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McMafia - General Discussion

Meredith Quill
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I like this show too, but I can see where it would not do well in the ratings. It is burdened with one of the worst titles ever for a series, which hurts pulling in the casual viewer. I also think that despite a lot of action going on, there is a certain flatness to the show, which I can’t figure whether it is due to script, acting or direction. I lay some of it to the opaqueness of James Norton’s acting, which may be a deliberate choice. 

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6 hours ago, Rickster said:

I also think that despite a lot of action going on, there is a certain flatness to the show, which I can’t figure whether it is due to script, acting or direction.

I think it may be a little of all of that, but I would blame the script more. The title card says it's based on a book, but the book is a nonfiction book about transnational crime. All the characterizations and storylines were scripted by the team who bought the rights. They wanted to shoot a show about international crime more than telling the story of the core characters. I don't think Norton is miscast but he's doing as much as he can with the protagonist who is suppose to be opaque and who is by all intents, not that well drawn out. I think they are doing a little better with  Lyudmilla and Joseph, maybe it's the actors. But I feel more for them than I do most of Alex's family. 

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It also occurred to me that perhaps the show was a turnoff to many people because of its Russian influence, given the current political scene here in the U.S.  I have to admit that I was initially reluctant to even watch the show---even though it's just a show, lol.

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I haven't really warmed up to Alex' family.  In particular I don't like his father. I don't care for Semiyon because of the human trafficking angle.  Rebecca is kind of annoying though I certainly don't wish her ill.

Yes, if I think about it the only characters I actually like are Josef and Lyudmilla - and oddly enough Antonio.

Grins. Maybe Russian gangsters are just not as "sexy" as the Italian variety?

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Yes, I like Antonio as well, against my better judgment. I think the actor they have chosen is charming yet a little vulnerable at times too oddly.

Alex's father is annoying. His sister is basically two dimensional and doesn't seem to have any motivations in life. I like their mother but she hasn't had much to do really.  Lyudmilla has motivation to escape and it's hard not to feel for her. I think they cast well for Joseph too because even though he hasn't had a lot of lines, he says a lot with his eyes and face.

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Ten to one, it was that rat bastard Semiyon who arranged it. I knew he was shady, but when he went back to speak to Vadim.......sigh. It was almost settled, you asshole! Poor Natasha, she was almost gone. Vadim is gonna be out for blood now. Alex is walking into the mother of all traps. 

I'm glad Alex kept his word about helping Joseph get Lyudmilla out of there. I've got my fingers crossed for those crazy kids. 

It looks like Masha was smart and left, good girl. The Godwins are going through some issues right now, you do not want to be a part of any of that! Oksana walking in, taking a look, and asking what Dmitry has done was funny.

One episode left! Does anyone know if this has been renewed?

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I hope Joseph and Lyudmilla really get out of there alive.  Good for Alex keeping his word.

I don't know if this is being renewed but I'd be surprised if it is.  I see a lot of promos on AMC for The Terror, but very few for this show.  My main issue is that there are too many subtitles and not enough English spoken for American viewers.  Your eyes have to be glued to the tv all the time and if you blink, you might miss something that was said.  For example, I think they made a mistake having Alex's father speaking Russian because they have a lot of conversations together.  I'm pretty sure living in London he's learned to speak English.    

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The BBC want it renewed but they can't afford to produce it by itself. I believe they have sold it for distribution to Russian TV. If it's popular there...maybe there is hope.  

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Well, that was a good series ender, if not season ender. I hope this gets a second season, but I rarely hear anything about it, so it probably won't. 

I loved the opening scene where we see Lyudmilla back at home with her mother. I'm so glad that she and Joseph were able to get out. I would love for them to have a happy ending together.

Alex, man you must have 9 lives or something. Your ass could have been left rotting in a gulag. But your gamble paid off. Speaking of gambles, the look on Antonio's face when he was dismissed and then ignored by Alex was priceless. 

I do have to say I was wrong about who ordered the hit. I was so sure it was Semiyon. Thanks a lot Dmitri! Since we're on the subject of hits. WTF was with the gunman who tried to take out Vadim? Get out of the car, you lazy bum! And then they just let him drive away! Good quality hitmen are so hard to find?

Honestly I was surprised when Alex did the deed himself. I kept waiting for Vadim to just die from the wound he got and Alex would be off the hook, but no dice.

Oh, bye Rebecca. Don't let the door hit you on the way out (although if it did, I'm sure you'd tell someone about it). 

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Agree, it was a good series/season ender.  I won't be surprised if it doesn't come back.

I was so happy for Lyudmilla being reunited with her mother, although for a minute there, I was afraid that since Alex was there they might get killed as collateral damage.  Hopefully Josef stays with her and her mother between his "adventures" with Alex.

Since it was well past 11 and I was getting sleepy, I didn't understand why Alex cut Antonio out of the discussion.  Did I miss something? 

And yes, that so-called hitman was a lazy bum.

And 'bye Felicia....er....Rebecca.

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32 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

Since it was well past 11 and I was getting sleepy, I didn't understand why Alex cut Antonio out of the discussion.  Did I miss something? 

To me, it signaled that Alex's status has gone up. The Russians left him with the negotiations and Alex spoke with and appealed to Antonio's boss. Antonio is only a second in command like Alex was with Semiyon. After he got rid of Vadim and after the negotiations, his place in the world has gone up. I think dismissing Antonio was a power play because Antonio had previously been the one ahead of him, but now Alex would be the superior.

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Ok, thanks.  It was still kind of cold though, because he might need Antonio for something in the future and Antonio surely won't forget the disrespect.  In fact, he could become one of Alex's worst enemies.  

One thing I didn't understand though is Antonio's relationship with Rebecca.  At first, I thought he wanted to get her out of the way and kill her because he felt that she might interfere with his dealings with Alex.  Then, he shows up at the hospital with flowers and it seems as if he really cares for her. 

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21 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

Ok, thanks.  It was still kind of cold though, because he might need Antonio for something in the future and Antonio surely won't forget the disrespect.  In fact, he could become one of Alex's worst enemies.  

One thing I didn't understand though is Antonio's relationship with Rebecca.  At first, I thought he wanted to get her out of the way and kill her because he felt that she might interfere with his dealings with Alex.  Then, he shows up at the hospital with flowers and it seems as if he really cares for her. 

Yeah, I thought it was cold too but I guess this is the newer, colder Alex. 

I didn't really get that relationship either but I don't think Antonio wanted to ever kill her unless necessary. He used her to get to Alex at first with the trip to France and he didn't see her as anything else. Then she kept seeking him out and I think Antonio started to feel guilty and genuinely felt sorry for her because she did get shot and almost die. I  presume he finds her attractive like Alex does. Rebecca is poorly written so I can't relate, but the actor playing Antonio is quite good at being conflicted.  

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1 hour ago, Athena said:

Yeah, I thought it was cold too but I guess this is the newer, colder Alex. 

I didn't really get that relationship either but I don't think Antonio wanted to ever kill her unless necessary. He used her to get to Alex at first with the trip to France and he didn't see her as anything else. Then she kept seeking him out and I think Antonio started to feel guilty and genuinely felt sorry for her because she did get shot and almost die. I  presume he finds her attractive like Alex does. Rebecca is poorly written so I can't relate, but the actor playing Antonio is quite good at being conflicted.  

I guess the point is we see Alex come full circle from trying to get out of the old Russian ways of his father and uncle and into "legitimate business," complete with an English girlfriend, to killing an enemy and rejecting (?) that same girlfriend.  I'm sure he tells himself its for her own good, but I think that really he just wants her off his back.  As far as Antonio, I got the impression that Alex somehow suspected Antonio of being a little too interested in Rebecca, but I'm not sure if that's because of how the show played out or if it is just my imagination.

James Norton as Alex was such a cipher, and that tampered my enjoyment to a degree because I never quite bought his motivation for things.  Was his relative composure supposed to be the civilized British contrast to the more emotional Russians or was Norton just not sure where to go with it?  If you've ever seen Happy Valley (and if you haven't you really should!), then you know that Norton can be a very good and emotive actor, but I just wasn't feeling it here as much as I enjoyed the show.  Also, I was struck by how much sexual chemistry there was between him and the new bearded contact who showed up at the end.  Just me?

12 hours ago, nekilarose said:

Well, that was a good series ender, if not season ender. I hope this gets a second season, but I rarely hear anything about it, so it probably won't. 

Yeah, it works as a stand alone series, but I really would like to see more.  But given the way AMC pushed its airing past prime time, I doubt it will get renewed.

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On 4/23/2018 at 9:51 PM, nekilarose said:

Oh, bye Rebecca. Don't let the door hit you on the way out (although if it did, I'm sure you'd tell someone about it). 

I don't blame her.  Alex is no hero and she's well off somewhere else.  Alex is on top only until someone else comes along who wants it more, or until he angers the wrong group.

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On 4/25/2018 at 7:01 PM, Dowel Jones said:

I don't blame her.  Alex is no hero and she's well off somewhere else.  Alex is on top only until someone else comes along who wants it more, or until he angers the wrong group.

Exactly. As much as those love each other, Rebecca was right: Alex had no real idea of exactly who he was or wanted to be, until he started working his way up the ladder with the mob. He kept telling himself that it was for his uncle (for revenge) for his family and Rebecca (to keep them safe), but with each new and calculated move, it moved beyond revenge and safety, to Alex seeing how far he could go. Alex really never just wanted to be a "banker".

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I don't care what you all say. It was an excellent series and well done again by the Beeb. I hope it returns. I have no problem watching Russian anything on TV and Norton was great - inscrutable, deep, and knows/feels more than he lets on. I believed him in this role.

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15 minutes ago, cameron said:

I think that Rebecca looks old enough to be Alex's mother instead of his ex girlfriend.

I thought that as well.  She looks kind of tired and worn out.

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I really enjoyed this. I watched the whole thing in two days.

The human trafficking sequence made me nauseous. SO hard to watch. I went to a conference about trafficking and how to help prevent it. I had nightmares for weeks after hearing the testimonies of those young women. Whew. 

I was convinced I was in the elevator with a young woman who was being held against her will. This was in London at a super high end hotel. I learned at the event that high end hotels are the some of the main places they use in Europe. I also learned that if the girls make eye contact -- go and report to authorities immediately. If they don't it's dangerous for you and them so they avoid looking at you. Gave me chills.

I think about that girl in the elevator all the time (she never once looked at me but the guy she was with was overly fake chatty) and I wonder if my gut was right. It will haunt me forever.

Anyway, good show. I hope it comes back. And, weirdly, Vadim was my favorite. I liked the actor and his intensity.

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