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Mission Impossible: Fallout (2018)

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On ‎7‎/‎30‎/‎2018 at 6:09 AM, Jan Spears said:

Yes, I thought the same thing. Considering a "name" like Wes Bentley was playing the part, I thought for sure he was going to interrupt Luther and Julia and reveal he was an Apostle. Strange to see Bentley in this kind of part when any generic middle-aged character actor could have played it. Still, good to see Wes Bentley working and looking healthy.


2 hours ago, ribboninthesky1 said:

I didn't realize Wes Bentley was a "name" actor.  I know of him, sure, but I didn't think he was well-known at all. 

I wasn't sure how to characterize Wes Bentley in my original review, which is why I put name in quotes. Bentley never lived up to the original promise shown in American Beauty and, yet, he's still a "name" (or maybe a "face") lo these two decades later because of that same movie. Maybe it's a case of the career I think he should have had (in my head) being bigger that his actual career?

In any event, once he showed up in Fallout, I thought: "He's got to be an Apostle. There's no way they would hire a recognizable name/face like Wes Bentley for this nothing part." And yet, that's what they did. They could have set him up as the villain for the next movie but that was the road not taken.

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41 minutes ago, Jan Spears said:

In any event, once he showed up in Fallout, I thought: "He's got to be an Apostle. There's no way they would hire a recognizable name/face like Wes Bentley for this nothing part." And yet, that's what they did. They could have set him up as the villain for the next movie but that was the road not taken.

I read that Wes Bentley had years of substance abuse issues which probably derailed what his career path could have been.  So while recognizable, I don't know that his IMDb page automatically suggests that his part would lead to something more significant than what it was. 

It could eventually but that will depend on whether or not they want to disrupt Julia's closure.

On 8/3/2018 at 4:22 PM, SeanC said:

Cruise thought they should kiss at the end, which McQuarrie thought wasn't earned at that point, which was part of the genesis for their storyline in Fallout -- but he ended up thinking that there wasn't a good place for it in Fallout either, so that's still left for hypothetical future installments.

Right.  And apparently there was even a somewhat spontaneous kiss filmed but that McQuarrie felt that the set up was bad for Ilsa's character.  So while clearly on the table, it seems as if the character comes before any role as a love interest.

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On 8/5/2018 at 1:54 PM, ribboninthesky1 said:

I knew Henry Cavill would be villainous based on the trailers, so I wasn't surprised watching the film.  I've read more than a few times how bland of an actor he is.  Everyone's entitled to their opinion, but I've been waiting for a good villainous role for him.  This wasn't quite it for me, but it was damn close.  When Ethan is holding on to the elevator, and the camera cuts to Walker's face looking down at him in complete annoyance and exasperation, I was rolling.  Cavill's annoyed face amuses me, and I don't know why. 

The movie telegraphs pretty early that he's going to be Lark, but I don't think that's on Cavill. I think you're right about Walker's annoyance with Ethan. It felt almost like more of a driver than "Lark's" anarchist ambitions ("Why won't you just die?" was the line that killed me -- even as the seemingly endless dueling helicopters sequence was kind of making me roll my eyes a little.) I've never found him bland, nor lacking in charisma -- I do think he sometimes chooses parts with weak scripts behind them (Yeah, I mean you, Snyder!). That tent caterpillar that was colonizing Walker's lower face, though? That thing never should have made it past the first draft.

I like Michelle Monaghan, and I think Julia's wonderful. I'm so glad she got to evolve out of her damsel form, and that she was allowed to live a fulfilling life. Her scenes with Luther were great. Ving Rhames has chemistry with everydamnbody.

Rebecca Ferguson's really grown on me, and I think she and Cruise have a weirdly sweet, non-romantic kind of chemistry -- Ethan and Ilsa are too competitive to be romantic in the strictest sense, but there's a growing attachment. I like the pace so far.

The weak spot for me was Vanessa Kirby -- I don't know what she was aiming for. The White Widow seemed a little too -- well, insane and creepy -- for the CIA to work with, even in the short term.

In conclusion: I loved this one -- and hopefully my adrenaline levels will return to normal eventually.

Edited by Sandman
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On 7/27/2018 at 11:28 PM, Camille said:

Did Julia decide to go medical school in the interim in which we haven't seen her? Because I'm certain she was a NURSE, not a doctor when we first met her.

For some weird reason entertainment media all seem to regard nursing as an intermediate step to becoming a doctor rather than a separate career in its own right. I don't get it, don't writers have friends and family who are nurses? It's not some rare, mysterious profession that keeps its nature secret. And it's not as if humanitarian relief efforts like Doctors Without Borders exclusively send doctors to foreign clinics and have them take over duties for absent nurses who aren't sent; there's no reason Julia couldn't have remained in her original profession and ended up right where she was in the movie.


On 7/28/2018 at 12:16 AM, thuganomics85 said:

I do have to give props to the Fake Lark, because he had both Ethan and Walker on the ropes, and probably would have killed them if Ilsa didn't show up.


I guess he had no idea Walker was actually the boss he was standing in for. Would have been funny if he had killed them and then the whole conspiracy just fell apart.

Edited by Bruinsfan
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On 7/28/2018 at 2:41 AM, Camille said:

I am officially literally the only person in the world who loves the second movie.

Actually, you're not alone. I think the second has some great things in it.

I could have sworn Julia was introduced as a doctor, not a nurse -- but no.

Edited by Sandman
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2 hours ago, Sandman said:

Actually, you're not alone. I think the second has some great things in it.

Thank you! It's my favorite. After the gobbledygook of the first movie (though I actually understood everything), it was nice to have such a straightforward plot. I love Ethan and Nyah's relationship and I'm disappointed she didn't return in Part 3 (though I understand Thandie Newton wanting to spend more time with her family).

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And I think the comparison made upthread between MI: II and Notorious has merit -- I can now imagine John Woo watching Notorious, and telling himself "I like this; but it should be more 'splodey, and with motorcycles."

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20 hours ago, Sandman said:

And I think the comparison made upthread between MI: II and Notorious has merit -- I can now imagine John Woo watching Notorious, and telling himself "I like this; but it should be more 'splodey, and with motorcycles."

It was more the action stuff had already been devised and planned by John Woo and the Notorious stuff was added around it by veteran screenwriter Robert Towne! From a 2000 Salon interview:


There were a lot of writers on this movie before I came on. And at some point in that process John Woo came aboard. He had gotten very far with his action sequences. So finally, what they were left with were five or six highly developed action sequences and no story. So Tom [Cruise] and Paula [Wagner] said, "Guess what: These are the action sequences, please write the story." That was something I never had remotely attempted to do before. And it was an interesting exercise.

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On 7/28/2018 at 2:41 AM, Camille said:

I am officially literally the only person in the world who loves the second movie.


LOL. I love the second movie, too. I wish Thandie could have stayed on the franchise. It would have been great continuity for the series. 

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Ugh, yes!!!!  I'm sorry but I think Michelle Monaghan is a total nothingburger, she should not be an actor, and Rebecca Ferguson has never won me over.  She always looks so fake to me.  Fake, fake, fake!  (Elaine Benes voice).

Anyways, this movie was AMAZING and left me totally speechless.  I'd totally recommend it.  I'd definitely recommend seeing it in the theatres , if you can.  

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Finally saw and have to say, it was the best one since the first one. The plot was a bit nonsensical at times, but it was a fun ride overall.

I also enjoyed Rogue Nation, thought II and Ghost Protocol were ok, and hated III.

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