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S06.E20: Shifting Allegiances

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I was rolling my eyes when when Oliver got taken by Anatoly... Was watching it with my father and he said out loud what i was thinking "Will he EVER learn?" And "Why are they writing him so dumb!" We were both kinda relieved when we learned that he let himself get taken on purpose.

Kinda silly Diaz got so many shots in against Oliver. Also kinda lame that after everything Oliver went through he should be badass enough to power through a knife like that. But that stabby was enough for him to let go of Diaz. I'm not saying that doesn't hurt... But someone like Oliver should be beast enough to endure a stabwound.

These episodes are my least favorite part of any season... Almost no GA action... It happens every season. Last episode nothing. This episode for 5 seconds and it looks like next one will have no GA either. 

And a point i made a while ago about no one respecting Oliver happened again this episode... Black Siren is so scared of Diaz. Lance says he will protect her. But neither BS or not even Lance says Oliver might protect her. Not even Lance respects Oliver as the GA LMAO. Nobody cares or respects what Oliver/GA can do... It's driving me nuts. Also BS being more afraid of Diaz than Zoom? Give me a break...


One more thing... Hated how Anatoly is giving Oliver advice about him going solo again... Dude is only a shell of what he used to be. But ooh he is still capable of giving sage advice and he will probably be right. If he's so smart why did he end up being some "crime lord's" lackey and getting kicked out of Russia. But the writers give him sage advice to give LMAO.

Edited by DeadZeus
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One more thing... Hated how Anatoly is giving Oliver advice about him going solo again... Dude is only a shell of what he used to be. But ooh he is still capable of giving sage advice and he will probably be right. If he's so smart why did he end up being some "crime lord's" lackey and getting kicked out of Russia. But the writers give him sage advice to give LMAO.

Anatoly was pretty high up in the Bratva but he got kicked out of Russia because Oliver offered him a sweet deal if he'd come to Star City and kill Adrian Chase for him, but then Oliver changed his mind about Chase and also took away the big payday and kicked him out of Star City.  So trusting Oliver did technically get him kicked out but that doesn't mean that Anatoly doesn't know when Oliver is being an idiot.  To be fair, it's not a hard thing to tell.  

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These recent episodes have been deeply disappointing.  It's like Arrow went on break again only they keep pretending it's on.  There are only three more episodes but instead of excitement I'm starting to dread the next episode.  How much disappointment can they pack into a season? It's not even interesting enough to spend lots of time complaining about. It's just dull and stupid.  

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I was disappointed that Team Newbie didn’t all die. I had hope there for a minute.

Having Diggle apologize to them made me want to vomit.

Why in the HELL would Diaz even offer to let Oliver go if he beat him in a fight? Seriously? You kill everyone else and you would let him go?

And like 2 seconds of Felicity. Suck.

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Hey, have you heard that Oliver is going back to basics? He's going back to basics, you guys. 

Anatoly: Why you walk into situation without backup?

Oliver: I'm going back to basics. This is my new code for what happens at this point of every season except that now it's even dumber than the last 6 times. 

Also, Oliver is GOING BACK TO BASICS. Did you hear? 

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Congratulations, show.  For the first time in six years you got me thisclose to rage quitting you altogether.

First, you have Quentin snarl to the noobs about not being able to find Oliver, as though Oliver was just out ignoring the team (the team he no longer has, btw) to do his own thing, then you have Diggle apologize to them - apologize! to! them! - for betraying their trust.  OMG.


Screw you in particular.jpg

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Between 619 and 620, Earth-X Laurel Lance AKA Siren-X was introduced on The Flash 419. Therefore, I'm posting my transcriptions from that Flash episode as well as this episode...

The Flash 419 (Fury Rogue) – Earth-X Laurel Lance AKA Siren-X is introduced:
(On Earth-X, Earth-X Leo Snart AKA Citizen Cold tracks down the remaining Nazis.)
Citizen Cold: “War's over! Bad guys and girls lost. Nazi regime's been dismantled. And the rebellion's in charge now. Why don't you turn yourself in? Save us the Tom and Jerry. Find some other misguided cause to get all aggro about.”
(He suddenly gets blown back by a sonic scream.)
Siren-X: “Not this night. I will fight until every last one of you finds the same fate as my brothers and sisters.”
(Citizen Cold is suddenly flashed away to a nearby area. He sees Barry and Cisco. Siren-X can hear their conversation from far away because of her sonic powers.)
Citizen Cold: “Your timing is impeccable.”
Barry: “We need your help on our Earth.”
Citizen Cold: “Right now? I’m kinda busy.”
Cisco: “Doing what? Dying?”
Citizen Cold (seeing Siren-X approaching): “Touche.” 
(Cisco opens portal for them to step through. Siren-X uses her sonic cry to keep the portal open and follows them through the portal to Earth-1.)
*  *  *
(Using her sonic powers, Siren-X overhears evil plans to use a metahuman nuclear bomb.)
Siren-X: “Yes, ‘let’s.’ After all, a nuke is a terrible thing to waste.”

The Flash 419 (Fury Rogue) – Siren-X holds a gun on Joe West; and she kidnaps Joe, Caitlin and Neil Borman AKA Fallout, when she captures the truck containing the nuke:
Siren-X: “I want all of you to listen to me very carefully, and hopefully I won’t have to raise my voice. This truck is now mine.”

The Flash 419 (Fury Rogue) – On a visit to our Earth in pursuit of Siren-X, Citizen Cold explains to Team Flash that Siren-X had an unrequited love for the now deceased Earth-X Oliver AKA Dark Arrow:
Barry: "Okay, well, what do you know about Laurel Lance's doppelgänger? And why was she hunting you?"
Citizen Cold: "That was Siren-X, all that's left of the Reichsmen. An elite assassin gone mad, and she is relentless. Carried a torch for Dark Arrow, unrequited, so she's none too pleased with those responsible for his death, present company included."
Iris: "So she has the same powers as Black Siren? (To Citizen Cold) The Laurel Lance of Earth-2."
Citizen Cold: "And Earth-1's Laurel Lance?"
Barry: "She died."
Cisco: "She was the second Black Canary after her sister - who also died and came back, but as White Canary, 'cause -"
Barry: "Cisco."
Cisco: "It's complicated."
Citizen Cold: "Right. Doppelgänger confusion aside, Siren-X has my cold gun and a nuke, and her thirst for vengeance won't prevent her from using either one on me or all of you now."

The Flash 419 (Fury Rogue) – Siren-X uses Fallout to attack the C.C.P.D. and Team Flash responds:
(Joe and Caitlin, with their hands tied, enter the C.C.P.D. precinct. They see a cop.)
Joe: “Run. Run!”
(Cop gets blown back by a sonic scream. Siren-X enters, holding the cold gun against Fallout. Please note that Siren-X is not wearing a mask and can clearly be seen to look like Earth-1’s Laurel Lance, who is currently being impersonated by Earth-2 Laurel Lance AKA Black Siren, who is working as a D.A. in Star City.)
Siren-X: “C.C.P.D., home of the brave, land of the dead.”
*  *  *
Joe: “Killing all these people won't bring back your regime.”
Siren-X: “No, it won't. But decimating your so-called officers will make it a hell of a lot more even. I'll make sure of it. (To Fallout) Remove your helmet.”
Fallout: “What?”
Siren-X: “Take it off!”
(Fallout removes his helmet, and radiation poisoning starts to emit from his body. Cops all around them start to collapse. Cut to S.T.A.R. Labs.)
Cisco: C.C.P.D. Why would she take him there?”
Wells: “We destroyed her protectors. Maybe she wants to do the same to us.”
Iris: “Harry, we need eyes.”
Wells: “You know what, I –“
Cisco: “Why don’t you let me take care of it. You keep your eye on the rads.”
Barry: “Leo, we’re on.”
Citizen Cold: “I’m always on. Oh wait, I need a –“
Iris: “Got you.” (Hands him a cold gun)
Citizen Cold: “Thank you, Iris.”
(Cut back to C.C.P.D. precinct.)
Joe (whispering to Caitlin): “How much time do we have left on the injection?”
Caitlin: “Not enough.”
(Siren-X sonic screams at Fallout. Joe attacks her, but she throws him off. Barry flashes in with Citizen Cold. Barry attacks Siren-X, but she blows him off.)
Iris (over comms while watching the monitor): “Barry!”
Siren-X: “This is for destroying my world!” 
(She starts sonic screaming at Fallout. Cut back to S.T.A.R. Labs.)
Wells: “7,000 rads.”
Cisco: “And climbing.”
Wells (over comms): “Guys, you got to cool him down.”
(Cut back to C.C.P.D. precinct. Citizen Cold and Caitlin shoot their cold guns at Siren-X, but she blows them both back and continues screaming at Fallout.)
Wells (over comms): “8,000 rads and climbing.”
Citizen Cold: “Flash, get up, get up! Flash, you’re not gonna die, Flash!”
(Barry has flashbacks of certain scenes with Ralph Dibney and Ralph’s death.)
Citizen Cold: “Flash, Flash, deal with the pain! You can’t get away from what’s inside you, so stop trying! Flash!”
Wells (over comms): “9,000 rads. This whole place is gonna blow!”
Citizen Cold: “Flash! It wasn’t your fault!”
(Barry gets up, super speeds over to Siren-X, knocks her across the room, where she falls unconscious.)
Wells (over comms): “He’s burning up!”
Citizen Cold: “Time to get cold-blooded.”
(Both Caitlin and Citizen Cold use their cold guns to shoot cold at Fallout.)
Wells (over comms): “8,000 rads. 7,000 rads.”
Iris (over comms): “Keep icing him. It's working.
Wells (over comms): “And dropping.”
(Caitlin and Citizen Cold stop using their cold guns. Caitlin goes over and puts the helmet back on Fallout.)
Caitlin: “He's contained.”
Iris: “They did it.”

620 (Shifting Allegiances) – No Oliver Queen voiceover intro.

620 (Shifting Allegiances) – Anatoly is skeptical about Oliver’s logic:
Oliver: "My mission was always supposed to be solitary. Put me with a team. Fill it with people that I care about. It splits my focus."
Anatoly: "Is that why you think Diaz was able to beat you?"
Oliver: "He took over the city while I was distracted."
Anatoly: "If you seriously believe that, then you are even bigger fool that I thought. And that is saying something."

620 (Shifting Allegiances) – Oliver is arrested by the corrupt S.C.P.D. cops in Ricardo Diaz’s pocket:
TV News Anchor (on screen): “A shocking development today as Oliver Queen's bail was revoked. Speculation that the former mayor is secretly the Green Arrow has multiplied in recent weeks after his decision to terminate two city officials investigating him led to his impeachment. The trial is scheduled to begin May 3. Jean Loring will represent the suspected vigilante, but she has an uphill battle ahead of her. If convicted, Oliver Queen could face a life sentence. His fate now rests in Star City's justice system.”
*  *  *
(Cut to Felicity anxiously watching the television, while Raisa and William stand nearby. William goes over to sit next to Felicity, and she puts her arm around him.)

Edited by tv echo
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