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Even if Jung hadn't written a vaguely questionable message on Shannon's original card, I still would have been fine with him ripping it up just so poor Shannon wouldn't have to touch a card that had been stuffed down Gerald's pants repeatedly. Blech!

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S5.E13: Lord of the Ring


Umma loses something valuable and doesn't want Appa to know. Jung threatens to ruin Janet's prospects with a cute yoga instructor. Shannon and Kimchee win a BBQ and can’t decide who gets to keep it.

Original air date: 4/2/19

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2 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:


S5.E13: Lord of the Ring

Original air date: 4/2/19

This is just season 3, right? Not 5?

I'm half way through season 2 on Netflix. The first few were kind of meh, and I almost quit after the 4th ("Ddongjeem") episode, but now I enjoy both the humor and the warm hearted moments because I feel like I know the characters, even if they are kind of 2-dimensional.

I realize it's unrealistic, especially because so much of the stereotyping, but I grew up watching 1960s TV, so . . . 

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Binged the whole season this weekend after unsuccessfully trying to space things out. Someone on the writing staff really likes puns. 

My favorite exchange from the first episode:

Janet: Can you call before you come over?

Mrs. Kim: No.

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So glad this is on Netflix, and so glad someone recommended this out in the "interwebs" where I saw it.  I love all these characters, even when they make me cringe.  I don't want to wait for season 4, (but I have to).

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On 1/11/2020 at 11:06 PM, LilWharveyGal said:

Ok, I have to ask...were they saying burger pot fry?  What is that??

I believe it was "burger pop fry", because they were ordering a drink with the burger and fries.

In the most recent episode I was surprised when Umma commented that the family had not eaten together in 15 years. Since they were supposed to be celebrating Appa and Umma's 28th wedding anniversary, either Jung has been estranged from the family since he was 13 or less, or he was born before Appa and Umma were married? Or is there some other scenario that could explain it? 

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S4.E1: The Trollop


Appa and Umma are at odds over a wedding dress, while Shannon and Jung struggle with cultural sensitivities after a visit to a burger joint. Janet grapples with the fallout of Raj's canceled engagement and faces an awkward night out with Nathan.

Original air date: 1/7/20

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I have very little (if any) sympathy for Raj. I get feeling pressured by your parents to do certain things, but he let things get really out of hand. It wasn't fair to his fiancée or to Janet. Now that he's broken off his engagement, he's still feeling the repercussions so boo hoo.

I liked the plot about the dress for the wedding though. Sometimes people don't understand just how shitty salespeople can make you feel so it was nice to see Appa understand. I laughed when he bought the little purse and then she said it was too small to hold anything.

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I liked that Kimchee and Mr. Kim were having fun together but I got offended on Kimchee's behalf when Mr. Kim wanted him to take the blame for all the bad stuff so Mrs. Kim wouldn't get mad at him. Don't take advantage of Kimchee like that!

I totally cracked up at Janet casually and inadvertently cock blocking Jung when he was hitting on her classmate. That's what you get for using the same (lame) pickup lines, Jung!

Heh, Dolphin Nose Terence.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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I usually like Jung but his reaction to Shannon wanting to take things slow was very immature and really unprofessional. Her boyfriend just walked out with a box of his stuff so slow your roll there, dude. Give her a minute to recover from the break up before you swoop in and basically demand a relationship (with your boss, no less).

Ha, I loved that all of Appa's boasting resulted in having to tutor someone in math, which he is terrible at. "Math style!"

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Ha, I knew that Jung and Shannon wouldn't be able to keep their relationship a secret for long, but that is definitely not how I thought everyone at work would end up finding out. I loved that Kimchee figured it out and was so supportive and trying to be helpful.

From a professional standpoint, I wonder if one of them will have to be transferred to a different location. From a storyline standpoint, I hope not because I like the interactions with the Handy crew and I don't want to see Shannon or Jung isolated from them.

Ha, I loved that when Omar tried his line on Stacy, she asked if she could have both tickets.

Poor Janet. She did EVERYTHING to plan and organize this surprise and no one else in her family could manage to do even the bare minimum of showing up on time.

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Oh, Janet, NEVER get a tattoo for anyone but yourself. If you get a tattoo, it should be something that you absolutely love, not some random thing that a boy drew on you.

I liked that Shannon didn't want to move their relationship too fast aka get jewelry at five weeks. But it was very Shannon of her to like the necklace on a sentimental level after she heard the whole story behind what happened. I'm just glad she gave it back so Jung didn't have to keep working extra hours to pay for it.

Umma and Appa gossiping was petty but they cracked me up with how hard they were trying to fix things and inevitably making things worse.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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Ha, I loved that Janet was so insistent that her mom's food was better than the frozen version that Gerald bought and then it turned out that her mom's special home cooked food was straight out of the freezer. But I also liked that Janet decided to learn how to cook. There are SO many people these days who don't know how to cook at all so I'm all for anyone learning a new dish or a new cooking technique.

Stacie was very sweet to let Shannon throw her a birthday party after she saw Shannon spiraling. And everyone (but Stacie) ended up having a great time!

It was so nice to see Jung and Appa connecting so I was sad to see that end (even though it was best for the team since Appa's coaching was making Jung a very selfish player).

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I'm in the middle of Season 2 and I love this show. The actor who plays Mr. Kim seemed to lose a lot of weight following Season 1. It threw me for awhile.

I particularly like how so many of the characters are recurring and keep popping up. 

There is at least one laugh out loud moment for me in each episode. A really good, warm-hearted show which fits perfectly during the coronavirus crisis. 

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Ha, Janet explaining cultural appropriation while he was dressed as a Mexican burrito/bandito was hilarious.

I felt for Janet in this episode because what she confessed happened almost a decade ago and in the grand scheme of life, it was not a big deal. She fibbed and ditched school for one day. Her dad was acting like she had done something far worse. I know he felt betrayed but we have seen him lie about stuff too.

The worst part was how Appa's anger about Janet's old lie forced all of the Raj stuff out into the open.

But I was totally with the rest of the book club about kicking Mrs. Mehta out. I haaaaaaaate when people don't read the book. I get that people get busy but if you don't have time to read the book, then don't come to book club and tell us what you heard about the book! Coming late and not bringing snacks to share is just adding insult to injury.

I need Kimchee's lemon squares!

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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S4.E8: Chammo!


Janet is commissioned to take portraits of Shannon's cats; Umma entrusts Jung to pick Appa up from the dentist, but things don't go as planned; Kimchee is threatened by Terence, and a spice challenge ensues.

Original air date: 2/25/20

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The misunderstanding about the price of the cat photos was BOTH Janet and Shannon's faults. What kind of person hires someone to do something without asking for at least a ballpark price estimate? And what kind of professional doesn't mention at least an approximate price?

But in the overall scheme of things, I'm on Janet's side. She provided a service so she deserved to be paid for it. As for Shannon's sticker shock, well, that's why you should ask for a price upfront AND do some research beforehand to see how much other people charge so that you have a good idea of what the market rate is. I'm glad that Janet is charging enough to make Shannon gasp. All too often, young artists don't charge enough for their services.

And Shannon made it even worse by intending to give Janet a non-cash payment. I can't tell you how many times I've been asked to do something in trade. As Janet said, I can't pay my rent with a gift certificate. If you can't afford to pay cash for an artist's service, then maybe you don't really need to hire them. You wouldn't go to a restaurant, eat an entire meal, and then when the bill comes tell the wait staff that you don't have enough money to pay for what you ate.

I loved that Kimchee kept scheming to get Terence to eat hot things to negate his Wasabi nickname. I don't think you're better just because you tolerate spicier stuff but Terence's obliviousness and Kimchee's increasing desperation made me laugh.

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I know people take all kinds of things way too personally but a drawing that a six year old did?

I found the dancing plot much more amusing. It was hilarious that Jung and Kimchee both remembered their old dance routine. I loved that both Jung and Shannon were both so proud of their dance abilities but turned off by each other's dancing.

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1 hour ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I know people take all kinds of things way too personally but a drawing that a six year old did?

It would probably have been less fraught as an issue if Umma and Janet had a better relationship now or in general. I can see how it might feel to Umma like it isn't just that growing up made Janet difficult, she has always had negative feelings about her.

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On 3/22/2020 at 8:17 PM, LisaM said:

I particularly like how so many of the characters are recurring and keep popping up. 

There is at least one laugh out loud moment for me in each episode. A really good, warm-hearted show which fits perfectly during the coronavirus crisis. 

The recurring characters are lovely.  Distinct, but warm-hearted.

I just finished watching the four episodes on CBC. The one where they donate the TV to the newly arrived Arab family was funny to watch the first time. Looking back on it now with the experience of helping three families settle, the scene in their living room with the pastor trying to make painful conversation completely nails it. And then Mrs. Adad turns up in season 4, a former ultrasound technician now a cleaner, as the mother who hires Appa to tutor her son in math.

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I liked that Umma and Appa's new sleeping arrangement was only temporary. It's nice to get a break in your routine (especially if it means getting a good night's sleep) but it was nice that it made them realize that they missed each other.

The modeling pictures that Gerald took of Jung were hilariously bad!

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Just finished Episode 10 of Season 4. I think I liked Jung and Shannon better before they got together. 

Loved how happy Appa was with his own bedroom until he realized that he missed talking to Umma. 

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I watch the show on Netflix, and when I saw the new season was here I was thrilled! I just binge-watched the whole thing, and then I rewatched the entire season again. I find this show wonderfully funny. 

I'm glad, however it turns out, that Shannon and Jung finally got together. Realistically I can't imagine a workplace just letting it just happen so easily (I think it would be an HR nightmare here in the US). I'm just not a huge fan of any will they / won't they UST storyline in any TV show, so however it turns out it's finally done and we can move on.

My favorite characters continue to be Umma and Kimchee.

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Ha, I can't blame Janet for getting mad that Chelsea and Gerald decided to copy her summer plans. It would be one thing if they had decided to go to Korea or teach English, but to apply to teach English at the exact same place that Janet told Chelsea about? UGH. Take that SWF business elsewhere, Chelsea.

I thought Shannon would take the bird to a wildilfe rehabber, not have Jung keep it at his apartment. At least they bought a cage instead of keeping Dougie in that shoebox.

I wasn't that interested in Appa's whole business lecture storyline, but he always ends up amusing me.

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