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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion

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19 minutes ago, Thalia said:

Huh.  I wonder what her grandfather (who watches this show! [sob!]) thinks of that?  

There's a difference between talking about your own sexual experiences in an open manner and being branded as something you're not by someone on national television. 

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55 minutes ago, zorak said:

Rockstar:  "If Brett gets out of the house this week it's going to be soooo awesome." 

I'm torn...Up until the last 48 hours, I've really liked Rachel and didn't really care much one way or the other about Brett.  However, I also kind of really want to see RS explode if Brett fails to be evicted again.  I guess it's a win-win!!

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5 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Honest question, not just jokes. I have yet to find one redeeming quality in Rockstar. 

She didn't vote for Trump, at least!

3 hours ago, kellog010 said:

I think JC may try to flip the votes to get out Brett by the end of the week.

Don't get my hopes up!

Although, if Tyler not using the veto on him is gonna get Brett off Tyler's ass, then I might not hate to see him stay. Because we really are dangerously close to a Derrick situation here with a bunch of idiots playing the game for Tyler and I can't do that again.

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1 minute ago, leocadia said:

I'm torn...Up until the last 48 hours, I've really liked Rachel and didn't really care much one way or the other about Brett.  However, I also kind of really want to see RS explode if Brett fails to be evicted again.  I guess it's a win-win!!

Props to Brett if he throws Rockstar under the bus again on eviction night.


"...can you even own it, Man Eater?"

I'm sad that Brett might be too depressed to come up with an epic veto speech.

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2 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I'm sad that Brett might be too depressed to come up with an epic veto speech.

I thought he was depressed the first time he was nommed, but this time really takes the cake. He is so mopey. I just hope it means he'll be super pissed when Tyler doesn't use the veto on him lol.

I need Rachel to blow shit up before she leaves, at least. She needs to tell everyone about Bay's power and tell S(whatever number it is) about Tyler being a part of their alliance from the beginning.

I just, it boggles my mind that these people have no problem with Tyler protecting his own game while they all play for 'the group.' Like how lol?

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40 minutes ago, zorak said:

Then after more talk she said, "Well, Fessy, if you didn't like that, you should know I'm generally like that."

Think Fessy got the message? Yeah, I don't either.

48 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

This is part of why Scottie irritates me, because he so devoutly dedicated to an alliance he's not really in. He's like, cocky, about an alliance he's not in!

Yeah, he's awful and clueless. He's got absolutely nothing to be cocky about alliance-wise or anything else.

30 minutes ago, zorak said:

Brett keeps saying that it makes sense for Tyler to use the veto.  He feels like Tyler is getting more blood on his hands by not using it.

I'm going to need Brett to be more direct and forceful on that point to Tyler.

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7 hours ago, Callaphera said:

God, Faysal is such a dick. Let's be shocked that the 21 year old college student *gasp* has had a sexual past. You wanted to hit that until you heard it had been hit before. That's just gross, dude. Fuck right off with that shit. 

So... what was the point of trying to make prison wine, then? Just to prove that she could? That's such a Sam thing to do. 

It’s gross that Faysal even cares about this, but I don’t understand why he assumed that Haleigh was “ innocent” in the first place.

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Before this talk between Rachel and Tyler happened, Rachel was talking to Kaycee and Angela.  After Rachel telling Kaycee and Angela yet again what Bayleigh said Tyler said about using the veto, Kaycee finally says, "Do you think Bayleigh is saying that to try to get you guys to go against each other?"   Then Rachel brings up how it's sketchy because Tyler is lying to them.  Kaycee says, "But what if she's just making that up?"  Rachel says, "I don't think she is because I believe her." and brings up how Bayleigh has opened up to her and there's trust between them. 

Now that Tyler is talking to Rachel, he's telling her that Bayleigh is lying to her.  

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1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

I think Rachel's getting it. She's being very open about her conversation, and Tyler is as well. 

However, has the damage already been done here? Likely, since Tyler doesn't want to use the veto.

Tyler is really just telling her in a nice way that there's no way he's using the veto. And Rachel is sort of accepting that.

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Ugh, I just need Tyler to be exposed already! He won't even be evicted anyway because of his power, but I need someone to realize he's playing everyone and call him out on it at least.

Rachel apologizing to Tyler, fuck me. I can't do it.

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Rachel is now in a much better mood after her Tyler talk.

She's now chatting with Angela/Kaycee and does believe Tyler and now doesn't trust Bayleigh.

Seriously, this mess would have been cleared up yesterday if Rachel didn't channel the spirits of S6 Evictees and stop communicating with the person she has a problem with.

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Rachel was absolutely correct when she told Angela and Kaycee that Tyler not using the veto was for his personal gain.  I know that prior to this week, there had been some grumblings that it wasn't really fair that Rachel, Angela, Winston, and Brett were thought of as an alliance but Kaycee and Tyler weren't associated with that even though, they were also in the alliance.  They didn't feel like it was fair for those 2 to be unexposed about where their loyalty was because the other 4 were the ones with a target on their back.  I really want Rachel and Brett to pitch a fit about Tyler being unwilling to stand with them and show his cards, but it's unlikely to happen.

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RS and Sam hugging with RS saying, "You don't need to wear booty shorts and a sports bra to be a bad ass bitch," so I'm assuming Sam was having another little 'I'm jealous of the prettier women' episode.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Sanity sunk in and I’m thinking they might be able to pull it off; there’s still plenty of time to flip things around somehow.

Every now and then, Rachel looks very much like Sandra Bullock. It happened again tonight as the crazy left her eyes during her talk with Tyler. 



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I don't understand how you're in an 5 person alliance with the veto holder, two of you are on the block and the veto holder says he's not using it. Makes no sense. If I was Brett I'd blow a fucking gasket. 

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1 minute ago, zorak said:

I know that prior to this week, there had been some grumblings that it wasn't really fair that Rachel, Angela, Winston, and Brett were thought of as an alliance but Kaycee and Tyler weren't associated with that even though, they were also in the alliance.  They didn't feel like it was fair for those 2 to be unexposed about where their loyalty was because the other 4 were the ones with a target on their back.  

I feel like KC has already exposed that she's part of that alliance multiple times lol. Somehow no one ever seems to get it though.

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Just now, cork dork said:

Rachel looks very much like Sandra Bullock. It happened again tonight as the crazy left her eyes during her talk with Tyler. 

I agree.  I have thought that, too.

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I need a pissed off Brett!


5 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

So, Rachel is back to playing a game that benefits Tyler like the rest of L5? Neat!

As far as I know, nobody has told him about Bayleigh's power. Which is kinda amazing and astonishing.

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1 minute ago, cork dork said:

Sanity sunk in and I’m thinking they might be able to pull it off; there’s still plenty of time to flip things around somehow.

I'd be stunned if Tyler used the veto. He's made too many promises. If he uses it he can't ride the middle any longer. Frankly, I don't think he ever had any intention of using it.

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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

RS and Sam hugging with RS saying, "You don't need to wear booty short and a sports bra to be a bad ass bitch," so I'm assuming Sam was having another little 'I'm jealous of the prettier women' episode.

I'm literally sitting here in my booty shorts and sports bra (it's really fucking hot and humid) and I think I'm pretty bad-ass, so they can both suck it. 

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5 minutes ago, Cutty said:

I don't understand how you're in an 5 person alliance with the veto holder, two of you are on the block and the veto holder says he's not using it. Makes no sense. If I was Brett I'd blow a fucking gasket. 

Right! I mean, yes, Angela could be the replacement, but for Brett that really shouldn't matter since he obviously thinks him and Tyler are closer than either of them are to Angela. If Brett easily takes this I'm gonna lose my mind.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Just now, Callaphera said:

I'm literally sitting here in my booty shorts and sports bra (it's really fucking hot and humid) and I think I'm pretty bad-ass, so they can both suck it. 

Sam also walks around in relatively little clothing sometimes. It just doesn't make sense at all. 

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3 minutes ago, cork dork said:

Sanity sunk in and I’m thinking they might be able to pull it off; there’s still plenty of time to flip things around somehow.

Every now and then, Rachel looks very much like Sandra Bullock. It happened again tonight as the crazy left her eyes during her talk with Tyler. 



Omg my mom said the same thing when she saw her on TV. Like "that could be Sandra Bullock's little sister."

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2 minutes ago, Cutty said:

I don't understand how you're in an 5 person alliance with the veto holder, two of you are on the block and the veto holder says he's not using it. Makes no sense. If I was Brett I'd blow a fucking gasket. 

You would also think that Rachel would have another fit wondering why she isn't as important as Angela per her talk with Tyler.

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Just now, Callaphera said:

I'm literally sitting here in my booty shorts and sports bra (it's really fucking hot and humid) and I think I'm pretty bad-ass, so they can both suck it. 

I think RS was just trying to make her feel better because she's whining feeling bad about herself.

Just now, Brian Cronin said:

Sam also walks around in relatively little clothing sometimes. It just doesn't make sense at all. 

Yea really. I don't give a shit, but I've seen way more of Sam's ass than I have any of the other women.

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Tyler should be using veto and forcing Bayleigh's hand. It shouldn't matter who the replacement is if you want to get rid of Rachel. Make her show her cards to the house. 

Tyler never should have won this veto. He didn't need it this week.

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1 minute ago, kellog010 said:

Tyler never should have won this veto. He didn't need it this week.

That's what I thought but it doesn't seem like it's gonna hurt him much.

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1 minute ago, Cutty said:

Rachel calming down might actually give her a fighting chance vs Brett though.

I hope. I need her crazy to stay. Maybe if she has another mental breakdown she'll expose Tyler! Brett will never do anything.

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2 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

It's a weird mix of Austin/Liz and Caleb/Amber.

Does Haleigh actually like cuddling with Faysal, or is she just worried he’ll target her if she doesn’t do it?

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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

I hope. I need her crazy to stay. Maybe if she has another mental breakdown she'll expose Tyler! Brett will never do anything.

She's a far more interesting personality. Brett has seemed checked out since his bro left. He's been a pretty big dud for me. And his Dollar Store Dr Will DRs are so fucking bad.

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Just now, Sara2009 said:

Does Haleigh actually like cuddling with Faysal, or is she just worried he’ll target her if she doesn’t do it?

I think she's okay with it to a certain extent, just not to the extent that he wants it.

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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

RS and Sam hugging with RS saying, "You don't need to wear booty short and a sports bra to be a bad ass bitch," so I'm assuming Sam was having another little 'I'm jealous of the prettier women' episode.

If she’d brought cute sports bras with, she’d be wearing them. Instead, Sam the Wildly Duplicitously Pious, wears cut-off, cropped t-shirts and ill-fitting, self-styled booty shorts. 

She plays holier than thou, bitches about it to the other jealous bint, then does her best to recreate the look to strut around in while hoping one of the young men notices. 

When they don’t, she gets to cooking/baking a lot of calorie-rich foods while thinking if she only had cages to put the girls in, she could really fatten them up. 

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3 minutes ago, Cutty said:

Brett has seemed checked out since his bro left. He's been a pretty big dud for me. And his Dollar Store Dr Will DRs are so fucking bad.

He really fell off once he was nommed. He took 'lay low and be quiet when nommed' too far lol. 

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2 minutes ago, Sara2009 said:

Does Haleigh actually like cuddling with Faysal, or is she just worried he’ll target her if she doesn’t do it?

I wouldn't say she likes it. It's just a strategy, and yeah she's trapped with him in there so she doesn't want to piss him off.

I don't think she likes him very much at all.

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12 minutes ago, Sara2009 said:

Does Haleigh actually like cuddling with Faysal, or is she just worried he’ll target her if she doesn’t do it?

From the beginning she’s been very straightforward with him about where she stands while being adamant a showmance isn’t gonna happen. Cuddling and snuggling within reason but she’d be doing it with other guys, too, if she felt like it and he could get bent if he didn’t like it. 

He got really pissed around the 7th day because he wanted things to get physical (it didn’t help that Swiggy tried to pimp her out to him) even though she’d shut him down at least four times already. 

It was during that argument he said his refusal to accept her (multiple) NOs would be why her dad will like him; it means he doesn’t give up. 

I anticipate Haleigh’s dad plans on having a talk with the Giant but it’s not going to be to congratulate him on refusing to accept his daughter’s many NOs. 

Now I’m thinking a PTV BB live feeds group field trip to the wrap party might need to happen. I wonder if CC is available to help manifest it into reality?

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