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Criminal Minds Analysis: Profile The Show

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There have been a few manly moments for Reid recently, which I have appreciated. In Brothers Hotchner, he dispatched a guy with some luggage off the carousel; in Rabid, he saved Morgan from the unsub by knocking him down, again with some sort of object (a phone or a fire extinguisher, it was so dark, I couldn't tell); and in Angels, he was heading up the taking down of the Preacher, holed up in the restaurant, until the shooting started. So a few moments, especially the last mentioned, where he was in charge, so to speak. 


And in season 8, the Apprenticeship, where they were trying to draw parallels between the unsubs and the Morgan-Reid dynamic, the apprentice coming into his own by surpassing the teachings of his master (Reid taking over the witness interview and getting through to the guy where Morgan could not), that was a strong moment. 


And we are forgetting that Reid's strongest moments frequently are the non-violent ones, where he finds a way to talk down the unsub, as in my favorite, Uncanny Valley. Ain't no way Samantha could have been dispatched by Morgan or JJ all up in her dollhouse!

Edited by normasm
  • Love 5

Don't forget in Damaged when Reid distracts Chester Hardwick by telling him he knows why he is the way he is. And I absolutely loved it when once they knew they were safe and were leaving the prison Chester asks, "Is that true, I never had a chance?" and Reid just tosses off the reply, "I don't know. Maybe." Priceless. I loved Reid and Hotch together in that episode.

  • Love 5

Yeah. I loved it when Reid used his brains and his words to distract people. 


Even though Reid has used objects to take people down or slow them down a few times in more recent years-- he seemed almost inept at it and he couldn't do it on his own. He seemed a bit more able to handle himself physically somewhat in earlier seasons (even if he did slip when they were out in the woods-- his shoes didn't have good traction). Despite coming off as somewhat "weak" sometimes, Reid was tougher than he seemed. 


He used to do his best thinking under extreme terror and then they had the excuse of dumbing him down because he was terrified for Maeve. Some of the dialog in that episode annoyed me.


And my cat is jumping on me now...

  • Love 1

1. Seven Seconds. The best all-team episode, helped by the lack of a big-name character (Gideon or Rossi) to suck up screen time from the others. Everyone's roles are well-defined by this point of the series, and character growth is really highlighted--Prentiss is now Hotch's biggest support after her time of testing just a few eps earlier; Hotch IS the leader, something that confused some viewers when Gideon was around (so many people thought that he was the unit head), and he takes charge completely; JJ's role as family support in time of crisis instead of just the media handler works really well here; Garcia takes charge in her domain and yet provides a human touch in her empathy ("I once followed Todd Cortell the length of Silver Beach because he had a kite..."); Morgan and Reid use their own damage to figure out why this little girl was targeted in a way that someone newly arrived to CM would not pick up on, but fans immediately know about; and Reid's interrogation of Jeremy is just fantastic in the same way, replete with backstory without being obvious about it. The ep's pace is breakneck, the most intense of the entire series IMO, the one-shot actors are all really good (the parents are on edge, the bastard molesting uncle was slimy and then completely broken, and the aunt was fantastic when Prentiss cracked her with her cry of "Enough!!!" My only slight disappointment is with the little girl surviving (if they were medically accurate, she never would have resusitated), but you have to wonder how "happy" the ending is with all of the secrets exposed.

2. Tabula Rasa. I just love the flashbacks, even with the dodgy hair for both Reid and Morgan. Also, the theme of the past being like a different life is established in the beginning with Emily's high school photo and carried through with the killer. I also really liked so many elements--the guard's kindness to the killer, the connection between Reid and Mr. Corbett, the DA's blatant hitting on Hotch, and Hotch's awesome smackdown of the defense attorney, complete with the judge's reaction.

3. The Uncanny Valley. IMO, the last of the truly great episodes. I love everything about this ep. Even though it is the Reid-centric ep of the season, everyone in the regular cast has at least a moment, except for possibly Morgan. Hotch is low-key, but I love that he picks up immediately that Reid is going to need Rossi around to moderate him when he talks with Doctor Daddy--just watch his eyes when Reid starts pacing. JJ's interaction with the store clerk and store seamstress is one of my fave of the ep, mostly because of the way they wrote both of the store employees (he is supercillious, and she is all "step aside, Sonny, and let the professional look at that dress"). I also love the scene with the dollshop worker--"Just because someone likes dolls does not mean that they are a pervert!" The unsub is heartbreaking in her damaged state, the victims are the fighting females that this show used to do so well ("We're leaving"), and Frakes is such a scumbag in his sole scene that he leaves an indelible mark on the ep (I know someone who completely forgot that he wasn't the unsub!). But, ultimately, the ep is all about Reid and his backstory, but the backstory is really only obliquely referred to throughout. If anyone new to the series watches, they wouldn't pick up on the 75% of the story that is running under the surface, but it is all there for the fans to enjoy--Reid's speedreading, chess in the park, Reid as mentor (character development, yay!), the rare Gideon reference, Reid's fury over Dr. Daddy's deliberately mentally damaging his daughter and his sublime takedown, and the wonderfully gentle way that Reid confronts the unsub at the end all ties in with his mom issues. ETA: I nearly forgot to add the really subtle reference to Reid's father in the use of Asimov for the final quote.

Edited by Sharpie66
  • Love 3

I was going to say, "Netflix? Why bother with that when you can get torrents for free?" *shifty eyes* *receives a message from Garcia* (this might not be good...uh oh)




Anyhow, which episodes would be on my re-watch list? This is a tough one, and tomorrow my list is likely going to be different, but here goes (in no particular order):


1) "LDSK"- If there's an episode that can get anyone into CM, it'd be this one.

2) "Broken Mirror"- My first one, and very good at creating intensity without much "action". Plus Elisabeth Harnois...

3) "Minimal Loss"- Gripping from start to finish, and the whole "negotiate with the criminal" thing was interesting. They need to do this more.

4) "Damaged"- Best said as "the day Rossi truly joined the team" since this episode perfectly captures just what it means to be a team. Plus Chester Hardwick, Hotch getting ready to kick some ass and Reid thwarting it all at the end.

5) "Secrets and Lies"- Although I still rack my head figuring out "the reveal", seeing the FBI branch out to find a rouge CIA agent gave the episode that rare "exotic, outside of the box" vibe, something it should do more.

6) "Elephant's Memory"- Reid's most touching moment, if only because there isn't a soul that couldn't relate to his experience in some way.

7) "Profiler, Profiled"- This may be the only time Morgan has the spotlight and the episode was an honest effort, with that final scene with Carl Buford perhaps being Morgan's finest moment in the series.

8) "Seven Seconds"- Another "outside of the box" episode, plus it spun a grand tale of child abuse and infidelity and tied it all together nicely. One of the show's best written episodes.

9) "100"- Foyet may have been "Superman" in his abilities, but this is still an intense, heartbreaking episode.

10) "To Hell...and Back"- Okay, so they're technically two episodes...but they're two parts of the same story. It gets my vote because the team gets to cross into my native Canada (though Sarnia is a much bigger town than Hotch and the writers give it credit for), the sly Robert Pickton references (and Morgan's pitch-perfect criticism of the episode's investigation, which mirrored the criticism of the Pickton investigation) and, last but not least, Lily Kershaw's memorable turn as Kelly Shane (I'll likely be voted down on this but I don't care). There was just a lot to like.

  • Love 3
he rare Gideon reference,


There are so many reasons to love Uncanny Valley, but this one manages to happily surprise me every single time! 


In chronological order:


1) Compulsion---You'll always remember your first, right?! This was my first CM episode, and I'll always have a place for it in my weird little heart. I love all the characters here and always love when the Unsub's identity and motives are both a bit of a mystery that we unravel along with the team.  


2) Broken Mirror---A few classic team moments, one of Elle's standout episodes and, as danielg mentioned, just a really compelling, well-paced episode that I find really rewatchable. 


3) Derailed---If I could keep just three, this would be one of them. Okay, granted, I say that about more than three, but you get the idea :) I love pretty much everything about this episode: the premise, the pacing, the character and team moments, etc. The Reid/Elle interactions remain some of my very favorite moments of the series. 


4) Sex, Birth and Death---Nathan Harris may be the series' most very memorable Unsub for me. I'm fascinated by the question of how someone becomes an Unsub and whether we're capable of helping them before it's too late. These are some of my favorite moments between Reid and the rest of the team---and one of the few episodes in which I genuinely love Garcia! 


5) Birthright---I can't even begin to defend or explain this choice other than that I love the exploration of how history is sometimes doomed to repeat itself from one generation to the next. JJ is also really human and relatable to me in this one, which is always a plus! I just think it's a really well-crafted episode. As is...


6) 3rd Life----...which I actually think is one of the more suspenseful, compelling episodes of the series, and I think it features some of the very strongest acting from the perfectly cast guest stars.  


7) Zoe's Reprise----Honestly,  about 85-90% of both S1 and S4 could easily make this list. This is just one that I happen to find the most rewatchable. 


8) Demonology---My favorite Rossi/Prentiss interactions of the series and some really fascinating ideas 


9) Uncanny Valley---what Sharpe said :) 


10) True Genius---I love the Reid/MGG moments, I love the ending (which felt earned rather than awkwardly tacked on for the sake of sentiment), and I found the dynamic between the suspects fascinating. Of the 'real life' killers I've heard of (and I swear that I don't spend all my free time reading up on serial kilelrs!), Leopold and Loeb always interested me most. 

  • Love 2

My Netflix list is based entirely on shallow viewing. 


1. Demonology - so. much. Prentiss.


2. Minimal Loss - Prentiss being awesome


3. Lauren - this one is in my top ten, just for the close-up of Paget's boobs. 


4. Damaged - because Rossi is also awesome


5. Riding the Lightning - this is one of the rare episodes in this series that actually moves me. I know I'm being emotionally manipulated but dammit, they know how to do it right. 


6. Lucky - "God is in all of us." "So is Tracy Lambert." Also, Rossi's cocky smirk in the beginning, with the sunglasses and all. 


7. In Name and in Blood - this one literally makes it onto the list just because of Emily's condo


8. Limelight - a good Rossi episode where he finally realizes the monster he's created in Jill Harris, and Emily's purple shirt and awesome hair


9. Honor Among Thieves - I usually just watch the scenes with Emily and her mother and skip the rest


10. Derailed - impeccably-paced, well-written, and the scene of all five of them jammed into a car, driving to rescue Elle in the desert always warms the cockles of my cold, dead heart 

  • Love 1

In completely random order except for numero uno which will surprise no one:


1. Elephant's Memory - This makes every list of mine for everything everyone has said and more. I watched it three times in the past two days and I've seen it dozens of other times, as well. I never turn it off, I always reblog anything on tumblr about it, and I'll never tire of it. You learn more about Spencer Reid and see his many moods and mindframes more in this single episode than any other; Shy and unsure at the BCC, angry at Owen's school counselor and LLE, stubbornness with Hotch, bravery mixed with terror when facing down Owen... it's just a perfect showcase for Reid, and for MGG's undeniable talent as an actor.


2. Mayhem - Paired with Extreme Aggressor and 100, this is the actiony favorite that I always get peeps into the show with. I always feel like I'm on a zipline when watching this one, and even though that isn't why I mostly watch CM, I think it far superior to any of the "mini action movies" they've tried to claim like the boring Hit/Run and the lousy 200. Love desperate, damaged, still clever and caring Hotch, and Morgan's convincing superhero bravery. He runs his ass off in this one, and for once he's not getting it kicked! 


3. 100 - I've said many times that I think this is the best episode of the series. I'm aware too that there's a backlash, so I don't expect agreement from everyone, but it absolutely destroys me every time. I think the pacing, the dialogue, the camera angles, even the lighting and the music are completely in balance. The horror of having a loved one murdered while you are racing to their side is brought fully home in Thomas Gibson's flawless performance, and his loss and devastation are forcefully powerful. I can't take my eyes off the screen when it's on. 


4. Magnum Opus - Reid and JJ. Reid and JJ. Reid and JJ. <3


5. The Edge of Winter - I was flabbergasted when JSB won the award for the far inferior Strange Fruit instead of this incredible work. This episode stands alone in season 9 for me in that it could be an episode of any show. This was motion picture quality, and it was almost like a work of literature come to life. Hanelle Culpepper's direction was deep and deft and left me with such a sense of loss for the devastated and insane Daria. It was a real treat too, to see Morgan calm, collected, solidly professional, and determined to unlock the girl's blocked psyche. Criminal Minds, indeed. *applause*


6. Seven Seconds - Agree with all other's opinion on this stellar offering. Special shout-out to Paula Malcomson, Deadwood alum extraordinaire, who is one of the finest actors working in television today. 


7. The Instincts/Memoriam - The whole concept of Reid "rediscovering" an old crime via his subconscious is a great thru-line in these two episodes. Diana was integral and it was incredible how Jane portrayed several sides of this ill and beloved woman's personality. We got a ton of backstory and even with the sniveling, rat-bastard fucker Wm. Reid, it was an excellently written mystery. Some great Morgan/Reid interaction here, too (and loved the Rossi back-up!).


8. Foundation - This one touched me on many levels, and it surprised me too, in that it didn't seem like there was a 'B' story. Everything meshed and worked together so well that it all felt like each side of the story was just as important as the other. The amazing sleuthing by Prentiss working in conjunction with the daughter (who was excellent) was actually really relentless, and the daughter's realization of what her father was was executed perfectly. Angel. That kid. He blew me away. I'd never seen the young actor before (or since, actually), but he was the perfect choice for this role. And I loved how Morgan immediately connected with him, and walked through dangerous and terrifying territory with the kid, helping to bring him towards being able to feel safe in the world again. JJ's compassion and soothing voice was nice to see, as was the pain in her eyes for the suffering boy. Jim Clemente's best work, imo.


9. Extreme Aggressor - Perfect series opener. If all shows had this flawless a debut, everything would be greenlit. A must-see for newbies, and a great 'return to' episode for all of us long-time fans. *BONUS* Hotch!Bangs!


10. Demonology - 'Emilyology', you could say. This was interesting not so much for the case alone (evil priest - yawn), but for Paget's winning performance. She's all things here; adorable, capable, sensitive, driven... and we really get a sense of who she was back then and how it still influences who she is today. Great episode, and I'm always happy to see it on. 


11. Lucky - Creepy-ass Floyd Feylinn Farrell. The sickest, grossest, creeper that ever creeped. Ew, ew, ew, and oh yeah - ew. You can practically smell him.


12. Mosley Lane - Our boy's directing debut, and his finest. Tragic, heartbreaking, and ultimately hopeful. Not to mention a great turn from the sickos played by Beth Grant and Bud Cort (perfect casting). I'll never get over the bereaved father at the end, and will never forget the sentence he can barely get out as he realizes "He was alive yesterday?" Anne Cusack was perfect as the drunken mom that nobody believed in, but who never gave up on her son Charlie. Her happy vindication felt like ours, too.  


13. The Uncanny Valley - Perfect Reid. Attuned in total to everyone he was dealing with, UnSub, coroner, abuser, chess buddy... everyone got exactly what they deserved from the good doctor. Every character in this ep got to see a different side of Spencer, and we got to see it all. Aside from what others have said about this episode (like the excellent Samantha, slimeball Riker, and determined victim), what does it for me is how they take great pains to not only tell the story, but to show us perfect snapshots of Reid while doing so. Matthew excels here, showing us yet again what he can do, given great material.   


14. L.D.S.K. - Great team dynamic and extra-special Hotch/Reid stuff. Reid manages to look vulnerable while still being in command of his brainpower and ultimately saving the day by taking the shot, proving that practice at the gun range did in fact make a difference. I loved the line "I got your intent as soon as you moved the hostages out of the line of fire." Reid's no dummy, never has been, and I like that in 9 they began moving him back into savvy mode. Hopefully that will continue, and hopefully we'll see more interaction with Hotch like this, as well. 


15. North Mammon - A truly honest look at small-town standards and how deviations from the narrow 'norm' are feared and disallowed. A scary juxtaposition of the girls turning on each other as the parents all do too, and a look at the different levels of morality, and how some will go to any lengths to justify their actions. The UnSub is horrible, yes, but he was once one of them, a normal guy. The cello music as the surviving girls are released and the brief image of them walking barefoot and blanketed down the alleyway is immensely powerful and hits me in the gut every time. 


Good grief I could totally keep going but I have to make dinner for the kiddos now. Shit. ;)

  • Love 1

I have seasons 1-7 on DVD, so I won't need to watch on Netflix. Couldn't bring myself to buy 8. Anyway, I find that as the show progresses my favorites have changed somewhat.

1. Extreme Aggressor

2. Pleasure is My Business


4. Broken Mirror

5. Natural Born Killer

6. Lucky

7. Penelope

8. The Big Game/Revelations

9. The Fisher King (both parts)

10. Zoe's Reprise

11. Seven Seconds

12. Faceless, Nameless

13. In Name and Blood

14. The Angel Maker

15. Unknown Subject

I was tempted to include North Mammon and Empty Planet as well. Given how much I love both Elle and Emily, it's bizarre how much I love those S2 episodes in which neither character happens to appear! I think the show is just even better when they have (at least) one less character to focus on at a time. 


I also can't believe I forgot to include Fisher King Part II! Spencer and Diana, Hotch thinking to scrub Elle's walls before she could see them, the interactions between Elle and her deceased father...the case itself is a little improbable, but I really adore this one. 


Here's a question for you guys: if you were recruiting a Netflix-subscribing newbie to the show, which five or so episodes would you recommend he/she tune into? (These aren't necessarily the same as our handful of special favorites, since some of those aren't overly newbie friendly and are better appreciated once you 'know' our team) 


I was tempted to include North Mammon and Empty Planet as well.


Empty Planet is one of those episodes that hold up really well upon rewatch but somehow slip out of your mind the other 99% of the time. 



Here's a question for you guys: if you were recruiting a Netflix-subscribing newbie to the show, which five or so episodes would you recommend he/she tune into? (These aren't necessarily the same as our handful of special favorites, since some of those aren't overly newbie friendly and are better appreciated once you 'know' our team)


If I had to pick 10 episodes to introduce someone into the show, they would be:


1. Extreme Aggressor - gotta start from the beginning, right? It introduces all the characters and explains what profiling is. 


2. Lessons Learned - in order to show the viewer that it's not always about serial killers and also explain why we have a new brunette on the show


3. The Big Game/Revelations - when I introduced my brother to this show, he was unenthused about most episodes but he really enjoyed these two, so. 


4. Lucky - because cannibalism.  It's a creepy case with great moments and profiling but I'll have to explain what happened to Gideon 


5. Seven Seconds - fast paced and engaging, and a change from the usual serial killers. I should probably show this one before Lucky, actually.


6. Tabula Rasa - another episode that mixes up the usual formula a bit and the courtroom scene with Hotch is great


7. A Real Rain - this is one of the episodes that first grabbed me. I think the profiling is pretty good in this one, though I hate the ending with the video clippings.


8. Zoe's Reprise


9. Birthright


10. Open Season or The Angel Maker


The last three are chosen just because the cases are pretty interesting and there's good team interaction. I got sucked into the show through the profiling first, and stayed for the characters, which is why I've chosen episodes that aren't too heavy on one particular character, except for maybe Zoe's Reprise. 

  • Love 1

I hate “Zoe's Reprise” because they killed off a character- Zoe Hawkes- who could have been a great character. Amy Davidson really nailed it, as Zoe cute, adorable and intelligent without going over the top- all things Garcia should be...

Anyhow, I do agree with most of the other picks for “introductory” episodes, though I think there is one we're missing- “L.D.S.K.” This was the first episode that broke out of the show's mould of being simply “cerebral” mysteries- we got some action thrown in there too. Plus it's a really great episode to define just how good a charcter Reid is and how good a character Hotch once was.

  • Love 2

I hate “Zoe's Reprise” because they killed off a character- Zoe Hawkes- who could have been a great character. Amy Davidson really nailed it, as Zoe cute, adorable and intelligent without going over the top- all things Garcia should be...

Anyhow, I do agree with most of the other picks for “introductory” episodes, though I think there is one we're missing- “L.D.S.K.” This was the first episode that broke out of the show's mould of being simply “cerebral” mysteries- we got some action thrown in there too. Plus it's a really great episode to define just how good a charcter Reid is and how good a character Hotch once was.

Daniel, Zoe is my favorite victim. I loved her and I really like that episode. Also, LDSK has always been a favorite. Des Plaines, IL is my hometown, not that anything in the episode looked anything like the Chicago suburbs. You could even see mountains and palm trees in the exterior shots. But I love the relationship between Hotch and Reid and between Gideon and Reid. Also in that first season, even though each of the agents had their areas of expertise, the young ones were still learning from Hotch and Gideon. They'd ask questions. They were eager to learn and eager to participate in the cases.


My picks...


2-3 S1 favorites: Compulsion, Broken Mirror and Derailed (these are also three of my most rewatched episodes of the series, and I've bored you guys elsewhere with the reasons why...but there were easily 12-13 other episodes I could have put here as well! )


I'd get rid of, however reluctantly... Natural Born Killer, What Fresh Hell? and Somebody's Watching 


2-3 S2 favorites: Fisher King Part II, Sex Birth and Death, Ashes and Dust (it's hard to watch, but it's also one of my favorite Hotch episodes of the entire series) 


I'd get rid of, however reluctantly... P911, Distress, Jones


2-3 S3 Favorites: Birthright, 3rd Life, Damaged (gah---this was a tough one for me; there are a ton of S3 episodes I like a lot, but not too many special favorites; these are the ones I'm most inclined to rewatch most often) 


I'd get rid of, however reluctantly... Penelope (I tend to dislike overwrought 'team member in peril who we know will be just fine anyway' episodes), Tabula Rasa (I love the concept and get why many love it...it just doesn't fully work for me), The Crossing


2-3 S4 Favorites: Masterpiece, Zoe's Reprise, Demonology (but, like S1, I could have very easily put more than half the season here!)


I'd get rid of, however reluctantly... Brothers in Arms, Amplification (I just generally don't like OMGvirus! episodes of my crime dramas!), and the finale


...I'll stop there for now, but hopefully others will chime in :)  

Edited by mstaken
  • Love 2

Okay, you may think I'm nuts, but I actually did a spreadsheet of all the episodes in each season and ranked them in order of my favorites. So....


Season 1: Extreme Aggressor, LDSK, Natural Born Killer (also love The Fisher King & Broken Mirror, okay, I could go on and on in this season)


Season 2: The Fisher King Part 2, Revelations, The Big Game (also love P911 & Ashes & Dust)


Season 3: Penelope, Lucky, Damaged (& I love In Name and Blood for all of the Hotch moments and for Prentiss)


Season 4: Pleasure is My Business, Masterpiece, The Angel Maker (& Zoe's Reprise, I love Zoe. This season had so many wonderful episodes.)


Season 5: Faceless, Nameless, 100, The Internet is Forever (also love Uncanny Valley)


Season 6: (I really didn't like much of this season) Hanely Waters, JJ (I hated the whole spy arc and pretty much everything with Seaver in it.)


Season 7: Unknown Subject, Profiling 101, Foundation (and It Takes a Village only for the moment when Prentiss returns)


Season 8: (totally hated this season, but if I have to pick) Zugzwang, All That Remains, Magnificent Light


Season 9: Gabby, Final Shot, The Edge of Winter (Again, more misses than hits this season for me.)

  • Love 2
Okay, you may think I'm nuts, but I actually did a spreadsheet of all the episodes in each season and ranked them in order of my favorites. So....


Ha! Actually, I think that's absolutely awesome. If I could figure out how to do a spreadsheet, I'd probably do the same thing :) 




Extreme Aggressor, LDSK, Natural Born Killer (also love The Fisher King & Broken Mirror, okay, I could go on and on in this season)


Seriously---S1 was even harder to narrow down than s4 for me. Extreme Aggressor and  LDSK were, like, THISclose to making my final three as well, but the competition was too stiff! (I'm also always tempted to pick A Real Rain, which I think is an underrated gem,)




& I love In Name and Blood for all of the Hotch moments and for Prentiss)


I was close to picking this one as well. 




Pleasure is My Business,


That ranks right up there with Ashes and Dust as my favorite episodes for Hotch's character, even though overall my very favorite season for Hotch (for most of the characters, for that matter!) is S1 :) 

Edited by mstaken

Another vote for "Empty Planet"--thanks for reminding me about that one! It does tend to slip from the mind, but if I see that Ion is showing it, I am watching.

There are so many things to like about that ep. The unsub has significant screentime, but doesn't take over. So many great guest appearances--the bomb tech, both of the guest lecturers (I was just watching the Firefy ep "Safe", and said, "Hey, it's the egotist from Empty Planet!"), and the author are all terrific. But my favorite moments are the little ones, especially the throwaway bit when Reid gets back in the car after buying the book, talks to Gideon for a minute, then dives immediately into reading. Gideon knows Reid so well that he automatically says, "Seatbelt!" since he knows that Reid is already lost in the pages and wouldn't even notice the car was moving.

Edited by Sharpie66
  • Love 1

Ha! Actually, I think that's absolutely awesome. If I could figure out how to do a spreadsheet, I'd probably do the same thing :) 





Seriously---S1 was even harder to narrow down than s4 for me. Extreme Aggressor and  LDSK were, like, THISclose to making my final three as well, but the competition was too stiff! (I'm also always tempted to pick A Real Rain, which I think is an underrated gem,)





I was close to picking this one as well. 





That ranks right up there with Ashes and Dust as my favorite episodes for Hotch's character, even though overall my very favorite season for Hotch (for most of the characters, for that matter!) is S1 :) 

Sounds as if you love Hotch as much as I do, Mstaken. I find as time passes my favorites change somewhat. When I first saw 100, I was so moved by it and couldn't wait to see it again. But after awhile, some of the emotion wears off and I find that I gravitate toward episodes with great profiling and great team relationships. But since I'm a big Hotch lover, I also like episodes where we really get a glimpse into his psyche. Reid is my second favorite. I know folks here are big fans of episodes that MGG directs, but I'm not a fan of those scripts. I like what he does with the episodes visually, but if the writing isn't stellar, they don't really resonate with me. But I do love episodes where Reid is heavily featured. The more I watch season one, the more I love it. And even though I really love Prentiss, I am surprised by how much I like Elle. I think she worked well with the team. I don't think I'll ever know for sure why she left, if it was her idea or the decision of CBS, but I enjoy her spunk and the way she relates to the rest of the team.

  • Love 1

Fun bit of trivia for the '90s Canadian kids like myself: the actor who plays the UnSub in “Empty Planet”, Jamie Elman, was the lead character on the sitcom “Student Bodies” when it ran from 1997 to 1999. It was one of my favourite shows back in its day, so it was cool seeing Elman “graduate” (if you will) to CM.

  • Love 1

My picks are based on episodes I rewatch most often and not on actual quality-storytelling or whatever: 


Season 1 - Derailed, Riding the Lightning, L.D.S.K.  

Season 2 -  Sex Birth Death, Honor Among Thieves, Open Season 

Season 3 - Lucky, In Name and in Blood, Damaged (I pretty much want to keep this entire season, save for Scared to Death and In Heat, and The Crossing)

Season 4 - Demonology, Minimal Loss, Zoe's Reprise 

Season 5 - A Thousand Words, The Internet is Forever, Retaliation 

Season 6 - Lauren, Valhalla, Coda (I feel like my choices are self-explanatory) 

Season 7 - It Takes a Village, Unknown Subject, From Childhood's Hour/Epilogue 


Objectively, most of these are not great episodes, but I am an id-driven creature. 

  • Love 1
Sex Birth Death, Honor Among Thieves, Open Season


I love that there's one other viewer on the planet who likes Homor Among Thieves! Yes, the case is an absolute mess, but I adore the scenes between Emily and Elizabeth and wish we'd seen more of them.  I also agree that Open Season is a sneakily good episode---compelling, atmospheric and thought-provoking in that special S1-S2ish way :)


From Childhood's Hour/Epilogue


I adore these as well. The Rossi/Caroline stuff was a tiny bit overwrought and would have had more resonance if we'd known her prior to those episodes, but I loved getting to see Rossi do something other than murmur about That One Old Case that still haunts him and remind us that JM---er, I mean, Rossi---supports our military!


And, yeah, The Crossing is definitely among my very least favorite S1-S4 episodes! Which is another question...which 5-10 S1-S4 episodes would you guys most readily ditch?

  • Love 1


Yes, the case is an absolute mess, but I adore the scenes between Emily and Elizabeth and wish we'd seen more of them.


I pretty much fast-forward all the scenes without Emily. The episode makes for much better viewing this way. I love any episode where we get to learn more about Prentiss --- another reason why Open Season is one of my favorites is because we get to learn about her grandfather on the Alps. 



Which is another question...which 5-10 S1-S4 episodes would you guys most readily ditch?


I just picked three because it's late where I am. 


Season 1 - What Fresh Hell, Won't Get Fooled Again, Unfinished Business

Season 2 - P911, Fear and Loathing, Jones

Season 3 - Scared to Death, In Heat, The Crossing

Season 4 - Brothers in Arms, Roadkill, House on Fire

  • Love 1

All of these below are sub-par episodes to me in one way or another. I could easily do without any of them:


Through the Looking Glass

The Good Earth

Mr. and Mrs. Anderson

What Happens in Mecklinburg


The Performer



Compromising Positions

Reflection of Desire

The Bittersweet Science

Snake Eyes

Closing Time

Strange Fruit


ETA Ack, sorry I didn't stick with seasons 1-4. All the badness just kept popping into my head. :P

Edited by Willowy
  • Love 1
House on Fire


I'm so torn on this one! I actually find the case and profiling very interesting in this one. On the other hand, I find Garcia pretty insufferable here. 


The 5-10 S1-S4 episodes I'm least likely to rewatch: Natural Born Killer, What Fresh Hell?, Revelations (a very good episode---just one I find torturous to actually watch!), Distress, Jones, Penelope, The Crossing, Brothers in Arms , Amplification, To Hell...and Back  





Through the Looking Glass

The Good Earth

Mr. and Mrs. Anderson

What Happens in Mecklinburg


The Performer



Compromising Positions

Reflection of Desire

The Bittersweet Science

Snake Eyes

Closing Time

Strange Fruit



I have an inexplicable (albeit mild) fondness for The Performer, but otherwise a lot of these would make my list of least favorite post-S4 episodes as well. 

Edited by mstaken

Is it too late to add The Last Word to that ever growing Netflix list? I never see this one brought up as a favorite, and somehow I always seem to forget about it, but whenever I rewatch it I'm happily surprised all over again by how much I love this episode: the case, the profiling, the introduction of Emily, the Reid-in-glasses, which is my favorite look for him :) 

  • Love 2

Is it too late to add The Last Word to that ever growing Netflix list? I never see this one brought up as a favorite, and somehow I always seem to forget about it, but whenever I rewatch it I'm happily surprised all over again by how much I love this episode: the case, the profiling, the introduction of Emily, the Reid-in-glasses, which is my favorite look for him :) 


The interrogation scene between Gideon and Mill Creek is just feckin' brilliant. It's a good episode case-wise, but too little Emily for me to keep it on my rewatch list. (We do learn that she went to Yale! And has parent(s)!!!) 

  • Love 1

And The Tribe also was the first of the cultural appropriation unsubs that CM pulls out occasionally. An excellent way to explore a different culture without being overly offensive by making the killer part of the culture itself.


My choices for which eps to suck in a CM newbie:


1) The Fox. Sucks in an unsuspecting viewer right away with the very creepy image of the spouse waking up to see the other tied up beside the bed without getting into any gory pictures of anything beyond that. The unsub's motivations are introduced very well, as well as the method he uses to observe his victims and the way that he documents everything, thus leading to the discovery of the diaries at the end. That final image of the eight rings is the capper on a very creepy story.


2) Empty Planet. The smaller cast size helps to tighten up the plot and gives everyone some great moments.


3) Sex, Birth, Death. This was my introduction to the series, and I was immediately sold by the very compassionate way they portrayed a very sick young man as just that--mentally ill. The actual unsub is portrayed with far less sympathy. The victims get a lot more sympathy than he does, both by the writers and by the profilers, and the senator gets righteously smacked down when she looks down on the prostitutes she has to converse with. Emily's issues with politics really intrigued me as to what her backstory was, as did Reid's comment about knowing "what it's like to be afraid of your own mind" (I didn't know about his mom at this point, IIRC).


4) Seven Seconds for everything I said upthread.



95% of Seasons 1-4




85% of seasons 5-9 


Best: Reid's hair in Seasons 2 and 4 (extra credit for the Season 2 glasses)


Worst: Reid's hair in Seasons 3 and 5




Season 1 Elle, including her great hair




Season 2 Elle, including her terrible hair




Emily first being presented as an endearingly socially awkward, dorky and cerebral Vonnegut fan 




Emily being a lot more generic, flawless and undefined for most of S3-S7 




Rossi first being presented as edgy, arrogant and interestingly flawed in S3 




Rossi being a blandly perfect team player for S4-S9 




Cases that were interestingly plotted, carefully paced and sometimes even had a clever twist




Cases where there's less than no psychological suspense, far too little insight into profiling and way too much focus on grotesque torture 




The inspiring, thought-provoking quotes 




The fact that occasionally the quotes have absolutely no connection to the themes and ideas raised in that particular episode 




Reid's relationships with Gideon, Elle and Hotch in early seasons 




The entire team having more or less the same personalities, same professional skills and all having the exact same, flatly agreeable relationships with one another in later seasons 

  • Love 2

I have nowhere to put this but I was catching up on Season 9 on Netflix and saw an episode involving Battered Women and an angel network.


Eventually we are told that Snipers make up a reality so that they won't fall asleep and that the battered women are told to stay completely out of sight for 6 weeks.


She KNOWS her ex-husband works in military type contracting, is told to stay away from windows and traipses her ass in front of her verticle blinds, THEN she drags her hand through said blinds and THEN she OPENS THE BALCONY DOOR AND WALKS OUTSIDE!


I promise I've never wanted a victim to bite the dust so much.  I completely understand being cooped up, but GIRL.

  • Love 1

Here's a question for you all: If you could pick exactly three episodes from each of the first five seasons to keep on your Netflix list, which three would you select from each season? Sometimes I'm surprised by how the episodes I end up rewatching the most frequently aren't necessarily the ones I objectively think are the "best" episodes... 

Edited by amensisterfriend

I just saw the one with the Russian Mafia again (why can't I ever recall that episode name?) and was struck again by the personal beauty and dignity of Kate Jackson playing Emily's mom, she looked amazing. I was glad to see them reach a sort of 'friendly' vibe at the end, even though they played the tension between them throughout. 



  • Love 2

Right, thanks CoStar. That makes sense considering the 'Thieve's Code' they keep bringing up. 


Also now watching a favorite of mine, Legacy, with the OCD detective (and the junkie crawling over the glass) and the 63 people missing. I love how JJ notices the postmark, seeing that it crosses state lines and is therefore a Federal case. LOVE the small stuff!


The one thing that was distracting was the vic's perfect teeth. If she was a crack whore, she would not have had blazing white perfect teeth and gums. #MakeupDeptFail

  • Love 1

Honor Among Thieves is one of my least favorite episodes, but Kate Jackson was (is) beautiful and did a great job. I've been watching on ION, too, today and I guess for the first time I started to notice that there were several strong female victims, like the ones in Legacy and Open Season.


I wish we could learn something about Anderson. The earlier episodes showed a lot more people working in and around the BAU. It looked much more realistic. Now you get the sense that the 7 people in the BAU are the only ones working there, and since most seem to have their own office, what's going on in the bull pen?

  • Love 1


The earlier episodes showed a lot more people working in and around the BAU. It looked much more realistic. Now you get the sense that the 7 people in the BAU are the only ones working there, and since most seem to have their own office, what's going on in the bull pen?


It was the same way on SVU too. Back in the day there were people milling about, but now it's really just the core team with their angst and taking it personally. 


Remember when the BAU team also had paperwork? 


I loved the Ambassador and wish we could've seen her again. I also wish we could've learned what happened to Emily's father, since she did say to Hotch that her parents were fine in her very first episode. 

  • Love 1

I loved the Ambassador and wish we could've seen her again. I also wish we could've learned what happened to Emily's father, since she did say to Hotch that her parents were fine in her very first episode. 


I always wondered what Emily's relationship with her mother was like, because when she first arrives at the BAU and Hotch says he won't tolerate anyone with a political agenda on the team, she says, "You've met my mother, right? Did you like her?" He says that Ambassador Prentiss was an impressive woman, and Emily doesn't elaborate, but her tone is not unlike her tone when she calls Strauss Ma'am in 100.

  • Love 1


I always wondered what Emily's relationship with her mother was like, because when she first arrives at the BAU and Hotch says he won't tolerate anyone with a political agenda on the team, she says, "You've met my mother, right? Did you like her?" He says that Ambassador Prentiss was an impressive woman, and Emily doesn't elaborate, but her tone is not unlike her tone when she calls Strauss Ma'am in 100.


I can't imagine the Ambassador was a warm and cuddly type, and let's not forget Emily's exasperated, "Why does everything have to turn into an interrogation?"  


That said, I recall Emily telling Rossi that she only managed to afford her Georgetown apartment because her mother put money into her account each week and they both pretended not to notice. Ah, mommy issues. Hot. /Barney Stinson. 

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