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S12.E21: Green Light

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13 minutes ago, PMPA said:

The most significant reason this excuse blows, is because by Messers own words, this storyline/arc was planned way way back.

I don't tend to take Erica Messer at her word. She's never been the most reliable narrator for her own show (case in point, she had no idea Gia Mantegna was coming back even though we knew for weeks because it was in the press release).

Granted, you could be right that Reid's story might have been unchanged had it not been for the loss of "The Character We Will Not Name!" (Hotch, because I will)- the writing stunk before Hotch left so it should stand to reason it would continue to stink had he remained. We also only have supposition to suggest things wouldn't have been worked out had Thomas Gibson not been fired.

Having said that, Gibson- like Joe Mantegna- is the series' top billed star, and Scratch was always associated with Hotch. It wouldn't be too much of a leap to suppose that, had Gibson stayed, Reid's arc might be three or four episodes long and Hotch would command the rest of the back nine, with perhaps the two arcs intertwining in some way. At best, we might have a "back nine Reid arc" where, at the final moment of S12, we realize it's really about Scratch and Hotch, with perhaps some scenes of Hotch and Jack and Hotch worrying ominously somewhere in the arc.

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2 minutes ago, Danielg342 said:

I don't tend to take Erica Messer at her word. She's never been the most reliable narrator for her own show (case in point, she had no idea Gia Mantegna was coming back even though we knew for weeks because it was in the press release).

Granted, you could be right that Reid's story might have been unchanged had it not been for the loss of "The Character We Will Not Name!" (Hotch, because I will)- the writing stunk before Hotch left so it should stand to reason it would continue to stink had he remained. We also only have supposition to suggest things wouldn't have been worked out had Thomas Gibson not been fired.

Having said that, Gibson- like Joe Mantegna- is the series' top billed star, and Scratch was always associated with Hotch. It wouldn't be too much of a leap to suppose that, had Gibson stayed, Reid's arc might be three or four episodes long and Hotch would command the rest of the back nine, with perhaps the two arcs intertwining in some way. At best, we might have a "back nine Reid arc" where, at the final moment of S12, we realize it's really about Scratch and Hotch, with perhaps some scenes of Hotch and Jack and Hotch worrying ominously somewhere in the arc.

Oh I agree Daniel, Messer changes her story so many times, its nauseating.  I guess my point really is, that the excuse that things have been off with the writing, is because they were put off by what occured.  There might be some room to say maybe, IF the writing had not been such an issue for so long prior.

A big thing I've found with this season is the abysmall pacing of the episodes.  This latest one excluded, as I was pleasently surprised that it had upped the pace, with the exception of a few bits.  

As for Hotch having the back 9, I don't know about that.  I think the alzhemiers storyline may very well have been Hotch's, as I think it was talked about getting Ed Asner back.  How cool would that have been. 

I'm fairly sure that one of the reasons that this arc has stretched as it has, is because MGG has been off set from I'm guessing maybe mid January. No, I'm not saying he's leaving, just that he was not on set, due to other stuff he was doing and I would guess that this was stuff that was planned and scheduled way back.  MGG was pictured around the time that the others were filming 16 wearing that very suit he had on last night, and there were no other set pics after that, witht the exception of birthday visits etc.  So what I'm saying is, I'm pretty sure they filmed all of MGGs scenes, maybe with the exception of the finale, in or around then, and theyve had to stretch that out since.  Perhaps if MGG did not have this schedule arranged, this storyline might not have been so long, but my guess is, circumstances made this a non runner.

I say again, he has been the one light in this whole arc. Would have liked more JJ and Rossi, way less of the others.  Guest actors such as Jane Lynch were excellent as usual as was the actor who played Shaw.  


@Danielg342 but it wasn't about Hotch, it was about Reid. And while it wasn't the most perfect of arcs (Reid was in prison way too long for just a 'suspect'), I'm enjoying the ending, immensely. Can't wait to see what next week unfolds!

Agreed the Ed Asner arc could've been great, especially if they correllated it with Diana's.

Edited by Willowy
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6 minutes ago, PMPA said:


I'm fairly sure that one of the reasons that this arc has stretched as it has, is because MGG has been off set from I'm guessing maybe mid January. No, I'm not saying he's leaving, just that he was not on set, due to other stuff he was doing and I would guess that this was stuff that was planned and scheduled way back.  MGG was pictured around the time that the others were filming 16 wearing that very suit he had on last night, and there were no other set pics after that, witht the exception of birthday visits etc.  So what I'm saying is, I'm pretty sure they filmed all of MGGs scenes, maybe with the exception of the finale, in or around then, and theyve had to stretch that out since.  Perhaps if MGG did not have this schedule arranged, this storyline might not have been so long, but my guess is, circumstances made this a non runner.


I think it was actually the converse.  He had time to be off set because the arc was so long, most of his scenes were at the prison, and they filmed the location scenes for the prison as a package.  He didn't drive the schedule.  The schedule drove him.

6 minutes ago, R3volver said:

Wait, wasn't Diana diagnosed with Alzheimer's before TG was fired?

She was.

  • Love 4
13 minutes ago, R3volver said:

Wait, wasn't Diana diagnosed with Alzheimer's before TG was fired?

I'm actually not sure to be honest as a lot seems to have happened to her.  My point is really that I believe that delving into that topic might have been a Hotch side story, given that we had an introduction to it with the appearance of Roy and all the extra components there was to that particular relationship.  There was alot of love for Ed Asners appearance and how he and TG worked together.  So much potential. As others have said as well, it could have been a great side story that both he and Reid were dealing with this.  I always liked Hotch and Reid, but felt that their relationship was under utilised massively in the last few seasons as well.

  • Love 3
8 hours ago, Willowy said:

My personal bias aside (I've wanted them together since the beginning), to me, THIS is not the relieved, loving face of a "chum". That's some intense love, right there, fingers in hair and everything.


The fanon enthusiast in me feels like they could watch this short scene on repeat for hours on end.

........... while at the same time, weeping over a beer and mourning "what could - no, what should - have been".

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, Danielg342 said:

I don't tend to take Erica Messer at her word. She's never been the most reliable narrator for her own show (case in point, she had no idea Gia Mantegna was coming back even though we knew for weeks because it was in the press release).

Granted, you could be right that Reid's story might have been unchanged had it not been for the loss of "The Character We Will Not Name!" (Hotch, because I will)- the writing stunk before Hotch left so it should stand to reason it would continue to stink had he remained. We also only have supposition to suggest things wouldn't have been worked out had Thomas Gibson not been fired.

Having said that, Gibson- like Joe Mantegna- is the series' top billed star, and Scratch was always associated with Hotch. It wouldn't be too much of a leap to suppose that, had Gibson stayed, Reid's arc might be three or four episodes long and Hotch would command the rest of the back nine, with perhaps the two arcs intertwining in some way. At best, we might have a "back nine Reid arc" where, at the final moment of S12, we realize it's really about Scratch and Hotch, with perhaps some scenes of Hotch and Jack and Hotch worrying ominously somewhere in the arc.

They can get SM back but can't bring Hotch back. Maybe with VW out of the picture, they can get some house cleaning done and bring him back. They can have a big brouhaha over SM returning but won't mention Hotch for one second . Scratch was associated with Hotch. So much potential. With that logic, you might as well cut Batman out of, well, Batman and give the joker a new nemesis.

Well, Reid is out and he can fill in what's missing. 

  • Love 2
55 minutes ago, ReidFan said:


finally finished screencapping and I have to say, I *really* like Alec Smight (sp?) as a director. Lots of interesting angle closeups... I got Reid profile, from the back wearing jeans that are too baggy, interesting jaw line angles, hands, fingers...and just nice angles and lighting variations. 

He has a nice visual eye.

Post the screencaps please!!!

21 hours ago, R3volver said:

I've never gotten a motherly vibe from JJ toward Reid.

Sisterly, if anything.  Reid and Garcia are Henry's godparents, an honor you wouldn't bestow on a child.

Best part of the episode for me was Luke's kept promise to Shaw.  FCI Milan with the Russian mob he and Elena put away... they can get you anywhere, Calvin.  They own that place.

  • Love 7
8 hours ago, Willowy said:

Anyone else think Garcia should've handed Emily her resignation letter on pink stationery?

All I wanted her to do at that point was utilise her time in finding the prints match. After that she could have given her resignation on any paper. I dont want her to leave. Its just that it was not the right time. And we all know that Garcia wont actually quit BAU.

I actually liked Garcia in this episode after a long time.

  • Love 1
24 minutes ago, ReidGirl said:

All I wanted her to do at that point was utilise her time in finding the prints match. After that she could have given her resignation on any paper. I dont want her to leave. Its just that it was not the right time. And we all know that Garcia wont actually quit BAU.

I actually liked Garcia in this episode after a long time.

Me too.  Mostly these days she just makes me cringe/roll my eyes, but I was actually compelled by her scenes, most especially with Spencer. 

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See, while some saw "Motherly JJ" holding Reid's hand as if he can't handle his own business, I saw Reid's best friend supporting him as best friends do.

I remember a few seasons ago JJ was an emotional basketcase when Will was held hostage in that bank, and no one brought up any issue with the team being there for her.  JJ hadn't even been through the half of what Reid just went through - weeks of unjustified imprisonment, beatings, seeing someone's throat slit in front of him, having to resort to stabbing himself just to get ONE night of sleep without worrying about someone slitting HIS throat, too. 

I hate how the word "infantile" is always brought up whenever any team member does anything to remotely help Reid.  If anything, JJ owes Reid because none of the team members had his back the way they should have while he was in prison.

All that said - I thought this was the best episode I've seen in awhile.  Did it have it's issues?  Sure, but I could suspend disbelief for this one.  The best part of this episode was Alvez ensuring Shaw was transferred, thus dishing out some well-deserved karma.

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I thought the acting was great this episode and I love that Reid is out and the whole storyline seems to be on track to end this season.  I did have one "huh?" moment - Prentiss is listing to Reid the possible reasons why the unsub used her father's gun, then Prentiss says (paraphrasing) "but it doesn't matter why."  For 12 seasons they have been catching criminals because they figured out the reasons why the unsub did something.  

  • Love 9
2 hours ago, Unkempt said:


See, while some saw "Motherly JJ" holding Reid's hand as if he can't handle his own business, I saw Reid's best friend supporting him as best friends do.

I remember a few seasons ago JJ was an emotional basketcase when Will was held hostage in that bank, and no one brought up any issue with the team being there for her.  JJ hadn't even been through the half of what Reid just went through - weeks of unjustified imprisonment, beatings, seeing someone's throat slit in front of him, having to resort to stabbing himself just to get ONE night of sleep without worrying about someone slitting HIS throat, too. 

I hate how the word "infantile" is always brought up whenever any team member does anything to remotely help Reid.  If anything, JJ owes Reid because none of the team members had his back the way they should have while he was in prison.



Well said Unkempt!!!

Reid was shown extremely strong in this episode doing whatever he can while being imprisoned. 

For me the best scene of the episode was, when Reid was finally freed from prison and hugged JJ and Garcia. I think I am going to watch that scene countless time till the next episode.

  • Love 7
9 minutes ago, ReidGirl said:

Reid was finally freed from prison and hugged JJ and Garcia. I think I am going to watch that scene countless time till the next episode.

it's funny, I have the entire episode but my son (sometimes, bless his heart....) found a high def 1080 for me of *just* that scene and it's marvelous. And sandwiched between JJ's hug and Garcia's hug & handholding is the other scene that I really adored in this episode, Calvin getting his karma via Luke. Just precious. Three minutes and change of this episode that are arguably to me,  the best three minutes of the show.  

  • Love 5
26 minutes ago, ReidFan said:

it's funny, I have the entire episode but my son (sometimes, bless his heart....) found a high def 1080 for me of *just* that scene and it's marvelous. And sandwiched between JJ's hug and Garcia's hug & handholding is the other scene that I really adored in this episode, Calvin getting his karma via Luke. Just precious. Three minutes and change of this episode that are arguably to me,  the best three minutes of the show.  

Please post that image here whenever possible. Yup loved the Calvin Alvez scene too. Calvin deserved all of that and more.

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I don't know how many times I'm going to respond because I think this argument is going in circles. Anyway, before this arc, I have yet to see a single instance- even from Reid- where a teammate actually needed another one to provide reassurance and protection- and explicitly mention that to them- before taking action. Perhaps Garcia in "The Black Queen" and perhaps "Burn", but Garcia wasn't exactly lauded for that performance.

Every other character that has been in peril at least tried- without prodding- to help themselves and stand up to their danger, even if we knew they needed help. The only time in the entire prison arc where Reid was at all decisive was when he grabbed Shaw's hands and stabbed himself in the leg. I can't think of any other instance where the episode wasn't an excuse to make Reid whimper and cry.

I've said it before and I'll say it again- if it was Garcia or another woman where nothing was happening except excuses to get them whimpering there would be howls of protest. When it happens to Reid? Not so much. I don't care how great Matthew Gray Gubler is at vulnerability- vulnerability without action is just not that interesting.

I understand some of you won't interpret things the way I do. Maybe some of you see some hidden strength within Reid that I'm just not seeing. I accept that. None of our interpretations will be the same- as the saying goes, mileage will vary.

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Calling it right now...... IF there are future seasons to be had (has the show been renewed for S13 yet?), and Alvez is still around - I am already expecting Shaw to get out of prison somehow and make a run at Alvez & Reid, that, or he'll have someone do it for him while still being locked up.

Its just too easy to pass up for these writers & Messer.  Like a wiffle ball sitting on a tee.

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4 minutes ago, iRarelyWatchTV36 said:

Calling it right now...... I am already expecting Shaw to get out of prison somehow and make a run at Alvez & Reid, that, or he'll have someone do it for him while still being locked up.

Its just too easy to pass up for these writers & Messer.  Like a wiffle ball sitting on a tee.

only if Roxy has something to do with the final takedown though! :D woof!

  • Love 4
41 minutes ago, ReidFan said:

he didn't stab himself in the leg. he stabbed himself in the arm. the blood on his leg is from the wound on his arm. i did a frame by frame. (and the director/editor actually made a small mistake here but I suppose no one notices it unless they do a frame by frame lol)

Huh, but then why was he limping when the guards led him to solitary, and why did he grab Calvin's hand to stab himself in the leg? I'm confused there...

  • Love 2
36 minutes ago, Danielg342 said:

I don't know how many times I'm going to respond because I think this argument is going in circles. Anyway, before this arc, I have yet to see a single instance- even from Reid- where a teammate actually needed another one to provide reassurance and protection- and explicitly mention that to them- before taking action. Perhaps Garcia in "The Black Queen" and perhaps "Burn", but Garcia wasn't exactly lauded for that performance.

Every other character that has been in peril at least tried- without prodding- to help themselves and stand up to their danger, even if we knew they needed help. The only time in the entire prison arc where Reid was at all decisive was when he grabbed Shaw's hands and stabbed himself in the leg. I can't think of any other instance where the episode wasn't an excuse to make Reid whimper and cry.

I've said it before and I'll say it again- if it was Garcia or another woman where nothing was happening except excuses to get them whimpering there would be howls of protest. When it happens to Reid? Not so much. I don't care how great Matthew Gray Gubler is at vulnerability- vulnerability without action is just not that interesting.

I understand some of you won't interpret things the way I do. Maybe some of you see some hidden strength within Reid that I'm just not seeing. I accept that. None of our interpretations will be the same- as the saying goes, mileage will vary.

We have to agree to disagree about vulnerability without action point.

First of all physical strength has never been Reid's strong point though he has improved a lot in past few seasons. His strong point has always been his mental strength. Second, no amount of physical strength would have been enough when you are a fed and stuck in prison with all the other hardcore criminals without any weapon or backup. Even the warden was more on the side of other criminals.  Lets picture Morgan in place of Reid in same situation, fighting against all those criminals would have just resulted him being beaten to pulp(remember Lockdown) for no gain whatsoever.

Not trying to disrespect your opinion but I just dont understand what showing physical strength in this scenario would have achieved. 

Also about other team member needing help, no one was in worse situation than Reid was/is in this prison arc. Having being beaten for a day is a lot different than being accused of murder, being stuck in prison for 3-4 months and being scared for your life and sanity every single minute.

  • Love 10
8 minutes ago, ReidGirl said:

Not trying to disrespect your opinion but I just dont understand what showing physical strength in this scenario would have achieved. 

It isn't about physical strength. It's about story choices that have Reid constantly reacting, not being proactive. I've already outlined what he could have done in many previous episode threads, so I won't repeat them. Admittedly, perhaps much of the problem is that the prison arc could have easily been condensed into one episode- I mean, if those whole story was about Reid eventually getting his comeuppance on Shaw, there was no reason for multiple episodes to do that.

1 hour ago, Willowy said:

Huh, but then why was he limping when the guards led him to solitary, and why did he grab Calvin's hand to stab himself in the leg? I'm confused there...


2 minutes ago, PMPA said:

I have not watched this scene again, but I think what happened it that he had the shank under the table in his left hand I think. He grabbed Shaws hand with his right hand, pulling it onto his lap, and then stabbed himself in the leg...or something like that. But I think he had the shank in the same hand that he grabbed Shaws arm with, so in a non technical way, Shaw did actually stab him, even though Reid was controlling the movement. Obviously it looked like Shaw had done it.

Edited by PMPA

Well, I'd hardly classify a guy who is able to stab himself as a means to an end as weak, but that's just me.  That's pretty darn badass.

But speaking of that scene - yeah, it happened so fast, I couldn't figure it out either.  It looked like he stabbed himself in the upper thigh, he was limping away, then later his arm was bandaged?  Was the limp due to his actual real-life knee problems?  No clue.  I watched it twice and couldn't figure it out.

Edited by Unkempt
  • Love 5

that's why I said it was a director/editor mistake. When I frame by framed it, it does look like Reid stabs himself in the leg, but as he moves his hand away from his leg there is no injury, no blood. The clean shiv is still in his hand. He then grabs at Shaw's hand to make it look like Shaw is holding it and stabs himself in the arm. There's a lingering shot of the shiv hitting the floor, bloody. And then it cuts back to Reid's now blood covered hand....and the camera moves from his leg, where there is now evidence of blood, to his hand still holding the shiv which he drops *again* and then Reid is obscured by Shaw as the guards come in to separate them. 

Edited by ReidFan
oops missed a word
10 minutes ago, ReidFan said:

that's why I said it was a director/editor mistake. When I frame by framed it, it does look like Reid stabs himself in the leg, but as he moves his hand away from his leg there is no injury, no blood. The shiv is still in his hand. He then grabs at Shaw's hand to make it look like Shaw is holding it and stabs himself in the arm. There's a lingering shot of the shiv hitting the floor, bloody. And then it cuts back to Reid's now blood covered hand....and the camera moves from his leg, where there is now evidence of blood, to his hand still holding the shiv which he drops *again* and then Reid is obscured by Shaw as the guards come in to separate them. 

There was a hugely glaring continuity error that always bugs me everytime I see it.  In 'Route 66', when Hotch is holding his hands on Haley's stomach after Foyet shot her, his hands are covered in blood.  Theres a quick shot (pun unintended) where he has his hands on her stomach, he's calling for help and not a drop to be seen and then seconds later its back and I think he has taken his suit jacket off at this stage. Gahhh.  I'm a sucker for continuity.  Biggies like this should not be missed IMO

  • Love 1
22 minutes ago, Unkempt said:

Well, I'd hardly classify a guy who is able to stab himself as a means to an end as weak, but that's just me.  That's pretty darn badass.

I would agree. Which is why I would say that the prison arc should have maybe been one episode or two at most so it really becomes a story of Reid triumphing over Shaw, instead of one episode of brilliance and four where Reid does nothing except getting beaten.

12 minutes ago, ReidFan said:

that's why I said it was a director/editor mistake. When I frame by framed it, it does look like Reid stabs himself in the leg, but as he moves his hand away from his leg there is no injury, no blood. The shiv is still in his hand. He then grabs at Shaw's hand to make it look like Shaw is holding it and stabs himself in the arm. There's a lingering shot of the shiv hitting the floor, bloody. And then it cuts back to Reid's now blood covered hand....and the camera moves from his leg, where there is now evidence of blood, to his hand still holding the shiv which he drops *again* and then Reid is obscured by Shaw as the guards come in to separate them. 

It would have made more sense if Reid had stabbed his leg, not just from a directorial perspective but also from a health perspective. A lot more "meat" in the leg to provide protection against a lethal stab wound.

1 minute ago, PMPA said:

There was a hugely glaring continuity error that always bugs me everytime I see it.  In 'Route 66', when Hotch is holding his hands on Haley's stomach after Foyet shot her, his hands are covered in blood.  Theres a quick shot (pun unintended) where he has his hands on her stomach, he's calling for help and not a drop to be seen and then seconds later its back and I think he has taken his suit jacket off at this stage. Gahhh.  I'm a sucker for continuity.  Biggies like this should not be missed IMO

In fairness, that was a dream sequence. So I let that go.

  • Love 1
41 minutes ago, Unkempt said:

Well, I'd hardly classify a guy who is able to stab himself as a means to an end as weak, but that's just me.  That's pretty darn badass.

But speaking of that scene - yeah, it happened so fast, I couldn't figure it out either.  It looked like he stabbed himself in the upper thigh, he was limping away, then later his arm was bandaged?  Was the limp due to his actual real-life knee problems?  No clue.  I watched it twice and couldn't figure it out.

I've looked at the scene bit by bit. He has he shiv in one hand, stands up and grabs Shaw's right hand with his other, brings the shiv down to his leg and puts the shiv in Shaw's hand and stabs his left arm. It all happens so quickly and he actually accomplished leaving the shiv in Shaw's hand, so it looks like Shaw did it. the next scene has him limping on his right leg, the one they show stabbed , not his left leg, which we all know is the one he messed up years ago. He also has a bandage on the left arm. It was fairly well done, except the blood was too much to be realistic so quickly.

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