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Criminal Minds Analysis: Profile The Show

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Amplification has always terrified me more than all the gory ones as it always makes me think of how easy it is to commit terrorist attacks that can affect lots of innocent people. And even more so in recent times where terrorism is rife. If I let myself think too much I wonder how long it will be before some terrorist plants a dirty bomb somewhere. I won't go to London any more as it is only a matter of time I think.

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8 minutes ago, Old Dog said:

Amplification has always terrified me more than all the gory ones as it always makes me think of how easy it is to commit terrorist attacks that can affect lots of innocent people. And even more so in recent times where terrorism is rife. If I let myself think too much I wonder how long it will be before some terrorist plants a dirty bomb somewhere. I won't go to London any more as it is only a matter of time I think.

Yeah, my mom is terrified of Amplification, as well. I think my niece can take it though.

Edited by autumnmountains

Couple of questions. How old is your niece? (Not being that familiar with the school system in the US I can't guess) . It also depends on the type of films/shows she usually watches. 

And are we discussing creepy/ frightening or gory? 

Because some of the episodes mentioned are really creepy for me: The Uncanny Valley (but I love it), Mosley Lane(I also like it very much..).

The Big Wheel and Coda would be in my list of recommended episodes. 

Editing to add: much as I love 100 I don't know if I would recommend it: it's really violent (Hotch killing Foyet with his bare hands...)  and so sad. 

Edited by senin
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1 hour ago, senin said:

Couple of questions. How old is your niece? (Not being that familiar with the school system in the US I can't guess) . It also depends on the type of films/shows she usually watches. 

And are we discussing creepy/ frightening or gory? 

Because some of the episodes mentioned are really creepy for me: The Uncanny Valley (but I love it), Mosley Lane(I also like it very much..).

The Big Wheel and Coda would be in my list of recommended episodes. 

Editing to add: much as I love 100 I don't know if I would recommend it: it's really violent (Hotch killing Foyet with his bare hands...)  and so sad. 

She'll be 18 on October 3rd. Mainly I was talking about gory. So, she'll be an adult but one of the very few homeschool stereotypes her parents follow, is being very strict on what the kids watch, and since she'll still be under their roof, she has to follow it. They are becoming far less strict about it though (my niece that I am asking for suggestions asked me "when will I ever be able to watch CM?" I answered "when you move out." I wasn't kidding, so I was gobsmacked when my sister asked me to show her Masterpiece. 

Y'all made some really good suggestions. One that I was on the fence about, Uncanny Valley, I will definitely show her-at first I wasn't going to, as her little sister, almost 12, has type one diabetes, and there has been several scares, and the last victim has that. However someone reminded me that the victim lives so it shouldn't unnerve her so much. I also will show her the other suggestions. :)

Thanks everyone for their suggestions, I will definitely have to show them to her!

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The diabetic victim in Uncanny Valley is also the hero of her personal story, she never gave up and almost saved herself and the other 2 girls. This story also portrays a mentally ill unsub compassionately, which demonstrates that such things are not black-and-white, which is good to know, if she doesn't already.

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39 minutes ago, normasm said:

The diabetic victim in Uncanny Valley is also the hero of her personal story, she never gave up and almost saved herself and the other 2 girls. This story also portrays a mentally ill unsub compassionately, which demonstrates that such things are not black-and-white, which is good to know, if she doesn't already.

Yep. She was pretty bad ass. So cool to see a victim who fights tooth and nail to save herself (and her fellow victims).

And though I don't condone the unsub's actions and think she should be punished; I had to give her props for her fabulous sewing skills. That being said, I wouldn't invite her over for a crafternoon.

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1 hour ago, normasm said:

The diabetic victim in Uncanny Valley is also the hero of her personal story, she never gave up and almost saved herself and the other 2 girls. This story also portrays a mentally ill unsub compassionately, which demonstrates that such things are not black-and-white, which is good to know, if she doesn't already.

True. I think I over analyzes how my oldest niece would take it. I think the episode would be fine :)

I've been going back through seasons 1 - 9, and finding myself enjoying bits and pieces in many of the episodes.

For instance:

Season 3 Episode 18 - The Crossing.

As a whole, a solid journeyman episode, no real big reveals or character arcs but it does have this absolute gem:

Morgan: After looking behind JJ and Prentiss as they walk into the room "Where's Mom and Dad?"

JJ: "Hotch and Rossi are still at the seminar in Boston, we shouldn't wait..."

I always chuckle at Morgan calling them "Mom and Dad", no one bats an eyelash and JJ just automatically answers "Hotch and Rossi".

Also amused at the idea that Hotch is Team Mom and Rossi Team Dad.

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26 minutes ago, ReidFan said:

yeah, Morgan walked past Reid on the jet and smacked his head, Reid say "OW! JJ, he hit me!" and she said, not even looking up from what she was reading "Boys! Behave or I will ground you both!"

season 3, episode 10 "True Night"

That's it! Your mind is like a database, I envy you Reidfan, I envy you a lot xD

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21 hours ago, senin said:

I think that Profiler Profiled is not in any of the suggestions, and it could be  a good idea. Even if she doesn't watch the whole episode, she could always watch the beginning (Physics Magic) 

Physics Magic never fails to charm me. It's fun to see a light-hearted, silly Reid.

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Not necessary for you to keep out, storyskip. In fact, if I haven't said it, welcome! No one here expects everyone to agree with him/her, at least not for long, but we (should always) respect differing opinions, as long as they aren't trolling, which I have not observed yours to be at all. If you seem to be alone in your opinion on something at one time or another, I've certainly had that happen, don't take it personally. In fact, if no one ever agrees with you but you express yourself in a non-troll-y way, have the courage of your convictions, stick to your guns! Your opinion is valid even if I don't agree (which I see I did yesterday!).

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On 9/21/2016 at 0:01 PM, storyskip said:

I always chuckle at Morgan calling them "Mom and Dad", no one bats an eyelash and JJ just automatically answers "Hotch and Rossi".

Also amused at the idea that Hotch is Team Mom and Rossi Team Dad.

'Course they had a different Mom before that.

"Don't ever call me 'Dad' again."
"How do you think he'd feel about 'Mom'?"
"Let me know when you're planning to do that. So I can run."


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I'm rewatching season 4, episodes from 19 to 24. My memories of them were a little blurred.

Watching Amplification has been such a pleasure!! It's one of those episodes I never catch when they are showing reruns and I had forgotten a lot of details about it.  Garcia (4x19) saying she analyzes data, not people is priceless!!

Aside of that, I realized I never say something positive about EM's job as a showrunner, so I going to say this. I didn't remember "the supermom syndrome" had started so early in the show and I've always put all the blame on her and that's unfair.

There are 4 of those moments between episodes 14 and 24,  it becomes tiresome quickly. However, EM only was a cowriter in A shade of grey. Besides, my first really annoying memory was her radio speech in season 6 premiere and it was written by Bernero.

Edited by smoker
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48 minutes ago, qwerty said:

I wasn't sure where to post this so I'll just put it here to be safeScreen Shot 2016-10-03 at 4.09.57 PM.png

From most to least
Luke Alvez          -  27.5% - 972 words
Tara Lewis          -  19.9% - 703 words
Spencer Reid      - 14.5% - 514 words
Aaron Hotchner  - 13.0% - 459 words
Penelope Garcia -  9.0% - 318 words
David Rossi        -   8.8% - 311 words
Jennifer Jaureu  -   7.3% - 258  words

Thank you qwerty!

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On 25. siječnja 2016. at 9:15 AM, Reghan said:

I was going to do 5 I would keep and 5 I would drop but.....................everyone is going to hate my picks, so I won't haha. Although I gotta go with The Fight as my least favorite episode EVER UGH


On 25. siječnja 2016. at 9:15 AM, Reghan said:

I was going to do 5 I would keep and 5 I would drop but.....................everyone is going to hate my picks, so I won't haha. Although I gotta go with The Fight as my least favorite episode EVER UGH

Speaking of spin-offs, I read a theory about "True Night" actually being a backdoor pilot for a spin-off that ultimately didn't work through, sort of an unsub (Jonny McHale) getting his own show. I usually don't like spin-offs, but I think that could have been kind of awesome.

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I was going to do 5 I would keep and 5 I would drop but.....................everyone is going to hate my picks, so I won't haha. Although I gotta go with The Fight as my least favorite episode EVER UGH

Awww, please do it anyway if you're so inclined! I have a lot of unpopular opinions too, and diversity of thought is what keeps places like this fun and interesting, so please don't think you'll be judged or mocked :)

Speaking of fairly unpopular opinions, suddenly I've become a huge S2 fan, maybe even to the point where I'd name it my personal 'best'...? It's generally regarded as the worst of the show's first four seasons, but it may have more of my individual favorites than any other season. It does have a few clunkers and I personally dislike Reid's mercifully short-lived addiction storyline, but the cases tend to be so engaging and thought-provoking this season, we get both Elle AND Emily (a definite plus in my book, especially since S2's 'dorky' Emily is the version of her character I love best), and any season that gives us gasses-wearing Reid and some of his (IMO) best hair of the series has to rank high up there for me. 

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13 hours ago, amensisterfriend said:


Awww, please do it anyway if you're so inclined! I have a lot of unpopular opinions too, and diversity of thought is what keeps places like this fun and interesting, so please don't think you'll be judged or mocked :)


Okay I shall post them


2.Mosley Lane

3. Entropy



5.5 Burn-This is 5.5 because I loved Garcia's half, but hated the unsub. 

6.Exit Wounds


I couldn't choose just 5!

Also some honorable mentions that belong in my favorites...

Nelson's Sparrow


North Mammon



 The Uncanny Valley




My top 6 worst episodes would probably be...

1. The Fight

2. Drive/The Bond- I know they are two different episodes, but in my opinion neither is a memorable enough episode to be placed on its' own.

3.Route 66- Why was this a thing? Hayley's dead, no need to bring that back.

4. Zugzwang- Stop killing people Reid loves...

5.Restoration- Did we really have to bring Morgan's rapist back into it?

5.5- The non Garcia half of Burn...Blah

6.Public Enemy...boring. 

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I agree with several of your choices in both lists, Reghan.  I love-hate (or hate-love) Zugzwang.  MGG was spectacular in it, but they may as well have ripped out my still-beating heart and shown it to me.  I shall never subject myself to that sorrow again (pronounced uh-GANE here, because drama). 

I might be one of the few who really like Route 66; at least, I don't see it get much love.  I love TG/Hotch, seeing his grief.  I loved Rossi driving the limo.  And golly-gee, if I don't love me some George Foyet.  I dunno -- I just liked it.  I pretend Beth wasn't in it and that there was no mention of her.  When she comes up, I take a bathroom break.

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I think a lot of people were curious about what would happen. It will be interesting to see how the ratings go next time after this pretty lame episode. I've seen a great deal of negative feedback on both the writing and the acting.


Whoops sorry! I only jumped back in because I watched this week to see Reid looking fabulous in lilac. After suffering a poor episode I'm retreating back to British TV. I expected a slight rise this week as people would have wanted to see if Hotch was mentioned and also to see Prentiss return. However, after Paget's lacklustre performance I doubt the rise will be sustained.

Edited by Old Dog
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