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S04.E16: Run, Iris, Run

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On 3/13/2018 at 9:24 PM, Primal Slayer said:

Would Iris not have a life outside of her husband? Her working with The Flash doesnt give anything away, certainly nothing more then Joe West being there or Joe West and Cisco who are currently a CCPD team.  With Joe being Iris' father.


If you go by what's aired on this show, Iris West has more of a connection to The Flash than Barry Allen as far as the people of Central City are concerned.  She named him The Flash.  She discovered him and wrote a blog on him before anyone else knew who he was.  She also had a job at CCPN where she mostly wrote Flash articles.

Having her say she's Team Flash really had nothing to do with Barry from anyone's perspective outside of Star Labs.

Basically - the nitpick falls apart once you examine it logically.

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Another good episode!

Loved Iris as a speedster and the dynamic between Barry and Iris. Barry was understandably sad that he lost his speed but didn’t act resentful towards Iris. He supported her the best way he could and even granted her with the choice to keep his powers if that was what she wanted.

Iris is going back to reporting! I’m not happy that she quit her job but at least they gave an explanation that had nothing to do with her sacrificing her career to take care of Barry’s team. It tied back to the trauma she personally went through in the last year. I don’t think becoming the leader of Team Flash is the best thing to do if you are scared though. STAR Labs with its bad security system is a magnet for villains that constantly break in, lol. I’m also pretty sure that Iris put her life on the line as the leader of Team Flash just as many times as she did as a reporter, maybe even more! She should have gone for a safer job, lol.

Can we swap Matthew for Ralph? I have never hated a Flash character as much as I hate Ralph Dibny. I hope DeVoe takes him soon. It’s only a matter of time before he regresses into his cowardice self and acts like an ass again.

Vibe and Frost being benched is proof that the show has a “too many metas” problem. Iris even put Frost on fire duty but nothing came out of it. It made no sense.

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Too much Ralph. I couldn't stand him before. I think I'm starting to hate him. I mean, I get why he's afraid. But he's gone from annoying in a somewhat amusing way to "Why is even he even here?" and "This episode was so much better without him!" I don't necessarily need him to die but I really hope he moves far, far away from Central City when the season is over.

Iris as a speedster was fun and all but given it was such a small part of the episode it almost came across as random. Like they needed something to fill out part of the episode. Still, must have been a treat for CP and her fans.

So Devoe, genius that he is, has set all of this up in part to gain a new body and powers, and he doesn't START by capturing the guy who swaps genetic material? That seems like it would have made his whole plan a little easier.

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Did anyone else also feel a better sense of comraderie between Iris and Caitlin too?  In previous episodes, their interactions seemed forced, but this episode - sans Kreisberg - really seemed more natural.  DP seemed more at ease and so did CP.  Both ladies had been feeling like Iris and Cait could actually become real friends - I wish they'd had Cait apologize TO IRIS for helping to try to kill Iris but ... choosing my battles rn.

And also - Ralph definitely is not my favorite character.  I don't think this episode regressed him at all - he's like this EVERY episode.  The ONLY reason he seemed to be better in the last ep he was in was because he wanted to get into the fiddler's pants.  I mean - honestly - that's about it.  I do think his confession to Iris at the end about being afraid was driving all of his behavior.  Also - let me first say that I love WestAllen and this doesn't come close...


Did I detect a small spark between Iris and Ralph?  Or between the two actors?  Their eyes were like sparkling.  Again - not trying to start a ship or anything - it was just something I noticed - the bulk of it coming off of Ralph in waves toward CP.

I loved this episode.  15 & 16 are easily the best of the season for me.  I loved the Barry&Iris interaction and how they worked through Barry's initial sadness about losing his powers (totally understandable) all the way to him even being willing to let Iris keep the powers if she wanted to... and then the Iris arc of her rediscovering her journalism, etc..  I'm sure some fans who want Iris away from Star Labs (to keep her out of the action and offscreen more) will be hoping she'll give up team leader but I think she'll just be doing double duty.  I do think this was the writers' making up for sidelining Iris and her career - I do wonder if AK was just clueless about how bad this made the writing team look in terms of their poor treatment of Iris as a character.  It also never made sense - most of the episodes could have easily centered around investigative journalism Iris was doing that leads the team to more metas.  Iris easily could have been the crime reporter with her beat being CCPD.  But these writers... ugh...

Iris changing clothes with Caitlin - lol - not sure how I feel about that - lol.

Cisco:  Haven't you seen Spiderman 2?

Caitlin:  No.

Cisco:  How can you live with yourself?

LOL never change, Cisco, never change.  He's been on point the last 2 episodes.

I have a bad feeling about Joe and Cecile's baby - I don't want her to be the mystery girl - but...

I said this quite awhile ago when the episode stills for Run Iris Run came out with Iris' purple and white leather jacket, but

it looks a LOT like Jenni Ognats outfit... so maybe Mystery Girl is Jenni and not Dawn?  Hah!   Just saw Trini's posts in spoilers - GMTA!!

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2 hours ago, phoenics said:

Did I detect a small spark between Iris and Ralph?  Or between the two actors?  Their eyes were like sparkling.  Again - not trying to start a ship or anything - it was just something I noticed - the bulk of it coming off of Ralph in waves toward CP.

I didn't notice, but Candice and Hartley do seem to be friendly offscreen.


2 hours ago, phoenics said:

I have a bad feeling about Joe and Cecile's baby - I don't want her to be the mystery girl - but...

I think it's a red herring; there are more clues that Mystery Girl is related to Barry(/Iris) than anyone else, in my opinion.

So true!!  It's amazing the little plot points and moments of direction around Westallen that we've been starved of for 3+ seasons.  Now we just need the writers to allow Barry to acknowledge how hot Iris looks - and if they don't put it in, GG needs to ad lib it.  Ain't no way a man would let a woman like that walk around without telling her how amazing she looks.

And oh yeah - I too noticed how supportive Caitlin was this episode - saying we have a flash, being the one to encourage Iris in that direction before anyone else thought of it, and her genuine excitement when Iris did well.... finally!

Now can we get more passion with WA please?  That passionate kiss in 4x15 was a good start - MORE of that and longer duration please.  I no longer buy the "kids watch!" excuse for why the writers moved away from that.

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5 hours ago, phoenics said:

Did I detect a small spark between Iris and Ralph?  Or between the two actors?  Their eyes were like sparkling.  Again - not trying to start a ship or anything - it was just something I noticed - the bulk of it coming off of Ralph in waves toward CP.

Body, mind and soul, Candice as Iris is just an all-around lovely person.  It'd be weirder if people weren't falling a little bit in love with her all the time.

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22 hours ago, phoenics said:

I have a bad feeling about Joe and Cecile's baby - I don't want her to be the mystery girl - but...

Total red-herring IMO. If she was their daughter, she should not have tried to meet Barry before any of her blood relatives. I also don't think that Joceile's child would respond "Allen always pays" or make an effort to meet the team members, when Cecile doesn't know the team that well. I do believe their daughter's name will be 


Danielle Horton-West,

most because I don't see why they are being coy about her name. 

Edited by Kate45
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Barry’s theme plays when Mystery Girl appears…

I was actually annoyed by that Iris/Ralph scene. They had her go after him like he hadn’t badmouthed her for the entire episode. He should have been the one to seek her out to apologize to her. I don’t know if it’s an acting issue but Iris looked affected by what he was saying while he sounded like he was reading from a script. But maybe this is my Ralph-hating self talking, lol. The scene got better after the fist bump.

I appreciate that Iris is admired too because they’ve been underplaying her attractiveness while always making sure she complimented Barry, Ralph, Oliver Queen…So I liked that this season Ralph referred to her as Barry’s “hot girlfriend” and Barry said she was “out of his league”. Barry also complimented her bravery and expressed more than one times how proud he was of her for leading the team.

I have some thoughts about Kreisberg, his favoritism and the way he seemed to regard the women characters but maybe I’ll post about it in another thread…

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A few re-watch thoughts:

I don't usually notice the score, but I thought it was really nice that they composed new music for Speedster Iris.

With Fry, I'm glad the show acknowledged that some of the smarter metahuman criminals left Central City.

I'd feel better about an Asian metahuman good guy finally on the show... if I thought he was going to last more than 2 episodes. I really want him to stick around (or at least stay alive) but I'm not counting on it.

You know Barry had to use all his willpower not to reveal himself at the end there!

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Wouldn't it have been a good idea to take the ice meta along to the fire?  Cisco could've vibed her there immediately and I imagine her power would've been somewhat helpful?

I hope Matthew becomes a lasting part of the team.  I'm kinda sick of them "saving" a meta just to lose them later.

I still need to know The Thinker's endgame.  It's driving me crazy.  It was nice to have an episode where no one was in mortal danger of having their brain sucked.

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