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S25.E08: Strike A Pose, There's Something To It

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The herpes outbreak that Nany and Cohutta seem to both be suffering from has been the most distracting thing.  You're next, Johnny. 


Sad to see Aneesa go, especially because I liked her alliance with Theresa. Theresa has made some dumb moves in her day, but I always appreciate someone who isn't afraid to go up against the people "in power".  Though, I agree that Aneesa made Laurel seem beatable.  


Why'd the guys waste a vote on Preston?  They just love to hand it to Bananas every year.  


I'm guessing nobody wanted Preston as a teammate . . . which sucks, since he was more or less made for the 3D Twister that the producers came up with. Well, he was more made for it than CT, who was hanging on for dear life.


Even with Cohutta winning, it was still a bit of a down night, because I find Laurel to be insufferable. I would be scared around her. I'm convinced she eats people and swallows their souls. Also, Aneesa needs a life . . . she's 0-for-10 in Challenges. Even Tonya wound up winning one in her "career."


ETA: Fuck Johnny and fuck his banana costume. He probably has three of those made. Have I mentioned how much I hate him?

Edited by Lantern7
  • Love 1

Damn! I was hoping Aneesa would stomp Laurel. Cuhutta seems like such a good guy, what the hell is he doing on this show?

Does anybody know what he does for a living in the real world (pardon the pun).

I like the fun challenges like this one and the one last week. They remind me of the early days of the Challenge. I get tired of the height and water challenges.

I just can't hate Johnny. I get the feeling that he's probably a pretty decent guy when he isn't filming. I can't help it, he just cracks me up. He's cocky as hell but most of them are. And I loved him beating Jordan.

I don't remember Johnny ever hooking up on any of these shows. I've seen them all but I don't remember details. Has he ever been with anybody on the show?

Edited by Maple Surple


I just can't hate Johnny. I get the feeling that he's probably a pretty decent guy when he isn't filming.


From what I hear, Johnny B is a completely different person outside of the challenges. He's a loyal friend and I remember Diem saying that he was someone that helped her through her cancer treatment and helped with her hormone injections.


CT: I think the fact that there is no Diem and that he is maturing, it makes him 1000x more attractive (doesnt need help with that). Plus, his "no fucks given" attitude this time around is so refreshing. CT/Cohutta to the end.

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Outside of this game, Johnny might be on track to be the next pope. But in the game? He's a gigantic asshole. And, I mean, I don't begrudge him for being ultra competitive and wanting to win every time he competes in one of these things, but there are things he's done to other cast members that have nothing to do with the game. His comments about Jordan's disability is one of those things; his blatant misogyny over the years is another. But if we're going to discuss that, I'll take it to his individual thread. 

  • Love 5

Last nights episode was very boring to me. We knew neither Laurel or Cara would go home from the horrible editing on the mid-season preview which showed them in an upcoming argument. So watching the elimination was not funny, knowing who would win beforehand.


The episode was basically Nany hooking up & then crying. She's worried that Cohutta will look stupid. I don't think he looks stupid. He looks like a nice guy who didn't know what was going on. Is she really saying she only kissed Johnny R? From the looks of it, they did more than kiss. It looked like his pants were down & then his boxers were left behind. Then we see her with a sore on her lip...gross. I don't think Nany is mean spirited, maybe a bit to easy.


I am liking Devyn more & more. She's smart & funny. She knows Laurel doesn't have any competition & working with her is in her favor. Laurel knows Devyn isn't competition & keeping her is an easy win.

The herpes outbreak that Nany and Cohutta seem to both be suffering from has been the most distracting thing.  You're next, Johnny. 


Sad to see Aneesa go, especially because I liked her alliance with Theresa. Theresa has made some dumb moves in her day, but I always appreciate someone who isn't afraid to go up against the people "in power".  Though, I agree that Aneesa made Laurel seem beatable.  


Why'd the guys waste a vote on Preston?  They just love to hand it to Bananas every year.  

Because just like with Laurel, Banaas would probably beat the other 2 options (Johnny R or Cohutta) & if he wins then he will put them in. They girls did the same thing with Laurel. I also don't call Bananas wins as being handed to him. He does his share of eliminations (more than CT & Zach) & has won some of the hardest finals in Challenge history (Rivals & Battle of the Exes). 

Damn! I was hoping Aneesa would stomp Laurel. Cuhutta seems like such a good guy, what the hell is he doing on this show?
Does anybody know what he does for a living in the real world (pardon the pun).

I like the fun challenges like this one and the one last week. They remind me of the early days of the Challenge. I get tired of the height and water challenges.

I just can't hate Johnny. I get the feeling that he's probably a pretty decent guy when he isn't filming. I can't help it, he just cracks me up. He's cocky as hell but most of them are. And I loved him beating Jordan.
I don't remember Johnny ever hooking up on any of these shows. I've seen them all but I don't remember details. Has he ever been with anybody on the show?

He hooked up with Camila numerous times during Battle of the Exes which they won together. All the other challenges he said he was in a relationship outside of the show. He's now dating Olympian Hannah Teter.

Wait, like the Olympic gold medal winner? Someone with actual accomplishments in life is dating BANANAS?! I have to lie down.

Yeah check out their instagram or twitter. They participate in The Special Olympics together & post pics of each other all the time. Outside of the house most of the contestants say Bananas is a good friend & very loyal to those he considers a real friend. Paula & Diem have both said that he is their for them & is a very good friend. Some people think that people are the challenges kiss his butt or are scared of him but it's mostly that they are friends outside the show. 

Kat, I'm with you on CT, he's looking waaaaay attractive to me even though I'm not a fan of the beard. I think it's been his personality. I enjoy him so much more when Diem is not on the show with him.


I always find CT sexy, but especially so this season.  He is always much better when Diem isn't around toying with his emotions.


He hooked up with Camila numerous times during Battle of the Exes which they won together.


There was also something about him taking Camila's virginity and then basically dumping her to hook up with someone else.  It was during her first season.  And I vaguely remember that it being very hush hush.


These people doinking everyone is so gross to me. If Nany liked Cohutta, why the hell would she sleep with Johnny. Yuck. I thought Cohuttas lips look like he bites them, but I could be wrong. 

It is nice to hear that J Bananas isn't this big of a d bag outside of the Challenge. GOOD! 

Best part of the episode, was Devy's wig's funeral. So funny.

Edited by LadyNardicus

Anyone have a thought why that final game is called Oppenheimer?  Because I only have two associations with the name, and I don't think it's named after my HS chemistry teacher's superannuated assistant, who had back in his prime been my mom's chemistry teacher, and of course Robert Oppenheimer of atomic bomb fame/infamy, and I just can't figure out any way that it could be named after the latter either.  Wikipedia does not enlighten about any footbally games I, not being a football fan, have not heard of.

Edited by Jobiska

The kill card has been one of the better ideas the producers have had. I like the idea of everyone having the possibility of going in, especially the likes of Johnny. I just love that not everyone is bending to his every whim. People like Cara Maria are winning and not afraid of voting him in.

Back on the old forums, someone mentioned "Battle of the Hosts." Such an awesome idea.

My old username was MHCBadDude. Time to retire it :(

I'm with those of you who like CT a lot better this season.  He seems a lot less 'roid ragey.  Also, when he's wearing his stupid knit hat, he and his beard look like they should be one of Snow White's dwarves....


I loved Devyn's funeral for Tamara the Wig.  That was awesome.  I heart her.  


Cohutta is my current TV crush.  I want to drag his sexy accent away from stupid Nany and treat him right.  

Yeah, I feel bad for Cohutta. I feel like he's getting friend-zoned HARD. I know she kisses him, but Nany is pretty notorious for sleeping with anything and she said on the aftershow that she never slept with Cohutta. She also keeps referring him as her "best friend" and she talks about him like a loyal puppy. I think she likes that he has a crush on her, but I don't get the feeling that she has any romantic feelings for him at all.

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