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S25.E07: Pride Before The Wall

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Johnny's constant comments about Jordan's disability irritated the ever-loving fuck out of me. I get that Jordan was cocky and full of bravado and a bunch of folks weren't fond of him in the house, but making jokes about someone's missing appendages is just gross. I also suspect that a lot of people didn't like Jordan simply because Johnny didn't like him. Johnny's a vet with a reputation for being a strong competitor, while Jordan isn't. So, of course they'll back the stronger guy by virtue of his value to their own games. 


I also had a bit of an issue with the choice of elimination, considering Jordan's missing four fingers and can't make a fist to bust through that sheetrock wall. But I suppose he brought it on himself. Even still, maybe the producers should have considered that when planning the season? 

I loved this challenge, the funniest one I've ever seen, I think (well, excluding Johnny Backpack). I'm really impressed/proud of Cara coming in 2nd. Didn't think she had it in here. She's really doing well this time around. I hope it continues and she makes it to the finals.

Leroy was amusing on the aftershow & I can see why everyone likes him. Not sad to see the end of Jordan.

I'm hoping somebody puts Johnny in his place. CT couldn't do it either time (winning last season and the "Bananas Backpack")


I'm no Jordan fan and I wasn't spoiled so I was hoping beyond hope Jordan was going to win elimination round. Although, even then, I'm not sure that would've put Johnny in his place. I may have to check out the spoilers thread to see if I want to watch all the way to the end. If Johnny wins, I don't think I do. 


Looks like Johnny will be forever trying to get out of that backpack. Leroy said it, he does these shows for a living so of course he's good at it. Nanners was probably very threatened by another big personality, because personality gets you invited back for another chance and eventually anybody can succeed. I bet we'll all end up tiring of Jordan as much as Johnny. They should just kiss. Oh, wait, that's what Rivals is for.

Edited by Liqidclark

I know I am in the minority but I just have to say that I think Bananas is pretty cool, especially compared to Jordan. I couldn't even watch the screen every time Jordan came because the high amounts of smug that kept oozing out of his mouth was too unbearable for me. I'm glad he lost and I laughed like a little asshole too but I think it's a good thing that Jordan lost. None of the other competitors and viewers on Twitter will ever let him forget this moment (which may even go down in history as the dumbest thing ever done on a challenge), and that might keep him grounded if he ever comes back...or at least I hope it does.. In Jordan's defense the digs that Bananas' kept making at Jordan's hand was not cool, and petty as hell but Jordan doesn't seem like he gives a shit and I admire that.


I'm sad to see Jonna go. I actually loved her relative saneness compared to a lot of the other girls, and I was pegging her to at least go farther but it wasn't happening. I'm hoping a lot of these girls who left go home and do some strength training of some sort before coming back. It's kinda boring seeing Laurel and Cara Maria ahead of the rest of the girls in terms of challenges. Where's Emily, Evelyn, Aviv, and Chandra when you need them? Speaking of Laurel, girl needs some health. Someone that young and healthy should not be looking like a corpse during every talking head. I hope it's because she's not wearing makeup because if she is...God help her.


I lol'd at Zach slight freak out over being bound up. Maybe he had a BDSM session with Frank that went awry? I can only hope. 


I also had a bit of an issue with the choice of elimination, considering Jordan's missing four fingers and can't make a fist to bust through that sheetrock wall. But I suppose he brought it on himself. Even still, maybe the producers should have considered that when planning the season?


I don't think it was that much of a disadvantage. He could have used his elbows.

I also had a bit of an issue with the choice of elimination, considering Jordan's missing four fingers and can't make a fist to bust through that sheetrock wall. But I suppose he brought it on himself. Even still, maybe the producers should have considered that when planning the season?


I don't think it was that much of a disadvantage. He could have used his elbows.


I mean, sure, he could have. But at that angle, I think there's likely more force in a fist than in an elbow. I think Jordan was also disadvantaged because he had to climb a wall with essentially one working hand, but I suppose it's par for the course. It's the nature of the game and the producers certainly weren't going to accommodate his disability, but I did agree with Sarah (on the After Show) that it's likely the cause of his bravado and puffery. Because he's missing four fingers, he feels like he has something to prove. 


In related news, I found it telling that Johnny made sure to rub it in Laurel's face that Jordan's a loser, that he didn't really like her, etc., and seemingly simply because Johnny was pissed that Laurel didn't fall into line and roll out the red carpet for Johnny to walk to the finals. One thing that's always bothered me about Johnny (and the other veterans who think they're above eliminations) is that he takes it so damn personally. For someone who has made this game his career, he should recognize that it's just that: a game. Surprisingly, it's not a mortal sin for other competitors to diverge from what Johnny wants. 

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Ugh - I'm just annoyed that Jordan actually made me take Johnny's side. And I HATE Johnny. 

By the way, what is up with Johnny wearing those bandanas to the point of looking like he has an 8 inch forehead? And then with the 90s "curtain hair" on top? It's really bizarre looking.


Speaking of CT, he's been kind of on the back burner this season. Does he have a girlfriend back home or something? Usually he's involved with a girl on these things. 

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Johnny's constant comments about Jordan's disability irritated the ever-loving fuck out of me. I get that Jordan was cocky and full of bravado and a bunch of folks weren't fond of him in the house, but making jokes about someone's missing appendages is just gross. I also suspect that a lot of people didn't like Jordan simply because Johnny didn't like him. Johnny's a vet with a reputation for being a strong competitor, while Jordan isn't. So, of course they'll back the stronger guy by virtue of his value to their own games. 


I also had a bit of an issue with the choice of elimination, considering Jordan's missing four fingers and can't make a fist to bust through that sheetrock wall. But I suppose he brought it on himself. Even still, maybe the producers should have considered that when planning the season? 


The rotate the eliminations. You think it would have been easier for him to pull Bananas' body weight on a rope with 1 hand?

I think that's one of the reasons I've always preferred CT to Johnny. If I remember right, (and it is entirely possible I am not remembering correctly), CT has not had the same entitlement mentality that Johnny does. 


CT poured drinks on people, sucker punched & attacked weaker players. Do you remember the elimination that Brad beat him at? CT went nuts.

I don't have a problem with Bananas being cocky at this point. He's won 4 finals & came in 2nd last season. He's earned the right. His cockiness doesn't come close to Jordan's who hasn't proved anything to be cocky about. How can you suck at every challenge round & talk like you've won? Jordan is either very dumb or ensuring his spot on the next Rivals with Bananas or CT & the next Battle of the Exes with Laurel. I think Bananas was right when he said he picked Laurel for her strength. He knew getting her on his side might keep him safe as she would win most & she's not scared to piss others off so she would nominate whomever he wanted. Bananas has been around long enough to know how the house works & I wouldn't doubt that he was right about Jordan.  BTW, all the people thinking Bananas acts this way out of the game must not hear what other players have said about him in interviews. They say he's a very loyal good friend out of the house. That you can call on him for anything & he's there for you. The show is a show, he's made his money on it & like him or not he's kept it interesting all these years. People love him or love to hate him. I never cared for him up until Battle of the Exes where he showed me he can back up his talk.

The rotate the eliminations. You think it would have been easier for him to pull Bananas' body weight on a rope with 1 hand?


I'm aware that eliminations are in a rotation. And I don't know if it would have been easier for Jordan to pull Johnny's bodyweight with the aid of a rope (although Jordan was quick enough to best Leroy, so I imagine it would be possible for him to do the same verse Johnny). But my point is that Jordan was disadvantaged in this particular elimination and, I'd argue, throughout the season (which I admit is simply the nature of the game). I wouldn't expect the producers to accommodate his disability, and perhaps Jordan shouldn't have talked such a big game, but the kid started most of the competitions behind the 8 ball. If you're being asked to grip something with two hands and you're missing four fingers, things are going to be a little (or a lot) more difficult. 


I just want Johnny to suffer a little. If Jordan had another game to play, I'm certain he would've beaten Johnny. As much as I hate to use a nom de famewhore, I want somebody to squash the Banana. Is that so wrong?


The elimination round between Johnny and Jordan does rank among the worst in the show's history . . . which, in my head, are Jodi/Veronica in Inferno II (where Jodi lost, the Bad Asses crapped on her, and Klepronica leaped into Rachel's brawny arms) and Abram/Timmy in Inferno III (where Timmy initially won, got DQ'ed, then announced his retirement due to his injuries). Seeing Johnny flex his muscles and suck his own dick was nauseating to watch.

Edited by Lantern7
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It's one thing for Bananas (as I guess we must call him because of the nonentity the show now calls Johnny) to be cocky. It's another thing for him to be crudely obnoxious to everyone who isn't in his grotty little cabal. Maybe he is only this way on the show, but this is all we have to judge him by, and he sucks.

Edited by Shadow Wave
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Thank you, Shadow Wave. It's like he suffers from a disease where he's unable to see his own reflection. He talks an epic amount of shit, and he doesn't realize what a dick he is. Worse, everybody around him seems to enable him . . . from his friends to the people that cast him each time. That's why I wanted Jordan to beat him . . . so he can get thrown off the bus and become the non-entity he was destined to be.

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I'm aware that eliminations are in a rotation. And I don't know if it would have been easier for Jordan to pull Johnny's bodyweight with the aid of a rope (although Jordan was quick enough to best Leroy, so I imagine it would be possible for him to do the same verse Johnny). But my point is that Jordan was disadvantaged in this particular elimination and, I'd argue, throughout the season (which I admit is simply the nature of the game). I wouldn't expect the producers to accommodate his disability, and perhaps Jordan shouldn't have talked such a big game, but the kid started most of the competitions behind the 8 ball. If you're being asked to grip something with two hands and you're missing four fingers, things are going to be a little (or a lot) more difficult. 


No one would argue that it's more difficult for him but the show can't accommodate him because of it. We've watched him do rope swings & other things that are hard for people with 2 full hands. He himself has said that there isn't anything he can't do so I can't blame the show for the elimination task he received. If they tried to accommodate him that would be special treatment. What would be next, no swimming challenges for Leroy because he said he can't swim?

The challenge was hilarious. Looked tough as hell. I love that Devyn named her wig lmao.

I don't like Jordan or Johnny, but I dug Jordan's bravado flipping all 3 cards. The actual elimination could've been interesting if they didn't give it away by showing Jordan on the Aftershow clip.


Bananas deserves credit for not going off when he won. Yes he repeated what Cohutta said but he then shook & hugged Jordan. If the roles were reversed, I bet Jordan would have been screaming & showboating. Bananas showed Jordan some respect. Maybe with time Jordan will mature & take a good look at himself & grow from this.

Edited by Stinger97

I'm still impressed by how unbothered Jordan is by references to his hand. Johnanas is a piece of shit for those comments. Would he have made comments to Diem about her cancer treatments if she'd challenged his ego? Probably; this is an asshole we're talking about. And if it's got to be Jordan vs. Johnny, then there is just so much more reason to dislike Johnny at this point. He's an over-seasoned professional douchebag, but Jordan's just started selling his dignity.

Edited by Liqidclark

I'm still impressed by how unbothered Jordan is by references to his hand. Johnanas is a piece of shit for those comments. Would he have made comments to Diem about her cancer treatments if she'd challenged his ego? Probably; this is an asshole we're talking about. And if it's got to be Jordan vs. Johnny, then there is just so much more reason to dislike Johnny at this point. He's an over-seasoned professional douchebag, but Jordan's just started selling his dignity.


I doubt that considering he was the one who helped her with her hormone injections when she was getting treatment for her latest cancer battle.

I think Jordan isn't that bad. You just have to put him against a huge piece of crap, like Nia in his RW tour of duty. Also, Johnny was flexing his muscles after his win, and he would've fellated himself if he could.


That is hilarious! (and probably true) Thanks for the laugh!!  

Everything The Banana said about Jordan is also true  about himself, funny that he doesn't see that. 

No comments on the dramatic shot of Laurel in the hallway looking heartsick and lost while picking at a flower? That scene cracks me up every time they play it.


That was beyond ridiculous and I laughed heartily when I saw it.  She kind of came across like she was planning how to murder them all, so it was also really creepy.

Edited by luckyroll3
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