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S06.E14: Collision Course


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On 3.3.2018 at 12:04 AM, Cthulhudrew said:

How has JH managed to keep Dinah in constant Scowl Mode for this entire season? I guess it's true what they say about making a face too long and it freezing in place.


I think JH has watched too many Michelle Rodriguez action flicks. Seriously, when I see Dinah now, all I can think of is Ana-Lucia on Lost. Ana-Lulu's face was frozen in a perma-scowl, too and she used to annoy the crap out of me. 

Edited by shadow2008
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On 3/5/2018 at 7:51 AM, Featherhat said:

Even if they had had her and Tinah was thinking about the best way to torture her, they would have justified it, so poo emojii to them (which is more than they deserve).And when OTA found out they'd just repeat the same lines the robot writing app has assigned for the for the last few eps.

Oooh! What if NTA turned out to all be robots? We haven't had evil robots yet, so maybe Alena made them and they are malfunctioning now and that's why we get the same, inane, repetitive dialogue. :)

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On 3/1/2018 at 7:25 PM, RoseofSharon said:

Long time lurker, first time Arrow poster. 

I missed so much while I was screaming at the screen.  Did Rene actually shoot Felicity?  I thought I saw her grab her arm when she jumped in front of him, but no one mentions anything later.  And can I get Curtis's promise to never talk to any of them again in writing?  Pretty please?

I'm another long time lurker, first time Arrow poster.  I'm a week behind, so I just finished watching this episode and had to jump online to see how apoplectic everyone was, because I was sure they would be and I wasn't disappointed.  I'm so glad I was alone when I watched, because I spent the final couple of minutes, flashing the bird at the screen, saying "f*** you!", "f*** you!" and "f*** you!", and there wasn't anyone to tell me to knock it off because it was just a stupid tv show.

  • Love 11
6 hours ago, Shannon L. said:

I'm another long time lurker, first time Arrow poster.  I'm a week behind, so I just finished watching this episode and had to jump online to see how apoplectic everyone was, because I was sure they would be and I wasn't disappointed.  I'm so glad I was alone when I watched, because I spent the final couple of minutes, flashing the bird at the screen, saying "f*** you!", "f*** you!" and "f*** you!", and there wasn't anyone to tell me to knock it off because it was just a stupid tv show.

Welcome to the board! 

You should go back and take a look at the posts made during the episode in the live thread.  You will feel at home, lol.  :D  It's cathartic as well.  

  • Love 1

614 (Collision Course) – No Oliver Queen voiceover intro.

614 (Collision Course) – After a bad day at City Hall, Oliver returns home to Felicity and William:
Oliver: "Something smells good."
Felicity: Well, that smell is physics, mathematics, and chemistry hard at work."
William: "Felicity's teaching me about thermodynamics."
Felicity: "That's right."
William: "And we just really wanted cookies."
Felicity: "Narc!"
Oliver: "Don't you normally have tutoring after school, bud?"
WIlliam: "We all got sent home. Ms. Cho said it had to do with the budget. Is it true they might have to close the schools?"
Oliver: "I'm working very hard to be sure that doesn't happen. There's actually something that I needed to speak with Felicity about."
William: "I'll keep working on the cookies."
Oliver: "Thank you."
Felicity: "Yeah. You definitely have that 'day from hell' look. What's going on?"
Oliver: "Ahem. The money that Cayden extorted from the city - someone emptied the account."
Felicity: "Yeah, that somebody's either Anatoly, Diaz, or Laurel."
Oliver: "Or another player that we haven't seen yet. We requested the withdrawal logs from the bank, but -"
Felicity: "It's Corto Maltese. It's taking too long. You want me to help expedite it?"
Oliver: "I need it to look like it's coming through official channels."
Felicity: "Yeah, I know. It's not my first rodeo with Corto Maltese. Give me about an hour. Hey, you don't think it's a coincidence? Someone killing Cayden right as the money goes missing. It could be the same person that framed you for Cayden's son's murder."
Oliver: "Could be. The only thing that I know for sure right now is that if I don't get that money in 48 hours, this city is going to have my head."

614 (Collision Course) – We learn that Black Siren was the one who took the extorted money out of the Corto Maltese account:
(In the mayoral office, Oliver and Dinah meet with the accountant.)
Accountant: “You're not gonna believe it. The bank just sent over the withdrawal log we requested, plus security footage.”
Oliver: “That is unbelievable.”
Dinah: “What are we seeing?”
Accountant: “The account was accessed by this woman. (Points to video footage showing Black Siren, wearing a black wig and casual clothes, walking into the bank) She's listed in the withdrawal log as Siu Jerk Jai. Took out the entire amount in bearer bonds.”
Oliver: “Some excellent work, Jay. Okay. We'll take it from here.”
Accountant: “Thank you.” (Leaves)
Dinah: “I'm guessing Felicity had something to do with this.”
Oliver: “Yes, she did. Thank you for inserting yourself into this, by the way.”
Dinah: “Oh, yeah, sure. Well, you never would've shared the information otherwise.”
Oliver: “No, I wouldn't have, because I don't trust you to do the right thing.”
Dinah: “And what is that? Politely ask Laurel to give back the money?”
Oliver: “Not kill her. Dinah, I understand that you're hurting. I get it. I also understand that I don't have the most credibility when it comes to telling people not to commit murder. But the city is on the verge of economic collapse, and we just found the key to fixing that.”
Dinah: “Laurel is never giving you that money.”
Oliver: “You don't know that.”
Dinah: “Yeah, I actually do, because I know that when you look at her, you see the Laurel that you lost. And that's why you'll never be able to do what's necessary to get that money back.”
Oliver: “And you will? Understand something - I will never let you cross that line.”
Dinah: “If you're gonna threaten me, Oliver, you better be damn sure you can deliver.”

614 (Collision Course) – OTA examines the last scene where Black Siren was injured and incorrectly deduces that Dinah took her (it was Quentin):
Felicity: "Well, the luminol's certainly doing its work on this blood trail."
Diggle: "Yeah. So much blood, we shouldn't need the luminol to see it."
Oliver: "Someone cleaned this place up."
Diggle: "Yeah, because Laurel lost too much blood to do it herself."
Oliver: "What, so someone helped her get away?"
(Felicity uses tablet program to analyze boot print in blood puddle.)
Felicity: "Nope. Someone took her. (Shows them tablet identifying Dinah/Black Canary as the match for the boot print) I don't want to believe it, but I can."
Diggle: "We need to find her before they do something irreversible."
Oliver: "If they haven't already."

614 (Collision Course) – OTA confronts NTA at NTA's headquarters:
Oliver: "Where is she? We know you have Black Siren. If she dies, you've destroyed the city."
Curtis: "Whoa, whoa, whoa. We do not have Black Siren."
Diggle: "We'll figure that out for ourselves."
Dinah: "Since when is our word not enough?"
Oliver: "Since you tried to kill her. If she dies, that money is lost forever."
Rene: "Lost forever, like Vincent Sobel. Where was the Green Arrow when he needed saving?"
Oliver: "Your team walked into a trap. If you came with us, Vincent might still be alive."
Dinah: "Don't you dare say his name."
Felicity: "Thermal imaging is only showing our six heat signatures inside. I mean, if Laurel's here, she's... not warm."
Curtis: "Are you hacking us? Don't hack us, Felicity!"
Felicity: "I'm not hacking you. I wouldn't hack - yeah, technically, I'm hacking you."
Rene: "It wouldn't be your first time."
Oliver: "No, it wouldn't. She's tracked all of you before, because we needed to know if one of you broke our trust. One of you did."
Dinah: "You have already punished Rene for that mistake. You know, it's just too bad he doesn't look like Laurel Lance, Oliver, because if he did, you would probably forgive him for murder."
Curtis: "Guys, we're not actually about to fight about this, are we, like physically fight?"
Oliver: "Keep your team in line, Curtis, and we won't have to find out."
Curtis: "Hold on. You guys barged into another team's bunker."
Felicity: "Curtis, just listen! For once!"
Rene: "Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, guys, no. I - I do think Oliver wants to fight, because that's how you always solve your problems. That doesn't make you a hero. It makes you a thug. And it's a real shame because he's gonna feel so betrayed when he figures it out. You know who I'm talking about, don't you, Hoss? William. (Oliver turns away) Don't turn your back on me. "
(Rene shoves Oliver. Oliver turns back immediately and holds Rene at bay with an arrow to his throat.)
Curtis: "Hey!"
Diggle (pointing gun at Curtis and Dinah): "Don't move."
Dinah: "So you're gonna shoot us, Dig?"
Oliver: "Do it."
(Diggle shoots a ceiling pipe, releasing smoke into room.)
Rene: "So this was your plan all along, huh? To get the chance to look through our bunker. And you wonder why we can't trust you."
Diggle: "We don't have to wonder anymore."
Felicity: "Laurel's not here. Let's go."
Dinah: "Just so you know, we are gonna find her. And when we do, you'd better hope to God you're not there, too."
(OTA leaves.)

614 (Collision Course) – NTA eavesdrops on OTA through the bug that Rene planted on Oliver:
Felicity: "I hate to state the, oh, so depressingly obvious, but since Dinah and company don't have Laurel, we have nothing. Nada, zilch, bupkis."
Diggle: "Not true. We have three former teammates who hate us more now than they did before."
Oliver: "Can't worry about them. Guys, we're out of time here."
Diggle: "Should I reach out to Lyla?"
Oliver: "I appreciate that, John, but the last thing that we need right now is yet another group putting Black Siren in their crosshairs."
Felicity: "Oh, square, meet one."
Oliver: "She didn't vanish off the face of the earth."
Felicity: "Are you sure? I mean, because, technically, she is from another Earth."
Oliver: "We're gonna find her. Because we have to."

614 (Collision Course) – OTA heads out to the cabin where Quentin has been holding Black Siren; and Felicity finds the bug on Oliver:
Felicity: "Six miles out. Head west."
Diggle: "Felicity, you might want to make sure your seat belt is on."
Felicity: "Yeah, it's good. Why?"
Diggle: "We got a tail."
(NTA is following in their car.)
Dinah: "We're marked."
(Diggle maneuvers so that a truck blocks NTA's car.)
Felicity: "Ohh. Think it's the others?"
Oliver: "It has to be."
Diggle: "How did they find us?"
Felicity (using tablet to locate bug on Oliver's back): "Oh, my."
Oliver: "What?"
Felicity (removing bug): "This."
(Diggle throws bug out window.)
Oliver: "Rene wanted me to hit him."
Diggle: "It doesn't matter now. They're in our dust."
Oliver: "Can you keep them there?"
Diggle: "You forgot what you hired me for six years ago."
Felicity: "Whew! That was exhilarating. That was Alanis Morissette-level ironic, but it's exhilarating."

614 (Collision Course) – OTA confronts Black Siren at the cabin; and Oliver makes a deal with her:
Black Siren: "Hello, Ollie."
Oliver: "Where's the money?"
Black Siren: "Haven't we gone through this already? No money until I am safely out of this country."
Oliver: "You are in no position to make demands."
Black Siren: "I can think of 70 million different reasons why you're wrong about that."
Oliver: "Okay." (Starts toward her with an arrow drawn)
Quentin: "No, no. Oliver, Oliver, please, please. Listen, Dinah's just got her scared, all right? And for good - good reason. Laurel needs our protection. (To Black Siren) Which is why you should let me go with you. I'll make sure you get out of the country safely, and then we can start your new life together."
Thea: "Quentin, that's insane."
Black Siren: "Well, well, well. That was quite the performance, but now that I know that it was only about the money, hard pass."
Quentin: "Actually, Thea had it right earlier. I was more focused on getting through to you than the money. But I believe that, if you'd had someone in your world to support you when things got bad, you wouldn't be a criminal. This is our chance to find out if I'm right. If, after a while, you decide that you don't want me there, I'll leave. I promise. This time around, everything's down to you."
Black Siren (sighing): "Pack your sun block. I've always wanted to live somewhere tropical."
Oliver: "Quentin. The minute that she is out of the country, you get added to the list of people she's killed."
Quentin: "I'm betting otherwise."
Oliver: "And you trust her enough to risk yourself, to risk the city? Tell me now."
Quentin: "I do."
Oliver: "Then so do I."
*  *  *
Thea: "Okay, well, the union reps' deadline is coming up soon."
Felicity: "Three-and-a-half hours to be depressingly exact."
Black Siren: "Don't worry. We'll be gone, and the money will be back in city coffers by then."
Diggle: "It had better be."
Felicity: "Your new cover identities are almost done. You have a one-way ticket on a private plane to your father-daughter trip of a lifetime."
Black Siren: "Just keep that vengeful bird of yours from finding me."
Diggle (collapsing from sudden pain in his arm): "Aah! Ugh!"
Oliver: "John? It's his arm."
Felicity: "The implant, it's been disabled. Someone's hacking it remotely to broadcast our location."
Oliver: "It's not 'someone.' It's Curtis. They know where we are. Can you fix John?"
Felicity: "I'm rebooting the chip now. It's gonna be a while before you have full functionality. You're gonna be dealing with your post-injury symptoms for a bit."
Diggle: "I'm aware."
Oliver: "How long do we have?"
Felicity: "Based on the amount of time that's passed since we last lost them and now that they've attacked John, not long."
Quentin: "I'm sorry, but with the other team that angry, that close, I can't protect Laurel by myself."
Oliver: "You don't have to."
Thea: "What, are you gonna fight your old team? This is insane."
Oliver: "Let's get ready to move."

614 (Collision Course) – OTA fights NTA; and Black Siren escapes:
Diggle: "Sonic dampener arrow. I never thought Dinah would be the one we'd use that against."
Oliver: "Having second thoughts?"
Diggle: "Best-case scenario, man - Laurel avoids punishment for what she's done and we put a hurting on the people who used to be our friends."
Oliver: "But we keep the city from dying."
Diggle: "But at what cost?"
Oliver: "If the people going after her didn't look like Curtis, Dinah, and Rene, would you even be asking this question?"
Diggle: "No. No. But I can't help but wonder, would we be doing this if the person they were after didn't look like Laurel? Now, listen, man, I would back any call you make, Oliver. Always have, always will. We should acknowledge the fact that going after our former teammates is maybe a line we can never uncross."
Oliver: "I agree. But they crossed it first."
*  *  *
Oliver: "Take the other car to the main road and don't turn back. We'll stop the other team from following."
Quentin: "You'll have the city's money in two hours, I promise."
Black Siren: "Thank you for fighting for me."
Oliver: "I'm not doing this for you. But when it's over, I don't want to hear your name or see your face ever again."
Dinah (appearing with Rene and Curtis): "Why not let me handle that? You know, it's a shame you can't scream. It almost makes this too easy."
Black Siren: "Oh, sweetie, I don't have to scream to kill you."
Felicity: "You are unbelievable! I cannot believe you did that. You could've seriously hurt John!"
Curtis: "Just like you guys are gonna really hurt the city if you let her go!"
Diggle: "Nothing's happened that can't be undone. We're not saying it's a perfect outcome or even a good one, but at least the city gets its money."
Rene: "That's not justice, Hoss."
Dinah: "That's enough. We've debated this already. We know where you stand. It's time to finish this. Right now!"
Oliver: "Dinah, not one more step."
(Rene steps forward, and Oliver draws an arrow.)
*  *  *
Oliver: "Get to the car!"
(Fight ensues between OTA and NTA.)
Dinah: "Rene."
Curtis (with hovering T-spheres in front of him): "You're wasting arrows."
Oliver: "Am I?"
(Rene aims a gun at the fleeing Black Siren, Quentin and Thea.)
Felicity (running between them): "Rene! Rene, stop!"
(Rene shoots and hits Felicity's sleeve.)
Rene: "Are you crazy?"
Felicity: "Yeah, I must be! Yeah."
Thea (to Quentin and Black Siren): "Run!"
Quentin: "All right. Go, go, go, go, go."
Dinah: "Go help Curtis."
Quentin: "It's all right. We're getting there, Laurel. It's all right. Laurel, Laurel, come on. We got to go. We got to go. We got to move."
Black SIren: "Quentin."
Quentin: "You stay behind me. Dinah, you can't do this."
Dinah: "Get out of my way."
Quentin: "You can't do this. Please don't."
(Dinah hits Quentin with her bo staff.)
Quentin: "Dinah, don't -"
(Dinah knocks out Quentin with her bo staff.)
*  *  *
(Oliver takes down both Rene and Curtis.)
Oliver: "Last chance, Rene. Stay down!"
Rene; "No way." (Grabs an axe and goes after Oliver, who knocks Rene against a tree. Thea and Felicity are helping Diggle up.)
Oliver: "Hey, is everyone okay?"
Felicity: "We'll live."
Oliver (to Diggle): "Can you manage?"
Diggle: "Yeah."
Oliver: "We can cut them off. Let's go."

614 (Collision Course) – OTA, Thea and Quentin discuss the situation back at the Arrow Bunker:
Diggle: "Any sign of Laurel?"
Oliver: "That trail has gone cold. I don't think that she'll be able to get very far with her injuries. What about yours?"
Diggle: "Nothing Felicity can't fix."
Felicity: "Well, I still can't believe Curtis did this. I mean, messing with the chip in your arm is totally crossing the line. It's our company's prototype. (Off Diggle’s look) Obviously, injuring you is way more a crossing of the line. Way more."
Diggle: "It's not like we didn't hurt them back."
Thea: "Has anyone heard about Rene? I mean, he - he didn't look so good."
Felicity: "He was shot five months ago. The wound reopened."
Quentin: "Well, we should go to the hospital. We got to make sure he's okay."
Thea: "Well, unless anyone here has $70 million, there won't be a hospital soon."
Quentin: "Listen, Laurel is gonna call, all right? She's gonna call."
Oliver: "No, she's not. I know how much we all wish she was more like the Laurel that we lost. She's not."
Thea: "We should get ready to talk to the press."
Oliver: "Quentin's right. We should go and check on Rene. Please tell him that I'm sorry."
Quentin: "I screwed up, Thea."
Thea: "No, Quentin. You - you just believed in your daughter, okay? That's not screwing up. And she is your daughter in the only way that really matters."
Quentin: "Yeah. What way's that?"
Thea: "In the eyes of her father."

614 (Collision Course) – Diggle and Felicity go to visit Rene in the hospital, but Curtis and Dinah tell them to leave:
Felicity: "We thought Rene would be here."
Dinah: "Well, of course he's here. You saw what Oliver did to him."
Diggle: "Yeah. Yeah. How's Rene doing?"
Curtis: "You've lost the right to ask that question."
Dinah: "You two need to leave."
Felicity: "No. No. Not until you tell us if Rene's okay. This is not -"
Curtis: "Stop it. Don't you guys get it? We're not just done fighting you. We're done with the three of you, period. No more cooperation. No more communication. Forever."
Diggle: "Let's go."
Felicity: "Fine."

Edited by tv echo

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