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Gilmore Girls Elimination Game

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10 out, just because I like the other one more.

Time to vote FOR our winner!

Favorite Scenes on the Phone

1. Luke and Lorelai talk about their first kiss. "We kissed. You and me, we kissed?" "I remember." "And it was...unexpected." "Lorelai, relax. I'm fine if you want to just forget it ever happened, really." "No, I don't want to forget it ever happened. It was a great kiss." "Yeah?" "If one of us had been a frog, it would have had some seriously impressive consequences." (Say Goodbye to Daisy Miller)

2. Luke has to go to Maine unexpectedly just as he and Lorelai are figuring out their relationship. "Hey, it's me. Uh, listen, I got a call from my sister and T.J. They're up in Maine, and they got into a little accident -- nothing major, just each one of them broke an arm and a leg, so anyhow, they can't run the Renaissance Fair booth for a couple of weeks. So they asked me to come and help them out, and I, unfortunately, answered the phone, so I'm on my way to Maine. I'll be back in about a week. Okay? Bye. ..... Hey, it's me again. I'm not sure if we're at the point in this relationship where you actually need to know that much information about my whereabouts, so if we're not, I'm sorry. I could have just said, 'I'm going out of town, and I'll call you later.' So I'm going out of town, and I'll call you later. ..... Me again, the idiot that leaves you three rambling messages on your machine. I just wanted to tell you I got a cell phone before I left, so, you know, you could call if you want, but only if you want, so that's it. ..... Yeah, a number might be good. 860-294-1986. Okay, bye. ..... Just...don't change your mind until I get back, okay? Okay. Talk to you later." Lorelai's answering machine drops dead from exhaustion. (Say Goodbye to Daisy Miller)

We have our winner!

Favorite Scenes on the Phone

Luke and Lorelai talk about their first kiss. "We kissed. You and me, we kissed?" "I remember." "And it was...unexpected." "Lorelai, relax. I'm fine if you want to just forget it ever happened, really." "No, I don't want to forget it ever happened. It was a great kiss." "Yeah?" "If one of us had been a frog, it would have had some seriously impressive consequences." (Say Goodbye to Daisy Miller)

Let's do another round of scenes on the phone, I know there were several I thought of and wanted to add but we already had so many it would have been ridiculous LOL. Start listing and as I get them ready for the game I'll double check and make sure we didn't have them  in this last game.

Favorite Scenes on the Phone, Part Deux

1. Michel refuses to answer the phone at work. "People are particularly stupid today. I can't talk to any more of them." "You know who's really nice to talk to? The people at the unemployment agency." "Independence Inn, Michel speaking." (Pilot)

2. Luke is on the phone with the boat supply place, as Lorelai flips through their catalog. "What are you babbling about?" "I want these boots." "Those are work boots." "They're yellow and cute. I'll look like the Morton's Salt girl." "How the hell did you find something to buy in my boat supply catalogue?" "Size nine, please?" (Wedding Bell Blues)

3. Paris isn't able to get in any charity work over Thanksgiving break. "Yes, thanks for returning my call ... nothing? But wait, wait, wait – just stick me at any old pot. I’m small, you won’t even know I’m there, I’ll even bring my own ladle. ... Oh, now, come on, work with me here. I’ve got a slotted spoon. ... Well, what about coffee or condiments? You got condiments covered? ... I’m sorry, can I speak to your supervisor?" (A Deep Fried Korean Thanksgiving)

4. Emily calls to talk to Lorelai about the upcoming auction. "Independence Inn." "You really should identify yourself when you answer the phone at work." "Sorry. Independence Inn, Major Disappointment speaking. Better?" "Yes, thank you. Now I want to talk to you about something." "Shoot." "I’m in charge of the Society Matron’s League’s annual antique auction next Tuesday and I thought maybe you’d like to come." "Society Matron’s League? That’s quite a name." "And what is wrong with that name, Lorelai?" "Nothing, it just sounds so serious. Brings to mind a room full of old ladies wearing black dresses and cameos and pushing spoonfuls of cod liver oil on the kids." "That’s a very flattering portrait of my friends you’re painting." "I didn’t mean your friends. I meant the other old ladies in the league, the ones who don’t like you and your friends ‘cause you guys are so young." "Kindly wrap this up soon, Lorelai." (Eight O'Clock at the Oasis)

5. Richard calls Lorelai to find out how Emily's 'bachelorette party' is going. "Geez, Dad, hanging out at the bath house again?" "I am at my bachelor party, Lorelai, and I just thought I'd call and see how your little gathering was going." "My -- ?" "Now, I want you to have a wonderful time, and go as crazy as you think is necessary. But make sure your mother doesn't mix her alcohol. Sometimes when she has a little bit too much vodka, she forgets and she goes on to gin. I need her sober and looking beautiful for tomorrow." "Otherwise you don't have to go through with it!" "So, Dad, Mom told you we were having a party?" "Well, she told me she was heading over to your house this evening to spend a little time with the girls, so I put it all together. I'm a very brilliant man, Lorelai. Anyhow, I won't keep you any longer. Just return your mother in one piece, sans tattoos, please." (Wedding Bell Blues)

6. Rory and Lorelai try to figure out what to do on their first Friday night without FND. "Who are you calling?" "It just feels weird for me not even to say hello to them on a Friday night." "No, don't call them." "Hey, this rift is between you and them. I'm still on friendly terms." "I know, it's just that they're probably sitting there eating alone, shivering in an unheated room, the only illumination a single light bulb just so they can make us feel spectacularly guilty at the thought." "Hey Grandpa, it's Rory. ... Rory!" "He's pretending not to remember you?" "No, it's loud there." (Keg! Max!)

7. Lorelai steps out of the room to call Jason after he gets back from his trip from Australia. "Hey, what are you gonna do with your marzipan?" "Oh, I don't know. I thought I'd dump 'em on the road, but is that environmentally sound?" "I don't think marzipan biodegrades." "I'll just serve it to the clients I don't like." (The Nanny and the Professor)

8. Lorelai calls Chris from her bachelorette party. "Hi." "Hi. Who's this?" "It's Trixie from the other night. You never called me." "Lorelai?" "Uh, you got me." (Red Light on the Wedding Night)

9. Max calls to ask Rory's advice on an engagement ring. "Ring shopping. Very interesting." "Now I've narrowed it down to three different rings, but I want to get her something she's really gonna like, not just something that she tells me she likes but really hates, and you know her taste in jewelry better than I do, so I thought maybe you could give me some advice." "Okay, well, anything with the word Foxy on it is a big crowd pleaser." "Oh, maybe for our first anniversary." (Sadie, Sadie)

10. Rory calls to set up dinner with a Harvard alumni but is too scared to talk to him herself. "Hello? Hello, um, this is Rory Gilmore. I believe you were expecting my call. ... Um, oh, well, this is such a wonderful opportunity for me. ... Whatever’s good for you will be great for me." "Not so breathy." "That’s how chickens talk!" (Application Anxiety)

11. Rory calls Lorelai for advice while on her horrible date with Trevor. "Trevor's fine. I'm moronic. I bring the conversation to a crashing halt every time I speak." "Well, where is he now?" "In the bathroom, probably pondering my brilliant anecdote about urine mints." "About what?" "You know, when people go to the bathroom and they don't wash their hands and they come out and they take a mint." "Oh, my G-d. I've been eating those mints for years. [to Luke] Hey, did you know about urine mints?" "What?" (The Fundamental Things Apply)

12. Rory calls to let Lorelai know she's home from Spring Break. "So how was it?" "It was interesting, you know? We sat on the beach, went to a club, we watched The Power of Myth, Paris and I kissed..." "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You watched The Power of Myth?" [The other phone line beeps.] "Hold on a sec." "I hid that from you!" (Girls in Bikinis, Boys Doin' the Twist)

13. Lane realizes the pay phone is broken so she borrows Lorelai's phone to call Henry. "I thought the number was wrong and I didn’t know what to do, so I...." "What, you what?" "I called your house, and your mother answered." "What did you say?" "I asked for you and then she asked why, and I said because and she said because why, and I got nervous and tried to sell her a subscription to the Wall Street Journal." (A'Tisket A'Tasket)

14. Liz calls Luke to let him know Jess is coming to stay. "This is unbelievable! You won't ever change, will you? ... Okay, fine. Do what you want, make the arrangements. Now I'm working, we'll finish this later." "Is everything okay?" "Do you have a sister?" "Um, no." "I do." "You have my sympathies." (Nick & Nora, Sid & Nancy)

15. Lorelai calls Chris to ask him about presenting Rory at the Debutante Ball. "So, I have some shocking news. Rory's coming out." "Out of what?" "Coming out. White dresses, gloves, curtsies." "Stop it." "I swear to G-d." (Presenting Lorelai Gilmore)

Favorite Scenes on the Phone, Part Deux

1. Michel refuses to answer the phone at work. "People are particularly stupid today. I can't talk to any more of them." "You know who's really nice to talk to? The people at the unemployment agency." "Independence Inn, Michel speaking." (Pilot)

2. Luke is on the phone with the boat supply place, as Lorelai flips through their catalog. "What are you babbling about?" "I want these boots." "Those are work boots." "They're yellow and cute. I'll look like the Morton's Salt girl." "How the hell did you find something to buy in my boat supply catalogue?" "Size nine, please?" (Wedding Bell Blues)

3. Paris isn't able to get in any charity work over Thanksgiving break. "Yes, thanks for returning my call ... nothing? But wait, wait, wait – just stick me at any old pot. I’m small, you won’t even know I’m there, I’ll even bring my own ladle. ... Oh, now, come on, work with me here. I’ve got a slotted spoon. ... Well, what about coffee or condiments? You got condiments covered? ... I’m sorry, can I speak to your supervisor?" (A Deep Fried Korean Thanksgiving)

4. Emily calls to talk to Lorelai about the upcoming auction. "Independence Inn." "You really should identify yourself when you answer the phone at work." "Sorry. Independence Inn, Major Disappointment speaking. Better?" "Yes, thank you. Now I want to talk to you about something." "Shoot." "I’m in charge of the Society Matron’s League’s annual antique auction next Tuesday and I thought maybe you’d like to come." "Society Matron’s League? That’s quite a name." "And what is wrong with that name, Lorelai?" "Nothing, it just sounds so serious. Brings to mind a room full of old ladies wearing black dresses and cameos and pushing spoonfuls of cod liver oil on the kids." "That’s a very flattering portrait of my friends you’re painting." "I didn’t mean your friends. I meant the other old ladies in the league, the ones who don’t like you and your friends ‘cause you guys are so young." "Kindly wrap this up soon, Lorelai." (Eight O'Clock at the Oasis)

5. Richard calls Lorelai to find out how Emily's 'bachelorette party' is going. "Geez, Dad, hanging out at the bath house again?" "I am at my bachelor party, Lorelai, and I just thought I'd call and see how your little gathering was going." "My -- ?" "Now, I want you to have a wonderful time, and go as crazy as you think is necessary. But make sure your mother doesn't mix her alcohol. Sometimes when she has a little bit too much vodka, she forgets and she goes on to gin. I need her sober and looking beautiful for tomorrow." "Otherwise you don't have to go through with it!" "So, Dad, Mom told you we were having a party?" "Well, she told me she was heading over to your house this evening to spend a little time with the girls, so I put it all together. I'm a very brilliant man, Lorelai. Anyhow, I won't keep you any longer. Just return your mother in one piece, sans tattoos, please." (Wedding Bell Blues)

6. Rory and Lorelai try to figure out what to do on their first Friday night without FND. "Who are you calling?" "It just feels weird for me not even to say hello to them on a Friday night." "No, don't call them." "Hey, this rift is between you and them. I'm still on friendly terms." "I know, it's just that they're probably sitting there eating alone, shivering in an unheated room, the only illumination a single light bulb just so they can make us feel spectacularly guilty at the thought." "Hey Grandpa, it's Rory. ... Rory!" "He's pretending not to remember you?" "No, it's loud there." (Keg! Max!)

7. Lorelai steps out of the room to call Jason after he gets back from his trip from Australia. "Hey, what are you gonna do with your marzipan?" "Oh, I don't know. I thought I'd dump 'em on the road, but is that environmentally sound?" "I don't think marzipan biodegrades." "I'll just serve it to the clients I don't like." (The Nanny and the Professor)

8. Lorelai calls Chris from her bachelorette party. "Hi." "Hi. Who's this?" "It's Trixie from the other night. You never called me." "Lorelai?" "Uh, you got me." (Red Light on the Wedding Night)

9. Max calls to ask Rory's advice on an engagement ring. "Ring shopping. Very interesting." "Now I've narrowed it down to three different rings, but I want to get her something she's really gonna like, not just something that she tells me she likes but really hates, and you know her taste in jewelry better than I do, so I thought maybe you could give me some advice." "Okay, well, anything with the word Foxy on it is a big crowd pleaser." "Oh, maybe for our first anniversary." (Sadie, Sadie)

10. Rory calls to set up dinner with a Harvard alumni but is too scared to talk to him herself. "Hello? Hello, um, this is Rory Gilmore. I believe you were expecting my call. ... Um, oh, well, this is such a wonderful opportunity for me. ... Whatever’s good for you will be great for me." "Not so breathy." "That’s how chickens talk!" (Application Anxiety)

11. Rory calls Lorelai for advice while on her horrible date with Trevor. "Trevor's fine. I'm moronic. I bring the conversation to a crashing halt every time I speak." "Well, where is he now?" "In the bathroom, probably pondering my brilliant anecdote about urine mints." "About what?" "You know, when people go to the bathroom and they don't wash their hands and they come out and they take a mint." "Oh, my G-d. I've been eating those mints for years. [to Luke] Hey, did you know about urine mints?" "What?" (The Fundamental Things Apply)

12. Rory calls to let Lorelai know she's home from Spring Break. "So how was it?" "It was interesting, you know? We sat on the beach, went to a club, we watched The Power of Myth, Paris and I kissed..." "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You watched The Power of Myth?" [The other phone line beeps.] "Hold on a sec." "I hid that from you!" (Girls in Bikinis, Boys Doin' the Twist)

13. Lane realizes the pay phone is broken so she borrows Lorelai's phone to call Henry. "I thought the number was wrong and I didn’t know what to do, so I...." "What, you what?" "I called your house, and your mother answered." "What did you say?" "I asked for you and then she asked why, and I said because and she said because why, and I got nervous and tried to sell her a subscription to the Wall Street Journal." (A'Tisket A'Tasket)

14. Liz calls Luke to let him know Jess is coming to stay. "This is unbelievable! You won't ever change, will you? ... Okay, fine. Do what you want, make the arrangements. Now I'm working, we'll finish this later." "Is everything okay?" "Do you have a sister?" "Um, no." "I do." "You have my sympathies." (Nick & Nora, Sid & Nancy)

15. Lorelai calls Chris to ask him about presenting Rory at the Debutante Ball. "So, I have some shocking news. Rory's coming out." "Out of what?" "Coming out. White dresses, gloves, curtsies." "Stop it." "I swear to G-d." (Presenting Lorelai Gilmore)

16. Chris calls to talk after Lorelai broke up with Luke and slept with him. "Hey, how you doing?" "Fine." "I'm just checking in. Had a really great time last night. Don't worry. This is not a booty call." "It can't be, 'cause you're not 18, and it's not 1997." (The Long Morrow)

17. Luke is granted partial custody of April and calls to tell Lorelai. "Hey, I didn't wake you, did I?" "Uh, no, hi. No, I'm up." "I just had to tell you. I won." "You won?" "It's incredible. I thought I was screwed. I mean, her lawyer dug up every last bit of dirt she could find on me, but...." "Oh. Oh, yeah. Luke, that's great." "Yeah, the judge waited until this morning to give us her decision. Oh, man, was that the longest night of my life. But I just got off with my lawyer. I get shared custody." "Wow. Congratulations." "Yeah, I get to see April at least one weekend a month, every other major holiday, half the summer. We're gonna work it all out. It's so great." "So great." "Yeah, I guess the judge just took everything into consideration and realized how much I wanted to be in April's life. And, of course, your letter was a big help." "Well, I just wanted to help you, help April." "Well, you did, and I'm really grateful." (to Whom It May Concern)

18. Luke throws April the most boring birthday party ever and calls Lorelai for help. "It's a disaster." "What?" "The party, it's a total disaster." "A disaster, why?" "Nothing is happening, it's like a funeral hall in there. I didn't know 13-year-old girls could be so unhappy." "Where are you? I don't hear anything." "I'm in the storage room. I come in here and hide a lot." "And leave them unsupervised?" "Well, there's a peephole here I can see out of." "You're peeping at the girls from the storage room?" "I do not have time for any weird jokes." (Super Cool Party People)

19. Richard calls Lorelai in a panic because he got home from a trip and Emily wasn't there. "Rory's moved out. Did you know this?" "Yes, I heard. What happened?" "Oh, I don't know what happened. I came home the other day and two strange boys were in my house moving Rory's things. She didn't even tell me she was going." "Did she and mom fight?" "How would I know? I don't know where your mother is." "Did you call her cell?" "No, I did not call her cell. In addition to losing my wife, I lost all control of my faculties. Of course I called her cell!" (The Prodigal Daughter Returns)

20. Sookie calls Lorelai after breaking the news to Jackson that she's pregnant. "Did he flip? Did he cry? Did he scream?" "No." "No? Did he hear you?" "Yeah, he heard me." "I don’t understand, what happened?" "Well, I came home and I got some flowers and I chilled some glasses and I put some music on and I opened a bottle of champagne, and the cork broke the window so I had to clean up the glass, and then I taped some cardboard over the hole, and then I knocked over the bottle of champagne, so I had to get out the mop." "My finger’s hitting the fast forward button, hon." "So, he came home and I handed him a beer, and I smiled and I kissed him and I told him he was gonna be a daddy." "And then he did what?" "Then he got out the calculator." "What?" "He’s been crunching numbers for two hours." "He didn’t say anything?" "No." "Mr. ‘I-want-four-in-four’ hears he can check off number one and he says nothing?" "Okay, not nothing." "Thank you." "Every fifteen minutes, he says, ‘Oh, boy.’" "‘Oh, boy’ like ‘Oh, boy!’?" "No, ‘Oh, boy’ like ‘Ohhh, booyyy.’" "Ohhh, booyyy." "Did you hear that?" (The Big One)

6 hours ago, lulu1960 said:

Miss Patty is answering phone and helping Michel during the Independence Inn fire crisis.

HA! One of my faves. Miss Patty and Babette trolling Michel cracks me up so much.

Favorite Scenes on the Phone, Part Deux

1. Michel refuses to answer the phone at work. "People are particularly stupid today. I can't talk to any more of them." "You know who's really nice to talk to? The people at the unemployment agency." "Independence Inn, Michel speaking." (Pilot)

2. Luke is on the phone with the boat supply place, as Lorelai flips through their catalog. "What are you babbling about?" "I want these boots." "Those are work boots." "They're yellow and cute. I'll look like the Morton's Salt girl." "How the hell did you find something to buy in my boat supply catalogue?" "Size nine, please?" (Wedding Bell Blues)

3. Paris isn't able to get in any charity work over Thanksgiving break. "Yes, thanks for returning my call ... nothing? But wait, wait, wait – just stick me at any old pot. I’m small, you won’t even know I’m there, I’ll even bring my own ladle. ... Oh, now, come on, work with me here. I’ve got a slotted spoon. ... Well, what about coffee or condiments? You got condiments covered? ... I’m sorry, can I speak to your supervisor?" (A Deep Fried Korean Thanksgiving)

4. Emily calls to talk to Lorelai about the upcoming auction. "Independence Inn." "You really should identify yourself when you answer the phone at work." "Sorry. Independence Inn, Major Disappointment speaking. Better?" "Yes, thank you. Now I want to talk to you about something." "Shoot." "I’m in charge of the Society Matron’s League’s annual antique auction next Tuesday and I thought maybe you’d like to come." "Society Matron’s League? That’s quite a name." "And what is wrong with that name, Lorelai?" "Nothing, it just sounds so serious. Brings to mind a room full of old ladies wearing black dresses and cameos and pushing spoonfuls of cod liver oil on the kids." "That’s a very flattering portrait of my friends you’re painting." "I didn’t mean your friends. I meant the other old ladies in the league, the ones who don’t like you and your friends ‘cause you guys are so young." "Kindly wrap this up soon, Lorelai." (Eight O'Clock at the Oasis)

5. Richard calls Lorelai to find out how Emily's 'bachelorette party' is going. "Geez, Dad, hanging out at the bath house again?" "I am at my bachelor party, Lorelai, and I just thought I'd call and see how your little gathering was going." "My -- ?" "Now, I want you to have a wonderful time, and go as crazy as you think is necessary. But make sure your mother doesn't mix her alcohol. Sometimes when she has a little bit too much vodka, she forgets and she goes on to gin. I need her sober and looking beautiful for tomorrow." "Otherwise you don't have to go through with it!" "So, Dad, Mom told you we were having a party?" "Well, she told me she was heading over to your house this evening to spend a little time with the girls, so I put it all together. I'm a very brilliant man, Lorelai. Anyhow, I won't keep you any longer. Just return your mother in one piece, sans tattoos, please." (Wedding Bell Blues)

6. Rory and Lorelai try to figure out what to do on their first Friday night without FND. "Who are you calling?" "It just feels weird for me not even to say hello to them on a Friday night." "No, don't call them." "Hey, this rift is between you and them. I'm still on friendly terms." "I know, it's just that they're probably sitting there eating alone, shivering in an unheated room, the only illumination a single light bulb just so they can make us feel spectacularly guilty at the thought." "Hey Grandpa, it's Rory. ... Rory!" "He's pretending not to remember you?" "No, it's loud there." (Keg! Max!)

7. Lorelai steps out of the room to call Jason after he gets back from his trip from Australia. "Hey, what are you gonna do with your marzipan?" "Oh, I don't know. I thought I'd dump 'em on the road, but is that environmentally sound?" "I don't think marzipan biodegrades." "I'll just serve it to the clients I don't like." (The Nanny and the Professor)

8. Lorelai calls Chris from her bachelorette party. "Hi." "Hi. Who's this?" "It's Trixie from the other night. You never called me." "Lorelai?" "Uh, you got me." (Red Light on the Wedding Night)

9. Max calls to ask Rory's advice on an engagement ring. "Ring shopping. Very interesting." "Now I've narrowed it down to three different rings, but I want to get her something she's really gonna like, not just something that she tells me she likes but really hates, and you know her taste in jewelry better than I do, so I thought maybe you could give me some advice." "Okay, well, anything with the word Foxy on it is a big crowd pleaser." "Oh, maybe for our first anniversary." (Sadie, Sadie)

10. Rory calls to set up dinner with a Harvard alumni but is too scared to talk to him herself. "Hello? Hello, um, this is Rory Gilmore. I believe you were expecting my call. ... Um, oh, well, this is such a wonderful opportunity for me. ... Whatever’s good for you will be great for me." "Not so breathy." "That’s how chickens talk!" (Application Anxiety)

11. Rory calls Lorelai for advice while on her horrible date with Trevor. "Trevor's fine. I'm moronic. I bring the conversation to a crashing halt every time I speak." "Well, where is he now?" "In the bathroom, probably pondering my brilliant anecdote about urine mints." "About what?" "You know, when people go to the bathroom and they don't wash their hands and they come out and they take a mint." "Oh, my G-d. I've been eating those mints for years. [to Luke] Hey, did you know about urine mints?" "What?" (The Fundamental Things Apply)

12. Rory calls to let Lorelai know she's home from Spring Break. "So how was it?" "It was interesting, you know? We sat on the beach, went to a club, we watched The Power of Myth, Paris and I kissed..." "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You watched The Power of Myth?" [The other phone line beeps.] "Hold on a sec." "I hid that from you!" (Girls in Bikinis, Boys Doin' the Twist)

13. Lane realizes the pay phone is broken so she borrows Lorelai's phone to call Henry. "I thought the number was wrong and I didn’t know what to do, so I...." "What, you what?" "I called your house, and your mother answered." "What did you say?" "I asked for you and then she asked why, and I said because and she said because why, and I got nervous and tried to sell her a subscription to the Wall Street Journal." (A'Tisket A'Tasket)

14. Liz calls Luke to let him know Jess is coming to stay. "This is unbelievable! You won't ever change, will you? ... Okay, fine. Do what you want, make the arrangements. Now I'm working, we'll finish this later." "Is everything okay?" "Do you have a sister?" "Um, no." "I do." "You have my sympathies." (Nick & Nora, Sid & Nancy)

15. Lorelai calls Chris to ask him about presenting Rory at the Debutante Ball. "So, I have some shocking news. Rory's coming out." "Out of what?" "Coming out. White dresses, gloves, curtsies." "Stop it." "I swear to G-d." (Presenting Lorelai Gilmore)

16. Chris calls to talk after Lorelai broke up with Luke and slept with him. "Hey, how you doing?" "Fine." "I'm just checking in. Had a really great time last night. Don't worry. This is not a booty call." "It can't be, 'cause you're not 18, and it's not 1997." (The Long Morrow)

17. Luke is granted partial custody of April and calls to tell Lorelai. "Hey, I didn't wake you, did I?" "Uh, no, hi. No, I'm up." "I just had to tell you. I won." "You won?" "It's incredible. I thought I was screwed. I mean, her lawyer dug up every last bit of dirt she could find on me, but...." "Oh. Oh, yeah. Luke, that's great." "Yeah, the judge waited until this morning to give us her decision. Oh, man, was that the longest night of my life. But I just got off with my lawyer. I get shared custody." "Wow. Congratulations." "Yeah, I get to see April at least one weekend a month, every other major holiday, half the summer. We're gonna work it all out. It's so great." "So great." "Yeah, I guess the judge just took everything into consideration and realized how much I wanted to be in April's life. And, of course, your letter was a big help." "Well, I just wanted to help you, help April." "Well, you did, and I'm really grateful." (to Whom It May Concern)

18. Luke throws April the most boring birthday party ever and calls Lorelai for help. "It's a disaster." "What?" "The party, it's a total disaster." "A disaster, why?" "Nothing is happening, it's like a funeral hall in there. I didn't know 13-year-old girls could be so unhappy." "Where are you? I don't hear anything." "I'm in the storage room. I come in here and hide a lot." "And leave them unsupervised?" "Well, there's a peephole here I can see out of." "You're peeping at the girls from the storage room?" "I do not have time for any weird jokes." (Super Cool Party People)

19. Richard calls Lorelai in a panic because he got home from a trip and Emily wasn't there. "Rory's moved out. Did you know this?" "Yes, I heard. What happened?" "Oh, I don't know what happened. I came home the other day and two strange boys were in my house moving Rory's things. She didn't even tell me she was going." "Did she and mom fight?" "How would I know? I don't know where your mother is." "Did you call her cell?" "No, I did not call her cell. In addition to losing my wife, I lost all control of my faculties. Of course I called her cell!" (The Prodigal Daughter Returns)

20. Sookie calls Lorelai after breaking the news to Jackson that she's pregnant. "Did he flip? Did he cry? Did he scream?" "No." "No? Did he hear you?" "Yeah, he heard me." "I don’t understand, what happened?" "Well, I came home and I got some flowers and I chilled some glasses and I put some music on and I opened a bottle of champagne, and the cork broke the window so I had to clean up the glass, and then I taped some cardboard over the hole, and then I knocked over the bottle of champagne, so I had to get out the mop." "My finger’s hitting the fast forward button, hon." "So, he came home and I handed him a beer, and I smiled and I kissed him and I told him he was gonna be a daddy." "And then he did what?" "Then he got out the calculator." "What?" "He’s been crunching numbers for two hours." "He didn’t say anything?" "No." "Mr. ‘I-want-four-in-four’ hears he can check off number one and he says nothing?" "Okay, not nothing." "Thank you." "Every fifteen minutes, he says, ‘Oh, boy.’" "‘Oh, boy’ like ‘Oh, boy!’?" "No, ‘Oh, boy’ like ‘Ohhh, booyyy.’" "Ohhh, booyyy." "Did you hear that?" (The Big One)

21. Miss Patty answers phones while Babette tries to learn the computer to help Michel out after the Inn burns down. "Hello, this is the Independence Inn emergency headquarters. I'm Miss Patty, I'll be assisting you today. How may I help you? ... The printer will be here in half an hour, I'll let him know. Thank you. Goodbye. ... The printer will –- " "I heard, and you've got to shorten your greeting." "What?" "You do not need to recite the Gettysburg Address every time you answer the phone." "I was Ricardo Montalban's receptionist for six months and he never complained." "Who?" "Don't make me hit you." [later, phone rings again] "Yeah?" (A Tale of Poes and Fire)

22. Lorelai calls to ask Luke for help when Sookie is put on bed rest. "Luke's!" "How pretty do you think I am?" "Are we using a specific day? Have you had a good night's sleep?" "Sookie's doctor put her on immediate bed rest, and I thought it would be fine, but no one will touch the ducks, and Michel wants to order a hoagie, and I am starting to hyperventilate and I'm not wearing a stretchy fabric, and -- " "I'll be right there." (But I'm a Gilmore!)

23. Taylor calls the diner to discuss the Twickham house. "Hey, Luke, it’s for you. It’s Taylor." "Caesar! You just broke Luke’s standing ‘when Taylor calls I’m out even if he can see me through the stupid connecting window’ rule." "I can tell him you’re out, and that Duke, your evil identical twin is in town." "No, no. I’ll take it. I actually have to discuss something with him." (Blame Booze and Melville)

24. Rory calls Logan to tell him she researched Hemingway's lost transcript. "Hello?" "We were both wrong." "About?" "Hemingway’s manuscripts were stolen in Hadley’s suitcase at the Gare de Lyon." "Huh." "Yep. Just thought you should know. We’re both dumb." "Guess we found each other." "Guess we did. So how’s the outing in the woods going?" "It was going fine until Finn decided to go through one of his naked phases." (So, Good Talk)

25. Jess calls Rory to find out why she was hanging out with Dean. "I heard that you were basically hanging out with Dean today." "Where did you hear that?" "It’s all over town." "Well, I was with him for awhile. What do you mean, it’s all over town?" "You haven’t seen the fliers?" "I’ve been home all night. What fliers?" "It says, 'People are already raving about Miss Patty’s one woman show.'" "And?" "There’s some blurbs. One says, 'Rory and Dean couldn’t stop talking about it.'" "We’re on a flier?" "You and a bunch of others. 'The mailman says, even without proper postage, this show delivers.'" "Well, now she’s making that up, ‘cause Ralph’s not that witty." (Swan Song)

26. Lorelai tries to find out who the cute guy she met at the auction is. "Hi, yes, I was at your auction yesterday and I was wondering if you could help me. Um, I met a man there and I would like to contact him but I didn’t get his name and I wondered if you could look it up for me. He was paddle number seventeen, and ... oh right, confidential, got it. ... Well, you know, actually, I misspoke earlier because this isn’t a complete stranger I’m trying to contact here, he’s an old friend from school ... good question. Well, I don’t know his name because I only knew him by his nickname, uh, Shamu. We called him Shamu. He was kind of, um, a big guy in high school, but he’s slimmed down quite a bit. ... No, see, I don’t have time to contact the high school alumni committee because time is of the essence, see, Shamu and I went to a liquor store after the auction and we bought a lottery ticket together and we tore it and I took half and he took half, and I’ll be damned if the thing didn’t win! Fourteen million dollars! ... Really, but see, we have to claim it by 4pm today or we forfeit ... Ah, yes, well, but there's one more thing I forgot to tell you, see, um, my blood type is O negative and he's O negative, and I have a medical condition that ... Alright then, well, thank you, bye." (Eight O'Clock at the Oasis)

27. Lane keeps calling Dave's house and hanging up when he answers. "I know this is a stupid question, but why can’t you just talk to him?" "Dean, please. This is a girl thing." "Uh, okay. Tell me when I’m supposed to pay attention again." "I’m gonna love him forever and he’s never gonna know it." "He would if you coughed." (They Shoot Gilmores, Don't They?)

28. Rory won't tell Paris her PSAT scores. "Hello?" "Hi Rory, it's Madeline." "Oh, hi." "Listen, I have to ask you a little favor." "Okay." "Well, see, I'm working on an article for the Franklin - totally last minute. But I thought it would be really interesting to compare Chilton's overall PSAT scores to other prep schools in the area." "Uh huh." "So I'm trying to compile a list of people's scores, especially the top students, and I realized I don't have yours yet." "Oh, so you wanna know my PSAT scores?" "Yes, that would be great." "Put Paris on the phone." "Excuse me?" "Paris, let me talk to her." "Oh, Paris isn't here. I don't know where she is. She's probably at her house, or maybe at the library, or maybe she's buying pencils because she goes through them so fast 'cause she pushes down on them really hard and then they break and...." "Madeline." "Hold on." (Secrets & Loans)

29. Lorelai wants Rory to give her ideas of where to go eat other than Luke's but is in her stubborn mood and keeps shooting down the suggestions. "Have you read The Bell Jar?" "Uh! Not funny!" (In the Clamor and the Clangor)

30. Lorelai calls Rory to complain about the cat on her porch. "Hello?" "They know." "Who knows?" "The cats -- they know that I've broken up with Jason and that I'm alone and they've decided it's time for me to become a crazy cat lady." "What are you talking about?" "There's a cat on my doorstep." "Well, that's better than a bun in your oven." "It's just sitting there, staring at me, like he knew this moment was coming. It's still there. Why is it still there?" "Mom, it's a stray. It's passing through. It's hanging out. Relax. Move away from the window and go back to bed." "It's not fair. We just broke up. It just happened. I'm still young. It's still possible that I'm gonna have a successful relationship. You don't know! My eggs are still viable!" "Are you yelling at me or the cat?" "The cat. I think he flipped me off with his tail. I'm Babette." "Babette's not single." "Whose side are you on?" (Luke Can See Her Face)

Edited by Taryn74

7 - I still wish Jason had been a cousin or something so I could enjoy him more. He was funny, I just hated him with Lorelai.

8 - Funny how I didn't see this as odd when I first watched the show. After multiple rewatches, it's so very cringe-worthy. 

16 - Haaaaate. "I had a really great time last night." WTF, Chris, I mean for real. smh

Still voting against three.

Favorite Scenes on the Phone, Part Deux

1. Michel refuses to answer the phone at work. "People are particularly stupid today. I can't talk to any more of them." "You know who's really nice to talk to? The people at the unemployment agency." "Independence Inn, Michel speaking." (Pilot)

2. Luke is on the phone with the boat supply place, as Lorelai flips through their catalog. "What are you babbling about?" "I want these boots." "Those are work boots." "They're yellow and cute. I'll look like the Morton's Salt girl." "How the hell did you find something to buy in my boat supply catalogue?" "Size nine, please?" (Wedding Bell Blues)

3. Paris isn't able to get in any charity work over Thanksgiving break. "Yes, thanks for returning my call ... nothing? But wait, wait, wait – just stick me at any old pot. I’m small, you won’t even know I’m there, I’ll even bring my own ladle. ... Oh, now, come on, work with me here. I’ve got a slotted spoon. ... Well, what about coffee or condiments? You got condiments covered? ... I’m sorry, can I speak to your supervisor?" (A Deep Fried Korean Thanksgiving)

4. Emily calls to talk to Lorelai about the upcoming auction. "Independence Inn." "You really should identify yourself when you answer the phone at work." "Sorry. Independence Inn, Major Disappointment speaking. Better?" "Yes, thank you. Now I want to talk to you about something." "Shoot." "I’m in charge of the Society Matron’s League’s annual antique auction next Tuesday and I thought maybe you’d like to come." "Society Matron’s League? That’s quite a name." "And what is wrong with that name, Lorelai?" "Nothing, it just sounds so serious. Brings to mind a room full of old ladies wearing black dresses and cameos and pushing spoonfuls of cod liver oil on the kids." "That’s a very flattering portrait of my friends you’re painting." "I didn’t mean your friends. I meant the other old ladies in the league, the ones who don’t like you and your friends ‘cause you guys are so young." "Kindly wrap this up soon, Lorelai." (Eight O'Clock at the Oasis)

5. Richard calls Lorelai to find out how Emily's 'bachelorette party' is going. "Geez, Dad, hanging out at the bath house again?" "I am at my bachelor party, Lorelai, and I just thought I'd call and see how your little gathering was going." "My -- ?" "Now, I want you to have a wonderful time, and go as crazy as you think is necessary. But make sure your mother doesn't mix her alcohol. Sometimes when she has a little bit too much vodka, she forgets and she goes on to gin. I need her sober and looking beautiful for tomorrow." "Otherwise you don't have to go through with it!" "So, Dad, Mom told you we were having a party?" "Well, she told me she was heading over to your house this evening to spend a little time with the girls, so I put it all together. I'm a very brilliant man, Lorelai. Anyhow, I won't keep you any longer. Just return your mother in one piece, sans tattoos, please." (Wedding Bell Blues)

6. Rory and Lorelai try to figure out what to do on their first Friday night without FND. "Who are you calling?" "It just feels weird for me not even to say hello to them on a Friday night." "No, don't call them." "Hey, this rift is between you and them. I'm still on friendly terms." "I know, it's just that they're probably sitting there eating alone, shivering in an unheated room, the only illumination a single light bulb just so they can make us feel spectacularly guilty at the thought." "Hey Grandpa, it's Rory. ... Rory!" "He's pretending not to remember you?" "No, it's loud there." (Keg! Max!)

9. Max calls to ask Rory's advice on an engagement ring. "Ring shopping. Very interesting." "Now I've narrowed it down to three different rings, but I want to get her something she's really gonna like, not just something that she tells me she likes but really hates, and you know her taste in jewelry better than I do, so I thought maybe you could give me some advice." "Okay, well, anything with the word Foxy on it is a big crowd pleaser." "Oh, maybe for our first anniversary." (Sadie, Sadie)

10. Rory calls to set up dinner with a Harvard alumni but is too scared to talk to him herself. "Hello? Hello, um, this is Rory Gilmore. I believe you were expecting my call. ... Um, oh, well, this is such a wonderful opportunity for me. ... Whatever’s good for you will be great for me." "Not so breathy." "That’s how chickens talk!" (Application Anxiety)

11. Rory calls Lorelai for advice while on her horrible date with Trevor. "Trevor's fine. I'm moronic. I bring the conversation to a crashing halt every time I speak." "Well, where is he now?" "In the bathroom, probably pondering my brilliant anecdote about urine mints." "About what?" "You know, when people go to the bathroom and they don't wash their hands and they come out and they take a mint." "Oh, my G-d. I've been eating those mints for years. [to Luke] Hey, did you know about urine mints?" "What?" (The Fundamental Things Apply)

12. Rory calls to let Lorelai know she's home from Spring Break. "So how was it?" "It was interesting, you know? We sat on the beach, went to a club, we watched The Power of Myth, Paris and I kissed..." "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You watched The Power of Myth?" [The other phone line beeps.] "Hold on a sec." "I hid that from you!" (Girls in Bikinis, Boys Doin' the Twist)

13. Lane realizes the pay phone is broken so she borrows Lorelai's phone to call Henry. "I thought the number was wrong and I didn’t know what to do, so I...." "What, you what?" "I called your house, and your mother answered." "What did you say?" "I asked for you and then she asked why, and I said because and she said because why, and I got nervous and tried to sell her a subscription to the Wall Street Journal." (A'Tisket A'Tasket)

14. Liz calls Luke to let him know Jess is coming to stay. "This is unbelievable! You won't ever change, will you? ... Okay, fine. Do what you want, make the arrangements. Now I'm working, we'll finish this later." "Is everything okay?" "Do you have a sister?" "Um, no." "I do." "You have my sympathies." (Nick & Nora, Sid & Nancy)

15. Lorelai calls Chris to ask him about presenting Rory at the Debutante Ball. "So, I have some shocking news. Rory's coming out." "Out of what?" "Coming out. White dresses, gloves, curtsies." "Stop it." "I swear to G-d." (Presenting Lorelai Gilmore)

17. Luke is granted partial custody of April and calls to tell Lorelai. "Hey, I didn't wake you, did I?" "Uh, no, hi. No, I'm up." "I just had to tell you. I won." "You won?" "It's incredible. I thought I was screwed. I mean, her lawyer dug up every last bit of dirt she could find on me, but...." "Oh. Oh, yeah. Luke, that's great." "Yeah, the judge waited until this morning to give us her decision. Oh, man, was that the longest night of my life. But I just got off with my lawyer. I get shared custody." "Wow. Congratulations." "Yeah, I get to see April at least one weekend a month, every other major holiday, half the summer. We're gonna work it all out. It's so great." "So great." "Yeah, I guess the judge just took everything into consideration and realized how much I wanted to be in April's life. And, of course, your letter was a big help." "Well, I just wanted to help you, help April." "Well, you did, and I'm really grateful." (to Whom It May Concern)

18. Luke throws April the most boring birthday party ever and calls Lorelai for help. "It's a disaster." "What?" "The party, it's a total disaster." "A disaster, why?" "Nothing is happening, it's like a funeral hall in there. I didn't know 13-year-old girls could be so unhappy." "Where are you? I don't hear anything." "I'm in the storage room. I come in here and hide a lot." "And leave them unsupervised?" "Well, there's a peephole here I can see out of." "You're peeping at the girls from the storage room?" "I do not have time for any weird jokes." (Super Cool Party People)

19. Richard calls Lorelai in a panic because he got home from a trip and Emily wasn't there. "Rory's moved out. Did you know this?" "Yes, I heard. What happened?" "Oh, I don't know what happened. I came home the other day and two strange boys were in my house moving Rory's things. She didn't even tell me she was going." "Did she and mom fight?" "How would I know? I don't know where your mother is." "Did you call her cell?" "No, I did not call her cell. In addition to losing my wife, I lost all control of my faculties. Of course I called her cell!" (The Prodigal Daughter Returns)

20. Sookie calls Lorelai after breaking the news to Jackson that she's pregnant. "Did he flip? Did he cry? Did he scream?" "No." "No? Did he hear you?" "Yeah, he heard me." "I don’t understand, what happened?" "Well, I came home and I got some flowers and I chilled some glasses and I put some music on and I opened a bottle of champagne, and the cork broke the window so I had to clean up the glass, and then I taped some cardboard over the hole, and then I knocked over the bottle of champagne, so I had to get out the mop." "My finger’s hitting the fast forward button, hon." "So, he came home and I handed him a beer, and I smiled and I kissed him and I told him he was gonna be a daddy." "And then he did what?" "Then he got out the calculator." "What?" "He’s been crunching numbers for two hours." "He didn’t say anything?" "No." "Mr. ‘I-want-four-in-four’ hears he can check off number one and he says nothing?" "Okay, not nothing." "Thank you." "Every fifteen minutes, he says, ‘Oh, boy.’" "‘Oh, boy’ like ‘Oh, boy!’?" "No, ‘Oh, boy’ like ‘Ohhh, booyyy.’" "Ohhh, booyyy." "Did you hear that?" (The Big One)

21. Miss Patty answers phones while Babette tries to learn the computer to help Michel out after the Inn burns down. "Hello, this is the Independence Inn emergency headquarters. I'm Miss Patty, I'll be assisting you today. How may I help you? ... The printer will be here in half an hour, I'll let him know. Thank you. Goodbye. ... The printer will –- " "I heard, and you've got to shorten your greeting." "What?" "You do not need to recite the Gettysburg Address every time you answer the phone." "I was Ricardo Montalban's receptionist for six months and he never complained." "Who?" "Don't make me hit you." [later, phone rings again] "Yeah?" (A Tale of Poes and Fire)

22. Lorelai calls to ask Luke for help when Sookie is put on bed rest. "Luke's!" "How pretty do you think I am?" "Are we using a specific day? Have you had a good night's sleep?" "Sookie's doctor put her on immediate bed rest, and I thought it would be fine, but no one will touch the ducks, and Michel wants to order a hoagie, and I am starting to hyperventilate and I'm not wearing a stretchy fabric, and -- " "I'll be right there." (But I'm a Gilmore!)

23. Taylor calls the diner to discuss the Twickham house. "Hey, Luke, it’s for you. It’s Taylor." "Caesar! You just broke Luke’s standing ‘when Taylor calls I’m out even if he can see me through the stupid connecting window’ rule." "I can tell him you’re out, and that Duke, your evil identical twin is in town." "No, no. I’ll take it. I actually have to discuss something with him." (Blame Booze and Melville)

24. Rory calls Logan to tell him she researched Hemingway's lost transcript. "Hello?" "We were both wrong." "About?" "Hemingway’s manuscripts were stolen in Hadley’s suitcase at the Gare de Lyon." "Huh." "Yep. Just thought you should know. We’re both dumb." "Guess we found each other." "Guess we did. So how’s the outing in the woods going?" "It was going fine until Finn decided to go through one of his naked phases." (So, Good Talk)

25. Jess calls Rory to find out why she was hanging out with Dean. "I heard that you were basically hanging out with Dean today." "Where did you hear that?" "It’s all over town." "Well, I was with him for awhile. What do you mean, it’s all over town?" "You haven’t seen the fliers?" "I’ve been home all night. What fliers?" "It says, 'People are already raving about Miss Patty’s one woman show.'" "And?" "There’s some blurbs. One says, 'Rory and Dean couldn’t stop talking about it.'" "We’re on a flier?" "You and a bunch of others. 'The mailman says, even without proper postage, this show delivers.'" "Well, now she’s making that up, ‘cause Ralph’s not that witty." (Swan Song)

26. Lorelai tries to find out who the cute guy she met at the auction is. "Hi, yes, I was at your auction yesterday and I was wondering if you could help me. Um, I met a man there and I would like to contact him but I didn’t get his name and I wondered if you could look it up for me. He was paddle number seventeen, and ... oh right, confidential, got it. ... Well, you know, actually, I misspoke earlier because this isn’t a complete stranger I’m trying to contact here, he’s an old friend from school ... good question. Well, I don’t know his name because I only knew him by his nickname, uh, Shamu. We called him Shamu. He was kind of, um, a big guy in high school, but he’s slimmed down quite a bit. ... No, see, I don’t have time to contact the high school alumni committee because time is of the essence, see, Shamu and I went to a liquor store after the auction and we bought a lottery ticket together and we tore it and I took half and he took half, and I’ll be damned if the thing didn’t win! Fourteen million dollars! ... Really, but see, we have to claim it by 4pm today or we forfeit ... Ah, yes, well, but there's one more thing I forgot to tell you, see, um, my blood type is O negative and he's O negative, and I have a medical condition that ... Alright then, well, thank you, bye." (Eight O'Clock at the Oasis)

27. Lane keeps calling Dave's house and hanging up when he answers. "I know this is a stupid question, but why can’t you just talk to him?" "Dean, please. This is a girl thing." "Uh, okay. Tell me when I’m supposed to pay attention again." "I’m gonna love him forever and he’s never gonna know it." "He would if you coughed." (They Shoot Gilmores, Don't They?)

28. Rory won't tell Paris her PSAT scores. "Hello?" "Hi Rory, it's Madeline." "Oh, hi." "Listen, I have to ask you a little favor." "Okay." "Well, see, I'm working on an article for the Franklin - totally last minute. But I thought it would be really interesting to compare Chilton's overall PSAT scores to other prep schools in the area." "Uh huh." "So I'm trying to compile a list of people's scores, especially the top students, and I realized I don't have yours yet." "Oh, so you wanna know my PSAT scores?" "Yes, that would be great." "Put Paris on the phone." "Excuse me?" "Paris, let me talk to her." "Oh, Paris isn't here. I don't know where she is. She's probably at her house, or maybe at the library, or maybe she's buying pencils because she goes through them so fast 'cause she pushes down on them really hard and then they break and...." "Madeline." "Hold on." (Secrets & Loans)

29. Lorelai wants Rory to give her ideas of where to go eat other than Luke's but is in her stubborn mood and keeps shooting down the suggestions. "Have you read The Bell Jar?" "Uh! Not funny!" (In the Clamor and the Clangor)

30. Lorelai calls Rory to complain about the cat on her porch. "Hello?" "They know." "Who knows?" "The cats -- they know that I've broken up with Jason and that I'm alone and they've decided it's time for me to become a crazy cat lady." "What are you talking about?" "There's a cat on my doorstep." "Well, that's better than a bun in your oven." "It's just sitting there, staring at me, like he knew this moment was coming. It's still there. Why is it still there?" "Mom, it's a stray. It's passing through. It's hanging out. Relax. Move away from the window and go back to bed." "It's not fair. We just broke up. It just happened. I'm still young. It's still possible that I'm gonna have a successful relationship. You don't know! My eggs are still viable!" "Are you yelling at me or the cat?" "The cat. I think he flipped me off with his tail. I'm Babette." "Babette's not single." "Whose side are you on?" (Luke Can See Her Face)

10 - Can't believe this one didn't make it further, tbh. "That's how chickens talk!" makes me laugh so hard. (Rory is being ridiculous, though. I'll grant you that.)

15 - It amuses me - and surprises me a little - that neither Chris nor Lorelai cracked a 'coming out of the closet' joke on this one. Maybe ASP didn't go there because of Rory's age? I don't know. Strange.

26 - Seriously, Rory's expressions in the background as she overhears the conversation are worth the price of admission. I especially love her rolling her eyes out of her head over the lottery ticket. Ha!

Still voting against three.

Favorite Scenes on the Phone, Part Deux

1. Michel refuses to answer the phone at work. "People are particularly stupid today. I can't talk to any more of them." "You know who's really nice to talk to? The people at the unemployment agency." "Independence Inn, Michel speaking." (Pilot)

2. Luke is on the phone with the boat supply place, as Lorelai flips through their catalog. "What are you babbling about?" "I want these boots." "Those are work boots." "They're yellow and cute. I'll look like the Morton's Salt girl." "How the hell did you find something to buy in my boat supply catalogue?" "Size nine, please?" (Wedding Bell Blues)

3. Paris isn't able to get in any charity work over Thanksgiving break. "Yes, thanks for returning my call ... nothing? But wait, wait, wait – just stick me at any old pot. I’m small, you won’t even know I’m there, I’ll even bring my own ladle. ... Oh, now, come on, work with me here. I’ve got a slotted spoon. ... Well, what about coffee or condiments? You got condiments covered? ... I’m sorry, can I speak to your supervisor?" (A Deep Fried Korean Thanksgiving)

4. Emily calls to talk to Lorelai about the upcoming auction. "Independence Inn." "You really should identify yourself when you answer the phone at work." "Sorry. Independence Inn, Major Disappointment speaking. Better?" "Yes, thank you. Now I want to talk to you about something." "Shoot." "I’m in charge of the Society Matron’s League’s annual antique auction next Tuesday and I thought maybe you’d like to come." "Society Matron’s League? That’s quite a name." "And what is wrong with that name, Lorelai?" "Nothing, it just sounds so serious. Brings to mind a room full of old ladies wearing black dresses and cameos and pushing spoonfuls of cod liver oil on the kids." "That’s a very flattering portrait of my friends you’re painting." "I didn’t mean your friends. I meant the other old ladies in the league, the ones who don’t like you and your friends ‘cause you guys are so young." "Kindly wrap this up soon, Lorelai." (Eight O'Clock at the Oasis)

5. Richard calls Lorelai to find out how Emily's 'bachelorette party' is going. "Geez, Dad, hanging out at the bath house again?" "I am at my bachelor party, Lorelai, and I just thought I'd call and see how your little gathering was going." "My -- ?" "Now, I want you to have a wonderful time, and go as crazy as you think is necessary. But make sure your mother doesn't mix her alcohol. Sometimes when she has a little bit too much vodka, she forgets and she goes on to gin. I need her sober and looking beautiful for tomorrow." "Otherwise you don't have to go through with it!" "So, Dad, Mom told you we were having a party?" "Well, she told me she was heading over to your house this evening to spend a little time with the girls, so I put it all together. I'm a very brilliant man, Lorelai. Anyhow, I won't keep you any longer. Just return your mother in one piece, sans tattoos, please." (Wedding Bell Blues)

6. Rory and Lorelai try to figure out what to do on their first Friday night without FND. "Who are you calling?" "It just feels weird for me not even to say hello to them on a Friday night." "No, don't call them." "Hey, this rift is between you and them. I'm still on friendly terms." "I know, it's just that they're probably sitting there eating alone, shivering in an unheated room, the only illumination a single light bulb just so they can make us feel spectacularly guilty at the thought." "Hey Grandpa, it's Rory. ... Rory!" "He's pretending not to remember you?" "No, it's loud there." (Keg! Max!)

9. Max calls to ask Rory's advice on an engagement ring. "Ring shopping. Very interesting." "Now I've narrowed it down to three different rings, but I want to get her something she's really gonna like, not just something that she tells me she likes but really hates, and you know her taste in jewelry better than I do, so I thought maybe you could give me some advice." "Okay, well, anything with the word Foxy on it is a big crowd pleaser." "Oh, maybe for our first anniversary." (Sadie, Sadie)

11. Rory calls Lorelai for advice while on her horrible date with Trevor. "Trevor's fine. I'm moronic. I bring the conversation to a crashing halt every time I speak." "Well, where is he now?" "In the bathroom, probably pondering my brilliant anecdote about urine mints." "About what?" "You know, when people go to the bathroom and they don't wash their hands and they come out and they take a mint." "Oh, my G-d. I've been eating those mints for years. [to Luke] Hey, did you know about urine mints?" "What?" (The Fundamental Things Apply)

12. Rory calls to let Lorelai know she's home from Spring Break. "So how was it?" "It was interesting, you know? We sat on the beach, went to a club, we watched The Power of Myth, Paris and I kissed..." "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You watched The Power of Myth?" [The other phone line beeps.] "Hold on a sec." "I hid that from you!" (Girls in Bikinis, Boys Doin' the Twist)

13. Lane realizes the pay phone is broken so she borrows Lorelai's phone to call Henry. "I thought the number was wrong and I didn’t know what to do, so I...." "What, you what?" "I called your house, and your mother answered." "What did you say?" "I asked for you and then she asked why, and I said because and she said because why, and I got nervous and tried to sell her a subscription to the Wall Street Journal." (A'Tisket A'Tasket)

14. Liz calls Luke to let him know Jess is coming to stay. "This is unbelievable! You won't ever change, will you? ... Okay, fine. Do what you want, make the arrangements. Now I'm working, we'll finish this later." "Is everything okay?" "Do you have a sister?" "Um, no." "I do." "You have my sympathies." (Nick & Nora, Sid & Nancy)

17. Luke is granted partial custody of April and calls to tell Lorelai. "Hey, I didn't wake you, did I?" "Uh, no, hi. No, I'm up." "I just had to tell you. I won." "You won?" "It's incredible. I thought I was screwed. I mean, her lawyer dug up every last bit of dirt she could find on me, but...." "Oh. Oh, yeah. Luke, that's great." "Yeah, the judge waited until this morning to give us her decision. Oh, man, was that the longest night of my life. But I just got off with my lawyer. I get shared custody." "Wow. Congratulations." "Yeah, I get to see April at least one weekend a month, every other major holiday, half the summer. We're gonna work it all out. It's so great." "So great." "Yeah, I guess the judge just took everything into consideration and realized how much I wanted to be in April's life. And, of course, your letter was a big help." "Well, I just wanted to help you, help April." "Well, you did, and I'm really grateful." (to Whom It May Concern)

18. Luke throws April the most boring birthday party ever and calls Lorelai for help. "It's a disaster." "What?" "The party, it's a total disaster." "A disaster, why?" "Nothing is happening, it's like a funeral hall in there. I didn't know 13-year-old girls could be so unhappy." "Where are you? I don't hear anything." "I'm in the storage room. I come in here and hide a lot." "And leave them unsupervised?" "Well, there's a peephole here I can see out of." "You're peeping at the girls from the storage room?" "I do not have time for any weird jokes." (Super Cool Party People)

19. Richard calls Lorelai in a panic because he got home from a trip and Emily wasn't there. "Rory's moved out. Did you know this?" "Yes, I heard. What happened?" "Oh, I don't know what happened. I came home the other day and two strange boys were in my house moving Rory's things. She didn't even tell me she was going." "Did she and mom fight?" "How would I know? I don't know where your mother is." "Did you call her cell?" "No, I did not call her cell. In addition to losing my wife, I lost all control of my faculties. Of course I called her cell!" (The Prodigal Daughter Returns)

20. Sookie calls Lorelai after breaking the news to Jackson that she's pregnant. "Did he flip? Did he cry? Did he scream?" "No." "No? Did he hear you?" "Yeah, he heard me." "I don’t understand, what happened?" "Well, I came home and I got some flowers and I chilled some glasses and I put some music on and I opened a bottle of champagne, and the cork broke the window so I had to clean up the glass, and then I taped some cardboard over the hole, and then I knocked over the bottle of champagne, so I had to get out the mop." "My finger’s hitting the fast forward button, hon." "So, he came home and I handed him a beer, and I smiled and I kissed him and I told him he was gonna be a daddy." "And then he did what?" "Then he got out the calculator." "What?" "He’s been crunching numbers for two hours." "He didn’t say anything?" "No." "Mr. ‘I-want-four-in-four’ hears he can check off number one and he says nothing?" "Okay, not nothing." "Thank you." "Every fifteen minutes, he says, ‘Oh, boy.’" "‘Oh, boy’ like ‘Oh, boy!’?" "No, ‘Oh, boy’ like ‘Ohhh, booyyy.’" "Ohhh, booyyy." "Did you hear that?" (The Big One)

21. Miss Patty answers phones while Babette tries to learn the computer to help Michel out after the Inn burns down. "Hello, this is the Independence Inn emergency headquarters. I'm Miss Patty, I'll be assisting you today. How may I help you? ... The printer will be here in half an hour, I'll let him know. Thank you. Goodbye. ... The printer will –- " "I heard, and you've got to shorten your greeting." "What?" "You do not need to recite the Gettysburg Address every time you answer the phone." "I was Ricardo Montalban's receptionist for six months and he never complained." "Who?" "Don't make me hit you." [later, phone rings again] "Yeah?" (A Tale of Poes and Fire)

22. Lorelai calls to ask Luke for help when Sookie is put on bed rest. "Luke's!" "How pretty do you think I am?" "Are we using a specific day? Have you had a good night's sleep?" "Sookie's doctor put her on immediate bed rest, and I thought it would be fine, but no one will touch the ducks, and Michel wants to order a hoagie, and I am starting to hyperventilate and I'm not wearing a stretchy fabric, and -- " "I'll be right there." (But I'm a Gilmore!)

23. Taylor calls the diner to discuss the Twickham house. "Hey, Luke, it’s for you. It’s Taylor." "Caesar! You just broke Luke’s standing ‘when Taylor calls I’m out even if he can see me through the stupid connecting window’ rule." "I can tell him you’re out, and that Duke, your evil identical twin is in town." "No, no. I’ll take it. I actually have to discuss something with him." (Blame Booze and Melville)

24. Rory calls Logan to tell him she researched Hemingway's lost transcript. "Hello?" "We were both wrong." "About?" "Hemingway’s manuscripts were stolen in Hadley’s suitcase at the Gare de Lyon." "Huh." "Yep. Just thought you should know. We’re both dumb." "Guess we found each other." "Guess we did. So how’s the outing in the woods going?" "It was going fine until Finn decided to go through one of his naked phases." (So, Good Talk)

25. Jess calls Rory to find out why she was hanging out with Dean. "I heard that you were basically hanging out with Dean today." "Where did you hear that?" "It’s all over town." "Well, I was with him for awhile. What do you mean, it’s all over town?" "You haven’t seen the fliers?" "I’ve been home all night. What fliers?" "It says, 'People are already raving about Miss Patty’s one woman show.'" "And?" "There’s some blurbs. One says, 'Rory and Dean couldn’t stop talking about it.'" "We’re on a flier?" "You and a bunch of others. 'The mailman says, even without proper postage, this show delivers.'" "Well, now she’s making that up, ‘cause Ralph’s not that witty." (Swan Song)

27. Lane keeps calling Dave's house and hanging up when he answers. "I know this is a stupid question, but why can’t you just talk to him?" "Dean, please. This is a girl thing." "Uh, okay. Tell me when I’m supposed to pay attention again." "I’m gonna love him forever and he’s never gonna know it." "He would if you coughed." (They Shoot Gilmores, Don't They?)

28. Rory won't tell Paris her PSAT scores. "Hello?" "Hi Rory, it's Madeline." "Oh, hi." "Listen, I have to ask you a little favor." "Okay." "Well, see, I'm working on an article for the Franklin - totally last minute. But I thought it would be really interesting to compare Chilton's overall PSAT scores to other prep schools in the area." "Uh huh." "So I'm trying to compile a list of people's scores, especially the top students, and I realized I don't have yours yet." "Oh, so you wanna know my PSAT scores?" "Yes, that would be great." "Put Paris on the phone." "Excuse me?" "Paris, let me talk to her." "Oh, Paris isn't here. I don't know where she is. She's probably at her house, or maybe at the library, or maybe she's buying pencils because she goes through them so fast 'cause she pushes down on them really hard and then they break and...." "Madeline." "Hold on." (Secrets & Loans)

29. Lorelai wants Rory to give her ideas of where to go eat other than Luke's but is in her stubborn mood and keeps shooting down the suggestions. "Have you read The Bell Jar?" "Uh! Not funny!" (In the Clamor and the Clangor)

30. Lorelai calls Rory to complain about the cat on her porch. "Hello?" "They know." "Who knows?" "The cats -- they know that I've broken up with Jason and that I'm alone and they've decided it's time for me to become a crazy cat lady." "What are you talking about?" "There's a cat on my doorstep." "Well, that's better than a bun in your oven." "It's just sitting there, staring at me, like he knew this moment was coming. It's still there. Why is it still there?" "Mom, it's a stray. It's passing through. It's hanging out. Relax. Move away from the window and go back to bed." "It's not fair. We just broke up. It just happened. I'm still young. It's still possible that I'm gonna have a successful relationship. You don't know! My eggs are still viable!" "Are you yelling at me or the cat?" "The cat. I think he flipped me off with his tail. I'm Babette." "Babette's not single." "Whose side are you on?" (Luke Can See Her Face)

2 - Hee hee. Their light, flirty scenes are my favorite.

9 - I've said it before, but it still stands - pretty much the only scenes where I like Max are when he's interacting with Rory rather than Lorelai.

13 - Aw, Henry. I mourn for what could have been.

Still voting against three.

Favorite Scenes on the Phone, Part Deux

1. Michel refuses to answer the phone at work. "People are particularly stupid today. I can't talk to any more of them." "You know who's really nice to talk to? The people at the unemployment agency." "Independence Inn, Michel speaking." (Pilot)

3. Paris isn't able to get in any charity work over Thanksgiving break. "Yes, thanks for returning my call ... nothing? But wait, wait, wait – just stick me at any old pot. I’m small, you won’t even know I’m there, I’ll even bring my own ladle. ... Oh, now, come on, work with me here. I’ve got a slotted spoon. ... Well, what about coffee or condiments? You got condiments covered? ... I’m sorry, can I speak to your supervisor?" (A Deep Fried Korean Thanksgiving)

4. Emily calls to talk to Lorelai about the upcoming auction. "Independence Inn." "You really should identify yourself when you answer the phone at work." "Sorry. Independence Inn, Major Disappointment speaking. Better?" "Yes, thank you. Now I want to talk to you about something." "Shoot." "I’m in charge of the Society Matron’s League’s annual antique auction next Tuesday and I thought maybe you’d like to come." "Society Matron’s League? That’s quite a name." "And what is wrong with that name, Lorelai?" "Nothing, it just sounds so serious. Brings to mind a room full of old ladies wearing black dresses and cameos and pushing spoonfuls of cod liver oil on the kids." "That’s a very flattering portrait of my friends you’re painting." "I didn’t mean your friends. I meant the other old ladies in the league, the ones who don’t like you and your friends ‘cause you guys are so young." "Kindly wrap this up soon, Lorelai." (Eight O'Clock at the Oasis)

5. Richard calls Lorelai to find out how Emily's 'bachelorette party' is going. "Geez, Dad, hanging out at the bath house again?" "I am at my bachelor party, Lorelai, and I just thought I'd call and see how your little gathering was going." "My -- ?" "Now, I want you to have a wonderful time, and go as crazy as you think is necessary. But make sure your mother doesn't mix her alcohol. Sometimes when she has a little bit too much vodka, she forgets and she goes on to gin. I need her sober and looking beautiful for tomorrow." "Otherwise you don't have to go through with it!" "So, Dad, Mom told you we were having a party?" "Well, she told me she was heading over to your house this evening to spend a little time with the girls, so I put it all together. I'm a very brilliant man, Lorelai. Anyhow, I won't keep you any longer. Just return your mother in one piece, sans tattoos, please." (Wedding Bell Blues)

6. Rory and Lorelai try to figure out what to do on their first Friday night without FND. "Who are you calling?" "It just feels weird for me not even to say hello to them on a Friday night." "No, don't call them." "Hey, this rift is between you and them. I'm still on friendly terms." "I know, it's just that they're probably sitting there eating alone, shivering in an unheated room, the only illumination a single light bulb just so they can make us feel spectacularly guilty at the thought." "Hey Grandpa, it's Rory. ... Rory!" "He's pretending not to remember you?" "No, it's loud there." (Keg! Max!)

11. Rory calls Lorelai for advice while on her horrible date with Trevor. "Trevor's fine. I'm moronic. I bring the conversation to a crashing halt every time I speak." "Well, where is he now?" "In the bathroom, probably pondering my brilliant anecdote about urine mints." "About what?" "You know, when people go to the bathroom and they don't wash their hands and they come out and they take a mint." "Oh, my G-d. I've been eating those mints for years. [to Luke] Hey, did you know about urine mints?" "What?" (The Fundamental Things Apply)

12. Rory calls to let Lorelai know she's home from Spring Break. "So how was it?" "It was interesting, you know? We sat on the beach, went to a club, we watched The Power of Myth, Paris and I kissed..." "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You watched The Power of Myth?" [The other phone line beeps.] "Hold on a sec." "I hid that from you!" (Girls in Bikinis, Boys Doin' the Twist)

14. Liz calls Luke to let him know Jess is coming to stay. "This is unbelievable! You won't ever change, will you? ... Okay, fine. Do what you want, make the arrangements. Now I'm working, we'll finish this later." "Is everything okay?" "Do you have a sister?" "Um, no." "I do." "You have my sympathies." (Nick & Nora, Sid & Nancy)

17. Luke is granted partial custody of April and calls to tell Lorelai. "Hey, I didn't wake you, did I?" "Uh, no, hi. No, I'm up." "I just had to tell you. I won." "You won?" "It's incredible. I thought I was screwed. I mean, her lawyer dug up every last bit of dirt she could find on me, but...." "Oh. Oh, yeah. Luke, that's great." "Yeah, the judge waited until this morning to give us her decision. Oh, man, was that the longest night of my life. But I just got off with my lawyer. I get shared custody." "Wow. Congratulations." "Yeah, I get to see April at least one weekend a month, every other major holiday, half the summer. We're gonna work it all out. It's so great." "So great." "Yeah, I guess the judge just took everything into consideration and realized how much I wanted to be in April's life. And, of course, your letter was a big help." "Well, I just wanted to help you, help April." "Well, you did, and I'm really grateful." (to Whom It May Concern)

18. Luke throws April the most boring birthday party ever and calls Lorelai for help. "It's a disaster." "What?" "The party, it's a total disaster." "A disaster, why?" "Nothing is happening, it's like a funeral hall in there. I didn't know 13-year-old girls could be so unhappy." "Where are you? I don't hear anything." "I'm in the storage room. I come in here and hide a lot." "And leave them unsupervised?" "Well, there's a peephole here I can see out of." "You're peeping at the girls from the storage room?" "I do not have time for any weird jokes." (Super Cool Party People)

19. Richard calls Lorelai in a panic because he got home from a trip and Emily wasn't there. "Rory's moved out. Did you know this?" "Yes, I heard. What happened?" "Oh, I don't know what happened. I came home the other day and two strange boys were in my house moving Rory's things. She didn't even tell me she was going." "Did she and mom fight?" "How would I know? I don't know where your mother is." "Did you call her cell?" "No, I did not call her cell. In addition to losing my wife, I lost all control of my faculties. Of course I called her cell!" (The Prodigal Daughter Returns)

20. Sookie calls Lorelai after breaking the news to Jackson that she's pregnant. "Did he flip? Did he cry? Did he scream?" "No." "No? Did he hear you?" "Yeah, he heard me." "I don’t understand, what happened?" "Well, I came home and I got some flowers and I chilled some glasses and I put some music on and I opened a bottle of champagne, and the cork broke the window so I had to clean up the glass, and then I taped some cardboard over the hole, and then I knocked over the bottle of champagne, so I had to get out the mop." "My finger’s hitting the fast forward button, hon." "So, he came home and I handed him a beer, and I smiled and I kissed him and I told him he was gonna be a daddy." "And then he did what?" "Then he got out the calculator." "What?" "He’s been crunching numbers for two hours." "He didn’t say anything?" "No." "Mr. ‘I-want-four-in-four’ hears he can check off number one and he says nothing?" "Okay, not nothing." "Thank you." "Every fifteen minutes, he says, ‘Oh, boy.’" "‘Oh, boy’ like ‘Oh, boy!’?" "No, ‘Oh, boy’ like ‘Ohhh, booyyy.’" "Ohhh, booyyy." "Did you hear that?" (The Big One)

21. Miss Patty answers phones while Babette tries to learn the computer to help Michel out after the Inn burns down. "Hello, this is the Independence Inn emergency headquarters. I'm Miss Patty, I'll be assisting you today. How may I help you? ... The printer will be here in half an hour, I'll let him know. Thank you. Goodbye. ... The printer will –- " "I heard, and you've got to shorten your greeting." "What?" "You do not need to recite the Gettysburg Address every time you answer the phone." "I was Ricardo Montalban's receptionist for six months and he never complained." "Who?" "Don't make me hit you." [later, phone rings again] "Yeah?" (A Tale of Poes and Fire)

22. Lorelai calls to ask Luke for help when Sookie is put on bed rest. "Luke's!" "How pretty do you think I am?" "Are we using a specific day? Have you had a good night's sleep?" "Sookie's doctor put her on immediate bed rest, and I thought it would be fine, but no one will touch the ducks, and Michel wants to order a hoagie, and I am starting to hyperventilate and I'm not wearing a stretchy fabric, and -- " "I'll be right there." (But I'm a Gilmore!)

23. Taylor calls the diner to discuss the Twickham house. "Hey, Luke, it’s for you. It’s Taylor." "Caesar! You just broke Luke’s standing ‘when Taylor calls I’m out even if he can see me through the stupid connecting window’ rule." "I can tell him you’re out, and that Duke, your evil identical twin is in town." "No, no. I’ll take it. I actually have to discuss something with him." (Blame Booze and Melville)

24. Rory calls Logan to tell him she researched Hemingway's lost transcript. "Hello?" "We were both wrong." "About?" "Hemingway’s manuscripts were stolen in Hadley’s suitcase at the Gare de Lyon." "Huh." "Yep. Just thought you should know. We’re both dumb." "Guess we found each other." "Guess we did. So how’s the outing in the woods going?" "It was going fine until Finn decided to go through one of his naked phases." (So, Good Talk)

25. Jess calls Rory to find out why she was hanging out with Dean. "I heard that you were basically hanging out with Dean today." "Where did you hear that?" "It’s all over town." "Well, I was with him for awhile. What do you mean, it’s all over town?" "You haven’t seen the fliers?" "I’ve been home all night. What fliers?" "It says, 'People are already raving about Miss Patty’s one woman show.'" "And?" "There’s some blurbs. One says, 'Rory and Dean couldn’t stop talking about it.'" "We’re on a flier?" "You and a bunch of others. 'The mailman says, even without proper postage, this show delivers.'" "Well, now she’s making that up, ‘cause Ralph’s not that witty." (Swan Song)

27. Lane keeps calling Dave's house and hanging up when he answers. "I know this is a stupid question, but why can’t you just talk to him?" "Dean, please. This is a girl thing." "Uh, okay. Tell me when I’m supposed to pay attention again." "I’m gonna love him forever and he’s never gonna know it." "He would if you coughed." (They Shoot Gilmores, Don't They?)

28. Rory won't tell Paris her PSAT scores. "Hello?" "Hi Rory, it's Madeline." "Oh, hi." "Listen, I have to ask you a little favor." "Okay." "Well, see, I'm working on an article for the Franklin - totally last minute. But I thought it would be really interesting to compare Chilton's overall PSAT scores to other prep schools in the area." "Uh huh." "So I'm trying to compile a list of people's scores, especially the top students, and I realized I don't have yours yet." "Oh, so you wanna know my PSAT scores?" "Yes, that would be great." "Put Paris on the phone." "Excuse me?" "Paris, let me talk to her." "Oh, Paris isn't here. I don't know where she is. She's probably at her house, or maybe at the library, or maybe she's buying pencils because she goes through them so fast 'cause she pushes down on them really hard and then they break and...." "Madeline." "Hold on." (Secrets & Loans)

29. Lorelai wants Rory to give her ideas of where to go eat other than Luke's but is in her stubborn mood and keeps shooting down the suggestions. "Have you read The Bell Jar?" "Uh! Not funny!" (In the Clamor and the Clangor)

30. Lorelai calls Rory to complain about the cat on her porch. "Hello?" "They know." "Who knows?" "The cats -- they know that I've broken up with Jason and that I'm alone and they've decided it's time for me to become a crazy cat lady." "What are you talking about?" "There's a cat on my doorstep." "Well, that's better than a bun in your oven." "It's just sitting there, staring at me, like he knew this moment was coming. It's still there. Why is it still there?" "Mom, it's a stray. It's passing through. It's hanging out. Relax. Move away from the window and go back to bed." "It's not fair. We just broke up. It just happened. I'm still young. It's still possible that I'm gonna have a successful relationship. You don't know! My eggs are still viable!" "Are you yelling at me or the cat?" "The cat. I think he flipped me off with his tail. I'm Babette." "Babette's not single." "Whose side are you on?" (Luke Can See Her Face)

6 - Aw man, I think this scene is hilarious! "The Gilmore House is partying like it's 1999." "And here it's 'At Home with the 700 Club.'"

29 - Ha ha ha, Lorelai was so annoying in this scene. It always makes me laugh when Rory just gets fed up with her nonsense. 

3 - Meh.

Let's vote against three once more.

Favorite Scenes on the Phone, Part Deux

1. Michel refuses to answer the phone at work. "People are particularly stupid today. I can't talk to any more of them." "You know who's really nice to talk to? The people at the unemployment agency." "Independence Inn, Michel speaking." (Pilot)

4. Emily calls to talk to Lorelai about the upcoming auction. "Independence Inn." "You really should identify yourself when you answer the phone at work." "Sorry. Independence Inn, Major Disappointment speaking. Better?" "Yes, thank you. Now I want to talk to you about something." "Shoot." "I’m in charge of the Society Matron’s League’s annual antique auction next Tuesday and I thought maybe you’d like to come." "Society Matron’s League? That’s quite a name." "And what is wrong with that name, Lorelai?" "Nothing, it just sounds so serious. Brings to mind a room full of old ladies wearing black dresses and cameos and pushing spoonfuls of cod liver oil on the kids." "That’s a very flattering portrait of my friends you’re painting." "I didn’t mean your friends. I meant the other old ladies in the league, the ones who don’t like you and your friends ‘cause you guys are so young." "Kindly wrap this up soon, Lorelai." (Eight O'Clock at the Oasis)

5. Richard calls Lorelai to find out how Emily's 'bachelorette party' is going. "Geez, Dad, hanging out at the bath house again?" "I am at my bachelor party, Lorelai, and I just thought I'd call and see how your little gathering was going." "My -- ?" "Now, I want you to have a wonderful time, and go as crazy as you think is necessary. But make sure your mother doesn't mix her alcohol. Sometimes when she has a little bit too much vodka, she forgets and she goes on to gin. I need her sober and looking beautiful for tomorrow." "Otherwise you don't have to go through with it!" "So, Dad, Mom told you we were having a party?" "Well, she told me she was heading over to your house this evening to spend a little time with the girls, so I put it all together. I'm a very brilliant man, Lorelai. Anyhow, I won't keep you any longer. Just return your mother in one piece, sans tattoos, please." (Wedding Bell Blues)

11. Rory calls Lorelai for advice while on her horrible date with Trevor. "Trevor's fine. I'm moronic. I bring the conversation to a crashing halt every time I speak." "Well, where is he now?" "In the bathroom, probably pondering my brilliant anecdote about urine mints." "About what?" "You know, when people go to the bathroom and they don't wash their hands and they come out and they take a mint." "Oh, my G-d. I've been eating those mints for years. [to Luke] Hey, did you know about urine mints?" "What?" (The Fundamental Things Apply)

12. Rory calls to let Lorelai know she's home from Spring Break. "So how was it?" "It was interesting, you know? We sat on the beach, went to a club, we watched The Power of Myth, Paris and I kissed..." "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You watched The Power of Myth?" [The other phone line beeps.] "Hold on a sec." "I hid that from you!" (Girls in Bikinis, Boys Doin' the Twist)

14. Liz calls Luke to let him know Jess is coming to stay. "This is unbelievable! You won't ever change, will you? ... Okay, fine. Do what you want, make the arrangements. Now I'm working, we'll finish this later." "Is everything okay?" "Do you have a sister?" "Um, no." "I do." "You have my sympathies." (Nick & Nora, Sid & Nancy)

17. Luke is granted partial custody of April and calls to tell Lorelai. "Hey, I didn't wake you, did I?" "Uh, no, hi. No, I'm up." "I just had to tell you. I won." "You won?" "It's incredible. I thought I was screwed. I mean, her lawyer dug up every last bit of dirt she could find on me, but...." "Oh. Oh, yeah. Luke, that's great." "Yeah, the judge waited until this morning to give us her decision. Oh, man, was that the longest night of my life. But I just got off with my lawyer. I get shared custody." "Wow. Congratulations." "Yeah, I get to see April at least one weekend a month, every other major holiday, half the summer. We're gonna work it all out. It's so great." "So great." "Yeah, I guess the judge just took everything into consideration and realized how much I wanted to be in April's life. And, of course, your letter was a big help." "Well, I just wanted to help you, help April." "Well, you did, and I'm really grateful." (to Whom It May Concern)

18. Luke throws April the most boring birthday party ever and calls Lorelai for help. "It's a disaster." "What?" "The party, it's a total disaster." "A disaster, why?" "Nothing is happening, it's like a funeral hall in there. I didn't know 13-year-old girls could be so unhappy." "Where are you? I don't hear anything." "I'm in the storage room. I come in here and hide a lot." "And leave them unsupervised?" "Well, there's a peephole here I can see out of." "You're peeping at the girls from the storage room?" "I do not have time for any weird jokes." (Super Cool Party People)

19. Richard calls Lorelai in a panic because he got home from a trip and Emily wasn't there. "Rory's moved out. Did you know this?" "Yes, I heard. What happened?" "Oh, I don't know what happened. I came home the other day and two strange boys were in my house moving Rory's things. She didn't even tell me she was going." "Did she and mom fight?" "How would I know? I don't know where your mother is." "Did you call her cell?" "No, I did not call her cell. In addition to losing my wife, I lost all control of my faculties. Of course I called her cell!" (The Prodigal Daughter Returns)

20. Sookie calls Lorelai after breaking the news to Jackson that she's pregnant. "Did he flip? Did he cry? Did he scream?" "No." "No? Did he hear you?" "Yeah, he heard me." "I don’t understand, what happened?" "Well, I came home and I got some flowers and I chilled some glasses and I put some music on and I opened a bottle of champagne, and the cork broke the window so I had to clean up the glass, and then I taped some cardboard over the hole, and then I knocked over the bottle of champagne, so I had to get out the mop." "My finger’s hitting the fast forward button, hon." "So, he came home and I handed him a beer, and I smiled and I kissed him and I told him he was gonna be a daddy." "And then he did what?" "Then he got out the calculator." "What?" "He’s been crunching numbers for two hours." "He didn’t say anything?" "No." "Mr. ‘I-want-four-in-four’ hears he can check off number one and he says nothing?" "Okay, not nothing." "Thank you." "Every fifteen minutes, he says, ‘Oh, boy.’" "‘Oh, boy’ like ‘Oh, boy!’?" "No, ‘Oh, boy’ like ‘Ohhh, booyyy.’" "Ohhh, booyyy." "Did you hear that?" (The Big One)

21. Miss Patty answers phones while Babette tries to learn the computer to help Michel out after the Inn burns down. "Hello, this is the Independence Inn emergency headquarters. I'm Miss Patty, I'll be assisting you today. How may I help you? ... The printer will be here in half an hour, I'll let him know. Thank you. Goodbye. ... The printer will –- " "I heard, and you've got to shorten your greeting." "What?" "You do not need to recite the Gettysburg Address every time you answer the phone." "I was Ricardo Montalban's receptionist for six months and he never complained." "Who?" "Don't make me hit you." [later, phone rings again] "Yeah?" (A Tale of Poes and Fire)

22. Lorelai calls to ask Luke for help when Sookie is put on bed rest. "Luke's!" "How pretty do you think I am?" "Are we using a specific day? Have you had a good night's sleep?" "Sookie's doctor put her on immediate bed rest, and I thought it would be fine, but no one will touch the ducks, and Michel wants to order a hoagie, and I am starting to hyperventilate and I'm not wearing a stretchy fabric, and -- " "I'll be right there." (But I'm a Gilmore!)

23. Taylor calls the diner to discuss the Twickham house. "Hey, Luke, it’s for you. It’s Taylor." "Caesar! You just broke Luke’s standing ‘when Taylor calls I’m out even if he can see me through the stupid connecting window’ rule." "I can tell him you’re out, and that Duke, your evil identical twin is in town." "No, no. I’ll take it. I actually have to discuss something with him." (Blame Booze and Melville)

24. Rory calls Logan to tell him she researched Hemingway's lost transcript. "Hello?" "We were both wrong." "About?" "Hemingway’s manuscripts were stolen in Hadley’s suitcase at the Gare de Lyon." "Huh." "Yep. Just thought you should know. We’re both dumb." "Guess we found each other." "Guess we did. So how’s the outing in the woods going?" "It was going fine until Finn decided to go through one of his naked phases." (So, Good Talk)

25. Jess calls Rory to find out why she was hanging out with Dean. "I heard that you were basically hanging out with Dean today." "Where did you hear that?" "It’s all over town." "Well, I was with him for awhile. What do you mean, it’s all over town?" "You haven’t seen the fliers?" "I’ve been home all night. What fliers?" "It says, 'People are already raving about Miss Patty’s one woman show.'" "And?" "There’s some blurbs. One says, 'Rory and Dean couldn’t stop talking about it.'" "We’re on a flier?" "You and a bunch of others. 'The mailman says, even without proper postage, this show delivers.'" "Well, now she’s making that up, ‘cause Ralph’s not that witty." (Swan Song)

27. Lane keeps calling Dave's house and hanging up when he answers. "I know this is a stupid question, but why can’t you just talk to him?" "Dean, please. This is a girl thing." "Uh, okay. Tell me when I’m supposed to pay attention again." "I’m gonna love him forever and he’s never gonna know it." "He would if you coughed." (They Shoot Gilmores, Don't They?)

28. Rory won't tell Paris her PSAT scores. "Hello?" "Hi Rory, it's Madeline." "Oh, hi." "Listen, I have to ask you a little favor." "Okay." "Well, see, I'm working on an article for the Franklin - totally last minute. But I thought it would be really interesting to compare Chilton's overall PSAT scores to other prep schools in the area." "Uh huh." "So I'm trying to compile a list of people's scores, especially the top students, and I realized I don't have yours yet." "Oh, so you wanna know my PSAT scores?" "Yes, that would be great." "Put Paris on the phone." "Excuse me?" "Paris, let me talk to her." "Oh, Paris isn't here. I don't know where she is. She's probably at her house, or maybe at the library, or maybe she's buying pencils because she goes through them so fast 'cause she pushes down on them really hard and then they break and...." "Madeline." "Hold on." (Secrets & Loans)

30. Lorelai calls Rory to complain about the cat on her porch. "Hello?" "They know." "Who knows?" "The cats -- they know that I've broken up with Jason and that I'm alone and they've decided it's time for me to become a crazy cat lady." "What are you talking about?" "There's a cat on my doorstep." "Well, that's better than a bun in your oven." "It's just sitting there, staring at me, like he knew this moment was coming. It's still there. Why is it still there?" "Mom, it's a stray. It's passing through. It's hanging out. Relax. Move away from the window and go back to bed." "It's not fair. We just broke up. It just happened. I'm still young. It's still possible that I'm gonna have a successful relationship. You don't know! My eggs are still viable!" "Are you yelling at me or the cat?" "The cat. I think he flipped me off with his tail. I'm Babette." "Babette's not single." "Whose side are you on?" (Luke Can See Her Face)

12 - Confirmation that Lorelai really did hide The Power of Myth from Rory makes me laugh. Otherwise, meh.

18 - Aw, Luke. I really do think he just wanted to feel like April liked him for himself and not because he had a sparkly fun fiancee, but he went about expressing that way wrong.

14 - As one of the only Liz sympathizers, it upsets me that Luke was so harsh with her over this. She genuinely did what she needed to do to keep her son from continuing down a very wrong path, and she was made to feel like a thoughtless failure over it. I hate that.

Voting against just two now.

Favorite Scenes on the Phone, Part Deux

1. Michel refuses to answer the phone at work. "People are particularly stupid today. I can't talk to any more of them." "You know who's really nice to talk to? The people at the unemployment agency." "Independence Inn, Michel speaking." (Pilot)

4. Emily calls to talk to Lorelai about the upcoming auction. "Independence Inn." "You really should identify yourself when you answer the phone at work." "Sorry. Independence Inn, Major Disappointment speaking. Better?" "Yes, thank you. Now I want to talk to you about something." "Shoot." "I’m in charge of the Society Matron’s League’s annual antique auction next Tuesday and I thought maybe you’d like to come." "Society Matron’s League? That’s quite a name." "And what is wrong with that name, Lorelai?" "Nothing, it just sounds so serious. Brings to mind a room full of old ladies wearing black dresses and cameos and pushing spoonfuls of cod liver oil on the kids." "That’s a very flattering portrait of my friends you’re painting." "I didn’t mean your friends. I meant the other old ladies in the league, the ones who don’t like you and your friends ‘cause you guys are so young." "Kindly wrap this up soon, Lorelai." (Eight O'Clock at the Oasis)

5. Richard calls Lorelai to find out how Emily's 'bachelorette party' is going. "Geez, Dad, hanging out at the bath house again?" "I am at my bachelor party, Lorelai, and I just thought I'd call and see how your little gathering was going." "My -- ?" "Now, I want you to have a wonderful time, and go as crazy as you think is necessary. But make sure your mother doesn't mix her alcohol. Sometimes when she has a little bit too much vodka, she forgets and she goes on to gin. I need her sober and looking beautiful for tomorrow." "Otherwise you don't have to go through with it!" "So, Dad, Mom told you we were having a party?" "Well, she told me she was heading over to your house this evening to spend a little time with the girls, so I put it all together. I'm a very brilliant man, Lorelai. Anyhow, I won't keep you any longer. Just return your mother in one piece, sans tattoos, please." (Wedding Bell Blues)

11. Rory calls Lorelai for advice while on her horrible date with Trevor. "Trevor's fine. I'm moronic. I bring the conversation to a crashing halt every time I speak." "Well, where is he now?" "In the bathroom, probably pondering my brilliant anecdote about urine mints." "About what?" "You know, when people go to the bathroom and they don't wash their hands and they come out and they take a mint." "Oh, my G-d. I've been eating those mints for years. [to Luke] Hey, did you know about urine mints?" "What?" (The Fundamental Things Apply)

17. Luke is granted partial custody of April and calls to tell Lorelai. "Hey, I didn't wake you, did I?" "Uh, no, hi. No, I'm up." "I just had to tell you. I won." "You won?" "It's incredible. I thought I was screwed. I mean, her lawyer dug up every last bit of dirt she could find on me, but...." "Oh. Oh, yeah. Luke, that's great." "Yeah, the judge waited until this morning to give us her decision. Oh, man, was that the longest night of my life. But I just got off with my lawyer. I get shared custody." "Wow. Congratulations." "Yeah, I get to see April at least one weekend a month, every other major holiday, half the summer. We're gonna work it all out. It's so great." "So great." "Yeah, I guess the judge just took everything into consideration and realized how much I wanted to be in April's life. And, of course, your letter was a big help." "Well, I just wanted to help you, help April." "Well, you did, and I'm really grateful." (to Whom It May Concern)

19. Richard calls Lorelai in a panic because he got home from a trip and Emily wasn't there. "Rory's moved out. Did you know this?" "Yes, I heard. What happened?" "Oh, I don't know what happened. I came home the other day and two strange boys were in my house moving Rory's things. She didn't even tell me she was going." "Did she and mom fight?" "How would I know? I don't know where your mother is." "Did you call her cell?" "No, I did not call her cell. In addition to losing my wife, I lost all control of my faculties. Of course I called her cell!" (The Prodigal Daughter Returns)

20. Sookie calls Lorelai after breaking the news to Jackson that she's pregnant. "Did he flip? Did he cry? Did he scream?" "No." "No? Did he hear you?" "Yeah, he heard me." "I don’t understand, what happened?" "Well, I came home and I got some flowers and I chilled some glasses and I put some music on and I opened a bottle of champagne, and the cork broke the window so I had to clean up the glass, and then I taped some cardboard over the hole, and then I knocked over the bottle of champagne, so I had to get out the mop." "My finger’s hitting the fast forward button, hon." "So, he came home and I handed him a beer, and I smiled and I kissed him and I told him he was gonna be a daddy." "And then he did what?" "Then he got out the calculator." "What?" "He’s been crunching numbers for two hours." "He didn’t say anything?" "No." "Mr. ‘I-want-four-in-four’ hears he can check off number one and he says nothing?" "Okay, not nothing." "Thank you." "Every fifteen minutes, he says, ‘Oh, boy.’" "‘Oh, boy’ like ‘Oh, boy!’?" "No, ‘Oh, boy’ like ‘Ohhh, booyyy.’" "Ohhh, booyyy." "Did you hear that?" (The Big One)

21. Miss Patty answers phones while Babette tries to learn the computer to help Michel out after the Inn burns down. "Hello, this is the Independence Inn emergency headquarters. I'm Miss Patty, I'll be assisting you today. How may I help you? ... The printer will be here in half an hour, I'll let him know. Thank you. Goodbye. ... The printer will –- " "I heard, and you've got to shorten your greeting." "What?" "You do not need to recite the Gettysburg Address every time you answer the phone." "I was Ricardo Montalban's receptionist for six months and he never complained." "Who?" "Don't make me hit you." [later, phone rings again] "Yeah?" (A Tale of Poes and Fire)

22. Lorelai calls to ask Luke for help when Sookie is put on bed rest. "Luke's!" "How pretty do you think I am?" "Are we using a specific day? Have you had a good night's sleep?" "Sookie's doctor put her on immediate bed rest, and I thought it would be fine, but no one will touch the ducks, and Michel wants to order a hoagie, and I am starting to hyperventilate and I'm not wearing a stretchy fabric, and -- " "I'll be right there." (But I'm a Gilmore!)

23. Taylor calls the diner to discuss the Twickham house. "Hey, Luke, it’s for you. It’s Taylor." "Caesar! You just broke Luke’s standing ‘when Taylor calls I’m out even if he can see me through the stupid connecting window’ rule." "I can tell him you’re out, and that Duke, your evil identical twin is in town." "No, no. I’ll take it. I actually have to discuss something with him." (Blame Booze and Melville)

24. Rory calls Logan to tell him she researched Hemingway's lost transcript. "Hello?" "We were both wrong." "About?" "Hemingway’s manuscripts were stolen in Hadley’s suitcase at the Gare de Lyon." "Huh." "Yep. Just thought you should know. We’re both dumb." "Guess we found each other." "Guess we did. So how’s the outing in the woods going?" "It was going fine until Finn decided to go through one of his naked phases." (So, Good Talk)

25. Jess calls Rory to find out why she was hanging out with Dean. "I heard that you were basically hanging out with Dean today." "Where did you hear that?" "It’s all over town." "Well, I was with him for awhile. What do you mean, it’s all over town?" "You haven’t seen the fliers?" "I’ve been home all night. What fliers?" "It says, 'People are already raving about Miss Patty’s one woman show.'" "And?" "There’s some blurbs. One says, 'Rory and Dean couldn’t stop talking about it.'" "We’re on a flier?" "You and a bunch of others. 'The mailman says, even without proper postage, this show delivers.'" "Well, now she’s making that up, ‘cause Ralph’s not that witty." (Swan Song)

27. Lane keeps calling Dave's house and hanging up when he answers. "I know this is a stupid question, but why can’t you just talk to him?" "Dean, please. This is a girl thing." "Uh, okay. Tell me when I’m supposed to pay attention again." "I’m gonna love him forever and he’s never gonna know it." "He would if you coughed." (They Shoot Gilmores, Don't They?)

28. Rory won't tell Paris her PSAT scores. "Hello?" "Hi Rory, it's Madeline." "Oh, hi." "Listen, I have to ask you a little favor." "Okay." "Well, see, I'm working on an article for the Franklin - totally last minute. But I thought it would be really interesting to compare Chilton's overall PSAT scores to other prep schools in the area." "Uh huh." "So I'm trying to compile a list of people's scores, especially the top students, and I realized I don't have yours yet." "Oh, so you wanna know my PSAT scores?" "Yes, that would be great." "Put Paris on the phone." "Excuse me?" "Paris, let me talk to her." "Oh, Paris isn't here. I don't know where she is. She's probably at her house, or maybe at the library, or maybe she's buying pencils because she goes through them so fast 'cause she pushes down on them really hard and then they break and...." "Madeline." "Hold on." (Secrets & Loans)

30. Lorelai calls Rory to complain about the cat on her porch. "Hello?" "They know." "Who knows?" "The cats -- they know that I've broken up with Jason and that I'm alone and they've decided it's time for me to become a crazy cat lady." "What are you talking about?" "There's a cat on my doorstep." "Well, that's better than a bun in your oven." "It's just sitting there, staring at me, like he knew this moment was coming. It's still there. Why is it still there?" "Mom, it's a stray. It's passing through. It's hanging out. Relax. Move away from the window and go back to bed." "It's not fair. We just broke up. It just happened. I'm still young. It's still possible that I'm gonna have a successful relationship. You don't know! My eggs are still viable!" "Are you yelling at me or the cat?" "The cat. I think he flipped me off with his tail. I'm Babette." "Babette's not single." "Whose side are you on?" (Luke Can See Her Face)

20 minutes ago, chitowngirl said:

4, 5

Thank you! I hope you felt as powerful as I always do knowing that your votes are the final say, ha ha ha! 

4 - Bahahaha, this entire exchange cracks me up so much. I love the glimpses we get from time to time of Emily's snark.

5 - Does "I'm a very brilliant man, Lorelai" crack anyone else up as much as it does me? I think Ed's entirely serious reading makes it even funnier.

Voting against two.

Favorite Scenes on the Phone, Part Deux

1. Michel refuses to answer the phone at work. "People are particularly stupid today. I can't talk to any more of them." "You know who's really nice to talk to? The people at the unemployment agency." "Independence Inn, Michel speaking." (Pilot)

11. Rory calls Lorelai for advice while on her horrible date with Trevor. "Trevor's fine. I'm moronic. I bring the conversation to a crashing halt every time I speak." "Well, where is he now?" "In the bathroom, probably pondering my brilliant anecdote about urine mints." "About what?" "You know, when people go to the bathroom and they don't wash their hands and they come out and they take a mint." "Oh, my G-d. I've been eating those mints for years. [to Luke] Hey, did you know about urine mints?" "What?" (The Fundamental Things Apply)

17. Luke is granted partial custody of April and calls to tell Lorelai. "Hey, I didn't wake you, did I?" "Uh, no, hi. No, I'm up." "I just had to tell you. I won." "You won?" "It's incredible. I thought I was screwed. I mean, her lawyer dug up every last bit of dirt she could find on me, but...." "Oh. Oh, yeah. Luke, that's great." "Yeah, the judge waited until this morning to give us her decision. Oh, man, was that the longest night of my life. But I just got off with my lawyer. I get shared custody." "Wow. Congratulations." "Yeah, I get to see April at least one weekend a month, every other major holiday, half the summer. We're gonna work it all out. It's so great." "So great." "Yeah, I guess the judge just took everything into consideration and realized how much I wanted to be in April's life. And, of course, your letter was a big help." "Well, I just wanted to help you, help April." "Well, you did, and I'm really grateful." (to Whom It May Concern)

19. Richard calls Lorelai in a panic because he got home from a trip and Emily wasn't there. "Rory's moved out. Did you know this?" "Yes, I heard. What happened?" "Oh, I don't know what happened. I came home the other day and two strange boys were in my house moving Rory's things. She didn't even tell me she was going." "Did she and mom fight?" "How would I know? I don't know where your mother is." "Did you call her cell?" "No, I did not call her cell. In addition to losing my wife, I lost all control of my faculties. Of course I called her cell!" (The Prodigal Daughter Returns)

20. Sookie calls Lorelai after breaking the news to Jackson that she's pregnant. "Did he flip? Did he cry? Did he scream?" "No." "No? Did he hear you?" "Yeah, he heard me." "I don’t understand, what happened?" "Well, I came home and I got some flowers and I chilled some glasses and I put some music on and I opened a bottle of champagne, and the cork broke the window so I had to clean up the glass, and then I taped some cardboard over the hole, and then I knocked over the bottle of champagne, so I had to get out the mop." "My finger’s hitting the fast forward button, hon." "So, he came home and I handed him a beer, and I smiled and I kissed him and I told him he was gonna be a daddy." "And then he did what?" "Then he got out the calculator." "What?" "He’s been crunching numbers for two hours." "He didn’t say anything?" "No." "Mr. ‘I-want-four-in-four’ hears he can check off number one and he says nothing?" "Okay, not nothing." "Thank you." "Every fifteen minutes, he says, ‘Oh, boy.’" "‘Oh, boy’ like ‘Oh, boy!’?" "No, ‘Oh, boy’ like ‘Ohhh, booyyy.’" "Ohhh, booyyy." "Did you hear that?" (The Big One)

21. Miss Patty answers phones while Babette tries to learn the computer to help Michel out after the Inn burns down. "Hello, this is the Independence Inn emergency headquarters. I'm Miss Patty, I'll be assisting you today. How may I help you? ... The printer will be here in half an hour, I'll let him know. Thank you. Goodbye. ... The printer will –- " "I heard, and you've got to shorten your greeting." "What?" "You do not need to recite the Gettysburg Address every time you answer the phone." "I was Ricardo Montalban's receptionist for six months and he never complained." "Who?" "Don't make me hit you." [later, phone rings again] "Yeah?" (A Tale of Poes and Fire)

22. Lorelai calls to ask Luke for help when Sookie is put on bed rest. "Luke's!" "How pretty do you think I am?" "Are we using a specific day? Have you had a good night's sleep?" "Sookie's doctor put her on immediate bed rest, and I thought it would be fine, but no one will touch the ducks, and Michel wants to order a hoagie, and I am starting to hyperventilate and I'm not wearing a stretchy fabric, and -- " "I'll be right there." (But I'm a Gilmore!)

23. Taylor calls the diner to discuss the Twickham house. "Hey, Luke, it’s for you. It’s Taylor." "Caesar! You just broke Luke’s standing ‘when Taylor calls I’m out even if he can see me through the stupid connecting window’ rule." "I can tell him you’re out, and that Duke, your evil identical twin is in town." "No, no. I’ll take it. I actually have to discuss something with him." (Blame Booze and Melville)

24. Rory calls Logan to tell him she researched Hemingway's lost transcript. "Hello?" "We were both wrong." "About?" "Hemingway’s manuscripts were stolen in Hadley’s suitcase at the Gare de Lyon." "Huh." "Yep. Just thought you should know. We’re both dumb." "Guess we found each other." "Guess we did. So how’s the outing in the woods going?" "It was going fine until Finn decided to go through one of his naked phases." (So, Good Talk)

25. Jess calls Rory to find out why she was hanging out with Dean. "I heard that you were basically hanging out with Dean today." "Where did you hear that?" "It’s all over town." "Well, I was with him for awhile. What do you mean, it’s all over town?" "You haven’t seen the fliers?" "I’ve been home all night. What fliers?" "It says, 'People are already raving about Miss Patty’s one woman show.'" "And?" "There’s some blurbs. One says, 'Rory and Dean couldn’t stop talking about it.'" "We’re on a flier?" "You and a bunch of others. 'The mailman says, even without proper postage, this show delivers.'" "Well, now she’s making that up, ‘cause Ralph’s not that witty." (Swan Song)

27. Lane keeps calling Dave's house and hanging up when he answers. "I know this is a stupid question, but why can’t you just talk to him?" "Dean, please. This is a girl thing." "Uh, okay. Tell me when I’m supposed to pay attention again." "I’m gonna love him forever and he’s never gonna know it." "He would if you coughed." (They Shoot Gilmores, Don't They?)

28. Rory won't tell Paris her PSAT scores. "Hello?" "Hi Rory, it's Madeline." "Oh, hi." "Listen, I have to ask you a little favor." "Okay." "Well, see, I'm working on an article for the Franklin - totally last minute. But I thought it would be really interesting to compare Chilton's overall PSAT scores to other prep schools in the area." "Uh huh." "So I'm trying to compile a list of people's scores, especially the top students, and I realized I don't have yours yet." "Oh, so you wanna know my PSAT scores?" "Yes, that would be great." "Put Paris on the phone." "Excuse me?" "Paris, let me talk to her." "Oh, Paris isn't here. I don't know where she is. She's probably at her house, or maybe at the library, or maybe she's buying pencils because she goes through them so fast 'cause she pushes down on them really hard and then they break and...." "Madeline." "Hold on." (Secrets & Loans)

30. Lorelai calls Rory to complain about the cat on her porch. "Hello?" "They know." "Who knows?" "The cats -- they know that I've broken up with Jason and that I'm alone and they've decided it's time for me to become a crazy cat lady." "What are you talking about?" "There's a cat on my doorstep." "Well, that's better than a bun in your oven." "It's just sitting there, staring at me, like he knew this moment was coming. It's still there. Why is it still there?" "Mom, it's a stray. It's passing through. It's hanging out. Relax. Move away from the window and go back to bed." "It's not fair. We just broke up. It just happened. I'm still young. It's still possible that I'm gonna have a successful relationship. You don't know! My eggs are still viable!" "Are you yelling at me or the cat?" "The cat. I think he flipped me off with his tail. I'm Babette." "Babette's not single." "Whose side are you on?" (Luke Can See Her Face)

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