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SuperNormal: Public Appearances, Tweets, Media And Other Social Media Of The SPN Cast

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Not sure how "contradicting" got into this at all.


I was clarifying that for ME, for myself, personally was referring to Twitter trends. And that I me, personally, myself, don't care about Facebook trends.  I didn't think anyone was contradicting me in anyway nor was I admonishing anyone or contradicting anyone else.


But regardless.


HappyBirthdayJensenAckles is trending worldwide but not in the US...on Twitter! So yay!


Who is writing this episode?

Edited by catrox14
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Not sure how "contradicting" got into this at all.


I was clarifying that for ME, for myself, personally was referring to Twitter trends. And that I me, personally, myself, don't care about Facebook trends.  I didn't think anyone was contradicting me in anyway nor was I admonishing anyone or contradicting anyone else.


But regardless.


HappyBirthdayJensenAckles is trending worldwide but not in the US...on Twitter! So yay!


Who is writing this episode?

I thought I had read Robbie Thompson, but not sure where?  So really not sure. 

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Congrats to Mark on the new arrival!


And, happy birthday to Jensen.



Who is writing this episode?


I don't have time to look it up right now, but if I had to guess I'd say the Horrible Duo. Seems like that would be the appropriate rotation and it seems like Singer has been directing their scripts more often than not. Either that or it's a Robbie Thompson episode. I'm actually not sure, sorry.


Eugenie Ross-Leming and Brad Buckner.

They have written some of the worst, offensive and canon destroying eps of the series. IMO

See also Nepotism Duo as Ross-Leming is Singer's wife

see also Buck-Leming

You know I hate Bloodlines but I can't even put that as SO horrific because it was just so NOT an episode of SPN that I can't even be mad about it anymore LOL

But with Buck-Leming they just blow canon all to hell and they killed off Charlie which personally I wasn't to aggrieved by but IMO it was a horribly written death that destroyed Charlie's characterization for sake of plot.

I guess I had more to say about Buck-Leming...lol

Edited by catrox14
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Misha Collins shared Creation Stands's photo.
Facebook Mentions

Today, March 1st, is the birthday of a great guy who has taught me a lot, made me laugh, and touched all of our lives in some way: Happy Birthday, Justin Bieber!

(Oh, & someone just brought it to my attention that it also happens to be JensenAckles birthday. I guess happy birthday to you too, geezer.)
Creation Stands's photo.
Creation Stands
1 hr ·

Jensen Ackles in honor of your birthday and to support the cause you and Misha Collins are so passionate about, we've extended this campaign till midnight tonight!

Hope you're celebrating big! Happy Birthday!

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That's really funny because in the video from the con when they extended it to Monday, Jensen says


Jensen: "So, is this like my birthday gift?" 

Misha: "No, because it's not your birthday"

Jensen: "Yeah but it's in a couple of days

Misha: "No this is because there are 29 days in February"

Jensen: "OHHHHH"


Boys, you know exactly what you are doing. LOL

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Bahahaha! My bet is that's something he does to his friends. Jensen as a sixty-something good ol' boy rancher type from Texas.

Or...or...he's been made up for an episode? Hmm.



LOL no that's one of those face swap things...I think it's the Trump face ....It's horrible. LOL


Just a little tidbit from the Nashcon Meet and Greet from the Fangasm people. Not really spoilery just interesting who Jensen thought spoke the language of Dean.  Personally I think Jenny Klein's Dean is always the worst parts of Dean with none of the nuance that Edlund brought to Dean. 


Someone else asked about how well the writers “get” Dean. Jensen said that Ben Edlund spoke the language of Dean, and now some of Ben almost seems to be channeled through Jenny. He also shared that Robbie Thompson tries to get the dialogue right by voicing it out loud with a friend, to get the right cadence. That’s one of the first things I learned as a fiction writer, to say the words out loud to be sure someone in real life would actually SAY that! I think all the writers would be the first to say that nobody “gets” Dean like Jensen gets him, at any rate.
Edited by catrox14

Apparently Jensen attended a Renassiance Faire over the weekend.


Jensen....come on..JFC, this is just not fair.


He should not look THIS hot in a silly top hat. But my gods...he's so handsome...







Fan story about meeting Jensen at the RenFaire

    9 hrs · Brushy Creek, TX, United States ·

    Yes, Jensen Ackles (Dean Winchester from Supernatural) was at Sherwood Forest Faire yesterday with his family.
    The poor guy kept getting mobbed by fans wanting pictures, but he was all smiles and loved every minute of it. Josh asked him if he needed help getting out of there and he said he was ok, having a blast and everyone was extremely kind to him and he did not feel overwhelmed or need to escape.

    Initially, I didn't want to bother him... but
    Josh Powers made me go say hi to him. I said, "I am a big fan of the show. My daughter, Kariya Moffre, introduced me to the show several years ago and she's gonna shit when I tell her you were here." He and his buddy laughed, I shook his hand and he said "thank you for being a fan. There wouldn't be Supernatural without the fans."

    He stayed for part of the pub sing, but eventually security had to escort him and his family out.
    So, to all the naysayers of my past who gave me shit for attending renfaire or conventions and playing "dress up", and saying I live in a fantasy world: Ya never know who you might run into at these events! I met my best friend and husband in my fantasy world. I have also met and worked with so many amazing, and kind celebrity folks and have become friends with and kept in touch with alot of them. It's unfortunate you feel that way. Too bad you think it's stupid and have to miss all the fun. I guess you do what you do, and I'll smile and do what I do, but I won't ridicule you for your interests or hobbies.

    Thank you Josh, for insisting I go speak to him, thank you Kariya, for insisting I watch Supernatural. Both of you are my world.
    No we didn't get pictures but we made a memory.

    Ladies who love Dean:
    Yes, his eyes are really that green.

    No he does not speak in the low, gruff, rough voice of Dean. His voice is much gentler.
    Yes, he's really tall.

    He was very attentive to his daughter amidst all the fans.
    124 Likes28 Comments2 Shares


Edited by catrox14
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Jensen with Jared's face looks like someone, but I can't figure out who.




ETA  If you're not a fan of "Love Yourself First", the alternative is RuPaul's "If you can't love yourself, how in the hell are you going to love somebody else?"

Edited by Demented Daisy
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Jensen with Jared's face looks like someone, but I can't figure out who.




ETA  If you're not a fan of "Love Yourself First", the alternative is RuPaul's "If you can't love yourself, how in the hell are you going to love somebody else?"


He looks like Matt Damon to me. 

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Apparently Jensen attended a Renassiance Faire over the weekend.


Jensen....come on..JFC, this is just not fair.


He should not look THIS hot in a silly top hat. But my gods...he's so handsome...






Jeebus, those eyes! They are so big and gorgeous they look like the Johnny Depp/Mad Hatter eyes from Alice in Wonderland.

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