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Nah. Rusev is actually a very safe worker. That was scripted injury so Ziggler could work on a WWE film.

Rusev- who actually is Bulgarian irl- is dating CJ Perry (Lana). They own a fly ass house in TN.

Ziggler is dating NXT diva/former fitness model Dana Brooks.


That's what I thought (about their personal lives), but I had seen a lot of talk about there actually being something to the Dolph/Lana thing.  So it was giving me Steve McMichael/Debra/Jeff Jarrett flashbacks.  (Not that I blamed Debra for taking any chance to leave Mongo, dude was unstable in real life). 


What cracks me up, if nothing is truly going on with Dolph/Lana, is that while Dolph was going so far as to use his Twitter account to play to the idea, we also have this story of him wanting Nikki back going on on TD, which is supposed to be "real."  So we've got a guy who is in a relationship with an NXT diva basically concurrently running two fake relationships with WWE divas, one that they want people to view as "real" on TD, and one that he's personally playing up as "real" on his own Twitter account.  


I know they have to assume by now that most viewers are savvy enough to realize that the in ring stuff is all just story line, and that a decent number of viewers are savvy enough to realize that the reality show isn't so heavy on the "reality," but still, you'd think they'd at least try to not have two different shows running contradictory story lines like that.  Unless their over-riding story line is going to be "Dolph's a big old slut." 


Of course, I also think it's weird that they started Dolph up in a new story line right as he was apparently on his way out to do a movie.  


And, speaking of movies, now that Barrett is back from filming his, can they utilize the guy properly?  And I say that only partly because I like weekly opportunities to stare at his abs.  The guy actually has some personality and ability to work a mic, which is sorely lacking in spots on the current roster. 

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I think this is the recent neck injury TJ suffered. Spoiling for non WWE watchers. Samoa Joe messed up a spot and really could've killed him. He's out till 2016

That's not a spoiler. It's just news. It happened months ago. They are also hopeful for 2016. WWE might not let him wrestle ala Daniel Bryan. Kidd has had two serious injuries in a two year span.

I feel bad for T.J. that he has to deal with Nattie and her mother fluttering around. I am really bored with on again/off again Paige and her engagement. That relationship is off to a really start if she can't talk to him a bit more honestly. I don't understand the big deal anyway....a lot of people have very long engagements (better that than getting married in a few months and then getting divorced a few months after that). I don't know anything about Kevin Skaff, but he certainly gets a good edit on the show (maybe he really is that nice).

I tend to agree with that. The payoff is going to be pretty flat.

I think it was a spoiler for the Total Divas series...some of us (sorry, maybe just me) don't follow wrestling news and may not have been aware of the situation.

Next question is why does someone who doesn't follow wrestling watch in the first place? I don't know. I don't have tattoos and yet I watch Ink Masters. I think I'm living vicariously in my old age.

Nattie and her family are just so annoying. I honestly don't know how T.J. can stand it there. He has more patience than me. Even the the way Nattie says "t.j." is obnoxious.

I also don't watch wrestling, but I like this show. I just think it's really interesting.

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I feel bad for T.J. that he has to deal with Nattie and her mother fluttering around. I am really bored with on again/off again Paige and her engagement. That relationship is off to a really start if she can't talk to him a bit more honestly. I don't understand the big deal anyway....a lot of people have very long engagements (better that than getting married in a few months and then getting divorced a few months after that). I don't know anything about Kevin Skaff, but he certainly gets a good edit on the show (maybe he really is that nice).

I tend to agree with that. The payoff is going to be pretty flat.

I think it was a spoiler for the Total Divas series...some of us (sorry, maybe just me) don't follow wrestling news and may not have been aware of the situation.

Next question is why does someone who doesn't follow wrestling watch in the first place? I don't know. I don't have tattoos and yet I watch Ink Masters. I think I'm living vicariously in my old age.

Tj already got his injury on air is my point. It happened. I guess you are saying his prognosis is a spoiler but he has no actual return date. He may never wrestle again. There isn't anything to spoil there either.Its also not a storyline. Dude is just hurt. You can see he will be out for a while no matter what else they showed on screen.

Some people watch total divas just because they like reality TV. What they do in terms of work doesn't matter much to them. One of the people who does the afterbuzz aftershow on YouTube still doesn't watch wrestling. She doesn't even know what most of the wrestlers look like.I'm a person that would at least be mildly interested enough to see these people in action.

Nattie and her family are just so annoying. I honestly don't know how T.J. can stand it there. He has more patience than me. Even the the way Nattie says "t.j." is obnoxious.

I also don't watch wrestling, but I like this show. I just think it's really interesting.

Always glad to see someone else hate the way Nattie says TJ. It sounds like she's saying That instead of two letters. She also says his name non stop.
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Tj already got his injury on air is my point. It happened. I guess you are saying his prognosis is a spoiler but he has no actual return date. He may never wrestle again. There isn't anything to spoil there either.Its also not a storyline. Dude is just hurt. You can see he will be out for a while no matter what else they showed on screen.

Some people watch total divas just because they like reality TV. What they do in terms of work doesn't matter much to them. One of the people who does the afterbuzz aftershow on YouTube still doesn't watch wrestling. She doesn't even know what most of the wrestlers look like.I'm a person that would at least be mildly interested enough to see these people in action.

Always glad to see someone else hate the way Nattie says TJ. It sounds like she's saying That instead of two letters. She also says his name non stop.

Yes!! She does say his name nonstop. He honestly looks like he is never happy when she is around. She seems like a total buzzkill.

The thing that annoys me more than the constant use of his name is her insecurity. "I love you more than anything..,do you love me more than anything?" Ugh. I don't remember her being this insecure before.

I guess I'm in the minority because I really liked Dolph on the show...I thought he showed ten times the personality Cena does (and I like Cena) and thought despite the obvious manufactured drama between he and Nikki they had obvious chemistry with each other.

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I thought the flirting was kind of funny, but that last scene was so fake looking.  I thought he had more chemistry with Brie tbh.  


Doesn't being almost blind in one eye make you a danger in the ring? And again with the lying.


Ick, this show is taped too far behind for this stuff ti make anyone care.  Nikki tweets practically every day how much she loves John.  She did an interview saying he is warming to the idea of marriage and we'll see that next season in an interview.  So how are we supposed to think for one second that she is interested in her ex? Nattie has been back on the road since July, so she obviously didn't have a surgery that will end her career. Paige is talking about her engagement on social media. BTW she said her mom found out about it on social media, not sure how that happened. 


Alicia Fox is barely there but she's awful. She was giddy about seeing Paige break off an engagement. So immature.  She acts like a 12 year old all the time. She's the perfect friend for Paige. Anytime anything serious comes up they start giggling and baby talking. 


I've been hating how Nattie says TJ from the beginning. She was exceptionally awful with the "Do you love me?" nonsense. 

I thought the flirting was kind of funny, but that last scene was so fake looking. I thought he had more chemistry with Brie tbh.

Doesn't being almost blind in one eye make you a danger in the ring? And again with the lying.

Ick, this show is taped too far behind for this stuff ti make anyone care. Nikki tweets practically every day how much she loves John. She did an interview saying he is warming to the idea of marriage and we'll see that next season in an interview. So how are we supposed to think for one second that she is interested in her ex? Nattie has been back on the road since July, so she obviously didn't have a surgery that will end her career. Paige is talking about her engagement on social media. BTW she said her mom found out about it on social media, not sure how that happened.

Alicia Fox is barely there but she's awful. She was giddy about seeing Paige break off an engagement. So immature. She acts like a 12 year old all the time. She's the perfect friend for Paige. Anytime anything serious comes up they start giggling and baby talking.

I've been hating how Nattie says TJ from the beginning. She was exceptionally awful with the "Do you love me?" nonsense.

I was thinking that about the lying..,she does it like its her job now. I'm sure "Teej" will be thrilled to find out you're lying to him again.

My only thought regarding the Paige crap is that it's not a good sign when Rosa is the voice of reason.

The whole scene with Dolph telling Nikki was so scripted...down to Cena making his entrance in the ring RIGHT at that moment

All I can think everyone I see Eva Marie is how much upkeep is her hair. We recently bleached my daughters short hair and dyed it atomic looking red. Man does it fade fast, red is hard to keep. They must be forever touching up her hair.

Nattie is how old? All the insecure questions she asks her husband remind me of a high school relationship! He is either a saint or crazy, being married to her must be so tiring! I do love their cats though.

To me the only moments on this show that seem unscripted are times like when Nikki and Brie argue or get each other in a head lock. Reminds me of how my sisters and I are, without any fancy wrestling moves.

  • Love 1

I thought the flirting was kind of funny, but that last scene was so fake looking. I thought he had more chemistry with Brie tbh.

Doesn't being almost blind in one eye make you a danger in the ring? And again with the lying.

Ick, this show is taped too far behind for this stuff ti make anyone care. Nikki tweets practically every day how much she loves John. She did an interview saying he is warming to the idea of marriage and we'll see that next season in an interview. So how are we supposed to think for one second that she is interested in her ex? Nattie has been back on the road since July, so she obviously didn't have a surgery that will end her career. Paige is talking about her engagement on social media. BTW she said her mom found out about it on social media, not sure how that happened.

Alicia Fox is barely there but she's awful. She was giddy about seeing Paige break off an engagement. So immature. She acts like a 12 year old all the time. She's the perfect friend for Paige. Anytime anything serious comes up they start giggling and baby talking.

I've been hating how Nattie says TJ from the beginning. She was exceptionally awful with the "Do you love me?" nonsense.

Nattie just returned recently to the ring. She was with TJ for a long stretch of time. She hasn't wrestled in a while.



Even if you don't watch wrestling, please watch this trainwreck aka an Eva match.  She worries more about her entrance and her dumb kiss-blowing than she does about the actual match. And her yelling! And of course, not kicking out and making the ref look stupid. 

So, they're turning her botch into a storyline. A week or 2 ago, Eva had another terrible match. In this one, the ref purposely didn't do a 3 count or she had her foot on the ropes. Some nonsense like that. They're trying to make it seem like the first botch was the ref doing a slow count and the most recent was a similar deal. These announcers have to play up the whole "Eva is a threat" thing, but it's sooo obvious that they're full of ish.


Her in-ring success is dependent on the opponent leading/calling the match. This match shown above actually shows how good her opponent is, since she's carrying the whole match. Eva's more recent match was worse, not because her opponent was bad, but she wasn't as good as the first. She really sucks the life out of a match. Her intro is kinda cool, though.


I don't understand why they don't let her be a ring announcer, like Jojo. She can still do media events and be a "face" for WWE. But please, get her out the ring. 

Welp, it was a matter of time. Eva reportedly injured someone. One of the reasons I am so fascinated with wrestling is the intricate dance of it. The moves look super painful (and I know they hurt!) but wrestlers do these little adjustments or maneuvers I fail to notice that lessens the blow a little and ensures the move is safe. I always try and study the moves to see what the adjustments are and I always miss them. It all looks like it hurts so bad, how is any of it safe?! It's so intriguing to me. I give every wrestler so much credit. I can't imagine myself trusting someone I know enough to know what they're doing and stay 1000% focused during our minutes long match to get me through it safely...or I can't imagine trusting myself enough to get them through it safely, haha. So when something like this happens, I feel bad for the other wrestlers. Who will want to get in the ring with Eva?!!!! Who can trust her to do her part safely? 


I also really, really, really wonder what WWE is thinking. They see THAT much potential in this girl that it's worth it for them to injure other wrestlers? I don't get it at all.


The match ended pretty quickly as they went to a pin after Carmella took a bad bump and hurt her head. She was crying and Dr. Chris Amann came out with Drake Younger to check her out, then help her to the back.



It was really only a matter of time before she hurt someone.  I feel bad for the girls in NXT, because they are pretty much as low on the totem pole in the WWE structure as you can get, so they have zero pull to flat out refuse to work matches with her.  Since Eva is someone WWE is invested in pushing, the rest of these girls are going to be forced to work with her.  I doubt this will be her last casualty. 

I had been thinking that the NXT fans shouldn't even react to her. When she comes out, just sit there. Don't boo, just pretend it's intermission. Go to the bathroom. Whatever. 


But knowing WWE, they'd spin that and put it on her opponents somehow. When they have their minds set on someone, it takes a lot to get them to change their minds, unfortunately. 


I just find this baffling. If it was a guy, I could see it. But they don't usually do much with the women anyway. So why her?  I just do not get it.

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All kinds of late on Eva's botch on Carmella. On the plus side, it was a House show, not NXT. Had the Carmella botch been the only one, I could chalk it up to "the nature of the beast" that is wrestling. However, she consistently botches. Yes, she has to learn and she's going to make mistakes. But, she's not ready.


And, not to fault Carmella, but I wonder if it had been a more experienced opponent, could they have compensated? I know it can't always be helped, but isn't Carmella fairly green too? (I'm really not faulting Carmella; I'm wondering about the bookers).


I also wonder how much Eva has trained with the other girls. Could she have been better able to judge her move if she had more experience outside of personal training?

Yeah, I wish the whole audience would wise up and not boo her, just ignore her. That's the kiss of death. 


They showed the Carmella botched kick on Breaking Ground on the WWE Network. Eva is clueless with the way she kicked her. She's not only awful, she's dangerous. The way Carmella screamed gave me chills.  I wish there was a video or something I could find. Just imagine the worst way to kick someone who is on the back on the ring mat with their head hanging over the edge. That's how she kicked her, hard. 


She's also recently tweeted about dying her hair back to it's natural color. That mop is the only thing she has going for, and she's arrogant enough to think she can dye her hair brown and take that away and still be interesting to anyone. 

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Those staged scenes between Nikki and Dolph is so awkward. It's obvious that Dolph loves the camera and attention.

I laughed when Bryan said that Nikki and John have a weird relationship. "I don't want to get married or have kids, but I'll buy you all these nice things." Lol!

Paige's makeup is so harsh on her face. And her marriage storyline is so boring.

This episode was pretty lame. I really wish Trinity and Jon were on this season. I love their scenes and Jon is hilarious.

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Is Bryan or TJ back to wrestling yet?

Nope. TJ (Tyson Kidd) suffered a very serious neck injury recently. He won't if ever be back for a while. I'd guess the end of this year or mid 2017 at the earliest.

Daniel Bryan is a different, more controversial tale. He's been cleared by independent doctors. Not WWE docs. See the movie Concussion as to why this is controversial. There's speculation that D Bry may be the hottest free agent of this year, going to New Japan or ROH where he'd command big money.

Nope. TJ (Tyson Kidd) suffered a very serious neck injury recently. He won't if ever be back for a while. I'd guess the end of this year or mid 2017 at the earliest.

Daniel Bryan is a different, more controversial tale. He's been cleared by independent doctors. Not WWE docs. See the movie Concussion as to why this is controversial. There's speculation that D Bry may be the hottest free agent of this year, going to New Japan or ROH where he'd command big money.

Do you think that Bryan should wrestle again? Would his injury come back of he did?

Do you think that Bryan should wrestle again? Would his injury come back of he did?

Considering that the injury he is currently out from is a concussion given to him by Sheamus during a Smackdown match (it's the SD after Sheamus returns if anyone wants to see the match), it could happen. But that's the nature of any sport. He could get a concussion doing anything- even the training position he was allegedly offered. The current rumors are MMA/UFC, ROH, and New Japan. He'd be able to get quite a bit of money at his current age, rather than waiting.

OK, Paige?  Is kind of a bitch.  So she accepts a proposal she doesn't want.  Then she spends a while bitching to her friends (and a camera crew) about how much she doesn't want to marry the guy.  Eventually, she blows up at him and acts like it's somehow his fault that she isn't mature enough to either refuse the proposal in the first place or tell him at any time after that she's not ready for that step.  And he's a doormat for just taking that and reassuring her that it's all fine.  


And I laughed and laughed at John's "well, if you want to pursue that, I wouldn't stop you," along with his refusal to "fight for her."  I mean, I can get why she wanted him to be mad and all, but that just made it more hilarious.  


And Bryan.  OK.  I know it has to suck to be told that you're likely to be unable to continue on in the job you love.  I get that.  But that's his reality.  Even if he can finally convince the WWE's doctors to let him back in the ring, does he really want to risk what could happen to him if he re-injures himself?  Brie's trying to help him stay busy so he doesn't obsess over it, but he's kind of being an ass about it to her.  If her ideas aren't appealing to him, then come up with some of his own.  He can't just spend the rest of his life pouting that he can't wrestle.  And he wants to have kids?  (Side note: Is he in some mourning period where he refuses to cut his hair or trim his beard until he gets back in the ring?  Because it's looking extremely scraggly and unkempt.  I know it's his "look," but clean it up a little, dude.)  


I miss Trinity.  


*Since it's a new season, I feel like I should add my normal caveat that all comments I make on this show are under the "pretending that what happens on this show is real and not completely fabricated."   If I make a comment on the reality of it all, I'd say that the Dolph story line is almost entirely because they can't get John to play ball on their story lines, and Dolph is enough of a famewhore to do whatever they want, so John's just going to play the bemused straight man to whatever antics they write for Nikki.  

I would take Trinity or Summer a thousand times over Rosa or Alicia Fox...but especially Rosa. I cannot stand her, whether she has a more "starring" role or whether she is standing around giving "advice" to the other divas.

I put the word "advice" in quotes because only in her mind is it advice...

Edited by Sarahsmile416

I realize this is an E! show and will be scripted out the ying-yang. I also realize that the demographic for this show skews young, like under their mid-20s. And, of course, the Divas range from their early 20s to early/mid 30s. But, OMG, do these ladies act young!!! 


Nikki is too old for these games. If you're not interested in Dolph, why do you need to tell John? If he's secure in the relationship, he wont GAF. Maybe she was trying to make him jealous, but why? Hasn't John made it pretty clear that either of you can walk whenever? I gave my husband this scenario and he said he wouldn't trip if I didn't mention some dude/ex hitting on me, cuz he knows I'd handle it like a Boss!!! Can we put Sasha Banks on the show instead?


Daniel Bryan is in a tough situation. He's right; few people will care about what he has to say without the WWE machine behind him. Yet, he needs a Plan B if he can't get cleared. I'm sure TNA would love to have him. I don't think he wants to go indy again, especially if he wants a family. Brie has the right idea, but he can't seem to let go of the dream.


If Nattie had a more appealing personality and TJ were more willing, they could have a much more interesting storyline about dealing with a major injury, surgery, rehab, and will he/won't he return to wrestling, all while your spouse is still in the biz. 


I have to FF Paige stuff, Rosa is irrelevant, and I don't care about the new Tough Enough chic coming in. This is gonna be a tough season to get through.

So Rosa gets pregnant and engaged. Naturally, because this show is geared toward women, E decides they have to feature her again!! Ugh. I DON'T CARE. I've watched WWE for two years and I've seen her on TV like twice. I don't understand how WWE/E think this show will develop a consistent fanbase if they're forever putting people on and off. Jojo, Ariane, Rosa, Summer, Trinity, Trinity again, Rosa again, Mandy, Paige, Alicia. Let the fans grow with the people! They make it so hard changing the cast up all the time. 


The Dolph/Nikki thing is SO FAKE. Good God. Bryan's comments about Cena/Nikki relationship were harsh, but yeah. True. Bryan and Brie adore each other. Nikki idolizes John and his status. I really don't see it with those two


I want to see more wrestling, training, WWE storyline development, etc. I hate the fake drama. The Dolph/Nikki thing is almost insulting. 


Did Paige get a boob job? She is so immature, good God. Her fiance is adorable but a total doormat. She didn't tell her mom she was engaged? She acted offended that her mom asked her about it. 

It really bothers me that Nikki goes out of her way to tell anyone her boyfriend is John Cena. Kids, the media, when she's presenting at award shows, etc. She can throw the word "soulmate" around all she wants but I don't see it if  he weren't OMG WWE SUPERSTAR AND 15X CHAMPION AND RICH GUY JOHN CENA. 

Edited by The Ascension
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