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Australian Survivor - General Discussion

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I must have blocked out the sight of Luke shaving his balls (as I usually block out anything involving the annoying little git), because I don't remember seeing him do that. I did, however, enjoy seeing Henry swiping what he thought was a hidden immunity idol clue only to find out that it was -- wait for it -- a manicure kit.

I loved the twist at the end of tribal.  And I REALLY loved the tribemates yelling out that they were voting out Anneliese during the revote.  A little louder, people -- I don't think Asaga heard you! 

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15 hours ago, retrograde said:

But Tara isn't gone -- she's just been moved to Asaga.

The version I was watching got chopped off at the end.  I didn't realize I'd missed

that much of the episode.  Thanks for the update.  I'm sure I'll see some of it during

the previously on. 

I wish they'd show talking heads of some of the cast we've never heard from.  Does Odette

have nothing worthwhile to say. 

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Just got to watch! Really like that idols are not a given, like they are in the US version where they are practically laying around camp just waiting to be picked up. Maybe there is one out there to replace the one that was played, but maybe not. Maybe there is a clue hidden on a reward, but maybe not. Loved the manicure kit fake out.  

Oh Henry! You fed your truest ally and your strong alliance to the wolves. I hope it was worth it. And I hope Kent is spared.  His: "They are lucky breathing is automatic" about the lazy people was classic.  

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Hah, Henry is such a snake. He must be far more charismatic in person than he comes across on TV. I don't really understand his gambit, though -- the idol will save him for one vote, but not the elimination after that. And he seems to think his alliances at his old tribe will just sit untouched while he's away, even after everyone saw him throw Jacquie under the bus? Good luck with that.

It may just have been the editing, but it was amusing to me how Ben continued to go completely ignored even in Samatau. "Lockie, are Ben and Henry a welcome addition to the tribe?" "Henry's a beast. Having Henry on our team's a huge plus."

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Ah, Kent. They maybe would have kept him, but the injury/health concern sealed his fate. Wonder why they were being all secretive about it. 

Why the fuck is Henry giving a clue to the person on the other tribe who just overthrew his aliance and booted Jacquie. Does he think Jericho is with him?! Cuz he gave him a cookie that one time? If he was going to pass a clue, why not pass to Kent or Odessa (is that her name?!) who he knew for sure were on his side. 

Did Jericho say he was lactose intolerant? ...cuz... I think not! 

Odette. Though I agree it's impossible to remember her when ten of the other fifteen players are averaging more confessionals per episode than she's had all season.

Nice to finally hear from some of the lesser characters instead of being All Henry And AK All The Time. Considering the usual excuse for not showing people is that they don't give good confessionals, I'm really curious now as to why we haven't heard too much from Ben, who seemed to be really well-spoken when we saw him last night.

Fun challenges last night, even if one of them was fun for a different reason than intended.

4 hours ago, SnideAsides said:

Nice to finally hear from some of the lesser characters instead of being All Henry And AK All The Time. Considering the usual excuse for not showing people is that they don't give good confessionals, I'm really curious now as to why we haven't heard too much from Ben, who seemed to be really well-spoken when we saw him last night.

Yeah why are we hearing so little from so many of them?

Kent wants Luke or Henry to win?  Waits for people to come to him?  Couldn't back up his claim he does a lot around camp?  Wasn't available for the reward challenge or there as the strength and height for the immunity challenge?  Bah.  He deserved to go but would have been happy with Michelle also.

No Henry, THEY are not the ones who don't know how to play, you dumped them and yourself right in it and now you are overplaying your hand.

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Not too happy about the Super Duper Idol. That's just a bit much.  

Did they even show what Jarrod got from his family? How rude! They pretty much showed every single other person.  It looked like he was reading a tiny booklet and I wanted the story! For someone who I think is playing a pretty good game, he is not featured much.

Locky seems to be properly humbled at this point and I hope he outlasts AK. 

Still doesn't look like the show is doing too well in the ratings. I bet we won't get another season. 

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Yeah I would like to see more of Jarrod, he seems to be playing pretty well from what I can see.

I thought then and I still think that they made a big mistake extending the time period to 55 days.  It's been going for ages and we are still at 2 tribes.  I think many people prefer short and sharp these days.  And it's no fun to me to not get to know some of the players and see heaps of others.

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Australian TV networks are so unprofitable that Channel Ten basically can't afford to do this show with the one-episode-a-week pacing the US version has gotten us all accustomed to. If extending the season out to 26 episodes and keeping the players out there for another 16 days is what it takes to get the show on screen... I mean, it's an acquired taste, but I guess I've grown to like it? Admittedly this season has felt a lot slower than last year was because we only have two tribes (I'm assuming, again, for budget reasons; imagine how expensive some of this season's huge challenges would have been to build if they had to add a third giant ball or whatever) and it took forever for them to get to a twist, but I do like that the extended format generally allows them to keep the players on their toes more (and to deploy twists more effectively) than the US version, where the extent of twists recently seems to be (1) theming how the tribes are divided, which makes no impact on how the game is played, (2) shuffling the tribes in the exact same way at the exact same point, and merging the tribes in the exact same way at the exact same point, every season, and (3) messing with the structure of the finale, where the game is already basically over.

  • Love 4
23 hours ago, SnideAsides said:

Australian TV networks are so unprofitable that Channel Ten basically can't afford to do this show with the one-episode-a-week pacing the US version has gotten us all accustomed to. 

I'll be interested to see how CBS's acquisition of Ten affects these kind of properties. Maybe they'll bring back Australian Big Brother! 

Henry's alleged charm and good looks keep letting lost somewhere in transmission. But I have to admit ... tricking Jericho with the fake/old clue is pretty funny. I don't think Jericho will figure it out, either, because he is not the sharpest tool in the shed.

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So AK did have an idol and didn't use it??  That's gonna hurt. 

Makes sense to vote the sneaky player out but there were at least three other people on Asaga 2.0 I would have preferred to see booted. Ugh, Lockie's level of smug is going to be unbearable.

Now that we've passed halfway and winnowed down to a reasonable number of players I've started to think who I'd like to see win: Sarah and Jarrad seem to be my only acceptable options. 

AK doesn't have an idol anymore. He used it much earlier in the game. I don't like the twist. Constantly changing tribes undos all your game and make you start from scratch. It boils down to the element of luck, whether you pick the right buff or not. You can make a switch earlier on when there are still lots of people. You're less likely to go because of it. Even US survivor doesn't do this twist that much anymore.

  • Love 2

Good riddance to you and your stupid man-bun, AK.  Go, Tara!

I loved Ziggy's rather creative lie about the "ultimate reward" that she won. I can hardly wait to see the castaways' reaction to the Super Idol's real power, especially when they learn that it can even nullify someone else's Hidden Immunity Idol.  Please let Henry be the one who gets blindsided in such a spectacular fashion, that's all I ask.  That, and keep my two remaining pieces of Australian eye candy (Peter and Lockie) safe for as long as possible!

I think her lie was a little over the top with complications. I think she would have been better off saying she lost whatever the challenge was and got the basket as a consolation prize. Maybe say it was for a "tribal idol" that they could use to win the next reward or immunity challenge, while giving the other team the other. Say she didn't get it and leave it at that. 


Glad AK is gone but I do respect his game play. He sniffed out Luke and Tara, just too late to do anything about it. I kind of wish his skills were in a better person. 

  • Love 3

The switch twist introduces the element of luck. I don't wanna see someone go because of show twist luck. I wanna see them outplayed, outwit, outlast. Lockie is very smug. Voting AK out is not a blindside, Tara. I'm surprised AK's former alliance are all on board with Lockie and Henry all of a sudden. Don't they remember when Lockie was in control of an 8 person strong alliance? Did they forget the reason why they vote with AK and usurped Lockie? Didn't they thought Henry was so smooth and a player and should be wary? Now, Henry opens up to Annalise. Ziggy wants to play with Lockie and Henry all of a sudden. Put them four together, then Jarryd and Tess are on the outs.


That being said, I suspect some things are cut and left on the cutting room floor.


It's kinda ironic that AK sacrificed his immunity idol on Jarryd earlier in the season. He did that as a sign of trust because he had no one else but he also knew Jarryd wasn't going home that day anyway. If he saved it, maybe he would still be alive. Ziggy could have told everybody that she failed the special challenge (super idol). Instead, she tells a very bad lie but somehow Jarryd believes her. And now everybody just tells everybody (most of) who has an immunity idol. They are doing things US Survivors won't do. Everybody's noobish-ness kinda cancels out other's noobish-ness so it's still entertaining.


Michelle....I love her in this latest episode. She does something that reminds me of US Survivor. I like her mad scrambling, half-truth half-lies, anybody but me attitude. I hope she puts a spotlight on some of the prominent players like the preview indicates. I wanna see her upset the status quo.

Edited by hyukx3
  • Love 1

That tribe swap came out of nowhere. I wonder if producers were maybe trying to protect people they thought made better TV. 

Ziggy's story was not believable and only AK questioned it (?!) If I were Ziggy, I would have fessed up about the idol canceling part and kept the personal idol part a secret. That would have been totally believable and made her a very valuable asset for to her alliance to keep around without putting the "I've got an idol" target on her back. 

Ben, bless your heart, you just don't have the chops. 

Also, don't these super fans watch US Survivor?! During the who knocks the others' tiki statue off first reward challenge not ONE person used the tactic of hurling their tiki high into the air while going for the others so that theirs "lands" last and they get the point. That is a classic US move. 

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, TVbitch said:

That tribe swap came out of nowhere. I wonder if producers were maybe trying to protect people they thought made better TV. 

Oh, I don't know.  The US version seems to do tribe swaps at the drop of a buff (sorry) almost every other week. And there's no way for the producers to know who is or isn't going to make good TV, since the seasons are always filmed a good six months to a year in advance of when they're actually aired.  Viewers aren't THAT predictable -- nor are they that faithful!

I'm really curious as to whom the Australian viewers consider the favorites to win.  It seems that nobody can stand Luke, who thinks he's some cross between Boston Rob and Russell Hantz, and they find Jericho equally annoying for being Luke's toady.  I personally don't care for either one, and I'm really not that fond of Henry, either. Tara's growing on me, and I also like Peter (who's been somewhat under-the-radar, which is impressive to me) and Lockie (although I'm not a fan of the body art).  Ziggy is also growing on me.  If she can successfully pull off the lie about the Super Idol and use it to blindside Henry or Luke at some point, she'll have earned a spot in the Final 3, as far as I'm concerned.

Edited by legaleagle53

The current Sportsbet odds (but spoiler warning, these are often quite accurate because info on pre-filmed shows has a way of getting out):



Odette 1.40

Jericho 3.25

Tara 9.00

Ziggy 17.00

Tessa 23.00

Locky 23.00

Luke 23.00

Henry 23.00

Jarrad 26.00

Sarah 26.00

Peter 34.00

Michelle 34.00

Anneliese 34.00


I wish Ben had more airtime; his confessionals were usually intelligent and his exit was classy, owning up to being outplayed. 

Lockie reminds me of last season's Lee: easy on the eyes but smugly entitled. 

Jarrad pointing out that Michelle did more damage in one conversation than Ben could ever do cements him as the smartest player on his tribe [with Anneleise just behind]. On the other tribe, everyone seems to confide in Sarah and she's quietly biding her time: I hope she does a lot of damage. 

  • Love 1
On 9/5/2017 at 5:01 AM, legaleagle53 said:

Oh, I don't know.  The US version seems to do tribe swaps at the drop of a buff (sorry) almost every other week. And there's no way for the producers to know who is or isn't going to make good TV, since the seasons are always filmed a good six months to a year in advance of when they're actually aired.  Viewers aren't THAT predictable -- nor are they that faithful!

I'm really curious as to whom the Australian viewers consider the favorites to win.  It seems that nobody can stand Luke, who thinks he's some cross between Boston Rob and Russell Hantz, and they find Jericho equally annoying for being Luke's toady.  I personally don't care for either one, and I'm really not that fond of Henry, either. Tara's growing on me, and I also like Peter (who's been somewhat under-the-radar, which is impressive to me) and Lockie (although I'm not a fan of the body art).  Ziggy is also growing on me.  If she can successfully pull off the lie about the Super Idol and use it to blindside Henry or Luke at some point, she'll have earned a spot in the Final 3, as far as I'm concerned.


On 9/4/2017 at 11:40 PM, hyukx3 said:

The switch twist introduces the element of luck. I don't wanna see someone go because of show twist luck. I wanna see them outplayed, outwit, outlast. Lockie is very smug. Voting AK out is not a blindside, Tara. I'm surprised AK's former alliance are all on board with Lockie and Henry all of a sudden. Don't they remember when Lockie was in control of an 8 person strong alliance? Did they forget the reason why they vote with AK and usurped Lockie? Didn't they thought Henry was so smooth and a player and should be wary? Now, Henry opens up to Annalise. Ziggy wants to play with Lockie and Henry all of a sudden. Put them four together, then Jarryd and Tess are on the outs.


That being said, I suspect some things are cut and left on the cutting room floor.


It's kinda ironic that AK sacrificed his immunity idol on Jarryd earlier in the season. He did that as a sign of trust because he had no one else but he also knew Jarryd wasn't going home that day anyway. If he saved it, maybe he would still be alive. Ziggy could have told everybody that she failed the special challenge (super idol). Instead, she tells a very bad lie but somehow Jarryd believes her. And now everybody just tells everybody (most of) who has an immunity idol. They are doing things US Survivors won't do. Everybody's noobish-ness kinda cancels out other's noobish-ness so it's still entertaining.


Michelle....I love her in this latest episode. She does something that reminds me of US Survivor. I like her mad scrambling, half-truth half-lies, anybody but me attitude. I hope she puts a spotlight on some of the prominent players like the preview indicates. I wanna see her upset the status quo.

Have you guys listened to Nick from last season's podcast exit interview with AK? Because they really dug into some stuff that was never aired that totally changed my whole viewpoint on some of the things you were talking about, including the fact that when he played his idol for Jarrad it was with perfect forethought and careful reasoning, including the fact that the way the votes had been set up there was actually a chance that votes could go to Jarrad that night.

After hearing however clever, strategic and tight nit his alliance of five was (AK, Tessa, Jarrad, Pete and Ziggy) I lowkey am convinced that production did not like how in control they had become, and orchestrated that switch to break them up and keep things interesting. (I love how they handed out the buffs, rather than had them picked them out of a sack, total room for manipulation there).

As a side note, hilarious how paranoid Lockie is, the moment his name is mentioned he is on a warpath to get out the person who might be wanting to get rid of him, just on one person's word. 

It will definitely be interesting to see how things play out from here, but I'm pretty bummed AK is out, especially hearing what his alliance had planned for the next vote had he not been swapped. It would've been so entertaining to see. 

I don't have time to listen to podcasts. Nice of you to provide some insight. It wouldn't surprise me that Aussie tv would try to influence the show instead of just let the contestants be the show, whether anybody thinks they're making good tv or not. Remember Boston Rob's winning season, his fourth season? The whole season was fucking boring. Every girl listened to what he says. Boring it may be, but they let them be the show.

That was a mess. I was surprised Sarah didn't bolt out of her seat. Isn't Tara still tight with Lucky, she could have bolted too. I guess the three girls can still go after Luke, but I would like to see Luke make the merge. He over-plays it and can be an ass, but usually his assessment of things is pretty spot on (though I don't think he saw Tara defecting), and he's the one I can see shaking things up post-merge.  

It's impossible to keep things quiet. Tara and Odette were still unsure. Jericho only just come to realization about Sarah's plan when she whispered back to him. If you wanna survive, you just gotta make your pitch right there and then, ala US Suvivor style that we have seen so much of recently. Luka was being reserved and Sarah was more vocal but in the end, didn't make a pitch.

I'm a bit sick of these twists. 3 twists before the merge. Since when does the host can make up new rules like mutiny or was he following orders from an earpiece? Half of me is ok with it since it's something new to observe but the other half of me, the survivor purist, is detesting that the show is rendering the contestant's social play meaningless.

Also, Probst would never say out loud that you're doing the puzzle wrong. I really don't like Jonathan's style. Sometimes, you can see the contestants being cagey in TC, but Jonathan's questions are so direct. He's trying to force the narrative out of them. Just like the twists, it's like they are trying to make TV by force. Just let the contestants make the TV.

Luke's tribe is in trouble. I think Tara is more loyal to Lockie. Pete just rejoined his alliance. Odette was with Ken, so by proxy maybe to Henry as well? I'm not sure. I think she's more of a free agent now. And Sarah is trying to dip her fingers in lots of different pies. If we are merging right now, I can see Luke and Jericho being on an island all alone against all the rest. Luke needs to work with Sarah at this point in my opinion but the preview hints that it's won't be the case.

I have been converted ever since Spencer's second season where after every tribal, today's enemy can be tomorrow's friend. Let bygones be bygones. You need to see the bigger picture. Luke would benefit working with Sarah than with Tara. 

Edited by hyukx3
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9 hours ago, hyukx3 said:

Also, Probst would never say out loud that you're doing the puzzle wrong. I really don't like Jonathan's style. Sometimes, you can see the contestants being cagey in TC, but Jonathan's questions are so direct. He's trying to force the narrative out of them. Just like the twists, it's like they are trying to make TV by force. Just let the contestants make the TV.

Sadly, that IS Probst's style and has been for several years now. I had hoped that Jonathan would be better than that.

Edited by legaleagle53
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