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SuperNormal: Public Appearances, Tweets, Media And Other Social Media Of The SPN Cast

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Honestly, there are Destiel/Misha fans who are rabid Jared haters and Jared fans who are rabid Destiel/Misha haters. It apparently started with criticism of Jared & AKF and went nuclear from there. Thankfully, it seems to have calmed down today.


Edit to add: There are probably 2 or 3 actual people in each extreme group.

Edited by auntvi

Well, hopefully the actors are smart enough to steer clear of most of the social media sites.  It would be enough to make you crazy, otherwise.  I love all the arguing about who Jensen is better friends with, as if he's only allowed to have one friend.  It really is pretty funny...and sad, at the same time.

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So what, Misha is now the bearer of all the hate and vitriol that was once directed at Jared and Jensen's wives?


Oy to vey, I don't understand these people.


Has social media made rabid fans more rabid, or just more entitled, you think?


It's given them a bigger voice.  It's given them an opportunity they didn't have before -- finding others that share their ideas/opinions, no matter how whackadoo.  Then they agree (or disagree) with each other and it becomes a cacophony.


I mean, if it weren't for the internet, I'd have no one to talk to about the show.  Except my husband and he's quite tired of listening to me yammer, thank you very much.  ;-)

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It's given them a bigger voice.  It's given them an opportunity they didn't have before -- finding others that share their ideas/opinions, no matter how whackadoo.  Then they agree (or disagree) with each other and it becomes a cacophony.


I mean, if it weren't for the internet, I'd have no one to talk to about the show.  Except my husband and he's quite tired of listening to me yammer, thank you very much.  ;-)

Oh, I hear you!  I love coming here to (til today) lurk and read the discussions and analysis of the show from the posters. I have no close friends to talk about the show with, so yay Internet for that!

I meant more how do you get to the point you feel it’s okay to harass the actors’ S.O. on Twitter (the insane stuff I’ve seen on Danneel’s feed is just embarrassing for the fandom)? Hate Castiel all you want, but how do you get to the point where that transfers to hating Misha, as if he was the one who wrote his character into the show or had any input into who he interacts with, for how long and at what point?

As another poster remarked above, some of the fans seem to have a really hard time distinguishing the difference between the show and real life. I’m just wondering if getting a glimpse into the stars' personal life on social media has played a hand in heightening that issue.


As another poster remarked above, some of the fans seem to have a really hard time distinguishing the difference between the show and real life. I’m just wondering if getting a glimpse into the stars' personal life on social media has played a hand in heightening that issue.


As long as there've been celebrities there have been obsessed/ rabid fans, I would think they're just easier to identify now. You know, that would make a great reality show, someone tracking down the crazies on the internet and sending men in white coats to pick them up and take them in, it could be called Stalking the Stalkers or Asylum j/k.

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So here are the T-shirts . proxy.jpg?t=HBhVaHR0cDovL2Nkbi5zaG9waWZ5 Kind of cool. And of course there is wank about the tshirt looking too much like the blended face one the boys did but LOL no, it doesn't look the same.


If anything, IMO the positioning of Jensen and Misha is harkening to the Dean/Cas relationship with Dean having the Angel on his shoulder reinforcing the theme of YOU ARE NOT ALONE. ( of course I just hear that in the voice of the Face of Boe lol) .


So whilst Jared's campaign was about fighting the good fight now we have Jensen and Misha saying yes fight but remember you are not alone. It actually seems like a pretty beautiful thing to me.


I'm just really saddened that this is being turned into a factional war and all J2M are trying to do is help fans in a meaningful way.  Good grief.

Got disconnected, then Jensen joined him.  They're talking about the project now.

Oh, Jensen is addressing the "Jared issue".  Says that Jared is, indeed, part of the project.  And they're gone.  Both videos should be available on Misha's FB page shortly.

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I just happened to be on Facebook when Misha announced the live stream, so I stuck around.  Had I been on Twitter, I would have seen this:


Misha Collins ‏@mishacollins  7h7 hours ago
Join me & @JensenAckles 4 a FB live stream from set today at 12:30 PST. (We may even cross streams.)



I wonder how many of his followers have any idea what that means.  I told my husband and he let out an amused snort.  Men.

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He said it during the livestream, and it took Jensen a beat to get it, then he snickered and dropped his head on Misha's shoulder to recuperate. Dorks.


Ah, that must have been during one of the times it froze up on me.  Then it would fast forward and I couldn't understand what they were saying.  I haven't watched the video yet.


I'll say it again.  Men.  ;-)

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IMO this seems to be specifically centered around the cons and fandom more than the general public. This is just a wild ass spec on my part but I know these guys get a lot of fans at the cons telling them about their struggles with depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation, self-harm at photo ops. The stories are all over tumblr.

And yes I know the guys put themselves out there, especially Jared with AKF and his own issues but imagine you're at a con with 5000 fans and even a fraction of them are thanking you for the show getting them through a difficult period and then telling them about a cutting incident or a friend that died, etc etc. I would think that might start taking it's toll over time on the guys personally. It would also alleviate the pressure on the guys and frankly to weed out the attention seekers vs those truly in need.

Catrox, I think you have hit the nail on the head with this.  I absolutely believe YANA was created mainly to help deal with the impact/fallout of AKF.  I think what started out as a nice gesture to help fans who were struggling with emotional issues, turned into something much bigger than these actors were equipped to deal with. They can certainly be sympathetic and supportive, but it takes more than that.  And when you add in obsessive fandom, saying the wrong thing, or having someone perceive that you've said the wrong thing, could have devastating results.  Now they have somewhere they can direct these fans to get the support and help they really need, and it will also weed out the disingenuous fans who just want to get closer to their favorites by claiming to have issues.  


The over-the-top reaction that some fans have had to this news is proof positive that it was really necessary.

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I think it's a brilliant idea.  By hiring professional trainers the support those in need get is going to be consistent and well thought out.  And for fans, it's a safe place where not only can they share what's going on with them, but they can do so in a way that relates thru and with a show that motivate them.


I think what's unusual about our show is you have the combination of characters who have a great deal of relate-able emotional challenges (death, loss, guilt, othering, etc...), an accessible cast at 26 conventions world-wide yearly, and a cast who actually gives a shit.  Which shows in both their performance and their fan interaction. Plus the themes of the show include self-identified family, Always Keep Fighting, "we'll find another way, there's always another way", etc...  This is very helpful to those who are struggling with personal demons. I think the higher percentage of personal stories over the last year could, in part, be because the fandom (and cast) has shown acceptance for struggling.  Which is water in the desert for many.  And people are highly motivated to spend the money and make the trip to say thank you for that.  Because cons ARE expensive and it can be overwhelming when you get there.  The sense of unity, of acceptance.  


And yes, I personally witnessed some fans have a breakdown in the Meet & Greet with first Jared and then Jensen.  I doubt that's actually going to stop (at least not completely).  What I think WILL happen, is now there can be some follow-up available.  IMO you could tell J2 know these are mostly real moments for these people and worry that these folks are going to be okay.  This helps.  

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LOL Misha did a livestream from the Green room giving us insights into what the cast does between panels.


He said I don't want to let them know I'm filming....


They were making Valentine's Cards with construction paper.  LOLOL



Here's more of the "debauchery"



Edited by catrox14

I love Speight's indignation.  



Jensen is one crafty fella so it seems. 


I wonder just how much art and photography he actually does that we never see. Like I kind of hope he has 1000s photos from the set, cons etc, that maybe one day he'll publish. Maybe a book chronicling this SPN journey.

So, Jensen just randomly braided a girl's hair during a photo-op. AFAIK, those ops take just a couple of minutes. I'm guessing he must braid JJ's hair lickety-split too.  It's just about the cutest thing I've heard in quite some time.


I dunno man. I might think about cutting off that braid and keeping it. My hair will grow back. LOL

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...or just never take the braid out. ;-)

Poor Sarah Sheppard! At least two days of hard contractions twenty minutes apart, and still no baby as of last night! That sounds hellish. Mark had to head back to Vancouver...here's hoping they get his scenes out of the way fast, so he can get back to her.

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Osric Chau ‏@OsricChau 12s13 seconds ago


    If you're around tomorrow at 6pm PST, @tylerjbjohnston @RealAdamRose and I are gonna be live tweeting "The French Mistake" over dinner :)


This should be hilarious. 

Edited by catrox14
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These guys are dorks.  More videos from the #YouAreNotAlone campaign.




I think it's funny how it's referencing Cas always just showing up around Dean but now it's Misha showing up around Jensen.


It's cute IMO




What I really want to know is in the 2nd video, if Jensen didn't like the muffin was he going to just put it back.  I also want to know who's kitchen that is. LOL. Pretty fancy for a common set kitchen. 

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So Jared is filming Gilmore Girls later this week and apparently as part of his prep he went back to watch himself.  He made a little video to after watching.  I count myself lucky that I don't have to go back and review my work from 16 years ago.



All actors improve with age because they have more life experiences to draw from.  Like his honesty about his performance skills back then.  It has to help him do a better job and that shows his work ethics.  He should be proud of how much he has grown.


I know I've kept some of my earlier stuff of writing just to show myself how far I've grown.  It is one of the reason we love the boys so much.  They show us their hearts and we have to forgive them even if we don't like some of the stuff the show does.  :)

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Sooo this is kind of interesting. 


Misha and Eric Kripke had a joint Skype with some schoolchildren. 


I just wonder if this means more. Like maybe Misha is being tapped for a role in Kripke's new show. I just think it's a curious thing.



Eric Kripke Retweeted
Jennie Harding ‏@GenHarding 3m3 minutes ago

@therealKripke @mishacollins You 2 are fantastic & our kids loved the opportunity to chat with you! #SPNFamily


I lived less than 10 miles from where they're doing the Honolulu convention.  I could just -- argh!  (ETA 2 And it's just a couple of weeks after my birthday!  Why are they doing this to me?)


They're paying for plane tickets, hotel, gold passes, transportation between hotel and airport (which you want, I assure you), and approx. $500 for meals -- all for 4 days.


ETA  http://www.creationstands.com/collections/jensen-ackles-misha-collins-you-are-not-alone-hawaii-sweepstakes

Edited by Demented Daisy
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From the all episodes thread re Clif and security.


It seems like there is extra security at conventions, possibly provided by Creation. They have separate photo-op and signings and I've seen vids of them and Mishan walking down crowded hallways to different rooms escorted by some really big guys wearing suits in addition to their handlers for the cons.


I can't decide if they go security-less when just living a normal-ish life in Austin vs on set or at conventions( which is work) or have more stealthy security in Austin or wherever else they go for leisure time with or without the wives and kids. 


For instance, we saw the pics of them with Clif in NYC when they saw the Book of Mormon but I think that was the NJCon weekend so he was probably there for con reasons and went into the city with them. 


Now, I don't see ALL the pics, but I don't remember any with Clif on the Turks and Caicos trip. I feel like he would have posted one of himself on the beach or something if he was there. Maybe he was and I missed it. But if he wasn't there, maybe they hire local security or go places where security is part of the deal? Or go security less in those instances?


More recently, Jensen posted the "woe is me" on set pic not long after Jared posted about being at his new bar in Austin so if those were like the same day or within a day was Clif in Vancouver with Jensen or in Austin with Jared. Was Jared just security-less or have other security or vice versa?

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I don't think they have security in their day to day lives.  I didn't see any in the pictures they posted at Austin City Limits last year, or other randoms.  But I could just as easy be wrong.  I thought he was just security on the set and at conventions.

Edited by Diane
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