her children on the show.  Unfortunately, she chose to open her performance on the show with, "I was married to the king of assholes."  After that Eddie withdrew his consent.  Quite frankly my opinion of Brandi is not going to change seeing her interact with her children and for her to throw that out there that she somehow is shortchanged is an excuse.   After all the hullabaloo with Adrienne and outing the surrogacy, it was much later that Brandi had to acknowledge that her comments hurtful to Paul and Adrienne's children.   With her behavior I cannot imagine she would ever let the children watch the show,   I am watching the dinner at SUR and Brandi is name calling, picking fights, swearing and generally acting like trash.  When she aims for pity she plays the I am single card.


When Brandi isn't the center of attention-something she has accused both Kyle and Joyce of she strikes a dirty blow.  Last year it was the Joanna Krupa battle.  When she decided to say Mohamed said Joanna had a smelly pussy-something that ran again last night she alienated Lisa, Mohamed and Martin.  I am certain when she is WWHL in the next month or so she will do something equally as salacious-probably against Kyle and/or Mauricio.


I fully expect as the season airs if Brandi isn't getting the fan support or $$$ offers she will act up to get another three year contract.  I do think her writing career is beginning to wind down as she is probably out of material, since her previous two books are essentially about herself and who she has slept with.  She has had the taste of money on her own so I see an entire series of stunts in her future.


Yeah, Kim and others have said Brandi is a "wonderful mother", but seeing her with her children wouldn't change my opinion of her. I don't think production (or life circumstance) has shortchanged her by not focusing on her children or romances; I think, rather, production would not be interested in highlighting her kids or boyfriends even if they could. TPTB are not invested in Brandi's independent character development. That neither Jennifer nor Etirsa, her filming companions, has been considered as a "friend of the housewife", to my knowledge, speaks to this. She's on RHOBH to provoke conflict, not to be a character in her own right.


We at least know Brandi fights with Kyle, Eileen, and Lisa V. this season. Even if she signs another three-year contract for the (putative) Seasons 6-8, Bravo could still demote or fire her if they decide she's more of a hindrance than a help to ratings. In Season 2 - where she really had as substantial a role as Camille, a full-time housewife  - many viewers identified with her as the "new", free-spirited, loose-lipped, poor single girl, in opposition to Kyle, Taylor, Kim, etc., cast as conceited, rich, and hypocritical. Much to many viewers' chagrin, her provocations were the focus of Season 3. She began to combust Season 4.


I think Taylor served a purpose similar to Brandi, as a foil to the more central characters, in Seasons 1-2; Taylor was too volatile, too eager to suck up to the more powerful HWs, and had too much personal mishagas and instability to serve in this capacity long term for Bravo. Her shit-stirring happened behind closed doors or threatening to jump over a railing, whereas Brandi can be relied upon to stir shit directly and without too many superfluous shenanigans. Taylor probably had to be manipulated by producers to cause a scene, whereas production can probably tell Brandi what to do directly and she'll do it.

Edited by vrocotamy
  • Love 2

Brandi has said recently that she will never marry again.  She also expressed some concerns as to what might come out of her children's mouths were they be allowed to film.  I do not believe Brandi is an entirely different person around her children.  When someone has to continually tell me what a good mother they are my radar goes up.


Bravo just showed the "apology" scene at Lisa's between Joyce and Brandi.  I do not understand how Brandi can give excuses like, "I was just being a bitch," and then expect an apology for someone who called her out on her racists comments and bullying behavior.  As far as I could see Brandi doesn't get what a bully is and the rest of the ladies pretty much kowtow to her rather than be on the receiving end of one of her  vicious verbal assaults that often times contain untrue or "incorrect" information.  What Brandi did to Joyce was classic social bullying.

  • Love 5

Brandi has said recently that she will never marry again.  She also expressed some concerns as to what might come out of her children's mouths were they be allowed to film.  I do not believe Brandi is an entirely different person around her children.  When someone has to continually tell me what a good mother they are my radar goes up.


Bravo just showed the "apology" scene at Lisa's between Joyce and Brandi.  I do not understand how Brandi can give excuses like, "I was just being a bitch," and then expect an apology for someone who called her out on her racists comments and bullying behavior.  As far as I could see Brandi doesn't get what a bully is and the rest of the ladies pretty much kowtow to her rather than be on the receiving end of one of her  vicious verbal assaults that often times contain untrue or "incorrect" information.  What Brandi did to Joyce was classic social bullying.


Yeah, Brandi's behavior to Joyce was egregiously awful. It speaks poorly of the other women that they weren't completely disgusted with her after that, and continued to socialize with her off-camera - even Kim and Kyle, who initially befriended and defended Joyce. Her comment to Joyce about not swimming references a common anti-black racial stereotype and was made in a very confrontational, deliberate way. It's one of the few times that an accusation of racial/ethnic prejudice on these shows, that I've seen, has not been very inflated, e.g. Kyle accusing Carlton of anti-Semitism  in the heat of the moment or Danielle (who is not Jewish!) accusing Teresa of anti-Semitism. Brandi also managed to flip the situation so that she was the victim of Joyce calling her a racist; since it was a blatantly racist comment, Brandi being racist or not in other areas of her life completely misses the point.


I think Brandi got a great edit in Season 2 (and a good edit in Season 3) that made her over-confident, and she let her true awfulness show in relation to Joyce, confident that it would be toned down when it appeared on TV. This was probably part of Bravo's plan for Brandi from the get-go. I've read rumors that they executed the same long-term dupe on other HWs on other franchises, and I believe they turned on Lisa last season too, but in a different way. It's the opposite of what they did to Camille and Yolanda*, who had next to no acting experience and whose embarrassing or offensive comments were aired in full on their first seasons, and who then wised up. 


*Remember Yolanda bemoaning when she thought her eight-year-old daughter would turn out to be a lesbian?

Edited by vrocotamy
  • Love 3

I was disappointed to see a clip of Brandi isolating Adrienne at Kyle's White Party.  Of all the women Brandi should lay off it is Adrienne.  I hope Adrienne stiffs Brandi in trying to engage with her.  Brandi showed such hubris in claiming how she and Paul were such good friends after he and Adrienne divorced.  Turns out he gave Brandi the name of a dermatologist.  This from Brandi who claimed she wouldn't go to Paul's spa day because she has such a fabulous plastic surgeon/dermatologist. 

Brandi and Adrienne apparently reconcile/come to a truce.  Maybe the White Party is a set up to the truce meeting.  There were photos of them meeting for lunch/shopping in Beverly Hills and kissing each other good bye.


  • Love 1

Brandi and Adrienne apparently reconcile/come to a truce.  Maybe the White Party is a set up to the truce meeting.  There were photos of them meeting for lunch/shopping in Beverly Hills and kissing each other good bye.


It is so hard for me to accept that Adrienne would ever forgive Brandi. I do think, however, that Adrienne has been intent on trying to repair these relationships - some of them off screen. Kyle in particular was cool in the way she talked about Adrienne after she missed the S3 reunion. I think the fact that she didn't show after Kyle stood up for her (and took crap from so many people for supporting a position that ended up being the correct position) for the entire season pissed Kyle off. Over the last year or so I have noticed them sending each other Tweets and talking fondly about each other. I believe that Lisa also said they had spoken.


To me the more interesting part will be to see what Lisa and Adrienne's relationship looks like. Back in the day Lisa was taking Brandi's side in their issues, and lots of the stuff that Lisa heard about Adrienne came directly from Brandi. Now that Lisa has also been burned by Brandi, I am hopeful that she feels a little bit of sympathy for what Adrienne went through over the whole surrogacy issue. My fantasy has been that Adrienne and Lisa would team up against Brandi. I can think of nothing that would piss Brandi off more. 

  • Love 4

Quinn, I co-sign to your entire post above. The Polo Lounge deal is another story that comes from Brandi. As I remember it Camille only confirmed that Brandi called her about the supposed meeting, but not that Camille went. I believe Camille was in Hawaii at the time. This was actually another example of Brandi throwing someone under the bus. Camille wanted no involvement in any of this. She was trying to be friends with both Brandi and Adrienne. She wanted to stay out of it. Brandi pulled her in to the whole deal in Vegas. Camille initially tried to deny that she knew anything about the supposed meeting because she was in Hawaii, but once Brandi challenged her she was forced to admit on camera she had been told about it by Brandi. It was yet another example of Brandi taking one of her friends and throwing them under the bus when she needed too in order to defend something terrible that she had done.  At the end of the day it sounded like Adrienne wanted to meet with her friend Brandi in order to discuss some of her concerns about things that might come up at the reunion. If there is anyone who doesn't think that these sorts of conversations happen among all the Ho'wives before each reunion please raise your hand. 



I didn't like Brandi right from the very start but when she threw Camille under the bus that's when I actively starting hating her.  Camille was really the only one who friended Brandi in the beginning when all others were hating on her.  Camille was trying to change her image from the first season and could have very easily went with the majority and not be friendly with Brandi but she didn't.  She was nice to Brandi and became her friend.  And look how Brandi paid her back.  I CAN NOT stand Brandi.  

I didn't like Brandi right from the very start but when she threw Camille under the bus that's when I actively starting hating her.  Camille was really the only one who friended Brandi in the beginning when all others were hating on her.  Camille was trying to change her image from the first season and could have very easily went with the majority and not be friendly with Brandi but she didn't.  She was nice to Brandi and became her friend.  And look how Brandi paid her back.  I CAN NOT stand Brandi.  

This behavior from Brandi was so horrific to me, for all the reasons you mention.  The interesting thing to me was the way it was received.  Brandi didn't get much crap for what she did to Camille. Camille took the heat for initially lying about it all, even though she admitted to what had happened minutes later ON CAMERA. Camille had had many opportunities to discuss this all, including at the reunion, but she clearly wanted no part of it. For Brandi to put her on the spot like that just to bolster her own behavior was unforgivable to me. 


Last year in one of her blogs, Brandi talked about some things that had happened off camera between her and Kyle. She made it clear that they weren't exactly friends, but that she had seen a different side of Kyle away from the show. She said that Kyle had helped her out with her boys on a couple of occasions when she needed a babysitter.  She also said that Kyle brought her entire family to help look for her lost dog as soon as she returned home from PS, which was not filmed. This was a different occasion than the one we saw with Kyle, Mauricio and Portia on camera.  What does Brandi do just a few months later? She throws Kyle under the bus when she was getting heat over her statements that Ken & Lisa had filed bankruptcy.  Just another example of her having no feelings of loyalty to anyone ever. 

  • Love 1

This behavior from Brandi was so horrific to me, for all the reasons you mention.  The interesting thing to me was the way it was received.  Brandi didn't get much crap for what she did to Camille. Camille took the heat for initially lying about it all, even though she admitted to what had happened minutes later ON CAMERA. Camille had had many opportunities to discuss this all, including at the reunion, but she clearly wanted no part of it. For Brandi to put her on the spot like that just to bolster her own behavior was unforgivable to me. 


Last year in one of her blogs, Brandi talked about some things that had happened off camera between her and Kyle. She made it clear that they weren't exactly friends, but that she had seen a different side of Kyle away from the show. She said that Kyle had helped her out with her boys on a couple of occasions when she needed a babysitter.  She also said that Kyle brought her entire family to help look for her lost dog as soon as she returned home from PS, which was not filmed. This was a different occasion than the one we saw with Kyle, Mauricio and Portia on camera.  What does Brandi do just a few months later? She throws Kyle under the bus when she was getting heat over her statements that Ken & Lisa had filed bankruptcy.  Just another example of her having no feelings of loyalty to anyone ever. 

Brandi has always been jealous of what Kyle has- a successful husband in the marriage, business, and fatherhood.  Kyle has a successful business and a great relationship with her nieces and nephews and in-laws.  I honestly believe that is why Brandi continually goes after JR from Mauricio's office-she wants her own Mauricio.   Since the apology after game night Kyle has been very good to Brandi and Brandi keeps wanting to insert herself between Kyle and Kim.  Never has  Brandi acknowledged Mauricio and Kyle's marriage in a positive way.  She will go on forever about Ken and Lisa and David and Yolanda but never Kyle and Mauricio.  To do so would be to admit that Kyle has something she cannot obtain.  After Mauricio apologized at the Reunion -Brandi-the woman who told him the STFU, Dude, and was lying through her teeth about being sued, went on to disparage Mauricio.  Why the Umanskys keep giving Brandi second chances is beyond me. 


I am hoping that this season it is that they, as well as Ken and Lisa are done with the attention seeking famewhore-who wouldn't know a hard day's work if it slapped her in the face.

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