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SuperNormal: Public Appearances, Tweets, Media And Other Social Media Of The SPN Cast

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Okay this is pretty funny.


Supernatural pranked its new neighbours in Burnaby’s Canadian Motion Pictures Park today with a Welcome Freshman Class of Lucifer and DC’s Legends of Tomorrow banner. From Supernatural Season 11! That’s an image of Jensen Ackles hidden on the left and Jared Padalecki on the right.




Edited by catrox14

I'm changing my guess to Book of Mormon at the Eugene O Neill theatre. That's my final answer


Why you ask? Because apparently just bored enough to look at images pics of the inside of the theatres and I think they are at the Eugene O Neill theatre. 


That's how it goes when your baseball team is the suckiest sucks that ever sucked and it hurts to watch them.

At the convention they said it WAS Book of Mormon. Their friend got them tickets!

Mod post from the media thread:


Moving foward, this topic is now only to be used for news articles, interviews and promotions such as officially released trailers etc. Any posts about public appearances and/or social media belong in the new and improved 'SuperNormal' topic.



IIRC, either Misha, Jared, or Jensen said at a con they were worried that this version would not be well received because everyone looks like a complete asshole/douche in one way or another. The original edit has a far less harsh tone to it IMO, I do think they made they right choice to release the less harsh edit first. That seemed like gentle mocking. This is pretty harsh and still hilarious.


And I now think this was saying a lot about perceptions of things BTS and with actors.


Take yoga!Jensen for example. IIRC IRL he does tend to eat more healthy than not and works out, but what I found really interesting was yoga!Jensen felt compelled to show his "manliness and machismo" bonafides when he knew the camera was on him. For example, when he was all excited for tofu but the moment he realized he was being filmed by "Gina" he went all" Where's the steak" garrrh. Then in the longer interview about coming to California to teach them a thing or two about Texas men. I mean it was hilarious but I thought some pointed commentary too. JMO


Jared came off as a way bigger dick than in the first edit. Holy crap when he has Clif burn all the fan stuff from Russia, I thought damn. I mean I laughed but yikes and clearly Jared isn't that much of an asshole.


Poor Misha. I love that Omundson wouldn't sit with him at lunch. I think that's also a commentary about how Misha is perceived by some as being hated by the boys and unpopular and a wuss which is not true at all.


I still lean towards "Gina" being played by Danneel. Just for comparison here is an interview with Danneel. I think their voices sound quite similar with some affectations for the "Gina" character.


What do you guys think?



Always fun to see what nutty things this cast will do

Edited by catrox14

My favorite little moment- when Jensen goes off camera and you can hear him giggling.

Second favorite- when Jim hands Misha a bill.

IDK why, but those little moments are great.


Oh yeah! I think my favorite part of the first released cut was Singer saying no one in their right mind would approve Misha doing his own stunts and then Misha sitting in his trailer in that robe with his head in his hands. That's so funny. My favorite part of this cut is Sheppard being thrown off the lot--not just set, but being locked out of the entire lot. I remember Jensen giving an interview one time where he said that Mark likes to hang around set, even if he's not in the scenes being shot. So it made me laugh how they took it to a whole other level here.


Personally, I like the director's cut best. But if I didn't know anything about the inner-workings of this show, I'd wonder if they were all a bunch of assholes, so I understand why they cut some of the stuff out. Still funny either way.

  • Love 2

"My father used to beat me with a leather strap while I recited from the Scottish play"...

The teddy bear, and the cans on a string...

Jared hiding the wig...

Jensen being so timid around Jared...

Poor Misha, being locked out of his trailer, and snubbed in the cafeteria..

Jared constantly doing jock things...

Jared's hair on fire...

Oh, my. I think even strangers to the show would realize pretty quickly that it was a parody.

My head!canon is that this is from the world of The French Mistake.

  • Love 3

Meeeee!!! Yay! Got the go-ahead from hubby today!


Can't believe I grew up in Denver area, was there for 7 months taking care of my Mom before she passed away a few months back and now I'm back in So Cal. LOLOL. And the Pasadena con is sold out and hella expensive.


But cool with it. I'm just fine....

Omegamom, do you have your tickets?  'Cause the last I looked, they were all sold out except for Friday.  


I have a copper pass (with seats waaaaay off to the side where I probably can't see anything but distant profiles) and a photo op with Jensen, and I'm afraid I'm going to be the oldest person there.  *sigh*  At least, the oldest one without a younger one in tow so I can pretend I'm just going along for the ride...


(And Catrox, I'm sorry about your mom.  I've been dealing with my 93-year-old mother with dementia for over two years now and am on major meds for stress...even though she's in a very good facility and being well taken care of.)  

Edited by ahrtee

I'm sorry to hear about your Mom ahrtee. (hugs) My Mom was also suffering from dementia after 3 strokes :(. I probably should have taken meds myself. I hope things are at least somewhat manageable for you. Seeing Jensen Ackles in person would certainly help!


I would totally go with you guys if I was there. I would probably faint if I ever saw Jensen in person. He's just...lordy. I'm old enough to be his....aunt...LOL

Well, fuck.

'Scuse my language.

Last time I looked a few days ago, there were still gold tickets available.

Shit shit shit.

Lesson: do not a procrastinator be.

Well, I guess I'll put a bid in on the auction, but I've got a limit on the finances.


And catrox, I could be his mom. Youngish mom. But, still.

Thanks for the hug, Catrox.  And I'm looking forward to a Jensen hug at the photo op, even if I'll be too excited/panicky to do anything except stare at him with my mouth open and a deer-in-the-headlights look on my face.   And I'm old enough to be his...never mind.  Old enough to have gone to some of the *original* Star Trek cons way back in prehistoric times.  



Sorry, Omegamom.  I bought my tickets back in June and silver was already gone, and there were only a few single leftover gold and copper seats in far corners.  They still had some open seating and day passes available a few weeks ago, though.  Good luck with the auction!  

  • Love 1

.... and here is @GISHdrone's reply...(who I am like 99.999999999999% certain is Jensen)


GISHDrone ‏@GISHDrone 39m39 minutes ago

@mishacollins Never took u for a guy that spits. Wait.



I am dead. These boys are too damn funny

And as I mentioned in the spoiler thread, I think this is part of the Random Acts contest about ponies or something. It's a funny tie in for the show though. 

Whooohooo, Omegamom!  Maybe I'll see you there.  I'm in seat F7 all the way stage left.  Just look for the "retired librarian looking embarrassed but thrilled."   


I've been to cons before (back in my misspent childhood) but haven't been to one in about 15 years, and I hear they've changed A LOT.  



  • Love 2

I assume downtown's too expensive (and no parking!)  I'm in Colorado Springs, so I have to drive up from the south anyway so DTC's actually easier to get to.  If it snows, we're all screwed anyway, since most likely the stars can't get there either.  


Omegamom, love to get together!  I can pm you my email/phone if you'd like.  

  • Love 1

I assume downtown's too expensive (and no parking!)  I'm in Colorado Springs, so I have to drive up from the south anyway so DTC's actually easier to get to.  If it snows, we're all screwed anyway, since most likely the stars can't get there either.  


Omegamom, love to get together!  I can pm you my email/phone if you'd like.  


Ah...yes that is better for you! That's a good thing. 


It's good you guys are going because it looks like they won't be back to Denver in 2016 due to scheduling and weather concerns.  Of course it could be 85 that day too LOL. Oh Colorado. I do miss so much about you but not winter. LOL I'm a wuss now.

Ah, yes, that one was fun.  I bought an SUV about a week after that, because at the time I had an Accord that couldn't even get out of my driveway much less the streets (too low to the ground to get through the drifts)...


On the other hand, it could be 85 on Friday, two feet of snow on Saturday and back to the 60s by Sunday.  Colorado.  Yeesh.  


So if there's a blizzard and the airport closes so that no one (including the guest stars) can get in, ticketholders are just SOL?  



  • Love 1

I'd like to think so.  But I have a feeling that they'd look for any reason not to cancel the whole show; so if even one person shows up (and that includes the crew that works in Denver) they're going with "the show must go on."  The rule is (I think) no refunds for guest stars who don't show up, except for photo/autograph ops.  So pray for warm weather!

  • Love 1

Every year, TVLine publishes their Renewal Scorecard.  SPN is currently listed as a "sure thing", but that could always change....

Thanks for that.  Two episodes in and they've got an opinion.  To be honest, I'd NEVER bet against Matt & Micheal.  Those two know their stuff.  And I can see it.  As that article about Mark P makes clear, he's looking at them as a workhorse.  They're still doing a good job of pulling a big-enough load.  Mush-mush SPN.  

  • Love 2

Thanks for that.  Two episodes in and they've got an opinion.  To be honest, I'd NEVER bet against Matt & Micheal.  Those two know their stuff.  And I can see it.  As that article about Mark P makes clear, he's looking at them as a workhorse.  They're still doing a good job of pulling a big-enough load.  Mush-mush SPN.  



t's kind of funny to me.


Like SPN was the evil step child under Ostroff and survived every move it's had including the Friday night death slot but they seemed to actual promote the show in the press more.  And here  Pedowitz seems to love them, yet the network does fuck all to promote the show.


Like man, you'd think they would try a little harder for their workhorse. I mean I'm not saying anything massive but more than what they do and more than just a 10th season thing. It's just annoying.

  • Love 1

As far as I know negotiations are ongoing with the Tribune affiliates. And there are also contingency plans. Deals with other affiliates have supposedly been reached. Netflix and Hulu might also be interested in extending their current deals.


All in all, nothing has been set in stone yet but the network is actually far better off than a couple years ago where death was but a certainty. Current deals will take it to fall 2016 so probably spring or summer next year some consensus will be reached. Now Warner and CBS ending it is a possibility but more unlikely at this point. The network is expanding heavily into the superhero genre which is all the rage right now. Doubtful the parent networks want to jump ship.



Every year, TVLine publishes their Renewal Scorecard.  SPN is currently listed as a "sure thing", but that could always change....


Wednesday is the Network`s most stable night right now. Yes, Flash does better overall but iZombie does not so Tuesday is 50/50. 


The only thing ending this show IMO will be at some point - and really, I pray it is sooner rather than later -  the leads no longer signing on. I doubt they will Doggett/Reyes this show.

Edited by Aeryn13

Ah, but the question is - will the CW network exist after this year. I was under the impression that its ten year contract will be up in the spring and it has to renew or find a new home in order to continue. Does anyone have any further info on this?


Much posturing but I think they are in better shape now.

Misha is doing silly really short promos for Supernatural. Here's this week's:

RT @mishacollins: I tunneled out of my top secret witness protection bunker to bring you this important message. #supernatural http://twitter.com/mishacollins/status/656981140809449472/video/1

Last week's was classic Western desperado; what is this week's?

  • Love 1

Misha is doing silly really short promos for Supernatural. Here's this week's:

RT @mishacollins: I tunneled out of my top secret witness protection bunker to bring you this important message. #supernatural http://twitter.com/mishacollins/status/656981140809449472/video/1

Last week's was classic Western desperado; what is this week's?

Coffee house barista?

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