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Cisco Ramon


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They've already got the glasses, suit, and gauntlets for Vibe, I want the show to let Cisco grow some facial hair next season (if not this season).

Now HR "the Muse" Wells is taking over Cisco's comic relief role, and we've got sad Cisco. :(
Nobody wants that; and I thought the showrunners had learned that many didn't like the gloomy tone last season.


Cisco's Powers So Far:

  • 'Vibing' alternate timelines,
  • 'Vibing' the future,
  • Creating portals to other universes,
  • Throwing concussive sound waves from his hands,
  • Teleportation!
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26 minutes ago, legaleagle53 said:

 Long hair on men went out with Hansen.

Ooooh, I might have to fight you on that, legaleagle!  :-P
Carlos with facial hair should help a lot with him looking more masculine, though.

But speaking of Cisco's look; this season they've phased out his pop culture/message tees and had him wear more button down shirts -- goes along with his more depressed personality.

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I admit that I don't really like the facial hair on him or Grant. But I like the long hair. It reminds me of when my little brother had long hair.

They all look so subdued in that photo. LOL.

I think Carlos is doing an amazing job as Cisco. I love his line delivery. I'm a little sad that thus far he hasn't gotten to call someone a "dick" this season. The way he says it is always so amusing to me.

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On 11/23/2016 at 7:45 PM, Trini said:

Cisco's Powers So Far:

  • 'Vibing' alternate timelines,
  • 'Vibing' the future,
  • Creating portals to other universes,
  • Throwing concussive sound waves from his hands,
  • Teleportation!

Adding to the list:

  • 'Vibing' other people to the future,
  • 'Vibing' ...emotions? (with Gypsy in 2.14)
  • 'Vibing' other people into a shared dream state,
  • 'Vibing' speedsters into the Speedforce

Yeah, they're either going to have to dial back his powers, or stop using him as a deux ex machina.


So in this month's musings on Carlos' hair:  I realized the other day that only Flashpoint (billionaire) Cisco appeared in the season premiere, so they could have let Carlos keep some of his hiatus beard for that different character.  ?

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To me, Cisco is one of the characters that has changed the most since Season 1. It's really evident in these first couple of episodes in Season 4. That maybe partly because of the shift in tone this season. However, a lot has happened since the beginning of the show, when he mainly the comic relief tech guy and audience/writer surrogate: now he's gained and mastered his powers, has a steady girlfriend, and gone faced many criminals and threats with Team Flash. Season 4 Cisco is so confident, he's almost a different person.

And Carlos is so talented and he's killin' it with everything they give him so far.

I only wish other characters on the show got development as good as Cisco has gotten so far.


Adding to the powers list:

  • Locating persons through objects (not new, but was missing before)
  • Immobilizing people (like with Peekaboo in 4.01)
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Vibe's powers should also include anything Reverb and Cynthia can do, which includes:

  • Shattering someone's nervous system - Reverb did this to someone on E2 in S2.
  • Preventing speedsters from using the Speed Force - Cynthia did this to Wally. I never understood why Cisco never trained to use this power against Savitar in S3.
Edited by adora721

So Cisco's story this season was losing his powers.  😞

Assorted rambling Cisco comments:

I just wonder what's the real reason the show did this. I know Cisco is overpowered, but this was really drastic, IMO. And in the finale they had a scene that showed how cool and useful his powers are, but they still had him remove them.

I think it effectively undos most of the character development that had been built up in the previous seasons.

And it was really nonsencical the reasoning they gave for him to take this drastic step. He was never defined by his metahuman powers, and even if he didn't want to be Vibe anymore, that didn't mean he had to permanently remove them. And we know he has the knowledge/technology to dampen powers, so that was an option too.

Cisco can still be the tech genius of the team with his powers, and he doesn't necessarily have to be in the field as Vibe. And they've shown that most of this very season, so the idea that his Vibe persona was in conflict with his 'normal' self was dumb.

And narratively speaking, his powers are really useful, so what are they going to do without them now?

Also I've seen speculation that maybe he was depowered because he'd be too powerful in the upcoming crossover. I think that would be dumb, because why would you bench the guy trans-dimensional powers for a story that involves multiple universe??

A minor points; but I'm also annoyed that Cisco/Vibe hasn't gotten his own solo poster or a Jitters drink named for him.


But he's got a girlfriend now, so 'yay'?


I didn't think Carlos was leaving the show, but his final scenes in the season finale really did seem to be written/filmed like an exit. But there hasn't been any other word from the actors or producers - something would have been said by now, right?

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One more thing:

I still want Cisco to be Vibe - but if they're not going to have him as Vibe, I'd love to see an arc of him creating Ramon Industries. We know he's capable, and they showed that is what he'd be doing without powers and without Thawne's manipulations in Flashpoint.

He could still be involved with STAR Labs stuff, but it would give a good excuse for Cisco being away from the Team and superhero antics. Since the writers have been lessening his impact anyway.

Edited by Trini
2 hours ago, Trini said:

I didn't think Carlos was leaving the show, but his final scenes in the season finale really did seem to be written/filmed like an exit. But there hasn't been any other word from the actors or producers - something would have been said by now, right?

It's possible that he's in negotiations still about coming back and thus they wrote Cisco a nebulous ending that would let them move whatever direction they have to but yeah, if it was already certain he wasn't coming back, I agree we absolutely would have heard immediately after the final. 

Edited by BkWurm1
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On 5/22/2019 at 10:23 PM, Trini said:

I just wonder what's the real reason the show did this. I know Cisco is overpowered, but this was really drastic, IMO. And in the finale they had a scene that showed how cool and useful his powers are, but they still had him remove them.

If somehow Cisco's powers had an actual downside, even a minor one, I'd have been much more accepting of the idea. As it is Cisco had powers that didn't harm him or anyone else around him that he's been able to control perfectly for a long time now and he could simply stop using if he didn't want to be Vibe anymore. Cisco had literally no reason to want his powers gone and all he's doing is just eliminating options for him to take.

If the writers actually did do this to get Vibe out of the way for the Crisis or any other thing that could happen it's even more nonsensical. They've already got a guy that can run so fast he can make a nuclear explosion look like it's standing still from his perspective for about an hour, a guy who can create portals and fire energy blasts barely even is a step up from a normal man with a bow and arrows in how much he can break the plot by existing after that.

Edited by immortalfrieza
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On 5/22/2019 at 11:23 PM, Trini said:

So Cisco's story this season was losing his powers.  😞

Assorted rambling Cisco comments:

I just wonder what's the real reason the show did this. I know Cisco is overpowered, but this was really drastic, IMO. And in the finale they had a scene that showed how cool and useful his powers are, but they still had him remove them.

I think it effectively undos most of the character development that had been built up in the previous seasons.

And it was really nonsencical the reasoning they gave for him to take this drastic step. He was never defined by his metahuman powers, and even if he didn't want to be Vibe anymore, that didn't mean he had to permanently remove them. And we know he has the knowledge/technology to dampen powers, so that was an option too.

Cisco can still be the tech genius of the team with his powers, and he doesn't necessarily have to be in the field as Vibe. And they've shown that most of this very season, so the idea that his Vibe persona was in conflict with his 'normal' self was dumb.

And narratively speaking, his powers are really useful, so what are they going to do without them now?

Also I've seen speculation that maybe he was depowered because he'd be too powerful in the upcoming crossover. I think that would be dumb, because why would you bench the guy trans-dimensional powers for a story that involves multiple universe??

After realizing that Carlos was leaving at the end of last season, I speculated that they took away Cisco's powers so that he would be vulnerable and could be killed during next season's crisis. I have been reading speculation online that one character will die from each show in the crisis. If this is true, I think that Cisco is now the character most likely to die on The Flash. 

7 hours ago, SimoneS said:

After realizing that Carlos was leaving at the end of last season, I speculated that they took away Cisco's powers so that he would be vulnerable and could be killed during next season's crisis. I have been reading speculation online that one character will die from each show in the crisis. If this is true, I think that Cisco is now the character most likely to die on The Flash. 

I don't think there's anything to say that Carlos leaving is a given, but anyway --
They don't need to take away his powers a half-season ahead - or at all - to kill him off. And while I think TPTB have some ideas about what will happen in Crisis, it isn't/wasn't written yet, so I don't think Cisco's storyline had much to do with the upcoming crossover. But it's possible.

Cisco's a fan favorite, so I would think IF he's dying, they would want him to go out using his powers or fighting.

On 6/2/2019 at 6:13 PM, immortalfrieza said:

If the writers actually did do this to get Vibe out of the way for the Crisis or any other thing that could happen it's even more nonsensical....

It would be SO DUMB. Or SO LAZY if they think it solves a writing problem. Taking out your one character that can easily access multiple dimensions in a story that involves multiple dimensions. *(The only way I see this kinda making sense is if they plan on having Barry actually play a big role in the story, and they've got depower others to do it.)

But I'd honestly be surprised if this is the main reason (if it's a reason at all) for removing Cisco's powers. If they wanted to do that for Crisis, they didn't need to do it beforehand. Just like they literally boxed Cisco and conveniently forgot that Barry can also travel between worlds for the Earth-X crossover, they can nullify someone's powers on the spot if they want to.

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18 minutes ago, Trini said:

I don't think there's anything to say that Carlos leaving is a given, but anyway --
They don't need to take away his powers a half-season ahead - or at all - to kill him off. And while I think TPTB have some ideas about what will happen in Crisis, it isn't/wasn't written yet, so I don't think Cisco's storyline had much to do with the upcoming crossover. But it's possible.

Cisco's a fan favorite, so I would think IF he's dying, they would want him to go out using his powers or fighting.

I don't know what the hell they are doing with Cisco, but it did feel like an ending for the character, not just him giving up his powers, but also leaving a new suit for Caitlin because she has been such a good friend, and the montage with Kamilla to Nora's voice over. Maybe they aren't killing Cisco, but he is being phased out only appearing once in awhile before leaving for good.

Edited by SimoneS
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I will have to see how COIE (and maybe the aftermath) shakes out to determine if Cisco giving up his powers was for the crossover, but I still think there might be a bigger reason for this decision.

Wallace seems to be leaning into the fact that Cisco is powerless now, and I think that is because he knows he can't change it back.

Just my speculation; because this whole story never made sense to me.


On 6/1/2021 at 3:14 PM, Trini said:

Carlos Valdes interview at TVLine: 'Carlos Valdes Explains Exit, Teases Cisco Final Episode'



TVLINE | When did you first find yourself glancing at the proverbial or perhaps literal door?
[Laughs] I like that question. It’s been a long time, actually. Doing this kind of show with the sort of commitment that comes with it, it happened very fast, and I think that at the time I was in a place where I was still figuring out my life. And right around Season 4, I started debating what the end for this character might look like. So, that seed was always there, but it didn’t really start becoming a reality until much later on — like, the end of Season 5, Season 6, where I started to become more comfortable with the idea of, “Oh, I think there’s a good way to put an end to this chapter.”

End of Season 5 is when the show took away Cisco's powers, and finally gave him a steady girlfriend, but he still played the same role as always at STAR Labs; so I can see how one would think it was only downhill from there.

I definitely think there was more to explore with Cisco, but this writers room wasn't interested. I mean, seven seasons in, and we still don't know what flavor of Latino he is, or anything about his family (except the Dante who they killed off).


BTS photos of Carlos and Victoria Park:




And finally, it’s the man you’ve all been waiting for, the one and only Carlos Valdes! Words can’t express how much this guy has added to the show and my time on it, so instead, enjoy a few snaps from my favorite photoshoot that unfortunately never got to see the light of day. Much love, Los! Thanks for everything 💛 @heybvp


Edited by Trini

I was re-watching some of the episodes with Cisco's exit arc; and I just really hate that they turned what was a writing flaw for Cisco (him barely having any life outside of STAR Labs and Team Flash) into a character flaw for Cisco. Even though the show has shown that he's smart and capable - with and without powers - it's their own fault for never letting him leave STAR Labs, and having the few relationships that he's had outside of the Team be underdeveloped. I just don't like that Cisco's 'worst fear' is him not 'changing and growing' when it's the writers that had him locked into the tech guy role, and regressed him when they took away his Vibe powers/persona. But suddenly he's more ambitious now that Carlos is leaving. (It also doesn't help that in 7 seasons they never really made it clear whether working at STAR Labs was an actual job with pay.)

Also I'm generally annoyed that the show had a character that could open portals to other universes, but the show only ever really explored like two of them. Wasted opportunity. I've always wanted the show to lean into the sci-fi more than the comic book aspects.

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