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The Perfectionists - General Discussion

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All I took from this episode was *yawn* and I don't think the writers know what a TA is but they knew they couldn't just outright make Ali teach the class but they also didn't bother to come up with a name for the person who supposedly teaches Agatha Christie 101 so no one ever talks about it.

Oh, and we're supposed to believe that Ava knows how to un-send an email 12 hours after it was sent when I'm not even sure she would know how to turn on a computer without help. Cute cat pics, though.

  • Love 2
9 hours ago, Callaphera said:

I don't think the writers know what a TA is but they knew they couldn't just outright make Ali teach the class but they also didn't bother to come up with a name for the person who supposedly teaches Agatha Christie 101 so no one ever talks about it.

I was shocked when Gabriel mentioned Ali's Master's program. It's not like we've actually ever seen her doing any of her own coursework. Maybe the writers think that all she has to do is teach this class and that's how she'll get her graduate degree.

The finale is called "Enter the Professor," so I assume we'll be meeting the real teacher then. I seem to remember some leaked audition tapes for "Dr. Granger" way back when, so I suppose he does exist.


Oh, and we're supposed to believe that Ava knows how to un-send an email 12 hours after it was sent when I'm not even sure she would know how to turn on a computer without help. Cute cat pics, though.

No, Ava's an expert programmer for some reason! That's been occasionally mentioned since the first few episodes. It's established, it just doesn't make any sense.

  • Love 3
9 hours ago, Callaphera said:

I don't think the writers know what a TA is but they knew they couldn't just outright make Ali teach the class but they also didn't bother to come up with a name for the person who supposedly teaches Agatha Christie 101 so no one ever talks about it.

At my university, the humanities grad students taught lower division English courses. It was a win-win because that meant the grad students got paid a little extra for teaching, the school didn't have to hire full time professors to teach intro level classes, and the professors could teach the upper division courses in their specialties.

It was more common in science courses to have a professor teach the course (aka do the lectures) and have TAs (also grad students) lead section discussions and review sessions.

But yeah, it would have made a lot more sense if the show had mentioned Alison is enrolled in a master's program some time in the first half of the season instead of waiting until now. I can't wait to hear what kind of grad program she's in. She already has a degree in manipulation and blackmail!

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, marinaalexis said:

No, Ava's an expert programmer for some reason! That's been occasionally mentioned since the first few episodes. It's established, it just doesn't make any sense.

Oh, I remember. She did the world's worst non-Boolean Google search I've ever seen. And finished her search sentence with a period. And got the result she needed right at the top of the page. Insert JLaw "yeah, okay" GIF here. 

So no announcement from Freeform following today's upfronts. Is that good or bad in terms of renewal chances? Would they bother having the cast at upfronts if they weren't planning on bringing the show back? Janel's tweet gave me pause, seems like she's not thrilled... either with waiting for with the verdict if she knows it. 

10 hours ago, SadieT said:

So no announcement from Freeform following today's upfronts. Is that good or bad in terms of renewal chances? Would they bother having the cast at upfronts if they weren't planning on bringing the show back? Janel's tweet gave me pause, seems like she's not thrilled... either with waiting for with the verdict if she knows it. 

I was convinced for a while last night that a lack of an announcement spelled out death for this show, but after giving it some thought, I don't think it necessarily means anything.

The Bold Type was the only Freeform show to get a renewal announcement at the actual upfronts, as Siren was announced online much earlier in the day. Cloak and Dagger, one of their most successful shows right now, hasn't been renewed yet either. My thinking is that, since it's consistently had the lowest ratings, The Bold Type was probably the show on the chopping block, and the cast and crew were fully expecting it to be cancelled, so when the network decided to renew it, they wanted to give them a nice surprise by announcing it live during their panel.

Pretty solid penultimate episode, only slightly soiled by the fact that we STILL don't have a season 2 confirmation!

So as of now, Dylan's likely getting expelled, Caitlin's mom is dragging her to Washington, Mona was fired, Ava just might be going to jail, and Taylor's being hauled off to a "resort." Sorry Ali, looks like you're on your own (until next episode when magically everything is reversed).

Looks like the "spa" might just be what Taylor needs, though. Girl's obviously unhinged. I distrust her almost completely - there's something missing from this story. And of course they discover that Jeremy's still alive right after they deliver their fake story to the cops.

Just how, I wonder, did Dana manage to find that hidden money so quickly? Since Caitlin's house isn't on campus, it wouldn't be surveilled by Beacon Guard, so is Dana just that good, or did one of the three (although probably not Ava) rat it out?

Speaking of odd authority, was it ever clarified what the hell Claire's role at this school really is? In the beginning I thought the Hotchkiss family was just a big donor, but the wiki lists her as a co-founder, and she seems to have an inordinate amount of power, considering she can expel students and fire staff seemingly completely at will.

It was a tiny moment, but possibly the episode's biggest highlight for me was Mona and Ali's little side conversation about the proper pronunciation of "gala."

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, marinaalexis said:

It was a tiny moment, but possibly the episode's biggest highlight for me was Mona and Ali's little side conversation about the proper pronunciation of "gala."

Was this some sort of Saturday afternoon gala ?  Because when they all left to go to the lake, I was surprised how bright it was outside.

I'm still waiting for the Pigman to show up again.


Dana: "As the head of campus security investigating the murder of a student that happened on campus - which also happens to contain all the suspects because they are also students frequently on campus -  I believe my best bet would be to get all the suspects expelled and/or forced off campus."

I mean, as plans go, it's not the worst I've ever heard but it might be one of the most nonsensical plans. You do you, Dana. 

Edited by Callaphera
  • Love 2

Ava: I give us an A for effort.
Alison: Keep A out of it.

Claire: I want to trust you, Alison. But if you're lying to protect your students, I can't.
Alison: They're good people.
Claire: Yes, but good people make bad mistakes.

Alison: Well, do you say gala or gala?

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 1

It just feels right for Lily Rhodes van der Woodsen Mueller Bass Humphrey to be at a gala again.

I had to laugh a little when everyone decided to use the South Park "he was coming right at us" defense for Taylor shooting Jeremy.

While I do believe that Dylan, Caitlin, and Ava have become close over the past few weeks, I didn't buy the "I love you guys" moment. I know the show wants to emulate the friendships that the PLLs had, but those girls had a long history together even before Alison's disappearance so I bought their lifelong friendship. These three though? Ehhh.

I felt like the show was just piling too much stuff onto the group in one episode. Caitlin's mom is making her transfer to Georgetown, Claire is forcing Taylor to go to the "spa," Dylan is being expelled for plagiarism, Ava's tuition stash is gone, Mona got fired for sleeping with a student. Seriously, show, slow your roll.

And to be fair, if you look at it from an outside perspective, a lot of these things aren't unreasonable. Dylan plagiarized his piece. He admitted it. That is something that students get expelled for. Yet we're supposed to root for him to stay because...he's sorry?

Mona, a university staff member, slept with a student. That is also a fireable offense, but we're supposed to feel bad because...Mona thought he was hot?

We know why Caitlin hid Ava's money at her house, but from her mom's point of view, her daughter somehow got a hold of thousands of dollars in cash, hid it in their house, and is lying about it to her face. I get why that would raise some red flags to a parent.

We are supposed to root for Ava because she's one of the main characters, but from Dana's point of view, Ava has a bunch of money that her dad stole from his clients and she's spending it on expensive clothes and college tuition. As Ava admitted to Dylan, she is committing a crime and she knows it.

As for Taylor, yes, Claire is supposed to be seen as one of the antagonists of the show, but again, look at things from her point of view. Her daughter witnessed her own father's death. At 14, she created a security system that she became obsessed with to the point that she wasn't eating or sleeping. Then she faked her own death. Now she's back from the dead and acting sketchy as hell. From a parent's point of view, I would say yes, this girl is probably traumatized and needs a shitoad of therapy.

Even though we're supposed to sympathize with these characters, objectively they have made some pretty big mistakes and it's all just coming to a head. These are the consequences of the shitty choices they have made.

I am 99% sure that Jeremy didn't kill Nolan, mostly because they're so convinced that he did.

Taylor is DEFINITELY getting sent to a "spa" after shooting Jeremy!

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 3
9 minutes ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Even though we're supposed to sympathize with these characters, objectively they have made some pretty big mistakes and it's all just coming to a head. These are the consequences of the shitty choices they have made.

I'm looking at it from a slightly different perspective, in that I actually really like this aspect. One thing that grated on my nerves about PLL by the end was that it felt like it turned into the Liars always just being in the wrong place at the wrong time, never really doing anything wrong and always being the victims of circumstance. I like that in this show, all of the main characters have made actual bad choices and are more in the gray area of morality than anything else, but it's not as if their actions can't be somewhat understood.

For example, yes, Mona most likely broke university policy by sleeping with a student and was deservedly fired. But when you consider that she's essentially been totally isolated for the past year, has always been desperate, deep down, but acceptance and affection, and finally had someone come along who was willing to show her that, it's hard for me to not sympathize at least a bit. Same thing goes for Ava, who was using stolen money only because she was so desperate to make something of herself and become more than the notorious Jalali's daughter, and for the others.

Their actions definitely span from questionable to illegal, but I don't think we're supposed to just brush over them and act like these characters are totally in the right. I really appreciate this show getting back to what I feel is the roots of what the PLL world was always supposed to be - morally gray characters making choices that aren't totally sympathetic, but aren't completely malicious either.

  • Love 2

I agree that it was easier to sympathize with the PLLs based purely on the fact that Rosewood PD was so incompetent that they couldn't find their own ass with both hands, yet managed to arrest the girls for things like possession of a shovel.

It's a lot harder for me to muster up sympathy for things like Dylan begging Claire not to expel him when he did in fact blatantly plagiarize (and not just a measure or two but an entire piece) AND he admitted it. Of all the characters, Caitlin is the one who did the least offensive thing morally speaking, but I can see why her mom is so freaked out about it. If I had a daughter who was living on her own, totally unsupervised without any roommates (or even relatives nearby) and I came home to find she had hidden a bag with thousands of dollars (when we know that Caitlin does not have a job or source of income), I'd be pretty worried too. Is she a drug dealer? A high end call girl? A money launderer?

  • Love 1

I also find it the hardest to sympathize with Dylan, just because he seems the least willing to acknowledge the severity of what he did and is basically acting like it should just be totally overlooked. Getting expelled for plagiarism isn't some over-the-top BHU thing, it's like...college 101. I rolled my eyes when he and Andrew were like, "but I regret it!" It doesn't matter, you still did it! However, my point is more that even though he objectively screwed up and the consequences are entirely justified, I still find myself able to understand why he felt the need to do it and how the environment of BHU was a factor out of his control that led to it. It's not as black and white as PLL, but I like the complexity.

I laughed so hard when Taylor jumped from explaining how she was a genius security system designer at the tender age of 14 to describing the murder of her father in the most melodramatic of fashions. And, of course, she once again failed to say anything concrete about the murder attempt against her which supposedly forced her to fake her death.

Are they whitewashing Nolan or Taylor is just stupid or lying? "I had to sleep with some other girl to drive you away" is usually a pathetic excuse, not the truth, after all.

Ethics committee, Dylan? Your case is about as clear as it can be. Of course, he miraculously won't be expelled in the end but he should be.

Even Ashley's infamous lasagna box was a better hiding place than what Caitlin and Ava came up with.

The gala was so embarrassing. Oh, hey, Zach, show your art to this famous gallery owner, I am sure she is totally not sick of randos trying this all the time. Hey, Dylan, I am going to play your music, this conductor is totally going to love it and offer you a job right here and now. Naive much?

Apparently Claire is fine with Dana blackmailing students and Alison giving them false alibis... no wonder BHU is such a mess.

The Idiot Trio saying how much they love each other was such an unearned scene. Telling, instead of showing all the way.

2 hours ago, marinaalexis said:

Their actions definitely span from questionable to illegal, but I don't think we're supposed to just brush over them and act like these characters are totally in the right.

But we clearly are. After all, these three fools will somehow manage to remain at BHU and we are supposed to root for that because they have a great bond (not really). Ava doesn't seem conflicted at all about using stolen money either.

2 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

If I had a daughter who was living on her own, totally unsupervised without any roommates (or even relatives nearby) and I came home to find she had hidden a bag with thousands of dollars (when we know that Caitlin does not have a job or source of income), I'd be pretty worried too. Is she a drug dealer? A high end call girl? A money launderer? 

It was pretty annoying that her mother is such a caricature that her desire to have Caitlin transfer was portrayed as her being, well, a bitch, and not something any parent would have at least considered in such a situation. Plus, we know, it's not going to happen anyway.

BHU doesn't offer scholarships? Excuse my ignorance, but are there actual elite schools who don't offer scholarships? Of course, in real life, people can take loans but on TV this is never an option, for some reason. 🙂

Are the protagonists going to be stupid enough to lie abour Taylor's murder attempt on Jeremy? If yes, please have them use the classic "He was coming right at us!" excuse.

  • Love 2

Oh boy, I think that maybe Taylor is going to be much better off at that "spa" than being anywhere with access to firearms. I did crack up at everyone being like "yeah, he was coming right at her..." while Taylor is still shaking with serious crazy eyes. So what are they going to do now? Shoot him a few more times and say he was crawling towards them?

I mean, most of the things they are in trouble for are actually legit things. On the one hand, its harder to root for people that really are doing bad things and breaking rules, whereas the Liars were usually just in the wrong place at the wrong time (at first anyway), but on the other, I kind of like that the characters are actually kind of crappy and make dumb mistakes. 

You dont just re-purpose "act normal bitches" like that! We dont need to hit every single freaking step of the OG show! 

  • Love 2

I so wish that there was an entirely separate theory thread (still bitter that we lost our actual own forum), but since there's not, I'll just put this here:

I haven't trusted Taylor since she came back, but after last night I'm really starting to think that she killed Nolan. Some of Claire's comments to Alison have indicated that she always knew Taylor was alive. And I find it very strange that if Claire is so determined to track down Nolan's real killer, she wouldn't be quite so okay with Dana openly admitting to framing the Perfectionists for his murder. It seems more like her real goal is to just pin the murder on whoever is most convenient and get the case solved. Why would she want to do that unless it's to protect her other child?

Along with that, she demonstrated last night that she obviously has the ability to snap (that line from the pilot, "someone's about to snap and kill," anyone?), she looks enough like Ali that in the dark Nolan easily could have mistaken Taylor for her, they're really playing up this victim narrative surrounding her.

  • Love 3
7 hours ago, marinaalexis said:

I find it very strange that if Claire is so determined to track down Nolan's real killer, she wouldn't be quite so okay with Dana openly admitting to framing the Perfectionists for his murder. It seems more like her real goal is to just pin the murder on whoever is most convenient and get the case solved. Why would she want to do that unless it's to protect her other child?

Because PLL has made me paranoid and because Claire is so sketchy, I was beginning to wonder if she killed Nolan and that's why (1) she told Taylor to stop obsessing about finding Nolan's killer and (2) she's totally fine with Dana framing the Scooby gang.

  • Love 3

Mona in episode 7: "Don't jump to conclusions, guys, maybe it's not Dana".

Mona in episode 8: "Dana is totally A".

Everyone in episode 9: "Jeremy is totally the murderer".

Everyone in episode 10: "Guys, we have no more suspects. Where is the secret evil sibling when you need one?"

11 hours ago, marinaalexis said:

And I find it very strange that if Claire is so determined to track down Nolan's real killer, she wouldn't be quite so okay with Dana openly admitting to framing the Perfectionists for his murder. It seems more like her real goal is to just pin the murder on whoever is most convenient and get the case solved. Why would she want to do that unless it's to protect her other child?

But the only person who is investigating the case is the rent-a-cop whom she hired. No one was going to suspect Taylor if Claire had done nothing, not just because the cops did nothing either but because she was considered dead.

  • Love 1
On 5/17/2019 at 3:17 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Because PLL has made me paranoid and because Claire is so sketchy, I was beginning to wonder if she killed Nolan and that's why (1) she told Taylor to stop obsessing about finding Nolan's killer and (2) she's totally fine with Dana framing the Scooby gang.

Claire is definitely up there on my suspect list as well. She obviously knows wayyyy more than she's claiming, and it's partially why Ali's whole "your mom was GRIEVING OVER YOU, Taylor!!!" schtick was seriously getting on my nerves - it was so clear that Claire knew all along that Taylor wasn't really dead with all of those "when my daughter went missing" slip-ups.

From what we've seen of Claire, though, I have a hard time imagining her getting up on the roof and pushing Nolan herself. She seems like the kind of person who knows how to keep her own hands clean. But I could totally see her hiring someone to do it.

  • Love 1


S1.E10: Enter the Professor


In the aftermath of a shocking event, Ali, Mona and the Perfectionists try to pick up the pieces of their lives. However, new information is uncovered which makes them question everything they think they know.



Who hacked Beacon Guard?

Dylan's bully is back

BHU's secret society

Original air date: 5/22/19

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo

I think Taylor killed Nolan and Claire knows about it. She also knows Taylor didn't commit suicide, kinda did go nuts, lived in an rv for a year to hide from "imaginary enemies of her" and she kept her safe without Taylor knowing. That's why Claire lets Dana do anything to frame our trio. So she can keep her daughter out of prison. 

  • Love 8
56 minutes ago, Elinor Carlisle said:

I think Taylor killed Nolan and Claire knows about it. She also knows Taylor didn't commit suicide, kinda did go nuts, lived in an rv for a year to hide from "imaginary enemies of her" and she kept her safe without Taylor knowing. That's why Claire lets Dana do anything to frame our trio. So she can keep her daughter out of prison. 

So glad I'm not alone! This just seems like the most logical answer to me. I think that she killed the father as well. Her story about that incident just doesn't make any sense. Why was she with him in the alley in the first place? And after he was shot, she just sat there and watched him bleed out, without calling anyone or attempting to get help?

Like you said, I think that Claire knows about everything that Taylor's done and is still doing. I just don't think Taylor knows that Claire knows.

  • Love 4

Well, I guess that end scene means 'The Professor' really does work at BHU.  So where are Gilligan and the Skipper, Ginger and Mary Ann, Mr. and Mrs. Howell.  :)
Is it the professor that Alison talked to ?  Is the Professor the new 'A' ?  Certainly acts like an 'A'.

Funny, when you see that map of all the BeaconGuard cameras, you don't see any camera down by the river. In fact there isn't any river on that map.  So where was that camera located ?
Up in one of the trees -- just in case someone was murdered on the dock.

So, what happens when Jeremy starts talking ?  I doubt he is going to take the wrap on Nolan's death (I still think that was a Nolan clone that died, part of phase 1 of the Experiment).

Taylor conveniently disappeared for the entire season finale, but her RV blowed up real good.  Actually, it was a kind of a wimpy controlled explosion.

I figured one of the 2 empty chairs at the Crimson Society meeting was for the Pigman.

At least Mona has her job back and doesn't have to leave, but no more schtupping Mason.

Creepy doll sighting in Mona's house when she was packing.  And no pies sighted at all.

If you drank a shot every time the word 'family' was uttered, you'd be passed out on the floor by the end of the episode.  We get it already, it's all about family, blah, blah, blah.

Everyone in this town needs to get better locks on their doors.


Okay, this was enough for me. This show's "so bad, it's horrible" quotient is now way higher than its "so bad, it's good" quotient. Alison and Mona have learned absolutely nothing. They immediately decided to lie about Jeremy and lo and behold, this lie got them in trouble! Who could possibly have seen this coming?

But Claire was even dumber than them - "You say Jeremy killed Nolan? Must be true, I don't need any proof. Dylan, your cheating ass is welcome to stay at BHU." What's the point of watching if nothing has any consequences?

Caitlin didn't leave BHU? Colour me stunned.

Dylan's bully plot was the least surprising plot in the history of the universe.

Edited by Jack Shaftoe
  • Love 1

My favorite episode of the season. I've seen a lot of negativity regarding the fact that we "didn't even find out who killed Nolan," but honestly...this is a PLL show. Why was anyone expecting legit answers after ten episodes? I've wanted the "Big Brother" nature of Beacon Guard to take center stage since the beginning, so needless to say I'm loving this new experiment twist.

I assume the other two chairs were for Ray and Taylor - seven chairs for the seven people on the list. Still not sure how Ray is going to be relevant in all of this, but I'm still holding firm to my theory that Taylor is behind all of this, or at least involved. And I don't think we can rule anyone out based on that ending scene alone. I imagine that Zach just referred to that person as "professor" because that was the name they gave when they ordered the drink, or something like that.

I laughed out loud at the idea of Alison joining the psychology program to combat the Professor. She's going to take Intro to Psychology and get this all figured out. (Also, you can't just "switch" graduate programs like you can undergrad majors. Ugh.)

Whoa at Claire and Mason. I've noticed the sexual tension between them all along, so I wasn't necessarily surprised, but...still. Kelly Rutherford just plays Claire so perfectly. That moment when she rose up from her desk in those tall heels and towered over tiny Mona was chilling. I hope we see more of her, assuming we end up with a second season.

Alison was 900 times more enjoyable without her Taylor obsession dragging down her entire character. And I love how during her whole internal crisis over whether or not she should leave Beacon Heights and return to Rosewood with Mona, the one factor that she never seemed to actually consider was her children. Mother of the year!

  • Love 3

Mona: Last I checked, conspiracy to cover up a felony lands you up to five years in prison.
Ava: You check stuff like that?
Mona: I get bored in long lines.

Alison: Action is character.
Dylan: Is that Oprah?
Ava: No, Maya Angelou said it first.
Caitlin: You're both wrong. It was F. Scott Fitzgerald.

Ava: You've taken plenty for you and mom to live a comfortable life on the run.
Ava's dad: Ava, we're not on the run. We changed our names. We live in a small town. It's charming.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo

So this show has stopped trying to make any sense whatsoever?

Alison is "changing her major" to psychology despite the fact that she's supposed to be in a master's program. You have to apply to a specific department in order to be accepted into a master's program. It's not like undergrad where you can just change majors. If you change your mind about whatever master's program you're in. you can drop out but you can't just change to another program/department.

Everyone thinks that they've "worked so hard," despite the fact that none of them actually worked hard at anything. Dylan said he "worked so hard" to stay at BHU but he didn't actually do anything that I would consider work after he got caught cheating. All he did was try to talk to Claire once. Alison said that moving to BHU was supposed to be chance to prove she could change, which didn't make any sense at the beginning of the season and still makes no sense now. How was moving across the country from her wife and children proving that she had changed? Ava said she "worked so hard" to reinvent herself at BHU but what exactly did she do to show anyone that she wasn't like her dad? What has she done differently in the one year since her dad went on the run?

And while we're on the subject of Ava, she just now figured out that her dad was a liar? Seriously, girl. I guess all this time she thought he was "only" a thief who managed not to lie while stealing from his clients and going into hiding. This coming from a guy who repudiates her statement of him being "on the run" with "We're not on the run! We just changed our names and moved to a small town!"

The writing was particularly terrible in this episode. Apparently they just put a bunch of cliches in a hat and pulled them out one at a time to come up with this script.

  • Love 1

Oh yeah, I totally think that Taylor is sketchy. She does not seem mentally all there, and even if she didnt kill her brother, I think she is going to have a serious body count by the end of this show. 

The former bully of Dylan had the most obvious story in the world, and still manages to be a creep even after reforming from bullying. Who says stuff like "I am gonna keep following you around until you forgive me!" and isnt creepy as fuck? 

I truly have no idea what is going on, or why anyone is doing anything at this point. I did crack up at everyone giving their sad secret confessions to the screens, while Mona is just about to cut a bitch. 

  • LOL 1
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30 minutes ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

So this show has stopped trying to make any sense whatsoever?

What do you mean, stopped? It never started in the first place.

38 minutes ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

How was moving across the country from her wife and children proving that she had changed?

She has changed, she is not making the same mistakes she made in PLL... oh wait.

  • LOL 1
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1 hour ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Alison is "changing her major" to psychology despite the fact that she's supposed to be in a master's program. You have to apply to a specific department in order to be accepted into a master's program. It's not like undergrad where you can just change majors. If you change your mind about whatever master's program you're in. you can drop out but you can't just change to another program/department.

Thank you!! God that bugged. To be fair, the psychology dean (?) seemed to be in on the whole thing with the Professor, so I guess that can explain how she was able to just switch Ali right into another program. If Claire's in on this experiment as well, she'd probably be able to make that happen (considering it seems like she single-handedly makes every decision at this school). But Ali blatantly referring to it as her "major," oh I cringed.


Alison said that moving to BHU was supposed to be chance to prove she could change, which didn't make any sense at the beginning of the season and still makes no sense now. How was moving across the country from her wife and children proving that she had changed?

Ali's reasoning for moving to BHU seems to switch around constantly. First she claimed it was to prove she could be a better wife and mother (which never made sense), then she admitted that she was just lying to herself, and her real motivation was to get away from Emily so she wouldn't have to be near her knowing that their marriage failed, and now suddenly she's back on the idea that she's trying to become a better person. It's weird.

Edited by marinaalexis
  • Love 1

I was so happy that Mona didn't have some sappy fear and was still badass.

The finale was a mess and was like they had someone come in and write it without having them see the first 9 episodes. I know that the Bros Watch PLL guys were thinking this was some sort of game, but it would have been better if there was some kind of hint that this was an experiment at some point.

I just started watching episodes on Hulu and haven't read through this show thread yet, but it was bugging me at first who Nolan reminds me of, and it just came to me - I think he's a cross between Kevin Zegers (I guess in particular, when he played Damian Dalgaard on Gossip Girl) and a young Mark Deklin.  Does anyone who's familiar with these actors see it, too?

My thoughts

- Taylor totally killed her dad. She may believe the story she told like, it was so traumatic for her she blocked it out and this is what others told her happened or maybe she's just flat out lying. 

- wanted pretty much all of Mona's wardrobe. 

- why didn't Dylan just submit the piece he wrote his boyfriend for his anniversary??

-  Ava's dad was way too chill after she took "his" money. I know she's his daughter but a guy like that, he wouldn't just be like, I'm sorry you're following in my footsteps. Love you, bye. 

-  I might actually torture myself and rewatch the episodes now that I know what it's all leading up to. Will there be clues? (Probably not lol)

- that's all I got for now. 

On 5/9/2019 at 11:53 PM, Callaphera said:

All I took from this episode was *yawn* and I don't think the writers know what a TA is but they knew they couldn't just outright make Ali teach the class but they also didn't bother to come up with a name for the person who supposedly teaches Agatha Christie 101 so no one ever talks about it.

I’ve been binge half-watching the show, on Episode 9. Since I’ve been half watching so I don’t know what is actually going on.

I always assume in the PLL, nothing actually mirrors reality.

I have my doctorate and along my journey I was a TA for some classes and taught some lower level classes. 

TAs are not generally hired from 3,000 miles away. What school would pay for relocation for a TA position? If this is such an elite school, they would have Master’s or doctoral students would take that role. If they are of the level of Georgetown (as they suggest), then it wouldn’t be Master’s students at all but would be doctoral students. Perhaps Allison is now a doctoral student or a Master’s student, but nothing is clear.

But I’m tired, had too much wine, and am trying to employ logic.

Don’t get be started on Mona getting involved with an undergraduate (which would likely be a fireable offense, not to mention the age difference) and all the students calling Allison by her first name.

10 minutes ago, marinaalexis said:

Don't think this is necessarily going to come as a huge surprise to anyone, but...


This show was a mess so it’s not a surprise. On the other hand, PLL was a mess too so it’s not like ridiculous plots are a new thing for Freeform. 

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38 minutes ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

This show was a mess so it’s not a surprise. On the other hand, PLL was a mess too so it’s not like ridiculous plots are a new thing for Freeform. 

It definitely wasn't anything groundbreaking, but it did have a lot of potential, in my opinion, and I think the finale really left the door open for a great second season. It's really a shame that the network wasn't willing to give it a second chance, but seems more than happy to renew other shows for third, fourth seasons that have similar ratings. With the lack of promotion and international availability, Freeform really didn't give this show much of a chance from the start.

Perhaps an unpopular opinion (and one I would never dare express on any social media), but my one silver lining is that at least the PLL universe ended with Emison officially broken up and not even anywhere near reuniting. I'm sure the shippers are taking that just remarkably well. 😉

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