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I noticed Bailey was besties with Makel/Maquel (Makel on this show, Maquel when she was on The Bachelor).  And Makquel is besties with Witney Carson of DWTS.  Noticed on Bailey's FB, she's friends with Carson, Wit's husband.  All these girls look alike.  Anyway, I started to feel a little bad for him and she seemed to still love the attention of having someone into her.  Then I realized he won't take no for an answer and it looks like next week he takes that too far.  Then again, he's an actor and she obviously has friends in reality TV so who knows.

The new guy Vince I felt sorry for when his parents were pressing him to have a life.  I laughed when he got mad and stormed off.

The new girl Michelle seemed nice.  That's it with this show.  I enjoy it, but yeah, everyone seems nice....  I guess I should be glad we don't have all the messes that are Little Women: Insert City of Choice here. 

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I like this new show.  I haven't learned the names of the cast yet, but, I will.

I like the lady who is thinking about having a baby.  I'm glad she's doing her research.  There are so many things that would make child care by herself pretty difficult. 

I'm torn about the young woman who wants to move out of state.  I get her feelings, but, she is likely to be in for a rude awakening when she gets some where and has to pay for so much out of pocket AND provide child care 24/7.  Friends have their own lives and you can't always rely on sitters.  So, there is childcare expense that can VERY expensive.  Plus, how will she work, attend college, go out and have fun with her friends AND take care of her child?  It sounds rather unrealistic.  She hasn't even progressed with her college work while living at home and having ample child care available.  Odd. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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I like Michelle and her art-related storyline. It’s one of the more realistic “artist” depictions I’ve seen on reality TV (except her posing partially clothed for figure drawing — I assume that was just for the cameras). The students in that class did a really nice job sketching her. They were definitely an advanced group!

Lee makes me really uncomfortable. He won’t accept that “no” is an answer. That may work in romantic comedies but in real life it’s harassment. Stature isn’t even a factor here; nobody has the right to pressure someone who has clearly stated they’re not interested. Hopefully Bailey will also grow up a little and realize that it’s unwise to continue a “friendship” with someone who openly wants to be more than friends, but Lee is still the one who’s out of line here. As someone else mentioned, his behavior is going to escalate next week. 

Vince seems okay so far. His reason for wanting to date average height women was pretty practical — that’s who he normally meets — and he mentioned being open to meeting someone at LPA. That’s how Matt and Amy Roloff’s great love story began! Okay, bad example.

Timberlee... is a name that exists. 

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Lee confuses me. Last episode he talked about how his stature has always made him popular, that people want to be able to say they know him or that he's their friend. But he wants to date average-sized women because if he dates little women, that will "define" him? He said he wants people to say about him dating/getting beautiful, average-size women, "Wow, he can get a girl like that?!" So on one hand he uses being little to get popularity and attention, but on the other, he doesn't want to be defined as little. I don't think he can have it both ways. Sounds like the beautiful women he goes after are using him for attention, as well.

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Whenever a person, little or not, gets too insistent and continues to pursue a romantic interest when told no, it concerns me.  THIS is a warning flag.  These people may be risky to be around. They may not be healthy and may create an unhealthy dynamic that places you in danger.  I wish they wouldn't go there with this story.  This is how dangerous situations start.  Then, someone can get hurt physically, if the person pursuing you is unstable.   

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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Diane is really likable. She’s one of the most mature and level-headed LPs I’ve seen on TLC. (I’ve known a couple of super normal and smart LPs in real life but they would never go on TV. Except one was briefly in an LPA documentary but you get my point...) She seems to have some of the toughest physical challenges I’ve seen in dwarfism but she’s so calm and not whiny. I really like her and I hope she meets a good man. 

Lee continues to be awful, and Bailey is not much better. She was totally mad that he didn’t melt down when she friend-dumped him. She wasn’t attracted to him but his obsession with her fed her ego even while it annoyed her or worse. I don’t really feel bad for either of them; they’re both brats with a lot of growing up to do.

Timberlee isn’t quite as awful but she’s also a bit emotionally stunted. Her family was quite an interesting bunch. I thought her mother was her father’s mother, and I missed who the young black man at the table was but I enjoyed the bemused looks he was giving them. 

Michelle’s body language with Lee made me nervous. I think she’d be open to dating him and I’m afraid he’d treat her badly. 

Edited by JocelynCavanaugh
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8 hours ago, JocelynCavanaugh said:

Timberlee isn’t quite as awful but she’s also a bit emotionally stunted. Her family was quite an interesting bunch. I thought her mother was her father’s mother, and I missed who the young black man at the table was but I enjoyed the bemused looks he was giving them. 

That's her brother.  They were both adopted.  The parents intended to adopt dwarfs, but I think they said is not actually a dwarf.

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10 minutes ago, luvbadtv said:

That's her brother.  They were both adopted.  The parents intended to adopt dwarfs, but I think they said is not actually a dwarf.

Thanks! I don’t always watch closely. Yeah I couldn’t tell if he was average size or not. Good to know!

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After reading numerous boards on this site for years, I finally signed up to be able to post on this one!

*** Spoiler alert ***

I'm a little annoyed with TLC for implying in the previews that DIane's double date was a disaster with the snippets they selected. It didn't actually seem to be a disaster at all.

*** end Spoiler alert ***

I agree that Timberlee is probably a little overoptimistic about moving back north, but on the other hand, she'd probably regret not trying to go it on her own. I wish I knew more of the story of why she hasn't pursued her education in Arkansas. Maybe the local college doesn't have a program she wants to continue with? Maybe she was discriminated against, by either students or professors? Wish we knew more of why she isn't successful with education locally, because the child care issue if/when she moves north will be a bigger one than she is expecting.

I like Vince, but his Dad is a piece of work. Vince has clearly had at least one other relationship (apparently ending in heartbreak) but his Dad seems to be pushing too hard for Vince to meet women at the upcoming LPA conference. Also, that bit where they "asked" him to play the violin seemed forced, and Vince seemed uncomfortable playing the fiddle on national TV. I felt bad for him. Overall I think Vince seems like good guy and has a lot going for him, but it really feels like his Dad is determined to embarrass him, one way or another, for agreeing to be on TV. Stick to your principles, Vince!

I like the story lines for Michelle and Diane. They both seem like they have their heads and lives sorted out and I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next for both of them. The previews are making it look like Diane may not be able to have children unless she has a surrogate or adopts. Her visible spinal curvature seems like it might be really painful for her to carry a child, if it is even possible for her to get pregnant (which is not yet clear from what we've seen, or from previews).

Lee is an aspiring actor, and his story line strikes me as trying to get attention. Not to mention it's somewhat of a train wreck - I can't look away. He has a lot of growing up to do, or at least _acts_ like he does in order to create drama for his story line. He appeared to be "Mr. Popularity" in his younger days, yet feels he would be defined as a "little person" if he also happened to date one. That doesn't really add up, (as others have pointed out) but I'm not male or LP so maybe I just don't get it. Unlike the other cast members in this series, so far we haven't learned anything about Lee that doesn't revolve around Bailey. P.S. Bailey - having Lee delete your number from his phone is worthless. It's contained on a year's worth of phone bills that he can easily reference, so that little bit of drama fell flat. If you really want to disconnect, you should block his number, or change your number, and/or get a restraining order.

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Lee must have grown up pretty spoiled.  It's as if he thinks that what he wishes must be so.  Even after the girl tells him it's over, he says that he doesn't want it to be over, like it's still under his control.  I've had enough of that story.

I wonder how Diane would carry a child around, if she raised it alone. She thought the baby she held got heavy very quickly.  I think she even said that she wondered how that would work out.  I might try to get a doll that is human weight and actually try to carry it like you would a real infant and see how it goes.  Plus, there is all the bending and lifting to pick up a child.  With her health situation, it just seems risky. 

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I’m enjoying this series so far.  

I like Diane’s story line because she seems to have her shit together.  I do feel for her though because her spine curvature looks incredibley painful to live with.  I love her apartment as well - girl has some serious style.  

I think Michelle is seriously beautiful and part of that is because of how comfortable she is in her own skin.  She has a quiet confidence.  

I find Lee to be incredibley immature and annoying.  I’m over the Bailey story line which dragged on for 3 episodes too long. 

TLC is having all of our characters mention the upcoming LP convention.  Wonder if they are all going to meet up or somehow intertwine during the season finale.  Does anyone know how many episodes we can expect this season? I’m guessing it will be a short season since it’s only season 1. 

Looking forward to reading more of your thoughts :) 

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Timberlee actually lives close to me (my town is shown in the background a few times). There are a few small colleges she could go to but they have limited programs. I've never seen her in person that I know of, but I don't think she'd be discriminated against. There aren't a lot of opportunities unless she went to Little Rock or farther out. 

I think she's just young and is stuck in the "my old life was better before we moved" mentality.

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On April 18, 2018 at 7:46 PM, SunnyBeBe said:

I was glad to find this site. Diane is one of the little people featured. At least, it looks like her.  I'm not positive it is though.  Doesn't Diane on the show live in CA?  Potential spoiler.



I think she has the same type of dwarfism that Jen Arnold does. 

I think it's the same Diane. She said on this show that her parents live in Hawaii. I suspect the web site you mention is an older one from before she moved to CA.

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I can see why Lee wants a normal sized woman, because the little ones have odd shaped bodies, but he may not have any luck because I think an average sized woman would feel weird having sex with someone only 3' 11". 

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On 4/20/2018 at 12:19 PM, cwecub said:

Lee is a little cuddle bug. I feel bad for him.

Except when he's exhibiting controlling, manipulating behavior, which has nothing to do with height. It's not cool to demand over and over again to snuggle with someone. No means no.

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On 4/20/2018 at 2:52 PM, cwecub said:

I can see why Lee wants a normal sized woman, because the little ones have odd shaped bodies, but he may not have any luck because I think an average sized woman would feel weird having sex with someone only 3' 11". 

Because that's what is most important, not having an odd shaped body?  Odd per whose standards?  And every average sized woman will feel weird having sex with him?  There's more to people than just the shape of their body.  Not everyone is so judgmental.  

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Odd per MY standards. Looks first then everything else! I'd probably date him..he's cute and cuddly

that's why I'm glad I don't date women, picky and frigid.. I'm sure she doesn't mind cuddling with average size men.

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1 hour ago, cwecub said:

Odd per MY standards. Looks first then everything else! I'd probably date him..he's cute and cuddly

that's why I'm glad I don't date women, picky and frigid.. I'm sure she doesn't mind cuddling with average size men.

Who cares whether Bailey cuddles with every average size man from here to Canada? The point is she doesn't want to cuddle with Lee, so she shouldn't have to, and he should quit bothering her about it. That doesn't make her picky or frigid; it makes her human, and him an asshole.

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4 hours ago, cwecub said:

Odd per MY standards. Looks first then everything else! I'd probably date him..he's cute and cuddly

that's why I'm glad I don't date women, picky and frigid.. I'm sure she doesn't mind cuddling with average size men.

Why would not finding someone attractive make her frigid? I assume that you don't find every person in this world attractive and therefore would not "cuddle" with them. I would never call you "picky" and "frigid." I think that is just ignorant. Who gives a fuck if she would cuddle with an average sized man. It's her prerogative, and i'm sure you wouldn't want to be with someone that you are not attracted to. 

I also think it is ignorant that you assume only women are the one's who are picky and frigid. 

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As much as I dislike Lee, I’m also deeply uncomfortable with describing an adult man with dwarfism as “cute and cuddly” or “a little cuddle bug.” It seems like exactly the kind of infantilization and “othering” that most LPs would spend their adult lives having to work against. 

Edited by JocelynCavanaugh
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Hey Everyone! Just a reminder to not make things personal. You may absolutely express your disagreement with an opinion you don't share but don't call out other posters and remember to be civil. 

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Lee is immature. His two friends on the show are quite handsome and one is married the other is dating very pretty women, maybe he thinks he can score the same- probably is he wont score anyone until he grows up. I hope by Timberlee seeing where she would be living, in a 1 bedroom apartment with her friend and kid was enough of a wake up call to stay in AR and finish school so she can get a decent paying job more than min wage and get a place of her own

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When Timberlee was looking at her friend's apt, it brought back some memories of when I was young and moved in with a friend who had a young child. It was a spacious 2 bedroom house, but, it was still a huge deal.  Unless, you have lived with a toddler and a working mom who dates, you can't imagine how things go.  I certainly learned a lot. Like how to clean clay dough off carpet, wash crusted dishes at 7:00 a.m. in the morning that someone else just walked out and left, etc.  lol  I wonder if her friend has any idea what it might be like.  Especially in such tight quarters.  That was just too small for 3 people, imo.  

Lee really annoys me.  I wonder if he can ever become really comfortable with himself. 

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45 minutes ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

I know, he seems awfully young to have that big house - 

I know! It's ginormous. I would love to know what kind of work he does. 

P.S. Where is Mahamit getting his secks from? He's getting it from somewhere!

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Well, it's official: Timberlee is absolutely adorable. And it's not because of her size. She is sweet, smart, pretty and I love how you can see it when she is thinking something through. I know it's not a popularity contest, but Timberlee is the breakout star. I hope Lee hangs in there. It's easy to get frustrated with him, but we need to give him a break. 

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that's why I'm glad I don't date women, Bailey is picky and frigid.. I'm sure she doesn't mind cuddling with average size men.

I couldn't care less about the fat artist, the one with the kid or the no necked one who wants a baby. Lee is cute and should have his own show. I only watch the show to see him and the body builder guy.

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15 hours ago, cwecub said:

that's why I'm glad I don't date women, Bailey is picky and frigid.. I'm sure she doesn't mind cuddling with average size men.

I couldn't care less about the fat artist, the one with the kid or the no necked one who wants a baby. Lee is cute and should have his own show. I only watch the show to see him and the body builder guy.

I’m sure there’s a lot of men who would like to date Bailey, but won’t get the opportunity for one reason or another (little or tall). Bailey has the right to choose the guy she wants to fall in love with. She is not shallow because she doesn’t feel romantic towards Lee. What is shallow is calling people names like fat and no-neck. I find all of the ladies on MLL to be cool, attractive and any guy would be lucky to date them.

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I continue like Diane a lot. She's so... normal. Her demeanor reminds me of several of my friends. Michelle is pretty cool, too. I don't quite understand why everyone on the show is so obsessed with Timberlee. Maybe she's more interesting in person. It was very nice of Diane to say that Timberlee has got it all together; not sure if she was just being polite. Timberlee got pregnant her freshman year of college, and now is a college dropout, single mom, living with her parents. Not a reason to shun her or anything, but I doubt many people consider that a life goal.

Vince seems pretty nice but it was also weird how he locked down on Timberlee instantly and got tunnel vision. Maybe it was producer-driven. Lee wasn't as actively horrible this week but I'm still not a fan.

The convention setting gave me nice memories of the Embassy Suites. If that was the South San Francisco location I actually stayed there not too long ago! I'm a sucker for a good atrium.

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I think Lee was a little horrible this week, when he assumed that he would have the chance to say "rejected, rejected, rejected" each time a woman at the convention came on to him. I don't recall any takers.

Edited by jennylauren123
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2 hours ago, jennylauren123 said:

I think Lee was a little horrible this week, when he assumed that he would have the chance to say "rejected, rejected, rejected" each time a woman at the convention came on to him. I don't recall any takers.

Oh I forgot about that. What a jackass. Not a good look on any man of any size. 

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5 hours ago, jennylauren123 said:

I think Lee was a little horrible this week, when he assumed that he would have the chance to say "rejected, rejected, rejected" each time a woman at the convention came on to him. I don't recall any takers.

Omg I'm so glad I'm not the only one! With every episode, I am realizing that Lee is very arrogant!! I do not like how he acts as if he's above dating an LP woman. 

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12 hours ago, Kristie28 said:

Omg I'm so glad I'm not the only one! With every episode, I am realizing that Lee is very arrogant!! I do not like how he acts as if he's above dating an LP woman. 

I wonder where his arrogance stems from?? If he was as *desired* as he constantly makes himself out to be then he'd certainly have all kinds of women after him and he definitely wouldn't be as incredibly hung up on this fake Bailey chick as he desperately is. If he was fighting off women left and right like he fantasizes about he would have easily dropped Bailey and moved on to the next one. I seriously thinks he believes his own disillusions about himself; namely that he isn't an L.P. 

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7 hours ago, DrRod17 said:

I wonder where his arrogance stems from?? If he was as *desired* as he constantly makes himself out to be then he'd certainly have all kinds of women after him and he definitely wouldn't be as incredibly hung up on this fake Bailey chick as he desperately is. If he was fighting off women left and right like he fantasizes about he would have easily dropped Bailey and moved on to the next one. I seriously thinks he believes his own disillusions about himself; namely that he isn't an L.P. 

You took the words right out of my mouth! Also, in the most recent episode when he attends the LPA, I really didn't like (and maybe I'm just jumping to conclusions because of the already bad impression I have of Lee) how he said something like, "Timberlee is ACTUALLY kind of cute". Like I said before, I may be reading into it too much because of my dislike; however I personally feel like he emphasized "actually" because she's an LP and he previously mentioned that he's just not attracted to LP's which really rubs me the wrong way! Anyways, that's my 2 cents, although I know that nobody asked for it lol. 

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On 5/3/2018 at 11:13 PM, DrRod17 said:

I wonder where his arrogance stems from?? If he was as *desired* as he constantly makes himself out to be then he'd certainly have all kinds of women after him and he definitely wouldn't be as incredibly hung up on this fake Bailey chick as he desperately is. If he was fighting off women left and right like he fantasizes about he would have easily dropped Bailey and moved on to the next one. I seriously thinks he believes his own disillusions about himself; namely that he isn't an L.P. 

re: bold- its overcompensation.  A person can feel very insecure, and in order to cope with this unpleasant feeling, they develop an arrogance to compensate for it.  

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On 5/4/2018 at 9:20 AM, Kristie28 said:

You took the words right out of my mouth! Also, in the most recent episode when he attends the LPA, I really didn't like (and maybe I'm just jumping to conclusions because of the already bad impression I have of Lee) how he said something like, "Timberlee is ACTUALLY kind of cute". Like I said before, I may be reading into it too much because of my dislike; however I personally feel like he emphasized "actually" because she's an LP and he previously mentioned that he's just not attracted to LP's which really rubs me the wrong way! Anyways, that's my 2 cents, although I know that nobody asked for it lol. 

Birds of a feather you and me Kristie28! Lol! I was just thinking the same thing about how he's so repulsed by female LP's! He comes across like even considering dating an LP is beneath him! I mean seriously?! This guy! He's making me have less sympathy for him and his 'plight' with each successive episode!

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I agree that Lee is acting horribly in regard to Bailey, and the way he’s acting about dating LP women. It seems pretty obvious to me that he feels so insecure about being a LP and feels that if he can get an average sized person to date him, he will be considered “good enough” (his words) in the average sized world. It makes me very sad to see. As a girl who has been in the exact same position as Bailey, where I had a dear guy friend want more, and when I declined many times very clearly, he acted just like Lee. Girls never like that Lee, regardless of size. With that being said though, Bailey was very mean in the way she handled it. I thought so even before she invited her boyfriend over. It was quite obvious how much she enjoyed Lee’s adoration, and how much she enjoyed having all of this play out on tv. I’m not saying she was mean bc she rejected him, she had every right to do that and to ask him to stop contacting her, but you do not have to be mean to be firm. She should have told him she wasn’t interested, which she did. When he persisted, she should have said I can’t be friends with you if this behavior continues, so I’ll block you and cease communication if it does. Then she should have done that. Firm, not mean. But Bailey enjoyed it too much to do that, and was super thirsty to be on tv, so instead she was super mean girl about it. 

I find Diane to be super endearing, love her.

I think the same of Vince and Michelle too, but Diane stole my heart. 

I like Timberlee, but I think it would be detrimental to her daughter if she were to move her away from her grandparents since they have been such a big part of her every day life. You can’t put your wants above your child’s needs. I’m not saying she can’t move out, but moving to another state would be harsh. I wouldn’t feel this way if she and the child hadn’t lived with the grandparents since birth. I hope she can find a compromise there. 

It was great seeing them all enjoying the LP convention. I bet none of them stay single long now that we’ve met them. 

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I’m not usually a fangirl for people on reality shows, but I just love Diane. Her set was legitimately funny — I even laughed out loud at the Asian elf joke. Is it me or was the guy backstage with her before the show kind of digging her? They would make a cute couple. Or maybe he was gay? I don’t know. I’m not good at telling those vibes apart! 

I also liked her parents. Usually it annoys me when parents say their kid is their best friend, but when Diane’s dad said it, my mean little heart grew three sizes. Baby/fertility/parenting storylines will always bore me to tears, but I hope she gets what she wants in life. She may have physical challenges, but intellectually and emotionally she seems more than ready to be a parent. 

Lee and Bailey are both jerks but Lee is still worse. He desperately needs therapy but is probably too stubborn and defensive to get much out of it.

Vince is kind of awkward and I’m not convinced he really did a 180 on his social anxiety just because of a few days at LPA, but I wish him well. 

Timberlee seems so immature to me. I would guess her to be about 16 if I didn’t know her age. She’s lucky to have a nice brother to keep an eye on her. 

I liked this show and wouldn’t mind an update or even another season if they have some new activities or life events to follow up on. 

Edited by JocelynCavanaugh
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why is this ending already. not many episodes. i love it. love the women, especially diane. hate lee, and think vince needs some confidence. want to know more. i'm hooked!

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I think Bailey strung Lee along like a little puppy, someone that would worship her until she finally found a man, and then she threw Lee to the curb because she didn't need him.

I am no fan of Lee, I think he is a jerk. He needs to realize why he is not getting a girl isn't because of his size, but his attitude. He thinks all the LP women of America think he

is a stud and he would have to chase them off with a stick yet he thinks he is too good looking for an LP

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12 hours ago, JocelynCavanaugh said:

I’m not usually a fangirl for people on reality shows, but I just love Diane. Her set was legitimately funny — I even laughed out loud at the Asian elf joke. Is it me or was the guy backstage with her before the show kind of digging her? They would make a cute couple. Or maybe he was gay? I don’t know. I’m not good at telling those vibes apart! 

I also liked her parents. Usually it annoys me when parents say their kid is their best friend, but when Diane’s dad said it, my mean little heart grew three sizes. Baby/fertility/parenting storylines will always bore me to tears, but I hope she gets what she wants in life. She may have physical challenges, but intellectually and emotionally she seems more than ready to be a parent. 


I like Diane too.  I friend requested her on FB and she accepted and she seems just as cool with a love for cuss words like myself.  I'm beginning to think the baby rearing was just a storyline.  She keeps hashtagging #notabreeder on any post pertaining to the show.  And sometimes writes "ever" after that hashtag.  I adored her parents and her dad was adorable.  

My DVR cut off.  Any updates that were noteworthy?  I did like this show and hope they bring it back. 

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