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Of all the couples, they seem to be the ones with the most in common with each other, and I'm fine with the happy ending (however manipulated it is).



The cynic in me wants to know how much Brie was into some of those things they have in common before she met him.  She strikes me as the kind of girl who absorbs whatever interest her boyfriend/husband has.  

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I totally see that. Brie always puts Nikki down about all the extravagant things she buys, but I think that she is jealous.


Brie is a huge bitch to Nikki a lot. I remember last season when Daniel Bryan was "teasing" Nikki about being a stupid, shallow, spoiled slob who was going to die alone. Not only did Brie not once defend Nikki, but when Nikki finally respectfully told Daniel Bryan that his "jokes" were really hurtful and he agreed to stop, Brie jumped on Nikki for not being able to take a joke. Brie must live in fear of Nikki getting pregnant or married to Cena because if she does, Brie will have nothing over her.

Rosa and Bobby and their babe, babe, babe, babe....OMG enough! Eva's unique acting abilities were on display at that lunch with Rosa. 


"I've known Bobby for 7 months, how was I supposed to know he has no willpower with snacks?" Rosa actually said this. 


WHAT was with Paige's makeup in the talking heads? She looked awful! I don't care about her and Kevin. Can we replace Paige with her mom? Their family is so great. Dad is a hoot. No Paige though, she's a brat. 


I guess she moved in with someone else? There was furniture there, just not in that one room. 


The scooter buying was cute but come on. The guy was on camera, so they'd obviously set it up. I wish they'd make it a little less obvious that it's staged. I hope he knew about all the jokes about him being a serial killer before it aired. He was so nice about it. 


Brie said pop-a-wheelions. 

Edited by BellaLugosi
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I have a hard time taking "Fearless Nikki" seriously, when she's so damn needy. The whole fear of death, anxiety bs, is just that... bs. It's being needy. You want to empower women, but you can't stay in a hotel room alone, you know, while you're traveling to make these empowerment speeches?


I'm a bit confused on this Rosa timeline. She's 5 months pregnant, but has been with her boyfriend for 6 months? We already had this storyline with Eva Marie and Jonathan having different religions. I sure as heck hope that they were playing for the cameras and had already decided how to handle this, cuz I'm really sick of these "girls" demanding that their religion be respected with complete disregard for what their significant other wants. And if your family/mother has that much say in what happens in your grown ass relationship, well, that says a lot about you and your maturity. I. Just. Can't. With. Rosa.


I know these girls are young, but damn, with the exception of Paige, you all aren't that young. Grow up!

Wow, there was just WAY too much Paige in this episode. Really, I hope we get a break from her and her self created drama next week.


We DVR this show, and we used to watch it immediately after it aired Sunday night, so we could skip commercials. Then it was the next day. Now, we don't even usually watch it before the next week's episode airs. This show is hella boring.


The scooter story was dumb, but I like scenes with that blond announcer. I wish she was on more. She and the Bellas seem to be pretty good friends.


Rosa had 6% body fat? Sure, Rosa. I think 10% is when your basic body functions start shutting down. A dude could get down to 6%. I don't think a woman could. I definitely don't think Rosa ever did. I'd put her at about 15% when she was walking around naked trying to seduce all the Divas.


That said, I hate, hate, HATE, when someone makes comments about what I'm eating, so I feel for Rosa there, and I am not even talking about her greasy douchebag of a boyfriend. Nattie saying, Rosa that's your THIRD plate! was so obnoxious. Mind your own business, Nattie.

Nattie is a nightmare. Did you notice how fast TJ's mood turned when she started up at her parent's house? He was smiling and laughing and she started with her selfie nonsense and he just lost all that happiness. And she was so nasty to her mom about the costumes, which were her idea in the first place. She isn't royalty and she sure as hell isn't Kate Middleton. 


So Mandy has brothers who are tools. Something else she has in common with Eva.  Please, no more of anyone's brothers! 


Rosa barely looked pregnant in that bikini, wow! I don't see her & Bobby lasting. I get the worst vibe from him. He was telling her she eats too much because he was worried about himself. He had to go to Vegas to get her a ring. He throws everything back on her to make her feel bad about stuff. There's no rings in California he can buy? 


Nikki has enough actual drama with her injury, why do they have to add some manufactured drama with John? 

Edited by BellaLugosi

Rosa barely looked pregnant in that bikini, wow! I don't see her & Bobby lasting. I get the worst vibe from him. He was telling her she eats too much because he was worried about himself. He had to go to Vegas to get her a ring. He throws everything back on her to make her feel bad about stuff. There's no rings in California he can buy? 



That is exactly what I said about the supposed engagement ring shopping. Don't you know that the majority of people go shirtless to a poolside party in Vegas to look at engagement rings! Seriously she must really have wanted to believe whatever bullshit story he told her!

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Nattie and Rose are so painful to watch.

Can this show just be the Bella's (and Trinity)? I would like to watch their actual lives (injuries, training, etc) and not the fake crap. But I do think they have enough going on to be interesting - unlike everyone else.


Completely agree! There are too many girls on there and they have to manufacture storylines for them. Getting rid of the dead weight won't hurt ratings, they are tanking anyway. 

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I guess Nattie's sister lives with her now? Why was Nattie mad at her for having a glass of wine? And then telling her she looks like she's six months pregnant.  What a charmer she is. 


I believe Nattie really thinks that her behavior is cute or quirky. She doesn't seem to mind how she comes across and she thinks it's funny when she lies to her family or treats them like crap. 


I still laugh when I think of her comparing herself to Kate Middleton. 

Nattie invited Mandy on her trip and then talked about her behind her back for accepting. What a bitch. And I agree Nattie, I don't see how TJ is still with you either.


They missed an opportunity when Eva claimed she could dance to show a clip of her "dancing" with Fandango a few seasons ago. I wonder if she realizes that Mandy is the new her? She's going to start needing subtitles. Does anyone else have trouble understanding her? I almost cried with laughter when they were saying that she was "up here" with her skill level. And Mark talking about wanting her going into Wrestlemania with the Divas title. Come on man.

It's always interesting to see how Total Divas edits the matches.


Jeez Brie. Bryan didn't want to go to sleep at 8PM LOL. Bryan is pretty reasonable. He just wanted them to try his stuff but when they didn't want to, he said he'd do it himself. Though I think they could have tried a bit harder since he was paying for the trip for them all.


How rude is Paige? "Is this a junkyard? They just gave up huh?" Your family (before your fame) is on the internet honey, and you didn't grow up any better. Dustin seemed sweet though. He needs a better role model.

That's a interesting factoid about Rosa. I didn't know she dated Michael Hayes(I don't know why anyone would. Especially, a person of color. Dude is flat out racist). But, I remember a story about when Rosa returned aftet rehab and when she was hanging out for the first time, Hayes offered her a drink in the ultimate dick move. It's even worse since he knew about her troubles and probably caused them.

She might have entered into the contract before they knew she was pregnant. I don't know anything about the WWE or their contracts, but I imagine they couldn't just fire her for being pregnant since that would be a lawsuit in the making.

According to Wikipedia, that source of all information but not all of it very accurate, she was only a correspondent for a little before she went on maternity leave in October.

they might not do it now but they sure as hell have fired a woman while pregnant before. They promised former female talent dawn Marie she had a job waiting for her while she was on maternity leave and they sent her walking papers while she was still pregnant.

I guess I should have qualified what I wrote. A company determined to fire a woman will find a reason, but they can't (without a lawsuit) overtly use pregnancy as a reason. I don't think. I'm not a lawyer so I'm just guessing.

I didn't say you implied anything. Just saying the WWE once fired someone while they were pregnant before. Of course, they would never say it was because of the pregnancy even if it was. Just saying it happened once before for whatever reason. Edited by Racj82

I didn't take it that way....I appreciate the additional information and the opportunity to clarify what I wrote. I can see why they wouldn't want someone wrestling while they are pregnant, but to fire them on maternity leave is a pretty low blow.

Yeah, it can be pretty cutthroat. I think that is why so many women fear being left behind or simply leave when they want to move on to motherhood because wrestling has often been so dismissive to the contributions the women have made to the company. But, to be fair, it can be difficult surviving in the WWE period. It seems like 80% of the roster is walking on eggshells because you could get punished or fired for so many silly things.

Heh. The New Day are inducting the Fabulous Freebirds into the WWE Hall of Fame. That has to put a damper on it for him, I love it.

Yeah, this has to be some kind of rib on Hayes.

In Cena related news, this will be the first wrestle mania since 2003 where Cena and Randy Orton both aren't wrestling.

And the divas titles match includes zero wrestlers featured on total divas. At this point none of the females on the cast will be on the main show and John Cena, TJ and Daniel Bryan won't be there for obvious reasons too.

In fact, Daniel Bryan has been pulled from all mania hype activity and no one knows why.

Yeah, this has to be some kind of rib on Hayes.

In Cena related news, this will be the first wrestle mania since 2003 where Cena and Randy Orton both aren't wrestling.

And the divas titles match includes zero wrestlers featured on total divas. At this point none of the females on the cast will be on the main show and John Cena, TJ and Daniel Bryan won't be there for obvious reasons too.

In fact, Daniel Bryan has been pulled from all mania hype activity and no one knows why.


Take this with a grain of salt, but my husband said he saw a rumor that Daniel has some health issue.  The rumor also said that Brie would be retiring after WM to be home with him.  

I honestly wonder how much of what we see on this show is really Nattie vs. she's just willing to do whatever the show wants her to do.  Because it seems like, when she's not part of some "wacky Nattie!!!" story, she's pretty normal.  We've seen her be pretty reasonable and mature in offering advice to the other girls.  I think that, for whatever reason, they're asking her to dial it up to 1,000 when they do stories focused on her, and she's doing it.  


How long has Nikki been with John?  I mean, when you say "I want to work out with John to rehab because he always comes back early," do you not have even the slightest idea that the reason for that is that he's extremely hardcore and disciplined in his rehab?  She's seen him go through it, she has to have at least an inkling of what he's like when he rehabs.  This shouldn't have been a surprise to her.  If she wanted to get the kind of results he gets, she should have known it wasn't going to be easy.  

Oh, Brie is retiring whether or not Bryan is having health issues. It was assumed she would leave after mania back when Bryan retired. It's her perogative but that's just another female wrestler bouncing in her prime. I know she wants kids but it's really hard to get invested in a lot of divas. It's good that they don't hang on to fame too long but they are almost always gone when they are doing some of their best work.

Edited by Racj82

I liked the episode, mainly for so much Bellas and so little Eva and Paige and her crew.  I laughed at Brie telling Nikki she didn't want to admit she was wrong because Nikki would say "I told you so" and Nikki saying it anyway. I love their business idea!


Nattie continues to be unbearable. Everyone was enjoying themselves and she was a grump.  Does she ever lighten up? She acts like a teenager talking about her parents being embarrassing. Grow up.

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Nattie's a hot mess for sure.  And I think there's something wrong with her mom, the way she talks, like maybe she's had a minor stroke or something?  Paige's makeup is so hideous, and those people were telling her she looked good (can't remember which episode).  I'd love to see her with minimal eye makeup and no dark eye shadow.  She's probably very pretty but she still acts like an immature child.  They kind of all do but her and Eva are the worst.


The best part of every episode is the Bellas.  I love the way they interact when it's just them, without their men.  And Bryan and Cena are both big babies, too, so controlling.  Bryan was being such a dick about not letting anyone drink in the previous episode.


Mandy's whole family is very good looking.  I don't know yet if I like her though.  If she's always going to be shown with Eva, then I won't like her.  And YES to the person who said they couldn't understand what Eva says.  She needs closed-captioning, the way she mumbles, like she took one too many Xanax.


I watched several episodes in a row.  Can you tell?  ;-)



Since Brie retired and Nikki is out because of her surgery, does Alicia still wrestle?

Yes. Disbanded those three women teams months ago. She mainly works the lesser watched shows.

I think the part where his health comes into play is that she's moved the retirement up. She was supposed to retire later this year.

What I'm saying that most people in the know called her quitting after mania the moments Bryan retired regardless of what end date she gave. I did too. We were all right. She got her mania payday. She can go now.

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