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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion

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10 minutes ago, zorak said:

Rockstar said the doctor told her to soak her feet in hydrogen peroxide for 10 minutes.  I'm not sure what her foot ailment is but that makes her biting her toenails even more disgusting.

9 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

Ew maybe it's FROM her biting her toenails!!!

There isn't enough brain bleach in the world. 

ETA: Or anti-nausea medication. Hork hork hork.

Edited by Callaphera
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Just now, gunderda said:

RS saying Brett needs to go. She’s going to freak out if Tyler uses the veto in him. Lol 

Please let her go crazy again. I really liked Rockstar when she lost her mind after Brett stayed. 

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I really need Brett to stay in this game, preferably by coming off the block, because Bayleigh will be pissed and I could see it sending Rockstar on a crying binge.

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1 minute ago, zorak said:

I really need Brett to stay in this game, preferably by coming off the block, because Bayleigh will be pissed and I could see it sending Rockstar on a crying binge.


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I would love it if Rockstar's foot problem is like the fungus from hell or something and it just won't go away.  She would no doubt start referring to her foot scourge as Brett in reference to the fact that she just can't get rid of Brett either in the game or on her foot.

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3 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:


I can't believe you would say that when HER DAUGHTER's BIRTHDAY was just over a week ago!!

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Bayleigh wants to know Scottie's thoughts about this week.

Now Scottie is telling her that he and Rockstar were talking about backdooring Tyler.  Scottie says he likes Tyler and as long as the 5 of them take priority, he's fine with Tyler sticking around.

Bayleigh says that he and Tyler's relationship is perfect.

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Just now, zorak said:

Scottie says that if Brett goes this week, Tyler will cling to Scottie.  Bayleigh thinks that's great.

Tyler, use the veto on Brett, for the love of Big Brother. It torpedoes Tyler's game, but it makes for Team Good Feeds. 

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Now they're running through how people are going to vote.  When they get to Sam, Scottie says he thinks that Sam likes Brett.  Bayleigh says, "What if Brett stays this week?"  Now she's telling Scottie how Rachel was asking her to put Scottie up.

They came to the conclusion that the votes are there to evict Brett and Bayleigh says, "This is great!  Best case scenario!"

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LOL, Bayleigh/Scottie calling this an easy sweep.

And this is why I need Tyler to use the veto on Brett. Bayleigh/Scottie are so confident that they have it in the bag...AGAIN. Have they not learned that maybe, just maybe, Tyler isn't on their side and might use the veto? 

At this point, they're the dumbest alliance I've seen if Tyler actually uses it. He may not if he believes Angela will go up, but these people never ever learn.

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The next plan has to be, "I heard Scottie was talking about backdooring me. I can't believe that I trusted him! I need to backdoor him before he does it to me! If you won't put him up, that's fine, but if I can't trust that side of the house, I'll have to try to curry favor with the other side by saving Brett."

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Bayleigh on the prospect of Rachel putting her up if Rachel wins HOH:  "She can try it."  Uh ok, Bayleigh.

Bayleigh is congratulating Scottie for the fact that he won a trip to Greece in the other comp and nobody's even talking about it, so it hasn't made him a target.

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Just now, zorak said:

Bayleigh on the prospect of Rachel putting her up if Rachel wins HOH:  "She can try it."  Uh ok, Bayleigh.

Well, she can try. Bayleigh can use her power....and then Tyler can win veto and Rachel can backdoor her!

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Just now, Lady Calypso said:

Well, she can try. Bayleigh can use her power....and then Tyler can win veto and Rachel can backdoor her!

But if Bayleigh's power has been used or has expired, there's no stopping Rachel.  And Rachel does know the details of Bayleigh's power.

Bayleigh and Scottie are talking about who can win the next HOH.  Scottie says if it's endurance, the only person he has to worry about beating is Tyler (because they both agree that Sam has no desire to be HOH again).  Bayleigh says, "Well, you and Tyler are aligned so he might even throw it to you."

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10 hours ago, zenithwit said:

This is assuming that Julie Chen is not Georgina Chapman 2.0 (which I don't think she is).  Julie is definitely in a tough spot and I feel for her.  I wonder if she will make a statement on the next Thursday live show?

Actually... if Moonves’ plans do evolve to the point of him stepping down, I wouldn’t be too surprised if Les himself didn’t encourage Julie to do a public disavowal.


9 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Angela talking to Bay about being frustrated by Rachel not trusting that they have her. Rachel is so gonna end up evicted. Angela will regret that imo.

Is this part of Angela/Rachel’s deep game?  If so, I suspect they’re playing it a little too deep.


5 hours ago, Cutty said:

Brett's hands are gonna smell like garlic for months. 

And what’s wrong with that?  I like garlic.  :)


1 hour ago, Growsonwalls said:

JC pressuring Tyler not to use it. I give him credit -- he's very direct with people. He's saying "you use it and I'm going up and going home."

Regardless of what Tyler says to everybody else, I’m wondering if his true plan is to backdoor JC.  I suspect Tyler didn’t like JC’s interference gumming up Tyler’s plans for the K/Pinky vote - at all.


1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

I literally loled!

I hope if he uses it, Bay isn't stupid and she puts up JC instead. JC vs. Rachel otb would be epically hilarious. 

But, I need to face it, Tyler will convince Bay that it's good for him to use the veto so she can BD Scottie.

This this THIS is the hope I’m living for; the resultant meltdowns would make the Hawaii volcano look like a Bic lighter.


1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

I think all Big Brother live feeds fans have a little bit of non-sexual masochism in them. And a healthy popcorn addiction. And probably a well stocked liquor cabinet.

Well... at the START of the season, maybe....  :>


13 minutes ago, zorak said:

Scottie tells Bayleigh that he thinks Angela is the sneakiest person in the house.  


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Scottie says he has a bad history with Rachels in his life.  He says they either hate his guts or they're in love with him.  It's either one extreme or the other.

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If Bayleigh follows through on what she's saying and puts up Angela as replacement, I think that hurts her game. That would probably kill off any All Girls' Alliance even as a secondary option.

Edited by vb68
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Rachel, Kaycee, and Angela are talking in the HN room.  They're concerned because Scottie has been talking to Bayleigh forever up in HOH.

Rachel is concerned that Bayleigh is going to try to get her out if the veto is used.  She's worried Kaycee or Angela would go up as a replacement nom to try to get Rachel out.  Rachel says if she was up against Kaycee or Sam, she'll be going home.

Rachel: "I fucked up this week.  I totally fucked up."

Rachel: "If I go home, this will be really difficult to accept."

Kaycee is advising Rachel that when Rachel does go talk to Bayleigh that less is more.

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Honestly here is Tyler's best play from my perspective.

Brett announces the all girls alliance "The Maneaters" in his veto speech which "causes" Tyler to use it to save the guy (Brett).  Its a completely rational reason to use it and save face while at the same time keeping Brett as the biggest target in the house.  Bayleigh panics and nominates JC/Scottie in fears that Rachel will blab about her power to the house.

The only downside to this plan is that Bayliegh doesn't take the bait and nominates Angela or KC as a pawn and worst case Rachel goes home.

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Bayleigh, because she is such a BB expert (more like she thinks she is), says that the Tylers and Scotties are the ones who always win BB.  But she says the girls aren't dumb and aren't going to let it happen.

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Well, Rachel completely disregarded Kaycee's advice to her to not be emotional with Bayleigh and is now crying in Bayleigh's lap.  Rachel is apologizing to Bayleigh.

Rachel crying in B's lap.png

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This conversation with Bayleigh is going to send Rachel's paranoia to Winston levels.

Bayleigh just said she'd put a boy up if Tyler used veto. LOL.

Edited by kellog010
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Bayleigh lied to Rachel and whispered to her that Tyler said that the only way he would use the veto is if she put Angela up as a replacement nom.

Edited by zorak
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1 minute ago, zorak said:

Bayleigh lied to Rachel and whispered to her that Tyler said that the only way he would use the veto is if she put Angela up as a replacement nom.

Yikes. I can even see Rachel buying this because she's already upset at the alliance.

Hopefully, they can all calm her the fuck down after this conversation.

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Rachel says she's nervous because she says that if Tyler really said that, it sounds like he wants a girl out of the house.  Bayleigh says no, she thinks it's just because he's close to Kaycee so she wasn't an option to suggest and Angela was really the only one he could suggest as a replacement nom.  Now Rachel is promising loyalty to Bayleigh for a very long time.

Rachel says, "In the event that he does use it, a guy goes on the block?"  Bayleigh says yes.

Edited by zorak
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