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I hope their was some chatter about voting Ziggy that we didn't see, cuz otherwise her idol was out of no where and quite a blunder.

Michelle is smart and should have understood why her alliance didn't want to tell her about Tessa, being that those two were close. When she went nuclear, her alliance should have just said, look, we overheard you plotting with Tessa, so cool your jets and let's get back on plan! I still don't understand why no one sees Luke as the biggest threat, but good on him, he must be putting on quite a convincing show.  

And finally, is there seriously nowhere on that island that these people can gather to scheme except for right near the paths, shelter, water well, or beaches where others are bound to see you! 

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10 hours ago, hyukx3 said:

Poor Sarah. Luke was the architect to vote out Tessa but Michelle only blamed Sarah. Really irrational on her part. Luke put himself at risk not going with the safe 6 and he still got by becoz Michelle put the blame on Sarah. How long can he go unnoticed?

I don't see Michelle's move as being completely irrational. She is an emotive player, however the Luke/Jerry/Sarah alliance broke her trust in not involving her, but more than that they showed more trust in each other than in her, opening her eyes to the idea that she was on the bottom of that alliance. Where as by flipping to the others, her, Tara, Lockie, Petey and Ziggy can pick of the big threats in Luke and Sarah, and then Jerrry. When it gets down to five, Lockie and Tara are very tight, her, Petey and Ziggy could band together to get rid of them and Michele stands a much better chance with either Ziggy or Petey, either of which might be willing to take her to the end more so than Luke or Sarah would have, and against Ziggy I feel she would have a stronger case. Not saying the above is fool proof, just that there is a path there and some justification. Not to mention Sarah did actually throw her under the bus, and that is why she targeted her over the other two tonight. Sarah was the one her put her name out there and said let's get rid of Michelle. 

Just my two cents...

17 hours ago, cousin oliver said:

Oh no; there goes my last chance for a winner I would’ve liked. This is awkward - I really don’t want any of the remaining seven to win. The episode really strained to make it look like there was some tension, but there was no possible way they were going to boot the annoying Michelle when the option was to get rid of a super schemer like Sarah. 

These people are playing a better game than last year’s castaways but oh what I’d give for a lovable loony underdog to cheer for right now. :-(

Right? At this point I'm pretty much rooting for a surprise Peter win by default.

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10 hours ago, esile said:

I don't see Michelle's move as being completely irrational. She is an emotive player, however the Luke/Jerry/Sarah alliance broke her trust in not involving her, but more than that they showed more trust in each other than in her, opening her eyes to the idea that she was on the bottom of that alliance. Where as by flipping to the others, her, Tara, Lockie, Petey and Ziggy can pick of the big threats in Luke and Sarah, and then Jerrry. When it gets down to five, Lockie and Tara are very tight, her, Petey and Ziggy could band together to get rid of them and Michele stands a much better chance with either Ziggy or Petey, either of which might be willing to take her to the end more so than Luke or Sarah would have, and against Ziggy I feel she would have a stronger case. Not saying the above is fool proof, just that there is a path there and some justification. Not to mention Sarah did actually throw her under the bus, and that is why she targeted her over the other two tonight. Sarah was the one her put her name out there and said let's get rid of Michelle. 

Just my two cents...


At tribal, she said Luke and Jericho explained things to her but Sarah didn't. So that's irrational. What I guess is that Michelle blamed Sarah more than the boys, and Sarah felt threatened which makes her suggest to vote Michelle out. But strategically, what you said make sense. I have soured a bit on her play since she last tribal where she doesn't vote with her head. Still, if it's her and Ziggy in the end, she would have a good chance I think. Pete is a goat. He hasn't done enough to win.

Now Michelle flipped right? Michelle can only survive if they don't see her as a threat, if they don't target her. Ziggy is pretty much a free agent if you haven't noticed. She's a flipper as well, but with connections to Lockie and Pete.

Edited by hyukx3
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Voting Tessa out was Luke's undoing. He lost Sarah and Michelle becoz of that. Michelle still doesn't trust Luke. That just reinforces that she was irrationally blaming Sarah. Esile, when you see the latest ep, I told you Ziggy was a free agent. I don't get why Tara outted Lockie's plan to Luke but still voted for him. If Michelle's only reason to vote Luke is becoz she doesn't have the numbers for Ziggy, then she must have known Tara was voting Luke.

Tara wasn't talking smooth at all at tribal. She never was but she did horribly here, saying you have to come up with who to vote next after someone wins immunity. That was a shot at Lockie, and she immediately palms her face. Then in the preview, when Lockie confronts her, she says she's not a liar. She gets too easily defensive to the point where her arguments are irrational.

Pete is right to pick a strategic threat to go over brawns. Basing on the jury head nods from the previous tribal, they seem to favour social chess moves over winning immunity. But Tara, it has to be the biggest mystery why she voted Luke. Also, I wouldn't tell everybody to vote Lockie until after the immunity challenge.

Know idea about Lockie's pitch to Tara and Ziggy about his plan to vote out Luke or Jericho but it seems like a mess. Maybe that's why they edited it up. Lockie does seem a better candidate to win than Tara. This is the second time outted a plan. The first time she outted Luke's plan in old Asaga, but I don't remember if she flip flop her vote like this ep. Using Jericho's analogy, Tara just doesn't know how to take the steering wheel. So she's practically a goat, unless she gets Lockie out, that would better her chances. But still, her thought that Lockie is her threat when she doesn't see Luke as a threat to everybody, goat. If she gets Lockie out, then she becomes a number for Luke anyway. Goat.

For me, Michelle is now the most deserving winner. Next in line is Ziggy. Now Jericho doesn't have Luke, if he can just survive till the finale, I would give him a shot. Pete really hasn't shown favourably by the edit. So I don't really know what's going on with him. But Lockie has been in pretty much the same situation as Pete, except that he can win immunity.

Tessa really seems to harbour hard feelings for Lockie. Probably becoz he was so snidey with his comments in old Samatau. I still remember he said he doesn't have someone like Tarzan to give them idols to Tessa. I hated him ever since. What Tarzan did was something real, beyond the social gameplay of Survivor. That compassion, to be thrash by this prick. Fuck him.

edit: Actually, I've soured on Michelle. She played too emotional. She felt left out on Samatau during merge, she flipped. She felt betrayed by her core 4 Asaga alliance, she flipped. Too emotional. It seems it worked out when she flipped on Samatau, but she was on the bottom, then she found her way back to Luke and his alliance. It benefitted her but only becoz of how emotional she is. And now she broke it up. I like her better when she fighting for survival on old Samatau. Sarah and Luke did played better than her, with their heads. Now, all the strategists and drivers are gone. All the cats are gone, only mouses left. Pete seems to be the type that drives collectively with other people. That would explain his edit.

Edited by hyukx3

Ahhh, dang. I really liked Luke. He relished the game, was good at it, and went out in great spirits. He was true to Jericho and that is about as much loyalty as one can expect in this game. He was a bit reckless with that last vote and that cost him.

If it were me, I would now try to drag Pete and Tara to the end. 

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1 hour ago, Nozycat said:

Finally, I cheered when it was Luke.  He way overrated himself and his influence and game play imo.  But I do have to give him that he was gracious in the end.

Please not Jericho, he is just as full of himself and immature.  I would much prefer any of the others. 

I feel like the people against Luke are against him becoz of his brash personality. Or proclaiming himself as king. He's just having fun. But if you look past all that, he played a very good game. He was 'in' with the winning votes all the way until his last. He was lucky Michelle flipped on the first tribal post-merge. He knows when to follow the alliance(Henry) but he's not afraid to make moves. If you do make moves, 100% you would have influence on the game.

Look at everybody else how they have done so far. It's a mix between following the majority or part of the losing vote. Sometimes, you follow the majority even though you don't like it. You could be on the bottom following majority or on the bottom and part of the losing vote. Luke never was on the bottom, never part of the minority, always part of the winning voting bloc, and wasn't afraid to make moves. You can't say the same to about the rest(?). Let's break it down.

Lockie follows Henry and Tara used to follow Lockie. They don't run the votes. And after Henry was gone, they were on the bottom. Well, only just now Tara tried to run the votes on Lockie, and when Lockie won immunity, tried to run the votes on Luke.

Michelle makes moves, I give her that. Emotional moves though, which I don't like.

Jericho follows Luke. But now Luke is gone, you gotta give him a chance to see what he will do. So I won't say anything about his game right now. Just following someone is a legitimate strategy.

Pete is smart enough to get rid of Luke. Smart enough to get rid of Henry. I think there's more to Peter than the edit shows. I think he's smart enough to know what the right vote for him is. It's just that he doesn't run the vote. Maybe he didn't have the chance yet to take the steering wheel. He's not the one instigating the votes, that's probably the thing that'll hurt him the most if he makes it to the end. But damn if you do, damn if you don't. Luke's not afraid of instigating shit, and he got voted out.

Ziggy, she became a free agent. She flipped to Henry, Henry got voted out. She went back working with Tessa, Tessa got voted out. Before that, she lost her majority just after merge 1st tribal. I mean, put yourself on that island, who you think is the biggest threat? Do you think anybody can win against Luke in the finale at this juncture? No way, man.

Luke still could've survived if Tara didn't flip. She was on board with Luke, outted Lockie's to Luke, only to vote Luke in the end. I can only guess that Lockie and Ziggy convinced her that Luke is the biggest threat. But I don't wanna guess man. The next show edit better reveals why Tara does the things she does. Doesn't make sense. And if the show's edit doesn't explain, then the show doesn't make sense. But it must be that Tara got convinced otherwise. It's the only logical explanation. Would kinda cement Tara as the goat.

Edited by hyukx3
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I've been thinking....Luke said Tessa was gonna flip as soon as they got rid of Lockie. So put yourself in Tessa's shoes. You hate Lockie. You want him out. Tessa is also smart enough to know that Luke is a threat. You're on the bottom of his alliance anyway. As soon as Lockie is gone, you'll take Pete, get Ziggy and Tara and it'll be 4v4. So the 6 majority alliance was only gonna last for 1 tribal. That's how it goes the whole season as well. So Luke didn't fail becoz he got Tessa out. It's becoz he didn't manage Michelle before and after the tribal. Tara could side with Luke though. She doesn't know what's best for her game.

It's not that hard to manage Michelle anyway. In your 6, clearly Tessa and Pete are on the bottom. Just discuss with her whether you're willing to get Tessa out now or not. Once you open that conversation, the discussion becomes whether to get her out now or in the future, and then it's Luke's job is to convince her it's now; either way, she's happy she wasn't left out. If Michelle wouldn't budge and you have to vote out Lockie, then the Tessa thing just remains a discussion. Luke was wary of Michelle being close to Tessa though.

Anyway, for next ep, all Jericho needs to do is ask Pete and Tara would they want to sit next to Ziggy and Lockie in the end. That's all he needs to do. Let them win the immunity. They both can't win. And somebody needs to go idol hunting.

12 minutes ago, Kelda Feegle said:

I really could be happy without all the cuts to Tessa on the jury - her eye rolling and checking on the other jury members is killing me.

I'm firmly on Tessa's side in this Tessa-Lockie feud. I don't like Lockie.

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4 hours ago, Kelda Feegle said:

oh yes I see that - I just think the faces she pulls are awful

You don't really like a lot of the girls, do you? I don't like her, you don't like that girl's voice, you think Lockie is a good-hearted doofus, we really judge people differently. Completely night and day.

Edited by hyukx3

Finally caught up.  I am not a huge fan of any who are left.  But I would probably be the most disappointed if either Tara or Pete were to win.  Tara because I find her annoying, I feel she has just rode coattails for the vast majority of the game, and finally and most importantly is because she was already voted out.  Granted my feelings on that are a tad bit hypocritical because I would have been perfectly fine had Anneleise managed to stay in the game and win. 

In regards to Peter, I have nothing against him.  I find him to be terribly boring as a contestant but he seems like an all right guy.  My main reason for not wanting to see him win is because he is just sort of there.  He really only did one major flip that really impacted the game. 

The others have at least done impactful stuff in the game.  Or maybe I just feel that way and they are all on equal footing.

Off the wall comment...but I really find Michelle's voice annoying.  If this were American Survivor I actually would pick her to win because she seems to be the narrator of the show.  However, it seems like Aussie Survivor does not edit the same way as the American show does (Which is a good thing.  I feel like everyone besides Peter seems to get a good amount of air time to talk about themselves and their gameplay) so I could we way off track in my thinking that Michelle will be the eventual winner.

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Loving the season so far. It's very high-quality stuff and I'm excited to see it get a third season.

As for winners and such—man, AK, Henry and now Luke. I'm gutted. At this point I'm cheering on Jericho and Ziggy, to a lesser extent Locky. Michelle is somewhere after him, and Tara and Peter shouldn't even be there as far as I'm concerned. But still plenty of time for either to make a move. I feel like Tara is the perfect goat, though.

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Wow; Lapaglia went full Probst with his hard on for Lockie’s streak of Immunity wins tonight.

I’m beginning to think Michelle is the person they shouldn’t want to face the Final Jury with; she’s not afraid of speaking up at Tribal and will not back down from an argument.  I know likability and immunity wins come into it so they have reason to fear Lockie but he just proved himself an idiot in his inability to understand Michelle’s reasons for not flipping. 

I also suspect Peter might be good at convincing a Jury; the editors haven’t let him speak much but his talking head interviews are usually thoughtful and well considered. 

Tara’s only got her “my three kids” schtick and I doubt Jericho could craft a compelling argument [unless the Jury is overly fond of war analogies]. 

I guess what I’m saying is: one of these five is going to win  Yeesh...

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So twice Tara outted someone's plan then act super-defensive, super-denial when confronted. After seeing how she behaves this ep, I think acting this way is her way of playing her game, like actually, she knew all along. Still doesn't explain why she flipped on Luke. Guess she just got convinced by Lockie and Ziggy.

See, I told you Lockie wants everything his way. Michelle is now the second person to say this now. She's not saying that just for that particular instance. She's talking about him as a whole. They only show 1 hour out of 72 in US survivor. I don't know why Au survivor has around 50 days. So, what? Maybe they show 1 hour out of 96 in Au survivor. Even Peter knows what kind of person Lockie is. These things don't come out of nowhere.

And he thinks he made big moves. So smug. Plz. He only votes where Henry tells him to. And his only move was getting Luke out. And Luke only conveniently became a target becoz of 2 things. He didn't manage Michelle and Lockie wins immunity. Well, credit to him anyway. But where are the rest of his big moves? What about his great alliance of 8 in a 9 person tribe in old Samatau? How that worked? And how today's tribal worked for him, in the true arena of social chess and tribal council? And then he also mentioned he was on the bottom a bunch of times. My god. So smug.

I am warming up to Peter now. I think I understand his game now. He's the type that plays nice with his alliance and don't draw much attention to himself. Him, Tessa, Jarrad, and Ziggy when they were still together. They play collectively. And he always go with the right votes, Henry, Luke, even though he was used as a number. Lockie judged him wrong when he thought he could use him as a number too. But he got backbone and follows through with who he wants to vote, even risking himself drawing rocks, becoz he knew that's the best move, as he would say, "the best move'. And he was the one 'shown' actively trying to convince Tara; I thought Jericho would pounce on the chance to take the lead now Luke is gone. I don't think Peter is that much of a goat anymore.

Edited by hyukx3
  • Love 3

HAHAHA. These quotes are not verbatim, but it's something like:

Jack McFarland:  I'm not just a handsome actor, showman, singer ...I'm also a dancer.

Locky: I'm not just a strong, athletic, challenge threat guy ...I'm also an adventurer. 

I'm sure the editing monkeys were at work, and his ego is probably not quite as huge as they made it out to be this episode. ...but maybe close. :)

I don't even know who I want to win. I think maybe Jericho. 

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It's like a first impression thing and perception is reality thing. We see a big macho guy, everybody drawn to him vs a quiet guy. What has Lockie done, if he's gonna call Pete a goat? He doesn't get Survivor. He can't even play the social chess well so his 'play hard' thing is probably something stupid, especially if he things Tara has played a great game.

Michelle is so pliable. I kinda understand her play. She's hoping for 3 votes for Peter and Lockie still play his idol, and go back to camp 'in' with Lockie. But that's becoz she thinks Lockie will win immunity. But she'd made the fool if it works. I don't know if she sincerely subscribed to Lockie's thing about beating the best in the finale. I mean, Survivor is a social chess where you get rid of the big threat, not keep them in. He would actually made a notable move if he pulled it off. But his every pitch is so self-serving, today's ep and yesterdays ep.

I wonder about what the jury favours from the survivors though. A lot of them seems to be 'thinking players'. Would they give Lockie the money? We'll never know now that he's out.

I mean Pete didn't fuss when told to vote for Henry, Luke, and Sarah. When he goes for Lockie in these last 2 eps, willing to draw rocks, it shows me he has convictions behind his votes, so it doesn't matter for me that he was used as a number. Granted, he was tight with Tessa for the Henry vote, so it's just a hyperbole. He didn't draw any attention with his votes. But his convictions tells me he is a thinking player. And Lockie is definitely not a thinking player, so that's the thing that gets me. Perception is reality and first impressions, from the fans, and Im afraid from the jurors that Lockie actually deserves the half mil. And of course, Lockie thinks he made big moves or whatever and Pete has done nothing.

I mean, Lockie didn't vote with convictions when Henry told him who to vote. Should be an easy no brainer vote but Henry has to convince him who to vote for. It was just a name to him. He's not a thinking player.

Edited by hyukx3
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14 hours ago, Nozycat said:

Yes how are there 3 more eps with 4 people left now?  They sure are dragging this out.

I like Jericho so much better out of Luke's influence.

From what I'm hearing, it's sounding like Sunday's episode is a non-elimination of some kind (based on what happened earlier in the season with the letters, my guess it's a "win your visiting loved one" reward challenge and the subsequent filler shit), then someone gets eliminated on Monday before the final challenge, F3 boot, final Tribal Council, and reunion on Tuesday.

I don't approve of the jury tampering but I did approve of the challenge that got them there. I was amazed Jericho won as I thought he would be at a severe disadvantage due to his teeny-tiny limbs.

Did Tessa get kicked out of the Jury Villa? Sent home? Sent to a real exile island?

After Tessa's answer to Jericho's magic question, surely the remaining contestants realise it's in their best interest to have Tara at the Final Tribal.

8 minutes ago, cousin oliver said:

I don't approve of the jury tampering but I did approve of the challenge that got them there. I was amazed Jericho won as I thought he would be at a severe disadvantage due to his teeny-tiny limbs.

Did Tessa get kicked out of the Jury Villa? Sent home? Sent to a real exile island?

After Tessa's answer to Jericho's magic question, surely the remaining contestants realise it's in their best interest to have Tara at the Final Tribal.


She left the villa. On the car ride, she hinted that the jurors are analytical types. They want to reward a survivor that engages with gameplay. So I wonder how Lockie would do if he's in the finale. Also wonder how unbias Luke, Lockie, and even Tessa, if she could stay, would be. She also thinks that it's still anybody's game, minus Tara. Which I agree. It depends on the final pitch, final speech. If I'm a juror, I'm 51 Michelle, 49 Jericho. Peter is a total blank. I would need to hear his pitch.

Jarryd probably meant that Jericho should be wary of Michelle.

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Oh, Tara; you may as well just hand Jericho the cheque, having provided him with that chance to rehearse his Final Tribal performance tonight IN FRONT OF THE JURY [but kudos on having such adorable children].

Surely she realises she can’t beat him? And remember way back at the start of the game when Petey was her pet gay? She seems to have forgotten that. 

Lockie is even more annoying on the jury than he was in the game.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Nozycat said:

Just watched last night and loved the peg challenge and the advantage of voting out a jury member.  Both fresh ideas but sure sucks for Tessa.

US Survivor has done it b4. But less gimmicks now. It is 35 seasons in. Don't need gimmicks much anymore. What Tara does this ep doesn't really matter for her game though. Why would you take the best to the end? Does she think Jericho is the best? Doesn't she think Michelle qualifies as well? Does she think she has a chance against either Jericho or Michelle? Doesn't matter in the end. She can't win if most of the jurors are like Tessa and I think most are.

Peter telling Jericho that Tara is the vote is a bad lie. Telling him it's Michelle would be better. Not saying it would change the results, but who knows? And maybe not pull Michelle away for more one on one talk. At this point, Boston Rob would just make sure everybody is at camp, chilling, so the plan doesn't change. You do have to keep an eye on Jericho though, make sure he's comfortable.

But he had a good plan. Just bad execution. If Jericho goes, he has a good chance to win the last immunity challenge. That is until I saw the preview. Why would they go back to the same stupid finale challenge as last year? Why can't they follow the US style? With a mix of physical and puzzle? That challenge is so stupid. Just standing there until it's dark. Maybe till breaking dawn. So stupid, so pointless. Just make it a real game, a real challenge, physical and puzzle. For fuck sake.

I would feel bittersweet if Michelle can make it to the finale. Not that I'm rooting for her to go. I don't mind if she wins. She most probably deserves it, with seeing who's left. But I feel Sarah and Luke were better players than her. Kinda an oxymoron that they got voted out b4 her, but that's the nature of Survivor. Like AK says, the mouse can eat the cat in Survivor.

1 hour ago, Charlesman said:

Tara gave it all to Jericho. Dumb. He's the obvious favorite to win any final challenge. And he just played hard to the whole jury. She should have read their faces... Jericho has the votes. Her game ended right there. 

How can she read their faces? She has no game awareness. I would say she lost a long time ago.

I have to say, Jericho didn't speak well at final tribal. Tara performed better. A shield is something that protects you. You don't stab your shields. A shield is someone you're working with, in an alliance with. And when they target your alliance, they target your shields first. Henry was a target, not a shield. Sarah was a friendly casualty, becoz of Michelle's butthurt feelings, not a shield. Only Luke was a shield. Jericho only made two points in final tribal. That he used his cookies to get his shields and army, and that he lied, manipulate etc. The thing is, his cookie shield army is his main point. When interrogated, he defended with the other point, that he lied ect. He seemed genuine about his cookie metaphor. He even credits his best move as that. And that just made him look clueless and lucked into the final. Becoz he is dead wrong with his cookie metaphor. Maybe it was only convenient that way things turn out for him. This game does have an element of luck involved. Maybe he got lucky and bumbling his way into the final and perception is that he played all right.

I agree with what Henry said. All the big players are out, and Tara didn't start playing till day 40. She was just a social player, not strategic. But she makes her move near the end, and it can argue that that's clutch. It does have some merit. I was even considering her as the winner, becoz Jericho's speech soured for me. For me, her merits went up becoz of Jericho's stupid cookie metaphor. But I can never agree with her that you should take the best to the end. She tried to own that play as a risky play like you should get a medal for taking that risk. But why take the risk? The weak can eat the strong. It's stupid trying to own up that risk, letting the strong potentially eat the weak. But you will have people like that in a new show. US Survivor 1 was like that too in the final. So that makes it easier to pass. Just chalk it up to people having diff opinions about what Survivor means.

Sarah and Luke were like, Michelle has the best game when she got to the jury villa. Becoz she went after them, so that put her a rung above them, as they say. So I wonder which way Luke would vote if she's in the final with Jericho. If Tara votes Jericho out at the final 4, the Pete will win the final immunity and vote Michelle out. Michelle's only scenario to reach the final is to never betray Jericho. And Tara potentially cost Pete the win. Anyway, Pete definitely thought more highly of himself than me of him. I thought of him more as getting lucky with the Henry, Luke and Sarah votes. He can't really own those moves. He was just a pawn of those voting blocs, though he wanted those votes anyway. Just chalk it up to getting lucky, playing subtle, play with the hand your dealt with, and at least is more strategic than Tara. That would have been fine for me. I don't think he made big moves.

In the end, Tessa and Lockie are biased. Luke? Who knows if he would vote for Michelle. I'm happy some survivors have similar opinions as me. That Michelle was the favourite. Henry that Luke was the best player and all the best players are out. Tara did well in the final. Jonathon mentioned Lockie as a big player. Maybe more like literally. He's the same as Tara. Except he's big, strong, macho, good-looking, can win immunity. But he's not a strategic threat. So he's not a threat at tribal council, where the true arena is.

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After their performance at next to last tribal (which we granted only see a bit of) I was worried that Jerry took Tara and not Pete to the final two. Pete just came off as very pathetic with delusions of grandeur at that tribal. Plus I thought Jerry voted Tessa off the jury cuz she was a sure Pete vote. AND Locky was still on the Jury and he would certainly be advocating for Tara. 

Then I thought Jerry shot himself in the foot during final tribal. Just not a great speaker, as far as having nuanced statements about his strategies while flattering the jury a little bit along the way. ("They didn't realize how evil I was and how I was playing them all! Wha ha ha!!") For a minute there I even thought he was gonna lose Luke! Tara was more well spoken until she admitted she didn't start playing until 6 days ago! Henry helped her out with how to make that sound good. 

In the end, I don't think the jury really had much of a choice. Of the available final 3, the right one won.  

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I don't know if it says more about the game of Survivor or the world we live in now, but of the three moral dilemmas during the game the person who chose generously was the fourth person voted out while the people who took the selfish option ended up as the final two.

Jonathan is becoming even more Probst-like, ignoring at least six people during the reunion, including third placed Peter but managing to massage the egos of the big boys.

Michelle blatantly promoting the sponsor's car made me like her so much more than anytime in the game. Henry still promoting himself, less so.

Edited by cousin oliver
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Disappointing winner for me.  I also thought Jericho shot himself in the foot with his crowing over how he conned everybody, that felt so unpleasant to me, don't understand how he got so many votes.  But then Tara admitted she only started playing the last few days.  My pick out of the final 4 would have been Michelle.

I wonder how Tara's husband feels about her crush on Lockey.

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I was happy with Jericho winning.  At least out of the final three that is.  I think Michelle played the best out of the final four.  My inner teenage mind is going to miss Michelle and her green bra confessionals. 

I see a lot of people found this season to be boring.  I really enjoyed it, granted I think if there is a season next year they could do with six less contestants.  Having a cast of twenty-four is far too much bloat.  Oddly enough I heard nothing but good things about New Zealand Survivor and so I watched it and I was bored to tears.  I could not even make it to the merge.

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