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S01.E06: No Matter the Cost


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As Conrad battles a group of overly aggressive attending physicians on behalf of a patient with a mysterious chronic ailment, he also must face off against his father who has shown up at the hospital unannounced. When Mina goes out of her way to help a young man from her neighborhood who almost mugged her, Nic offers her assistance and discovers a secret that Mina has been keeping behind closed doors. While away from the hospital, Nic enlists the help of Devon to keep an eye on Lily, which leads him to an incredible find that has him questioning Dr. Lane's motives. Also, Renata's plans to poach a renowned surgeon from another hospital hit a standstill when Bell decides he doesn't agree with him.

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I loved this one.

Oh, look, an attending! I didn't know they had those at Chastain. (Or did I miss it?)

For the first time, I was truly rooting for Conrad and I found him truly likeable.

I really liked the case with the patient in pain. His raw relief in the end was well done, a subdued musical choice helped. They went easy on the violins, too. I like how they showed that Conrad's main quality is to listen to his patients and how he truly values them, while not forgetting his playing God tendencies. He was a great doctor in this one, but no Greek choir to stress it which made it more effective. The attending was both kind of a jerk and right on the money, and that's how I prefer my conflicts. Thank you for this one, show!

I also appreciated that Conrad took responsibility for his jealousy and rooster behavior. Although Dad's return messed with him and it's obviously some I want my beloved to be happy trope, he seemed to drop the mask for real. On-off relationships aren't my favorite thing to watch but I have to admit, this episode was a well-made illustration of it with Nic showing she isn't ready to let go it either.

His father was so sympathetic, I suspect a big secret. Plus, Conrad's reaction when the attending grabbed his arm. Mh. Abuse somewhere (not by the dad, but he let it happen or didn't believe Conrad)?

I love the Lane vs Nic and now Nic+Dev storyline. Too bad the Oscars were yesterday because if Lane is truly lying, she deserves the one for best actress. Melina K. is just perfect. I do wonder if she's truly guilty of what they're suspecting, or if she's herself manipulated or if there's another less evil reason behind it all. Dev didn't let flattery get to him, if it was the goal Lane underestimated him. I knew he wasn't that naive.

I liked the Mina/Nic friendship moments. Mina is awesome, but I see another blackmail by Bell l in her near future.

Bell was devious, but the kind of entertaining Magnificent Bastard devious that makes me enjoy him a lot, mostly because he didn't put a patient at risk. I'm curious about his relationship with Conrad, is it convenient for plot or is there a reason for a third year resident and the star surgeon to have such a close one? Bruce Greenwood is just perfect, too.

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6 hours ago, Happy Harpy said:

I love the Lane vs Nic and now Nic+Dev storyline. Too bad the Oscars were yesterday because if Lane is truly lying, she deserves the one for best actress. Melina K. is just perfect. I do wonder if she's truly guilty of what they're suspecting, or if she's herself manipulated or if there's another less evil reason behind it all. Dev didn't let flattery get to him, if it was the goal Lane underestimated him. I knew he wasn't that naive.

If Lane has no idea about the goings on of her clinic, then she should lose it. I think that maybe she didn't know about Lily's renal failure, but she could have also been covering her ass so that when Lilly did die, she could blame the hospital for not making sure. She is certainly good at lying, but she's very lucky that Dev ran another full panel. Was I happy about how he talked to the nurse? Not really, but I enjoy seeing some flaws on my characters, and the nurse handed it right back to him. And his last scene with Nic was well done. His anger was displayed full force, as well as maybe some guilt that he didn't believe Nic sooner. It's nice that he's a smart character who did check into things after Nic expressed her concerns. But he definitely had to see it for himself in order to believe it. 

I also really like Nic and Dev teaming up now against Lane. Nic can't do it alone, and if Conrad's busy with his father issues, then it's good to have someone on her side. Unfortunately, both Nic and Dev have a lot to lose, with Dev being new and Nic being a nurse. 

Conrad's storyline was really well done. The attending was completely right about Conrad having a God complex. Despite the good that Conrad does, he goes about it in a way that definitely pisses people off, so I suspect we'll see that come into fruition soon enough. But it's such a contrast to his father, who I'm unsure of. I did like that he basically admitted that he was creating a private hospital for Conrad to maybe get back into his good graces, amongst other things. I'm unclear as to how sincere his efforts are or if he has some other big reason for doing it. I do not want another Terminal Cancer storyline with Malcolm. Though wasn't the whole reason for Malcolm coming to the hospital for the oncology ward? 

I also laughed at Bell and Renata's reaction to Malcolm being Conrad's father. 

I liked Mina's storyline a lot. She's fast becoming one of my favourites. Like Conrad, she has a flawed tendency to do risky things, but for the good of others. I do appreciate Nic talking to her about it and hopefully putting things in perspective. I'm so down for a Nic/Mina friendship. They work really well together, and with Nic at odds with Lane, it'll be nice to see a female friendship like this. 

As for the cases this week, the guy in pain was just so relieved at the end, and that scene was so well done when he felt relief for the first time in over a decade. Conrad really did do the right thing there, even if he went about it the wrong way. Conrad's so determined to prove his father wrong and be different from him that the good he does isn't entirely selfless, but he still helps people more than anything. 

The conflicts are still done well. I'm just super impressed with this show so far. I haven't felt this way about a medical show since House. 

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Damn, Burk from The Last Ship was being a major dick in this episode!  Kidding, but it was fun seeing Jocko Sims as the attending, Wilmot.  Same with Paul Ben-Victor as Carver.

I will really be amazed if Hunter ends up being innocent of this misdiagnose.  She really doesn't strike me as someone who would take a hands-off approach to these types of surgeries and cases.  If she really was willing to Lily die just get more money, then that might even make her worst than Bell, which is something I never thought would be possible.

Liked the Mina/Nic duo.

I know Conrad's dad is probably up to no good, but dammit, it's Glenn Morshower!

I'm not sure how I was suppose to feel in that particular scene, but I actually liked that Devon stood up for himself and ordered that nurse to do the damn test.  He may only be a resident, but he should be treated with a basic amount of respect.  At least the nurse also saw the file and will hopefully realized how badly they would have fucked up if they didn't do it.

Show is mainly getting better, but I'm bored with everything involving the triangle between Conrad, Nic, and Warren Christie's character.  It's clear that Conrad/Nic still have feelings and will be the endgame, but they have to stay apart for.... reasons?

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21 hours ago, Happy Harpy said:

Plus, Conrad's reaction when the attending grabbed his arm.

I  took it as a reaction based in Afghanistan, and the skills to back it up. Great recap, Happy Harpy!  I'm actually looking forward to next week - I'm amazed.

Loved the fabric and dress design interests in Mina, so cool. She's fascinating, and the perfect foil for Nic's blank face stare that says volumes, in a Revenge kind of way.  LOL

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4 hours ago, Jlina said:

I  took it as a reaction based in Afghanistan, and the skills to back it up.

Ooh, true! I didn't even think of it, I was on the Dad issue things.  And you're right about his skills. Probably I'd have rolled my eyes at the dialogue otherwise, but I didn't because Conrad seemed entirely capable of it, and Mina already decking the mugger made it a real possibility.

Now I regret it isn't an action show, because I'd love to see Conrad/Mina as back-to-back fighters in a brawl LOL.

4 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

Show is mainly getting better, but I'm bored with everything involving the triangle between Conrad, Nic, and Warren Christie's character.  It's clear that Conrad/Nic still have feelings and will be the endgame, but they have to stay apart for.... reasons?

I liked Jude as Conrad's friend, but he's completely unnecessary as a love foil. Conrad and Nic have both enough baggage as is to justify problems in their relationship, if they have to have some. Again, on again/off again relationships are not my favorite but if they write Conrad/Nic like in this episode, it will be way more interesting imo.

Edited by Happy Harpy
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I was almost sure I wasn't going to stick with this show after the cliche-ridden premiere, but I'm really glad I've stuck with it.  It may not be realistic in a lot of ways, but I'm really enjoying it, and the cast is terrific.

Mina is awesome.  And just when I think she can't be any more awesome, she knocks out her would-be mugger, then takes him to the hospital...and sews up her own arm.  I started watching this show for Emily VanCamp; I was pleasantly surprised to see Manish Dayal; but I've kind of developed a girl crush on Mina.

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Mina is awesome. 
Conrad's conflict with the other doctor was well done. It makes sense that Conrad would irritate people by doing their jobs better than they do in such a blunt manner but it's understandable why Conrad wouldn't want to play by the rules when there are so many dumb smug people involved that endanger patients for their own egos. 

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Completed addicted to this show! I started watching it for Emily VanCamp and Matt C but now I adore Devon (seriously the actor does a WONDERFUL job with Devon, he's so adorably wide eyed and sweet but smart as well) and Mina! Mina is AWESOME in a totally believable way and that clinic at home with the stolen supplies was SO in character! I was surprised but in a "OMG that makes so much sense" way.

I even like the villains of the show. Bell is a bad person but I enjoy all the shady facets of him. He's a really good villain.

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