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S20.E28: Power of Veto #9


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13 hours ago, Kris117 said:

Maybe the water gives him magical powers, because he made more sense there than at any point in the game. He made JC truly ponder something he said. I don’t remember seeing that happen before. 

Agreed. JC thinks he's so slick and he's always been controlling Fessy (which isn't hard). But when Fessy pointed out that after he and Haleigh were gone, JC was going to have to get picked off....JC's face totally went blank. And I'm thinking, "Have you really never considered that?" 

I really do wonder if Tyler's connections that he's made with people have caused them to think they each have such a solid thing with him.

12 hours ago, North of Eden said:

Brett is such an F'ing scumbag....that was world class low trying to swoop in on Hay BEFORE Fessy is out of the house. That's the kind of thing in the real world that gets your ass kicked. 

I guess I don't really see the problem here. Like I mentioned above, Brett and Haleigh have cuddled and talked before, long before this. And Haleigh's body language with him, IMO, is always a lot more receptive than it is with Fessy. 

Haleigh has flat out told Brett several times that there's nothing with her and Fessy. She was apparently so close to Scotty, and so not-close with Fessy, that Scotty felt he could confess his feelings to her. 

Brett is playing the game. People didn't like it when Sam got all high and mighty about Katelyn and Haleigh using their sexuality (or whatever) to curry favor with the guys. Brett is doing a similar thing. If Haleigh stays and wins HOH, and Brett's on her good side, she'll likely target others from L6. I think it's smart. 

11 hours ago, North of Eden said:

You don't seriously believe that he was genuine when asking about her being in a showmance. It's a small house with a limited number of people in it. How would he not know...the guy lies like a rug.

Then Haleigh lies too. Because she flat out said she's not with Fessy. 

I know people who have kissed before with no commitments to one another. I've never seen Haleigh make an actual commitment to Fessy. (Thank God)

3 hours ago, Blissfool said:

I must admit I side with Fess on this one. If it's their last week together, i expect them to make the most of it TOGETHER. That's why FOUTTE sucked they didn't know the definition of 'alliance' or 'loyalty.' What is Haleigh doing saddling up with Level 6? Didn't she hear Angela's speech...its a little too late.

I don't think she's trying to saddle up with them....but maybe just make herself a little less insular? I agree that Foute had some loyalty issues. But that's more of an issue when you're 6 strong. When there's literally 2 of you left in the house and one is going home this week....what other choice does she have? You never know. If she played it right, she might be able to form some cracks in L6. They're going to have to turn on each other at some point; and I could see her trying to convince some of them that others are too dangerous to take to the end. I could see her convincing Brett of that. Even if it doesn't work, at least she tried. Holing up with Fessy for a week would do absolutely nothing for her game at this stage. 

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1 minute ago, ghoulina said:

I guess I don't really see the problem here. Like I mentioned above, Brett and Haleigh have cuddled and talked before, long before this. And Haleigh's body language with him, IMO, is always a lot more receptive than it is with Fessy. 

Haleigh has flat out told Brett several times that there's nothing with her and Fessy. She was apparently so close to Scotty, and so not-close with Fessy, that Scotty felt he could confess his feelings to her. 

Brett is playing the game. People didn't like it when Sam got all high and mighty about Katelyn and Haleigh using their sexuality (or whatever) to curry favor with the guys. Brett is doing a similar thing. If Haleigh stays and wins HOH, and Brett's on her good side, she'll likely target others from L6. I think it's smart. 

My basic impression: Since Winston’s departure, Brett feels obligated to do double duty in the DR to play out what he considers his Production-assigned role in the House - Designated Douchebag FratBro (DDFB).  That’s a vast oversimplification of who/what Brett really is, though.  Brett’s initial response upon encountering a crying Hay in the hammock was sympathetic first, strategic a distant second - but a DDFB wouldn’t cop to that in his follow-up DR, so Brett provides a strategic rationalization.

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On 8/29/2018 at 8:47 PM, North of Eden said:

Nah, there is gameplay and then there is being a scumbag. That's being a scumbag. Brett is right up there with those last season that did their damndest to destroy the REAL relationship that was forming between Jess and Cody as "game play" . Well there is a line that you don't cross and they crossed it and failed miserably (Congrats to JODY) and Brett is of the same lowclass ilk.

Because Hay and Fess are a romance for the ages?  She has flirted with at least 2 other guys in the house.  And there is nothing wrong with that.  Fess is a possessive, creepy misogynistic neanderthal.  Any man or woman that gets between that "real" relationship is doing Hay a huge favor.  Ooh! Guys, guys!  Brett is a hero!

Edited by lilabennet
  • Love 13
3 hours ago, Nashville said:

The final score (also shown on-screen), however, indicates what we were shown was only about 2/3 of the comp action - and the “missing” 1/3 was where the comp was really decided in Kaycee’s favor.

Or it indicates that Production was just pulling numbers out of their ass [/cynic] and that's why I would have preferred to see all the relevant action so that I wouldn't have to worry about this.  Yes, it would take a little more time and we'd lose some "suspense" (although not all the viewers were keeping score, I'm sure), but it would make the show's integrity unquestionable.  And after nonsense like last season's "Weatherman" veto, where they didn't even bother to explain the rules to the viewers, they could use a little more of that, IMO.

39 minutes ago, Halting Hex said:

Or it indicates that Production was just pulling numbers out of their ass [/cynic] and that's why I would have preferred to see all the relevant action so that I wouldn't have to worry about this.  Yes, it would take a little more time and we'd lose some "suspense" (although not all the viewers were keeping score, I'm sure), but it would make the show's integrity unquestionable.  And after nonsense like last season's "Weatherman" veto, where they didn't even bother to explain the rules to the viewers, they could use a little more of that, IMO.

I wanna take this to the Episode vs Feeds thread.

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8 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

I guess Kaycee thinks she's hilarious with her "psych!" DR.  I'm glad there's one person who finds her interesting, even if it's only herself. She's still a walking cure for insomnia, from my POV.

It was so lame it was hilarious in its own way. 

8 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

Wow, all that App Store voting really made a difference, didn't it?  Sam didn't want to use her power, and when it defaulted to someone else, Kaitlyn blew the puzzle.  Tyler never used his App, and Bayleigh was evicted before she could use hers.  Game-changers, indeed.

Even though it didn’t make any game difference it was fun to watch. It’s not the worst twist they’ve tried to introduce. I enjoyed the bad apps a lot, especially Shouting Man and Shakespeare. 

  • Love 4
16 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

They might as well have just let Kaycee and Fessy play that veto comp. Kinda boring to me.

Do the houseguests officially know about the Battle Back or do they just suspect it at this point? It'd be funny if Fessy got back in. Hopefully it'll be some kind of mental challenge instead of a physical one.

This is the part of the season where I usually start telling myself I'm never going to watch another season of Big Brother. The smugness quotient is hitting my red zone. I'm ready for Level 6 to start going after each other.

I usually swear off the show at some point too, often even earlier than now ! But I always come back, must be a glutton for punishment. this season, though, I haven't. It's not been as bad, the people just aren't as nasty as we've had in the past, I think. Even Angela isn't as bad as she's been portrayed. A little Bitchy, yeah, but it's really not her fault that the others were such dimbulbs ! In this game, when other people fall for your lies so easily, you have a right to gloat a little. Dr. Will did it to Hardy and everyone loved it. But I agree, it should be fun when L6 finally has to turn on each other.

  • Love 3
9 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

I guess Kaycee thinks she's hilarious with her "psych!" DR.  I'm glad there's one person who finds her interesting, even if it's only herself. She's still a walking cure for insomnia, from my POV.

And how far does Grodner have her tongue up Tyler's ass, anyway?  He was completely irrelevant to the episode (did he even get a DR before the very end?) and then all of a sudden he gets the final DR of the show, cackling and gloating about literally doing nothing (ie, not using his power).  Wow, drama!  Honestly, there would have been more point in spotlighting Sam, ffs.

Wow, all that App Store voting really made a difference, didn't it?  Sam didn't want to use her power, and when it defaulted to someone else, Kaitlyn blew the puzzle.  Tyler never used his App, and Bayleigh was evicted before she could use hers.  Game-changers, indeed.

I grabbed the remote as soon as she was shown in the DR, my finger couldn't hit the mute fast enough ! I figured she was going to yell something stupid, and she did ! ( I always keep the CC on, so I can mute but still she what is said.) I don't think she done much more than any other floater, but she's got lucky and ended up in the winning alliance. I get the impression she thinks she's all that.

KC won the Hacker comp and that helped to protect her entire alliance.  She beat Fessy in a comp that was catered to him and has assured his eviction, which was her alliance's plan for this week.  Her veto win spared Angela from having to nom Sam or JC, which would have shown Level 6's cards a week too early (2 weeks with the battleback).  KC is doing her part and just because viewers find her boring doesn't mean that she won't have a case to make in final two if she gets there.  Whether or not she will be articulate enough to make an effective case is another story.

  • Love 9
40 minutes ago, lilabennet said:

KC won the Hacker comp and that helped to protect her entire alliance.  She beat Fessy in a comp that was catered to him and has assured his eviction, which was her alliance's plan for this week.  Her veto win spared Angela from having to nom Sam or JC, which would have shown Level 6's cards a week too early (2 weeks with the battleback).  KC is doing her part and just because viewers find her boring doesn't mean that she won't have a case to make in final two if she gets there.  Whether or not she will be articulate enough to make an effective case is another story.

This latest competition was at least as much catered to her as to Faysal I'd say, she's probably more agile than him and that helped her in the second stage.

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7 minutes ago, amazingracefan said:

This latest competition was at least as much catered to her as to Faysal I'd say, she's probably more agile than him and that helped her in the second stage.

And more in-practice, I expect; Kaycee’s a current player, while Fessy’s been off the gridiron field for what - 3 or 4 years now...?

  • Love 1
8 hours ago, mikewho said:

That competition would've been much more interesting to watch if they hadn't screwed it up with all that slo-mo shit. But I guess it would've been over too quickly for the episode. What was that, 1980s special effects? Showing them in real time would've at least been amusing.

Buck Rogers* would’ve been proud.



* Starring JC as Twiki!

Edited by Nashville
Damn autocorrect
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