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Yeah, lots of characters and relationships too are missed. In no particular order, some of my favorites: Gabrielle. Viki. Megan. The Buchanans as a whole (Kevin and Joey, not so much). Viki and Clint (Ritchie version). Bo and Nora. Tina and Chord and Max and Gabrielle. Dorian. RJ. Natalie. Todd. Blair. Todd and Blair. Dorian and Viki. Alex. Jessica 1.0 (2.0 wasn't that bad, from what I have seen, but I prefer Erin's version).

Edited by AndySmith
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Wow. That is depressing.



I mean, SOME of her friends are still alive--Cassie, Sheila Price, Nora--but the majority of her best (female) friends are dead (Luna I don't mind being dead, I hated her--that was a mercy killing, IMO).


The Holden family--Max, Gabrielle and Al--were easily my favorites. I also loved the Buchanans and the Cramer women, but after the Holdens were written off/killed off in 2003-2004, I truly believe the show lost something it never fully got back. There were some good things in the years afterwards, but I really believe Al's death, Max's departure, and finally Gabrielle's death signaled the end of an era. A part of OLTL was gone that never really came back. YMMV, of course, I don't expect everyone to agree with me on that. And it's not even just that I'm a hardcore fan of those three--I am, of course, but I just feel like some intangible thing was lost once they were gone, I don't know.


Anyway, on a happier note--Max & Gabrielle's first scenes together! YAY! Fiona looks so great here; I LOVE that dress. I just wish I could find the flashback scenes where they met the first time; I've never seen them! 



Go to 4:30, where Gabrielle first sees him with Tina. And, shallow note--Max's ass is perfect here, and that mullet is EVERYTHING. I think JDP is one of the only guys I've ever seen make a mullet look good. He rocked the curly white guy afro look about a year later until he left for the first time in 1990 (in the tradition of the late game show host Bert Convy, who had a similar hairstyle). 

Edited by UYI
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JDP did have a pretty righteous mullet. Ah... the 80s. Of course the crazy shift in style that happened in the 90s... Todd grew his hair out really long and suddenly Max and Cord looked like relics. It was strange. And I could never decide whether or not I found Todd attractive. Like those first three meetings between him and Blair? It goes something like this:


Meeting One: The infamous Rodi's scene with 'Unforgettable' -- I find him distractingly bizarre looking. I cannot, for the life of me, describe him as remotely good looking. He looks weird to me.

Meeting Two: Drunkenly propositioning Blair -- It's better. I don't know why. He's still not anything I'd write home about but I can buy that people would be interested.

Meeting Three: The Park Bench -- holy crap, what happened? He's ridiculously, scintillatingly hot in these scenes. Same with the ones right after where Blair goes to visit in him jail.


He's like a chameleon.


Who do I miss? Todd and Blair, naturally. Viki and Dorian. Bo and Nora. RJ and Hank and Gabrielle and Max and Cord and Tina. It still ticks me off that Cord, Tina, Todd and Blair didn't interact more together because they SHOULD have.


I don't miss the Rappahorde or the Fords. I don't miss Tea or Dani(sorry guys... I really don't) I don't miss Marty.


Basically, I miss the characters I loved and I don't miss the characters I didn't like.

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Okay, characters and relationships I miss. This list is not comprehensive and is in no particular order. Viki and Dorian. Bo and Nora. Natalie. Blair. Todd. Dani and Tea. Jeffrey. Eddie Alderson's Matthew (Rob Gorrie did a fine job, but I just loved Original!Matthew). Sam and his glasses. David. Kyle, Fish, Cristian, Layla, as two couples and a group of friends. RJ. Rachel. Schuyler. Kevin. Heather Tom's Kelly. Nathan Fillion's Joey. Clint. Jared. Cutter and Kim. Cord and Tina. Gabrielle. Max. Talia. The version of Antonio who was with Talia. Mitch Laurence and his evil sexy voice. Carlo Hesser and his evil sexy voice. Asa. Cramers as a family.. Buchanans as a family. Natalie and Jessica's twinship. Roxy with her kids (excluding Rex, and including Kyle). Brody. Eli before he was Eli-ed. Cassie. Andrew. Theo Price (this one is for entirely shallow reasons).


As for characters I don't miss: I already mentioned the Fords and others mentioned the RappaDavidsons. Add Rex. John McBain. Both Morasco sisters. Cole. Marty. It pains me to say it, but Starr. It will pain UYI for me to say it, but Al. (I didn't hate Al, well, at least not once he was past his Jen obsession, but I don't miss him either.) Any non-Heather Tom Kelly. Any non-Nathan Fillion Joey.

Edited by Melgaypet
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Also, I'm going to be that person and say one person I miss is GT's Kelly, IDGAF.


That's okay---I'll be the one person who misses Tea, which is an even more lonely island to be on ;) And I'm also that one person in the universe who generally enjoyed Rex despite totally understanding why most didn't. 


Granted, I don't miss Tea as much as I do Blair, Dorian and many others, but she really, really grew on me, and I actually ended up loving her dynamic with Blair. 

(Has anyone else been watching KDP on DooL? Instead of filling a void, it makes me miss Blair all the more) Honestly, I miss nearly everyone other than the Prospect Park "quad" (I know many enjoyed them, but I just couldn't!), Starr, (I swear that I usually like younger characters---just not on this show!), Marty, Brody, and especially McBain, aptly nicknamed McDrain by clever people here for his preternatural ability to drain the energy, fun and joy from nearly every scene in which he appeared. 


I miss the obvious friendships, family relationships, frenemyships and romances that nearly everyone else does---Blair/Todd, Dorian/Vicki, etc., but I'll also admit to still missing Natalie/Jared and wishing we had gotten more of them. For some reason they just really worked for me. 


Just reading your posts and typing this one is enough to send me back to YouTube in search of more clips :) 

Edited by amensisterfriend

Blair adopted Sam, but he was still the son of Victor, Todd's twin who had stolen his life, his wife and family. For Todd, who had already tried to sell Jack on the black market when he thought Jack was Max Holden's kid and not his, that would've been more than enough back in the day.


I love me some Todd and Blair; but honestly, after the multiple rounds of bullshit we got involving Todd's displeasure with Blair daring to have children with someone else, I really wanted Blair to introduce him to Sam and then tell him he could go fuck himself if he didn't like Sam's existence. Blair and their kids don't belong to Todd; and he treated them like possessions for way too long. I especially hate it because Blair was always supposed to be A-ok with any child of Todd's.

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I recently went back to watch the clips of the episodes dealing with Asa's funeral. In this one, Nathan Fillion and Robin Strasser prove they still have it, in just a few short scenes (the Joey/Dorian bits start around 3:20)



Going even further back, their first kiss (and it's a helluva kiss!). With Bonus David Vickers!


I watch the old clips and I just watched this one a few weeks ago and realized again why I loved them

OLTL  had great actors; great chemistry. I never would have expected to love them but I did because Robin and Nathan sold me

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Absolutely. The thing is, Gabrielle and Tina were equals. Blair and Tea were not... the various writing teams slanted heavily in favor of Tea no matter what.


Gabrielle and Tina were schemers and no-gooders but they also got caught and paid the price, as was right and proper to continue to root for them.


Tea didn't pay for shit.


Blair paid for things she didn't even do.

Tina and Gabrielle were equals and when they were good very good  and when they schemed Llanview watch out. I love how they rationalized all the dirt they did

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Absolutely. The thing is, Gabrielle and Tina were equals. Blair and Tea were not... the various writing teams slanted heavily in favor of Tea no matter what.


Gabrielle and Tina were schemers and no-gooders but they also got caught and paid the price, as was right and proper to continue to root for them.


Tea didn't pay for shit.


Blair paid for things she didn't even do.

Tina and Gabrielle were equals and when they were good very good  and when they schemed Llanview watch out. I love how they rationalized all the dirt they did

It's a little dead in here, huh? I know I haven't been posting as much, but I still think about OLTL. So, discussion topic: What was a storyline you were looking forward to, that was aborted, either cancellation or actor departure or the writers losing interest, or whatever reason?


Two off the top of my head: I wanted to know what was going on with the Triskelion Tattoo Organization on OLTL 2.0. That was clearly going to be a huge umbrella story that would affect everyone and I was into it. The second was the Sierra Rose custody battle, which looked like it was going to be a much bigger deal than it was - maybe even Kish vs.Gex vs. Klimt with a side of Rachel/Sky - before most of the people involved were fired and/or left.


Oh! I just thought of another one! After Nash's death, I really really going to dig into a Buchanan family story; Natalie vs. Jessica and their respective places in the family and how they each viewed each/themselves and how the rest of the family would end up taking sides, willingly or unwillingly, but it just devolved into Wacky Tesscapades.


I definitely wanted more of Natalie and Kim as nemeses, which was obviously curtailed by Amanda Setton leaving the show in 2010.  The various scenes between them - especially in the episode where Natalie found out Kim and Clint had gotten married - were fucking gold.  And I liked that their rivalry wasn't based around fighting over some guy.  I still insist they could have been the next Viki and Dorian, the parallels were there!


And, of course, because it's that time of year, I wanted a lot more of these.  Happy Hos vs. Mos-versary everyone!


Edited by TeeVee329
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Good times, good times. I so wanted to see years of story out 3/4 of Hos vs. Mos.
Tangentially, there's Klimt. They were cut off by Setton's leaving and then again by the cancellation-fuelled Viki & Clint reunion. I always wanted to see them make a real go of it. (I agree that the Dorian/Viki parallels were there with Kim and Natalie.) I like to think, after Clint's drugging/public breakdown, Kim came back to help her cowboy out.
I wanted more Cutter and Alex working together. I thought it was silly to make Kim the real Aubrey and Cutter's sister, but, sure, throw her into the mix. I did have it in the back of my head that maaaybe Kim was Carlo's daughter and that could be interesting. It works visually (though you'd have to ignore the whole stupid plastic surgery backstory ) and while I doubt it works timeline-wise, there have been more egregious retcons. Of course, I'd want Talia alive for that - can you imagine Kim and Talia as sisters? Ha! But that's more fanfic territory than a dropped storyline, I suppose.
I really wish they'd written Dorian doing more with Buchan-...er, Cramer Enterprises, and Blair (and David!) with Craze.


Yeah, I liked the little bit of Alex and Cutter together we got and, while I didn't love the mechanics of the recton, I also loooved the idea of Kim being Alex's daughter and imagined the priceless expressions of various people learning that.


Another one that seemed to get dropped - Rama and Vimal's open marriage storyline on PP OLTL.  When I read about it, I thought it sounded like a fresh and interesting way to stir up drama with a married couple without one of them cheating on the other.  But then Vimal disappeared and it seemed more like an excuse for Rama to do whatever she wanted.

Edited by TeeVee329

That's from 1979, when Joe was dying from his brain tumor. He hired Clint Buchanan as his replacement at the Banner, and this was the first time he met Viki.


As for my favorite aborted storyline? The aborted Max/Gabrielle/Bo/Nora quad of 2003, of course, along with Al & Marcie's relationship being cut short. Those could have been great. 

Edited by UYI

Oh I know, that's why I posted it. Gotta love how, in true soap opera fashion, Viki and Clint did not get along when they first met lol


And another interesting story (to say the least): Viki goes to heaven! This is the cliffnotes version hosted by Reba McIntire.



My aborted plot would be Viki and Clint's non-reconciliation in the mid-90s. Its too bad, because ES and CR still had loads of great chemistry. Instead he ends up marrying Lindsay in a few years, of all people.



And while I am glad Viki and Clint do end up together in the end, I wish we got to see the Clint Ritchie version reconcile with Viki. I know JVD has his fans, but Clint will always be the Clint Ritchie version to me. He even looks handsome with that mustache.

Edited by AndySmith
My aborted plot would be Viki and Clint's non-reconciliation in the mid-90s. Its too bad, because ES and CR still had loads of great chemistry. Instead he ends up marrying Lindsay in a few years, of all people.


I remember that. Viki had just decided that she was going to tell Clint she wanted to reconcile when he shows up with Lindsay, having married her in Vegas on a whim. Poor Viki, even though I didn't particularly want Clint and Viki back together. At the time, I had no investment in them as a couple, I was too young when they broke up. It was only later, on YouTube, that I watched their love story. But back then, I was much more into Carlotta/Clint (and later Hank/Carlotta - they were hot! I forget how they ended, though.) and I thought going back to her ex was a step backwards for Viki.  Although, given that her next romance was with effing Ben Davidson I shouldn't have been so hasty.


Another aborted storyline - Roxy and Max. I thought they were setting them up to fall unexpectedly in love, but it came to nothing.

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I hated the Clint/Viki/Sloane story. The ironic part is, as much they tried to trash Clint by repeatedly throwing him under the bus just to prop up Sloane, I actually empathized with and rooted for Clint. And it made me hate Sloane, my God, he was the worst (and I even disliked Viki a bit during that story as well). I mean, my dislike of Sloane is at RappaDavidson levels...I was so glad they killed him off. The sad part is, Sloane really was the end of Clint & Viki (the Ritchie version, at any rate).

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Not that I'm biased or anything. 


Why, I would never suppose it of you, UYI!


I figure Max had already had epic true love with Gabrielle and (all right, sigh) Luna, and second-tier love with Blair and Tina, and fucked-up love with Skye and also Blair, and inexplicable clown love with Maggie, unexpected comedic love with Roxy would have been something different. But then Al died, and Gabby died, and Max disappeared and all Holden stories became aborted stories.


That reminds me. I don't think it actually counts, but ever since Starr was revealed to be a girl, before she was even born, I figured she and Frankie Holden were inevitable.

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There was a throwaway line way back in 2002, when Al and Max were talking about the twins, and Max revealed that Frankie had regained his hearing, and he would call him on the phone to hear him talk. This was right before Al became paralyzed for awhile. I don't think it was ever brought up again, though, so I'm not sure if we are to assume  that Frankie (well, probably Frank once he grew up) is still deaf or not. I suppose it could have been a shout out to James and Kassie's son J.Q. getting a cochlear implant, which allows him to talk despite being born deaf. 

I always, always wanted a story where it was revealed that Brendan (Blair's still-born baby following the car accident with Kelly) was actually alive. The perfect opportunity (and IIRC there were some hints that it was a possibility at the time) was when Marty and Cole returned to Llanview. (Never mind that Cole still shouldn't have been older than Starr), But having Cole turn out to be Blair's son whose death Marty (possibly in collusion with Todd - because they would both be invested in Blair's child with Patrick not being around) had faked would have been a good story and far preferable to the Romeo&Juliet mess we got instead.

Of course, that would have been a story that was actually about Blair, so we couldn't have that. And, knowing RC, it would have been a story that somehow revolved around Kelly, Todd, John McBain, and featured Tea as the heroine. But in the hands of a capable writer, I think it would have had potential.


I'd never seen this before.


One of the few appearances of the actual Rodi (the very talented LaTonya Richardson).


Max was always super-super-intense with Mia Korf's Blair, and it often comes across to me as offputting. I never got the sense that Gottlieb knew exactly what to do with him.


The Megan stuff is so sad, as is to be expected, of course. I can imagine what a treat the flashbacks were to viewers at the time, especially some of the older flashbacks.


I loved Andrew but it's impossible for me to take those scenes seriously when the general is played by Busmalis from Oz. 

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Random, Pointless Question of the Day: Do we know for sure which twin was born first, Natalie or Jessica? I recall the sequence of events as: Viki went into labor, gave birth to a Baby #1, then Niki took over while Baby #2 was born, this one was spirited away by Mitch's sheep, Viki re-emerges, somehow without noticing anything weird. Baby #1 is later kidnapped and placed with Roxy, while Baby #2, whom Alison lied about to Mitch, is the one returned to Viki and Clint. So, Baby #1 is Natalie and Baby #2 is Jessica. Right?


It doesn't matter, really, and birth order theory probably doesn't apply to fictional twins raised apart, but Natalie certainly acts like the older sister. The Alpha Twin, if you will. Of course, she did grow up as a big sister, even if she was separated from Rex as a kid, and Jessica grew up as the baby of the family, so...whatever.


These are the kind of OLTL-related thoughts that still pop into my head.

Edited by Melgaypet
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Random, Pointless Question of the Day: Do we have know for sure which twin was born first, Natalie or Jessica? I recall the sequence of events as: Viki went into labor, gave birth to a Baby #1, then Niki took over while Baby #2 was born, this one was spirited away by Mitch's sheep, Viki re-emerges, somehow without noticing anything weird. Baby #1 is later kidnapped and placed with Roxy, while Baby #2, whom Alison lied about to Mitch, is the one returned to Viki and Clint. So, Baby #1 is Natalie and Baby #2 is Jessica. Right?




I'm pretty sure that's right. The thing I remember most is Viki flashing back to the delivery room, with Mitch revealing himself to be hidden under a doctor's mask. So creepy. 

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I tried answering this question but I hadn't really had coffee yet and I just couldn't deal with this. I remember vividly how it was this ludicrous flashback sequence making an already ridiculous retcon even more stupid - it was this POV shot of Viki in, like, stirrups, legs spread, popping out babies with Erika moaning in voice-over, and then suddenly Mitch looms into frame staring into the camera: "HELLOOOOOO VIKIIII!!" It was so bad. I couldn't tolerate the thought of going back and rewatching the clip.

Edited by jsbt
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Even by soap opera standards, has Viki had one of the most retconned pasts ever? It seems like every decade she found out something new about her dad or found out she had a long-lost sibling (Tony in the 70s, Tina in the 80s, Todd in the 90s, Vic Jr in the 2010s) or a kid she didn't know she gave birth to (Megan in the 80s, Natalie in the 2000s)...honestly, I think if the show hadn't been canceled, she would have discovered maybe a son she gave birth to and forgot about or hey Victor Manning had another bastard via an affair.

Edited by AndySmith
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Thanks for the answers, you guys. I know the Switched At Birth, No, Wait, Twins! retcon was dumb - I thought so at the time, too - but I maintain Natalie was worth it and in fact, was one of the best things that ever happened to the Lord-Bukes, as well as the show, in last decade.


On a shallow note, I'd forgotten how less attractive Roscoe Born was before he let his hair go gray - I had the most shameful crush on Evil Silver Fox Mitch.


ETA: AndySmith, you reminded me of some awful rumor that would pop up every now and then - that Rex was going to end up being Viki's son, a triplet with Natalie and Jessica. I don't recall if that was just (usually horrified) fan speculation or if the show ever considered doing that, but eeesh. You guys know my opinion on Rex being Clint's son (NOPE), but that would have been worse, I admit.

Edited by Melgaypet
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I always thought the original story - Natalie and Jessica being switched by Allison Perkins - was actually a pretty decent piece of retconning, using something in the show's history in a relatively believable way.  It was the later stuff to make Jessica Viki's biologically again that made a real mess of things.


Oh Melgaypet, that rumor is horrifying!


That reminds me - even though I was extremely, ridiculously over Jessica by the time the ABC finale rolled around, I still thought the reveal in the finale that she was Clint's daughter after all was a nice moment all around.  Her tearily calling him daddy and Clint pulling her into a hug was so sweet, and it was nice that Natalie and Viki were there too and could share in the happy. 


Though I rolled my eyes when they had to throw in a mention that now Rex and Jessica were siblings again, ugh.

Edited by TeeVee329
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I always thought the original story - Natalie and Jessica being switched by Allison Perkins - was actually a pretty decent piece of retconning, using something in the show's history in a relatively believable way.  It was the later stuff to make Jessica Viki's biologically again that made a real mess of things.


Oh Melgaypet, that rumor is horrifying!


You never heard it? I could swear it cropped up more than once on TWoP. I agree the twins retcon coming hard on the heels of the switched at birth retcon muddled things, but at the end of the day, I prefer them as sisters. I don't remember if that was always the plan, or if the twins thing was a re-write because of fan outrage or what.


The feverent fan rumors/wishes I remember about Rex's parents was people wanting Bo to be his father.  Which, blech.  What made that relationship interesting - before it became all about propping Rex and shoving Matthew aside - was that they weren't related.


I always was more intrigued by characters who became family to each other by choice and circumstance (see also Roxy and Kyle) and not, "Well, I'm your long-lost brother/sister/child, I guess we should hang out now!".

Edited by TeeVee329
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I thought the story and retcon (up to and including Natalie and Jessica being twins and Jessica being biologically Viki and Clint's) were good. The execution was what was so stupid.


The Mitch paternity thing with Jess always felt like a fakeout the show just forgot to undo. I can't believe it took them til the end of the fucking show, but they clearly wanted to milk the drama. It was good drama - and a vicious twist by Mitch, a perfect revenge from him - but it should've been undone by the end of 2003.

Edited by jsbt
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Rex being revealed as Clint's son was just....ugh. I mean...ugh. So unnecessary, and hadn't Clint suffered enough by then already?


I always thought the original story - Natalie and Jessica being switched by Allison Perkins - was actually a pretty decent piece of retconning, using something in the show's history in a relatively believable way.  It was the later stuff to make Jessica Viki's biologically again that made a real mess of things.


I think they wanted to have it both ways. They wanted the initial shock of the baby switch but also still wanted Jessica to be Viki's daughter, I guess. The messy part wasn't making Jessica Viki's biologically again, it was somehow making her Viki's daughter and Mitch's daughter and still Natalie's twin. They should have just had her still be Viki and Clint's, and if they were going to have her be Mitch's daughter for the drama, it should have been cleared up in a few months, not at the end of the show.


It did lead to a funny scene during Asa's funeral where Viki's four kids were together, and they mentioned how technically, Natalie was the only bio-grandchild of Asa. Though it would have been even better if someone, anyone, was randomly walking past that room at the time they mentioned that, stopped, and said "So is Chord!" and just kept walking. Yeah I know, they were only referring to the four of them, but still.

Edited by AndySmith

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