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I'd never heard of her before this show, but I feel like her on-camera persona has changed since the first season. She's kind of more overly dramatic and over the top, IMO. I feel like she's added more tics to her walk throughs and more overly big facial expressions, if that makes any sense.

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She is coming to the ScareFest in Lexington, Kentucky, and I am SO going to be there to see her!  I follow her on Twitter and Facebook and she seems like a genuinely nice person.  She always wishes for calm, peaceful, happy days for everybody. 

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He is a hoot on Twitter  -- sometimes posting photos of himself in the bathtub or in a swimming pool.  Nothing graphic, of course, but the female fans go crazy and respond with lots of compliments.  I don't blame him for enjoying the attention.  He seems very kind and funny.

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I will definitely report back to all Amy fans.  I am such a nerd, I actually let out a loud WOO HOO when The ScareFest sent a Tweet saying she's confirmed for the event. (Sept. 12-14)  I don't know if she's doing an autograph booth or doing a seminar, but whatever it is that she's doing, I'll be there!!!  :)

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I totally LOVE Amy and this is Must See TV for me every Saturday!  I am so jealous that you will be able to meet her in September!  I looked online to the Travel Channel Dead Files site -- and they have a video of Amy with some gal pals doing tea and going to a psychic. I would love to know who Amy thinks is a good psychic?!  Please ask her if you have a chance and report back!  

Also noticed on the website that they refer to Matt as her husband....but the Wikipedia site on the show says they are divorced?  Hummm...nosey and would like to know some info on that. I think she is as cute as a button and so sweet...it'd be a shame if they were divorced.  Oh well.  


Last week's episode where there was banging on the outside of the house -- and the Mom in the house saw these super tall shapes going across the lawn through the high windows-- then Amy said those things were extra-terrestrial or from another dimension?!  EEK!  That episode really blew my mind!!  I could not believe it.  Still thinking about that one.....



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I've interviewed Amy and Steve a few times, and Amy is a genuinely nice person. I asked her about the faces/expressions/swearing, and she says it is because she is actually at least partially channeling the entities. 

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Steve and Amy both seem like genuinely sweet people, just in different ways.


I often wonder if Amy ever gets a break from entities trying to contact her? How do you tell them to just go away and let you get some sleep, lol!

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Steve and Amy both seem like genuinely sweet people, just in different ways.


I often wonder if Amy ever gets a break from entities trying to contact her? How do you tell them to just go away and let you get some sleep, lol!

Yes - you can shut it down for sleep and private time, although they still come at unwelcome times. When Amy mentions she's doing her opening, that's what she's doing - opening up to the spirits. 

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One show yesterday had Amy discovering a portal to another dimension!  EEK!  

Figuring out that No One should live there because the land was so cursed. (??!)  I am sending out a little prayer to that family that Something Good happens to them because they have all their money sunk into their house (like most people) -- and hoping that they find a Good Way Out of that crazy situation.  


The other episode about that poor woman who was going through all that drama - being attacked by the devil -- and her husband didn't believe her -- she suggested that she was stuck in that house while he went socializing at family gatherings with people who made fun of her.  I give her a lot of credit for remaining with him despite his original attitude. I was mostly happy that Amy was able to verify the Lady's experiences and that the husband finally believed her.  Finding out about the Native American dude in the basement...and all the tragedy surrounding that space.  Yikes!


Being more creeped out lately by the evidence of Third Dimensions.....The Actual devil....and possibly aliens....I make sure to watch with all the lights on.....

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I forgot to report back about meeting Amy at ScareFest.

She was wonderful. She looked fabulous. She had a booth with photos to sign and she posed for photos for free. There were a lot of people signing things and most were much more expensive and they charged extra for photos. Best of all, Amy donated all the money she made to a cage-free, no kill cat shelter.

She did a one hour Q&A that was packed and people were even sitting on the floor. She answered every question and it was fascinating. Some things about the show are done for effect -- especially having her do her walks in the dark. She could easily do them in broad daylight. Matt is now her ex-husband and there are two other camera guys following them. She is not always happy with the sketch artists. She prefers to work with police sketch artists. She has been tested countless times and continues to get tested to make sure she's still "got it".

She said there were lots of spirits in the room with us and at that point a guy stood up and said, "I'm outta here!"

I could go on and on but the bottom line is that she is very nice to her fans. Great experience!

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Any idea when the show is back?  Due to the nature of the show I figure Halloween is a prime time.  Its my favorite reality ghost show.


PattyorSelma - thanks for sharing your experience.  Seems like Amy is very down to earth.  Sounds like a fun time.

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Funny she mentioned how some sketch artists are bad….there was one recently where the sketch looked like a bad Charlie Brown.  Heh.  They still managed to find some similarity, but I thought a gifted child could have done a better job.  

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Eme, she mentioned an episode that had a really bad drawing and many people laughed like they knew exactly what she was talking about. I don't remember the drawings except the one of an eyeless "guardian" a young man saw outside his window several times when he was a kid. It was so creepy. Steve was shocked by how spooky it was. I honestly don't know how those people go on with life after seeing such scary creatures. The thing in Alaska that the whole family saw and it had multiple heads, one being that of a monkey. No thanks!!!

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They did an Update on one of the cases with the ALIENS.  EEP!  Apparently, the family did everything they needed to do to get rid of the entities hanging around….but there was NO WAY to get rid of the ALIENS.  ACK!  Sorry, i would just have to BEG them NOT to put my house on their show and then MOVE AWAY IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT.  I know!  Right?  That is so horrible…I would make sure those things couldn't follow me first, i guess.  

That is just so creepy….

Recently saw an old show with Amy in it (a Haunting Type show, not Dead Files) and in that one, there was a family who lived under cray cray conditions for YEARS! They had the whole family sleep on the living room floor (why not move the beds in there since they are sleeping there after all? I don't get the sleeping bags on the floor if that is where everyone is going to be…but I digress….)  anyways…it turned out that the lady of the house was a sensitive and SHE was causing the poltergeists.  SHE was causing all the drama in the family!  That is just so crazy I cannot wrap my mind around it.  Any thoughts?

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I did and it's the first time I can remember

one of the homeowners being the reincarnated former owner.


I always get frustrated when the update at the end says either the homeowner hasn't done what Amy suggested or activity continues.  Argh.

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I did and it's the first time I can remember

one of the homeowners being the reincarnated former owner.


I always get frustrated when the update at the end says either the homeowner hasn't done what Amy suggested or activity continues.  Argh.

Yes, especially when the homeowners don't take her advice.  Then what was the point of asking them to help you out?  Or the activity must not be that bad.  If you are scared and scared for your family, then you do whatever the expert tells you to do.  Especially when in most cases the families don't want to move.


I'm assuming Amy gives them referrals, because some of her suggestions are out there and I don't even know how one looks up for a warlock, living medium...etc who is credible and can help.

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I'm sorry this board isn't more active. While I can't say I'm 100% convinced of the show's authenticity (please don't throw tomatoes at me), it is both suspenseful and engaging nonetheless. I only just started watching it myself, but I'm surprised it isn't more popular. If they are telling the truth about not sharing info until the end, then Amy's read of the places they investigate are pretty dead on, pun intended. ;)



I forgot to report back about meeting Amy at ScareFest.
She was wonderful. She looked fabulous. She had a booth with photos to sign and she posed for photos for free. There were a lot of people signing things and most were much more expensive and they charged extra for photos. Best of all, Amy donated all the money she made to a cage-free, no kill cat shelter.

She did a one hour Q&A that was packed and people were even sitting on the floor. She answered every question and it was fascinating.


First, gotta give props to a fellow cat lover; that's really cool she donated the proceeds to four-legged friends in need.


I'm curious, did Amy explain how she shuts out spirits in day-to-day life? It sounds like they're always lurking around the corner; is it like she always knows they're there but sometimes ignores or otherwise refuses to engage them? Sounds exhausting.


I've found a lot of the sketches pretty amateurish and one of the more disappointing aspects of the show. Amy's verbal descriptions are usually much creepier. But tonight there was an episode in Leslie, MI and the sketch artist was really good. His sketch of this faceless shadow creature was the stuff of nightmares.


Too bad they couldn't keep that guy, or someone of similar ability (the guy who sketched Al Capone in the Alcatraz episode was really talented as well), on retainer. It would add to their credibility. Sometimes when they compare a sketch to a photo Steve's unearthed, Steve or the homeowners will stare at it a while before saying something tentative like, "That certainly looks like his...mouth." LOL. If the sketches were consistently better, everyone, including the viewer, could tell more readily if what Amy saw matches up with the evidence Steve presents. But then the skeptic in me wonders if the show chooses sub-par artists to make it more vague on purpose... Nevertheless, she and Steve do seem sincere, and their clients appreciative for their help.

Edited by Sighed I
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I'm assuming Amy gives them referrals, because some of her suggestions are out there and I don't even know how one looks up for a warlock, living medium...etc who is credible and can help.

I've actually wondered about this. I'm not sure they really get any referrals because a lot of the time the tag at the end of the episode will say something like "they're currently trying to find a warlock who will help." Personally, I would like it if the show went the extra mile and had people come in to cleanse the home. Heck, they could even film it. It would be a nice little ending for each episode.

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I love this show and I love Amy and Steve.  Sadly, many of the more recent shows have demons and the devil in them.  Yikes.  There is really nothing to do but to GET OUT NOW.  The one last night -- they needed to get out -- AND get exorcized. Double Yikes. Glad they found out though.  

I especially love the Follow-Up episodes where they summarize two shows and tell/film what happened afterwards.  

Just goes to show you that there is a LOT of "stuff" out there that is unexplainable -- Steve has to go Deep to get some history.  The one's where stuff happened in the 1700s is just too wild!  Stuff where the Natives cursed the land....That means that the dirt...the earth on that place...is permanently tainted and sometimes people need to Not Live There Ever.  
This show is Deep, and I love it!

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The episode on Friday made me teary between 


the woman going blind, her fiancee in tears because he couldn't protect his family, the many deaths in his family in the last two years and "Death" taking on the appearance of his mother.  Holy crap.  I don't know if I was more surprised that Amy gave them steps to make the home safe versus telling them to get out or the update that they took the children and left.

I do wonder what happens to anyone that moves in the house after they leave.  I would feel guilty if I didn't tell them "Oh, by the way . . . there is crazy shit that goes down here, there are shadow people that show up at random hours and will pinch/bruise/punch you.  You might want to call Amy and Steve but otherwise, it's a great house!"


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Did anyone watch Saturday night's episode?  

Maybe I stand alone here but if I moved into a house that I thought would be my dream house and I was being assaulted, my pregnant daughter was being pushed down stairs and another daughter was being lifted to the ceiling (in addition to the usual door slams, growls and shadowy black mists/forms), even if Amy was able to fix that shit, it could no longer be my "dream house" after going through all that.  Sorry but I'd be moving. 

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I do wonder what happens to anyone that moves in the house after they leave.  I would feel guilty if I didn't tell them "Oh, by the way . . . there is crazy shit that goes down here, there are shadow people that show up at random hours and will pinch/bruise/punch you.  You might want to call Amy and Steve but otherwise, it's a great house!"

Wasn't this couple also having problems with paranormal stuff before they moved into that house? I seem to remember that and I wondered if moving was going to solve anything. And if it was me, I would feel totally guilty leaving the house and potentially subjecting other people to the craziness. 

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Yeah, full disclosure on these houses is a must.  That's just the right thing to do.

I'm glad that we got an artist sketch this last episode.  I love matching up the artist sketch with the actual photo of the human to do a comparison.  The scenario sketches do nothing for me usually.  Once in awhile there will be a scary scenario taking place but I always prefer the sketches of the actual ghost to do a comparison.

I don't understand the families that live like this for years before Amy and Steve are brought in.  I would've been so out of there.

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The living situation in the last episode confused me. Andrew married Carlos and then both of them moved in with Andrew's parents and Andrew's two brothers. It was just weird. If you're old enough to get married, you should be getting your own place. And no one wanted to move out despite the ghostly activities started up right when Carlos moved into the family home. It was odd. The entire episode I just sat there thinking, get your own home, damn it.

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Yeah, overcrowded house.  I think I missed something ( deleted from my dvr), but the update at the end says that they were looking for a pyschic.  Did Amy tell them to do that?  Why?

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It seems that paranormal activity had been going on for years in this house.  WTF?  It always reminds me of the joke Eddie Murphy told years ago when he was doing stand-up that when white people hear a spooky voice saying "Get out!" they say "nope, not gonna leave, my house!" and black people  say "See ya!" or something like that.

Anyhow - - I can't imagine dealing with that for years.  

I think Amy advised that they get some type of psychic medium in there to exorcise the house of the old bitch that was creating the majority of the problems. Once she was gone, the two men that were stuck there would go.  She also said something about a Tibetian monk or Tibetian chanting to help the mother get her emotions under control.  No update on that.  

I think if I was sitting in their seats I would block the doorway and body slam Amy to keep her from leaving without giving me a referral.  Are such people on Yelp?  And I wouldn't be "looking" months later.  I'd be checking myself into the closest Marriott or whatever until medium/witch/warlock could show up and take care of business.  

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Yeah, I've always wondered if Amy gives referrals to people she recommends. I mean, I wouldn't have the first clue on where to find a large male witch or a Native American shaman or some of the other types she recommends to help.

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I think if I was sitting in their seats I would block the doorway and body slam Amy to keep her from leaving without giving me a referral.  Are such people on Yelp?  And I wouldn't be "looking" months later.  I'd be checking myself into the closest Marriott or whatever until medium/witch/warlock could show up and take care of business.

I know!  Right?  I could not get over the fact that they were looking for a psychic instead of looking for the people she recommended.  A psychic wasn't going to do anything for them.  They needed some action -- FAST!  Also, the woman was the cause of the pk....she looked like she did not believe Amy, and Amy looked like she didn't think the woman was going to do anything.  

Annoyed when people call them in and don't do anything to follow up.  I like to think that Amy's results are solely through her feelings...sometimes, though, when they are making the "connections" it seems like it is a bit of a stretch...no matter -- this is STILL my Favorite Show and If I could I would so take the chance to meet either Amy or Steve.

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I cannot watch this show any longer.  I watched for a bit and then I saw one episode and I couldn’t sleep the next night.  Amy is BRAVE to do what she does. It’s fucking horrifying what she sees.  I feel sorry for her most of the time...and not in a bad way.  She is a saint (I mean this) for taking on what most people won’t.  She sacrifices herself for others. 

Still, I cannot watch. I watch every other paranormal show (more or less) but I cannot watch this one.  You guys are brave.

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Common Caligirl50!!!  Hang in there!! This show is THE BEST!  Amy and Steve are doing some very interesting work -- and while other shows dance around spirits and noises, these two get to the root of the problem and HELP people....at least those that want to be helped.  The fact that these are Real People with issues on their properties makes it more compelling than just having Ghost Adventurers run around a place and scream at things going bump in the night.  OK.  I could see if this show is too intense for some people, but I still love me some Amy and Steve and the way they go about helping people.  

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Good Lord, last night was a real "winner." These people are in agony, esp. the wife who appears very close to a nervous breakdown, and they REFUSE to leave. I would have left even without Steve and Amy's advice! Are they masochists? I would live in a sh-t hole without trouble, then in a palace in a nightmare!! Ay-ya-ya and oy vay!!

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1 hour ago, Psherryred1 said:

Good Lord, last night was a real "winner." These people are in agony, esp. the wife who appears very close to a nervous breakdown, and they REFUSE to leave. I would have left even without Steve and Amy's advice! Are they masochists? I would live in a sh-t hole without trouble, then in a palace in a nightmare!! Ay-ya-ya and oy vay!!

I wanted to punch those people in the face, especially the husband.  He didn't want to leave and basically told his wife she could leave?  Which I felt like was manipulating her.  I felt like he did not have her best interests at heart.  It was easy to tell she was suffering.   The wife was stupid, let the asshole stay if he wants to.  He obviously didn't care about your well being, why should she care about his.

Must've been a very frustrating episode for Amy and Steve.

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Amy has posted on Twitter this morning about that couple. Apparently, there is a lot that gets edited out and we don't see; the couple is doing better but Amy thinks the land is still dangerous.


Amy Allan ‏@amyallantdf 2 hours ago
Since we departed & everyone is doing well

Amy Allan ‏@amyallantdf 2 hours ago
That being said,I am still worried about the land!It is great to hear that she has a handle on her abilities,that there has been No activity

Amy Allan ‏@amyallantdf 2 hours ago
As for the advice taking, there again, is MUCH u don't see!alternatives, lists upon lists,discussions etc..,

Amy Allan ‏@amyallantdf 2hours ago
Discussed how editing can impact the show, from the case! We only have 40+ min to sum up 8 days worth of a case!

Amy Allan ‏@amyallantdf 2 hours ago
I want to say after last nights case,many ppl were attacking those involved&their choice not to follow my advice. I have at many lectures

I'll be honest, I think that woman needed some serious psychiatric care. She seemed so fragile and almost hysterical every time she was on camera. She's going to give herself a stroke.

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I felt so, so badly for the wife and then to hear they decided to stay?  What in the fuck?  If Amy told me there was nothing she could do and the best course was to leave . . . and leave as quickly as possible, I'd be ripping my mic off and packing my bag.  Especially after hearing the neighbor that moved away was miraculously cured as soon as she left the area.   Even if the husband doesn't believe what Amy and Steve are saying, his wife is clearly very ill (physically and emotionally.)   No house is worth that.

I know the husband said his mother just moved back to the area and he would not leave her but she's not living on the property so can't they move away from the property and still stay local to the mother?  

And if the husband still refuses to go, I'd leave without him.  

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On 5/17/2016 at 11:08 AM, emma675 said:

Yeah, I've always wondered if Amy gives referrals to people she recommends. I mean, I wouldn't have the first clue on where to find a large male witch or a Native American shaman or some of the other types she recommends to help.

This week's rerun actually addressed that. They found a NA shaman from the correct tribe, but he got sick after day 1 and couldn't come back to finish on day 2, so Amy did a TH where she said she was helping them find someone to do it again. Not sure if it was this or the other rerun this week, but the lady of the house had some pretty neat tattoos, a lacey mandala-type design that covered the rounded tops of her shoulders. Maybe this marks me out as a redneck, but I liked it. Her nose ring, though, not so much.

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OK.  So, I don't believe in Aliens...nevertheless, I DO BELIEVE in Amy!  This past weekend, there was an episode where one of the females in the house said that while laying in bed, she felt like someone was "spooning" with her.  Amy said that after the second walk in the house, that she went home and had the same thing happen to her.  ??!!??  Later, she reveals that this is an Alien thing -- something that was never living and not a demon, but an Alien.  OK. So, this thing followed Amy home?  How is Amy going to get rid of it??  The family had done what they needed to do and the activity had stopped, BUT WHAT ABOUT THE ALIEN?  Any thoughts???

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Yeah, the family was already out of their comfort zone with ghosts, but when Amy tells them some of it is aliens and they can't do anything about it? Very uncomfortable. So, the little things holding the lady down and laughing because she was afraid, were they aliens, too? Because I have problems believing a culture advanced enough to travel across the galaxy would do so just to partake in cruel and juvenile pranks on the locals.

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Did anyone watch Saturday's episode?  Man, did I feel for the young lady who lost both her parents while living in that house.  I know she feels that she wants to continue living there because it's the last physical connection to her parents but . . . hell, no.  Take some pictures and move the eff out.  Seems to me that the place would be chock full of bad memories.  I also think when you have no friends and the community is staying away from you because of stuff that is going down, it's time to ix-nay on the house. 

I was fully expecting Amy to say this is one of those places that the best option is just to leave so it surprised me when she suggested getting a priest and even going the route of an exorcism.  Yikes.  

And while the mother's suicide was sad and suspicious, the friend/renter's death unusual (as well as a 70 pound weight gain in less than a year while living at this house), and the father's accident very bizarre, I was waiting for that "something" the historian told Steve.  I'm still waiting.  I didn't find the deaths from the previous family that unusual -- - a heart attack at 59?  A heart ailment at 40-something?  Yeah, it's sad to have three deaths in the same immediate family but given they all took place in the 50s, I think, before people monitored their blood pressure and watched their heart health, it didn't seem connected to the house necessarily to me.

I did appreciate the fiance's devotion to the young lady and determination to stick it out and protect her but really . . . just move.

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I watched the ep from 8/20 and it was the first time I didn't believe the family.  I believe the house/property may be haunted but I was getting a vibe from the family.  I could of course be wrong.

I am waiting for an ep to happen that was filmed in the area close to where I grew up.  It is a bar in Paso Robles, CA.  The owner is friends with my family and only had wonderful things to say about Amy and her crew.  I am going to the bar in a couple of weeks and will see if they let me look around on my own.

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