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Gilmore Girls Elimination Game

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29 - Luke was so cute trying some new dishes since he had Brennan to help out at the diner (and then Brennan turned out to be such a loser, ha ha). Pumpkin pancakes with cinnamon butter, yum.

30 - Jeez Emily, it's not like Lorelai went around scraping it off plates.  Lorelai probably should have known better, though, and just kept it at the house for her and Rory to eat LOL.

I guess it's time to just vote against one! The timing of this game got away from me.

GG Foods You'd Most Like to Try

1.  Rory's heading-to-Yale-breakfast from Luke's.  "Since we were short on time, I had them make us something to go. My Yale special." "Oh, share, share." "Sausage, wrapped in a pancake, tied together with bacon." "You made that up?" "I don't know how I do it." (The Lorelais' First Day at Yale)

2.  Lorelai makes Luke make her dinner after Liz brags about all the fancy food he likes to cook.  "Man, something smells crazy good in here. Oh my G-d, what are you making?" "Lamb and artichoke stew, penne with pesto and potatoes, roasted garlic with rosemary focaccia, tomatoes stuffed with bread crumbs and goat cheese, and ricotta cheesecake with Amaretto cookies to go with your coffee." "You're the perfect man." "Thank you." "I used to think it was Kelsey Grammer, but it's not. It's you." "Finally, I'm one-upping Grammer."  (The Party's Over)

11.  Lorelai and Rory sample wedding cakes at Weston's.  "Um, can I ask you an ethical question?" "Mmm." "Is it right to be sampling wedding cakes when Sookie's making ours for free?" "What is right anyway, you know? Who defines right? And if eating cake is wrong, I don't want to be right." "I'm bringing out a mocha crunch cream!" "So, ethics?" "Highly subjective and completely overrated."  (Red Light on the Wedding Night)

14.  Lorelai asks Sookie to bring over some food because she's expecting her parents.  Sookie misunderstands and thinks Lorelai wants junk food because she's pregnant.  "Okay, the mini hot dogs can be bratwurst. The mac and cheese can be Pasta la Sookie. And, presto, the taquitos are blinis." "And the chili fries?" "Are....chili fries." "Right."  (I'm Okay, You're Okay)

24.  The food critic isn't impressed with Sookie's risotto.  "I mean, you know about this risotto. I mean, on my mother’s deathbed --" "You made the risotto and she lived three more years." "She was supposed to be dead. The doctor said she wouldn’t make it through the night." "And she lived because of the risotto. The magic risotto." "And this guy had the nerve to say it was ‘fine’."  (The Deer Hunters)

Time for Rory's Yale Special to hit the door!  I'd totally eat it, btw.  Maybe not before heading to a new school (the sausage might do a number on me - especially on a nervous stomach - if ya catch my drift) but yummmm!

GG Foods You'd Most Like to Try

2.  Lorelai makes Luke make her dinner after Liz brags about all the fancy food he likes to cook.  "Man, something smells crazy good in here. Oh my G-d, what are you making?" "Lamb and artichoke stew, penne with pesto and potatoes, roasted garlic with rosemary focaccia, tomatoes stuffed with bread crumbs and goat cheese, and ricotta cheesecake with Amaretto cookies to go with your coffee." "You're the perfect man." "Thank you." "I used to think it was Kelsey Grammer, but it's not. It's you." "Finally, I'm one-upping Grammer."  (The Party's Over)

11.  Lorelai and Rory sample wedding cakes at Weston's.  "Um, can I ask you an ethical question?" "Mmm." "Is it right to be sampling wedding cakes when Sookie's making ours for free?" "What is right anyway, you know? Who defines right? And if eating cake is wrong, I don't want to be right." "I'm bringing out a mocha crunch cream!" "So, ethics?" "Highly subjective and completely overrated."  (Red Light on the Wedding Night)

14.  Lorelai asks Sookie to bring over some food because she's expecting her parents.  Sookie misunderstands and thinks Lorelai wants junk food because she's pregnant.  "Okay, the mini hot dogs can be bratwurst. The mac and cheese can be Pasta la Sookie. And, presto, the taquitos are blinis." "And the chili fries?" "Are....chili fries." "Right."  (I'm Okay, You're Okay)

24.  The food critic isn't impressed with Sookie's risotto.  "I mean, you know about this risotto. I mean, on my mother’s deathbed --" "You made the risotto and she lived three more years." "She was supposed to be dead. The doctor said she wouldn’t make it through the night." "And she lived because of the risotto. The magic risotto." "And this guy had the nerve to say it was ‘fine’."  (The Deer Hunters)

24 - I've had risotto before (I think?? It's the tiny pasta, right?) but honestly I have a hard time imagining how you can make it SOOOOO special that everyone freaks out over the food critic calling it fine.  Sookie I understand, certainly, but not everyone else.

GG Foods You'd Most Like to Try

2.  Lorelai makes Luke make her dinner after Liz brags about all the fancy food he likes to cook.  "Man, something smells crazy good in here. Oh my G-d, what are you making?" "Lamb and artichoke stew, penne with pesto and potatoes, roasted garlic with rosemary focaccia, tomatoes stuffed with bread crumbs and goat cheese, and ricotta cheesecake with Amaretto cookies to go with your coffee." "You're the perfect man." "Thank you." "I used to think it was Kelsey Grammer, but it's not. It's you." "Finally, I'm one-upping Grammer."  (The Party's Over)

11.  Lorelai and Rory sample wedding cakes at Weston's.  "Um, can I ask you an ethical question?" "Mmm." "Is it right to be sampling wedding cakes when Sookie's making ours for free?" "What is right anyway, you know? Who defines right? And if eating cake is wrong, I don't want to be right." "I'm bringing out a mocha crunch cream!" "So, ethics?" "Highly subjective and completely overrated."  (Red Light on the Wedding Night)

14.  Lorelai asks Sookie to bring over some food because she's expecting her parents.  Sookie misunderstands and thinks Lorelai wants junk food because she's pregnant.  "Okay, the mini hot dogs can be bratwurst. The mac and cheese can be Pasta la Sookie. And, presto, the taquitos are blinis." "And the chili fries?" "Are....chili fries." "Right."  (I'm Okay, You're Okay)

2 - I agree with Kohola, a bit too much going on there for me.  Individually, it sounds amazing (most of it anyway, I'm not crazy about lamb) but the menu is all over the place.

And wow, we're to our final two! Snuck up on me. Vote FOR the one you want to WIN!

GG Foods You'd Most Like to Try

11.  Lorelai and Rory sample wedding cakes at Weston's.  "Um, can I ask you an ethical question?" "Mmm." "Is it right to be sampling wedding cakes when Sookie's making ours for free?" "What is right anyway, you know? Who defines right? And if eating cake is wrong, I don't want to be right." "I'm bringing out a mocha crunch cream!" "So, ethics?" "Highly subjective and completely overrated."  (Red Light on the Wedding Night)

14.  Lorelai asks Sookie to bring over some food because she's expecting her parents.  Sookie misunderstands and thinks Lorelai wants junk food because she's pregnant.  "Okay, the mini hot dogs can be bratwurst. The mac and cheese can be Pasta la Sookie. And, presto, the taquitos are blinis." "And the chili fries?" "Are....chili fries." "Right."  (I'm Okay, You're Okay)

13 minutes ago, deaja said:

Hmmm.... both sound amazing. Can I vote for both - 14 for my main course and followed by 11 for dessert?

Fun fact - I make chili for supper often and I always make sure to make more than what we need, not only so my hubby can have some for his lunchbox the next day but so that I can have chili fries for breakfast the next morning.  My FAVORITE.

16 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I'm a dessert girl, no question. 

I just like food, ha ha.

It barely eeks out, but the winner of GG foods we'd most like to try is -

Lorelai and Rory sample wedding cakes at Weston's.  "Um, can I ask you an ethical question?" "Mmm." "Is it right to be sampling wedding cakes when Sookie's making ours for free?" "What is right anyway, you know? Who defines right? And if eating cake is wrong, I don't want to be right." "I'm bringing out a mocha crunch cream!" "So, ethics?" "Highly subjective and completely overrated."  (Red Light on the Wedding Night)

Even though I would have also happily eaten anything Sookie brought over, I'm glad this one was the winner.  Taquitos, chili fries, mac n cheese, mini hot dogs.....these are all things easily made at home (even if you buy frozen and heat it up).  A good wedding cake on the other hand?  You either have to have a ton of patience (not to mention talent in the area), go to a wedding, or be really eccentric and buy yourself one.  So if I had to choose I would also go for sampling wedding cakes.  Yum!!

This game was SO much fun!  I'm glad the idea was brought up (I don't remember at the moment who gets the credit for it, so sorry!).  I had an idea last night for the next one - what about scenes where we find a character particularly attractive?  Whether it's the way they're dressed, or are wearing their hair, or whatever - just something about the way they look at that particular time appeals to us.  This will of course come down to totally personal opinion but I think it could be fun.  What do you guys think?

  • Love 1

Okay so let's start listing moments we personally find a character particularly attractive - whether that's due to their hair, outfit, overall look, whatever.  We'll be wading on the shallow end for this one, ha!  But that's okay, it's fun to be shallow every once in a while.  I'd like everyone to contribute to this one, too, if they can, since attractiveness is a highly subjective thing.  By the way, here is the site I use to find screencaps from all the episodes, if you need a little help picturing anything.


I'll add a couple of mine to start.

Favorite 'You Look Wonderful Tonight' Moments

1.  Pretty much everyone in their WWII-era outfits for the dance marathon.  "Wait 'til you see Jackson's suit. It makes me want to ration sugar."  (They Shoot Gilmores, Don't They?)

2.  Sookie in her orange and yellow floral print hair scarf when she's cooking at Luke's after the Inn burns.  "Luke and Sookie have worked things out." "There does seem to be a grudging respect thing going on."  (A Tale of Poes and Fire)

3.  Jess when he's soaking wet after helping Rory turn off the sprinklers at the neighbor's house.  "Aw, you made it look so easy." "Yeah, it was loose. You just had to press down and give it a good twist, that’s all."  (Eight O'Clock at the Oasis)

Sookie in her wedding dress fussing over the daffodils on her wedding cake.  It was so Sookie.

Luke wearing the outfit Lorelai picked out when meeting him to ask for money. (Incredible Shrinking)

Rory in her lady tuxedo at the vow renewal.

Lane's Korean wedding dress.

Emily and Lorelai as the mother/daughter pair at the fashion show.

Favorite 'You Look Wonderful Tonight' Moments

1.  Pretty much everyone in their WWII-era outfits for the dance marathon.  "Wait 'til you see Jackson's suit. It makes me want to ration sugar."  (They Shoot Gilmores, Don't They?)

2.  Sookie in her orange and yellow floral print hair scarf when she's cooking at Luke's after the Inn burns.  "Luke and Sookie have worked things out." "There does seem to be a grudging respect thing going on."  (A Tale of Poes and Fire)

3.  Jess when he's soaking wet after helping Rory turn off the sprinklers at the neighbor's house.  "Aw, you made it look so easy." "Yeah, it was loose. You just had to press down and give it a good twist, that’s all."  (Eight O'Clock at the Oasis)

4.  Sookie freaks out and comes to the Inn in her wedding dress the night before the wedding.  "Hey, what happened?" "I don’t know." "When I left you, you were fine." "I know. And when I went home, I was fine. And when I went to bed, I was fine. And then I had this dream where suddenly my dress is really, really short in back, you know? So I bolt out of bed and I put my dress on, and it looks okay. But then I panic – what if I’m remembering the dream wrong? What if my dress isn’t really screwed up, what if it’s my veil? So I put on the veil, then I remember I’m serving salmon puffs. Salmon puffs! Okay, completely wrong, so I had to rush over here and try to find another first course, and then I walk in and these daffodils, just. . .something snapped and that’s when you walked in here."  (I Can't Get Started)

5.  Lorelai is supposed to meet with Luke to ask him for money for the Dragonfly. He's wearing the clothes she bought for him way back in S1.  "I'm sorry that I made you get all dressed up." "That's okay, it's good for me to do it every once in awhile. It reminds me why I'm not an accountant."  (The Incredible Shrinking Lorelais)

6.  Rory wears a tux to be the "Best Man" in Emily and Richard's vow renewal.  "What's with being all k.d.lang?" "It was for my grandparents' vow renewal. I was the best man." "Is that kinky or something?"  (Wedding Bell Blues)

7.  Lane has a proper Korean wedding with a red silk dress for her and blue silk robe for Zach, before her second, Americanized wedding after her grandmother leaves.  "Thank you for doing two ceremonies. It was very important to your grandmother." "It was fun, made my wedding seem a little more special."  (I Get a Sidekick Out of You)

8.  Lorelai makes some special alterations to Lane's American wedding dress, including removing the pants and adding a tearaway skirt.  "Yes! My wife's got legs!"  (I Get a Sidekick Out of You)

9.  Lorelai and Emily wear matching red outfits at the Chilton fundraiser fashion show. "Be nice." "You look like Nancy Reagan."  (Like Mother, Like Daughter)

10.  Luke answers the door all rumpled and sexy when Lorelai, not realizing he goes to bed early, wakes him up to celebrate Jackson's town selectman win.  " 'Goes to bed early,' I gotta remember that."  (Tippecanoe and Taylor, Too)

Lorelai and Luke going to bed. “I have very few complaints.” Just beautiful, both of them.

Rory on her anniversary date with Dean

Rory in her jumping dress. You Jump, I Jump

Rachel at “Hey, how’s it going?” Amazing hair

Luke wrapped up in a red/white applique quilt in Lorelai’s living room

Jon Hamm

Luke in his plaid sheet and very little else.

sorry, episode titles are escaping me right now.

@junienmomo I'm gonna need a little more to go on to look up the scene with Luke in the red/white blanket. Remember anything about the scene?

Favorite 'You Look Wonderful Tonight' Moments

1.  Pretty much everyone in their WWII-era outfits for the dance marathon.  "Wait 'til you see Jackson's suit. It makes me want to ration sugar."  (They Shoot Gilmores, Don't They?)

2.  Sookie in her orange and yellow floral print hair scarf when she's cooking at Luke's after the Inn burns.  "Luke and Sookie have worked things out." "There does seem to be a grudging respect thing going on."  (A Tale of Poes and Fire)

3.  Jess when he's soaking wet after helping Rory turn off the sprinklers at the neighbor's house.  "Aw, you made it look so easy." "Yeah, it was loose. You just had to press down and give it a good twist, that’s all."  (Eight O'Clock at the Oasis)

4.  Sookie freaks out and comes to the Inn in her wedding dress the night before the wedding.  "Hey, what happened?" "I don’t know." "When I left you, you were fine." "I know. And when I went home, I was fine. And when I went to bed, I was fine. And then I had this dream where suddenly my dress is really, really short in back, you know? So I bolt out of bed and I put my dress on, and it looks okay. But then I panic – what if I’m remembering the dream wrong? What if my dress isn’t really screwed up, what if it’s my veil? So I put on the veil, then I remember I’m serving salmon puffs. Salmon puffs! Okay, completely wrong, so I had to rush over here and try to find another first course, and then I walk in and these daffodils, just. . .something snapped and that’s when you walked in here."  (I Can't Get Started)

5.  Lorelai is supposed to meet with Luke to ask him for money for the Dragonfly. He's wearing the clothes she bought for him way back in S1.  "I'm sorry that I made you get all dressed up." "That's okay, it's good for me to do it every once in awhile. It reminds me why I'm not an accountant."  (The Incredible Shrinking Lorelais)

6.  Rory wears a tux to be the "Best Man" in Emily and Richard's vow renewal.  "What's with being all k.d.lang?" "It was for my grandparents' vow renewal. I was the best man." "Is that kinky or something?"  (Wedding Bell Blues)

7.  Lane has a proper Korean wedding with a red silk dress for her and blue silk robe for Zach, before her second, Americanized wedding after her grandmother leaves.  "Thank you for doing two ceremonies. It was very important to your grandmother." "It was fun, made my wedding seem a little more special."  (I Get a Sidekick Out of You)

8.  Lorelai makes some special alterations to Lane's American wedding dress, including removing the pants and adding a tearaway skirt.  "Yes! My wife's got legs!"  (I Get a Sidekick Out of You)

9.  Lorelai and Emily wear matching red outfits at the Chilton fundraiser fashion show. "Be nice." "You look like Nancy Reagan."  (Like Mother, Like Daughter)

10.  Luke answers the door all rumpled and sexy when Lorelai, not realizing he goes to bed early, wakes him up to celebrate Jackson's town selectman win.  " 'Goes to bed early,' I gotta remember that."  (Tippecanoe and Taylor, Too)

11.  Michel works at a fancy hipster hotel after the Independence Inn has burned down.  He has head-to-toe black clothes, a headset, and happy, happy hair.  "Yes, this place is impressive, isn't it? I mean, the uniform alone - like working in your jammies. And these headsets, are they not fabulous? Especially when, for example, you're in the bathroom, a place one would normally choose to be alone, then suddenly, bang, someone is yakking in your ear. How delightful. You can never get lonely."  (Chicken or Beef)

12.  Trix insists on taking Emily and Lorelai to High Tea to discuss Rory's trust fund.  She is wearing a blouse with a high collar and heavy brocade and floral embroidery around the neckline.  "Raising your voice during high tea, who ever heard of such a thing. It’s like Fergie all over again."  (The Third Lorelai)

13.  Taylor plays the part of a British General during the new reenactment ceremony, who is waylaid by a woman of questionable morals before the battle.  "Got a big casting session soon to pick the lucky townswoman to play our special lady." "She should be thin." "But not too thin." "Know anybody who fits the bill?" "Not off-hand, but if I run into any moderately-weighted whores in my travels, I'll let you know."  (Women of Questionable Morals)

14.  Liz and TJ have a full-on Renaissance wedding.  "My dress is about a zillion years old with flowing sleeves. I'm like Vanessa Redgrave in Camelot. Seriously, I love myself in this dress."  (Last Week Fights, This Week Tights)

15.  Lorelai comes to bed wearing Luke's shirt and carrying a whole pie.  "Ah! It's heaven! One quick trip downstairs and I have all the treats I want. You're like Willy Wonka, but hotter." "I am not hotter than Willy Wonka." "Slap on a purple top hat and you're close."  (But Not as Cute as Pushkin)

16.  Rory and Dean have a three-month anniversary date at a fancy Italian restaurant.  "You look cute. "I'm eating." "Well, you eat cute."  (Star-Crossed Lovers and Other Strangers)

17.  Rory wears the ball gown Logan picked out for her at the LaDB event.  "I got your 'event integrity' right here, mister." (You Jump, I Jump, Jack)

18.  Rachel shows back up unexpectedly in Luke's life. She looks amazing, despite having just travelled halfway around the world.  "Hey, how's it going?"  (Star-Crossed Lovers and Other Strangers)

19.  Peyton comes to pick Lorelai up for their first - and last - date.  Lorelai warns Rory that if Peyton ends up to not be as cute as she thinks she remembers, Rory's going to suddenly be very ill with a fever.  "You’re feeling just fine."  (Eight O'Clock at the Oasis)

20.  Luke is draped with a plaid sheet after he and Lorelai sleep together for the first time.  "I can't believe you kept that horoscope." "You're just lucky I never clean out my wallet."  (Written in the Stars)

Luke in the quilt may be after he had watched movies with Lorelai. "He looks good there. This may be what Junie is talking about (The Fundamental Things Apply)

Luke in his suit, coat and black gloves at the vow renewal (Wedding Bell Blues)

Lorelai with curly hair, red and black sweater, glasses  talking to Luke in the diner about the messages he's been taking. (The Fundamental Things Apply)

Lorelai in the dress with the garland in her hair for Liz's wedding (Last Week Fights This Week Tights)

Rory at Logan's birthday dinner with his father. Her hair (bangs) and little black dress were on point (I'm a Kayak Hear Me Roar)

Sookie on her date with Jackson (Double Date)

Luke, leather jacket, charging towards Chris in the square. (Merry Fisticuff)

Edited by lulu1960
4 minutes ago, lulu1960 said:

Luke in the quilt may be after he had watched movies with Lorelai. "He looks good there."

Hmm, nope, not unless Junie is remembering the blanket wrong. They put a pink comforter (hee!) on him there.

Favorite 'You Look Wonderful Tonight' Moments

1.  Pretty much everyone in their WWII-era outfits for the dance marathon.  "Wait 'til you see Jackson's suit. It makes me want to ration sugar."  (They Shoot Gilmores, Don't They?)

2.  Sookie in her orange and yellow floral print hair scarf when she's cooking at Luke's after the Inn burns.  "Luke and Sookie have worked things out." "There does seem to be a grudging respect thing going on."  (A Tale of Poes and Fire)

3.  Jess when he's soaking wet after helping Rory turn off the sprinklers at the neighbor's house.  "Aw, you made it look so easy." "Yeah, it was loose. You just had to press down and give it a good twist, that’s all."  (Eight O'Clock at the Oasis)

4.  Sookie freaks out and comes to the Inn in her wedding dress the night before the wedding.  "Hey, what happened?" "I don’t know." "When I left you, you were fine." "I know. And when I went home, I was fine. And when I went to bed, I was fine. And then I had this dream where suddenly my dress is really, really short in back, you know? So I bolt out of bed and I put my dress on, and it looks okay. But then I panic – what if I’m remembering the dream wrong? What if my dress isn’t really screwed up, what if it’s my veil? So I put on the veil, then I remember I’m serving salmon puffs. Salmon puffs! Okay, completely wrong, so I had to rush over here and try to find another first course, and then I walk in and these daffodils, just. . .something snapped and that’s when you walked in here."  (I Can't Get Started)

5.  Lorelai is supposed to meet with Luke to ask him for money for the Dragonfly. He's wearing the clothes she bought for him way back in S1.  "I'm sorry that I made you get all dressed up." "That's okay, it's good for me to do it every once in awhile. It reminds me why I'm not an accountant."  (The Incredible Shrinking Lorelais)

6.  Rory wears a tux to be the "Best Man" in Emily and Richard's vow renewal.  "What's with being all k.d.lang?" "It was for my grandparents' vow renewal. I was the best man." "Is that kinky or something?"  (Wedding Bell Blues)

7.  Lane has a proper Korean wedding with a red silk dress for her and blue silk robe for Zach, before her second, Americanized wedding after her grandmother leaves.  "Thank you for doing two ceremonies. It was very important to your grandmother." "It was fun, made my wedding seem a little more special."  (I Get a Sidekick Out of You)

8.  Lorelai makes some special alterations to Lane's American wedding dress, including removing the pants and adding a tearaway skirt.  "Yes! My wife's got legs!"  (I Get a Sidekick Out of You)

9.  Lorelai and Emily wear matching red outfits at the Chilton fundraiser fashion show. "Be nice." "You look like Nancy Reagan."  (Like Mother, Like Daughter)

10.  Luke answers the door all rumpled and sexy when Lorelai, not realizing he goes to bed early, wakes him up to celebrate Jackson's town selectman win.  " 'Goes to bed early,' I gotta remember that."  (Tippecanoe and Taylor, Too)

11.  Michel works at a fancy hipster hotel after the Independence Inn has burned down.  He has head-to-toe black clothes, a headset, and happy, happy hair.  "Yes, this place is impressive, isn't it? I mean, the uniform alone - like working in your jammies. And these headsets, are they not fabulous? Especially when, for example, you're in the bathroom, a place one would normally choose to be alone, then suddenly, bang, someone is yakking in your ear. How delightful. You can never get lonely."  (Chicken or Beef)

12.  Trix insists on taking Emily and Lorelai to High Tea to discuss Rory's trust fund.  She is wearing a blouse with a high collar and heavy brocade and floral embroidery around the neckline.  "Raising your voice during high tea, who ever heard of such a thing. It’s like Fergie all over again."  (The Third Lorelai)

13.  Taylor plays the part of a British General during the new reenactment ceremony, who is waylaid by a woman of questionable morals before the battle.  "Got a big casting session soon to pick the lucky townswoman to play our special lady." "She should be thin." "But not too thin." "Know anybody who fits the bill?" "Not off-hand, but if I run into any moderately-weighted whores in my travels, I'll let you know."  (Women of Questionable Morals)

14.  Liz and TJ have a full-on Renaissance wedding.  "My dress is about a zillion years old with flowing sleeves. I'm like Vanessa Redgrave in Camelot. Seriously, I love myself in this dress."  (Last Week Fights, This Week Tights)

15.  Lorelai comes to bed wearing Luke's shirt and carrying a whole pie.  "Ah! It's heaven! One quick trip downstairs and I have all the treats I want. You're like Willy Wonka, but hotter." "I am not hotter than Willy Wonka." "Slap on a purple top hat and you're close."  (But Not as Cute as Pushkin)

16.  Rory and Dean have a three-month anniversary date at a fancy Italian restaurant.  "You look cute. "I'm eating." "Well, you eat cute."  (Star-Crossed Lovers and Other Strangers)

17.  Rory wears the ball gown Logan picked out for her at the LaDB event.  "I got your 'event integrity' right here, mister." (You Jump, I Jump, Jack)

18.  Rachel shows back up unexpectedly in Luke's life. She looks amazing, despite having just travelled halfway around the world.  "Hey, how's it going?"  (Star-Crossed Lovers and Other Strangers)

19.  Peyton comes to pick Lorelai up for their first - and last - date.  Lorelai warns Rory that if Peyton ends up to not be as cute as she thinks she remembers, Rory's going to suddenly be very ill with a fever.  "You’re feeling just fine."  (Eight O'Clock at the Oasis)

20.  Luke is draped with a plaid sheet after he and Lorelai sleep together for the first time.  "I can't believe you kept that horoscope." "You're just lucky I never clean out my wallet."  (Written in the Stars)

21.  Luke and Lorelai arrive at the vow renewal.  Luke is wearing a gray trenchcoat and black gloves over his suit.  He didn't know he was supposed to bring his clothes instead of wear them there.  "I can have my tailor steam out those trousers for you."  (Wedding Bell Blues)

22.  Lorelai invites Luke over to watch movies.  She's wearing glasses and a black and red argyle sweater vest over a white collared shirt and looks particularly cute.  "Rory and I would always rent a bunch of movies, order food -- it was our thing. Now she's at school and busy, so why don't you come over? It might be fun." "Okay." "Yeah?" "Sure, what else have I got to do?" "Ah, I love when men say that to me."  (The Fundamental Things Apply)

23.  Lorelai wears something just a little bit fruity for Liz's Renaissance wedding - a pink dress with a garland of flowers in her hair.  "Greetings, my lord. Your lady hath arrived to be escorted forthwith."  (Last Week Fights, This Week Tights)

24.  Rory and Logan go to dinner with Mitchum for Logan's birthday.  Rory is wearing a simple but elegant black dress with long curly hair.  "To my son -- now a quarter of a century old. Not bad. And to his lovely girlfriend -- the beautiful, and always witty, Rory."  (I'm a Kayak, Hear Me Roar)

25.  Sookie gets dolled up for her first date with Jackson.  "You look pretty!"  "I do?"  "Uh huh."  "Aw, thank you. I should cancel."  "Okay, let's do your lips first."  (Double Date)

26.  Luke and Chris get into a fight in the middle of town square.  Luke takes off his leather jacket and Chris whips off his scarf as they stalk toward each other.  (Merry Fisticuffs)

27.  Luke and Lorelai both look particularly nice at dinner at the trial run of the Dragonfly.  They share a 'look' over salad.  (Raincoats & Recipes)

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