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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion

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16 minutes ago, missyb said:

I just love Kaitlyn as HOH. She cracks me up. On the show, there is a clip of Tyler giving her bits of info , including Sam has the power. Cut to Kait in DR, I never would have thought that! Then she is tlaking to Sam, Sam tells her she got the power and Kait says "I new it!".  She is one hot mess.

And she told Sam that she didn't need the details because she "intuitively" knows what Sam's power is. I howled at that.

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Just now, Callaphera said:

And she told Sam that she didn't need the details because she "intuitively" knows what Sam's power is. I howled at that.

And this. I was cracking up. Ot was a great edit tonight. Except for the end when they cut out Kait accusing Winston of being a doctor.

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Oh, bless Sam’s heart. JC just asked her if she ever had a lesbian experience. She thinks that by flipping off the cameras with both hands mean the cameras will cut away. She says she has, it was experimental, and she’s just a sexual person.

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1 minute ago, Katesus7 said:

Oh, bless Sam’s heart. JC just asked her if she ever had a lesbian experience. She thinks that by flipping off the cameras with both hands mean the cameras will cut away. She says she has, it was experimental, and she’s just a sexual person.

I can't stop laughing at Sam thinking the cameras will cut away from her while she talks about this. But now, I feel weird watching this because clearly it's not something Sam wants to share with the world.

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2 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

Oh, bless Sam’s heart. JC just asked her if she ever had a lesbian experience. She thinks that by flipping off the cameras with both hands mean the cameras will cut away. She says she has, it was experimental, and she’s just a sexual person.

There's something hilarious about listening to Sam's sweet and low voice talking while she holds up her middle finger to the camera for five minutes.

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1 hour ago, Ceeg said:

Rockstar just said if she wins HOH, she's picking the Have Nots herself, not asking for volunteers. Respect. 

She wouldn't really go through with it, but hey I'm just glad she said it lol. I'm so tired of this volunteering bullshit. 

I need a fucking fight dammit!

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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

She wouldn't really go through with it, but hey I'm just glad she said it lol. I'm so tired of this volunteering bullshit. 

I need a fucking fight dammit!

I also feel like Kaitlyn basically didn't give anyone a choice with all of her rules, and blatantly leaving out Tyler, but she just pretending she was letting people volunteer.

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JC to Sam: "They can just blur your [middle] fingers."

Finally someone tells her! Followed immediately by

Rockstar: "Nah, I don't think so."

Future HGs, take note. If you want to have a conversation about something and you don't want it to go out on the feeds or the show, your best bet is to say someone's name, provided that person never signed a release. Or y'know just accept the 24/7 part of the feeds and not say anything?

Edited by Callaphera
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Winston is freaking out at something  Kaitlyn just did.

Brett tells him that he needs to relax, for what I'm sure is probably the 50th time today. At least.

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Winston to Brett: "You're gonna have to control me when I'm HoH and I want to take off Kaitlyn's head."

Like he doesn't already baby-sit your paranoid ass every minute of every day?

Edited by Callaphera
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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

Winston to Brett: "You're gonna have to control me when I'm HoH and I want to take off Kaitlyn's head."

So....I like Brett, like a lot. But if there's a chance of Brett getting evicted before Winston and Winston wins an HOH, I would be absolutely ECSTATIC (and likely then pissed off and enrage) by what he does and says without his bro to calm him down.

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Just now, peachmangosteen said:

I just hope eventually Brett full on snaps over having to care for Winston 24/7.

Brett wins HoH and backdoors Winston because he Just. Can't. Take. It. Anymore.

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2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Brett wins HoH and backdoors Winston because he Just. Can't. Take. It. Anymore.

But then when it's a tie vote, Brett decides to keep Winston and yells, "I just can't quit you!"  And then they hug it out.

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So I don't know how these Snapchat glasses work but if there's sound with these things, I feel sorry for everyone who has to listen to Faysal talk about his boogers and make whistley noises with his nose.

Edited by Callaphera
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Just now, SiobhanJW said:

I love Winston soley because he's an absolute paranoid mess. It's hysterical to watch. 

He is great.

If you just showed this clip to a stranger, they'd think Winston was pissed that his boyfriend was seeing other women.

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Just now, Lady Calypso said:

If you just showed this clip to a stranger, they'd think Winston was pissed that his boyfriend was seeing other women.

Oh, was that not what it was? 

I just realized that if Kaitlyn gets the power next week, then Tyler will basically have 3 power apps at his disposal. Fuck why do the people I hate always run the game dammit?!

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Right before they cut the feed, one of the girls was whining (Haleigh?) that she wanted to sleep with Kaitlyn tonight, and Kaitlyn gave out a low-key passive aggressive "Oh yeah, thanks for volunteering..."

I think Kaitlyn has forgotten all about her aura. And karma too.  Just an observation.

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1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

Here's the full description. A good power, and he's going to have to gauge when he's in true trouble. Plus, he has Sam possibly using her power on him in the next two weeks if he's thrown up, so he can save his power for the other six weeks.

Oh.my.God.  I never thought of that!

The girl who got the crap app was the same girl who was being racist?

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Just now, jumper sage said:

The girl who got the crap app was the same girl who was being racist?

No, not exactly. She was involved and said her own insensitive comment, but it was more Angela.

But no, the reason Rachel got the crap app is because the episodes haven't shown her, and a bunch of others, at all, and she drew the short stick.

4 minutes ago, kellog010 said:

I saw this tweet referred to on jokers, it's killing me. I hadn't seen it earlier.


That's gold.

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1 minute ago, vb68 said:

Well we do have the new Version 2.0 in Sam.

She doesn't do it for me. Donny was hilarious. And smarter lol. I wanna like Sam, but she mostly bores me.

ETA: That chicken Angela/Sam made looks like it rivals something Raven would make.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Damn it, Bayleigh. Get a fucking tissue and blow your fucking nose and stop snotting and hawking into your microphone. 

It's worse than the inevitable open mouth smacking eater that we get every year.

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If you want a good closeup view of Winston's bird legs, flashback to 3:07 pm BB time today camera 1. I had never paid attention before, but good gravy there they are in their glory. Looks like someone could snap them right in two. 

Edited by vb68
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I'm sure production wants this blindside because of the blow up- but also when Swaggy leaves- half of their only showmance walks out the door. And we all know how much they love their Showmances. 

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1 hour ago, RandomWatcher said:

I wish Rockstar would take off those giant glasses, they look ridiculous.

All I can think of when I see her is Professor Trelawney from Harry Potter. She just needs some shawls to complete the look.

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I do have to say, I’m coming around on (sigh) Rockstar. I started softening on her during her breakdown earlier this week over her boyfriend being totally unsupportive of her being on the show, but she felt it was such a huge opportunity, she couldn’t pass it up. I actually do get that, and he sounds like a dick. And I really enjoy her one on one talks with Sam and others. 

Her “nickname” and glasses are always going to drive me up the wall, but I do appreciate the fact that she just can’t connect with Winston due to him....being...him.

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Winston is skeeved out by the community mouthwash.  I can't say that I blame him.

Awkward silence between Winston and Rockstar as they are the only 2 in the kitchen.

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