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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion

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Oh poor baby Winston is whining and is butt hurt that only Brett and Angela came up to him after noms.

He practically yells that he's ready to stir shit up if he's about to leave.

Get a Grip Bro.  Better yet, take a page from Sam and just chill.

Edited by vb68
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1 minute ago, vb68 said:

Oh poor baby Winston is whining and is butt hurt that only Brett and Angela came up to him after noms.

He practically yells that he's ready to stir shit up if he's about to leave.

Get a Grip Bro.  Better yet, take a page from Sam and just chill.

I can't stop laughing at Winston right now. He's so paranoid. 

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I think Winston has legit anger management issues. He can go from zero to 60 in a heartbeat.

So Rachel did the veto comp in 5 minutes according to Winston. So I don't know how or why Tyler beat that.

And Rachel made a comment as they walked past Cody and Jess like "Look Brett we can be just like that."

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Just now, vb68 said:

So Rachel did the veto comp in 5 minutes according to Winston. So I don't know how or why Tyler beat that.

Tyler beat her by only a few seconds, I believe. He wouldn't have known her time either, so it was a fluke on his end.

Again, he should have just let time run out.

JC/Kaitlyn talking. JC is always gaming, it seems. He's telling Kaitlyn that she should go with her plan because Swaggy is coming after her. She's agreeing and is planning to get rid of Swaggy for sure.

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13 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

JC/Kaitlyn talking. JC is always gaming, it seems.

I thought he came off very good and real with her when he said he would never say a bad word about.her. Swaggy's side was bullying her, and he's had to deal with that his whole life.


Edited by vb68
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2 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

JC/Kaitlyn talking. JC is always gaming, it seems. He's telling Kaitlyn that she should go with her plan because Swaggy is coming after her. She's agreeing and is planning to get rid of Swaggy for sure.

I think JC is playing a real good game. He and Tyler. Maybe it his stature, but I think more his personality, that is very non threatening. He mingles with everyone, he is very compassionate when need be, good game talker. I like him much more now than I did day one.

I would tell him to slow down and let someone finish talking before jumping in!

Edited by missyb
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1 minute ago, Christi said:

What is JC pissed about? He seems agro

He's getting upset over Swaggy/Faysal/Angie Rockstar not being able to hide their laughter when Winston got put up on the block. Kaitlyn was trying to tell him that it was more about her speech, but JC went into a quick rant about bullying and how he doesn't like bullies and that there's no need for the shit talking of targets. He's really not wrong, and it's one of the reasons I like JC. He's actually not a bad guy. I mean, it's naive of him since it's week two and the shit talking is only going to get worse, but good on him for speaking up.

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1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

He's getting upset over Swaggy/Faysal/Angie Rockstar not being able to hide their laughter when Winston got put up on the block. Kaitlyn was trying to tell him that it was more about her speech, but JC went into a quick rant about bullying and how he doesn't like bullies and that there's no need for the shit talking of targets. He's really not wrong, and it's one of the reasons I like JC. He's actually not a bad guy. I mean, it's naive of him since it's week two and the shit talking is only going to get worse, but good on him for speaking up.

Lady, I think a little bit of that rant ( from JC) was just to keep Kait on track that "they" are not her team. Point out their faults.

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Just now, missyb said:

Lady, I think a little bit of that rant ( from JC) was just to keep Kait on track that "they" are not her team. Point out their faults.

Oh yeah! Like I said, JC's always gaming! But he hasn't shown any malice toward other houseguests and has been consistently nice, as far as I know. So I think he was also being genuine while gaming at the same time. 

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Just now, missyb said:

Who was RS ranting about ? Saying he was trying to get info on her and Hay and bring it back to Kait to break them up.

I'm pretty sure she's talking about Tyler.

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1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

So I think he was also being genuine while gaming at the same time. 

He absolutely was.....that's why his gaming worked so well. It was brilliant and heart felt at the sametime.

I agree people will underestimate him.

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Ohhhhh, JC's telling Bayleigh a fake reason why he flipped, but it sounds like Steve glared at him and that's the excuse JC is using why he flipped.

I don't know if Bayleigh is believing it, but she is telling JC that Steve was being shady as well. 

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(I haven't watched the Wednesday or Thursday shows yet--so obviously I'm not adverse to spoilers since I'm in this thread.)


Kaitlyn has pleasantly surprised me by not mean-girling nominating Sam and Hayleigh.  I was wrong in my earlier assumption.  Now, she does know that Sam has a power which might keep her in, so that would be a wasted nom, but I figured Ms. nasty!namaste wouldn't be able to help herself.  And it seems she may have given up on her crush on Faysal (further and closer association sometimes has that consequence) so she's no longer jealous of Hayleigh.  Her noms are still relatively safe--Winston is paranoia-town, and Scott is a loner.  But still decent noms, particularly since she had a back door plan.  Your posts were starting to make me think she might be better than her first, second, and third impressions.

Except now she's wavering because of vibes from Jess and Cody?  Eh.  Sometimes wackaloons rise to sanity now and again.  She's back to form.

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Just now, kellog010 said:

Fessy and Rockstar talking about Tyler. They are onto him too.

Tyler using the veto is going to hurt him more.

At this point, even if he doesn't realize it yet, the lines ARE drawn and he HAS to go through with the plan, as does Kaitlyn. It's too late to go back now.

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Really bad move on Tyler's part winning veto.  I guess we'll have to see the comp on the show Wednesday to see how hard it would have been to throw.  Maybe he had a Ramses' situation?  Regardless, Tyler is definitely on the "threat" list now.

From Tyler's and Kaitlyn's point of view, it might actually be better for Tyler to use the veto on Scottie instead of Winston (and then put up Swaggy).  Winston in theory has 5 locked in votes (assuming he doesn't go completely crazy this week) with Angela/Rachel/Brett/Tyler/Kaycee.  So he only needs two more and I'm guessing it wouldn't be hard for Tyler to convince Sam and JC.  If it was Swaggy vs Scottie, there might be a scenario where Scottie says something stupid and both sides decide unanimously vote him out. 

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1 minute ago, zenithwit said:

From Tyler's and Kaitlyn's point of view, it might actually be better for Tyler to use the veto on Scottie instead of Winston (and then put up Swaggy).  Winston in theory has 5 locked in votes (assuming he doesn't go completely crazy this week) with Angela/Rachel/Brett/Tyler/Kaycee.  So he only needs two more and I'm guessing it wouldn't be hard for Tyler to convince Sam and JC.  If it was Swaggy vs Scottie, there might be a scenario where Scottie says something stupid and both sides decide unanimously vote him out. 

JC is definitely voting out Swaggy. JC doesn't like Swaggy. Sam is a little tougher to make sure, but she's closer with L6 anyway, so Tyler should put in the work on Sam to make sure she's ok with evicting Swaggy.

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I feel like Sam is already on board to evict Swaggy.  If she hasn't said so directly, she's heavily implied it last night with Kaycee.

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Kaitlyn and Winston one on one.

Kaitlyn: I have one question.

Winston: Am I a Doctor?

Kaitlyn: No asshole!

Kaitlyn is asking everyone in L6 for stuff Swaggy has said about her, so she can bring them up in her speech.

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2 minutes ago, PoshSprinkles said:

The thing is- who beside Fessy on Sacred 6 can win a competition that requires any athleticism whatsoever? How exactly do they plan on getting the power to even put Tyler up? Not all HOH comps are crapshoots like the one Kaitlyn won. Some actually involve skill. 

I think there are some with potential. I can see Bayleigh being a competitor. Haleigh didn't do well for the first comp with the stacking and we haven't really gotten to see if she's a physical competitor otherwise. Angie probably won't be winning any of the comps. Scottie's a physical competitor, I think. So it's more than Fessy, but I do think Level 6 has some competitors who won't go down without a fight.

3 minutes ago, kellog010 said:

Winston actually not freaking out with Kaitlyn.

I give it a day, but I'm impressed with how cool Winston's been. I mean, he goes into his paranoia rants but he isn't freaking out.

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Oh good God.  How many more times can Kaitlyn tell the story of how Swaggy and everyone mistakenly thought she had strong feelings for Faysal and was jealous of Haleigh?

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3 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I think there are some with potential. I can see Bayleigh being a competitor. Haleigh didn't do well for the first comp with the stacking and we haven't really gotten to see if she's a physical competitor otherwise. Angie probably won't be winning any of the comps. Scottie's a physical competitor, I think. So it's more than Fessy, but I do think Level 6 has some competitors who won't go down without a fight.

There's also one or two endurance comps that favor the more petite women (i.e. hanging on the wall).  So there is a chance that Bayleigh and Haleigh may do well at those (though I guess those comps would favor Rachel and Angela as well).

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1 minute ago, zenithwit said:

There's also one or two endurance comps that favor the more petite women (i.e. hanging on the wall).  So there is a chance that Bayleigh and Haleigh may do well at those (though I guess those comps would favor Rachel and Angela as well).

I think it'd be hard to beat JC in endurance comps. 

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1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

Winston is strangely calm about staying on the block. It's freaky....but I expect him to blow up sooner, rather than later.

Kaitlyn told him her speech and he freaked out in a good way.

He definitely kept pushing Kaitlyn for Tyler to use the veto on him and not on Scottie while they were talking in the storage room.  Until the vote, he'll be paranoid as hell that he just might be going home.

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3 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Winston is strangely calm about staying on the block. It's freaky....but I expect him to blow up sooner, rather than later.

The one thing I caught that got a reaction from him was when Kaitlyn said she was going to give the women in S6 a heads up like 10 minutes before the veto ceremony.

Winston says well maybe like 30 seconds before....lol

Dude does have his moments.

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Just now, vb68 said:

The one thing I caught that got a reaction from him was when Kaitlyn said she was going to give the women in S6 a heads up like 10 minutes before the veto ceremony.

Winston says well maybe like 30 seconds before....lol

Dude does have his moments.

Yeah, I definitely think Winston is right on that one.  If she's going to say anything to anyone, 30 seconds before is way better than 10 minutes before.  10 minutes gives them time to run back to Swaggy and have him figure out what's about to happen.  I really don't want her saying anything to anyone in order to maximize the blindside.  

Sam asking if Christmas broke her leg on purpose in the geometry room.  Oh Sam.  Don't ever change.

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Brett has been hanging upstairs in the HOH room, it looks like he's thinking he got the crap app in his head and this is his punishment.

Edited by kellog010
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11 minutes ago, zorak said:

He definitely kept pushing Kaitlyn for Tyler to use the veto on him and not on Scottie while they were talking in the storage room.  Until the vote, he'll be paranoid as hell that he just might be going home.

Tyler should use it on him, to cover his game and alliance

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Winston is complaining to Angela that they're playing ball with Winston's life.  He wants to know why they can't do it with Scottie's life.  

He's getting really worked up right now.  

It must be exhausting to have to constantly steer Winston away from his tin foil hat paranoia.

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2 minutes ago, zorak said:

Winston is complaining to Angela that they're playing ball with Winston's life.  He wants to know why they can't do it with Scottie's life.  

At least he held it together in front of Kaitlyn. Since Brett is preoccupied, Angela and Rachel have to deal with his freak out.

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Winston back to normal and freaking out about the veto not being used on him to Rachel and Angela.

He's fully annoying them. One of them said we don't have to worry about this tonight and that he was paranoid.

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I love how he said that it might come down to a vote this week and he would be like, "Well, if you're going to vote me out, this is your chance."  If he keeps up with his crazy ways, people might be so fed up with him that they would actually take the opportunity to vote him out, whereas if he stays calm, someone else will for sure be walking out the door.

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2 minutes ago, kellog010 said:

Swaggy attempting to be social and will do pullups on the Rock wall with Brett.

Good for Swaggy. He needs to start doing that and stop being resentful of the HG's. Social is big part of game and he is doing that tonight. 

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Haleigh, Bayleigh, and Rock Star are up in the HoH room, trash talking Tyler and then Kaitlyn. Haleigh went on for awhile about how Kaitlyn keeps saying that she can tell when someone's lying because she can just feel it. And then went on to explain that she's lied to her several times about stupid things and Kaitlyn totally didn't know she was lying. 

Haleigh has been going through the list of people they need to get rid of. Both Tyler and Kaitlyn are pretty high on the list now. And she's pretty self-aware, pointing out that she's currently sitting on Kaitlyn's HoH bed while plotting her demise in the coming weeks. But then she brought up the good ol' "secret messages in the HoH letter" so gain a point, lose a point.

Meanwhile, Winston is Winstoning more to Brett but it must not be too serious because they're lounging in the HN beds rather than crouched in the corner.

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Almost everyday Sam has asked for the vacuum cleaner. Kaitlin now is vacuuming the HOH room. She has mentioned all those that come in the room are pigs, messying up her room.

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Okay, I take it back. Brett is coaching Winston on how to approach Sam to beg for her vote. His idea was for Winston to go into the kitchen and start cutting an onion to turn on the waterworks. Or like, wait until Sam is in the kitchen alone and then start cutting an onion and any time Sam asks what's wrong, Winston should just give a sniffle or something.

I'm 99% sure he's joking. 

Edited by Callaphera
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If WInston does finally ask Sam what her power is she can pretty safely fib and say I have the power to save myself or someone else AFTER the eviction. Later she can say she didn't read it right. Was sure is said she could save someone. He thinks she is dumb and doesn't understand the game so, play that aspect up.

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