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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion

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2 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Fessy's confused about being confused.

You know what, I actually am confused as hell about what is happening in this convo too, so I should stop calling him stupid.

ETA: Kaitlyn asked her guides and they told her to keep Swaggy if it was a tie.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Kaitlyn is saying that she asked her "guides" right before the vote about who she should keep in the event of a tie and they told her to keep Swaggy.  

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4 minutes ago, Cutty said:

Every time Angela is on the feeds she's pretending not to be checking herself out in a mirror. 

I mean, she's gorgeous but c'mon.

i give both Angela and Rachel a pass on this. One is a fitness model and the other a professional dancer. Camera and mirror awareness are occupational hazards.

2 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Yeah, he'll go talk to Kaitlyn after getting this straightened out with Haleigh...and then get all confused again.

He's such a walking illustration of "bless his heart." It's a good thing he's pretty.

1 minute ago, vb68 said:

S6 are totally going to campaign to get each other nominated. That's the way this is going.

Yep. Total circular firing squad.

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I feel like Rockstar has borrowed Winston's tin foil paranoia hat regarding Scotty being an evil genius mastermind.  But she says she is on to him and has figured it out.

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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

Right! I just. Her mind works in astonishing ways.

"Yes, I backdoored him, but I would have voted for him to stay in a tie that never would have happened, so we're all good, right?"

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1 minute ago, zorak said:

I feel like Rockstar has borrowed Winston's tin foil paranoia hat regarding Scotty being an evil genius mastermind.  But she says she is on to him and has figured it out.

Well go tell him Rockstar and see how that goes for you!

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4 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Kaitlyn asked her guides and they told her to keep Swaggy if it was a tie.

So - Chakra Con’s spirit guides are as frikkin’ BB- stupid as her?  Good to know.  Idiot ghosts I can deal with.


Just now, zorak said:

I feel like Rockstar has borrowed Winston's tin foil paranoia hat regarding Scotty being an evil genius mastermind.  But she says she is on to him and has figured it out.

Pinky hasn’t been “on to” anything since the last time she got knocked up.

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2 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Fessy being like, 'well maybe curb that evil genius talk since he's HOH' had me rolling.

He may not know much, but he knows that bless his heart!

3 minutes ago, zorak said:

Bayleigh seems to have cozied back up to Angela now that Swaggy is gone.

Well we knew where the brains were in Swayleigh or whatever it was called.

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8 minutes ago, zorak said:

Bayleigh seems to have cozied back up to Angela now that Swaggy is gone.

Hell, so would I.

Sorry - did I say that out loud?  ;>


2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Except Brett and Winston, the best showmance of all time.

Beats the hell outta Zack and FmfG.

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4 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Except Brett and Winston, the best showmance of all time.

Word. This is one showmance that never shit talks the other, and values the other's company above all else. 

Edited by Growsonwalls
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Winston is discussing with Brett how they need to pull in Sam and tell her that they really did vote to keep her that 1st week even though they told Scottie that they voted to keep Steve.  

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2 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

Word. This is one showmance that never shit talks the other, and values the other's company above all else. 

I mean, Angela and every mirror she walks past could be another showmance but I don't know if the world is ready for that.

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2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

He'll probably think the ants are conspiring against him later this week. 

But you gotta admit, he stayed surprisingly calm through this entire week....well....calm enough to not make a scene.

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Just now, Callaphera said:

Winston is full on Winstoning with bonus serial killer eyes. Seriously, they can't get rid of this guy. I need him here until jury for the entertainment value alone.

I love him unabashedly. I also love how no matter what is going on in the house somehow Winston and Brett are always playing jenga and whispering together. 

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I want to see Brett be evicted before Winston, because I think Winston will lose his mind and Brett won't be there to bring him back from Planet Paranoia.

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Winston is telling Kaycee and Brett to prepare for some craziness from him if someone says he voted to evict Steve.

Was anyone watching the Scottie/Tyler convo?  I want to know what was being said.

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2 minutes ago, zorak said:

Was anyone watching the Scottie/Tyler convo?  I want to know what was being said.

He said he's going on a Steve vendetta. That way no one can blame him.

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3 minutes ago, zorak said:

Winston is telling Kaycee and Brett to prepare for some craziness from him if someone says he voted to evict Steve.

Expect more craziness from Winston when Scottie starts getting more Bro time with Brett this week than him!



He said he's going on a Steve vendetta. That way no one can blame him.

Who's going to be first to sell Kaitlyn down the river?

Edited by vb68
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2 minutes ago, zorak said:

Was anyone watching the Scottie/Tyler convo?  I want to know what was being said.

Scottie was saying that his best bet would be to ____ (maybe something about Steve?) and then he was told to move his mic higher. Tyler asked him if he voted to evict Swaggy, got the yes, and then they started whispering so low that I couldn't tell.

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Just now, Growsonwalls said:

I hope Scottie throws Kait on the block. He has every reason to. 

She can't really complain about it either because when she told him she was going to put him up she said that they had made some agreement prior about how they could both say each other's names if they ever needed to. 

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5 minutes ago, Cutty said:

Kaitlyn almost definitely gonna be one of the noms unless Tyler mists him.

I don't know if Tyler would try to save her or not. It's smart to keep Kaitlyn around because she's a more in-your-face target but at the same time, he can get rid of her with minimal blood on his hands (sorry) and if he does have to get rid of her, before jury would probably be best because she'll change her vote in jury a million times over when her spirit guides and intuition start kicking in. 

Edited by Callaphera
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