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A Place To Call Home - General Discussion

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They must have filmed the last episode before the renewal was known.  Wonder what they will come up with next.  Perhaps....

Anna really isn't sterile and is pregnant with Henry's child.... Sarah decides to stay in Israel and that is just one step too far for George.

Olivia and Matt are too happy.  Some sort of problem has to crop up.  James visa expires and he has to come home.  Carolyn and Jack decide to move to Melbourne.

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7 hours ago, USAFAN said:

They must have filmed the last episode before the renewal was known.  Wonder what they will come up with next.  Perhaps....

Anna really isn't sterile and is pregnant with Henry's child.... Sarah decides to stay in Israel and that is just one step too far for George.

Olivia and Matt are too happy.  Some sort of problem has to crop up.  James visa expires and he has to come home.  Carolyn and Jack decide to move to Melbourne.

I thought they might do a surprise pregnancy thing after Gino left, and that part of the past season would be about finding Gino to let him know he had a child, but obviously not.

From what I understand, shows in Australia generally don't get renewed until fairly late in the season when all the episodes have already been filmed  

I have just binge watched season 5, and those last couple of minutes did seem like a possible series wrap up, or at least wrapping up the 1958-59 storyline. There’s plenty to work with, and the door is open for James and William to be more visible in season 6, to see how the Larry/Leah and the Olivia/Matthew relationships develop, and of course George-Sarah-David, Georgie-Olivia-Matthew-James-William, develop. So there’s a lot for a season 6 to work with, and time for new villains.

i have to admit that I thought the filming schedule could have allowed more David Berry this time around, I wasn’t expecting so little.

APTCH gets high marks for the authenticity of its sets, clothes, etc.  But I just realized I've never seen a male character with a crew cut.

In the 1950's in the US lots of guys had crewcuts... I guess a leftover trend from military service.  Were crew cuts any part of the scene in Australia in the '50s?   Did Australian military shave heads like the US did?   Actually, I think the US Marines were the worst...all marines ended up looking like Prince William.

1 hour ago, USAFAN said:


APTCH gets high marks for the authenticity of its sets, clothes, etc.  But I just realized I've never seen a male character with a crew cut.


As best as I can recall none of the characters have been active duty military in any season. So that would be the obvious explanation.

schnauzer... yes I know that.   But where I grew up in Pennsylvania  lots of young men who'd never yet done service had crew cuts.

And I vaguely recall lots of men in movies of the time  with such haircuts.  I must say, I really prefer the luxurious locks gentleman

display these days  (as long as they last -:)  Tho , one of my classmates looked terrific with his crew cut.  It all depended on the shape of the head.

I would assume that the Australian producers would have provided that answer if a character had been. Not having lived in the Australia of the 1950s, I would have no direct knowledge. I think the predominant hair style for men in that period was very short but not buzz cut, even in the U.S., which I am old enough to remember. Even police officers didn’t often have buzz cuts in that time, at least in the large metro area I grew up in....that became more common during and after the Vietnam conflict, possibly as a reaction to the counterculture’s affinity towards longer hair. 

I tried to google a search on this and didn’t really come up with anything.

the schnauzers.... Without thinking I was assuming you were Australian !  ... a participant on another forum who uses the name Schnauzer is Australian -:)  Anyhow, Wikipedia pretty much sums up my questions. (Looking back on my buzzcut classmates in the '50s most of them were athletes..but I remember a lot of adult males too.  Probably ex-jocks.)  The Wikipedia info would explain why the  APTCH writers didn't need to include any military service for the younger men.


National Service in the 1950s[edit]

In 1951, during the Korean War, national service was introduced under the National Service Act (1951). All Australian males aged 18 had to register for 176 days training (ninety-nine days full-time) and two years in the CMF. Later the obligation was 140 days of training (seventy-seven days full-time) and three years of service in the CMF. The regular military forces were kept as voluntary. In 1957 the system was changed to emphasise skill rather than numbers. The system was ended in 1959.[23]

23 hours ago, Badger said:

Series 6 will be the final series for "A Place to Call Home."

It will start airing in August and will run for 10 episodes.

David Berry posted today on his Instagram account that he and James will return for the final chapter. IIIRC, there’s only one segment in the story arc of Outlander in the novel The Drums of Autumn that Lord John would likely appear, so there shouldn’t  be much of an availablity issue between David’s two shows.

I'm putting this in spoilers in case people haven't seen Series 5 yet



According to Bevan Lee, they didn't think they'd have David Berry at all for Series 5, but he had a few days off from "Outlander" and that's when they did his scenes.   Bevan said his availability for Series 6 is still limited, but more than what we got in the last series.  He said we will see more about James' choices about his life. 


  I think the consideration of George's conversion to Judaism was kind of forced.  Many children are raised in 2 religion homes.  However, I liked Anna's speech about why she is the way she is... pretty cool.  Also leaves room open for another season...that and Sir Richard, the snake!  The costumes are so great!

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I was prepared to hate this season going into it from what I'd read, but it really wasn't that bad. The only season I haven't liked thus far was season 3, which was incredibly dull start to finish. I'm a little disappointed they didn't bring back Andrew Swanson to be Olivia's love interest.

It does feel like there are very few threads left to tie up at this point. I'm guessing the last season will really be about George converting (and the difficulties with that), Carolyn and Jack coming closer together after so much drama, and Anna finally finding some kind of resolution. I just hope they don't bring Gino back as Anna's "happily ever after," because he was a huge dick by the time he left and I was glad the character was written out. I almost feel like that's the direction they're going though. Giving Anna a darker edge and blaming it on the decadence and secrets of Ash Park almost reads like they're trying to validate what Gino accused her of back when the character left her.

I wouldn't be surprised if Elizabeth died in the last episode.

On 8/31/2018 at 6:31 PM, USAFAN said:

I've just seen the first two episodes.  Goodness me.... how are they going to resolve everything in just 8 more episodes !?

Maybe they aren't?   Time Jump? Who knows.  Another season of sadness, though.   And while I genuinely disliked the vast, vast majority of 5 and have pretty much decided to tap out of Call the Midwife for gratuitous tragedy, this season hasn't bothered me all that much.  I mean I think they are piling it on pretty thick. And god knows I'm glad Bevan Lee and the writing staff don't think I'm a salt of the earth person because those people get hosed, I'm rather enjoying this season.   No seriously, in episode 2 Elizabeth declares Dawn, Roy and Douglas salt of the earth people.   Roy with his now two dead wives and three dead children and Dawn and Douglas who are dead... and presumably have a dead spouse and child too... come to think of it.  

Who else is salt of the earth just so I can prepare for them to get first class tickets on the tragedy train?   

In the pre season press Jack and Caro are the ones whose interviews didn't give me a particularly hopeful vibe. Watching episode two though it is hard for me to think the show wants me to invest in the woman who strolls in and insults a dead man's curtains over a man who trusts Caro to wander off and not wander.  But then Jack is salt of the earth so maybe I should be preparing myself for when he inevitably gets kicked in his previously crushed balls.  

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Bevan Lee has said viewers will be happy by the end of the series.  Well as bybrandy says ...the salt of the earth people are really getting hosed. Don't know how anything about Roy's life could ever make me feel happy.

But I predicted above that Anna would be pregnant with Henry's child... and that James would come back. (Well, that was a no brainer.)  And that Olivia's happiness would be threatened and that Jack and Carolyn would move.  Maybe not Jack but it looks like Carolyn is on the move somewhere.

And I do hope that awful woman brought into the story by James disappears quickly.  Regina had her loveable moments, but this one is pure ugliness.

Oh well..it should be diverting enough to get us through the next few weeks of what will probably be truly rotten weather. (Here in NYC)

On 9/6/2018 at 12:25 PM, USAFAN said:

Don't know how anything about Roy's life could ever make me feel happy.

Frankie J Holden gave an interview that he was quite happy with where things ended for Roy after a rough start but like you I have a really hard time seeing the upside to two dead wives and 3 dead children.   I guess maybe he and Emma come to terms?   

I just finished watching episode 3.  Didn't see many happy prospects for anyone. Sigh.

One thing I don't understand.  When Elizabeth asked George why he hadn't converted he said... they rejected me.  Because I was converting for love, not for love of God.  (or something like that).   I understood at the beginning of the series that Sarah had converted out of love for her first husband.  ???

Anyhow, Sarah is still annoying me.  Hope I can make it thru to the end.

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1 hour ago, USAFAN said:

Anyhow, Sarah is still annoying me.  Hope I can make it thru to the end.

I feel that way too and I've only gotten through the first three series so far. For me, only times the character is useful is when she is allowed to get feisty and put someone in his or her place. Far too saintly otherwise, and is there anything she can't do? I'm up to the episode where she is filling in for the school teacher now for heaven's sake.  

I mostly watch for the costumes. I love the clothes on this show! 

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It's good to know I'm not alone.  I am so tired of Marta Dusseldorp being heralded as the Meryl Streep of Australia.

To me she is just one big monotone... voice, acting, expression etc.  As someone once said... I don't see why George is so gaga about her.

On the other hand she drives all those gorgeous cars well.

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20 hours ago, ichbin said:

Far too saintly otherwise, and is there anything she can't do? I'm up to the episode where she is filling in for the school teacher now for heaven's sake.  

Legit there is a moment in season 5 that will make your head explode. :)  So happy to find other people who are like ,"meh" about Marta Dusseldorp.  I'm Meh about Brett Climo /George as well.  Seriously if George and Sarah I wouldn't notice.   

  • Love 1
22 hours ago, USAFAN said:

One thing I don't understand.  When Elizabeth asked George why he hadn't converted he said... they rejected me.  Because I was converting for love, not for love of God.  (or something like that).   I understood at the beginning of the series that Sarah had converted out of love for her first husband.  ???

You are absolutely 100% allowed to convert if you are getting married if you also really want to convert.  It is a complicated and long process and they really do care if you mean it.  Sarah clearly found something in her adopted faith.  It is clearly important to her and given what she sacrificed for it I'm certainly glad she kept her faith. George on the other hand was going to convert to make things easier for his family not because the faith was something that was important to him personally in addition to his desire to marry a jewish woman thus he wasn't allowed to convert.  There is some criticism in another board i frequent about Sarah being "so jewish" and it not making any sense because she's a convert.  And a lack of understanding why the term "so Jewish" might be offensive to some people.  But often the converted are the most devout as it is a faith they chose as an adult after a lot of consideration.   I like both that Sarah is connected to her adopted faith and that George isn't.  They are different people.  They have different experiences.  They come from different places.   Both are valid.  


The thing that I realized today is I'm on record here I think of saying I don't like season 5 because it is so, so, so, so soul crushingly miserable.  Every character is miserable pretty much the entire time... except... you know... Roy in that one scene where he accepts about the baby.   And there is also a nice scene where Roy talks to Jack at the very end of season 5 and says there is nobody else who will be delivering Jack's baby (he still has faith in Jack despite his lack of functioning testicles) and both those things are seriously marred now.  Like six light moments in series 5 an now....     

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This is more of a speculation than a spoiler, but since not everyone has access to Season 6 yet, 


I think Matt's son is biracial.  That's really the only storyline Bevan Lee has never done in terms of relationships.  I also don't think he was ever married to the boy's mother.  Even if I'm wrong about the biracial angle, I'm pretty positive about the not being married part.  

My other speculation is that I think Henry has a lot more in common with Harry besides their sexuality.  I think Henry is actually from a working class background.  I also think that he got through university and medical school by being someone's "bit of rough."  IOW, he was in a relationship with someone who was of a higher class than him, and this man paid for his schooling. 


Badger....Hmmm.... my predictions were pretty much right.  I think yours would be a lot more interesting!  but could they cover all that ground in only five more episodes?

4 hours ago, bybrandy said:

But often the converted are the most devout as it is a faith they chose as an adult after a lot of consideration.  

Yes, I know a woman like that.  Her mother-in-law (my neighbor) a secular Jew felt a little bit guilty that she had lapsed from tradition.  But I noticed it didn't change her habits -:) I live in NYC and have many Jewish friends, neighbors, co-workers etc.  Being raised  in the Judeo-Christian  I wouldn't find being an observant "Jew" very difficult.  But when hearing the family histories of my Jewish friends it puts quite a different light on the matter. I would be very careful of intruding on their legacies.  I guess, what I'm trying to say is that I could (and do)embrace the religious tenants... but there is no way I could be Jewish.

I think both those predictions could be a lot of fun Badger but I don't think in the 6 episodes remaining we're going to have time to explore either.  We've got 5 episodes left so I don't see them going into any deliciously fun backstory for Henry, and I doubt the bit of rough thing if only because he moved so freely within the posh set in the city, far freer than James felt in that same scenario and he's hella posh.  I'd find it more plausible if his parents abandoned him when they found out making him need to go to other outlets to finish school.  But his reaction to Henry is too raw.  He's not working class.   I've always assumed his family was middle class with aspirations.   But I don't think we'll get to learn too much.  I think we still have to deal with his hand, he has to move on from James, the marriage question has to be settled as well as the how this will work.  James abandoned Georgie (something he didn't seem to be signing up for in season 5...) but I don't think Henry abandons Anna's kid so there are logistics there.  And I hope, hope hope Anna doesn't marry him so there are more logistics there.  I just don't think we have time to do a deep dive into Henry's past.   


As for Matt I suppose the kid could be biracial.  Bevan absolutely hasn't done that.  If he was half aboriginal though the government would totally favor him over the mother.  If he was born someplace else though it would explain why he can't find the kid.    I doubt we'll meet the kid (again time).  Does Olivia even know yet?  If she doesn't I hope she's pissed off because he was so, so, so, so not okay with all the secrets and secret kid is a HUGE secret.  I know you're speccing that they aren't married and maybe they aren't but it could be that not only were they married they still very much are because if she took the kid as an act of desperation and she probably did because he's SO, so, so, so controlling then she's not sticking around waiting for the paperwork.   I think Olivia is questioning the relationship.  I think she realizes she's pregnant and goes ahead and marries him but then realizes she's made a terrible, terrible mistake and she and Anna run off to hollywood to pretend to be widowed or divorced or whatever together.   But then I don't think Henry abandons that kid so does he also go to California?   I don't think either Henry or Harry end up with James.  


I think we learn Jack has been sexually abused during the war which is why he has such a hard time letting go of his homophobia and his trauma.  I think he has to deal with that before he can move on.  I think Caro goes full on party girl and then has to pull back and go WOAH I'm a grandmother.  I can be badass and have a job and help people without acting partying all night every night.  Literally I'm not sure that poor George gets a storyline this season.   But episode 4 has the first real scene he's had with Anna since  he told her that her knowing about her adoption wouldn't change anything.  And it looks like another nice scene between them will come up in episode 5.   We don't know if George ever came around on Georgie so I guess there could be some interest in his reaction to that predicament but seriously 3/4 episodes in and George is every bit the boring man I think he is... but usually he's a boring man who has a purpose.   

On 9/12/2018 at 12:48 AM, Badger said:

FWIW, regarding Matt, I think his son's mother is someone he met overseas during the war and brought back to Australia, maybe someone from the South Pacific or an Asian woman.

ITA I don't see Henry and Anna getting married.  I do think he will be acknowledged as the father though.  

I'm all for Matt's baby mama to be somebody he met in the South Pacific.   

I agree about Henry being acknowledged.  He was so critical of James leaving Georgie that I can't see him agreeing to stay out of his child's life.   I think Henry and Anna will forge a very modern family indeed but hopefully without the wedding bells.  Nobody needs that in their life.  And too many of Anna's family have been down that road to think it is a good idea even for the sake of propriety.  

19 hours ago, USAFAN said:

Poor George...how can anybody react to a saint.?

LOL.   It is funny because it is true.   The few times they've argued he's been the one who has to be wrong because Sarah has to always be right 1000% of the time.  Good on George for being so beat down by the strong women in his life that he can handle that.  

On 9/11/2018 at 2:03 PM, bybrandy said:

Seriously if George and Sarah I wouldn't notice.  

I'm a few episodes into series 5 and while the character of George doesn't bother me I do find myself thinking how nice it would have been if Sarah had been allowed to bugger off to Paris with her Mon Amour for good and been written out of the show in series 2.  The character grows more insufferable and ridiculously written as the series progresses.  I'm still wondering how the audience is expected to believe, considering how  Sarah is portrayed to be so devout to her Jewish faith,  that David's religious upbringing only becomes an issue when he is five years old. His nightly Anglican prayers and Sunday services were fine until then?!?!  

My uncle was actually brought up both Jewish and Catholic.  As an adult he went to the synagogue on Jewish holidays and the church on Catholic holidays.  He never picked one or the other.  Probably hedging his bets.

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My other take on Matt's baby mama is that she was someone he met when he got back from the war.  She left because he showed no indication of getting a job and/or marrying her.  I wonder if Douglas knew he had a grandson.  

I don't think George is meant to be a strong masculine character. He's meant to play off of Elizabeth and Sara.

2 hours ago, Badger said:

don't think George is meant to be a strong masculine character. He's meant to play off of Elizabeth and Sara.

I read an interview with Brett Climo and he said just that.  He said Bevan Lee had told him at the outset that he would be no hero... that this was the story of two women.  Too bad.. I'm a big Brett fan.  Love his smile, his dimples, his eyes.... they even make his ears disappear -:) -:)

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7 hours ago, ichbin said:

I'm a few episodes into series 5 and while the character of George doesn't bother me I do find myself thinking how nice it would have been if Sarah had been allowed to bugger off to Paris with her Mon Amour for good and been written out of the show in series 2.  The character grows more insufferable and ridiculously written as the series progresses.  I'm still wondering how the audience is expected to believe, considering how  Sarah is portrayed to be so devout to her Jewish faith,  that David's religious upbringing only becomes an issue when he is five years old. His nightly Anglican prayers and Sunday services were fine until then?!?!  

My uncle was actually brought up both Jewish and Catholic.  As an adult he went to the synagogue on Jewish holidays and the church on Catholic holidays.  He never picked one or the other.  Probably hedging his bets.

In my family, one of my maternal uncles married a Catholic, my male cousins were raised Jewish, my female cousin was raised Catholic. One on my brothers married a Protestant, and from what I understood, they were married in the bride’s home by a reform rabbi from out of town. Have no clue for sure, but I think they semi-observed both faiths, as they lived in a town too small for a synagogue.

so the possibilities of how that “conflict” is handled really is case by case. There are no hard and fast rules.q

Ok, I've watched this on Acorn since they started streaming it and, for the most part, I've enjoyed it.  I have found, however, that with each season I like Sarah less and less.  It's not any one thing, it's just that she continually inserts herself in other people's business and is exceedingly convinced that her opinion is the definitive one.  Personally, I think she and George deserve each other.  My biggest problem with George is the actor himself.  I despised his character in All Saints, in which he played a creepy doctor that I never could warm to.  

I've only seen the first two episodes of season six.  Ok, so far, but why on earth did the writers turn James into a pretentious twit?  

Glad this is the final season as I can't think of a lot more they can do to torture these people.

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More speculation on how the Georgie situation is going to play out:


I think it will play out much like when Rose tried to steal Georgie.  Olivia and Rose bonded because they each had had a stillborn baby.  

I think Olivia and Georgie's "real" mother will bond because they each have made the heartbreaking decision to give him up because they believe it's the right thing to do.  Of course, one did it when he was born, the other after having been his mother for over 5 years.

My take is that when Georgie's biological mother fell pregnant, her mother arranged the "adoption."  After she came to understand it was the best decision, the girl only wanted a chance to hold him and give him something so that he had something from the mother who gave birth to him.  Unfortunately for her, he was taken away and she never even got a chance to look at him. She's kept the gift she got for him ever since.

When we see Olivia saying they're going on "an adventure", I think she just wants to spend some final hours with her son before she gives him up and she wants him to have happy memories of their last day together.

I think when they finally meet, it will turn out that all Georgie's "real" mom wanted was to see him, hold him and give him the teddy she planned to give him when he was born.



1 minute ago, ichbin said:

Were you referring to when she turns into Miss Marple?

No, Although I did roll my eyes so, so, so, so much at that too.   I was referring to when she just happens to go to Canberra with George one time and happens to go to the one party where there just happens to be a delegation visiting from America that just happens to have in attendance a Nazi war criminal she's had personal experience with.   

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