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Season 8: Speculation and Spoilers Discussion

Message added by Meredith Quill

Advisory: This topic is for S8 Spoilers & Spec. If your post predominantly concerns book comparisons or a character's past season actions it will be removed. 

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38 minutes ago, anamika said:

Why did Sansa not tell Jon about the Vale army?


38 minutes ago, anamika said:

Why did the Lords make Jon king?


38 minutes ago, anamika said:

What the hell was the Sansa-Arya-LF plot last season?

The clash of the sisters personalities. LF trying to isolate Sansa.


38 minutes ago, anamika said:

Who wrote the letter to Sansa and asked her to come to the Dragon pit? 

Tyrion? Qyburn?

38 minutes ago, anamika said:

Why was Royce not bothered about Sansa's lies to the Vale Lords

Maybe he was.

38 minutes ago, anamika said:

If the KITN marries and have kids and the Lady of Winterfell has kids who inherits WF? What is Jon's seat in the North? If all this is not important, why is it necessary to make Jon king?

To concede the North to Danny

38 minutes ago, anamika said:

According to the show, Sansa IS competant


Edited by OhOkayWhat
On 30/01/2018 at 1:42 PM, anamika said:

I don't think you are getting my point. My argument is that based on the books, I don't see Sansa ending up being in charge of Winterfell. I could see her being there in the books, if Bran/Rickon end up in charge and she is helping them. But the show has decisively removed any contenders to WF and stressed that Sansa is in charge and the head of Winterfell. I don't see this as the book ending. Ergo, I see two possible endings for Sansa if the show is going to align with the book endings next season.

  -  She dies.

 -   She goes away with the hound for her happy ending.

My theory has always been that Sansa never goes North again in the books. Her story is in the south. Possibly with connections to the fAegon/Varys story.  If she dies in the books, she does so taking down LF. LF is a master player of the game and is not going to go down easily. Or the Hound rescues her. Maybe GRRM has not decided on this and that's why he's undecided on the Hound.

If she ends the story in charge of WF then I agree with you. There would be no issue with her marrying the hound and staying there with her litter of red haired Starks. No more horsey faced, grey eyed, plain looking Starks! But what a bitter ending that would be for the North - all the Starks most qualified to run WF dead or gone and LF protégé Sansa frigging Stark who betrayed her family to become queen is now head of house Stark. Poor Ned - that's basically an end to his legacy in the North.

And if that's the end for the North, then I want the sweetest, diabetes inducing ending for Jon and Dany, with them being happily married, lots of children, Drogon and Ghost frolicking in the spring, red door and lemon trees - the whole shebang!


Everything in the books point to Sansa and the North, her running the daily things in the Eyrie, snow castle, loving the snow, the sounds of wolves etc.

Home is family and safety, and once there she will live or die there.

She is also her father's daughter, in temperament and ideals, though not looks.

Arya is her mother's daughter in temperament and ideals, but not looks.

Both of them are about family .

I don't see Sansa going south unless she's taken, which may happen,as Sansa mentioned( paraphrasing ) to Brienne " if Cersei wants another Stark she can come and get me."


On 31/01/2018 at 10:31 PM, nikma said:

Maybe, but I don't think so.

  • Love 2
10 hours ago, SimoneS said:

D&D never said this. They said that when they met with GRRM in 2013, he told them the endings for the main characters (apparently other characters like Shireen and Hodor) so D&D placed those characters in stories that would get them to that those endings even if their journeys to get there were different from the books and what GRRM intended to write. However, there are other characters that GRRM had not decided on their endings so those characters' endings and journeys to get there would be different on the show.



As the following quote shows, certain parts of GRRM's ending is being adapted and other parts aren't. It's a mix and match of their ending and GRRM's ending.


To what degree do you feel it needs to be perfectly congruent with the vision of the endgame of the novels that Martin presented to you?

BENIOFF: It’s already too late for that. We’re already well past the point of it jibing 100 percent. We’ve passed George and that’s something that George always worried about — the show catching up and ultimately passing him — but the good thing about us diverging at this point is that George’s books will still be a surprise for readers who have seen the show. Certain things that we learned from George way back in that meeting in Santa Fe are going to happen on the show, but certain things won’t. And there’s certain things where George didn’t know what was going to happen, so we’re going to find them out for the first time too, along with millions of readers when we read those books. Some people wish we would wait until the books were finished to finish the show, but George works on his own schedule, which is the way any good writer should do it. He shouldn’t be beholden to a TV schedule to finish his novels, that would be completely artificial and would not serve him well. But we do have these actors and they’re getting older, and we have to finish.

Edited by WindyNights
  • Love 3
8 hours ago, anamika said:

Here's a question for the folks who think that Sansa is going north and taking charge of WF in the books as well because she did it on the show. Why has the writing been so terrible in the North since Sansa got there. Why is there no logical, cohesive, organic way to get Sansa to be QITN/Lady of Winterfell on the show?

Let's take season 6. In season 6, why can't Sansa Stark rally the Northern lords to help her as daughter of Ned Stark? Okay, assume that David and Dan wanted the surprise of the Vale army coming to the rescue. But, as the show and Sansa repeatedly remind us, she won the battle of the bastards. Not Jon. She is the trueborn heir of Ned Stark, not Jon. So why go for the convoluted, senseless crowning of Jon as KITN if Jon has nothing to do with WF because he's a secret Targ?

The show has discarded Sansa's marriage to Tyrion - so why even take into consideration Robb's will. Just go ahead and make Sansa, Queen in the North.

Now, let's come to season 7. As queen, Sansa could send Jon as her emissary to meet with Dany and discuss an alliance. But then how could Jon give away the North if Sansa is queen you ask? Just have Sansa agreeing to it - after all they need help to defeat the WW. As a wise queen, surely Sansa will see that they need external help and allies? Political expert, master player, wise queen Sansa would then have to use her skills to convince the Lords that this is the right thing to do. If she is going to be a future ruler, give her a proper arc - not 2 contrived lines about grain and armor.

As for the LF plot, there would be no difference there. They could have Royce supporting LF and Sansa trying to win their support in her bid to oust him. As for Arya - if her end game story has nothing to do with Winterfell and is all about adventures and killing people - send her off with the brotherhood and the Hound. Hell she starts the season in the Riverlands. She could have traveled with them to the wall, meet up with Jon/Gendry at Eastwatch for a little reunion and have a little wight hunting fun. That would have been much better than the character assassinating shite they wrote for her last season.

Let's not even talk about Bran. What a waste.

There's a decent chance that Sansa's endgame is to become queen of Westeros with the coalition backing her (The Vale, the North, the Riverlands and potentially the Westerlands via Tyrion if he becomes Lord of it) if Daenerys and Jon were to bite it and they have to elect a new monarch or even Regent while raising dead Jon and Dany's baby Targaryen. I mean she would be the kid's closet and oldest relative considering Bran doesn't want to do politics.

2 hours ago, WindyNights said:


As the following quote shows, certain parts of GRRM's ending is being adapted and other parts aren't. It's a mix and match of their ending and GRRM's ending.


Nothing in that quote contradicts my accurate summary of D&D's consistent comments about the show and how it will conclude. The endings of the characters that GRRM told them about when they met 2103 will be same even though their journey to get there might be different. The endings that will be different on the show are the ones that GRRM didn't know about when they met. 

Edited by SimoneS
  • Love 2
8 hours ago, GrailKing said:

Everything in the books point to Sansa and the North, her running the daily things in the Eyrie, snow castle, loving the snow, the sounds of wolves etc.

Home is family and safety, and once there she will live or die there.

She is also her father's daughter, in temperament and ideals, though not looks.

Arya is her mother's daughter in temperament and ideals, but not looks.

Both of them are about family .

I don't see Sansa going south unless she's taken, which may happen,as Sansa mentioned( paraphrasing ) to Brienne " if Cersei wants another Stark she can come and get me."

I agree with this.  Arya's temperament is more like Catelyn and Sansa's is more like Ned.

I read somewhere that Arya wanted to be just like Ned.  I believe that Sansa wanted to be like Catelyn.  I think they identified with one parent but they are more like the other parent.

I think both Ned and Catelyn influenced both their daughters.  

I think since Arya is good with male pursuits and Sansa is good with being a lady they probably thought that they didn't have anything in common with the other parent.  In reality Sansa is more like Ned and Arya is more like Catelyn.

You are right that they both want home and family.  It was cruelly taken away from them.

Edited by Sunshinegal
  • Love 1
5 hours ago, SimoneS said:

Nothing in that quote contradicts my accurate summary of D&D's consistent comments about the show and how it will conclude. The endings of the characters that GRRM told them about when they met 2103 will be same even though their journey to get there might be different. The endings that will be different on the show are the ones that GRRM didn't know about when they met. 


Read it again. They're saying the endgame isn't the same as GRRM's. Certain things they learned from GRRM about the endgame won't happen in the show. It's not just the things that GRRM was uncertain about but also some of the things that GRRM was certain about (because they can't recreate it due to having so many changes done).

Edited by WindyNights
  • Love 1

Fresh via /Freefolk: A guy who does filming with drones in southern Iceland (where GOT was just shooting with Kit and Emilia) posted a photo of drone camera equipment on Instagram with this caption:


Shooting entire week with this amazing machine in Iceland for VFX. #neowhatelse #intelliG #movipro #redcamera#zeisslens #vintage #gameofthrones

This is what a Neo drone camera looks like in action, for the curious. The guy makes it sound as if he'll be shooting this week, since this was just posted, and someone tells him in the comments "Have fun" and he answers "Thanks." So whatever he's shooting, Kit and Emilia won't be involved, and if he's shooting all week, that sounds like a lot of VFX.

A fan on Instagram posted a selfie with Sam's actor taken on Thursday night in Belfast. 

Edited by Eyes High
16 hours ago, Happy Harpy said:

It just made me think that maybe, this season, they'll have Sansa open Tyrion's eyes about how Cersei is cunning and unreliable. LOL. About this, TV rule number 1: When you want the audience to forget about a fact, you act as if it never existed. I wouldn't discard the Tyrion/Sansa marriage as an option, simply because they mentioned it every season.

I agree that it's too early to entirely discard the Tyrion/Sansa marriage. We still have little idea where either of those characters will end up. I hope Sansa will at least meet with Dany and Tyrion before all hell breaks loose in Winterfell.

4 hours ago, WindyNights said:

Read it again. They're saying the endgame isn't the same as GRRM's. Certain things they learned from GRRM about the endgame won't happen in the show. It's not just the things that GRRM was uncertain about but also some of the things that GRRM was certain about (because they can't recreate it due to having so many changes done).

You read it again because you are wrong about what D&D have said in their interviews. They did not say what you are claiming about the endgame, especially when you read that whole interview along with their other interviews. They have been consistent that after they had the conversation with Martin in 2013, they put the characters who endings he told them about in stories that would get them there because unlike authors, they have to plan ahead in tv show. 

4 minutes ago, SimoneS said:

You read it again because you are wrong about what D&D have said in their interviews. They did not say what you are claiming about the endgame, especially when you read that whole interview along with their other interviews. They have been consistent that after they had the conversation with Martin in 2013, they put the characters who endings he told them about in stories that would get them there because unlike authors, they have to plan ahead in tv show. 


Benioff: Certain things that we learned from George way back in that meeting in Santa Fe are going to happen on the show, but certain things won’t.

Edited by WindyNights
  • Love 1
7 minutes ago, WindyNights said:


They never stated that the endings would be different, rather they said that the several characters' journeys to those endings would be different so people would still be surprised by the book. You are misconstruing D&D' comments on topic from several interviews. Posting quotes out of context doesn't mean anything. I am not commenting any more for the time being as that is one of the rules of this forum when an argument is ongoing.

Edited by SimoneS
On 2/1/2018 at 10:09 PM, stormborn said:

Well this is conjecture and speculation predicated on the idea that George only said it's BS to throw us off the scent that it really isn't. Lol, I guess George and us are all in a real WHO'S ON THIRD, WHAT'S ON SECOND situation. 

In any case, what I'm saying is; it's completely within the realm of possibility that George is not sticking completely to the original outline, that was originally meant to be a trilogy.

This series has turned into a sprawling seven book saga with so many rich characters, character dynamics and motivations that have far outgrown the original outline. For George to write seven books and have the original characters' journeys change so much from that of the original outline, just to have them meet the same ends as they do in the outline; doesn't seem realistic to me. 

But let's say you're right and George is sticking to the outline completely with no deviations or changes, then I guess we should be gearing up for a Jon and Arya hook up along with a jealous vengeful Tyrion? 

Well it is hinted in the show that Sansa will help to rebuild Winterfell and I think it's been pretty heavily underscored that Bran will become the Three Eyed Raven.

Bran doesn't even refer to himself as Brandon Stark (his namesake) anymore and while I won't presume to know how you feel about the character of Sansa, all of the above sounds as though it's colored by personal bias and opinion rather than what's actually happening on the show and in the books. 

What you've basically said is Sansa will die on the show (and in the books I'm assuming as well?) because she potentially died in the original outline and everything that has happened to her on the show (and in the books) doesn't matter because of her fate in the original outline, which does not, in any way shape or form, resemble the current trajectory her character arc. 

I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this one. 

I actually don't believe the outline matters because I don't believe he is ever going to finish the books. 

  • Love 1

It's important to say that D&D want to protect GRRM in some way. They will never say how similar or not the show is to the future books. They don't want to spoil too many things. And GRRM won't say that either.

And what "similar" means depends on your taste. For some people even the first 4 seasons are completely different than the books, even if every plot point is the same and they have the same storylines(the show sometimes even had more storylines than the books, like Robb's in S2 and Theon's in S3).


I would love if D&D wrote a book about their writing of GoT, explaining everything, everything they got from Martin, every creative choice they made, every alternative option they had and so on. But that will never happen. 

Edited by nikma
2 hours ago, nikma said:

It's important to say that D&D want to protect GRRM in some way. They will never say how similar or not the show is to the future books. They don't want to spoil too many things. And GRRM won't say that either.

And what "similar" means depends on your taste. For some people even the first 4 seasons are completely different than the books, even if every plot point is the same and they have the same storylines(the show sometimes even had more storylines than the books, like Robb's in S2 and Theon's in S3).


I would love if D&D wrote a book about their writing of GoT, explaining everything, everything they got from Martin, every creative choice they made, every alternative option they had and so on. But that will never happen. 

What? They literally say that the Hodor moment is in the books as well as the burning of Shireen. They're not that tight-lipped.

D & D even talked about this back in season 6:

People are talking about whether the books are going to be spoiled – and it’s really not true,” Benioff told Entertainment Weekly. “So much of what we’re doing diverges from the books at this point. And while there are certain key elements that will be the same, we’re not going to talk so much about that – and I don’t think George is either. 

“People are going to be very surprised when they read the books after the show. They’re quite divergent in so many respects for the remainder of the show.”

I mean you could certainly say they're lying if you want but they're definitely talking about how similar the show and books are.

3 hours ago, SimoneS said:

They never stated that the endings would be different, rather they said that the several characters' journeys to those endings would be different so people would still be surprised by the book. You are misconstruing D&D' comments on topic from several interviews. Posting quotes out of context doesn't mean anything. I am not commenting any more for the time being as that is one of the rules of this forum when an argument is ongoing.

Look at the context then. Or I'll explain it to you. The interviewer asks them about how similar their endgame is to GRRM's and they said it's not 100 % and they've done too much that diverges. Then they go into about how certain things that they learned from GRRM about the endgame won't happen and certain things will.  That's what I mean when I say it's a mix and match version of their ending and his.

Here's the whole interview if you want bother looking at it:


  • Love 1
5 hours ago, Wouter said:

I agree that it's too early to entirely discard the Tyrion/Sansa marriage. We still have little idea where either of those characters will end up. 

I think it depends on how you interpret the two bits of dialogue from 7x02 and 7x03 where Sansa and Tyrion talk about each other. The writers made a point of having Tyrion and Sansa talk about each other in positive terms. Sansa has praised Tyrion's kindness before, so that wasn't really anything new, but Sansa is pretty much the first topic Tyrion raises with Jon once the formalities are out of the way. Tyrion even mentioned the marriage, even if it was to assure Jon that it was a sham and unconsummated. One possible interpretation is that the writers were only referencing the marriage to tie off that particular plot point and having the characters talk about each other is simply because it would be ludicrous for the subject to be avoided. Another possible interpretation is that the writers wanted to remind the audience of Sansa and Tyrion's cordial relationship and the marriage because they intend to do something with it.

The leaked 7x02 script outline says that Sansa "likes," "trusts," "respects" and even "is fond of" Tyrion. On the other hand, the S7 script outlines make it clear that Tyrion has a crush on Dany, so there's that. I think at the very least they'll get along when they reunite, although finding out that Jon and Dany on the strength of Tyrion's advice struck a dumb deal with Cersei that she immediately reneged on could dampen what could otherwise be if not a friendship at least a mutual respect. Beyond that, it's anyone's guess. Tyrion crushing on Dany as he was in the outline seems pretty pointless if he's destined to resume his marriage with Sansa. On the other hand, the writers made a point of showing that Tyrion and Sansa at a bare minimum like and respect each other when doing so wasn't necessary (Jon and Gendry talked up a storm without ever mentioning Arya). 

Forget Tyrion and Sansa's marriage, though. I find it pretty hard to believe that Sansa could go from an independent, embittered, and deeply traumatized young woman with two horribly unhappy marriages under her belt to being happily paired off with anyone within the space of six episodes. If D&D decide to go that route, they have their work cut out for them.

With that said, as @anamika suggested, as the end approaches, there could be lots of WTF whiplash moments if D&D course-correct their characters at the last minute to get them back on track with their book endgames. Think of what happened with TV Shae--who went from tenderly devoted to Sansa and deeply in love with Tyrion to spitefully throwing both of them under the bus at Tyrion's trial--or TV Stannis--who went from sweetly telling Shireen of her childhood illness to ordering her burned--to the power of ten.

From what Maisie Williams has been saying about Arya's S8 arc--she had to go back to the first season, she had to get her brain around Arya's arc, etc.--I think we are going to get whiplash from Arya's ending at the very least. TV Arya has been characterized in the show as an eccentric, damaged, ruthless, mass-murdering psychopath who runs as wild as her direwolf, who rejects anything that smacks of domesticity, and who needs to be advised by her sister that chopping heads when people piss you off is poor leadership. What would be a 180 from that? Arya falling in love with some nice, normal guy, getting married and settling down as a lady in a castle with the husband, the kids, the frilly fucking dress, the whole nine yards. D&D have sworn up and down that Arya being a lady isn't her, as Arya herself put it, but maybe it's all misdirection, and Ned telling Arya in S1 that she would marry a high lord, have sons, etc. really was a prophecy.

Edited by Eyes High
  • Love 2
7 hours ago, Eyes High said:

I think it depends on how you interpret the two bits of dialogue from 7x02 and 7x03 where Sansa and Tyrion talk about each other. The writers made a point of having Tyrion and Sansa talk about each other in positive terms. Sansa has praised Tyrion's kindness before, so that wasn't really anything new, but Sansa is pretty much the first topic Tyrion raises with Jon once the formalities are out of the way. Tyrion even mentioned the marriage, even if it was to assure Jon that it was a sham and unconsummated. One possible interpretation is that the writers were only referencing the marriage to tie off that particular plot point and having the characters talk about each other is simply because it would be ludicrous for the subject to be avoided. Another possible interpretation is that the writers wanted to remind the audience of Sansa and Tyrion's cordial relationship and the marriage because they intend to do something with it.


Avoiding subjects, even when pretty ludicrous, is what the writers have done in the past though. For example, Jon never discussed his resurrection onscreen with Sansa. It's rather likely the marriage was mentioned explicitly - at least in the 7x03 scene where it didn't strictly need to come up - as a reminder.


Regarding Winterfell, one notable characteristic of the castle is that it has two ringwalls. Would the images of the fire on the set potentially allow to limit the fire to the area in between the two walls (I don't remember if some of those tower structures, seemingly on fire, are supposed to in the inner area or along the outer wall)? It would be a potential fire trap for wights while still preserving the people inside. Some on freefolk claim the set wasn't damaged much in the fire, allthough that is probably necessary for filming anyway (even if Winterfell is melted down by dragons).

  • Love 2
12 hours ago, Eyes High said:

With that said, as @anamika suggested, as the end approaches, there could be lots of WTF whiplash moments if D&D course-correct their characters at the last minute to get them back on track with their book endgames. Think of what happened with TV Shae--who went from tenderly devoted to Sansa and deeply in love with Tyrion to spitefully throwing both of them under the bus at Tyrion's trial--or TV Stannis--who went from sweetly telling Shireen of her childhood illness to ordering her burned--to the power of ten.

The two Stannis scenes weren't whiplash, as the cute scene was deliberately written to make him killing her in the same season more shocking.  The Shae stuff, on the other hand, was absolutely a case where the writers weren't able to bridge the distance between the major changes they'd made to the character and the preordained outcome she had to fit into.

  • Love 2

Well from two different sources we get two different spoilers, I can't find the link in reddit.


Red headed daughter

In WOTW a person named Aemon posted this spoiler, since it's not from Sue or Luka , I wait.


I hope both are wrong, but if I had to choose this one VVVVVVVVV.


Tree boy

Edited by GrailKing
6 hours ago, Wouter said:

Avoiding subjects, even when pretty ludicrous, is what the writers have done in the past though. For example, Jon never discussed his resurrection onscreen with Sansa. It's rather likely the marriage was mentioned explicitly - at least in the 7x03 scene where it didn't strictly need to come up - as a reminder.

True. As I said, they could have given the subject of Sansa the Jon/Gendry treatment, where Gendry fails to mention Arya even though it's his main connection to Jon.


33 minutes ago, GrailKing said:

Well from two different sources we get two different spoilers, I can't find the link in reddit.

  Hide contents

Red headed daughter

In WOTW a person named Aemon posted this spoiler, since it's not from Sue or Luka , I wait.


I hope both are wrong, but if I had to choose this one VVVVVVVVV.

  Hide contents

Tree boy

Aemon claims that L7R is the source of this information, but L7R hasn't said anything to that effect, and typically L7R only has exclusive spoilers for Spain filming, for obvious reasons.

In other news, Pilou Asbaek just cut his hair to get the Euron GOT hairstyle, so maybe the Dubrovnik scene is just Cersei and Euron after all.

6 minutes ago, Eyes High said:

True. As I said, they could have given the subject of Sansa the Jon/Gendry treatment, where Gendry fails to mention Arya even though it's his main connection to Jon.


Aemon claims that L7R is the source of this information, but L7R hasn't said anything to that effect, and typically L7R only has exclusive spoilers for Spain filming, for obvious reasons.

In other news, Pilou Asbaek just cut his hair to get the Euron GOT hairstyle, so maybe the Dubrovnik scene is just Cersei and Euron after all.

Was the Reddit one ever proved or disproved ? 

It has again been mentioned (now in the comments section of WOTW) that the Moneyglass site is still operational for filming. Makes one wonder if the fire - as it would be on the show, with all the effects added - will be as dramatical as it looks in the images and video that were posted. Could it be limited to the space between inner and outer wall? It could be a brilliant move if they did that (semi)deliberately, trapping a large chunk of the NK's army in between the walls where it's hard to scatter to escape the fire. 

Then again, it's more likely to be the whole castle.


There are so many "leaks" on Reddit now, but nothing with anywhere near the credibility that Lads had, so far.

3 hours ago, GrailKing said:

Well from two different sources we get two different spoilers, I can't find the link in reddit.

  Reveal hidden contents

Red headed daughter

In WOTW a person named Aemon posted this spoiler, since it's not from Sue or Luka , I wait.


I hope both are wrong, but if I had to choose this one VVVVVVVVV.

  Reveal hidden contents

Tree boy

Don't understand what the first one refers to.

3 hours ago, GrailKing said:

Was the Reddit one ever proved or disproved ? 

Depends on whether or not you believe /GettingtheBetsyWetsy. /Betsy first claimed to have a cousin who worked as a Dothraki extra (believable enough), then claimed to know someone who worked on the production who had access to the scripts (less believable), and then claimed to know someone even higher up on the food chain at GOT who had even more knowledge (uh...). On the other hand, some of /Betsy's information sounds credible, and judging from /Betsy's post history before they started dropping "leaks" they seem at least legitimately Irish, so who knows?

The more troubling sign for Sansa's survival is Sophie's long absences from set relative to other leading cast. 


2 hours ago, Wouter said:

It has again been mentioned (now in the comments section of WOTW) that the Moneyglass site is still operational for filming. Makes one wonder if the fire - as it would be on the show, with all the effects added - will be as dramatical as it looks in the images and video that were posted.

As Sue on WOTW pointed, these are all controlled burns, so of course the Moneyglass set will still be standing after all the fire-related filming. They're not going to actually burn the set down. So I wouldn't read anything into that.

Edited by Eyes High
2 hours ago, Brn2bwild said:

Don't understand what the first one refers to.

which wolf is red?

2 hours ago, Eyes High said:

The more troubling sign for Sansa's survival is Sophie's long absences from set relative to other leading cast. 


Why ? I don't think she be in any fighting action, I think she will parallel her BOBWB actions; which would make most of her shots inside.

Isn't she also probably also going pre wedding blitzing?

Though I keep thinking of her line to LF, about being safe at home among friends and family.

Edited by GrailKing
last line.

I take everything the GOT big wigs (D&D, GRRM) say on interviews with a grain of salt (albeit a smaller one than the one I use with spoilers and leaks).

D&D are the ones who insisted Jon was dead, dead, dead, never coming back to the show, done! And GRRM has a history of setting wrong expectations for the publication of his books (which he is more careful with now because of all the flack he got, but still).  There is a public relations aspect and deals going on in the background and so on when these people give interviews.  They are careful with the language and words they use, specially when they don't want to give something away.  It's the nature of the beast.

It's valid and interesting to speculate using what they say, off course, but I wouldn't flaunt it as the 100% confirmed truth of it all just yet.

There's a strong possibility Martin is keeping the major points of his outline and only denies it because he doesn't want the ending of an unwritten book to be spoiled (for artistic and monetary reasons). There's also the possibility that he has changed a major plot point since the outline was leaked way back when and he doesn't want to tell us (why would he?).

There's a strong possibility D&D's first interview where they declared the endings for the main characters would be the same is still true. But, when they said that the first time, it was believed that Martin would publish TWOW before the show ended; however, since Martin hasn't made any progress, a deal could be in place where they agreed to try to create some suspense for Martin's remaining books (if he ever publishes them).  There's also the strong possibility that D&D got so caught up in their narrative after they passed the books that now they can't depict all of the character endings exactly as Martin revealed to them (or that other circumstances won't allow them to - say, for example, an actor will not be available for filming something).

My point is, in the entertainment business (literary, TV, music, film, etc.) interviews are PR and their main purpose is not to give us information, but to keep us hooked (for lack of a better word) to their product.  If something happens later that contradicts the original interview, they can always explain it away with statements such as "yeah, that's what we meant to do, but then we got this incredible (actor, set, idea, inspiration, incentive, etc) and we just HAD to change it".

I'm sure we can all remember something similar with other shows, books, films, etc.  

  • Love 4
1 minute ago, Eyes High said:

Emilia Clarke is heading from Rome to London (where she has an event on Thursday). So no Dany in the Dubrovnik scene.

The Dubrovnik scene is supposed to have at least two leading cast members. Dany's out, so who else will show up? Arya? Tyrion? Cersei? Does Davos count as leading cast?

Sansa ? Jamie ? I count Davos as major, but does he have a personal history with her ?

1 hour ago, GrailKing said:

Mayhaps they know people may come in here  not aware of rumors, gives them a chance, no harm done, so why worry?

I was just curious to see if the rules were different on this board. Most other boards the mods tend to tell us not to use spoiler bars in a thread marked spoilers.

2 hours ago, GrailKing said:

Sansa ? Jamie ? I count Davos as major, but does he have a personal history with her ?

Cancel the Kit news, since it looks like the person on Twitter who claimed to have seen Kit in Dubrovnik was lying. Still seems unlikely Emilia will be part of the filming, though, given her imminent trip to London.

1 hour ago, Eyes High said:

Cancel the Kit news, since it looks like the person on Twitter who claimed to have seen Kit in Dubrovnik was lying. Still seems unlikely Emilia will be part of the filming, though, given her imminent trip to London.

I thought I saw a second Twit, from another person, that wasn't associated with the first, who confirmed she did see KH.

2 hours ago, Eyes High said:

Cancel the Kit news, since it looks like the person on Twitter who claimed to have seen Kit in Dubrovnik was lying. Still seems unlikely Emilia will be part of the filming, though, given her imminent trip to London.

IMO, it doesn't make any sense for Jon or Dany to be in that scene in Dubrovnik. 


More photos of the KL set being built in Belfast.

/EveryFckngChicken did some sleuthing and found a drone promotional video that was just posted that appears to include Iceland filming locations for S8, which ties into the drone filming planned for GOT VFX I posted about upthread. (Pegasus is a production company in Iceland that has worked with GOT since S2, apparently.) Kit and Emilia likely filmed at one of these locations. 



IMO, it doesn't make any sense for Jon or Dany to be in that scene in Dubrovnik. 

Only if it's from the very, very end of the season where Jon and Dany are seeing someone off from KL (or whatever's left of it, I  suppose). Otherwise, Jon and Dany aren't going to be casually debarking at the KL harbour as long as Cersei controls the city.

Either way, we'll likely know soon enough. Dubrovnik filming is going to start tomorrow, and assuming filming takes place during the day, spoilers should start coming out tomorrow morning (Eastern time). I doubt it will be anything too spoilery, though, simply because there's no way to lock that area down, and it's swarming with people.

Edited by Eyes High
1 hour ago, SimoneS said:

The harm is that putting spoiler tags on comments on a spoiler thread is breaking the rules which might result in a warning from the mods.

Don't know how a spoiler tag ( unless spoilers of any sort not allowed ) get you a warning, it's says spoilers allowed , tags not needed, not prohibited.

I think, if we're bringing spoilers from an outside source it doesn't hurt if someone uses tags, may not be needed, but doesn't hurt either.

Kind of falls into a doctors oath "do no harm "

I've gotten warnings for NOT using spoiler tags, never for using spoiler tags ( unless no spoiler allowed ), even in a group that allows spoilers.

If Tagged "Book Talk": There is open air book talk here. If you are just watching the TV show and you don't want to stumble into a potential spoiler you should just avoid these.

If Tagged "Spoilers": Explicit TV spoiler talk, open air TV spoilers inside. Always put book stuff in spoiler tags in these topics.

4 minutes ago, GrailKing said:

According to dulist.hr, there's a rumour that Kit and Isaac are in Dubrovnik.

2 minutes ago, nikma said:

And Lannister's banners. Which means Cersei is still Queen. 

Yes. We also know that the scene doesn't involve Tycho Nestoris, since Mark Gatiss is still in London.

2 hours ago, GrailKing said:

Plot thickens, I didn't hear about IHW, so a future vision?? 

Looked at the picture of the SUV, and behind driver is a latex left hand on seat back of driver.


Good eye!

Occam's Razor says this is Cersei and someone else (not Tycho, though), but the Kit/Isaac rumours are intriguing. 

On another note...Peter Dinklage was at Sundance promoting a movie (as he is in this video), and his beard was shaved kind of...oddly. The sides were shaved off, but the beard on his neck was left intact, unlike a typical goatee. It's kind of an odd look...why shave off the sides but not the neck hair? Someone on Tumblr speculated that the shaved skin has something to do with prosthetics for the show...burn prosthetics, maybe? On the other hand, the shaving is symmetrical, which would be odd if it was for some kind of wound or burn prosthetics (unless the showrunners were trying to throw viewers off the scent, or unless they didn't want Peter Dinklage to walk around with an asymmetrical beard). And Tyrion already has a big facial scar, so I'd be surprised if he racked up additional facial injuries this season. He had the same beard in the Superbowl Doritos ad, for what it's worth.

Going back to the 1993 outline, reading this passage, I think there's an additional hint that Outline Sansa was intended to die:


Jaime will follow Joffrey on the throne of the Seven Kingdoms, by the simple expedient of murdering everyone ahead of him in the line of succession and blaming Tyrion for the murders. Exiled, Tyrion will change sides, making common cause with the surviving Starks to bring his brother down, and falling helplessly in love with Arya Stark while he's at it.

So when Tyrion is exiled, he joins up with "the surviving Starks" to bring Jaime down. That means that anyone who isn't with him (presumably up north) isn't a surviving Stark. Since no mention is made of Sansa escaping KL, if she isn't with Tyrion in exile (up north, I assume), then she can't have survived.

Edited by Eyes High
3 hours ago, Eyes High said:

Good eye!


Going back to the 1993 outline, reading this passage, I think there's an additional hint that Outline Sansa was intended to die:

So when Tyrion is exiled, he joins up with "the surviving Starks" to bring Jaime down. That means that anyone who isn't with him (presumably up north) isn't a surviving Stark. Since no mention is made of Sansa escaping KL, if she isn't with Tyrion in exile (up north, I assume), then she can't have survived.

Sort of ambiguous to me, but as I say 50 / 50 for remaining Starks.

BUT ! 

I want Sansa to LIVE !

  • Love 1

Then I see this in Freefolk:


What Miguel Sapochnik is shooting in Episodes 3 & 5, Season 8 Info (self.freefolk)

submitted 2 hours ago * by boominmyshot

Episode 3 is the Battle of Winterfell, The fire around Winterfell is combonation of Drogon and Melisandre. The Night King retreats south after he has a fight with Mel, Jon loses Longclaw in his dual with Night King and than Melisandre saves Jon.

Episode 5 has 2 battles Sack of Winterfell and Battle of King Landing. The Iron Born(Yara and Theon)Arrive before the Golden Company/Lannister Army do. Tyrion betrays Jon and Daenarys and Winterfell is burn to the ground. Sansa was meant to be Tyrion's gift to his sister. But Cersei has ordered Harry Strickland to kill Sansa and bring Cersei her head. This is the moment Tyrion knows he has fucked up bad. We see Sansa's head later on in the episode.

The new set in Belfast is for GC vs Army of the Dead. Golden Company get their asses kicked. The Lannister plan to abandon Kings Landing. The episode ends with Jon flying over Kings Landing on Rhaegal and landing at the entrance to The Red Keep, Jon is in Armor exactly like Targaryen kingsguard armor from Season 6. Night King is waiting for Jon

edit; I think I am confusing people Harry Strickland Kills Sansa Not I Repeat Not Tyrion

39 minutes ago, GrailKing said:

Then I see this in Freefolk:

  Reveal hidden contents


What Miguel Sapochnik is shooting in Episodes 3 & 5, Season 8 Info (self.freefolk)

submitted 2 hours ago * by boominmyshot

Episode 3 is the Battle of Winterfell, The fire around Winterfell is combonation of Drogon and Melisandre. The Night King retreats south after he has a fight with Mel, Jon loses Longclaw in his dual with Night King and than Melisandre saves Jon.

Episode 5 has 2 battles Sack of Winterfell and Battle of King Landing. The Iron Born(Yara and Theon)Arrive before the Golden Company/Lannister Army do. Tyrion betrays Jon and Daenarys and Winterfell is burn to the ground. Sansa was meant to be Tyrion's gift to his sister. But Cersei has ordered Harry Strickland to kill Sansa and bring Cersei her head. This is the moment Tyrion knows he has fucked up bad. We see Sansa's head later on in the episode.

The new set in Belfast is for GC vs Army of the Dead. Golden Company get their asses kicked. The Lannister plan to abandon Kings Landing. The episode ends with Jon flying over Kings Landing on Rhaegal and landing at the entrance to The Red Keep, Jon is in Armor exactly like Targaryen kingsguard armor from Season 6. Night King is waiting for Jon

edit; I think I am confusing people Harry Strickland Kills Sansa Not I Repeat Not Tyrion


Yeah I call bull on this one. There’s enough info that is confirmed to make it seem plausible, but the whole Tyrion thing is stupid. He cares about Sansa. In fact, he cares about pretty much everyone EXCEPT Cersei. The idea that show Tyrion would willingly sacrifice Sansa as a gift to his murderous  sister in the middle of a war with the dead is ludicrous. Why? What’s the motive? If it wasn’t for that I can possibly believe these “leaks”. 

I think it’s possible that the more confirmed spoilers are leaked, there is gonna be an influx of people on Freefolk using them to write false info

Edited by GraceK
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Advisory: This topic is for S8 Spoilers & Spec. If your post predominantly concerns book comparisons or a character's past season actions it will be removed. 

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