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Alaskan Bush People - General Discussion

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RailingKill did a great job on that one! Two things that bothered me about the episode (aside from the Explosion thing.) was the butter eating contest and why they were very insistent on him being alone when the explosion happened.

I was thinking about the suggestions about the Brown clowns and shark week. Wouldn't that be animal cruelty?

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Bear racing a shark and then getting gobbled up by said shark?  Hmm...how to describe that.. 

Now what is that word I am looking for!?  Hmm...   Oh yeah, it would be so ........EXTREME!  

Knowing Disco, it would just be a CGI shark anyway.  That seems to be the way they roll.  Which does give me an idea.  Since poor Ami is sick and that is I'm sure is the reason why Discovery is basically doing clip shows and all.  Why not just have the entire Browntown clan be CGI rendered?  They are all basically just fake characters in a fake homestead anyway.  So just CGI render everybody and the awesomeness of the Browntown cult can continue their extreme ways!   ;)

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On ‎21‎.‎07‎.‎2017 at 8:15 PM, SRTouch said:

Ah well, continuity has never been much of a concern with the editors. Remember how the gang all loaded into the RV for a week long road trip in the midst of Billy's treatment for seizures. Never mind the ridiculous notion of the dude being treated for seizures driving the big-a$$ RV down the freeway. The way they bounced back and forth across California, from the 101 to I5 over into the Mojave, stopping for a day to abuse heavy equipment here, a canned hog hunt there, silly tourist desert sidetrip, all to spend a day at a San Diego beach had me wondering if they had a flux capacitor in the RV. 

Brilliant! The explanation for all the timeline inconsistencies is divulged!

Is it possible...Noah??

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Why did disco even bother with this season?  Contract or not, circumstances changed and  it probably would have been better just to shelf the show for a while. We really don't need to see more of Bear being extreme Bear. For some reason he seems to have more extreme airtime and it's extremely hard to watch. His ridiculousness is wearing extremely thin. Either he is an extremely great actor and is fooling us all with his extremely disturbing immaturity, or he's actual that brain-broken and he'll be stealing from the disability system when his money runs out.

We don't need to see Ami crying and ill.  There is nothing beneficial for anyone in her scenes.  We don't need to see Billy sitting with her and complaining about not being able to live in the bush anymore (or pretending to live in the bush).  He doesn't seem to have a clue how to act in his scenes with Ami and it's hard to watch. Supposedly this woman is his life and he acts like she's ruining everything.

The girls are boring with their feeding birds, seaweed facials and pretending to pack up brownytown. Who knows what Noalot is doing and where he really is. He's in CA ...no wait he is with Matt. The only one I believe is Bam because he seems to not give a crap about the show and when he speaks its not all cutesy and unreal.  And Gabe, poor Gabe. He wants out so bad. 

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 While I have the same amount of contempt for the lies and bad play acting and seriously stupid plotlines of this mess, I'm wondering if the main reason behind the current season is simple; Mom is dying and no one wants to deal with this idiotic show and it's filming while going through the suffering of a loved one. To this end they're doing the absolute minimum and have allowed Bear to take the brunt of the filming chores. The others seem to be making the least possible effort to fulfill their contracts, even with the 'lost footage' fillins taking up 90% or whatever of air time...perhaps (I have no inside knowledge) under threat of lawsuit and return of possible already cashed advance checks. The path of least resistance, as it were.

It's the only thing which seems to make any real sense.

  • Love 5
21 hours ago, Dennie said:

We don't need to see Billy sitting with her and complaining about not being able to live in the bush anymore (or pretending to live in the bush).  He doesn't seem to have a clue how to act in his scenes with Ami and it's hard to watch. Supposedly this woman is his life and he acts like she's ruining everything.

To be fair, for most of each season Billy has been sitting down staring at Ami, while he has everyone else doing the work.  I agree that a few of his comments about not being able to be in the bush seemed a little insensitive, under the circumstances.

  • Love 4
12 hours ago, Beden said:

 While I have the same amount of contempt for the lies and bad play acting and seriously stupid plotlines of this mess, I'm wondering if the main reason behind the current season is simple; Mom is dying and no one wants to deal with this idiotic show and it's filming while going through the suffering of a loved one. To this end they're doing the absolute minimum and have allowed Bear to take the brunt of the filming chores. The others seem to be making the least possible effort to fulfill their contracts, even with the 'lost footage' fillins taking up 90% or whatever of air time...perhaps (I have no inside knowledge) under threat of lawsuit and return of possible already cashed advance checks. The path of least resistance, as it were.

It's the only thing which seems to make any real sense.

I think you're giving them far more credit than they deserve. Just look at that happened with the Matt explosion, could have chosen to say screw it, we need to focus on the family. Nope, chose to exploit it. Just like Ami and her cancer. Truthfully? I think Billy Boy is upset their cash cow was compromised. They can't be Alaskan Bush People any more - even though that went out the window when it turned out the land was leased and they didn't stay in Alaska long enough to qualify for the money. 

Based off their past, I'd be shocked if they did the right thing and walked away.

  • Love 5
15 hours ago, Beden said:

 While I have the same amount of contempt for the lies and bad play acting and seriously stupid plotlines of this mess, I'm wondering if the main reason behind the current season is simple; Mom is dying and no one wants to deal with this idiotic show and it's filming while going through the suffering of a loved one.

Exactly. As rotten as these people have been, I almost feel bad for watching because of the serious circumstance with Ami and what they all must be going through.  I don't whose idea it was to go ahead with this season but both parties should have been smart enough to say hold on. Can we just take this season off.  I think their fans would have understood. Instead, the cameras just kept rolling. And why? They have hardly any new footage to make any kind of season and what they do have is bad. The decision was made to go ahead with filming so gosh darn it at least put an effort towards some kind of quality.  It's like they making some kind of a show just for the sake of making a show.  They could have simply said hey, Ami has cancer so we are not filming anything new but enjoy a season full of never before footage . Gawd knows we've seen they have plenty of that. 

Edited by Dennie
tired brain
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3 hours ago, thebigboot said:

Truthfully? I think Billy Boy is upset their cash cow was compromised. They can't be Alaskan Bush People any more-

I can't help but picture Billy sitting at a table with disco/park slope pitching how they can continue this farce.  Colorado Woods People. Gypsy Family Values.  The Browny Bunch.  Con Masters. Forged In Fraud. 

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On 8/1/2017 at 11:22 PM, Dennie said:

The decision was made to go ahead with filming so gosh darn it at least put an effort towards some kind of quality.



OT but this comment (which I happen to agree with) reminded me of a very long ago art teacher who had a habit of posting inspiring quotes in her class room:

"If a task is once begun,

Never leave it till it;s done.

Be a labor great or small, do it well or not at all."

(edited because I just remembered the first 2 lines)


...Just saying...

Edited by Beden
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9 hours ago, rmontro said:

You mean that's not what they're doing?

No, unfortunately they are putting ridiculas new snipets in along side the old stuff. They just needed to not film anything new at all if they are not going to care about the quality of said new footage. 

13 hours ago, Beden said:


"Be a labor great or small, do it well or not at all."


...Just saying...


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1 hour ago, AZChristian said:

The commercial was on during "Naked and Afraid."  I don't watch ABP either these days, unless my co-snarkers report something that I just HAVE to see.

Hmmm... Wonder how many actually of us actually watch these days? Now, me, I started out the season watching a couple minutes per episode, but I was wearing out the fast forward button on the remote so gave it up... still read the comments here, but that's about it.

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Colorado?  Wholy frick!  You've got to be kidding me!  They could go gold mining with Todd Hoffman.

Gold mining? Screw that--they can get a job at the company which sells my glassblower son's high end (sell for hundreds and multiple thousands of $'s and completely legal) bongs. 'Wouldn't even have to get their hands dirty....

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Beden said:

Gold mining? Screw that--they can get a job at the company which sells my glassblower son's high end (sell for hundreds and multiple thousands of $'s and completely legal) bongs. 'Wouldn't even have to get their hands dirty....

Maybe all that hot air that Billy is always spewing could actually be useful!!!

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I finally saw the commercial for the upcoming 'ABP in Colorado' episode and I did like Rain's hat and sunglass combo, very cosmopolitan indeed... 

So I also read that this is the season finale , that makes only 6 episodes in this run, I wonder if this is true ???  And of course now that the cult is in Colorado, I assume that they will have to change the name and whole theme of the show...

Alaskan Bush People, Colorado Edition... And of course the obvious cliffhanger of Ami ( I assume she is still kickin', cause if she croaked, it would definitely be news for an hour or so), where do they go if she lives ? Miraculous recovery ? Wolfpack determination ? Noah cured cancer ?

Bear and Gabe and the toothless idiot will fit right in doing Wal Mart openings in the central west states till their stars start to wane, Cupcake will make the TV talk show circuit and Billy will wile away his hours counting the loot from the endless scam. If Ami makes her recovery while the public still cares about her, she will, I am sure, do the public service promo for your cash to be sent to the American Cancer Society... And what if she dies ??? Then what ??? The official ceremony to lay the matriarch in the ground on pay per view ??? Bear will climb a tree and howl while Bam makes the tearful return to say goodbye one more time...

Gosh I am tired and need some rest, Wednesday nite is approaching and my mind is trying to decipher all the mixed emotions that are streaming in to my brain... 

More......... or less

  • Love 3
21 hours ago, AZChristian said:
23 hours ago, Beden said:

Gold mining? Screw that--they can get a job at the company which sells my glassblower son's high end (sell for hundreds and multiple thousands of $'s and completely legal) bongs. 'Wouldn't even have to get their hands dirty....

Maybe all that hot air that Billy is always spewing could actually be useful!!!

I'll suggest that to the youngun--that acetylene and propane they use (mixed, I believe, with oxygen) is darn expensive...of course then they'd have to listen to him and my lad isn't known for his patience about suffering idiots, the lil dickens.


When the owners of the glass shop tried to force the glassworkers to sign a non-compete agreement guaranteeing they they'd never, ever work for any other glass company in the universe for 10 years if/when they left their employ, my lad said no. This demand, needless to say, was completely illegal. Told they could all be replaced inside of 2 weeks, youngun informed them 'you've been trying to hire another glassworker for 6 months--good luck with that and fuck you'. No one signed, no one was was fired--their threat for non-signing--and 3+ years later they finally got their new worker and all the original glass guys remain there as well. Oh, and my boy is now their #1 glasshead.

This Mama don't raise no fools.

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I've come to the conclusion that it's the producers who are ruining this show, with all their greed, by stretching out every bit of footage that they have, combining it with old footage again and again, and putting out multiple versions of the same episodes.  I don't mind Billy's grifting, the family's dysfunctional nature, or the bizarre personalities, that's what makes the show interesting.  I don't even mind the fakery.  You expect some of that in a reality show anyway (although not to this level).  But the producers looking to milk every last buck out of this is what stinks.

I guess the ratings must be good, or they wouldn't be trying so hard to stretch everything out.

Edited by rmontro
  • Love 6

Would Disco please explain the "timeline" that allows a shot of Rain waving good luck to Ami during the CT scan immediately followed by Rain in Alaska cleaning up Browtown?

Extreme Boy falling on his face trying to pull part of that turbine gave me a snort laugh (and earned a re-wind).

I can't believe they're dragging Ami on a road trip - whether it's all for the show or they're going because they want to or a combination; and even if she thinks she wants to this may be the worst idea in a family who lives on their history of bad ideas.  I don't care if the RV scenes are staged and she's only filming 20 minutes a day while staying in five star hotels it's still incredibly stupid.

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Loved the recap.  I rarely watch the show any more, but wanted something to do while playing Candy Crush last night, so tuned in.  I can't believe Matt didn't meet anyone in rehab who still had their tattoo set up from prison; they could have done the tat for him.  Or he could have probably walked to the neighborhood tattoo parlor (closer than the distance from Browntown to Hoonah).

One of my FB acquaintances lives in Hoonah, and she bought a box of stuff at the production sale when they shut down Browntown a few months ago.  That made it fun to watch them "packing" up.

Couple of points:

  • California is very cautious about plants and produce coming into the state.  An inspector would probably have tossed that cat's claw in the trash.
  • They couldn't give away the Integrity; they never owned it.
  • This was my first chance to see Matt's injury scenes.  Fakest thing ever.  I still can't figure out who heard the explosion clear out there in the bush and knew to call for medical help and the production crew.
  • I could not understand one word Rain said; had to put on my closed captioning.
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One thing I left out of the recap was the costumes that Bear and Snowwoman were wearing... and I do mean costumes. Bear had on this camo (? , or just filthy) trenchcoat for most of the scenes. He looked like a ranch hand from the 1880's.  And Snowplow went from the camo look to the Goth and black lace witchy look in the talking head scenes... 

What is next, preppie ? Stoner ? Wearing baseball uniforms ? Dressing like firemen ?

Lord help us all.....

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He looked like a ranch hand from the 1880's

What he was wearing was actually I think a "duster", a long coat worn on horseback in the late 1800s, the key feature being the long slits up the front and back so that the legs remain covered when riding a horse. It might even be a real antique, it certainly looked like it hadn't been cleaned or washed in over a hundred years.

I know we have discussed this before, but it is just insulting to viewers to show close ups of the "turbine/generator/perpetual motion machine" so that anyone can see that it is no more than a couple of rusty random car and truck brake disks on a shaft.

While I am on a roll of beating dead horses, they are unabashedly lying about Matt's explosion. With these morons, I find it completely believable that Matt made up an improvised explosive device using real black powder, an ignorant choice because it is sensitive and requires careful handling. It can be initiated by heat, spark, friction and even impact which is why just about everyone who shoots muzzle loaders uses modern propellants (e.g., Pyrodex) that are formulated to match the parameters of black powder but are much safer to handle. Sensitive as black powder is, it does not spontaneously explode while sitting quietly in a refrigerator. The whole story stinks, most likely Matt was playing with stuff he doesn't understand and just about removed himself from the gene pool through ignorance, carelessness and a massively inflated sense of his own competence. I promise I will leave this dead horse in peace from now on.

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Bear figuring out that different sized metal objects make a different tone.  My grandnephew is 18 mos old and just figured this out too.

The recap of the brother that got the braces - those parents should be ashamed of how they have neglected their kids health.  Oldest sister really, really, needs dental work.

Loved how runaway brother showed Matt that you DON'T HAVE TO stab the table with the knives but can merely just lay them in the tic tac toe squares.  Who, over the age of 6, doesn't have a cat's game?????

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10 minutes ago, DoctorK said:


Yea, I was trying to think of that but gave up and wrote trenchcoat, which is something a spy would probably wear... thanks !!!


11 minutes ago, DoctorK said:

The whole story stinks, most likely Matt was playing with stuff he doesn't understand

True, also include knives and homemade tattoo pens and guns and woman, cars, booze, etc etc ... haha

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True, also include knives

Didn't we have an episode recently where several of the brown kids were demonstrating their skill by throwing knives (or maybe axes)? After a few minutes of this, they congratulated themselves on their skills. Unfortunately, what we were shown (presumably them at their best) clearly showed that they stunk! Missing the large and close target, whatever they were throwing bouncing off the target, maybe one it ten throws hitting and sticking in the target, from (as I recall) about fifteen feet away. Yep, they really do have good and accurate assessments of their abilities. Two phrases from years ago come to mind - "a legend in his own mind" and "delusions of adequacy".

Edited by DoctorK
  • Love 1
15 minutes ago, DoctorK said:

Didn't we have an episode recently where several of the brown kids were demonstrating their skill by throwing knives (or maybe axes)? After a few minutes of this, they congratulated themselves on their skills. Unfortunately, what we were shown (presumably them at their best) clearly showed that they stunk! Missing the large and close target, whatever they were throwing bouncing off the target, maybe one it ten throws hitting and sticking in the target, from (as I recall) about fifteen feet away. Yep, they really do have good and accurate assessments of their abilities. Two phrases from years ago come to mind - "a legend in his own mind" and "delusions of adequacy".

Well, of course their complete lack of skill when hunting, gardening, building etc is what makes a mockery of their whole homesteading farce. Remember blasting away at plastic jugs, Matt's great solo hunt where he blasts away at every deer he sees. At times it was fun poking fun at the farce, but the repeated sermonizing and insisting that it was real (and they were going to freeze/starve/etc and never survive the winter) did in the show for me.

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, AZChristian said:

Loved the recap.  I rarely watch the show any more, but wanted something to do while playing Candy Crush last night, so tuned in.  I can't believe Matt didn't meet anyone in rehab who still had their tattoo set up from prison; they could have done the tat for him.  Or he could have probably walked to the neighborhood tattoo parlor (closer than the distance from Browntown to Hoonah).

One of my FB acquaintances lives in Hoonah, and she bought a box of stuff at the production sale when they shut down Browntown a few months ago.  That made it fun to watch them "packing" up.

Couple of points:

  • California is very cautious about plants and produce coming into the state.  An inspector would probably have tossed that cat's claw in the trash.
  • They couldn't give away the Integrity; they never owned it.
  • This was my first chance to see Matt's injury scenes.  Fakest thing ever.  I still can't figure out who heard the explosion clear out there in the bush and knew to call for medical help and the production crew.
  • I could not understand one word Rain said; had to put on my closed captioning.

It was heard because it happened in Hoonah and not in Browntown.  That was a completely and totally misleading reenactment.

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would be nice to see  before-and-after  pics of the wind generator "motor". 

As near as I can tell, there were three of these bogus pieces of crap. The first was shown being assembled with a fancy machined aluminum disk into which the brownclown hammered permanent magnets into the precision machined slots (just for the record, you can demagnetize most permanent magnets by hammering on them). The second one was the actual motor they put up to show how great it worked, so well that the blades were spinning wildly when there was no wind. The third was the completely fake random rusty brake disks jammed onto a random piece of steel rod.

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