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Gilmore Girls Elimination Game

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Balllrooms and Biscotti
The Lorelais' First Day at Yale
Chicken or Beef
The Fundamental Things Apply
The Festival of Living Art
The Incredible S(hr)inking Lorelais
Scene in a Mall
The Reigning Lorelai
Luke Can See Her Face
Last Week Fights, This Week Tights
Raincoats and Recipes


An Affair to Remember and Nag are gone, and the next round is open! 


My votes: Last Week Fights and The Incredible S(hr)inking Lorelais

Festival of Living Art


I remember that Chicken or Beef was one of my top five favorite episodes of the whole series. But it s been so long since I re watched, I can't remember all the reasons why. But the mention of Taylor/Lorelai reminded me that I do love her "twisting the mustache" rant...lol. I think four of my top 5 are probable from S4...Tights, Raincoats, and Ballrooms being the other 3). Nick and Nora from S2 is probably the fifth.

In the interest of moving us along, I'll change my votes to CoB and FoLA, which means that they're now eliminated. Initially I was really reluctant to eliminate CoB, but then you guys reminded me of Taylor being even more insufferable than usual and I recalled the irksomeness of DrunkDean...and suddenly eliminating this one didn't seem nearly as painful :) 


Balllrooms and Biscotti
The Lorelais' First Day at Yale
The Fundamental Things Apply
The Incredible S(hr)inking Lorelais
Scene in a Mall
The Reigning Lorelai
Luke Can See Her Face
Last Week Fights, This Week Tights
Raincoats and Recipes


The next round is open! This is the last time we're voting against two. 


My votes: TISL and LWF, TWT

The Reigning Lorelai and (*SOB*) The Fundamental Things Apply are history, and the next round is open! We're now down to voting against just one :)


Balllrooms and Biscotti
The Lorelais' First Day at Yale
Luke Can See Her Face
Last Week Fights, This Week Tights
Raincoats and Recipes


Heh----I'm pretty sure only one of these episodes is in my own top five! I'll vote against LWF, TWT

Raincoats and Recipes is our S4 winner, and we're on to Season 5! I have odd taste on S4 episodes (none of my favorites made it very far), and be forewarned that I have even odder taste in S5 episodes :)


Say Goodbye to Daisy Miller

A Messenger, Nothing More

Written in the Stars

Tippecanoe and Taylor, Too

We Got Us a Pippi Virgin

Norman Mailer, I'm Pregnant 

You Jump, I Jump, Jack

The Party's Over

Emily Says Hello

But Not as Cute as Pushkin

Women of Questionable Morals

Come Home

Wedding Bell Blues

Say Something

Jews and Chinese Food

So...Good Talk

Pulp Friction

To Live and Let Diorama

But I'm a Gilmore!

How Many Kropogs to Cape Cod?

Blame Booze and Melville

A House is Not a Home


My votes:


How Many Kropogs

But I'm a Gilmore

Blame Booze and Melville


...I'm always surprised all over again by how few episodes from this season I truly love and how many I can't stand! 

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