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Australian Survivor - General Discussion

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I just finished the season last night!  This is my first time watching the AU version and I thought it was amazing, even though I didn't know any of the players.  As I know others have said, it felt like the good ol', old school Survivor that we don't have in the US anymore.

Jordie was my favorite player, he just seemed like the sweetest guy, and I was so sorry to see him go pre-merge.  After that, I went back and forth from episode to episode on who I liked and who I was rooting against, and I think that's the mark of a great season.  Clearly, George was absolutely brilliant from start to finish, even if he didn't win.  It amazed me how in tune he was with pretty much every single move that was made, and was always thinking five steps ahead.  It definitely felt like he was playing chess against a bunch of bad checker players.  Easily one of the most impressive strategists I've ever seen play the game.

Poor Gerry was so frustrating sometimes - never catching on to the fact that he was just a goat. (It cracked me up how angry it made him and Matt when Simon rightly called them pawns.  Truth hurts lol) And since he just seemed like the affable old guy, it surprised me how annoyed Sam and Shaun seemed at the final tribal about him not trying to get to know them on a personal level.

Obviously George was the best player by a country mile, but I was really happy for Liz.  As she said herself in her speech, she was a new player who was able to win physical challenges (the way you could literally see her willing herself to win that final immunity challenge was amazing) and also keep her emotions in check after Shonee's blindside and George's ongoing manipulations. Those things made her a very worthy winner in my eyes.

So now that I'm hooked on the AU version, if anyone knows a free way to watch all the other seasons here in the States, I would be ever so grateful for a DM lol.  (I was able to watch the first 14 episodes for free on YT, then the channel was removed and I paid like $13 for month's subscription to a VPN so I could finish it.  But it was so unreliable and frustrating to use, I just ditched it.)

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just rewatched the first couple episode see if there was any hint of how it would unfold, was surprised that Liz had more presence than i remembered, mainly as Shonee's BFE, but one thing i didn't see, and curious if that ever came later, "What made her a villain?" 


Being on Olympic athlete?  being an immigrant? Being Russian ? 


I know the newbie "villains" were based on stereotypes "real estate agent" "new anchor" or minor events "miss Australia supposedly pushing miss Greece", but i don't even know what part of Liz was supposed to be Villainous.  


Had they stated she was cast as a Villain for having a b%^&$ pout at least that would have explained the casting, but that was Shonee's comment not the producers. 

Edited by Meander
5 hours ago, jsm1125 said:

Is anyone watching this season? I think it’s excellent, and am happy to see that the alpha athletes aren’t as safe in the beginning as they usually are. 

I’m watching! I agree it’s a good season. Didn’t care for that twist sending Kelli to the Titans, but I thought it was hilarious that she chose to sit out of the immunity challenge when she was supposed to be sabotaging it.

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I would not last 2 hours in a room with Kelli, but I am glad she is still around cuz she is entertaining. The Titans were probably petrified that they would have to keep her!

I was so happy this new season was all new players, as I was getting burned out on the returning players. There are lot's of people I can root for and some (There's a Scott?) that I feel we don't even know yet. 

This is a much better show the US version has been in forever. They haven't gone off the rails with advantages and they change up the challenges more.

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Oh, man! The diplomat got diplomated (😆), twice! First when no one followed his first attempt at getting rid of Caroline and his was the only vote cast her way and now. They didn't show anything in the edits, but Caroline seems smart enough to know that once your name is read at Tribal, something is afoot.

Mark should have realised she would be suspicious after that previous vote didn't go exactly as planned. That's the problem with diplomats, politicians and lawyers (all useful occupations, in the real world) in shows like these: trying to keep all the options open and playing to several factions at the same time never works out. Other contestants are twitchy and a lot more unpredictable than what they are used to.

Pity because I don't like Caroline much. And she didn't do much to endear herself to me when she got that smug look on her face when the votes were being read. I instantly dislike people who do that. It feels like gloating, and I don't like it.

Meanwhile, Alex is turning into unintended comedic relief by always picking the wrong side of the vote. LOL! Players like him, who are initially secure in what they think is a strong majority alliance and then get blindsided tend to be very erratic after that. They overcompensate and scramble to try to play some big move and get in with whoever they think has power. Going to the majority alliance right after his former teammates had spoken to them and badmouthing them is not a good look.

The women presented a good case: we know you have the power, we know you might want to use it to pick us off, one by one, but we want you to know that we can be numbers if you want to make a move and come merge, we have this alliance we can plug you into.

That's a lot smarter and much more eloquent than: those girls are so stoooopid they are not even looking for an idol because I told them it wouldn't be any good, let me know which one of those you are voting for and I'll pile it right on (makes him look like a snake who would throw his teammates under the bus to save his ass, plus it doesn't provide any incentive for future situations, i.e. merge)

I am not actively rooting for anyone just yet. Maybe one of the people who have been more in the background? The ones who take center stage this early are usually too aggressive, or too full of themselves (we are controlling the vote) to last long. I specially dislike the ones who think they are smarter than everyone else and are extremely sure they have this thing completely figured out.

We'll see how it evolves.

Glad to have this show back as I also think it's better than the current American version

Edited by WearyTraveler
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While I’m happy Feras stayed over Garrick, I can’t blame those two for turning on Kirby. She hasn’t been on their side for several votes now, and she has little to no incentive to work with them.  

Kirby’s social prowess must be something else out there. 

Aileen and Eden are proving to be one of the least messy players with the best reads. 

Edited by jsm1125
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Couldn't understand why Caroline and Eden were so hell bent on "bringing Mark back into the fold". He clearly was out to get Caroline and was flagrant in showing he was tighter with the V's than either of them. 

Last week almost all the counter-blind side shennanigans worked, this week they all failed. I thought it was maybe a bit too early for a tribe swap, but good season so far.   

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17 hours ago, TVbitch said:

Couldn't understand why Caroline and Eden were so hell bent on "bringing Mark back into the fold". He clearly was out to get Caroline and was flagrant in showing he was tighter with the V's than either of them. 

Last week almost all the counter-blind side shennanigans worked, this week they all failed. I thought it was maybe a bit too early for a tribe swap, but good season so far.   

I don’t think Caroline player particularly well in episode 8, but I get what she was thinking with Mark. Where else was he going to go, plus how pissed should he be when Viola was the one who wanted to strike at Caroline first?

Raymond seems to have a decent presence at camp but has only received 1 confessional so far in 9 episodes? Why??

Edited by jsm1125
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5 hours ago, Michichick said:

Ugh, the twist in episode 10 suuuuucked. I hate it when the bulk of the tribe has their votes taken away.

Feras and Aileen did vote in a smart way, but I hate that they were in a position to control that vote. And Aileen got messy. She’s thoroughly blown her chances with the old Titans.

All of this. I can’t stand twists that remove people’s right to vote. I guess that explains why Charles got such little airtime this season: having someone with a decent presence get voted out this way might have annoyed the audience. 

What was with Raymond’s confessional about Aileen not having much going on in life? I’m so confused. 

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Oh Kelli, clueless till the end. How is this woman a psychologist? Would she actually let clients get a word in edgewise? 😁 I'm kind of bummed that not all the votes were read and she didn't realize that her beloved Raymond voted for her. 

I was kind of hoping Charles was going to emerge as a force, and I agree that the lame twist was a crappy way to go out. 


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23 minutes ago, TVbitch said:

How is this woman a psychologist?

It's a complete mystery to me.

24 minutes ago, TVbitch said:

she didn't realize that her beloved Raymond voted for her. 

But if not all the votes are read you know that all the rest were for the person voted out, if other they would have been read out first so she should know.  But then it's Kelli so maybe not.

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4 hours ago, Michichick said:

Now Alex and Rihanna will never trust Kitty and Caroline again, after getting misdirected on that vote. At a minimum, I think they should have told Ri that the vote was changing to Winna.

That’s a tricky one to navigate. It was super likely that Ri would have told Kirby if Kitty and Caroline had let her in on the plan.

Val is starting to annoy me. Has she forgotten that Viola tried to take the first shot at Caroline at the Nathan vote? Viola confirmed in exit interviews that it wasn’t just a decoy name for Nathan. And I can’t stand the “xyz doesn’t deserve to be here” mentality.

Kelli still being the only person Alex has voted for correctly makes me snicker. 

I think Aileen and Kitty (surprisingly enough) are the only players remaining who still haven’t been voted against. 

I’m so impressed that Caroline and Kitty pulled off that move. Kitty isn’t getting a ton of airtime, but I think she’s been better socially than Caroline. 

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Go, Jaden! For a moment there, I thought Valeria might have been the one to flip, but it was Jaden all along.

Quite a good move that he can claim all to himself later on, if he makes it further. He didn't discuss or plot with anyone beforehand and just took power when he saw a chance. I like that.

The paranoia next week is going to be epic. 

Edited by WearyTraveler
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It would have been absolutely epic if Raymond had voted out Feris or Kirby. That would have made him a legend. I wonder why he didn't go for it. Doesn't he see that they will get rid of him whenever it suits them. Especially now that he is making moves. I don't get why he was so keen on Val as some huge threat when he had the opportunity for a mike drop moment taking out one of the top dogs. 

I don't have way to watch Jury Villa. 😞

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This is a weird final 5. All big players making it to the end makes for good tv but bad strategy if you want the win. Since when has Survivor become a noble game about wanting to win against the best, this isn’t the Olympics. They all took out the 2nd and 3rd players in the alliances. The only one I’d consider as having taken out a threat (although at that point 70% of them were threats so he could have picked almost anyone) is Ray and he made just the one move thanks to a lucky jar of popcorn although he did get Feras to switch from voting out Mark to voting out Ri. And another bad play on the HII by Caro. There has not been a single HII that has been played successfully all season and Feras has the only one left that everyone knows he has with only 1 TC left to use it. Anyway, another amazing season by this cast and can’t wait to see who wins. Wish the end game with such few players and limited strategy could have been condensed to 1 episode like we do in US so it’s not dragged out. 

Edited by dizzyd
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22 hours ago, WearyTraveler said:

I will say this, Alex has been, bar none, the most entertaining thing to watch, for the hilarity of if all his actions being wrong 99% if the time 🤣

Yup, starting all the way on day 1 with a blatant cuddle crew that put a clear target on them and then intentionally throwing the challenge only to lose his cuddle buddy and the rest of them soon after. His pitch to Kirbs at the spa was so pathetic it was laughable and his last ditch effort at TC was popcorn worthy, JLP just had to sit back and watch.

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😢 but it was the right move, no one could take Kirbs to the end and win. Looks like Feras will be next unless he wins the IC 😔 Mark was my favorite in the beginning before others started making big moves and he kept getting on the wrong side of votes but he’s managed to dig himself out of holes. They all played well in different ways so I’ll be happy with whoever wins. Very satisfying season, sad it’s almost over. 

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3 hours ago, jsm1125 said:

I like Mark, and think he’ll likely win this season, but I don’t see how he’s played better than Caroline.

Mark was instrumental in forming the middle age mafia and in eliminating Frankie, Jessica and Nathan who were all against him pre-merge and Aileen, Jaden and RiRi post merge to weaken Feras and Kirbs. Caro and Kit were going with his decision till they felt he was getting close to the 2 Vs and that’s when he lost them. He tried but failed to get Caro, Ray and Kirbs out before but still managed to not be a casualty in their revenge but succeeded in getting out Kitty to weaken Caro and eventually they all got together and succeeded in taking down Kirby. I also admired the way he used calm and patience to guide his team in winning the tug of war challenge and he was literally a very fast fish that led his tribe to win any challenge involving water. He has won only 1 individual immunity so far which was another challenge involving calmness, patience and strategy but with Kirby and RiRi out, he could win the next.  I should speak for him if he’s at FTC lol, but being a successful high profile diplomat, I’m sure he’ll handle it just fine. That being said, they all have deserving resumes and I could probably speak for all of them which is why I will not be disappointed in how this ends. I love this cast more than Heroes v Villains and that was a very high bar. I love how logical in accepting defeat they are in the jury villas and I can see all of them being good friends after the game. 

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