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Agree on Bella brother.  God he's an ass.  And it's not like Nikki saved the picture, had time to think about it, and then went looking for the cousins to show them.  They were all sitting right there when the text came in.  It was one of those instant "holy crap, is this really happening, you guys??" kind of reactions.  I'd likely do the same damn thing.  And, yes, I was dying for Nikki to be like "so, would you have preferred me to just try to break up your relationship instead?  Because that's not crossing a line but this is?"  


Brie's retaliation was ridiculous too.  Like Nikki said, it would have been one thing if she had shared that with the cousins (or some other limited circle of people they're close to), but making something really personal completely public, where there's no chance of just deleting it and having it only be a memory, was too much.  It wasn't a naked picture or anything, but it was clearly something personal that Nikki didn't want to share with the world.  


So, my 12 year old is a WWE fanatic, which leads to him watching this, too (which is how I ended up watching it).  When Paige was talking about not doing relationships and ending up a crazy cat lady, he said "hey, Paige, look at Nattie, you can still end up a crazy cat lady if you get married."   And, seriously, she's talking to an agent to get her cats work?  Did she inherit every single ounce of famewhore in the Hart family?  Although why her mother thought that getting one of the cats completely shaved, with a full head of hair and tail, was a great idea is beyond me.  


There must be some woman out there equally desperate who can take one for the team and sleep with Rosa.  Because if she doesn't get laid soon, she's going to start humping someone's leg when they tell her her shoes are nice or something. (If she even needs that much encouragement.)  


Paige's friend with benefits ended up being quite a douche.  I kind of felt bad for him in the first hour, but in the second hour?  Lord.  But, seriously, Paige, there is a happy medium between not getting into a relationship and moving in together after one month.  Maybe get some therapy beyond Rosa and Alicia comforting you when you get upset?  I did laugh, though, at "you made these two cry. I'm not physically capable of crying, but you made these two cry!"  

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I can't stand that Bella brother, and if I never saw him again on this show, that would be fine. Nikki said she was sorry, she didn't put the photo out to the world. (Forget that he would have allowed it to be shown on this TV show LOL) The stuff he said to her at his house was disgusting. Way to slut-shame your own sister.

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I think Paige annoyed me more than Bradley. While, yes, he should have mentioned his marriage, he wasn't obligated to do so when they were just FWB, and she went 0-60 the second they decided to be a couple. Her behavior frankly looked unstable - who freaks out about not wanting any kind of relationship one minute, then immediately decides to move in, meet the family, start bossing him around in front of the family, etc? She also acted high/crazy during the scene at his house, what with the jumping all over his family and awkward conversation. The homeless-lady ripped shirt and winter hat combo wasn't helping matters either.

I laughed out loud at the look on his face when she started acting out in the car, like, can I please just drop this crazy bitch on the side of the road and keep driving?

I dunno, I guess I really have no use for any of the Three Amigas. Paige's brand of quirky just annoys me (and she perpetually looks like she needs a bath), Rosa is a one-note horny dumbo, and the third one (who's name I can't even remember) is such a non-entity that I always mistake her for Rosa.

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I don't understand why Paige invited Bradley to the Key West (other than to get some A$$).  Whenever he wanted to do something, she was like "this is a ladies trip/I want to hang out with my girls," which is fine, but don't invite him.  She seems fun as a friend, but a lot of work to be in a relationship with.  Also, I get why she was mad at him for not telling her he was married before.  Plus he kept on shutting down whenever that subject came up.  So, it seems like they both got demons to work on, which makes for a very volatile relationship.  I can't believe she jumped on his mother and sister upon first meeting them. 


I don't like the Bella brother, but I can understand him being pissed at Nikki for showing his naked picture to their cousins.  I would be mortified (I would never send a naked picture to begin with though).  Also, if he was texting multiple people at the same time and sending a naked selfie, he should've taken the extra time to make sure it was being sent to the right person.


So, are the matches fixed depending on who the WWE wants to "push"?


What does Jonathan do for a living?  Up until now, I've liked him but he was an A$$ in this episode.

I don't like the Bella brother, but I can understand him being pissed at Nikki for showing his naked picture to their cousins.  I would be mortified (I would never send a naked picture to begin with though).  Also, if he was texting multiple people at the same time and sending a naked selfie, he should've taken the extra time to make sure it was being sent to the right person.



Yeah.  I'd never send one either, but anything I text that is even remotely "off limits" to certain people, I double check before hitting send to make sure I'm sending it to the person I meant to send it to.  If it was me naked, God knows how beyond paranoid I'd be before hitting send.  Also, I'm a little squicked out that he was multi-tasking between sexting his wife and chatting with his sisters.  Ick. 

I think Paige annoyed me more than Bradley. While, yes, he should have mentioned his marriage, he wasn't obligated to do so when they were just FWB, and she went 0-60 the second they decided to be a couple. Her behavior frankly looked unstable - who freaks out about not wanting any kind of relationship one minute, then immediately decides to move in, meet the family, start bossing him around in front of the family, etc? She also acted high/crazy during the scene at his house, what with the jumping all over his family and awkward conversation. The homeless-lady ripped shirt and winter hat combo wasn't helping matters either.

Because I'm a wrestling fan and usually read wwe-related sites/blogs, I felt like I was the only person thinking exactly this, but maybe also because I'm knocking on the door of 30 this November and I would have encouraged her "quirkiness" had I been 22 as well. That Bradley showed maturity to me, because I would have laughed right at her at the suggestion of moving in together...after ONE month. That is still funny to me, because again, 22 year old me would have probably went apartment hunting right with her.


I hope she has a good laugh when she looks back on these years, then again I hope TD is so fake that she's not actually crazy enough to move in with a boyfriend only after a month of dating. I would have never let THAT meet my parents at any age though; knowing them, they'd put money on how long I could last with someone who drunk dials their boyfriend's mother. LOL

The Paige story was confusing. Even though it was the first time she met the mom & sister, she seemed to have talked to them before. It also seemed liked they condensed weeks/months worth of stuff into 2 episodes.


Bella brother really bugged me because he made the mistake, then he acted like a baby, skipping the family lunch but sending his wife (who was probably pretty embarassed by it all too!) then being an ass when Nikki did apologize. She shouldn't have shown the cousins, but the whole thing was minor, and again, his own fault, and he made it way bigger than it needed to be. And agreed, it's really creepy that he's texting his sisters at the same time that he's sending his wife naked photos.


Jonathon seems to make his money (Eva's money) off of endorsements and a clothing line, that ugly ALPHA stuff he's always wearing. I'm assuming E and WWE won't let them talk about that, so that's why he's always wearing it on the show. Same with her father & brothers always wearing branded shirts and hats. If you ever look at their social media, it's constant pimping of some product, currently it's some supplement called Shredz. Most of his posts revolve around that. Some of hers do. She wrote on Twitter that he went to law school. You'd think he'd know the basics of a contract & that he has to go through WWE for these endorsement deals then. ;)


DkNNy79: Yes, all the WWE shows are scripted from start to finish. Even the announcers are wearing earpieces so they can be told what to say. If you're interested, google WWE Raw Script, a few times there's been leaked scripts.

Edited by BellaLugosi

Wow, does Jonathon really think Eva would have had any of those opportunities if she wasn't with WWE? And that those offers would continue if she screwed up and got fired? I get such a pimp vibe off of him now. Ew.


My DH said she hasn't been on WWE lately so I wonder if she got in trouble over that.


This show is starting to be more  like the Kardashians with the same plots:

*trouble conceiving/wanting a baby

*hookups and breakups 

*parties and wild drunken behavior

*vacations or weekend getaways (for people who "claim" to work a lot; they sure seem to get a lot of time off to have fun)

*sex talk  (ex: "boneing" like Khloe K)

*crazy family issues

Edited by MrsEVH

Regarding the acting storyline, didn't Brie and Nikki quit the WWE a few years back in order to, presumably, pursue other career options? And iirc they both started out as "actresses"... I kind of get the impression they set out to get famous and settled on WWE as it was really the best option available. Same as Eva Marie. Anyway, I don't really see Nikki having much of an acting career if it hasn't happened yet, especially after being on this show (not that anyone really seems to watch Total Divas. Heh.) 


I could see Nikki with hosting gigs on E! or something. Nikki and Brie come across as vapid yet really likable, imo. 

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A few things Bradley's full name is Bradley Walden and his is with the band Emarosa. They're a post hardcore band, whatever that means.

Seems that Paige is no longer dating Bradley. She's been dating Kevin Skaff, lead guitarist for the band A Day To Remember for the past few months. He was asked to appear on Total Divas but, declined the offer.

Edited by FortKnox


I could see Nikki with hosting gigs on E! or something. Nikki and Brie come across as vapid yet really likable, imo.

That's what i imagine. Niki wants fame. I think hosting a show on e would be good for her. She's funny. We already know she's spoiled so she wouldn't morph into a spoiled chick like guiliana rancic. I'd watch her on the red carpet. She would be amusing interviewing people.

It depends on the diva, tbh. AJ Lee is very popular right now, but the WWE doesn't seem to care about the divas (even with this show), so it can be hard to invest. It doesn't help that the "stars" of this show (The Bellas) aren't that good. As AJ said to the Bellas before her vacation, "Talent is NOT sexually transmitted."

If you get the WWE network, you can see a lot of older matches with divas who were fantastic (ex: Lita, Ivory, Jacqueline, Trish).

  • Love 1

Regarding the acting storyline, didn't Brie and Nikki quit the WWE a few years back in order to, presumably, pursue other career options? And iirc they both started out as "actresses"... I kind of get the impression they set out to get famous and settled on WWE as it was really the best option available. Same as Eva Marie. Anyway, I don't really see Nikki having much of an acting career if it hasn't happened yet, especially after being on this show (not that anyone really seems to watch Total Divas. Heh.) 


I could see Nikki with hosting gigs on E! or something. Nikki and Brie come across as vapid yet really likable, imo. 


I could definitely see that, particularly with Eva Marie. At least Nikki has a background playing competitive sports and seems to enjoy her job with WWE. Eva Marie would clearly rather spend her time prancing around between photo shoots while people tell her how pretty she is.


Eva Marie is just an idiot. Every time she speaks she sounds so stupid. When that guy from the Talent dept was on the phone and asked who approved the photos, she was like, um Jonathan? My husbandger? I hope her 15 min are up soon. I don't watch WWE but husband does and he says she hasn't been on much lately. I would love it if she was off the show altogether, and took Nattie and Ariane with her. I am tired of hearing about marriage drama, family drama, body image drama, etc. Even though I don't really like WWE, I think it's interesting when the show focuses on the WWE itself- the traveling, the workout regimens, the background behind the ring storylines, etc. I really don't care about the drama in their personal lives, particularly when so much is made up, like when Nattie freaked out about eating a pot brownie.


Also, I could not stand being in Paige's company for more than a few minutes. She is just way too OTT.


I get that Eva's husband is thinking that financially, Eva is making more money from endorsements and modeling than the WWE income. But she is GETTING those endorsement and modeling jobs due to the WWE association, so Jonathan should really reconsider encouraging Eva to tell WWE to fuck off when they tell her she needs to run things by them. On the other hand, I'd love to see her fired, so I take that back, Jonathan, keep telling her to ignore her boss.

So the mission statement of this episode was to make every Diva besides Naomi and Eva Maria as unlikeable as possible?  That's the only thing I can think of, because holy crap, they were the only likeable Divas in this episode.


They're all pissed at Eva for training, despite being told that it was the company's decision, Brie's pissed at Eva because Eva views WWE as a stepping stone to bigger things, while Nikki the entire episode was talking about just that and how she wants to be the female Rock or Cena, Nattie takes a swipe at the Bellas by saying them leaving the company would be like losing friends, and every Diva except Naomi gang up on Eva.


Could probably use a little better writing.  Naomi was the only level headed one by defending Eva, and saying "She can get all the training she wants, but it doesn't matter if when she comes back she can't deliver in the ring."  Naomi with that logic of, wait till she gets back to see what she can do.  And I had to laugh at Uso staying out of it during that meal, and Tyson just laughing and burying his head in the menu.


Tyson also had the highlight of the episode with "I'm a tag team champion, I'm not purring like a cat!"

Eeeek. What a weird premiere. It's very juvenile to be so mad at Eva. I watch Raw every week and she still isn't back on TV, so I'm guessing with the return of this show, her return will be soon. Hell they might actually make her champion just for storylines to accompany the Total Divas plotline.


Why did Jonathan need to watch Eva train? He is so freaking creepy, man.


I'm so glad Trinity is back and that Ariane and Rosa are gone! So, so, so glad. GIRL BYE.

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I love Trinity. She's almost always the voice of reason.


The anti-Eva jealousy pileup was ridiculous, but I'm also over Eva - there is just something off about her. Not sure if she's lazy, not too bright, on drugs, or just a typical entitled millenial, but her blank stares and constant whining about working hard are annoying. She seriously expected to be done training after six days? And don't get me started about Jonathan. I know he's her manager, but why is he just sitting there watching her all day long? Is she not allowed to interact with a male trainer without her husband's watchful eye? Get a real job, creeper.


Nattie continues to drive me up the wall. So much for the big dramatic breakup with TJ last season. And I too caught the catty "this almost feels like losing friends" statement to the Bellas. She still looks old enough to be TJ's mom. Hell, she looked older than her own mom.


Color me shocked, SHOCKED! that the Bellas aren't actually leaving. Nikki's weird flirtatious little-girl cooing act with her boss was absolutely horrifying. Way to set the women's movement back fifty years.

Agreed Stella MD, there is something off about Eva.  When Mark Carano said "her unique acting ability" I almost choked. She can't even speak in a conversation without it sounding strange. I can't stand Eva so I didn't mind the pile-up to be honest. They aren't wrong. I'm glad it was said that the company wanted her to train, not that it was her who went to them like was floated out there before. I don't believe for a minute she wanted to be off tv and to train to wrestle.  I think a lot of their anger comes from her only training because she had to. Even Paige who'd been wrestling for years before coming there spent years in NXT. And then to tell them that's she's coming back to take the top spot!


Still adore my Bellas and loved Brie bringing up how Eva's Instagram is Shredz posts.  Jonathon is a creep. I wonder if he sat there for the whole six weeks watching her? Is he going to go on the road with her too when she goes back to touring?


Ascension, Eva IS actually at NXT now. She still might return to TV before the season is over but she's down there now doing awkward promos. I wish I could find video clips but the first time they showed her, she was sitting in the crowd. She did seem like she was on drugs or something when she stood up and waved. Then she did a promo in front of the crowd, they booed her and she got very flustered. She's supposed to be having matches at the next set of tapings which should be next week.


The company has invested a lot into her, but I don't think it's going to pay off. I agree with Brie, if she's there at this time next year, I'd be surprised. But I can say the same about Brie, who I think it winding down her career too.


Eva isn't even cut out for the reality show either if she can't hold her own in an argument.


(This is the most I thought about Eva since the season finale of last season btw lol)


Poor Nattie. She keeps trying to come up with interesting storylines. She's unfortunately got a real life one coming up with TJ's injury. Too much going on in the preview for me to see what else is coming up.

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Lol, the entire NXT crowd greets Eva Marie with "You can't wrestle " chants. Imo she won't be there in a year. Her weird eyed stare is too much. It's like the editors or camera men were like protesting the annoying behavior that was Eva, Rosa, and Ariane, but Eva won that. She doesn't have "it". Then again, imo the Bellas don't either.

I love Trinity, and especially Trinity with Jon.

I feel sorry for Nattie sometimes because it is obvious that the WWE doesn't really want her. They put a lot girls above her and it seems like they just keep her there just because.

Has Eva improved in the ring? WWE is really investing a lot in her. She definitely has no acting skills and complains a lot.

So the twins never left WWE? I wonder if this was a made up storyline like Nattie and TJs from last season.

I can't stand Eva and I ffwd any scenes of her and her loser husband.  Since I don't care for her, the girls bashing her didn't bother me.  I hope they don't make her the champion, I'm sorry but she would not be believable at all.  She is just horrible.


Glad that Ariane and Rosa are no longer on.  I wish they would've kicked Eva out and replaced her with Emma.


From the previews it ooks like there will be some drama with Trinity and Alicia? 

  • Love 1

Edited quotes:

So the mission statement of this episode was to make every Diva besides Naomi and Eva Maria as unlikeable as possible?  That's the only thing I can think of, because holy crap, they were the only likeable Divas in this episode.


They're all pissed at Eva for training, despite being told that it was the company's decision, Brie's pissed at Eva because Eva views WWE as a stepping stone to bigger things, while Nikki the entire episode was talking about just that and how she wants to be the female Rock or Cena, Nattie takes a swipe at the Bellas by saying them leaving the company would be like losing friends, and every Diva except Naomi gang up on Eva.


Could probably use a little better writing.  Naomi was the only level headed one by defending Eva, and saying "She can get all the training she wants, but it doesn't matter if when she comes back she can't deliver in the ring."  Naomi with that logic of, wait till she gets back to see what she can do. 

Ganging up on Eva really came off as hatin. Don't get me wrong; I'm not particularly fond of her either. I agree that she gives zero effs about actual wrestling and cares more about moving on to "bigger and better things." But, if the company specifies that they are interested in her "look" and having her at promotional appearances, over rigorous training with everyone else, what is she supposed to say, "No, I want to rough it like everyone else!?!" It seemed that Trinity was the only one who understood this. I'm absolutely amazed that Trinity is one of the younger Total Divas.


Lol, the entire NXT crowd greets Eva Marie with "You can't wrestle " chants. Imo she won't be there in a year. Her weird eyed stare is too much. It's like the editors or camera men were like protesting the annoying behavior that was Eva, Rosa, and Ariane, but Eva won that. She doesn't have "it". Then again, imo the Bellas don't either.

I feel sorry for Nattie sometimes because it is obvious that the WWE doesn't really want her. They put a lot girls above her and it seems like they just keep her there just because.

Has Eva improved in the ring? WWE is really investing a lot in her. She definitely has no acting skills and complains a lot.

What little I've seen of Eva's "wrestling" and promos blow. It shouldn't still be this bad. I wouldn't be shocked if Eva ended up with her own, "That Jackie Gayda Match" that still lives in infamy.


I don't think that WWE doesn't want Nattie. I don't think they really know what to do with her. She's a technical wrestler. Male wrestlers can have a hard time gaining traction with that wrestling style, much less a female. In addition, she's not a standard beauty like the Bellas, she's not a beast (as in mollywopping chicks left and right) like Chyna, and she's not ridiculously athletic, like Trinity. She's probably the best female wrestler to help newbies "get over," while climbing the ladder to the title. 


This whole episode was some high school level ish.

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It doesn't hurt that irl Nattie is actually"that" fame hungry. The Harts are notorious for it.

Not looking forward to the inevitable TD bitching that Charlotte (daughter of Ric Flair, who's a huge wrestling legend) is "stealing" her spotlight. Charlotte is also blonde too, and WWE won't make Ric Flair's daughter change her hair, as she's a rising star (and Flair's daughter) because Nattie might hate all blondes.

I wonder if Eva Marie was an E! hire and the WWE decided to train her finally because it's kinda odd that she comes from no where and is on the reality show mostly and is only now being trained.

Trinity is just way too cool and levelheaded for this show. The only time I disagreed with her was when she stated at the table that Cameron had nothing to do with the impending catfight. Listen, Naomi, normally I am right there with someone who wants to stand up for her friend, particularly when the friend isn't there to defend herself. But in this case, Cameron WAS, as usual, being a shit stirrer and DID directly cause the flare up by running to Eva and repeating everything that was said, probably omitting any details about what she herself said. And the reason Cameron wasn't there to defend herself was because she will intentionally avoid any scene where all divas will be present so she can't be called out on anything. But otherwise, Naomi continues to impress me with her maturity and kindness.

Eva is just about the dumbest person I've ever seen on reality TV, and I watch Teen Mom 2. She's also lacking any kind of work ethic. I get it, she has no real interest in wrestling and improving her technique; she only sees WWE as a vehicle for the eventual career she wants to have. And that's okay. But she needs to either fully commit to improving herself and listening to management or she needs to decide to use another vehicle. All this whining about how hard her body is being worked and how intense the training is- um, kind of the point?

I understand the frustration of the other girls. I think WWE is making a mistake by alienating the majority of their female "talent" by singling out one person and giving her more perks and preferential treatment. But, they're a business, they clearly think this is an endeavor that will pay off, and that's their right. Still, it did put Eva in a shitty position because the girls aren't going to take out their resentment on the ones who sign their checks.

Foxy, Paige, Brie, and Nikki and Nattie- are you going to honestly claim that if you had been offered the same training package, you would have turned it down because you wanted to pay your dues? You're jealous, you feel like you've been wronged, and you can't yell at your boss so you're going to focus on Eva's Instagram as the source of your anger? Very transparent.

That said, Eva definitely added fuel to the fire lying about training in Orlando and then tattling to the ringside announcer. Everyone but Trin just sucks.

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I do not miss AJ Lee. She was never enjoyable to watch (to me)...just had a cool finisher, could handle herself really well on the mic and was a favorite of Vince. Also AJ's comment "Talent isn't sexually transmitted" to Nikki & Brie was dumb considering...AJ is married to a wrestler who was just as popular as John & Daniel before he left WWE. AJ wasn't that amazing of a wrestler. Nikki has probably surpassed her in ability, she's improved so much.


THE NXT DIVAS! ARE HERE! They were ON RAW! I'm pretty confident that these girls are too talented for WWE to mess them up, but the Raw writers seem pretty clueless. However the buzz since their  Raw appearance has been insane so hopefully WWE sees what an opportunity this is. So incredibly exciting! Can't wait to see them in matches with Brie, Nikki, Paige and Alicia...hopefully Emma at some point, too. Naomi and Tamina are irrelevant to me.  

Edited by The Ascension
  • Love 2

I miss AJ Lee.

Never forget That Pipe Bomb.

You mean the "pipe bomb" where she buried the entire Diva division saying they didn't belong in the WWE, and only got to where they were by sucking up to the right people?  The promo where none of the targets got a chance to respond?


I hated that promo.  If someone actually got a chance to respond, or actually beat her in a meaningful match, it wouldn't be so bad.  They didn't go that way, they had AJ bury everyone, and constantly win, proving AJ right.  The others could have even pointed out that AJ got to where she is by hooking up with Bryan, Punk, Kane, Cena, and Dolph, but nope, they don't get to mention that.  They also get to constantly tap out to AJ.


They ignored one basic thing about Punk's pipe bomb, he didn't bury Cena, he railed against the system.  He never said Cena didn't deserve to be in the company, or be champion, he just said that Cena wasn't the best and that he was the best.

Edited by Jediknight
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Aw, Brie. She and Bryan will make amazing parents. I love her and Nikki's love for donuts, haha. Girls after my own heart.


SO sick of the Eva drama. It's stupid. I don't like her, Jonathan creeps me out beyond belief, and I think it's beyond stupid the company thinks so highly of her. She's not compelling or articulate. I think the hate for the training is just a storyline for the show, but it makes all the Divas (like my girl Brie!) look crazy and unlikable so not a good look. 


Did Eva ever look petty when they went to a charity event and Jonathon said it really puts things in perpective, and she said yeah, these jealous girls blah blah blah.  She's talking about them as much as they are talking about her. And they seem to be her first thought when she gets sent on something by the company, judging by next week's preview.


It's so sad that if Brie did get pregnant, she'd pretty much be off the show. I'd love to see her going through her pregnancy on the show. We'd only get to see her once in a while though. She & Bryan are the sweetest.


Paige & Alicia's antics seem fake, even for a fake reality show.

Edited by BellaLugosi

For the record, AJ and Naomi/Trinity had great matches in FCW (which is what NXT is now).

AJ was never "with" Ziggler, Bryan, Kane. She managed them/had a storyline with them. Just like the Bellas managed Bryan, Miz, Cody Rhodes and Sandow, etc. Or Nattie currently manages Cesaro /Kidd.

Cena used to work on promos with AJ. The divas got about a few minutes back then. That AJ got that time to speak actually got more attention to the division and put the Total Divas cast over as faces. And you can all thank AJ Lee for the "give divas a chance movement " that brought longer matches, etc because she went to Stephanie McMahon via twitter and called it out.

If people think Nikki Bella is better, she should be. She took seven years in the business to do what AJ and Paige did in a few years. And imo she's still sloppy.

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