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S20.E12: Nominations #4

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59 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

The "N" word has never been so. It might have been used openly and commonly but it was never considered proper or appropriate by the people it referred to.

But it was a snarly, contemptuous corruption of "Negro", which was the "proper" and "official" term of the day.  (And still honored in the United Negro College Fund, for example.)  So it wasn't an insult made up out of the whole cloth, more of a question of attitude.  And thus not that different from the history of the "M-word", after all.  

But as greyflannel points out, that's a history that's in the past, anyhow.  And thus arguably less-relevant to JC and Bayleigh's current usage.  But JMO.

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I was taught that the M word was the proper word for someone under 4'10"  who is normally proportioned, versus a dwarf, who is also under 4'10" but abnormally proportioned.  Meaning heads, arms, legs etc disproportionate to their body size.  Of course I know that times change and the acceptability of certain words change with it.  But I never knew that the M word was derogatory in any way.  I'm glad I've learned this now, and that conversation for me was an eye-opener. When JC said that he's a little person, and gay, and Hispanic and that he knows "one thing or two" about discrimination my heart broke for him.  I don't doubt Bayleighs pain is real, but I'm annoyed how she couldn't or wouldn't see that JC's pain was at least as bad.  He also is probably the only little person in most places that he goes, and is constantly feeling scrutinized.  Most of us can at least take comfort that at least we "fit in" with our own family, but he probably is "different", even there. Of course they love him and accept him, but they are not like him.  Just imagine what that must be like. 

  • Love 9
19 minutes ago, PoshSprinkles said:

CBS didn't either as Michael called Eric (Cappy) the M-Word during BB6 and it wasn't censored. Several HGs that season also used a term that rhymes with leotard to describe events, people, and things. I also recall Janelle using the term "ghetto" to describe a slip-n-slide Ivette made. Also, didn't Dick in S8 say something about Zach wanting to own a m________ during the endurance competition for the final head of household that wasn't censored? 

Clearly somebody educated the people at Big Brother, which is why they now censor it. Which is basically what JC was hoping to do: educate someone who wasn't aware so they would stop doing it.

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Now that I think about Sam’s heinous speech, she demanded Tyler get down so she could “win.”

Does that mean she’s been planning to be a bitch on a personal level since Thursday?

I mean, with her declaration in the HOH room that her noms were set I wonder if Kaitlyn and Hayleigh are thinking about that.  No wonder they were hurt by it.

Do NOT make me root for Kaitlyn, Sam.

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5 hours ago, Jess14 said:

Fessy has been just as deceived at every turn as Hayleigh (moreso actually), I’m guessing that all Hayleigh’s gotta do is win a competition or two, and then Sam will be perfectly fine with her gameplay and think that the massaging and flirting is acceptable....yeah somehow I doubt that.

Likewise, Kaitlin, who has played a pretty big role in 2 of the evictions so far, gets no credit. Apparently, she’s the manipulative woman who bears responsibility for disrespecting that young man, Tyler, but yet, she’s not responsible for winning HOH and getting out Swaggy? Tyler gets all of the credit for that. I can’t stand Kaitlin, but she’s had a bigger impact on the game than Fessy and several others.

Can you really not see that’s not at all the point being made? Many people fly under the radar and it’s not about that.

Sam, who was a robot at first and had to work hard and connect without slinging massage or cuddle, told us point blank: It is easy and cheap to make the only personal connections you have to the house be the person/people for who you put out or demand sexual tension from. That’s it. They could win every competition but if that doesn’t change her point stands. Everyone knows a showmance is the kiss of death in this game; by committing to that these women are portraying that the game is too hard and lets just let a man take us as far as he can. 

Hay even told us she’s said little to Sam in a month! Kaitlin is crazier than a shithouse rat and could be replaced with a Twister wheel, as I don’t even think she understands what she does most of the time and is just as predictable, but now that Kaitlin and Hay are on the block, I’m sure Wednesday’s show will be all about them taking their game into their own hands, working the house, and not just exclusively whining to Ty and Fess to choose one girl over the other, right? That’s not at all what will happen. No. Not at all. 

The old saying: “Flirting will get you everything you want but respect.” 

That’s all she was saying.

Why not take Ty/Fess to task? Because it is not fucking hurting them! Duh. Everyone wants the girls out and not the guys. Sam was telling these bitches to get off their backs and onto their feet or they’re going out the door, which is women supporting women.

These particular women are just too messed up and PC and feelings-centric to see beyond someone not telling them every step they make is magic, especially when the game almost always turns everyone into Yes Men.

That game doesn’t benefit Sam, she doesn’t care for it, and that’s why she’s putting them up. That’s what she said. Any judgement about men/women promiscuity is from the eye of the viewer, not her statement. 

  • Love 4
47 minutes ago, NickPappagiorgio said:

The old saying: “Flirting will get you everything you want but respect.” 

That’s all she was saying.

Why not take Ty/Fess to task? Because it is not fucking hurting them! Duh. Everyone wants the girls out and not the guys. Sam was telling these bitches to get off their backs and onto their feet or they’re going out the door, which is women supporting women.

These particular women are just too messed up and PC and feelings-centric to see beyond someone not telling them every step they make is magic, especially when the game almost always turns everyone into Yes Men.

That game doesn’t benefit Sam, she doesn’t care for it, and that’s why she’s putting them up. That’s what she said. Any judgement about men/women promiscuity is from the eye of the viewer, not her statement. 

I think if you refer to women as "bitches" and tell them to "get off their backs" (a rather old, crude sexual reference) your opinion about women is already skewed.

  • Love 16
50 minutes ago, NickPappagiorgio said:

Can you really not see that’s not at all the point being made? Many people fly under the radar and it’s not about that.

Sam, who was a robot at first and had to work hard and connect without slinging massage or cuddle, told us point blank: It is easy and cheap to make the only personal connections you have to the house be the person/people for who you put out or demand sexual tension from. That’s it. They could win every competition but if that doesn’t change her point stands. Everyone knows a showmance is the kiss of death in this game; by committing to that these women are portraying that the game is too hard and lets just let a man take us as far as he can. 

Hay even told us she’s said little to Sam in a month! Kaitlin is crazier than a shithouse rat and could be replaced with a Twister wheel, as I don’t even think she understands what she does most of the time and is just as predictable, but now that Kaitlin and Hay are on the block, I’m sure Wednesday’s show will be all about them taking their game into their own hands, working the house, and not just exclusively whining to Ty and Fess to choose one girl over the other, right? That’s not at all what will happen. No. Not at all. 

The old saying: “Flirting will get you everything you want but respect.” 

That’s all she was saying.

Why not take Ty/Fess to task? Because it is not fucking hurting them! Duh. Everyone wants the girls out and not the guys. Sam was telling these bitches to get off their backs and onto their feet or they’re going out the door, which is women supporting women.

These particular women are just too messed up and PC and feelings-centric to see beyond someone not telling them every step they make is magic, especially when the game almost always turns everyone into Yes Men.

That game doesn’t benefit Sam, she doesn’t care for it, and that’s why she’s putting them up. That’s what she said. Any judgement about men/women promiscuity is from the eye of the viewer, not her statement. 

Nope, sure don't. But hey, if you believe that Sam is all about girl power and women's empowerment, and that her differing opinions of the flirting that Kaitlin and Hayleigh have engaged in vs Fessy/Tyler has nothing at all to do with gender and everything to do with their gameplay, cool. I don't. I'm not even sure where the PC, "want everyone to them that everything they do is magic" even came from, but, hey, that's a message board. People see things differently. That's life.

  • Love 8
11 hours ago, Growsonwalls said:

Not to mention that Sam is clutching her pearls over some very mild flirting. There hasn't been much happening other than the flirting you'd expect to see in any summer camp. Whatever would she have done last season, or in BB15, or BB18, where there was actually real, extremely sexual showmances?

Or S9, which merely thinking about for some reason makes me feel like I need a bleach shower. Or what would she have thought of the Jack Shack? Who am I kidding... she would have proclaimed "boys will be boys" as her cleaning/smothering-OCD compelled her to clean it out for them. *gag*

  • Love 3

Kaliegh & Haliegh both should have looked Sam right in the eyes and said to her, jealous much?, while laughing their asses off. They should not have let her know it bothered them at all. If I don’t respect someone It doesn’t matter what they say to me, it’s just heir opinion, it doesn’t mean they are right. Sam was the one that was wrong. Her saying that had nothing to do with playing the game and everything to do with her pure jealousy over those girls. Sam want to be the center of attention at all times. She has issues. ??

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I know, we all have some. What about it? She does need to be who she really is, she can play the game without being someone completely different than she tried to make us feel she was. We all loved her. He’ll, I still know that she’s a lot better than she coming across on TV. What happened? I’m not just talking game play. Her hateful attitude. And then after HOH, back to saint?????

I was so proud to get a hard working girl welder on the show, like myself. What happened after she got HOH? A person can’t do a complete 360 as good and smooth as she did without it being natural, at least a little?

I’m just trying to figure out what kind of person is she really? Not what other family and friends say she is. She needs to be who she really is. To heck with trying to kiss everybody’s as sometimes and not being sincere. I’m from the country too. We are real all the time where I come from. I’m just hoping she doesn’t sell her soul over a damn game.! Even if it is with $ 500,000, there is life after B.B. I sincerely, wish her all the luck in the world. I’m sure she needs the money too. She’ll see how she came across when she gets out, I know she will be sad about some of her actions. I know I would suck on the show, I know it must be damn hard. I just thought she was a lot more mature than the others for her age?

I’m just trying to figure out what kind of person is she really? Not what other family and friends say she is. She needs to be who she really is. To heck with trying to kiss everybody’s as sometimes and not being sincere. I’m from the country too. We are real all the time where I come from. I’m just hoping she doesn’t sell her soul over a damn game.! Even if it is with $ 500,000, there is life after B.B. I sincerely, wish her all the luck in the world. I’m sure she needs the money too. She’ll see how she came across when she gets out, I know she will be sad about some of her actions. I know I would suck on the show, I know it must be damn hard. I just thought she was a lot more mature than the others for her age? Somehow my paragraphs overlapped. I’ll quit no. 

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