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Mind Your Surroundings: Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow and Other Superhero Universes

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9 minutes ago, ComicFan777 said:

If the rumored working title for the Arrow episode is "Greater Loss," possibly indicating a death.  The more I think about the crossover (potentially being an Identity Crisis adaptation), I think TV Echo is right, that Lyla's life could be in danger.  What happens if the introduction of Elongated Man is a red herring kinda like how people expected Chase to be the Vigilante (because of his comic book name and then it turned out that he was Prometheus).  Comic fans who know the story would expect Elongated Man's significant other to be killed at some point, and then nothing happens.  Then, all of a sudden Lyla gets killed - it would be shocking and horrible for everyone including the audience.  The most stable couple in the DCtv-verse is broken.  David mentioned something about Diggle's marriage will be a focus this year...what happens if that is the buildup before the fall.  I don't like putting it out there, but it would be a way to make the crossover really emotional and shocking.

That sounds horribly plausible. #SaveLyla

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Entirely plausible, unfortunately.  But it certainly wouldn't be something that would entice me to watch the other 3 shows. (Admittedly, not much would, but it wouldn't be that.)

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So potentially two dead moms in one season of Arrow? JFC, these people have issues. I know I'm jumping the gun here but I don't trust any of these showrunners.  

#SamanthaDeathwatch2017 #LylaDeathwatch2017 

Edited by leopardprint
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But didn't Melissa say that the crossovers were going to make a lot of fans happy? And it was sort of implied that the two big events that people will lose their minds over are the happy ones. 

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Details on the four-way crossover are being kept under wraps, but Pedowitz did offer one tease: “Let me just say, romance is in the air,” he said, likening this big team-up to Marvel’s tentpole movies. “What’s the joy of having the third Avengers? It’s the fun of having everybody get together, that’s the fun of it. You get to see a whole different thing. They’re all big episodic productions, but this will be even bigger.”

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CW Announces Fall Dates For Their DC Superhero Crossovers
by Anthony D'Alessandro  August 2, 2017  


At today’s TCA, CW announced that the first night of this season’s WBTV/DC superhero crossover will be on Monday, Nov. 27 when Supergirl will be paired with Arrow. That day reps a one time move to Monday for the special occasion.  The crossover concludes on Nov. 28 with The Flash in DC’s Legends of Tomorrow. 

Commenting on the crossover going from four nights last season to two this fall, CW president Mark Pedowitz said, “Last year’s (crossover) was the most successful week in CW history in terms of ratings and everything. We felt in this particular case we had Flash on Legends paired, so it was better to make it a two two hour movies –a miniseries- we thought this was the best way to go. We had a lot of conversations with producers and marketing people. Next year, we might go back to four nights.”
*  *  *
Supergirl really found its groove,” said Pedowitz about the series switching from CBS to CW. In regards to The Flash next season, “It’s about finding the lightness in Barry Allen that he had in the first two seasons.”

“As far as Legends, they had a rough first season, but they had the most fun second season anyone could have.”

Edited by tv echo
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I think it will be a wedding paired with other romantic moments for the other couples too. Like Oliver/Felicity get re-engaged, maybe? (A double wedding could still happen, I suppose). And yeah, probably Mon-el and Kara reunite (blech).

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5 minutes ago, ComicFan777 said:

I think two big events could easily mean Identity Crisis or some other comic adaptation (to make comic fans happy) and wedding (to make shippers happy).

Well, if it's Barry and Iris's wedding (which I'm guessing it is, whether it actually happens or not) - it should be a twofer for comic fans since she's a canon LI!

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Given the last time, Barry proposed to Iris because he hoped to change her future death - Iris wanted him to propose because of love not crisis and it caused problems.  This time, say if Identity Crisis happens and someone dies, would pushing to have a wedding sorta because of a crisis be the same thing again?  Would Iris be happy with that?

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2 minutes ago, ComicFan777 said:

Given the last time, Barry proposed to Iris because he hoped to change her future death - Iris wanted him to propose because of love not crisis and it caused problems.  This time, say if Identity Crisis happens and someone dies, would pushing to have a wedding sorta because of a crisis be the same thing again?

I would imagine in this scenario that the wedding would come first and then the crisis happens.  

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4 minutes ago, ComicFan777 said:

Given the last time, Barry proposed to Iris because he hoped to change her future death - Iris wanted him to propose because of love not crisis and it caused problems.  This time, say if Identity Crisis happens and someone dies, would pushing to have a wedding sorta because of a crisis be the same thing again?

I don't know about Identity Crisis, but if anyone can make someone else's death all about him, it's Barry. 

I'll be so mad if I have to watch the crossover to get the Olicity wedding. The Arrow 100th totally put me off them.  

Edited by leopardprint
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6 minutes ago, ComicFan777 said:

Given the last time, Barry proposed to Iris because he hoped to change her future death - Iris wanted him to propose because of love not crisis and it caused problems.  This time, say if Identity Crisis happens and someone dies, would pushing to have a wedding sorta because of a crisis be the same thing again?  Would Iris be happy with that?

Well, assuming it's the wedding that is going to bring everyone together this time, then it's already planned before whatever crisis/threat occurs. So I don't think it's the same thing, really.

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If Arrow was on its regularly scheduled night and closed the Crossover, I'd be more inclined to think Olicity was getting married. As it is, not so much. Maybe re engaged and then married in the mid season finale.

I still can't see WestAllen actually getting married on the first try, plus the teases about them having some struggles. Of course they could get married, then have problems. 

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4 minutes ago, Starfish35 said:

I would imagine in this scenario that the wedding would come first and then the crisis happens.  

If that's the case, I wonder what the first two hours would be about? Unless there's a lull in the action for long enough to have a wedding. Which, if any sort of crisis would stop for anyone, it would be Barry!

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2 minutes ago, Chaser said:

I still can't see WestAllen actually getting married on the first try, plus the teases about them having some struggles. Of course they could get married, then have problems. 

I think these "struggles" are going to last like, one episode. If you watch The Flash, you notice how quickly they like to resolve stuff like that. Last year, the Iris/Joe rift was literally one episode. Before that, Wally/Barry didn't get along for like, two episodes or something. So I'm guessing whatever this is resolves itself in episode 2, then they're back to happily planning their wedding.

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2 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

If that's the case, I wonder what the first two hours would be about? Unless there's a lull in the action for long enough to have a wedding. Which, if any sort of crisis would stop for anyone, it would be Barry!

I guess I wasn't necessarily assuming the wedding would be in the Flash episode.   But I think even if it's not Identity Crisis, I wouldn't necessarily expect the wedding to be in the Flash episode because it's the third hour.  I would think that either they start with a wedding that gets interrupted, or they end with a wedding that doesn't (putting it on Legends).   That's just my guess though.

But they said they're looking at it as two two-hour movies, so I wonder if they'll film/air it that way too?  

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4 minutes ago, ruby24 said:

I think these "struggles" are going to last like, one episode. If you watch The Flash, you notice how quickly they like to resolve stuff like that. Last year, the Iris/Joe rift was literally one episode. Before that, Wally/Barry didn't get along for like, two episodes or something. So I'm guessing whatever this is resolves itself in episode 2, then they're back to happily planning their wedding.


Yeah, Barry's a special boy - people can't stay mad at him for long (if they get mad at him at all). I think he'll get his wedding sooner rather than later with very little muss or fuss.

Edited by apinknightmare
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3 minutes ago, Starfish35 said:

I guess I wasn't necessarily assuming the wedding would be in the Flash episode.   But I think even if it's not Identity Crisis, I wouldn't necessarily expect the wedding to be in the Flash episode because it's the third hour.  I would think that either they start with a wedding that gets interrupted, or they end with a wedding that doesn't (putting it on Legends).   That's just my guess though.

But they said they're looking at it as two two-hour movies, so I wonder if they'll film/air it that way too?  

Maybe? If a wedding actually takes place, I just think it'd be weird for the wedding to happen on a show that the couple isn't regularly on. But who knows if they're going to be playing by any kind of rules here.

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I would think if it's Barry and Iris, then they'll probably have their wedding in the Flash episode, then maybe whoever the villain is causes mayhem and crashes the reception, which takes place on Legends or something. They could work it out like that, right? 

I think having it be one event that everyone comes together for means you could shift perspectives among the characters at this event, based on whatever show is airing.

Edited by ruby24
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It's smart of them to make it a 2 night event. Monday's are important to them so moving Arrow makes sense.  Now if only they would realise releasing the crossovers on dvd afterwards and making it into a movie.  They'd get a lot more $$

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1 minute ago, Primal Slayer said:

It's smart of them to make it a 2 night event. Monday's are important to them so moving Arrow makes sense.  Now if only they would realise releasing the crossovers on dvd afterwards and making it into a movie.  They'd get a lot more $$

Thursdays are way important for advertisers though. 

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I don't think it'll be identity crisis, but if it is it would happen in one of the crossover episodes and Barry and Iris' will have made their wedding plans long before that  (if they do, but it sounds like they're still planning the wedding) so there decision will have nothing to do with Identity crisis . But I don't think it's Identity Crisis, Grant even said about the crossovers 'it sounds like this one will hopefully be more fun'. I don't think a crossover centered around the death of someone can be considered fun. Plus I feel like they wouldn't use 'romance is in the air' as a tease for something so heavy. Plus as I understand, identity crisis was really controversial.

That said, the wedding is just as likely to be Olicity, since we did have Stephen Amell saying 'something like that' when asked about a crossover wedding and there's pretty much absolute certainty that they will be getting married this season, while I strongly think WestAllen will also get married this season after SDCC, but we don't have absolute certainty. Personally I'd prefer it to be WestAllen, but I think either could make for something really cool during the crossover. It's not very popular here, but I don't think a double wedding would be the worst thing ever. I just love weddings! And whoever's wedding it will be, it will probably afford the other couples moments as well: who catches the bouquet? a couple not in a good place might get an angsty dance/angsty glances during the vows etc etc. 

Edited to add: if there is a wedding, of course, but I'm like 90% that there will be a wedding.

Edited by RedVitC
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More MP quotes from TCA Summer Press Tour today - I'm glad that he seems to be recognizing that The CW needs female viewers too (and not just his coveted male demo), but I'm not sure how I feel about the sexist stereotyping...



CW boss Mark Pedowitz alleviated concerns that will happen again with 2017's crossover, telling members of the TV press at the 2017 TV Critics' Association summer press tour: "It's a full four-episode crossover."
*  *  *
When asked for a tease of what this crossover will entail, all Pedowitz would say is, "Romance is in the air." Of the fun of bringing these characters back together again now that they all know each other, he said, "You get to see a whole different thing. They're all big episodic productions, and this will be even bigger."

Speaking of romance, Pedowitz weighed in on the successes of the four shows' previous seasons, as well as tweaks he thinks will make the shows strong.
*  *  *
"Supergirl really found its groove in a lot of different ways," Pedowitz said of Season 2. "I'm really happy with where they're heading, and they've got a great showrunning staff. ... She has to find love again, whether Mon-El comes back or not, who knows the hell knows."

He continued, In terms of The Flash, I think we're done with Speedster villains, and we're going to try to find the lightness that Barry Allen [had], particularly in the first two seasons."

Of Arrow, Pedowitz praised Season 5 for getting the show back to its highs in Season 1. "I'm looking forward to where Oliver goes and where that character arc now that, spoiler alert, potentially one of the people survive on the island, become a father, and recognize that he is the Green Arrow."
*  *  *
Pedowitz was frank that DC's Legends of Tomorrow had a "rough first season," but felt "they had the most fun second season anybody could have. It's just a fun romp, and I think that will continue this year."

Looking to other superhero shows, Pedowitz spoke to the decision to not have The CW's midseason show Black Lightning be a part of the Arrowverse. "If [the showrunners] wish to bring it in, that is their call," he said of the creative team. "We had a long discussion with the studio, Mara, Salim and myself. We were fine with them making it separate from the Arrowverse, they have a different point a view. If they end up wanting to go that way, that will be their decision."

The CW tried multiple times to make its riff on Wonder Woman, and Pedowitz confirmed that the success of the feature film has killed any current attempts to bring the Amazonian warrior to the small screen on their channel. "We have no plans to redevelop Amazon at this point," he said.
*  *  *
And is there room for any other superhero show on The CW? "We have no plans to develop any DC shows this season," said Pedowitz. "That said, I've now said this on many TCAs, and I woke up one day with Supergirl and I woke up one day with Black Lightning, so talk to me in May about what we have."

TCA 17: The CW to Crossover DC Shows Again This Fall
By Paige Albiniak  Aug 02, 2017 01:14 PM ET


Also launching this fall is a remake of Dynasty, from the creative team behind such shows as Gossip Girl and The O.C., and starring Grant Show, Elizabeth Gillies and Nathalie Kelley. It will be paired with Riverdale on Wednesday nights, with both shows premiering on Oct. 11.

“This show puts a new twist on a brand that Richard Shapiro did back in the 80s,” said Pedowitz. “We were losing Vampire Diaries, losing Reign, and we want to keep more women watching us.”

To that end, The CW this fall is launching Valor, which features a female special ops helicopter pilot and her squadron. Pedowitz worked on Lifetime’s Army Wives and sees a lack of military-focused shows available on television.

“This is our third attempt to do this,” said Pedowitz. “It’s the right show for us for right now. At the end of the day, it’s a great soap on top of it being set against a military background.”

Things at The CW have become more stable since the network evolved its business model into being both a linear network as well as a multiplatform play.

“The CW has always been an outlier in broadcasting,” said Pedowitz. “The preference is to watch it live. As long as we can find the audience and aggregate them, it’s the best of all worlds for us. We understood that we had to evolve and the only way to evolve is to become a multiplatform player.”

The CW’s largest affiliate group, Tribune, is being acquired by the Sinclair Broadcast Group, but Pedowtiz doesn’t expect that to change business as usual at the network.

“In the six years I’ve done this job and prior to that, they have been great partners,” said Pedowitz. “Except for some local sports situations, they have not preempted us, and they have gone out of their way to market us on a local basis. I expect that to continue and I have no reason to expect it not to.”

Edited by tv echo
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1 minute ago, RedVitC said:

And whoever's wedding it will be, it will probably afford the other couples moments as well: who catches the bouquet? a couple not in a good place might get an angsty dance/angsty glances during the vows etc etc. 

Oh, totally. That I can definitely see happening. That's why I even think SA's hint of "something like that," could even be referring to O/F getting re-engaged AT Barry and Iris's wedding, perhaps.

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I can see also Olicity attempting to get married but the delay happens because of the bigger threat and then they postpone the wedding to the following episode.

I am confused though, if Arrow's 7th episode is the crossover because they miss Thanksgiving week, then will there be two new Arrow episodes that week (Monday and Thursday).

If that is the case then perhaps they get married in 6x08

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29 minutes ago, ruby24 said:

I would think if it's Barry and Iris, then they'll probably have their wedding in the Flash episode, then maybe whoever the villain is causes mayhem and crashes the reception, which takes place on Legends or something. They could work it out like that, right? 

But then what is everyone doing for the first two hours? 

12 minutes ago, Cleanqueen said:


I am confused though, if Arrow's 7th episode is the crossover because they miss Thanksgiving week, then will there be two new Arrow episodes that week (Monday and Thursday).

If that is the case then perhaps they get married in 6x08

No, they said there would be no Arrow aired on Thursday of that week.


The crossover will kick off Monday, Nov. 27 with Supergirl followed by Arrow — moving to Monday at 9 p.m. ET just for the event — and will conclude on Tuesday, Nov. 28 with The Flash and DC’s Legends of Tomorrow in their regular timeslots. (Arrow will not air on Thursday that week.)


Edited by Starfish35
Adding EW quote
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1 minute ago, Starfish35 said:

But then what is everyone doing for the first two hours? 

Well, they could be gathering together for the event when the threat appears, but they think they have taken care of it by the end of the Arrow episode (hence the 2 hour movie thing), leaving time for the wedding to actually occur on the Flash episode, but then the villain reappears again. Something like that?

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1 minute ago, ruby24 said:

Well, they could be gathering together for the event when the threat appears, but they think they have taken care of it by the end of the Arrow episode (hence the 2 hour movie thing), leaving time for the wedding to actually occur on the Flash episode, but then the villain reappears again. Something like that?


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11 minutes ago, ruby24 said:

Oh, totally. That I can definitely see happening. That's why I even think SA's hint of "something like that," could even be referring to O/F getting re-engaged AT Barry and Iris's wedding, perhaps.

I certainly hope not.  Not unless Barry and Iris are getting married in the Arrow ep (which I'm guessing Flash fans wouldn't want).  These shows need to keep the milestones in their respective shows.  They also need to keep in mind how these eps will all play going forward as shows are put on dvd, run in syndication, etc.  They won't always be shown together and things need to make sense down the line.

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3 minutes ago, JenMD said:

I certainly hope not.  Not unless Barry and Iris are getting married in the Arrow ep (which I'm guessing Flash fans wouldn't want).  These shows need to keep the milestones in their respective shows.  They also need to keep in mind how these eps will all play going forward as shows are put on dvd, run in syndication, etc.  They won't always be shown together and things need to make sense down the line.

Okay, but I'm kind of guessing here that if they're planning to have everybody gather FOR a wedding, it will include pre-wedding activities like maybe a rehearsal dinner. Or just stuff that can take place on the other shows, where the characters can all be together before the ACTUAL wedding, which has to be on The Flash of course (again, assuming it's Barry and Iris).

So if something happened with Oliver/Felicity it would happen on Arrow, but while everybody's at this group event for the upcoming wedding, not necessarily the wedding itself.

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I had to laugh at this:


As for the future of the Berlanti-verse, Pedowitz said it’s unlikely we’ll see any more superhero spin-offs this year. “We have no plans to develop any DC shows this season,” Pedowitz said. “That said, I’ve now said this at many TCAs, and I woke up one day with Supergirl and I woke up one day with Black Lightning, so talk to me in May [about] what we have.”


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I don't mind at all if the wedding is not the Olicity one, i was never a fan of having it in the crossover so i'm more than fine if it's WA getting married. What i definitely don't want is a double wedding, imho that's not very respectful for both Olicity and WA fans.

Regarding what crossover event they plan to do i think IC seems very likely and although GG said "this one will hopefully be more fun" truth is i can't think of a single DC CO event i would call "fun" for the SHs, if a group of heroes get together it's because something bad is going down.  Some of Marc's words about it were "I think the title alone will blow people away. I wish I could tell you what it is", not many CO titles have the ability to do that, so to me one of the crisis it is, seems doable for the CW

It's just source material anyway, not like they're gonna do a panel by panel crossover. 

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CW Chief Looks to Lure Women Viewers Back With ‘Dynasty,’ ‘Riverdale’
Daniel Holloway   Aug. 2, 2017


When Mark Pedowitz joined the CW as president in 2011, he set about drawing more male viewers to the female-skewing broadcaster — and found success with superhero action series such as “The Flash” and “Arrow.” Now, with its upcoming “Dynasty” reboot and the launch last season of Archie Comics-inspired soap “Riverdale,” the network is looking to reinforce its hold on female viewers.

Pedowitz was “not going to say no” to the pitch for a “Dynasty” reboot from Josh Schwartz, Stephanie Savage, and Sallie Patrick, he said Wednesday at the Television Critics Association press tour, especially with two long-running female-skewing dramas set to end after the coming season.

“We’re losing ‘Vampire Diaries,’ we’re losing ‘Reign,'” Pedowitz said. “We want to keep more women watching us. ‘Dynasty’ and ‘Riverdale’ does that.”

Speaking to reporters after his executive session, Pedowitz elaborated on his efforts to keep the network’s audience balanced.

“When I got here, we were 70% female to 30% male,” he said. “We’re now 50-50.” He added, “I think the better mix is 55-45, female to male. So we’re trying to bring more women back to us.”

Pedowitz also has high hopes for another new series, military drama “Valor.”

“‘Valor’ is expanding the CW brand,” Pedowitz said. “It will be military, which is something I’ve wanted to do for the last six years. This is our third attempt to do it. We believe we have the right mix now.”

The executive called back to his time heading ABC Studios, where he developed “Army Wives.”

“I found that when I was at ABC Studios doing Army Wives, there was a real need — there were people who wanted to see this kind of show,” Pedowitz said. He added, “In a very fractionalized environment, most people support the military.”
*  *  *
The network chief also hinted at an expansion in the amount of original programming on the network in the near future.

“Our goal is to be a year-round programmer,” Pedowitz said. He added, “The board is becoming more and more supportive to do more.”

The CW Is Shaking Up This Year’s 4-Show DC Superhero Crossover
Jason Lynch  August 2, 2017


The Arrow team “found their mojo” last year, as “they got back to what the first and second season of that show was,” said Pedowitz. And Legends of Tomorrow overcame a “rough” first season by having “the most fun second season anybody could have. It’s just a fun romp.”
*  *  *
Unlike his broadcast peers, Pedowitz had always taken the approach that he doesn’t care how audiences watch The CW’s shows—whether on linear or digital—as long as they watch, period. “The CW has always been an outlier in broadcaster,” said Pedowitz, who would prefer that audiences watch his shows live or in the windows that will allow them to be included in C3 or C7 ratings. But the network’s numbers will be “much higher” once Nielsen finally completes its total audience measurement rollout, he predicts.

“For us, we understood that we had to evolve, and the only way to evolve was to become a multiplatform player,” said Pedowitz of his network.

CW Chief Aims to Retain Female Viewers With Fall Dramas 'Dynasty,' 'Valor'
AUGUST 02, 2017 10:57am PT by Marisa Guthrie


The network’s evolution from a broadcast network to a linear-digital hybrid has allowed the CW to aggregate an audience large enough to keep the lights on; the CW ended the season with ratings up in every demographic once all streaming is taken into account.

“We understood we had to evolve, and the only way to evolve was to become a multiplatform player.” Still Pedowitz admitted that he’d rather have everyone watching live.

“The CW has always been an outliers in broadcasting,” he said. “My preference is that [audiences] watch it live. At this point in time, as long as we can find the audience and aggregate them, it’s the best of all worlds.” (The network was down double digits last season based on live-plus-seven).
*  *  *
Valor, a military drama, and Dynasty, a reboot of the iconis 80’s soap, both feature female leads. And Pedowitz noted that it is a pointed strategy to speak to women viewers as the network's female-skewing hours Reign and The Vampire Diaries have wrapped. The shows also are aimed at broadening the CW pallet beyond its superhero niche. Still Black Lightning, with stars Cress Williams and scored a series order at CW despite filming only a short presentation, was a no-brainer for the network.

Edited by tv echo
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They're probably all on break the Thanksgiving week. That'd be the easiest thing to do, right? Then they can all have their mid-winter finales the same week too.

ETA: Oh, wait. This means they'd all have two more episodes left after the crossover? Hmm. That usually doesn't happen. Yeah, maybe the other shows won't be taking a break at all right through the first week of December? They are starting a week late in October this year.

Edited by ruby24
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