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Hi!  Figured we needed a catch-all thread for stuff besides quotes and unpopular opinions lol.


So for anyone who's interested, here's the reel Kelley Missal submitted for the Emmys.  Not sure if these are the scenes I would have picked, but it makes sense she picked ones that featured vets and weren't at Shelter.  I really hope she wins!



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I'm not sure those scenes really show what she's capable of.   But I'm not sure what I'd have suggested as alternatives, and I agree it made sense to choose scenes with the vets.  


I'm torn, because I want to root for her, but she's opposite Kristen Alderson and even though I don't watch GH I also want to root for Starr.  How weird, the two Manning sisters up for the same award but for different shows.  And even more weird, given that Kristen Alderson now plays a different character but her nomination is for Starr.

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Laura Harrier was green and it showed with some bad habits (the constant hair tucking and slouching), but eh, I honestly wasn't invested enough in the character that it bothered me.  Shenell Edmonds had some charm and did good with the comedic stuff, but whenever they gave her anything heavier (i.e. her finding out that Greg was her father and not her brother), it was bad.  I don't think she would have been able to hang with the improved Kelley Missal either.

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I do think Kelley Missal was probably smart in choosing scenes that required very little context (Dani overdosed, she explained why/how she was feeling to her worried parents).  Also, the later stuff with Arturo might have been a turn-off to some, due to the May/December angle.


Really want her to win.  Of the non-technical awards OLTL is up for, I think this is the one the show really has a shot at and I think Kelley Missal did better work than the other nominees, including Kristen Alderson.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Kelly was a fun ditzy character when she first arrived. She tried to give off this aura of being worldly because she was schooled in Paris but she actually wasn't and it was fairly obvious. She was utterly wowed by Dorian and Blair and her first interaction with Todd is still a favorite for me. They were at the Gold Star Gala (Andrew brought Kelly -- Todd and Blair crashed it) and Blair made a comment about Kelly's look, which was unique, and Kelly was all 'Fashion takes what's expected and turns it on it's ear' and Todd went 'that's always been my philosophy' to which Kelly bubbled happily about her being Blair's cousin which made her and Todd cousins. "Isn't that cool?" And Todd totally mimics her with a 'So cool!' 


Not long after, Kelly tried to get Blair and Todd to let her move in with them, saying they were the same type of people and Todd totally shut her down. Blair was trying to be diplomatic and Todd just went "No! And make sure she HEARS you!" Kelly was majorly miffed over that.


But then she wound up living with Dorian and David, who set about trying to seduce her in order to strike at Dorian... Kelly cracked him over the head with a bust of George Washington. 'I killed David with the Father of our Country!' And her relationship and romance with Joey was building... she was fun back then.


Personally, though, I've never been able to get past Kelly leaving Blair by the side of the road. And she lost a lot of her humor and fun into the late 90s. Despite the fact that her accidentally dumping a vase of flowers over her head in '01 remains one of the funniest scenes ever, that was a bright spot in a lot of not so fun things. And I NEVER really understood the bouncing back and forth between Kevin and Joey or that the Buchanan/Lord crew would be remotely okay with that.

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I've been watching youtube videos of Kish, as one does. This is very happy-making for me (real-life kind of sucks at the moment), but I've reached the point where Stacy is dead, Sierra Mist is ill and in the hospital, everyone (except a certain twitchy asshole) is upset and worried, Kyle is gently trying to steer Oliver towards fatherhood, Schuyler is trying to step up even in these circumstances, Gigi is blank and reeling, and Rex. REX. Could not be a bigger bastard. He doesn't care at all that a BABY is in the hospital needing SURGERY or she might DIE. No, all he can do is sneer and lurk in hallways and push Gigi into taking her away from her presumed father. For spite. He is toying with a seriously ill infant's life and security FOR SPITE. And no one will call this out! Stop getting Rex in my Kish, goddammit!


The Germans have a perfect word for Rex: backpfeifengesicht. "A face needing to be punched."

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The Germans have a perfect word for Rex: backpfeifengesicht. "A face needing to be punched."


The Germans have a lot of perfect words like that.


I've been trying to archive the last of the TWoP OLTL forums... I was able to do most via a script last night but when it shut down I lost a bunch of pages... luckily, the wayback machine as all but the last five or six. I'm at the bit that covers when Todd, John and Starr were on GH before we all got news that PP was coming back.


Talk about disheartening... how optimistic was I, insisting that nothing with Todd/Slagbeast would happen (I was getting info from an inside source but that all changed very very quickly as we all know anyway) -- to be honest, I don't mind of those pages were the ones I couldn't save.

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The Germans have a perfect word for Rex: backpfeifengesicht. "A face needing to be punched."



We have a couple of pretty good words for him in English, too. ;P 


I hope RL starts to improve, Melgaypet.  I've found that Kish makes me smile through some of the sucky times, too.  Oddly enough, my favorite Kish scenes are before the boys are together.  (My favorite is that scene of Kyle and Roxy sharing that bottle in the paper bag while they were sitting on the floor outside Kyle's door.)

Edited by ElleryAnne

...and Rex. REX. Could not be a bigger bastard.


Word.  There was a serious disconnect between how the writers thought Rex was coming off during this story ("Look at noble, heroic Rex, helping that whore Gigi get back at that evil bastard Schuyler even after all she did to him!") and how he really was ("Wow, just when I thought Rex couldn't get any douchier..."). 


I mean, remember in earlier scenes on the mountain when he finds out the baby isn't his?  He basically says he doesn't give a shit that an innocent baby might die and, instead of backing up Fish or even going to try and help his "sisters" (both of whom he knows are in mortal danger at that moment), he runs off to tattle to Gigi.  Ass!


And the worst is yet to come because you haven't made it to the scenes where he storms into Rachel and Schuyler's apartment after Schuyler is allowed to take Sierra home, orders Rachel out of the room (...in her own apartment), accuses Schuyler of taking an interest in the baby only to get back in Gigi's good graces (...even though Rex is clearly doing the same), and then is shocked, just SHOCKED when Schuyler doesn't immediately hand Sierra over.  What a smug douchebag.  Thank goodness Schuyler at least has the good sense to sock Rex in the snout.

Edited by TeeVee329
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It's a mystery how Rex didn't get his ass kicked more often. What the Bo Buchanan Seal of Approval can do for you...


TeeVee329, I'm not even getting the full Rex Douchebag Experience in these videos, since they're edited to just scenes involving Kyle and/or Oliver. And it's still enough to be infuriating! So I'd have to go looking for that scene. I don't know if I will. One one hand, Rex gets punched. On the other hand, Rex treats Rachel and Schuyler like ass. On the third mutant hand, there's the knowledge that these would be close to the last scenes with Rachel or Schuyler while Rex would be a big part of the show until the network was done. Grr.

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It's a mystery how Rex didn't get his ass kicked more often.


And Rex was the king of the sucker punch.  He'd slug someone (Schuyler, Clint, Cutter) and then when they went to retaliate, someone (usually Bo or Gigi) would intervene to save him from getting the stuffing beat out of him.


Yeah, you won't find those Rex/Schuyler/Rachel scenes mixed in with the Kish edits (that day, poor Kyle and Fish had to listen to Dr. Greg "A Brain Is Not A Foot" Evans give a diatribe about Schuyler's awfulness).  As I noted, Rex is truly awful in those scenes, but Schuyler does get to punch him, Rachel gets to yell at him, and there's some cuteness with Sierra and Schuyler too.  

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Erika Slezak has a new newsletter.




I want to applaud Prospect Park. They really tried. I think they wanted it to succeed, but it was a new audience for them, and a different venue. In order to get the daytime audience to watch online, they needed to give them daytime, and they weren’t. They were trying to change it up and do something our audience was simply not used to. But it may have been too much music, too much loud music, too many new characters (new actors playing existing characters), whom they focused on immediately. Maybe less traditional, and it became a problem. But they really tried, and I commend them for that.


How many shows did Prospect Park produce?


I think it was just 40. And I know that they were not finished when the production company was pulling the plug, and they had to scramble to get an ending for the last show. That was when Natalie went to Clint’s hospital room and Allison was there. Barbara Garrick (Allison) was never there with us, so they shot all of that afterwards.


That’s interesting and how ironic. Allison was in the last scene of the ABC version of the show, holding Todd prisoner, and then she was in the last one on the online show.


Yes. Evil wins out!


Where does it stand now with Prospect Park and ABC?


Prospect Park has declared bankruptcy and they are in bankruptcy court. That’s all I know. They owe a lot of people a lot of money. Now they have to settle that, so we’ll see what happens. And that can take awhile. Yes, a very long time. I’ve never been involved with this, so I don’t know. I get updates periodically, because, obviously they owe me money and they owe a lot of other actors money. So, we’ll see. They published that you were involved in the suit and a couple of other actors. Yes, but they owe ABC a lot more than they owe me. They owe the company that provided all of the lights and cameras, as they had rented all of that from them. They owe the studio too. Well, they just owe a lot of money in a lot of places. That’s not to say that they won’t pay it, but they are going to have to come up with some money.


If you were offered a terrific role on any of the remaining soaps would you accept? And while we'll probably never see Victoria Lord in Port Charles would you be interested working for Frank Valentini on General Hospital?


It would depend entirely on the role, but I would happily work on any thing – and yes, I would love to work for Frank again. He's an awesome man and a wonderful producer.


I agree with Erika about the music and the club, etc. to a point - I thought the show and daytime needed to change its aesthetic and approach, I thought it was the right change and I thought it was done very well. But I do think there was a bit too much of the music and the club on some days, and I do think that new attitude and the new (and necessary) recasts threw some people. I suspect she and I are not far apart on this, or so I hope.


More than anything else on the show, I miss her everyday.

Edited by jsbt
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I remember hearing Erika was prepared to do it in 2012 and make an appearance as Viki (along with JVD as Clint, Melissa as Natalie, etc.), but they were putting it off til they regained the rights which of course did not occur.


I thought, at least in JVD's case, he was going to go tape that January or February.  He told his fans it was scheduled but, of course, PP started up and the feud broke out, so it never happened.


I still believe crossovers would likely have helped the show and revenue, not that PP could pay for anything they bought to begin with, apparently. I wouldn't have wanted them to be wholly beholden to GH - as they had been up to the point PP returned - but I think there's nothing wrong and actually a lot right with seeing people from the ABC soaps interconnect in an organic way that doesn't only benefit Ron Carlivati and Frank Valentini at GH. The show ended up hamstrung by the GH-only material, anyway. But I don't think it had to be that way. And I think Todd, John and Starr all worked well on GH in some ways and not so well in others.


I also think that without the Todd and Blair material RC and his people wrote on that show - and wrote very well, IMO, especially compared to the Todd/Carly mishegoss - the swift reunion on PP would not have been possible or at least nearly as plausible. By the time Todd walked into Shelter last spring we knew full well they were still in love, that they'd talked about their last blow-out, that Blair knew what he'd done and why and still loved and wanted him anyway but feared letting him in - they had actually discussed this like adults on GH, the previous summer. So by the time the show began again we all had already known it was only a matter of time. And the PP material for those two, which was, particularly midway through, sometimes very brief, benefitted greatly from that setup, IMO.

Edited by jsbt
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I think there's nothing wrong and actually a lot right with seeing people from the ABC soaps interconnect in an organic way


One of Ron's gigantic weakness is that he doesn't write things to happen organically, he rushes from plot point to plot point. It's too bad, because crossovers can be a lot of fun. There's always a gimmicky aspect to them, but if the writing is strong enough, it doesn't take over. Ron always goes big, though, and emphasizes the gimmick.

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I love Viki and Erika Slezak, but I have a hard time picturing the character in Port Charles.  "General Hospital" doesn't really have a Viki-type character, does it?


Clint on the other hand, before Prospect Park announced their plans to go ahead with the revival, I was dying to see show up in Port Charles and get into business shenanigans with the Quartermaines, trying to merge ELQ with BE (BELQ!).

I love Viki and Erika Slezak, but I have a hard time picturing the character in Port Charles.  "General Hospital" doesn't really have a Viki-type character, does it?


Clint on the other hand, before Prospect Park announced their plans to go ahead with the revival, I was dying to see show up in Port Charles and get into business shenanigans with the Quartermaines, trying to merge ELQ with BE (BELQ!).


The closest "Viki" character I can think of from PC would have been Lila, loved by everyone, sage advice, etc.  But, other than that, no one currently on the canvas is anything like Viki.  And I too was looking forward to Tracy and Clint going at it.  But, I also fear that "going at it" would have degenerated into Clint romancing Tracy for some advantage.  Because, of course, Ron can't write any relationship that doesn't involve a triangle.


I liked the idea of the crossover even when it began.  But then, it became about rewriting the OL characters to fit in and the GH characters to make them fit.  And while, yes, they wrote an epic scene for Todd and Blair that did nicely set up for the reunion on PP, I think the thing that killed the deal (the crossovers) in the end was, GH knew they were getting back a Todd Manning married to and pining for his wife, Blair.  Which would have screwed up any triangular plans Ron had working when Todd left PC.  IIRC, GH was given an idea about where stories were going to pick up when Todd at least came back.  And they couldn't handle it.  So they killed the plans and recast the actors.  Which is a shame, because I could see Todd "hiding out" in PC trying to figure out how to get out of the whole Triskelion mess.  Of course, he'd have to avoid his steady while he was there, which could have been an interesting story, but, alas, I'd rather not have her mixed up in any of it.


I will also say that, in the Summer of 2012, they did also write a very aware Carly on the depth of Todd's feelings towards Blair.  Which made it all the more infuriating when they started on Carly being his only friend ever, declaring his undying love to her, etc (besides the general reaction to being that into the slagbeast) and her eating it up without seeming to remember him from months earlier.


But, of course, Ron doesn't write out relationships, AT ALL. 

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I think Viki would probably visit, at best, which I have no problem with.


Clint, OTOH, should've gone after ELQ. I wasn't keen on his reunion with Viki a few years ago - I got more onboard with it on PP, where they were together everyday with better writing - and in 2012 I really wanted him to come in, take on the company and then fall for Tracy. It's Ross and Carrie Todd Marler! Clint should still come in and go after ELQ at least, to be honest.


I'd just much rather be watching McBain and Anna than Nathan, or John and Sam than Silas and Nina. Easton worked on GH for the first time since the Iraq War broke out, IMO.

Edited by jsbt
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I was dying for a Viki visit, especially when Todd was still on his Loving Llanview tour and when he talked to Kate about his sister (one of RH's finest scenes IMO).  And I did like McBain with Sam, but then again, I have shallow, fangurlish reason for part of that.


All told, and ELQ/BE business story would have been interesting and seeing JE and JVD together would have been enjoyable.

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I wish it could've worked out - I still wish it could, especially since IMO, looking at things with cold practicality, the only way the PP soap venture could've continued is if it had become a joint venture with ABC and Disney's money. Keep them out in CT with a tax break and let them go do their thing. I have a hard time believing that if the 30-minute AMC and OLTL were at 1 or 2 PM EST with GH back at 3 that they couldn't give the talk or syndicated shows, or even the back end of the currently-absolutely-terrible Y&R a good fight. And we know Disney and ABC had an interest in reviving them at least on a recurring basis, they just didn't want anyone else to do it without them.


Oh, well.

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It feels like Disney has perpetually been trying to sell off ABC for longer than I can remember. I remember those stories at least five years ago. So yes, I think so, but I don't know what that means for the future unless it's still about streamlining costs and having a cost-effective package. Which, if they did team up on the soaps and had someone else running the two 30-minute shows out of Connecticut, both produced as one for the cost of GH, might be viable. Or so I said from the vantage point of my champagne wishes and caviar dreams.

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The way I remember it, and this is subject to both gossip and the fact that PP did go well overbudget on some of this venture, is that both AMC and OLTL - together - were allegedly produced for like 30 million. This is now GH's current budget as of sometime in the last year, or so I believe; it got slashed again sometime in 2013, and I think it got slashed down to that. With AMC and OLTL sharing sets, space, etc. they were able to swing it at that number or, uh, close to it. I think. And it looked better than GH, IMO. But there's always the question of how much that fabulous look came out of the overages, though I prefer to think it didn't.

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The way I remember it, and this is subject to both gossip and the fact that PP did go well overbudget on some of this venture, is that both AMC and OLTL - together - were allegedly produced for like 30 million. This is now GH's current budget as of sometime in the last year.


But does that take episode count into account?  Meaning did it cost PP the same amount to make 80-ish half-hour episodes of OLTL and AMC that it cost ABC to make a year's worth of hour-long GH?

Edited by TeeVee329

The good news: "The Crazy Ones" may have been canceled, but Amanda Setton (ex-Kimberly Andrews) will be back on our television screens this fall!


The not-so-good news: It's a recurring role on "Hawaii Five-0", which...meh.



Edited by TeeVee329

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