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I had totally forgotten about Clint and Dorian dating (I wasn't watching much during that time period) so Dorian being sure that her former lover knew that she's now banging his father threw me.  #ohsoaps


Wonder what Joey's mysterious phone call was about.  Perhaps the reason he's not a priest anymore?

Edited by TeeVee329

I had totally forgotten about Clint and Dorian dating (I wasn't watching much during that time period) so Dorian being sure that her former lover knew that she's now banging his father threw me.  #ohsoaps


Wonder what Joey's mysterious phone call was about.  Perhaps the reason he's not a priest anymore?


Maybe Dorian was fishing, to see if he was even a little jealous? And no, the phone call was never explained. I remember at the time thinking, rather uncharitably, that he had found out Kelly was cheating on Kevin and that was her begging him not to tell.

I honestly have no idea where to start on that. There's things like the ludicrous "Rex goes native" paternity subplot, where Rex and Gigi play Rex's Native American 'parents' in flashbacks, but that's not really JPL at his worst, it's just a terrible story. (It was such a bad idea that they retconned it within months, and Ron had Clint Buchanan reveal he'd manufactured the entire backstory himself, right down to the love letters - I dunno if it was always intended to be a fakeout, but I doubt it given the time they devoted initially.)


JPL started out as a supporting schemer character who took off with the audience and became a fan favorite. His first few months were him largely underplaying, because they were originally planning to make him a gay villain; when Brian Frons came to the network he killed that, and Rex became a thoroughly heterosexual horndog and very snide con artist overnight. Once they committed to Rex being a ne'er-do-well his performances were consistently very extra, but he was also entertaining, and he didn't become really tic-laden until they tried to make him into a heroic leading man. The murky sexuality of both character and performer never faded, either.


I think JPL's a nice guy IRL, though I've heard different stories. He seems fairly passive and easygoing and just trying to do the job. Onscreen, he is prone to some very ridiculous habits.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 4

I'm having a hard time too coming up with the obvious choice of scenes to show JPL at his tic-y worst.  A lot of times, it was just him making a stupid face or doing a weird twirl in the middle of what should have been serious scenes.  Factor in the writing for and prominence of Rex, it all added up.


My mind did go to the scenes below, where Rex gets busted for lying to longtime lip-glossed love Gigi about having slept with her psycho sister Stacy and then both Rex and Gigi discover that Stacy is pregnant.  But honestly, Crystal Hunt and Farah Fath are also both horrible here.


Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 1

And it went on for months. It's bad enough that JPL was being pushed as a dramatic leading man and Farah as a dramatic leading lady - none of which was either of their strong suits, they were always most talented with supporting comedy - but adding Crystal Hunt to the mix, as a one-note character who managed to be both flat and pitiless, was beyond lethal.


Crystal Hunt has always given me the impression that she is just barely acting onscreen in both of her two major soap roles, and both were basically sociopaths. Which is not to say Hunt is one, at all, but there is dirt on her out there, and as a person she is just... off.


I'm not saying Crystal Hunt is a sociopath! I'm not! She's just always unsettled me. She did have some facility for mean comedy, especially in her last appearance in the final week of OLTL on ABC (as the spectral Stacy, taunting Clint in Hell), but three to five days a week, she's strange.


I think the best way to describe JPL is as a very lucky amateur - I don't think he's had much in the way of real training outside of the hands-on experience he got at OLTL, he seems like he's been a sheltered, somewhat naive guy IRL, and he got a reaction with big comedy and his natural comic humor and kept playing it. He also has a strangely fluid sexuality and fey, boyish or less-than-masculine screen presence, and all of that together does not lend itself to leading man in any way.


I have no idea why DOOL has hired him to play rakish dark prince Philip Kiriakis. He's the fey class clown. He's had chemistry with some women, sure, but he's never been that kind of alpha male. The most convincing JPL has ever been with a woman is in his brief fling with older woman Lindsay, who was maternal with him and, in a way, took the more traditionally 'male' role, teaching Rex about love and life.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 6

Also, ulkis, my personal disdain at the idea of JPL getting cast as Dillon on GH is more a grudge about a) the way Scott Clifton and Schuyler were railroaded and treated in favor of JPL and Rex by Frank and Ron and b) the idea that somehow Scott Clifton and JPL are interchangeable, which I say they are not.

She [Crystal Hunt] did have some facility for mean comedy.


Thank god for Amanda Setton.  Kim's arrival that August and the bitchy, ditzy comedic chemistry they had together was a somewhat cooling balm on the sunburn that was the Morasco Fiasco.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 1

I'm not saying Crystal Hunt is a sociopath! I'm not!

I'm not saying it either :) What I will say is that I when I watched Queens of Drama this past Spring, I feared for the lives of the other actresses on the show, especially Lindsay Hartley, who Crystal attempted to psychologically crush from Episode 1.


I'll also say that Crystal Hunt playing Crystal Hunt was far scarier than the villanous Stacey Morasco ever was. The only actress who was a match for Crystal was a visiting Joan Collins (who I'm not saying is a sociopath, either). When Crystal reared up at Joan, Joan slapped her happy ass down with a quickness that snapped my head back.


Joan still bringeth life, y'all, and don't you ever forget it.
  • Love 2

I'm having a hard time too coming up with the obvious choice of scenes to show JPL at his tic-y worst.  A lot of times, it was just him making a stupid face or doing a weird twirl in the middle of what should have been serious scenes.  Factor in the writing for and prominence of Rex, it all added up.


My mind did go to the scenes below, where Rex gets busted for lying to longtime lip-glossed love Gigi about having slept with her psycho sister Stacy and then both Rex and Gigi discover that Stacy is pregnant.  But honestly, Crystal Hunt and Farah Fath are also both horrible here.



Wow. uh. I guess my one comment will be, "why does their apartment open into a castle hallway?"


ETA: I have come across, "the ICE. is. CRACKING."

Edited by ulkis

Scott Clifton is, in some ways, what JPL would be with real range and more honed skill. He's far superior though, IMO. I can see why people would superficially look at JPL and think "NuDillon Q" because they are superficially similar, but JPL is just too camp - let's say it, he is. Trying to pair him with any Lulu, no one would ever do it.

I'll also say that Crystal Hunt playing Crystal Hunt was far scarier than the villanous Stacey Morasco ever was.


So I have heard. Like I said, not much acting.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 2

I tried... I went to the August 1st episode with the big Todd reveal after the movie premier because I recall Rex and his gun behind the curtain for some ridiculous amount of time... pointing it, then hugging it, then pointing it, then getting a text from Shane.


Ultimately, though, I just wound up watching the Todd Reveal because that was so so so good.


I tried, guys! I swear!

  • Love 7

I look back at that August 1st reveal so fondly that I almost complimented Ron. Almost. Then I remember that most of my happiness has very little to do with dialog or direction (though I don't find a lot of fault with either). The actors played it perfectly. Well, I wish Andrew T's Jack had stayed home, but otherwise, everyone was perfect. TSJ's bemused smirk is chilling and arrogant all at once. Tea knows instinctively that she's got the imposter and she's already internally melting down. When Starr reaches to touch Todd's cheek . . .


Yet it's Blair's "Where have you been?" that guts me every time.

Edited by eXiled
  • Love 2

Blair's "Where have you been?" was perfect. It wasn't 'Who are you?' or 'What's going on?' It was 'Where have you been?' And when she asked where he was and who had him... he just started smiling at her. There simply was no place for a long drawn out anything. That was it. Todd gazing at her and Blair instinctively knowing that was Todd.


I also liked Starr cringing away from Vic as he was assuring them both that they knew who he was and everything was fine. That was a bright moment in the latter days of Starr being Teen Ingenue. 


Also, when Vic and Tea when home and he was all 'You know me, I'm the man who loves you... who has ALWAYS and ONLY loved you' and you can tell that Tea knows right then and there that he's not Todd at all because Todd, if he loved her, didn't ALWAYS and certainly not ONLY.


It was a great episode for that particular fall out. What came after however...

  • Love 7

You're right, Jase. As many times as I've watched it, I have no idea who wrote that ep. It felt like Ron took a few vacation days during that period, but I don't mind if I'm wrong. He's good at events like that. It's the follow-through that he mangles. I need to get over my RonC bigotry long enough to admit that he did give us good moments along the way.


Meanwhile I almost quoted Dandesun's entire post because it gave me feels. Man, that was a great week of shows. I didn't even mind Tea being the first to see Todd in jail (though I minded that Blair didn't even make an attempt to visit). By the time Todd and Viki came to face to face, I thought I would explode. And then ... Todd discovering that not only is he a grandpa, but that he shares a grandchild with Marty Saybrooke and Patrick Thornhart! I could barely breathe. Roger WERKED those scenes. He was awake, engaged, and completely in character.


From May 2013 to August 2013, I ticked down the minutes until this show aired every day. The fact that it was cancelled right after TSJ's resignation/Roger's return and a story that grabbed my heart was heartbreaking. It made the last months more memorable too because I cherished every moment we had left.

IIRC, he said, "I'm the man who's always loved you," not 'only'. But it's just quibbling because yes, you can see all of it on Téa's face, because she's always known Todd was not always in love with her, that he never shook Blair and never gave himself fully to Téa in the same way. Until he changed his face. FL's performance that whole episode was bonechilling, and the music there was perfect. They also didn't oversell it like they would now - she doesn't say a word.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 2

Wow. uh. I guess my one comment will be, "why does their apartment open into a castle hallway?"




You can't really see it in that clip, but Rex's loft also had the weirdest, completely pointless entryway.  You came in from the castle hallway, opened a sliding door on wheels, entered this tiny little foyer, and then there was the regular door to the apartment myself.  Never really got that design choice.


Jesus, everyone in that Stacy scene is somehow even worse than I remember. It is hilarious. And JPL is still so hyper, fey and petulant. Check out that deft Lavoisier comedy jive at 5:20 - "Hooah! Not true!"




But it's also super gross in this clip how quick Rex is to blame Gigi ("You lied to me to save our son's life, I had no choice but to sleep with your sister!") and Stacy ("You clearly got yourself pregnant!"), another good example of why Rex is such a turd.

Blair's "Where have you been?" was perfect.


I concur, a wonderful moment.

Edited by TeeVee329

I amended my post initially to add the only because I thought it was said but my first instinct was to say 'always' so I think you're right. But the point remains... that was a great moment for FL to play because it hit her at that moment that the war she thought she had finally won: that Todd loved her and chose her over Blair at last... wasn't real at all. That Todd Manning had actually returned and, as usual, was completely focused on Blair and only turned to Tea as a means of proving who he was.


I mean, after that episode there was a lot of idiocy. Blair not going to see Todd in jail was on of the major things. Blair practically disappearing in the story as well. Also, Ron writing her giving 'kiss tests' to Vic as some ridiculous means of proving to herself who was who was just... moronic. Blair and Todd didn't have a one on one scene until the 17th of that month. Seriously... and that was so he could start screaming at her and blaming her for everything. Thanks, Ron... that was great.


They missed way too many beats in regards to Blair's reaction to Todd's return. And yet we got scene after scene of Tea shrieking at Todd about how Vic loved her in ways he never could.




But that August 1 episode was terrific.

Edited by Dandesun
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If there was a scene I would share of JPL's overacting, ulkis, it would be of any of the scenes where Rex sees Gigi's ghost after she "died", and runs like a jackrabbit trying to find her. Have fun finding those yourself. ;)


Regarding Tea after Todd returned:


What I loved the most was how she lost it when Todd showed up after Victor's memorial service and started screaming at him about being on "sacred ground" and how he had to get out. I even made two gifs, one of her getting some of her hair in her mouth, and the other of her throwing flowers at him as he finally leaves the church. I know a lot of people couldn't take FL's manic screaming, but it made me laugh my ass off more often than not. And that's definitely what happened that particular day for me. 

  • Love 2

I always love revisiting Todd and Blair's first meeting... particularly since it didn't end very well. That was the day he got out of jail and they didn't interact again until they met at Rodi's, again, when he was working at the hospital and the hospital rapist storyline was kicking into gear. That second meeting was very sexy with Todd drunkenly propositioning Blair and the two of them getting into each others face a lot... and then culminating in Todd opening up a bit out of bitterness while Blair listened silently but you could see that everything he was saying resonated with her. It was good stuff.


And then the third meeting at the park bench...


They built Todd and Blair very well. They took time and they let the characters be themselves. It's that build up to being actual friends (despite writers insisting that Todd never had a real friend until whomever female they wanted him to be with at that moment) that really made the foundation so strong. Their relationship was believable.

  • Love 3

They built Todd and Blair very well. They took time and they let the characters be themselves. It's that build up to being actual friends (despite writers insisting that Todd never had a real friend until whomever female they wanted him to be with at that moment) that really made the foundation so strong. Their relationship was believable.


That works so much better than insta-coupling people, like they did with Viki and Ben.

I had no real problem with all those Todd/Téa fight scenes in 2011. That's what they were best at, and they were performed and written very well - especially the one where she went in on him about Victor and their sex life and just turned into a viper. That was always the cornerstone of their problems and it would've been a major lapse for someone not to go there. FL knew her character's issues very well, better than Ron Carlivati ever did, and Howarth played off it perfectly. The only problem for me was that they totally shortchanged Blair and Todd's scenes for another two months or so, in favor of more of that - it took til Halloween for them to begin giving equal time. I think RC realized he had left FL with very little with TSJ gone and went overboard, as he generally did.


I thought it was a huge step for Todd as a character to do two things when he came back. The first thing was his accepting Sam, who was Blair's child not only by another man, which was an echo of the Baby Jack mess, but by the man who had specifically taken over Todd's life, taken his wife and his children. The Todd of a decade prior would never have done that, and in fact did the exact opposite; he would've scorched the earth. But Todd didn't have that in him anymore - or at least, he didn't when it came to the people he loved. (By contrast, he had no problem destroying Sam and Jason's lives on GH and taking their child to try and help Téa, which IMO makes perfect sense for his twisted morality.)


The second huge thing was when Téa first came to visit him in lock-up, and he apologized for how he'd treated her during their marriage and said he was wrong. Téa looked like someone had walked over her grave. That's not how any of their interactions had ever gone before, and that's when she knew he was over it and over their whole dance, and since Téa had invested the past several years of her life in actually being with 'Todd' she had no idea how to process that. I think everything that came after - not just because of Victor's death but because of that rejection - was Téa trying to keep the old fight going any way she could, even bringing it back to their sex life. And I didn't mind it, because it was great material. Had the show gone on, her strange friendship with Blair aside (which I think worked in some ways and could continue as a push and pull, but was beginning to fray with Todd back for good and eventually has to snap), Téa (and Victor) should've spent years battling it out with their opposite numbers for their own motives, both joined and separate - Victor wants to be his own man, Téa wants her own weird, psychosexual revenge on Todd. Her issues with him, IMO, are as bone-deep as the weird shit Iris on AW used to have against her father, Mac Cory, and Rachel, his young wife.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 5


I thought it was a huge step for Todd as a character to do two things when he came back. The first thing was his accepting Sam, who was Blair's child not only by another man, which was an echo of the Baby Jack mess, but by the man who had specifically taken over Todd's life, taken his wife and his children. The Todd of a decade prior would never have done that, and in fact did the exact opposite; he would've scorched the earth. But Todd didn't have that in him anymore - or at least, he didn't when it came to the people he loved. (By contrast, he had no problem destroying Sam and Jason's lives on GH and taking their child to try and help Téa, which IMO makes perfect sense for his twisted morality.)


I hated the whole idea of killing off Victor III, ESPECIALLY when the audience knew the father was still alive.  It was completely ridiculous and wasteful.  And I hated the new dead baby lie/baby switch because it was redundant to the character of Todd.  But I do have to applaud that twisted morality that did lead Todd to do it.   Combined with Heather whispering in his ear about the child being a product of rape and his own, by then evident, guilt over Victor's "death", those set ups for the eventual reveal were very well done, as was the reveal (I still vividly remember RoHo practically trying to hide in a corner off the hospital as John laid the whole thing out for Tea.  No hamming, not mugging, but the deeply emotional acting as he felt the pain of remembering all he did.)

  • Love 2

The second huge thing was when Téa first came to visit him in lock-up, and he apologized for how he'd treated her during their marriage and said he was wrong. Téa looked like someone had walked over her grave. That's not how any of their interactions had ever gone before, and that's when she knew he was over it and over their whole dance, and since Téa had invested the past several years of her life in actually being with 'Todd' she had no idea how to process that. I think everything that came after - not just because of Victor's death but because of that rejection - was Téa trying to keep the old fight going any way she could, even bringing it back to their sex life. And I didn't mind it, because it was great material. Had the show gone on, her strange friendship with Blair aside (which I think worked in some ways and could continue as a push and pull, but was beginning to fray with Todd back for good and eventually has to snap), 


I think you make a good point about Todd just being done with the battle for control that was his and Tea's relationship and her reaction to that. After feeling that she had finally, finally won... won Todd, won over Blair, won the war at last, it was all taken away from her. Not just that Todd returned and only wanted to be with Blair, negating that whole 'paddling away from happiness' bullshit that Victor sold and she ate with a spoon, but that he clearly had no interest in re-engaging in that twisted little dance they did. She was not someone he was concerned about, he just wanted to put it all to rest and move on. That probably hurt more than his laser focused interest in Blair when it came down to it.


Blair and Tea's friendship was beginning to fray and I continue to have mixed feelings over it. Really what sold it was FL and KDP's obvious adoration of each other. It also showed that, deep down, Blair is a decent person. I continuously have doubts that, if the positions were reversed, Tea would have been as kind to a dying Blair because Odin knows she was not remotely kind to her at the beginning... when Blair was learning how to walk again and Tea was being condescending and vicious and laughing in her face over the fact that she had co-opted her family while Blair was comatose. I also think that Tea only accepted Blair's friendship because she had won 'Todd' so she could afford to be magnanimous. She could die knowing that 'Todd' wanted her and Blair was an afterthought. All of that went away when Todd returned.


I would never have trusted anything involving the four of them as long as Carlivati had the reins. He was way too involved in Tea and Tea/VicTodd to give Blair and Blair/Todd their due. PP, however, could have made it work. They treated Tea as very flawed and fallible which was a blessed relief and finally made the character interesting to me. They played up the connection between Todd and Blair while Tea, by that point and especially after she had gotten Victor back all too briefly, had little but thinly veiled disgust for Todd.


It would have been fun, for me anyway, for Todd and Tea to reach a point where they both agreed that whatever it was they had was just a big, fat mistake. Todd, being Todd, would prefer to ignore it once he apologized but Tea, being Tea, would feel compelled to make bitchy or snarky comments now and again. Blair, being used to Todd and Dorian hating each other... and Todd and Kelly... and Todd and Cris... and Todd and everyone basically... ignores it until she doesn't and then rolls her eyes and suggests they 'get a room' which appalls the other two so much they refrain from the bitch-snark for about a week afterwards.


Headcanon, people.

  • Love 5

Speaking of Blair and Tea's friendship...



I can't decide which moment I love the most - Tea saying it's the afternoon and they shouldn't be drinking as she flings the cap towards the kitchen or the look on Blair's face as Tea generously fills her glass and then pours even more into her own.


I also like that Tea FINALLY gets mad at Victor here and stops portraying him like a wounded, saintly angel.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 2

I hated the whole idea of killing off Victor III, ESPECIALLY when the audience knew the father was still alive.  It was completely ridiculous and wasteful.  


I was not necessarily a huge fan of Victor and Téa on OLTL during most of their run, but I always respected the intense chemistry the performers had, and I thought they made a perfect opposing couple to Todd and Blair and could've become something much bigger and better than what they'd been prior to the Two Todds.


I also thought it was beyond the pale what Ron did to that fanbase on GH. It doesn't matter who they are or which couple it is, I can't think of any fanbase that deserves to lose both the leading man and the dead man's baby in rapid succession. I thought the baby switch story on GH was genius, but I don't think it needed Téa's child to be dead to work.


Even if, as rumored, Ron intended to bring back both Victor and his son, and Starr's family, he never did it, never got around to it. Even if he had, the long wait made it a mistake. At most, given the wringer they'd already been through with TSJ, he should've revealed the baby to be alive and well at the close of the story in November 2012. Heather had him stashed away somewhere.

  • Love 5

Absolutely. The thing is, Gabrielle and Tina were equals. Blair and Tea were not... the various writing teams slanted heavily in favor of Tea no matter what.


Gabrielle and Tina were schemers and no-gooders but they also got caught and paid the price, as was right and proper to continue to root for them.


Tea didn't pay for shit.


Blair paid for things she didn't even do.

  • Love 2

Tea and Blair were ok frenemies...but the best frenemies on this show? These two, of course.


HELL YES. I'm still sad that their friendship was basically over after Gabrielle was sent to prison in 1991. As far as I know, they never reconciled before Gabrielle was murdered in 2004. When Gabrielle was released from prison early in 1997 (offscreen...Fiona was on Guiding Light then), Tina had already left for Baltimore. Tina's name never came up between Gabby and Sarah in 2003 (Gabrielle only knew Sarah as a newborn, shortly before going to Statesville). Tina never mentioned mourning her when she came back in 2008 or 2011. I would think she would have been devastated, especially if they never got the chance to patch things up between the two of them.


In fact, almost ALL of Tina's best friends are dead, aren't they? Gabrielle, Megan, Sarah, Luna...and I think she and Samantha Vernon were best friends in the early 80's when Tina was a teenager (I could be wrong, though). So...yeah. 

Edited by UYI
  • Love 1

Wait, I thought Sam was Blair's adopted son? I should think that would make it easy for Todd to accept him? Unless he though for a while he was biologically Blair's with another man?


Blair adopted Sam, but he was still the son of Victor, Todd's twin who had stolen his life, his wife and family. For Todd, who had already tried to sell Jack on the black market when he thought Jack was Max Holden's kid and not his, that would've been more than enough back in the day.

Yeah, even though Blair didn't give birth to Sam, she adopted him because he was Victor's, because she had accepted Victor as Todd, because she had loved Victor. As jsbt said, that once would have been more than enough to set Todd off. He got rid of Jack because he thought he was Max's son, he only very begrudgingly accepted Brendan's existence because he would be a bone marrow donor for an ill Starr, and he had more reason to hate Victor than Max or Patrick.


You know about the Dead Baby Lie, but do you know the story of Baby Brendan, ulkis? In, um, 1995 or 1996 (again, sorry, bad with dates), Todd and Blair had just gotten married for the second time, she was pregnant with Starr, they were very, very happy. Only the day after the wedding, Todd went to Ireland at Marty's request to help out her new lover Patrick Thornheart with some trouble he was in with terrorists. Todd ended up getting mistaken for Patrick, shot several times, shoved in trunk of a car, driven off a cliff, and presumed dead. Blair blamed Marty and after Starr was born, she seduced Patrick as revenge. Todd, who was not really dead (obviously!), came home to find Blair and Patrick having sex on the floor of the penthouse Todd and Blair shared. He was super not happy about this. I believe this precipitated the first of many custody battles for Starr.


Anyway, Blair ended up pregnant by Patrick. Little Starr had developed aplastic anemia (does every soap baby have this disease?). Tests showed that the baby, a boy Blair and Patrick called Brendan, was a bone marrow match. One day, when Blair was very near term, Patrick was driving her somewhere. Also on the road was her cousin Kelly (she's the one we call Sonfucker). She was distraught over a Dear Kelly letter she'd just gotten from Joey Buchanan in Paris and wasn't paying attention to the road. She hit Patrick and Blair's car, then drove away. Blair went into labor, but Brendan was stillborn. (This is the root of the enmity between Blair and Kelly.) Blair had a stroke soon after this, and while she was in the resulting coma, Todd, who had still not forgiven Blair, paid Tea $5 million to marry him and help him take full custody of Starr.


Todd accepting Blair's child by a man he hated, no matter how she acquired him, was a huge step for him.

Edited by Melgaypet
  • Love 1

What makes the Brendan stuff really difficult is knowing Kassie was pregnant with her son, J.Q.--the ONE time she's really pregnant, and the onscreen baby had to die. She was really sick throughout much of her pregnancy, too, and of course later found out that J.Q. had been deaf from the time he had been conceived.


One of my favorite scenes is from right before Blair had Starr, and she and Marty argue and Blair cuts off all her hair so, in her head, she looks less like Marty. That was the first of two times Kassie had her hair cut onscreen (I posted the other one recently--you know which one I'm talking about. ;) )


  • Love 3

I'm still sad that their friendship was basically over after Gabrielle was sent to prison in 1991.


That really sucked. GIven that they were never on the show again at the same time, I'm not surprised that we never got any more scenes between the two of them, even though it would have been nice to. Whats worse is that, as you said, the show never acknowledged that they even were freinds or made mention of it. Which, really sucked.


In fact, almost ALL of Tina's best friends are dead, aren't they?


Wow. That is depressing.


Vintage: Wacky hijinks in Argentina in 1987! Remeber when soaps had the budgets to shoot scenes overseas? Bonus 1#: Tina goes over the falls! Bonus #2: Marcia Cross as the kind of forgettable Kate...something or other!


Edited by AndySmith

Sometimes I still check Amazon in hopes that they've put together some sort of "best of..." OLTL DVD. The more I watch the few other soaps that remain, the more I miss OLTL. I got hooked on it much later in the game than most of you guys did, but somehow I was instantly attached to it---despite (maybe in some ways because of?!) its snark-worthy flaws. 


Which characters/family relationships/couples do you guys still love and miss most?! Which characters would you have chosen to erase from the canvas?  

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