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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion

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Funny to hear them fear Sam when she comes out.  They will bolt for their beds.  I think she will DOR.  I cannot think of one thing the shrink could say to her to make staying better than walking.  She is out and she is fine!

Edited by Wings
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1 minute ago, Wings said:

I hope Tyler doesn't waste his cloud because no way can he be voted out.   The only 2 who may want him gone are Fess and Hay and only one votes. 

At this point, he shouldn't need to use it before it expires next week.  Sam will keep the secret and that 3rd app is off everybody's radar.  "Poof!"

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Scottie's zing was apparently about him being obsessed with Brett? What? Wow, the zings are getting worse.

Sam's back from DR and 100% has been medicated. She's giddy and giggly. Who wants to bet they bent the rules and let her smoke pot?

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8 minutes ago, vb68 said:

A day or two? There's not a Target or even a Home Depot in the vicinity? 

It would take me about 15 minutes, and I'm not in a big city like LA.

Big Brother has a history of taking forever to replace stuff. They dealt with a broken coffee machine for half a season (it kept overflowing for some reason) and of course, the Vacuum That Never Sucks was bumming around the house for what, two seasons? Before they replaced it with another that also broke almost immediately?

Edited by Callaphera
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1 minute ago, TimWil said:

Sam obviously got her meds in the DR-woo hoo!

They must have crushed them and had her snort the through a straw because they acted quickly!  

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1 hour ago, zorak said:

Brett says he can't wait to have his veto speech and tell Fessy to suck his fucking cock on national television.  Brett says, "Remember the time he looked me in my eyes and told me he would never nominate me?  'Cause I do!"

Thanks for making me LOL Brett. He is Beavis/Butthead come to life. huh huh huh huh 

1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

An entire jug of milk was spilled on the floor (Brett ate some floor because of it) and it sounds like the coffee pot also gave its life for Hide and Go Veto. 

I would be raging about that last one if I was in the house, BTW. 


1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

...did someone throw coffee grounds in the oven


1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

Fucking heathens. Coffee is sacred. 


1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

And if I couldn't hate Fessy any more, guess what he's doing right now? He's out of the shower....AND IN BED. 

Fuck off, you lazy piece of shit. You made the mess, you go help clean it up. Even JC took the time to help clean up a bit. 


1 hour ago, zibnchy said:

Why do they keep pouring cleaning stuff onto the floor? Do they not know how a spray works? Watching these people "clean" makes me think they've never cleaned before. I'm surprised how irritated I'm feeling watching them.


57 minutes ago, Skycatcher said:

 Men in a patriarchy don't clean. That's for women and hired help.  Hes probably trying to figure out which side of the paper towel to use.

Fessy: "Cleaning is women's work." FUCK YOU FESSY.

45 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

I'm channeling my mother so much right now and it's kinda scaring me a bit. But damn it, CLEAN YOUR SHIT UP. YOU MADE THE MESS, YOU CLEAN IT! WHAT AM I, YOUR FUCKING MAID?


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4 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Sam's back from DR and 100% has been medicated. She's giddy and giggly. Who wants to bet they bent the rules and let her smoke pot?

100%. Whoever it is that's been smoking up in the parking lot at night definitely rolled a fatty to share with her. And judging from her reactions, it's good dispensary shit, not that outdoor grown ditch weed that you get for half the price. 


1 minute ago, TheGapper said:

Thanks for making me LOL Brett. He is Beavis/Butthead come to life. huh huh huh huh 






Fessy: "Cleaning is women's work." FUCK YOU FESSY.


Here lies Callaphera, dead from laughter. 

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Sam says she just went in the DR and lost her shit.  And yet, here she is post DR laughing it up.

Sam laughs.png

They switched cams before we had a chance to hear her say anything more about what happened in the DR.

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Ah! So Haleigh's original place was gonna be in between the sliding wall, but I guess production made them all try to get their vetos in 15 seconds to see if it was possible. I guess there were limits as to where they could hide them. They also couldn't hide their vetos higher than the windows.

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JC's banging pots and pans.

Sam, a little curt: "Why would you do that?"
JC: "I'm imitating Rockstar! It's my memorial to her."


Fessy looks like a demented serial killer with that face mask on. As if the wind chimes weren't enough to give me nightmares tonight...

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22 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

I'm supposed to be the evil twin! It's a combination of a childhood fear of the dark, an overactive imagination, reading Stephen King waaaay before I was supposed to, and my neighbour having a wind chime collection. The wood ones are the worst but they all sound like impending ghosts to me. I'd rather be forced to spend 24 hours in a messy house with Fessy than hear another wind chime as long as I live. 

To quote Lucas from Empire Records: "Always play with their minds." 

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2 minutes ago, zorak said:

Faysal told Haleigh they could talk game in the bathtub.  With bathing suits of course.  

Fessy: "Did you bring your toothbrush?"

Also, Sam gave us an update on Charlene. I'm so glad that her CREEPY ASS ARACHNID that she KEEPS IN A JAR AS A HOUSE PET is fine. Now someone can please go take Charlene outside and stomp on her, kthx. 

Also also, Sam wants to make a lemon pound cake but amazingly, she doesn't know how to make one. She can't hear me shouting about sour cream.

Sam: "You don't want to see me hit a high note. I just did in the DR."

1 minute ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

To quote Lucas from Empire Records: "Always play with their minds." 

<3 One of my favourite movies of all time!

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Just now, zorak said:

Sam to Tyler:  "Y'all don't want to see me hit a high note.  I did it in the DR.  It wasn't cute."  Yeah, I'd say she hit a high note in the DR all right. 

I dunno, I've seen Sam smoke a cigarette and she definitely has a non-cute approach to it. More of a "trucker with both hands on the wheel" look. She probably looks similar toking up. I bet she bogarts the fuck out of the joint, too. 

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1 minute ago, RandomWatcher said:

Okay, who will last the shortest amount of time after this season: Fessy and Hayleigh or Swaggy and Bayleigh?

Hay and Fessy will never start so the prize goes to Swaggy and Bay who will not make if very far at all!  

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Sam took a drink out of a can of pop and said that it reminded her of drinking a beer.  Kaycee started to say something about wishing they had booze and Sam cut her off.  Then she said that in her mind she was drinking a beer.

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Production told them not to put the tiles under any rug or higher than the windows.  I am sure there were many more restrictions.  No geometry room either.  'Then' they closed the pink room.  ???  

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1 minute ago, Wings said:

Production told them not to put the tiles under any rug or higher than the windows.  I am sure there were many more restrictions.  No geometry room either.  'Then' they closed the pink room.  ???  

I think - and this is just guessing on my part - that it was taking too long to find them, so Production started "closing off" rooms to basically get them to stop looking in the same places over and over. 

Edited by Callaphera
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