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S03.E08 Cry Havoc

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JLo did a great job of showing how freaked out she was in the back of that police transport van. Her PTSD is being handled well. Stahl is nuts! I can't wait to see how this all comes to an end, as well. But I will also be extremely sad once it's all over. I really do love this show.  

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Stahl is one bat-shit crazy guy. But what's up with him and the FBI lady? She doesn't know he's a freak? She knows he's obsessed with Harlee, I mean the laptop spying told her that if she didn't know before. Yet she owes Stahl for saving her from something in the past? Geesh. I did get a laugh out of Stahl closing the laptop as soon as FBI came back into the room, then it was open again so we could all see Harlee on the screen. (Even FBI lady, who should have closed it before she got on Stahl. But maybe that's just me.)

I loved Harlee pulling her gun and trying to kill Stahl through the bullet-proof glass. But I wish she wouldn't reply to him about anything. Just shut up and get away Harlee.

I did think Harlee got off pretty easy from missing the rendezvous. No one said anything to her, and she didn't say anything either, just Woz "knew" when he saw her hands.

Cole killing Ginger Cop in a heartbeat was freaky. And after being burned crispy. Talk about Stahl being bat shit, I think Cole is too.

Last episode ended with Woz knocked to the floor from his back. Did I miss how he got over that? This week he was all fine and okee dokee again.

Still, good episode and l continue to love this show. Only two eps left. Nooooo ... I don't want it to end. Plus I don't see how all this can be wrapped in only two more hours. So there's that!

Side note: I really want Harlee's hair, now that I know she has an extra wig.

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Wow, Loman went from being the nice, conflicted one to pistol whipping a kid in the middle of the street.

Stahl is such a psycho.  And I can't believe the FBI lady is not only buying all of his bullshit, but dating/fucking him.  I wonder what he "saved" her from?  I'm sure whatever it was, it was probably something he put into motion to create a situation for him to rescue her and have her bonded to him.  Is there a cult out there somewhere that is missing its leader??

3 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

Cole killing Ginger Cop in a heartbeat was freaky.

I am mis-remembering? I could have sworn Ginger Cop was in the opening scene of this season's first episode when Harlee was testifying in court about feeling like a bad guy before they went into flashback mode that has been the actual story for this season.  

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I too love when the crew all get to work together, though of course it can never work out the way they want it to.

There's something about Stahl when he's calm that makes him so much crazier than when he's raging.

So bummed this show is almost over, but can't wait to see how they end it. I really don't have any guesses, I'm looking forward to being surprised.

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2 hours ago, helenamonster said:

There's something about Stahl when he's calm that makes him so much crazier than when he's raging.

It's usually the calmer ones that are creepier.

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Cole finally has reached his 'live by the sword, die by the sword' moment in the story. A person that conflicted can't survive long working with bad guys. I wonder if Cole shooting Bennett was a test by Ramsey. Maybe Ramsey gave Cole a gun with blanks. The FBI agent Myers/Stahl relationship has a little Stockholm Syndrome flavor to it. Harlee had at least three clear shots at Stahl when he scrambled to climb back into the transport.

Edited by VinceW
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9 hours ago, luckyroll3 said:

.......I am mis-remembering? I could have sworn Ginger Cop was in the opening scene of this season's first episode when Harlee was testifying in court about feeling like a bad guy before they went into flashback mode that has been the actual story for this season.  

Ginger Cop was not in that opening scene. I don't think any cops from the Intelligence unit were in court during her testimony. However, Internal Affairs was there.

Edited by VinceW
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15 hours ago, saber5055 said:

Side note: I really want Harlee's hair, now that I know she has an extra wig.

As someone with fine, straight hair, I am so with you on this one. Her hair always looks gorgeous to me - EXCEPT when she puts it in one of those super-tight pulled back knots on her head. I just absolutely hate that look on anyone - even someone as pretty as JLo.

8 hours ago, helenamonster said:

So bummed this show is almost over, but can't wait to see how they end it. I really don't have any guesses, I'm looking forward to being surprised.

Same here. I keep wondering if they will leave it with an open end where if they decide to come back at some point they can, or will they tie up loose ends with some of the crew dead? I do think someway, somehow they are going to figure out a way for Cole and Harlee to hook up before it ends. The attraction between them could be cut with a knife. (not to mention he is similar in looks to Nava).

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16 hours ago, luckyroll3 said:

Stahl is such a psycho.  And I can't believe the FBI lady is not only buying all of his bullshit, but dating/fucking him.  I wonder what he "saved" her from?  I'm sure whatever it was, it was probably something he put into motion to create a situation for him to rescue her and have her bonded to him.  Is there a cult out there somewhere that is missing its leader??

He saved her from not having a dick to ride. Even if he saved her life, that only justifies her putting him up in her house. There is nothing that he could have done that justifies her sleeping with him. There must be something in the water in Shades of Blue.

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5 hours ago, llewis823 said:

I do think someway, somehow they are going to figure out a way for Cole and Harlee to hook up before it ends. The attraction between them could be cut with a knife.

No kidding. The heat about knocks me off my chair when they are together, and I'm just watching a tv!

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9 hours ago, llewis823 said:

As someone with fine, straight hair, I am so with you on this one. Her hair always looks gorgeous to me - EXCEPT when she puts it in one of those super-tight pulled back knots on her head. I just absolutely hate that look on anyone - even someone as pretty as JLo.

Same here. I keep wondering if they will leave it with an open end where if they decide to come back at some point they can, or will they tie up loose ends with some of the crew dead? I do think someway, somehow they are going to figure out a way for Cole and Harlee to hook up before it ends. The attraction between them could be cut with a knife. (not to mention he is similar in looks to Nava).

Yeah, NBC has been very adamant about the show ending, choosing to announce it fairly quickly as a final season right away.

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I don't remember where I read it but I read they ended it because JLo wanted to. Something about too many other committments. I love the show and I really like JLo too, but man this show is just so obviously designed to be her vehicle. What cop wears high heals for foot chases? I did notice that the past 2 shows, she actually wears modest shirts which kind of surprised me. 

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15 hours ago, llewis823 said:

I don't remember where I read it but I read they ended it because JLo wanted to. Something about too many other committments. I love the show and I really like JLo too, but man this show is just so obviously designed to be her vehicle. What cop wears high heals for foot chases? I did notice that the past 2 shows, she actually wears modest shirts which kind of surprised me. 

Aw, that bums me out for a lot of reasons. I've really enjoyed JLo in this show and I don't know what all her other commitments are (I know she's got World of Dance, her Vegas residency, and a couple movies, but I bet there's even more than that, on top of being a single mom) but I kinda wish she'd dumped one of those instead. This has been a great transition to get her back into dramatic work, which she really excels at. It's always seemed to me like JLo felt she should lean more towards romcoms, that those were more her type, but I think she's better in these kinds of narratives.

Also, when she first brought the show to NBC, she was only planning on producing and they asked her to consider starring. So while JLo has been excellent as Harlee, maybe if somebody else had been the lead it could go on longer (unless the ratings are also contributing to the cancellation). I remembered when the show first aired some people (here and elsewhere) thought Drea would have made a lot of sense in the lead role, especially as Harlee's season one storyline was basically Drea's storyline from The Sopranos, except Harlee has a lot more agency and gets to kick a lot more ass than Adriana.

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7 hours ago, helenamonster said:

I kinda wish she'd dumped one of those instead.

I agree with you. I absolutely loved her in the dramatic movie "Enough". That is one of the movies that if I run across it on the tv guide, I will stop and watch it no matter how many times I've seen it before. Drea would have been a great lead in this show. I have always figured the ratings were not that great just by the slow forum here. We don't have as many posts as most forums do. I just hope it is a great ending that will have it go out with a bang and not a whimper.

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I agree that JLo is great in this. She and Liotta together, neither one seem like they are "acting" if you get what I mean. However, I'm not a fan of Drea. I've never seen the actress before and her character is my least favorite (well, maybe Cristina is) on this show. She looks so hard and unhappy and mean and tough, and gives the vibe that she doesn't want to be there. This week I think she smiled once and I was all, hey, maybe she IS nice looking. But I wouldn't watch a show she starred in. I'm shallow and do like my leads to be easy on the eyes.

The writing for this show is good too, different from other cop shows, although I admit I never watch them so what do I know. Yet I do watch and love this one. There's always some hook that I don't anticipate.

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Yeah, it seems as if this show is ending because of Jennifer and nothing else. It’s a shame because she’s doing excellent work on this show, and I love it. I’ve always thought she was a good actor. This show is different than anything else on TV right now.

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