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9 hours ago, allthatglitters said:

Makes sense. If Slink wants to get a full season of shows produced.

Not one of my favorite episodes. There wasn't much background into where the extreme man hate came from. I'm not buying a female religion where all men must pay for the crimes of the asshole men in the world. None of these young and gorgeous women want a boyfriend? Such a powerful passionate belief . All that hate and torture against another gender for wrongdoing as if no female in history has ever behaved badly.

I think the extreme man hate stems from all the ladies being from a women only mental institution.

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Honestly I don't care about realism when it comes to this show.    Should the Amazon society realistically have enough time to get set up?  Not really.  But it was still one of the best overall storylines simply because I enjoyed the Domi and Cliff stuff and the douche in the cage was funny.  I also kinda liked the overall idea of Karma being the one to start the upheaval in the mental institution.  Do I think she is really dead?  It could go either way: But it worked for the overall story.  This is ultimately Grace's story so having Karma either be dead or alive works. It also works for her to ultimately be in charge of Heart Industries and therefor Arthur's #1 enemy.     Just to hear the line "Karma's a bitch."  

Edited by Chaos Theory
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Technicolor projectile vomiting! Christopher, even in the futuristic year of 1999 the use of key cards can be logged.

Poor Slink, loosing control of his artistic vision. The suits ruin everything, don't they? At least he managed to clear one of them off the deck.

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Slink is absolutely hilarious! His janitor name tag, his hairnet, the way he continued to use that mop with the broken, splintered handle...love him! "Daddy's home!" He is such a snazzy dresser and I died laughing at his " oh please, you can't out dandy me" comment to the Gentleman. Where can I get that semi-annual Blood Drive charity calender? The clip of Slink's day off was epic.

Glad to see the Scholar again, he is my current favorite....glad he seems to be free. His fist bump with Slink was great. As for the Gentleman, he was the repulsive freak...."beautiful penis" my ass!

Two thumbs up for tonight's episode....one of my favorites.

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Love doesn't obey algorithms.

We all need a rage meter.

Well there goes the Gentleman/Scholar relationship.  Still the Gentleman storyline was great. 

I totally forgot about the bosslady contra cop but then she made Christopher sad/angry and then I just wanted her dead.

Another really good episode.

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It really is such a fun, enjoyable show. I'd say the best new show of the summer and maybe the year. Shame the ratings are bad and it's unlikely to get a season two. But  it's fitting that like the grindhouse films it emulates, people will be stumbling onto this hidden gem decades down the line. 

I won't be shocked if Grace and Arthur die before the season's over. As I said before, it's probably not getting a season two but I could see the plan being Blood Drive to become anthology-like with new main characters every season with Slink as the constant. Christina Ochoa's was already cast in a new show weeks ago and it struck me as awfully fast considering there's likely a waiting period before she could start looking for a new job. Unless Grace dies and it's not an issue. 

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I know the rap portion of Slink's Day Off was supposed to be funny, but I'm sorry, white people rapping makes me cringe so hard I can't enjoy it at all. (Special exception for Ellen Albertini Dow!)

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I agree Slink, you are "fucking fabulous"! Between the " tough hombre" old western accent he was using and his rockin' abs, Slink just keeps bringing the entertainment. His reaction to his hat catching fire was great.

Hooray...looks like the Scholar got a happy ending. 

I love this show..another great episode.

Edited by DixonVixen2359
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Damn I want this show to get another season so bad. I'm just worried because Christina Ochoa has been cast in Valor. Grace/Slink are the best characters on the show but now I'm finally start to warm up to the Christopher/AKI story line as well.

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Since there isn't a thread for yesterday's episode, I hope it's okay to post here.

I enjoyed gaining some insight into Arthur's past and how he acquired his journal. That scene where the last remaining "good" cop handed him the journal as he lay dying almost had me tearing up. 

Hooray for a Rib bone sighting, even if it was just for a second. He sure does clean up well. (If only TWD could find a way to incorporate Merle into a flash back of hallucination scene in a similar fashion...I'd be one happy camper!) Clown Dick in a cocktail dress was hilarious.

Is it wrong that with each passing episode I find Slink more attractive? I guess I'm just a sicker for cheek bones.

Another great episode....love this show!!

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No one added this yet so I will.  Another great episode that deals heavily with what makes Barbie Tick and his origin story.  It's highly surprising that with how violent this show is we haven't had a crucifixicion before.

Aki was extremely hot in the police uniform.  I loved her as Arthur's spirit guide.

Does anyone else want a house run on blood?

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Ooo, symbolism! So Arthur has a messiah/martyr complex? Was that a Freudian cigar Aki was smoking?

Interesting example of the Jesus Taboo. Arthur knew dreamGrace was posing as Mary Magdalene but only referred to dreamRibbone as a rabbi.

So synthAki was based on a real Aki. Is original Aki still alive? Or is Aki's turning(returning?) into a real girl really some sort of restoration of the original?

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Oh, was anyone else cracking up about the cop calling Arthur "kid" in his hallucination/flashback? I mean, I know he was revisiting an event from when he was much younger, but Alan Ritchson looks like a well-preserved forty year old!

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This was the first episode that gave me the creeps! The true form of the children and the "lemonade" they were selling was pretty gnarly. Reminiscent of TWD's Woodbury, the utopian paradise and the charming leader hiding reality. 

I love Slink....he had to be one of the most fantastic characters ever! His wardrobe is fabulous.

Aki is a gorgeous woman. 

I love this show, looking forward to next week although it's bittersweet considering there are so few episodes left.

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This show continues to exceed expectations.  I just wish more people watched it an it got better traction on this board because it's a truly awesome show.  

Of course Barbie's major requirements are no booody murders and a wife that doesn't call him a dipshit.  Standards!  

I loved the yellow mist stepford wives town.  "hey I'm dying.  I'm going to give you my job...and my wife, k?"

And Slink to the rescue!!!!

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So, I took the plunge and binged eps 1-10.  Man, this show is an absolute trip.  TWD ain't got nothing on this show, in terms of gore - and nudity, oh and F-bombs.

Good to see Arthur Curry again... err, only its Bailey now, I guess.  Or we could just go with Grace's fave pet name; Barbie.  Refreshing they have him being a staunch good guy, instead of going the easy route and making him care somewhat, but not enough to just brush off people getting thrown in to people-eating engines.

Christina Ochoa.  Wow.  Total smoke show.  Please tell me I'm not the only one seeing the direct (physical) comparison of the 'Grace' character on this show and the 'Mikaela' character [Megan Fox] from the first two Transformer films, as well as both being very proficient with cars.  Nearly identical in those two ways.

Aki is a hot cybersex humanoid... or is she the actual human daughter of the Flying Dragon's owner that was augmented and 'reprogrammed' to think she's a robot?   Not real sure after the last couple of episodes.  And who doesn't ship Chriski?

Slink is the real humor of this show.  So over the top and batshit psycho, yet zany and fun.  So is he really from before 1957 [date on the staff photo from Kane Hills]?  Shrugging off, and insta-healing, injuries seems to suggest the supernatural at work.

I have to admit that after watching the first 3 episodes the other night, I wasn't sure I wanted to continue.  But deciding to find out, I found that it really finds its legs in E4 and from then on.

Another stamp of approval for not prolonging the WT/WT.  Too many shows want to squeeze blood from a turnip in terms of dragging that type of thing out. 

I know it was 6-7 episodes ago, but whatever happened to Caligula?  Poor little guy.

ETA:  Forgot Domi & Cliff.  Their marriage should be on a T-shirt or a printed meme hanging on a wall in their home; "The couple that slays together, stays together.".  Slaughtering the bell hop and bagging him up as trophies on your honeymoon?  Total & complete definition of 'true love'... and true homicidal whackjobs.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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4 hours ago, 17wheatthins said:

Welp, methinks Karma is going to make a appearance this episode. 

Considering everything we know about Grace so far, that seems the most likely.

........... or could it be that one, or both, her parents are still alive?  {I'm forgetting; was it said they died, or just disappeared?}  I'm not too attached to this particular spec, but its the only other thing I could think of that could be 'shocking' to her.

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Blood Drive does it again! Slink is still everything...dabbing at his forehead with that black handkerchief like a true dandy...love him!

I figured Karma wasn't dead and there was a possibility that she had something to do with the Blood Drive, I just didn't expect her to be the old man in disguise. Well played.

I have to say Arthur's feral screaming has got to be one of the sexiest things I've seen on this show. 

The Cliff and Domi scene was twisted yet beautiful at the same time.

Where can I get that Rib Bone action figure? Does it come complete with Patches? I'd love for them to be a real item available for purchase.

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Good call on Karma, @17wheatthins.  Wonder if she got her skin suit job done by Niko & Livio Surgical Spa [/Killjoys plug].

I buy the blood lust and losing his mind when he thought Grace was dead, but I think the final minutes - knowing she was alive and after - was Arthur playing everyone [even Grace (maybe; coulda been a shared plan there, but doubt it)]; yes, as well with tossing the 'diary' in an engine.  "Oh, look, the good cop is all sick & twisted now, great entertainment!" and then he sheds the false veneer after letting HI & Slink get lax only to then take them on/out like originally planned.  Simple early speculation, but I just can't buy that he was truly willing to fight & kill Grace to be Primo.

Seriously, what is it with the BD/KJ connections?  First the skin suit, and now the Soul Reclamator uses Hullen green goo to bring [certain] people back to life.  Love a good crossover.  Kidding, I know its not really connected or crossovers, but my mind draws weird parallels anyways.
ETA:  I would like to say that I don't like how they waited so long to not even clue the audience in that the old man was actually Karma.  How will there be any time in the last couple of episodes to try & provide any real backstory as to how she got from the last time Grace saw her in Kane Hills to being the skin-jobbed old man leader of HI?  [I really hope I'm wrong, but after seeing the rating trends for this season, not really banking on this series getting renewed for a 2nd go-round] 

So, the real question is, is that still the 'real' Karma or is it now a robot-icized Karma [only with Karma's original soul]?  Yes, I'm asking that to maybe explain Aki being a 'bot, who looks exactly like a woman woman before The Scar occurred.

And did not see Grace shoving her into the engine like that.  That was amazing, in all its complexity for the reasoning of doing so.  And then (if not in on the ending with him), to have things end the way did with Barbie?  Grace's overall emotional & mental stability took a big steel toe to the nutsack in this one.

Like always, Slink is the humor base on this show.  Poor guy though, getting betrayed like that.  Somebody give that colorful dude a hug.

Sucks to see them gone, but that was the perfect end for Domi & Cliff.  Stabbing each other through the necks and kissing as they died.   Died doing what they loved, as much or more than they loved each other.  *fakes wiping a tear from corner of eye*

Chriski were sidelined for the most part, but they still provided some entertainment.

Chris:  "Yeah, but there's one thing about security guards.  They're stupid as shit."
Aki:  "But baby, just two day's ago, you were a security guard."
Chris:  "... I don't wanna talk about it no more."

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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Talk about an intense mind fuckery episode. Karma ends up being The Old Man and the one who put this whole thing in motion just to punish Grace.

Chris and Aki continue to have awesome chemistry even if they are weird as all hell.  The scene with them breaking into Heart was hilarious.

I think my favorite part though was Domi and Cliff.  They have been my favorite and I was wondering how they would go out.  Of course they end up killing each other in a final act of love.  Those crazy kids....

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Even though I thought "Old Man Heart" was wearing some pretty obviously fake prosthetics/age makeup (oops, turns out Sean Cameron Michael must have had a really bad plastic surgeon, his skin actually looks like that), it didn't occur to me that it might be Karma underneath until the striptease rant started.

Of course, this story development makes no sense whatsoever—Slink got Karma hooked on crazymaking drugs to coerce Grace into competing in a race that he developed for a TV contract with Old Man Heart, who was Karma all along? Did her shock treatments send her back in time?

Edited by Bruinsfan
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"I think it makes hats."

Blood Drive Monopoly game, action figures, E-Viscerator stain remover. Bladenado. Heart Enterprises has something for everybody it seems.

I hope this isn't the last we see of Slink's tattooed ex-sidekick.

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Slink cruising around in that tricked out motorized cart was everything! The beeping sound as he reversed completely cracked me up. Still loving his outlandish wardrobe...he looks good in red. His insane, black contour and glorious chiseled cheekbones are "fucking fabulous".

I wasn't a fan of Arthur's douche bag side, but I loved the moment Christopher entered the ring and they embraced. 

Well played Blood Drive, you almost had me fooled with the Christopher clone. Glad to see him and the lovely Aki are still alive. Hope it stays that way.

Next weeks episode looks epic, but it's  really bittersweet considering it's the finale. I love this show!

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Well it was bound  to happen.  An episode I didn't quite feel.  I don't know what it was about it but this is my least favorite of the entire season.

Still Slink was as fun as always.  

I thought the Grace vs Christopher was an interesting touch.    And I did like Katma's rise to the top of Heart Industries.

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This show continues to impress! For me a few episodes ago were the ones i wasnt feeling as much but last week and this week really stepped up their game (both with the violence and comedy) So funny karmas backstory i thought would bring it down but no i enjoyed it just as much as the rest! Like other have said slink backing up the scooter mad me die of laughter! Next week should be epic, i wanna see what all the mods are and it better not be the series finale!

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Well Damn!   This show has been amazing from start to finish.  The finale was incredible.  I loved the flashbacks and the final scene between Aki and Slink.  "I am not an Aki unit I am Aki.  I am."  That was such a beautiful line.  Plus I finally got my "Karma's a bitch" line which I have been waiting for all season.  

The surprising thing was how few survivors there  actually were and how dark it all went at the end.  Christopher and Arthur fighting.  Slink blowing the building up.  Grace not following Arthur into the blood tunnel thing and staying in the building to die (Probably) with her sister.  

Plus of course Heart Industries blames Arthur for everything.  What a ride he's been on.  Goes from the last honest cop to wanted terrorist.  Dude can't catch a break can he? 

If this show doesn't get a second season there is no justice because it is incredibly well written, well acted, and just plain incredible.

five out of five stars for the season.  

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Slink, you were "fucking fabulous" right up until the end! I loved how he was able to exact his revenge on that receptionist who completely blew him off before. Julian...you rocked my Blood Drive world!!

The scene of Aki cradling Christopher's lifeless body brought a tear to my eye. I was really hoping for him and Arthur to reunite and both escape unscathed....wishful thinking. 

I actually screamed out loud when Grace shoved Arthur through the portal sacrificing herself to stay with Karma..it was pretty heart wrenching.

Looks like the Scholar was the only bone who got a happy ending.

This finale had it all..I laughed, I cried, and I appreciated the Slink and Arthur butt glimpses. Two very enthusiastic thumbs-up!

I am totally going to work on some Blood Drive Halloween costumes. I am really going to miss this show.

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6 hours ago, 17wheatthins said:

I am so very disappointed, but not surprised. 


It is very disappointing.  But considering the dismal amount of viewer numbers and the fact that its been known for awhile that Christina Ochoa was already going to be starring in a new CW show [Valor] this Fall, all the signs were pointing to cancellation.  I consider us lucky in getting to view the whole season, instead of the network just pulling the plug before the end.

[maybe they could have worked around CO's sked to do more Blood Drive if it hadn't been cancelled, but with killing her off - and everyone else, aside from Barbie - I'm guessing they probably weren't planning for great success in being granted more than the one season]

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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Poor Grandma got her falsies knocked out again.  What you got against Grannies, Barbie!?

"Please don't kill me!"  "Say it in French."  "What??"  "Say It In FRENCH."  "Eh.. please, don't kill me."  "Gets me every time."

This series would have partially really sucked without Colin Cunningham's Slink.  He slays it - and me! - every damn time.

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I described the reasons (over in the Media thread) why its not surprising that BD only got one season - killing off all but one of the essential cast, for instance - but it will be missed.

I'm not ashamed to admit I was totally sucked into & was pulling for both the Grace/Arthur & Aki/Christopher relationships towards the end.

Julian Slink.  Now that guy was a true treasure.  Thank you kindly, Colin Cunningham, for bringing him to life in a totally fantastic and enjoyable way.  I tip my top hat to you, King of the Stage.

So, other than Barbie, only The Scholar lived - and even more than Arthur, got a 'happy ending'. 

I'll always fondly look on this venture as a very good and very long Grindhouse movie;  ~550 minutes vs ~135.  Considering everything that was done on & with this show, it really was like watching a long NC-17 rated movie.

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Maybe it's me.  Now it's three shows this season that have gotten canceled.  Or maybe it's the kind of show I consider really good tv is not exactly the kind people flock to.   Blood Drive is the definition of cult tv and those are never a must watch live draw.  It's more then likely SyFy will dump it somewhere to stream and it will gather a rabid fan base.  That's the tragedy of cult television they are often very good but no one watches until it's too late.

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That sucks one of my favourite new shows over. But that finale was amazing. All the Shakespeare and good old fashioned catharsis! I got fooled by slink twice and it made sense that he would want to push the button himself. I think season 2 with arthur and all the criminally insane could have been awsome! Aaand...scene!

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Considering it had only been thirteen episodes and the goofy nature of the show, I was surprised I got legitimately choked up during a few moments of the finale. I thought the Aki/Slink confrontation was really good and of course, Slink's curtain call.  

I'm so curious what the plan would have been with a season two. The show seems to take a sharp left turn in the last three episodes, I wonder if they go advance notice that they likely wouldn't have been renewed and decided to give it a stronger conclusion.

With grindhouse nature of the show, I could see the series going anthology with a brand new race and characters every season. I can't imagine they would have ever done this series without Colin Cunningham so I'm going to assume there's a Slink clone or maybe the real Slink who would have survived into season two. 

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Wow. That was an outstanding series. Classic comic grindhouse horror done to a T.  Cunningham pulled the show together. I loved the bi-storyline of him applying for the job at H.E. where we get to see him for the first time nervous, neurotic and paranoid and how he portrays these emotions Slink style.

Great production values. Great casting. Over the top and bloody extreme comic spectacle to the point of a joke. Why didn't more people get it?

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One good thing about coming down with the flu is the downtime; I probably would not have discovered this show otherwise.

This was just such a campy, schlocky fun bit of near-genius. Of course, I'm a sucker for post-apocalyptic scenarios. There were issues with the series (I could have done without the entirety of the Aki/Chris storyline, for one), but overall it was just such a wild departure from anything else out there right now that it was highly enjoyable. Very sorry to hear that it is already cancelled. Finale aside, I'm sure that they couldn't possibly have planned to continue without Grace and Slink, but given the numerous outlets for resurrections already demonstrated in the series, that wouldn't have been a problem.

Colin Cunningham's Slink was such a wonderfully over the top character, but peppered ever so slightly with layers of nuance from vulnerability to real menace. Incredible job. And while I still am not sure about how easily Grace slid into remorseless murder for the sake of her sister, I did like that she edged away from it under Arthur's influence. Those two had a really good chemistry that wasn't catered to nearly enough (not until near the end of the show). I am glad to have discovered Christina Ochoa in this series- she looks like an actress with a bright future. Alan Ritchson seems to have grown quite a bit since his Smallville days, as well.

I really hope we get to see some continuation of this at some point.

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