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SuperNormal: Public Appearances, Tweets, Media And Other Social Media Of The SPN Cast

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That's the thing. It was lit that way on purpose. It was network suits that made them lighten it up by all accounts and the switch to digital instead of the film stock they used originally. Not LIKING how darkly it was lit it is one thing. But the fact that it exists does not make it a "dated" technique.


Have the opinion piece but don't say it's in "honor" of the show.  Unless they were just being sarcastic about "honoring" the 10th anniversary which is how I'm going to view it now. 

Yellow Fever? /bang head forever.


Aside from that completely wrong selection, most of these are at least plausibly in the running for best, but wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Brimming over with wrongability. The correct list:


Faith? I don't debate this strongly, but I'd go with Skin
What Is and etc.? Also a valid selection. I prefer Nightshifter
Mystery Spot? Love it, but Jus in Bello vastly better
Yellow Fever? Lazarus Rising is the best episode of the entire show, so....
Changing Channels? My Bloody Valentine
The French Mistake? OK, but I'd rather rewatch Frontierland if we're going down that road
Death's Door? What is this "season seven" of which you speak?
As Time Goes By? Everybody Hates Hitler
Bad Boys? OK, you got me there. I might make the case for First Born, but...ok.
Fan Fiction? Fan Fiction is legitimately fantastic. But I'd still go with Reichenbach, which is, IMO, the best ep. since Season 4.



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Actually besides the "Yellow Fever" choice - which is one of my worst episodes ever - that list wasn't too bad in my opinion... better than some of the choices in the comments, which had a bunch of season 7 bashing as usual *sigh.*


My list would be a combination of the list given, one of Aunt Tora's suggestions, and a few of my own. I'm mostly surprised that I didn't see a mention of "Slash Fiction" for season 7 - though I saw a bunch of "Time After Time..." which is a valid choice and some "Hello, Cruel World": also a valid choice. Still if I had to choose a favorite season 7 ep, it would be between "Slash Fiction" and "Time After Time..."


My season 4 choice would likely cause discontent, because I have the unpopular opinion of not being a huge fan of "Lazurus Rising" (I know: blasphemy, but I have legitimate reasons... I swear.)


And I agree with catrox that I wouldn't be able to separate "Reichenbach" and "Soul Survivor."

I would have to look at all the episodes from all the seasons, so I can't really say at this moment which were the best episodes of the season.  All I can do is say maybe to some of them.  The writer seemed to like The Trickster and the other comic relief episodes as well. 


I liked Yellow Fever, but it probably wasn't the best episode of the season. 

I think I only liked Death's Door because we got to see Rufus again. I preferred the episode with the cursed objects - just off the top of my head. I don't know if I liked season 7 or if there were just some really good moments from season 7 that I liked. I enjoyed Time After Time. 


Season 8 was more of a forgettable season for me. Maybe 8 for me is some people's season 7. 


I did not like Bad Boys at all. I haven't watched seasons 9 and 10 enough to have an opinion on which were the best episodes. Meeting Cain was interesting. 

Faith is one of my favs, same for What is...


So I can agree with the list but there might be others I like more on some seasons.


I get why they picked Bobby's Death because if he hadn't come back, that ep is really well done, acting, directing and shooting wise *camera*. 


Also Jensen talked about why the cat scream was so big.  The director wanted more.  He gave three takes before he said I can't keep doing this if you want me to talk for the next scene.  The ending is the mess of the ep.  If I forget about the ending, I can enjoy the beginning. 


I read the TV Guide as they were trying to be objective.  I can't be because I'm hooked on the show, now.  At the beginning I could.  But I enjoyed the pilot.  But ten years we have seen a lot of changes in acting.  A really great show should show major changes in 10 years.  It's why MASH is considered such a great show, the growth still stands many years later.  I think the acting on the show of Supernatural stands out over ten years. 


The women issue, that is an issue that is almost as old as dirt.  We are making progress but still too many shows don't show case strong women.  It's a change I root for, but I don't expect every show to be on board with that, if that makes sense.

FWIW, in our elimination game, we've chosen:


S1 -- Pilot

S2 -- In My Time of Dying

S3 -- Mystery Spot 

S4 -- Lazarus Rising

S5 -- (tie) The End/Dark Side of the Moon

S6 -- Weekend at Bobby's

S7 -- (tie) Time After Time/Slash Fiction

S8 -- Everybody Hates Hitler

S9 -- First Born

S10 -- Fan Fiction

  • Love 1



Nice article from someone who still likes the show


I like this part



But will that ever actually happen? In some ways, I kind of hope it doesn't - the show is comfort food at this point, and as far as I'm concerned still tops every other running genre show (Bates Motel, American Horror Story, The Strain... none of these are as enjoyable), so let's have another ten? Why the hell not?

Edited by catrox14
  • Love 1

Thanks, catrox, I enjoyed the article. I think he makes some valid points about why the show is still on regardless of being a genre/horror show. It is primarily because of the chemistry between Jensen and Jared who really are like brothers off the screen as well...and it shows.

I speculated that he shaved his beard for a reason....  ;-)

Jim Michaels tweeted this:


Jim Michaels ‏@TheJimMichaels 13h13 hours ago

@dicksp8jr is directing only! However, this was the stake that was used to "Off the Trickster!" Richard recognized it right away! @cw_spn

I've become jaded. After the too soon demise of demon!Dean, I now believe half of what TPTB say and half of what Jensen and Jared say and then I take the part I do maybe believe with a big fat grain of salt.


LOL.  Fool me once, shame on you, fool me 8000 times shame on me

And Misha has been trying to get Donald Trump a job. 


This is glorious


Misha Collins ‏@mishacollins Sep 16

.@realDonaldTrump, I see ur still job hunting (& debating). To streamline the search, I made u this handy profile. https://www.linkedin.com/pub/donald-trump/105/35/639
3,219 retweets 6,704 favorites




Misha Collins ‏@mishacollins 21h21 hours ago

Misha Collins retweeted Monster

how is it a "joke" to help Donald Trump find a job? It's hard! No one's hiring misogynistic xenophobes these days.

Misha Collins added,
Monster @Monster
@mishacollins We always love a good joke Misha! But, you know what we had to do though... http://beknown.com/donald-trump 
4,265 retweets 8,707 favorites

Jared's sideburns just need to go...  :)  I'll offer my services to help him out...nah I can't betray Jensen like that. 


But it is funny how people will get all obsessed about a guy's hair.  I know they did the same thing on other shows.  I just liked Sam's hair when it is a bit shorter.  But a few of the times his longer hair did look good.  But it seems to be rare.  :)

*cringe*  How did I know?




Cory Barker: Supernatural. Sorry, y'all. It's still a mostly enjoyable experience every week and Jensen and Jared are always strong performers, but good lord is it time to say goodbye. How many more times can the show build a season-long story about one brother trying to pull the other back from the dark side, with tons of lying and brotherly tension along the way before it truly ruins the goodwill from earlier seasons? I feel like we're close.




MaryAnn Sleasman:   *snip*  And as much as it pains me to say it—I promise this is no reflection on my delight over each and every renewal—but Supernatural, at the very least, needs to commit to an end-date and start wrapping the road trip up. I just don't want it to end up as bad as Smallville was in the end or as incomplete as, well, literally any other series that got canned on a cliffhanger. I want a fabulous season-long goodbye party like One Tree Hill and Smallville had. I want perfection, reflection, and completion. It doesn't have to be this season. In fact, I'll be devastated if Season 11 is the final chapter. Twelve is a nice number though, and 13 couldn't be more appropriate for a series that's been making scary sexy since some of its fans were still in training bras.


Meh. There are tons of naysayers, and even I naysay the stupid plotlines. But to me, just because a show has been 10 years in, doesn't necessarily mean it's time for it to end. As much as Brother's Keeper was a clusterfuck and the Darkness was out of the blue it DID open another mythology option. If they don't do anything interesting with the Darkness, then they should start writing for an end.  And as much as I was pissed off about the early demise of demon!Dean, I ended up liking s10 over all.


But if they ended at 12 or 13, that would be okay. 


Also, who are those writers? Is than an influential outlet?

Edited by catrox14

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