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Life Below Zero - General Discussion

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I read a little about Glenn on TWOP but I don't remember the details. Do we know that he isn't supporting them financially? Maybe he is - maybe he has independent income, or makes sufficient income despite spending part of his time in AK. Maybe, like Erik, he makes income off-camera in AK and he's exaggerating how much time he spends in that remote area not working. Maybe he owns land in AK that generates income, such as mineral rights.


After all, there are other people who are away from home and children for extended periods.


Do we know his children are minors? It would indeed seem selfish if he's leaving a mother/partner to take care of minor kids on her own.

Edited by pasdetrois
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Do we know that he isn't supporting them financially? Maybe he is - maybe he has independent income, or makes sufficient income despite spending part of his time in AK. Maybe, like Erik, he makes income off-camera in AK and he's exaggerating how much time he spends in that remote area not working. Maybe he owns land in AK that generates income, such as mineral rights.


After all, there are other people who are away from home and children for extended periods.


Do we know his children are minors? It would indeed seem selfish if he's leaving a mother/partner to take care of minor kids on her own.

All true. Much as I love me some snark I draw the line at suggestions of dead beat dadism unless/until we know the truth about it. He may well rent out a house while he's in the woods, he may be a trust fund baby. Or yes, he may be a deadbeat but if he is he's a damn stupid one as he's being broadcast weekly several months a year. At the very least, his salary from the show would be attached, I'd think.

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His children are indeed minors. A friend has seen pics on Facebook. The older one may be a first grader or so. I hope he's not a deadbeat dad, because I like him. But I'm sure his kids miss him. And no way in hell could I live like that. He's a tough guy.

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His children are indeed minors. A friend has seen pics on Facebook. The older one may be a first grader or so. I hope he's not a deadbeat dad, because I like him. But I'm sure his kids miss him. And no way in hell could I live like that. He's a tough guy.


I didn't know he had a son. He has talked about his daughter on the show. That his ex and child use to live out there in Chandalar with him until his ex grew tired of the lifestyle. His child/children are the reason he treks the 65 miles each way to town once Spring/Fall comes. Considering the way he lives, I would guess that his annual stipend for being an Alaskan resident goes to help support his kids. Other than that, I haven't given it any thought really. What goes on off camera isn't usually something I think about.

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It will be interesting to see how long he remains out there with just dogs for companionship. I don't doubt that Andy is capable of living on his own in a subsistence situation but I've always heard that having one person helping with physical labor (and just general chores even) doesn't cut work time in half but by 3/4...as in 'hold this for me while I hammer' 'could you feed the dogs while I skin that bear' and so on. His work load just went way the hell up.


I wish him luck, Kate, too.

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So if a quick plane delivery of some basic hardware parts is $1,000--not unreasonable, considering, I wonder what Sue has to charge her guests to be able to have that kind of cushion when needed for emergencies. Especially when you consider that her season is limited and hardly year-round.

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Kavik is open year-round to the public, runway dry and clear May thru September.. Susan lives here year round, but it is best  in the winter months to have prior notification.


Kavik Rates are:

$350.00 per person per night including all food/showers/laundry (I point the machine out to you, I do not personally wash anyones tighty whities)


The  weekly rate is $4500.00 per person for a Monday to Monday stay including airfare to and from Fairbanks. Availibility is limited so please call.  Weight is limited to 100lb per person in gear. 4 people per plane unless prior arrangements have been agreed during hunting season.


Showers, laundry, incinerator are all 25.00 per usage


Want the Camp all to yourself? This too can be done with prior arrangements and yes.. may cost you your firstborn.



From the Kavik River Camp website : http://www.kavikrivercamp.com/index.html

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I have been binge watching this show today and came right over.  Thanks for the info on Kate.  She added warmth to his part of the show.  I see Eric is back and with a wife.  His house is wonderful.  I just love the Hailstones.

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$25 per shower? That could result in some smelly companions. As for the $1,000 fee for a generator part to be flown in, I was surprised Sue didn't take advantage of it and at least have a carton of Marlboro Reds included in the run. I do remember reading somewhere (or Sue saying on the show) that she had to charge guests something like $12 for a glass of milk, simply due to the cost of flying in all the supplies.


I'll miss Kate, but not as much as Andy will. She did a big share of the work but didn't seem to get much credit (from Andy). I hope she's happy in Fairbanks.


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Erica and Martha Mae are awesome.

He is so proud of her, adorable on every level.


Agnes is stellar.

Chip is smart enough to let her and his daughters shine on the show.


Andy, this is how you treat someone you love, instead of losing your temper and putting Kate down every chance you had on camera.

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Andy has lived his lifestyle for 25+ years and only 10 of that was with Kate so I'm sure he'll do just fine on his own. I will miss Kate, like others I enjoyed watching her. She was a nice airy, if not hippy, touch.


edited: forgot this was the Andy and Kate thread, not the general thread.

Edited by KarmaG
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I would love to see more of Erik and his semi new (we saw her briefly last season) wife. They are a great team. Too bad they usually split the season between Glenn and Erik.

Andy has lived his lifestyle for 25+ years and only 10 of that was with Kate so I'm sure he'll do just fine on his own. I will miss Kate, like others I enjoyed watching her. She was a nice airy, if not hippy, touch.

Was great to see Agnes and Chip's daughters learning/teaching the younger girls to sew. I am so happy to watch one generation teach the next. Too many things have been lost from our past because this didn't happen in many families/cultures.

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Andy has lived his lifestyle for 25+ years and only 10 of that was with Kate so I'm sure he'll do just fine on his own. I will miss Kate, like others I enjoyed watching her. She was a nice airy, if not hippy, touch.


edited: forgot this was the Andy and Kate thread, not the general thread.


I think he'll do OK, but it will be a lot harder on him now that he is older.  The older you are, the more difficult it becomes to recover from injuries and breakups of long term relationships, generally speaking.

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I think he'll do OK, but it will be a lot harder on him now that he is older.  The older you are, the more difficult it becomes to recover from injuries and breakups of long term relationships, generally speaking.


Oh I totally agree. Given the isolation involved in their camp location, I would guess that Andy will spend forever alone. Hopefully, he ends up happy. The recovery time for injuries I totally get too. I didn't work for a few years and now that I am again, my body is having a heck of a time readjusting. I haven't lost the feeling of being sore in over a month (since starting the latest phase of my job) and I've been doing the same work activities for that length of time.

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Yeah, aging is a bitch, but dying young doesn't appeal to me, either!   Solitude is a wonderful thing, but can be a double edged sword if you get hurt (or, horrors, die when there's nobody to look after your critters - MY biggest fear).    :-)


Kate and Andy have both made several comments about how hard this lifestyle is when one gets older.  But it can be done - there are a few older couples on other similar shows, like Railway Alaska and Mountain Men (Tom & Nancy are my favorites).

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Given the isolation involved in their camp location, I would guess that Andy will spend forever alone. Hopefully, he ends up happy.

Yes, very possibly but the local town is close enough that he can get in and home with a dog sled in a few hours so he does have human contact should he want it. Clearly he likes being isolated but he may well have options close by.

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Andy must miss Kate more than we thought.  In last night's episode Andy kept saying (at least twice) how dangerous it is to run a 12 dog sled team, yet the team he was running only had 10 dogs. 

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Andy seemed lonely and depressed to me, even though he was trying to hide it.


I'm sure he was. I know I would be if my partner of 10+yrs was no longer around yet everything we built together was.

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Ever since season 1, everyone was speculating (at TWOP and here) how happy Kate really was and Andy's treatment of her.  And his dog team seems to be getting smaller and smaller.  I suspect Kate was the one who took care of the dogs. 


Eric's house did look very big.  Especially for one (or two) people.

Edited by nottopbravo
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I've thought Andy was an asshole since he blamed Kate for knocking down the greenhouse they where building. She had nothing to do with the chalk line pulling. Throwing shit he put all the blame on her.I thought rite then How the hell does she put up with that kinda shit???

But I didn't realize till this season he is nearly a midget. And I know from experience the Napoleon complex is VERY Real!!!!!

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Maybe the hunters he guides stay there and so would require extra space?



If you look at the semi aerial view of their place that they showed this last episode there are what looks like cabins a short distance from the house. Also they have another location he guides from, they run two places now according to what he's said this and last season.

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I know I'm in the minority when it comes to Chip, but I really like him and his family. They always seem so upbeat, and seem so happy working with one another. And he seems to take genuine pride in Agnes and their daughters. I loved the scenes of him and his daughter going out to secure the furthest cache.

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I'm lukewarm on Chip. Sometimes I think he's an ass. But Agnes and the kids rock. I love them. The daughter that went with Chip (Ting?) to set the supplies out sounds so much like Agnes.

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I know I'm in the minority when it comes to Chip, but I really like him and his family. They always seem so upbeat, and seem so happy working with one another. And he seems to take genuine pride in Agnes and their daughters. I loved the scenes of him and his daughter going out to secure the furthest cache.


I'm with you in that minority. Minus his dental issues, I love when the Hailstones are on my screen. I love that they are teaching their kids their heritage and culture. I love that HE has as much pride in his wife's culture as he does.

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I wonder why they alternate between Erik and Glen - both appear to be there in the wintertime.


Once again I'm admiring the camera work - they spend a lot of time in difficult conditions setting up intricate shots.


If I were Sue, I'd get bored with the endless, extremely difficult chores in the blizzard conditions.

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I wonder why they alternate between Erik and Glen - both appear to be there in the wintertime.


Once again I'm admiring the camera work - they spend a lot of time in difficult conditions setting up intricate shots.


If I were Sue, I'd get bored with the endless, extremely difficult chores in the blizzard conditions.


I wondered the same about Erik and Glenn and then realized, we see all parties minus Erik in late fall getting ready for winter. That's when Erik is guiding hunters. That's why they split it up. I'd rather watch a blank screen than Glenn but that's just me :P

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I've watched a few epis of Sons of Winter. Somehow, it's not as engaging as LBZ to me. Seems like the older sons, bless their hearts, are always getting lost or hurt. I do love the panoramic vistas of snow-covered Alaska!

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He and Martha Mae set a line of traps and got nothing.

Didn't they trap a lynx? Or am I confusing my Alaska wilderness shows?


It's one thing to instantly kill an animal; it's another to leave it suffering in a trap for two to three days. That's unspeakable suffering, and in the case of the lynx, all for a pretty pelt, not food.

Edited by pasdetrois
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For or all this talk of predators, apparently there's never been one around during the hours and hours of video recording.


I'd be curious how much time all these folks have for leisure. I mean, don't they ever sit by a toasty fire and read books? Basketball is popular in many of the native village schools (yes I know the producers would have to get releases from all those people). We've seen Sue use the Internet to stay in touch with her kids. I'd love to see Agnes and her kids at a village celebration. Give us an episode with nothing but fun.


All of Andy's dogs are magnificent, but there's one tawny one that is so beautiful. And I love the one that insists on a head rub with each feeding.

Edited by pasdetrois
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For or all this talk of predators, apparently there's never been one around during the hours and hours of video recording.


Actually 2 seasons ago we watched Sue hunt a predator. Can't remember what it was now, am on my lunch break.

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Sue recounts her attack by a bear leaving her badly wounded and alone.

She managed to get herself to safety, was found days later and survived to see another day.

That is why she is so vigilent and proactive to look for signs of being stalked by a predator.

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